UIL OAP Audition Form
Have the entire packet filled out, signed by both you and your parent.
I will give you another copy of the calendar to keep Please TURN IN THE CALENDAR
WITH ALL KNOWN CONFLICTS. Please very carefully with auditioner and parents
go over the conflict calendar.
In your packet you will notice a list of characters to choose from but no lines…. You will need to
prepare a 1 minute monologue (memorized) as a part of your audition process.
You can find them from book in my room, on the internet, in books, from plays, where ever
you find one it should be published.
You’ll want to show the casting crew what you can do character wise.
Your character should have voice and body choices made to show the character.
DAY EXCEPT FRIDAY annnd Wednesday (December 10
)…as that would not give you time
to prepare in advance.
During auditions we will also be using lines from the script to show character choices
Make sure the entire packet is filled out, signed and returned to me on Dec 10
at your audition.
Please do not bring the packet to me early.
The cast and crew list will be posted outside my room as well as on the website
after school on Friday December 12
after 6pm.
Rehearsals will start the following Monday December 15
Please note that there could be a rehearsal time change from past productions to allow more time after
school for snack and homework. Rehearsal time will be 4-6 unless informed otherwise.
Please have your packet turned into me at Auditions on Thursday, December 10th!
Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted or chosen to be a part of this
experience. This would be very sad, so please check and re-check before you turn
your packet in to make sure that you’ve got everything filled out and signed.
UIL OAP Audition Form
One Act Play 2015 Contract
One Act Play is our competition show and requires an incredible amount of focus,
dedication, and time on the part of the actors, technicians, and the director. Since this is our
contest show, I expect total dedication from each member of the company. You must not only be
dedicated to the show, but also maintain passing grades and appropriate behavior and school
attendance. Failing grades and discipline referrals are grounds for dismissal from the One Act
Company. The “No pass No play” UIL rule applies for One Act Play Contest and students who are
failing a subject will be replaced in the show. It is imperative that all students maintain passing grades
at ALL times!
As with every show, in order to cover the cost of scripts and show shirts, a $20.00 production fee
will be due by December 15
the first day of rehearsal.
During rehearsals I expect students to be focused on the show and only the show. No mp3 players,
phones, etc should be used during rehearsal time. No phones will be allowed in the auditorium
during rehearsals. You will only need your script, notebook paper and a pencil. We will have closed
rehearsals, so no guests will be allowed without prior permission, friends and siblings that are not in
the show may not stay unless special arrangements have been made in advance (not the day of).
Students must have their scripts and a pencil at every rehearsal. Remember, if you are not
contributing to the show, you are taking away from it.
Attendance is mandatory: we must have every child at every rehearsal! Excused absences will be
allowed for pre-approved events and emergences only! Excessive absences excused or not will be
grounds for dismissal, there aren’t many rehearsals when we return in January if you miss too many
you will be replaced in the show. I can’t stress enough or ask that parents and students work
together to please fill out the conflict calendar carefully! Make sure ALL conflicts are listed on
the calendar!
Transportation: Every rehearsal will conclude at the same time unless otherwise stated. Please
don’t rely on your student to call or text to come pick them up. It will be the same time every time
unless I’ve e-mailed you differently.
*I’m possibly moving rehearsals from starting at 3:30 and having them start at 4pm giving kids time
to do homework and eat before rehearsal starts. This would make the rehearsal time 4-6.
If you have any questions about this contract or anything during our rehearsal process, please feel
free to contact me at school 940-369-4262, or [email protected]. I will also give my cell phone
to parents of cast members after the cast list is chosen.
I have read and understand the expectations for the 2015 One Act Play Production. By signing below,
I agree to abide by these guidelines.
____________________________ _________________________________
Student Name Signature
____________________________ _________________________________
Parent Name Signature
UIL OAP Audition Form
Name ___________________Team ___ Height ____ show t-shirt size (adult sizes)________
Shirt size ________ Pant size ______ dress size (girls) ______ shoe size ________
Home Phone _____________________
Student Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________ Cell Phone ______________
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________ Cell Phone ______________
Parent/Guardian E-mail _________________________________________________
Theatre Experience (use the back if more room is needed, put most recent on top)
Title of Play
Year of Performance
Fall Show rehearsals will be held at Strickland Middle School TO BE ANNOUNCED AFTER
CASTING… PLEASE NOTE there might be a change in rehearsal times and days from our
normal rehearsal time. Rehearsals and all performances will be mandatory for all company
members. Please check your home calendars carefully and ask Mom or Dad to check family
activities, vacations, etc. You must be accurate when you List ALL conflicts on the correct
date on the rehearsal conflict calendars attached in this packet. Absences will not be
allowed during our preparation for Competition.
List role preference
Choice ________________________ 2
Choice _________________________
I have reviewed the rehearsal calendar, student expectations, transportation guidelines, and
production fee information in the UIL OAP contract.
By signing below you’re stating that I
have read everything and agree to abide by all guidelines set for this production.
___________________________________________ _____________________
Student Signature Date
___________________________________________ _____________________
Parent Signature Date
UIL OAP Audition Form
Summary: Rosey Snow is trapped in a fairy tale world that is by turns funny and a little frightening with her
stepsisters Goneril and Regan, her demented stepmother, her shameless father, a bewildered Prince, a fairy
godmother who sings old sailor songs, a troll and a village idiot. This play is a humorous mixture of the
modern day fairytale with the darker more ancient and disturbing brothers Grimm version. A Ridiculous
farce and romantic fantasy to entertain the audience.
Cast of characters
5 female and 4 male actors
Rosey Snow
Mr. Snow (her father)
Mrs. Snow, her stepmother
Goneril, her stepsister
Regan, the other step sister
Prince Alf
Troll, the prince’s servant
Mother Magee, a fairy godmother
Zed, the village idiot
All characters have a personality unique to them so come up with something great for the character you
want. Your monologue can be chosen and memorized from anywhere! During auditions we will also be
using the script and doing partner work.