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School of Business Administration
Book Reviews...............................................................................................3
Books ...........................................................................................................3
Conference Proceedings ..............................................................................3-5
Internet Pages ..............................................................................................5
College of Arts and Sciences
Abstracts ......................................................................................................6
Book Chapters..............................................................................................7-9
Book Reviews...............................................................................................9-10
Books ...........................................................................................................11
Conference Proceedings ..............................................................................11-12
Encyclopedia Articles ...................................................................................12
Exhibition Catalogs.......................................................................................12-13
Exhibitions ....................................................................................................13
Guest Editor..................................................................................................14
Internet Page................................................................................................14-16
Newspaper Articles and Editorials................................................................16
Poems and Short Stories..............................................................................16-17
Theatre Performances..................................................................................17-18
School of Music
Compact Discs .............................................................................................20
Books ...........................................................................................................20
Music Compositions .....................................................................................21-22
Music Performances.....................................................................................22-33
Internet Pages ..............................................................................................34-35
Pathfinders ...................................................................................................35
University Publications .................................................................................35-36
Special thanks to the Deans who provided this information and to
Library Secretary Karen Blekicki who input some of the data for the Editor.
Augustine, Fred and Ted Surynt. “Assessing the Indicators of E-Commerce
Globalization: A Study of the Characteristics of Global Readiness.” E-Business
Review 7.1 (2007): 44-47.
Barnett, Stephen, Carolyn Nicholson, and Paul Dascher. “The Value and Inclusion of E-
Business in Business School Curricula: A Cross-Discipline Study.” E-Business
Review 7 (2007): 34-37.
Belcher, Larry. “Client News.” JCD Investments 11.4 (January 2007).
Bitter, Michael and L. J. Henry. “Early Nineteenth Century Accounting by an Adolescent
Merchant.” Southern Business Review 32.2 (2007): 42-55.
Boozer, Robert, Monique Forte, and Nick Maddox. “Management Stories We Tell and
Patriarchy: The Mythological Connection.” Tamara: Journal of Critical
Postmodern Organization Science 5.3/4 (December 2006): 131-146.
Boozer, Robert and Monique Forte. “The Relationship of Psychological Type to Political
Self-Perceptions, Political Opinions, and Political Party Membership.” Journal of
Psychological Type 67 (March 2007): 17-29.
Brenner, Vincent. “Consolidating Financial Statement: Choosing the Right SAP
Solution.” E-Business Review 7 (2007).
Dascher, Paul, Stephen Barnett, and Carolyn Nicholson. “The Value and Inclusion of E-
Business in Business School Curricula: A Cross-Discipline Study.” E-Business
Review 7 (2007): 34-37.
Forte, Monique and Robert Boozer. “The Relationship of Psychological Type to Political
Self-Perceptions, Political Opinions, and Political Party Membership.” Journal of
Psychological Type 67 (March 2007): 17-29.
Forte, Monique, Nick Maddox, and Robert Boozer. “Management Stories We Tell and
Patriarchy: The Mythological Connection.” Tamara: Journal of Critical
Postmodern Organization Science 5.3/4 (December 2006): 131-146.
Hansen, Katharine. “Intertexuality of Organization and Career in Constructing the
'Reality' of Change.” Tamara: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization
Science 5.4 (2007).
Maddox, Nick, Robert Boozer, and Monique Forte. “Management Stories We Tell and
Patriarchy: The Mythological Connection.” Tamara: Journal of Critical
Postmodern Organization Science 5.3/4 (December 2006): 131-146.
McCann, Greg. “Cultivating Ownership in the Next Generation.” Generation Magazine
McCann, Greg. “Family Business Goes to College.” Generation Magazine (2007).
McCann, Greg. “It Is Your Reputation.” Generation Magazine (2007).
McCann, Greg. “It May Not Be as Fun as It Looks.” Generation Magazine (2007).
McCann, Greg. “Objective Feedback.” Generation Magazine (2007).
McCann, Greg. “Social Intelligence: What They See Is What You Get.” Generation
Magazine (2007).
McCann, Greg. “The Real Reason Why We Don't Plan.” Generation Magazine (2007).
Michelson, Stuart, Rich Fortin and J. Gilkeson. “Patterns in Analysts’ Long-Term
Earning Forecasts.” The Journal of Investing 16.4 (2007).
Michelson, Stuart, Rich Fortin, Stanley Smith, and William Weaver. “Mortgage
Refinancing: The Interaction of Break Even Period, Taxes, NPV, and IRR.”
Financial Services Review 16.3 (Fall 2007) : 197-209.
Mueller, Carolyn, C. A. Van Deusen, Steven Williamson, and Alexa Perryman. “The
Influence of National Religious Consciousness on Entrepreneurial Behavior.”
International Business: Research, Teaching, and Practice 1.1 (2007): 53-75.
Mueller, Carolyn and C. A. Van Deusen. “The Effects of National Culture and Gender on
Country Entrepreneurial Activity.” Business Education Forum 61.3 (February
2007): 48-50.
Nicholson, Carolyn, Paul Dascher, and Stephen Barnett. “The Value and Inclusion of E-
Business in Business School Curricula: A Cross-Discipline Study.” E-Business
Review 7 (2007): 34-37.
Stryker, Judson and J. Fay. “So You Want to Start a Business Partnership - What
Should You Include in the Partnership Agreement?” Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly
55.4 (2007).
Surynt, Ted and Fred Augustine. “Assessing the Indicators of E-Commerce
Globalization: A Study of the Characterisitcs of Global Readiness.” E-Business
Review 7.1 (2007): 44-47.
Book Reviews
Bitter, Michael. Rev. of Auditing After Sarbanes-Oxley: Illustrative Cases, by Jay C.
Thibodeau and Deborah Freier. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-HilI/Irwin, 2007. Issues
in Accounting Education 22.1 (2007): 127-128.
Hansen, Randall. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Choosing a College Major. New York:
Alpha Books, 2007.
McCann, Greg. When Your Parents Sign the Paychecks. Indianapolis, IN:JIST
Publishing, 2007.
Thorne, Betty, Paul Newbold, and William L. Carlson. Statistics for Business and
Economics. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Conference Proceedings
Augustine, Fred, Ted Surynt, and Stephen Barnett. “Marketing Graduates' Changing
Perceptions of Technology in Business School Curricula: A Case Report.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and
Practice. Panama City, FL, April 10, 2007.
Augustine, Fred and Ted Surynt. “Assessing the Indicators of E-Commerce
Globalization: A Study of the Characteristics of Global Readiness.” Proceedings
of the Annual Conference of the International Academy of E-Business.
Vancouver, Canada, April 1, 2007.
Barnett, Stephen, Fred Augustine, and Ted Surynt. “Marketing Graduates' Changing
Perceptions of Technology in Business School Curricula: A Case Report.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and
Practice. Panama City, FL, April 10, 2007.
Barnett, Stephen, Ted Surynt, and William G. Jens. “Technology in the Accounting
Curriculum: A Longitudinal Study.” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Academy of Business Education. Bermuda, September 25, 2007.
Foo, Jennifer and Weishen Wang. “China's Hidden Threat of a Banking Crisis.”
Proceedings of the 10th Society for Global Business & Economic Development
Conference. Kyoto, Japan, August 9, 2007.
Hansen, Katharine. “Parallel Problems in Virtual vs. Face-to-Face Teams: Easing
Student Fears of Collaborating Virtually.” Proceedings of the Organizational
Behavior Teaching Annual Conference. Malibu, CA, 2007.
Hansen, Katharine. “Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling that Propels Careers.”
Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference: Storytelling in Business
and Organizations. Chevy Chase, MD, May 5, 2007.
Hansen, Katharine and Randall Hansen. “The Student Experience in Speed Teaming: A
New Approach to Team Formation.” Proceedings of the College Teaching and
Learning Conference. Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, April 2-5, 2007.
Hansen, Randall and Katharine Hansen. “The Student Experience in Speed Teaming: A
New Approach to Team Formation.” Proceedings of the College Teaching and
Learning Conference. Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, April 2-5, 2007.
Jens, William, Stephen Barnett, and Ted Surynt. “Technology in the Accounting
Curriculum: A Longitudinal Study.” Proceedings of the Academy of Business
Education Annual Meeting. Bermuda, September 25, 2007.
Michelson, Stuart, J. Gilkeson, and Rich Fortin. “Do Experienced Analysts Produce
More Reliable Earning Estimates?” Proceedings of the Academy of Financial
Services Annual Meeting, 2007.
Michelson, Stuart, Patricia Sendall, Lisa Schwartz, and Kristin Stowe. “Cheating Among
Business Students: Determining the Influence of Religion, Perceptions of
Cheating, and the Campus Environment.” Proceedings of the Academy of
Business Education Annual Meeting. Bermuda, September 27-29, 2007.
Stryker, Judson, N. Slough, and J. Fay. “When LLCs Go Global.” Proceedings of the
Southern Academy of Legal Issues in Business Conference. San Antonio, TX,
March 1, 2007.
Surynt, Ted and Fred Augustine. “Assessing the Indicators of E-Commerce
Globalization: A Study of the Characteristics of Global Readiness.” Proceedings
of the Annual Conference of the International Academy of E-Business.
Vancouver, Canada, April 1, 2007.
Surynt, Ted, Stephen Barnett, and Fred Augustine. “Marketing Graduates' Changing
Perceptions of Technology in Business School Curricula: A Case Report.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and
Practice. Panama City, FL, April 10, 2007.
Surynt, Ted, William Jens, and Stephen Barnett. “Technology in the Accounting
Curriculum: A Longitudinal Study.” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Academy of Business Education. Bermuda, September 25, 2007.
Wang, Weishen and Jennifer Foo. “China's Hidden Threat of a Banking Crisis.”
Proceedings of the 10th Society for Global Business & Economic Development
Conference. Kyoto, Japan, August 9, 2007.
Hansen, Katharine. “Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling that Propels Careers.” Diss.,
Graduate College of Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH, 2007.
Internet Pages
Hansen, Katharine. “Ten Surefire Ways to Organize Your Job Search.” (Feb. 1, 2007)
Quintessential Careers <http://www.quintcareers.com/organize_your_job-
King, Michael, J. A. Delmond, and L. C. Maddox. “Injection of Cholecystokinin in the
Waist Area of the Parabrachial Nucleus Increases Taste Reactivity Responses to
Intra-Orla Infusion of Quinine in Rats.” Chemical Senses 31 (2006) : 490.
King, Michael and T. B. Dorne. “Reverse Microdialysis of Ionotripic Gultamate Receptor
Blockers in the Parabrachial Nucleus Reduced Taste Reactivity Behaviors in
Conscious Rats.” Chemical Senses 32 (2007) : 646.
Clemmen, Yves. “Où a quand même lieu la littérature française : Amélie Nothomb à la
rentrée littéraire 2005.” Journal of Contemporary French and Francophone
Studies : Sites 11.4 (November 2007).
Croce, Paul. “Nature's Providence: From Swedenborgian Philosophy of Use to William
James's Pragmatism.” Transactions of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society 43.3
(Summer 2007): 490-508.
Epley, B. Glen. “The Establishment Clause and Public Schools in the 21st Century.”
NASSP Bulletin 91.3 (2007): 181-200.
Ferrell, Thomas. “The Persistence of Donaldson’s Memory.” The Chaucer Review 41
(2007): 286-295.
Grubbs, Tandy. “Data-Driven Exercises for Chemistry: A New Digital Collection.”
Journal of Chemical Education 84 (2007): 1391.
Hallum, Anne and Rachel M. Hallum. “Women and Sustainable Agriculture in
Guatemala.” SECOLAS Annals 38 (2007): 93-112.
Hill, David and Michael Martinez. “Was the Joke on the Democrats Again? Registration,
Turnout, and Partisan Choice in the 2004 Presidential Election.” American
Review of Politics (Spring/Summer 2007).
Khader, Jamil. “After Tantura/After Auschwitz: Gender, Trauma, and the (Un)Writing of
the Nakbah in the Documentary Film, Paradise Lost.” Mada Akhar (An Other
Horizon): A Literary and Cultural Journal 3 (Spring 2007): 71-99.
King, Camille, M. Garcea, and A. C. Spector. “Effects of Cross-Wiring the Lingual Taste
Nerves on Quinine-Stimulated Fos-Immunoreactivity in the Rat Parabrachial
Nucleus.” Appetite 49 (2007): 272-341.
King, Michael, J. M. Morganti, and A. K. Odegard. “The Number and Location of Fos-
like Immunoreactive Neurons in the Central Gustatory System Following
Electrical Stimulation of the Parabrachial Nucleus in Conscious Rats.” Chemical
Senses 32 (2007): 543-555.
Lucas, Phillip. “Constructing Identity with Dreamstones: Megalithic Sites and
Contemporary Nature Spirituality.” Nova Religio 11.1 (2007): 31-59.
Lucas, Phillip. “Perspective: Reflections on Nova Religio's Tenth Anniversary.” Nova
Religio 10.2 (2007): 8-16.
Plante, Daniel, M. S. Pindzola, F. Robivcheaux, S. D. Loch, J. C. Berengut, T. Topcu, J.
Colgan, M. Foster, D. C. Griffin, C. P. Balance, D. R. Schultz, T. Minami, N. R.
Badnell, M. C. Witthoeft, D. M. Mitnik, J. A. Ludlow, and U. Kleiman. “The Time-
Dependent Close-Coupling Method for Atomic and Molecular Collision
Processes.” Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 (2007): R39-R60.
Poeter, Elisabeth. “Gender, Religion and Medicine in Enlightenment Germany:
Dorothea Christiane Leporin's Treatise on the Education of Women.” National
Women's Studies Journal 19.2 (2007).
Poeter, Elisabeth. “Summer Freiburg Program: Ja, Genau! Studierende und Lehrende
der Stetson University in Freiburg.” Journal of the Pädagogische Hochschule
(University of Education) (Fall 2007).
Roach, Leila and M. E. Young. “Do Counselor Education Programs Promote Wellness
in their Students?” Journal of Counselor Education 47.1 (2007).
Taneja, Leena. “Unmasking a Voice from the Periphery: The Forgotten Story of
Narayan Bhatt.” Journal of Vaishnava Studies 15.2 (Spring 2007).
Witek, Teri. “In Loving Disagreement: Donald Davie.” PN Review (2007).
York, John. “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies on (L)
Complexes: Disulfide Versus Disulfide (1-) Bonding.” Journal of the American
Chemical Society 130.2 (December 2007): 676-686.
York, John, Itsik Bar-Nahum, and William Tolman. “Copper-Sulfur Complexes
Supported by N-donor Ligands: Towards Models of the Cuz Site in Nitrous Oxide
Reductase.” Inorganica Chemica Acta 361.4 (2007): 885-893.
Book Chapters
Clemmen, Yves. “Peut-être un peu monstrueux, peut-être un peu différent (lecture d'une
nouvelle d'Amélie Nothomb).” Parallèles II: Ecrits de monstres/Monstres Ecrits.
Québec: Instant-Même, 2007.
Farrell, Terence, M. A. Pilgram, and Peter May. “Annual Variation in Neonate
Recruitment in a Florida Population of the Pigmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus
miliarius).” The Biology of Rattlesnakes Ed. W. Hayes, M. Cardwell, S. Bush, and
K. Beaman. Loma Linda, Ca.: Loma Linda University Press, 2007.
Farrell, Terence, C. K. Dodd, and Peter May. “Eastern Box Turtle.” Biology and
Conservation of Florida Turtles. Ed. P. A. Meylan. Lunenburg, Mass.: Chelonian
Research Mongraphs, 2007. 235-248.
Huskey, Eugene. “Eurasian Semi-Presidentialism. The Development of Kyrgyzstan's
Model of Government.” Semi-Presidentialism Outside Europe Ed. Robert Elgie
and Sophia Moestrup. London: Routledge, 2007. 161-181.
Huskey, Eugene. “Lowering the Barriers to Entry for Russian Small Business.”
Remaking the Role of Law: Commercial Law in Russia and the CIS Ed. Kathryn
Hendley. Huntington, NY: Juris Publishing, 2007. 149-170.
Khader, Jamil. “Postnational Ethics, Postcolonial Politics: Raymonda Tawil's My Home,
My Prison.” Arab Women's Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing Ed.
Nawar Al-Hassan Golley. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, 2007. 71-89.
Kurlander, Eric. “The Landscapes of Liberalism: Particularism and Progressive Politics
in Two Borderland Regions.” Localism, Landscape, and the Ambiguities of Place
Ed. David Blackbourn and James Retallack. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 2007.
Long, Lynn and Brigid Noonan. “Treatment Strategies.” Counseling and Therapy for
Couples Ed. Lynn Long and Mark E. Young. Belmont, CA: Brook/Cole, 2007.
Lucas, Phillip. “From 'Cults' to New Religious Movements: Coherence, Definition, and
Conceptual Framing in the Study of New Religious Movements.” The Sage
Handbook of the Sociology of Religion Ed. James Beckford and Jay Demerath
III. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, 2007. 227-247.
May, Peter, Terence Farrell, and C. K. Dodd. “Eastern Box Turtle.” Biology and
Conservation of Florida Turtles. Ed. P. A. Meylan. Lunenburg, Mass.: Chelonian
Research Mongraphs, 2007. 235-248.
May, Peter. “Annual Variation in Neonate Recruitment in a Florida Population of the
Pigmy Rattlesnake.” The Biology of Rattlesnakes ed. Terence Farrell and M. A.
Pilgrim. Loma Linda, Ca.: Loma Linda University Press, 2007.
Noonan, Brigid and Lynn Long. “Treatment Strategies.” Counseling and Therapy for
Couples Ed. Lynn Long and Mark E. Young. Belmont, CA: Brook/Cole, 2007.
Noonan, Brigid. “Counseling Couples with Alcohol Problems.” Counseling and Therapy
for Couples. Ed. Lynn Long and Mark E. Young. Belmont, CA: Thomson
Brooks/Cole, 2007. 279-298.
Noonan, Brigid. “How to Be Different and Still Belong.” The Group Therapist's
Notebook: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy. Ed.
Dawn Viers. New York: Haworth Press, 2007.
Nylen, Bill. “Política y Gobierno en los Estados Unidos de América [Politics and
Government in the United States].” Manual de sistemas políticos [Manual of
Political Systems]. Ed. David Hill. Granada: Editorial COMARES, 2007. 177-208.
Queen-Sutherland, Candy. “A Party Called Faith.” The Pastor's Bible Study - volume
four. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2007.
Sapp, Greg. “Gilkey's Proximate Versus Ultimate Causation and the Role of Myth in
Determining Truth.” Mormonism in Dialogue with Contemporary Christian
Theologies. Ed. Donald Musser and David Paulsen. Macon, GA: Mercer
University Press, 2007.
Sitler, Robert. “2012 and the Maya World.” The Mystery of 2012 : Predictions,
Prophecies & Possibilities. Boulder, Colo.: Sounds True, 2007.
Book Reviews
Campbell, Shawnrece. Rev. of Black Intimacies: A Gender Perspective on Families and
Relationships, by Shirley A. Hill. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2005. African
American Review 40.1 (2007): 180-181.
Croce, Paul. Rev. of Brazil Through the Eyes of William James: Letters, Diaries, and
Drawings, 1865-1866, by Maria Helena P. T. Machado. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 2007. Journal of the History of Biology 40.3 (2007):
Denner, Michael. Rev. of Bakhtin: Ethics and Mechanics, ed. Valerie Nollan. Evanston,
Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2004. Slavic and East European Journal 51.4
(Winter 2007): 810-812.
Huskey, Eugene. Rev. of The State After Communism: Governance in the New Russia,
by Timothy J. Colton and Stephen Holmes. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
2006. Slavic Review 66.3 (Fall 2007): 578-579.
Khader, Jamil. “Autobiographical Memory, Marginality, and the Socio-psychology of
Diaspora.” Rev. of Diaspora, Memory and Identity: A Search for Home, ed. Vijay
Agnew. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. H-Net Book Review 7
(October 2007) <http://www.h-net.org/~national/>
Khader, Jamil. “Specters of New Criticism: The Social Formalism of the American New
Criticism.” Rev. of The Cultural Politics of the New Criticism, by Marc Jancovich.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Cercles: Revue Pluridisciplinarie
du monde Anglophone (October 11, 2007)
Khader, Jamil. “Writing Against the Grain: The Third Wave of Anglophone Feminist
Science Fiction.” Rev. of Daughters of Earth: Feminist Science Fiction in the
Twentieth Century, ed. Justine Larbalestier. Middletow, CO: Wesleyan University
Press, (2006). Cercles: Revue Pluridisciplinarie du monde Anglophone. (October
11, 2007) <http://www.cercles.com/review/r33/larbalestier.html>
Kurlander, Eric. “Social Fascism Revisited: A Sonderweg of the Left?” Rev. of
Nationaler Sozialismus und Soziale Demokratie: Die sozialdemokratische Junge
Rechte 1918-1945, by Stefan Vogt. Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz, 2006. H-Net Book
Review. (May 2007)
Kurlander, Eric. “The Perils of Discursive Balkanization” Rev. of Kriegs un Friedensziele
im Diskurs: Regierung und deutschsprachige Offenlichkeit Osterreich-Ungarns
wahrend des Ersten Weltkriegs, by Petronilla Ehrenpreis. Innsbruck:
Studienverlag, 2005. H-Net Book Review. (February 2007): 1-3. <http://www.h-
Lucas, Phillip. Rev. of Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives,
ed. Michael F. Strmiska. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Sophia 46.1
(May 2007): 105-106.
Nylen, Bill. Rev. of Brazilian Politics: Reforming a Democratic State in a Changing
World, by Alfred Montero. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005. Journal of Latin
American Studies 39.2 (May 2007): 410-412.
O'Neill, Megan. Rev. of A History of the English Language, Richard Hogg and David
Denison, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Cercles: A
Multidisciplinary Cultural Review. (2007)
Pollock, Mary. Rev. of Ash Divan: Selected Poems, by Enis Batur. Jersey City:
Talisman House, 2006. South Atlantic Review 72.2 (Spring 2007).
Queen-Sutherland, Candy. Rev. of Making Wise the Simple : the Torah in Christian
Faith and Practice, by Johanna W.H. van Wijk-Bos. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William
B. Eerdmans. Interpretation (A Journal of Bible and Theology) 61.3. (2007).
Watts, Rebecca. Rev. of Crisis in Organizations II, by Laurence Barton. Cincinnati, OH:
South-Western College Pub, 2001. Texas Speech Communication 31.1 (Winter
2007): 59-61.
Flint-Hamilton, Kimberly. St. Hubert of the Forest, Astor, Florida : Birth of a Mission
Against All Odds. Astor, FL: Fortuity Press, 2007.
Isaacson, Leanna. The Principal's Purpose: A Practical Guide to Moral and Ethical
Leadership. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc., 2007.
Musser, Donald, and David Paulsen, eds. Mormonism in Dialogue with Contemporary
Christian Theologies. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2007.
Touchton, Deborah. Integration Resource Book for Career Education 8th Grade
Intensive Reading Courses. Charlotte County Schools: Charlotte County
Curriculum Framework Project, 2007.
Watts, Rebecca. Contemporary Southern Identity: Community Through Controversy.
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2007.
Witek, Joseph, ed. Art Spiegelman: Conversations. Jackson, MS: University Press of
Mississippi, 2007.
Conference Proceedings
ElAarag, Hala and Chris Hogg. “Enhancement of IFTP for Transmission over Wireless
Access Networks.” Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Conference. Richmond,
VA, March 22-25, 2007. 651-656.
King, Michael and J. M. Morganti. “Distribution of Brainstem Neurons Activated by
Electrical Stimulation and Correlated with Taste-Related Behavrios in Conscious
Rats.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida Academy of Sciences.
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL, March 2007.
King, Michael and T. B. Dorne. “Reverse Microdialysis of Ionotripic gultamate Receptor
Blockers in the Parabrachial Nucleus Reduced Taste Reactivity Behaviors in
Conscious Rats.” Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Chemoreception Sciences. Sarasota, FL, April 25-29, 2007.
Long, Lynn, Leila Roach, and Brigid Noonan. “Advocacy, Competency and Counselor
Development.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference.
Shanghai, China, 2007. 176-179.
Long, Lynn, Leila Roach, and Brigid Noonan. “Advocating for Couples Around the
Globe.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference. Shanghai,
China, 2007. 106-110.
Noonan, Brigid, Lynn Long, and Leila Roach. “Advocacy, Competency and Counselor
Development.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference.
Shanghai, China, 2007. 176-179.
Noonan, Brigid, Lynn Long, and Leila Roach. “Advocating for Couples Around the
Globe.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference. Shanghai,
China, 2007. 106-110.
Roach, Leila, Brigid Noonan, and Lynn Long. “Advocating for Couples Around the
Globe.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference. Shanghai,
China, 2007. 106-110.
Roach, Leila, Brigid Noonan, and Lynn Long. “Advocacy, Competency and Counselor
Development.” Proceedings of the International Counseling Conference.
Shanghai, China, 2007. 176-179.
Encyclopedia Articles
Steeves, Paul. “Catherine the Great and the Rechristianisation of Russia.” New Lion
Handbook : The History of Christianity. Ed. Jonathan Hill. Oxford: Lion, 2007.
Steeves, Paul. “Christianizing the Russians.” New Lion Handbook : The History of
Christianity. Ed. Jonathan Hill. Oxford: Lion, 2007.
Steeves, Paul. “Ivan IV, The Hundred Chapters Council, and a New State Church.” New
Lion Handbook : The History of Christianity. Ed. Jonathan Hill. Oxford: Lion,
Steeves, Paul. “Orthodoxy Under Communism.” New Lion Handbook : The History of
Christianity. Ed. Jonathan Hill. Oxford: Lion, 2007.
Taneja, Leena. “Hindu Grace.” The Encyclopedia of World Religions. Ed. Robert S.
Ellwood. New York, NY: Facts on File, Spring 2007.
Exhibition Catalogs
Eire, Ana and Cruz López Viso. “La Naturaleza en los Limites del Cuerpo.” Orense,
Spain: Museo Municipal de Orense, March-April 2007.
Favis, Roberta, Todd Behren, and Daniel Stetson. “From Window to Wall.” Lakeland,
FL: Polk Museum of Art, 2007.
Lopes, Cyriaco. “Donna Conlon/Video Works.” Donna Conlon/Video Works, 2007.
Lopes, Cyriaco and Paulo Herkenhoff. “A Palavra Pelegrina.” São Paulo, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “File Rio 2007.” Brazil: Festival International de Linguagem Electronica,
Bolding, Gary. “From Window to Wall.” Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL, January
Bolding, Gary. “From Window to Wall.” University of Central Florida Art Gallery,
Orlando, FL, February - March 2007.
Bolding, Gary. “Not Representational - Works from the Permanent Collection.” Polk
Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL, 2007.
Bolding, Gary. “Stetson Faculty Exhibition.” Duncan Gallery, Stetson University, 2007.
Gunderson, Dan. Dunedin Fine Art Center, September - December 2007.
Lopes, Cyriaco. “Faculty Biennial.” Duncan Gallery, Stetson University, 2007.
Lopes, Cyriaco. “Open Studios.” School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Art Faculty Exhibition.” Duncan Gallery, Stetson University, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Cycles for Wandering.” Ars Combinatoria, University of Central Florida,
Roberts, Matt. “Cycles for Wandering.” ConFlux, Brooklyn, NY, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Cycles for Wandering.” Transitiomx_02: Fronteras Nomadas, Mexico
City, Mexico, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Landscape.” Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, Pensacola
Junior College, Pensacola, FL, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Mobile Performance Group.” Fountain Art Fair, Miami, FL, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Mobile Performance Group.” New West Electronic Arts and Music
Organization, San Diego, CA, 2007.
Roberts, Matt. “Transfers.” FILE RIO: Electronic Language International Festival 2007,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007.
Witek, Teri and Cyriaco Lopes. “Here a Very Odd Thing Occurred.” Duncan Gallery,
Stetson University, 2007.
Guest Editor
Denner, Michael, ed. Tolstoy Studies Journal. Toronto: Tolstoy Society, (2007).
Flint-Hamilton, Kimberly, ed. Journal of Black Catholic Theological Symposium.
Baltimore, MD: Black Catholic Theological Symposium, (2007).
Internet Page
Abbott, Tony. “Photograph: Cucanama and Chaupi.” (2007) Google Earth
Abbott, Tony. “Photograph: View from Whiskey Dick Mountain.” (2005) Google Earth
Abbott, Tony. “Photograph: Vilcabamba.” (June 2007) Google Earth
Campbell, Shawnrece. “African and African American History Curriculum Frameworks.”
(October 2007) State of Florida Commissioner's Task Force on African American
History <http://afroamfl.com/docs/curriculum/curr_9_12. pdf>
Croce, Paul. “Freeman Dyson and Humility Theology: Revised Editions of Some Old
Ways of Thinking.” (November 2007) The Global Spiral, an E-Publication of the
Metanexus Institute
<http://www.metanexus.net/magazine/tabid/68/id/10194/Default. aspx>
Dehnart, Andy. “Entertainment section (41 articles + 37 weekly columns).” (2007)
MSNBC. com <http://www.msnbc.msn.com>
Dehnart, Andy. “Oh, Snap!” (January 1, 2007) RealScreen Magazine
Dehnart, Andy. “Reality Blurred.” (2007) <http://www.realityblurred.com>
Dehnart, Andy. “RealNetworks Pays Stealth Bloggers to Flog Big Brother Feeds.” (Sept.
18, 2007) Wired News
Dehnart, Andy. “The Hills Have Lies.” (December 1, 2007) RealScreen Magazine
Dehnart, Andy. “The Voice of God.” (October 1, 2007) RealScreen Magazine
Dehnart, Andy. “When Good Ideas Go Bad.” (April 1, 2007) RealScreen Magazine
Dehnart, Andy. “When Reality Gets Too Real.” (July 1, 2007) RealScreen Magazine
May, Peter. “Florida's Flatwood Cottonmouths.” (2007) Stetson University
Radley, Gail. “26 short instructional essays and passages, fiction and nonfiction.” (2007)
Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education <http://www.bihe.org/>
Roberts, Matt. “Cycles for Wandering.” (2007) Rhizome at the New Museum
Rust, Joshua. “Difficulties with Davidson's Account of Action (II): What Is the Force of
the ‘Because’ That Links Action and Desire?” (March 16, 2007) The Splintered
Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly Construed
Rust, Joshua. “Difficulties with Davidson's Account of Action (I): On Explaining
Something in Terms of the Very Causes By Which It Is Defined.” (March 12,
2007) The Splintered Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly
Construed <http://schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/2007/03/difficulties-with-
Rust, Joshua. “Distinguishing Theories vs. Background Conditions.” (March 26, 2007)
The Splintered Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly
Construed <http://schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/2007/03/distinguishing-theories-
Rust, Joshua. “Is Perception Always Experiential?” (March 21, 2007) The Splintered
Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly Construed
Rust, Joshua. “On the Connection Between Moral Reasoning and Emotion.” (March 7,
2007) The Splintered Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly
Construed <http://schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/2007/03/on-connection-
Rust, Joshua. “The Caterpillar Effect in Ethical Reflection.” (November 2, 2007) The
Splintered Mind: Reflections in Philosophy of Psychology, Broadly Construed
Sitler, Robert. “Exclusively Mayan Perspectives on the 2012 Date.” (2007) Stetson
University <http://www.stetson.edu/~rsitler/13PIK/>
Newspaper Articles and Editorials
Croce, Paul. “Halloween 2007: Be All That You Can Be.” DeLand Beacon (Nov. 19-25,
Venzke, Margaret. “Assessing U. S. Hopes Against Realities.” Daytona Beach News
Journal (May 14, 2006).
Poems and Short Stories
Witek, Teri. “The Yellow Curtain.” Poetry Calendar 2007 (2007).
Witek, Teri. “Kimono Pulled up as Bedclothes (Saxifrage).” Mezzo Cammin 1.2 (Winter
Witek, Teri. “What to Wear Today Kimono (Beneath the Snow).” Mezzo Cammin 1.2
(Winter 2006)
Witek, Teri. “What to Wear Today Kimono (Beneath the Snow, Chemise Changed).”
Mezzo Cammin 1.2 (Winter 2006)
Witek, Teri. “Kimono Pulled up at Bedclothes (Flowering Kerria Rose).” Mezzo Cammin
1.2 (Winter 2006)
Witek, Teri. “Kimono for Interruption (Diverse Colors).” Mezzo Cammin 1.2 (Winter
Witek, Teri. “The Moon Bottle.” Newington-Cropsey Cultural Studies Center (2007)
Witek, Teri. “The Gold Spindle Guide Book.” Newington-Cropsey Cultural Studies
Center (2007) <http://nccsc.net/2007/4/20/the-gold-spindle-guide-book>
Witek, Teri. “The Once-Loved Book.” Newington-Cropsey Cultural Studies Center
(2007) <http://nccsc.net/2007/4/20/the-once-loved-book>
Witek, Teri. “Bed, Book, Woman.” Barrow Street: A Poetry Journal (Summer 2007).
Witek, Teri. “Almost Anybody's Love Life.” The Hudson Review 59.4 (2007): 591-592.
Witek, Teri. “Brown Coat.” The Hudson Review 59.4 (2007): 592-593.
Witek, Teri. “Civil Twilight.” Slate (April 17, 2007) <http://www.slate.com/id/2158520/>
Theatre Performances
Elliott, William, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “Broken Eggs” by
Eduardo Machado. Stover Theatre, Spring 2007.
Elliott, William, Management and Technical Director. “Parallell Lives” by Mo Gaffney
and Kathy Najimy. Stover Theatre, Fall 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “Aria da
Capo” by Edna St. Vincent Millay, April 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “English
Made Simple” by David Ives, April 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “Romeo and
Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Fall 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “Sure Thing”
by David Ives, April 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “The Hardy
Boys and the Mystery of Where Babies Come From” by Christopher Durang,
April 2007.
Elliott, William, Set Design, Lighting, Management, and Technical Director. “The
Wedding Story” by Julianne Homoday, April 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Actor. “Deceptive Cadences” by James Cullinane, Director. EyeonU Films.
McCoy, Ken, Director. “Broken Eggs” by Eduardo Machado. Stover Theatre, Spring
McCoy, Ken, Director. “Kiss Me, Kate” by Cole Porter, Sam and Bella Spewack. Huron,
OH, Summer 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Director. “Parallell Lives” by Mo Gaffney and Kathy Najimy. Stover
Theatre, Fall 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Extra. “Never Back Down” by Jeff Wadlow, Director. Summit
Entertainment, 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Solo performer in 2-minute short film. “Getting It Right,” dir. James
Cullinane, Spring 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Solo performer in 2-minute short film. “Prison Scene,” dir. James
Cullinane, Spring 2007.
McCoy, Ken, Voice-over narration. “Arabian Nights Dinner Attraction.” Fall 2007.
Schmitt, Julie, Co-Costume Designer. “Broken Eggs” by Eduardo Machado. Stover
Theatre, Spring 2007.
Schmitt, Julie, Director. “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Fall 2007.
Adams, Bobby. “Cross-Over Teaching.” Florida Music Director 61.4 (November 2007).
Adams, Bobby. “Does Philosophy Matter?” Journal of the National Band Association
47.3 (May 2007).
Adams, Bobby. “FBA 2007 Hall of Fame Weekend.” Florida Music Director 61.3
(October 2007).
Adams, Bobby. “NBA President's Message.” The Instrumentalist 62.3 (October 2007).
Adams, Bobby. “President's Message.” Journal of the National Band Association 47.3
(May 2007).
Adams, Bobby. “President's Message.” Journal of the National Band Association 48.2
(December 2007).
Small, Ann. “Children's Choir Column.” Choral Journal (ACDA Journal) (2007).
Smithers, Brian. “Making Tracks: Going DAW to DAW: How to move projects between
DAWs using OMF.” Electronic Musician 23.10 (October 2007): 62-64.
Smithers, Brian. “Making Tracks: The 5.1 Mix.” Electronic Musician 23.13 (December
Smithers, Brian. “Mixing Efficiency.” Electronic Musician 23.8 (August 2007): 51-57.
Smithers, Brian. “Outer Limits.” Electronic Musician 23.12 (November 2007): 44-50.
Smithers, Brian. ”Review: Classic '80s keyboard with some new twists.” Electronic
Musician 23.12 (November 2007): 74-79.
Smithers, Brian. “Review: Creamware Miniman ASB.” Electronic Musician 23.1 (January
Smithers, Brian. “Sonar 6 Workshop: Working More Efficiently.” Music Tech Magazine
52 (July 2007).
Smithers, Brian. “Sonar 6 Workshop: Working with Video PT. 2.” Music Tech Magazine
56 (November 2007).
Smithers, Brian. “Sonar 6 Workshop:MIDI Production.” Music Tech Magazine 50 (May
Smithers, Brian. “Sonar 6 Workshop:Using AudioSnap.” Music Tech Magazine 47
(February 2007).
Smithers, Brian. “Sonar 6 Workshop:Working with Video PT.1.” Music Tech Magazine
54 (September 2007).
Smithers, Brian. “Sound Design Workshop: Imaginative Processing: Make the most of
multimono surround plug-ins.” Electronic Musician 23.13 (December 2007): 70.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: Get the Picture.” Electronic Musician 23.5 (May 2007):
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: How Your DAW Does Math.” Electronic Musician 23.4
(April 2007): 68-70.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: Mic Specs Demystified.” Electronic Musician 23.2
(February 2007): 76-78.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: Preaching to the Converted: Modern A/D and D/A
Conversion Demystified.” Electronic Musician 23.6 (June 2007): 76-78.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: Sawing Logs: Logarithms in Music and Audio.” Electronic
Musician 23.10 (October 2007): 68-70.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: The Down and Dirty Facts About Distortion.” Electronic
Musician 23. 8 (August 2007): 66-68.
Smithers, Brian. “Square One: The Sculptor's Tool: How to use EQ to Shape Your
Music.” Electronic Musician 23. 13 (December 2007): 72-74.
Compact Discs
Musco, Lynn. Moravian Music. With Bach Festival Choir/Orchestra, 2007.
Smithers, Brian. Celebrate 30 - The Borealis Wind Quintet in Concert. MCMS,
November 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. The Invention of the Wheel. With Mobile Performance Group, Spring
Smithers, Brian. Mixing in Pro Tools: Skill Pack. Boston:Thompson Learning, 2007.
Music Compositions
deMurga, Manuel. Coral Way. Original composition arranged for flute, violin, viola,
piano, double bass, and percussion, Sepember 15, 2007.
deMurga, Manuel. Illumination Chá for Flute and Chamber Orchestra, Sepember 2007.
deMurga, Manuel. Two Pieces for Piano Four-Hands, February 21, 2007.
deMurga, Manuel. Maria Cervantes for Flute and Jazz Ensemble. Performed with
Nestor Torres & Ed Calle Big Band on Kendall Campus, Miami, FL: 40th
Anniversary of Miami Dade College, November 16, 2007.
Kindred, Janis. Hinkle Haiku: Eight Haikus for Voice, Violin, Flute, and Trumpet, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. A Song for Christmas. Clear Note Publications, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Three Romances by Alonso Mudarra. Transcribed and arranged for
guitar and voice, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Yesterday When I Was Young by Charles Aznavour. Transcribed
and arranged for Guitar and Voice, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Nature Boy by Eden Ahbez. Arranged for Solo Guitar, Fall 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Someone to Watch Over Me by George Gershwin. Transcribed and
arranged for Guitar and Voice, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Come Rain or Come Shine by Harold Arlen. Transcribed and
arranged for Guitar and Voice, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Lydia, The Tattooed Lady by Harold Arlen. Transcribed and
arranged for Guitar and Voice, 2007.
Small, Ann. Pur ti Miro (La Coronzaio de Poppea). Boosey and Hawkes, 2007.
Smithers, Brian and Thomas Macklin. The Calm After the Storm for Trumpet, Electric
Violin, Wind Synthesize & Laptop, September 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. Desire For for Laptop and Electronic Controllers, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. Mini-Concrète. Performance in Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson
University, DeLand, FL: Spring 2007 Faculty Composers Recital, September 25,
Wolek, Nathan. Through Some (2006). Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson University,
DeLand, FL: Spring 2007 Faculty Composers Recital, March 16, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan, Melanie McConachie, Megan England, and Amanda Gargiulo. Live
visualizations created by Matt Roberts, Derrick Ostrenko and Kevin Ward.
Collective Sites (San Diego), 2007.
Music Performances
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With Broward County Band Directors Reading Band. Ft.
Lauderdale, FL, April 19, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With Indian River Community College Honor Band, January
20, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With University Symphonic Band, Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, April 14, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With University Symphonic Band, Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, February 16, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With University Symphonic Band, Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, January 25, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With University Symphonic Band, Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, October 26, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Concert. With University Symphonic Band. Daytona Beach, FL, March
18, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Elgar Festival Concert. With University Symphonic Band, October 18,
Adams, Bobby. FBA Hall of Fame Concert. With University Symphonic Band. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, November 18, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Florida Community College Winter Symposium. With Symphonic Band.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, January 27, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Southern Winds Concert - FBA Roll of Distinction Concert. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, November 17, 2007.
Adams, Bobby. Southern Winds Concert - FBA Summer Convention. Altamonte
Springs, July 12, 2007.
Bjella, David. Concert. With Barbara Larsen & Joni Bjella. Emmaus Lutheran Church,
Orange City, FL, April 29, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Brahms C Minor Piano Quartet.” Rocky Mountain Summer Music
Conservatory, Steamboat Springs, CO, July 20, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Mozart's Clarinet Quintet and Evocations de Slovaquie by Karel Husa.”
Masterworks for Clarinet & Strings-Chamber Music Concert. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, September 16, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Piano Quartet by John Harbison.” Rocky Mountain Summer Music
Conservatory, Steamboat Springs, CO, August 3, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Piano Quartet in A Minor by Herbert Howells.” Cathedral of St. Phillip,
Atlanta, GA, October 12, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Schubert C Major Quintet.” Rocky Mountain Summer Music
Conservatory, Steamboat Springs, CO, July 27, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Schubert's Notturno for Piano Trio, Trio in E Minor by Shostakovich, and
Trio in D Minor by Anton Arensky.” With Inman Piano Trio. Rhinehart College,
GA, October 11, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Schubert's Notturno for Piano Trio, Trio in E Minor by Shostakovich, and
Trio in D Minor by Anton Arensky.” With Inman Piano Trio. Houston, TX, October
28, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Schubert's Notturno for Piano Trio, Trio in E Minor by Shostakovich, and
Trio in D Minor by Anton Arensky.” With Inman Piano Trio. St. Simons Island,
GA, November 13, 2007.
Bjella, David. “Schubert's Trout Quintet.” Schubert Festival Concert. Elizabeth Hall
Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 8, 2007.
Bjella, David, Chamber Music Participant. “Bach with Voice, Flute, Organ, and Cello.”
With Russell Franks. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, August 28, 2007.
Bjella, David, Chamber Music Participant. “Marin Marais' Les Folies d'Espagne.” With
Ann Adams. Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
September 14, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. Concert. With IRIS Chamber Orchestra. Memphis, TN,
January 13, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. Concert. With IRIS Chamber Orchestra. Memphis, TN,
April 21, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. With Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Orlando, FL,
December 7, 9, and 10, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. “Dukas' Sorcerer's Apprentice, Berlioz Symphony
Fantastique, and Saint Saëns Piano Concerto No. 2.” With Orlando Philharmonic
Orchestra. Orlando, FL, November 3, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. “Rimsky Korsakov's Scherezade, Mozart's Abduction from
Seraglio Overture, and Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante.” With Orlando
Philharmonic Orchestra. Orlando, FL, September 29, 2007.
Bjella, David, Principal Cello. “Shostakovich Symphony No. 1 and Tchaikovsky's
Second Piano Concerto.” With IRIS Chamber Orchestra. Memphis, TN,
December 1, 2007.
Bjella, David, Soloist. Concert - Yom HaShoah Service/Victims of Holocaust. Orlando,
FL, April 15, 2007.
Bjella, David, Soloist. Recital. With Dr. Brent Runnels. St. Mary's Cathedral, Memphis,
TN, January 14, 2007.
Bjella, David, Soloist. Recital. With Dr. Michael Rickman. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, March 25, 2007.
Bjella, David, Soloist. “Elgar Concerto.” With Stetson Symphony Orchestra. Elizabeth
Hall Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, October 19, 2007.
Bjella, David, Soloist. “Shostakovich Cello Sonata.” Augusta, GA, October 9, 2007.
Christeson, Jane. Faculty Concert to Benefit CMENC. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
October 2007.
Christeson, Jane. Friends of Music Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, August
Christeson, Jane. ”Complete Schubert Song Cycle Schwanengesang.” Schubert Song
Festival. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Director. “Sea Pictures and Stetson Elgar Festival.” Recital. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, October 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Soloist. Concert. With Brevard Community College Choir and Brevard
Community Chorus. Norway, Denmark and Sweden, June/July 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Soloist. Concert. With Palm Bay & Vero Beach Orchestras. Palm Bay
& Vero Beach, FL, December 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Soloist. Recital. Emmaus Lutheran Church, Orange City, FL,
September 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Soloist. “Duruflé Requiem.” With Concert Choir. Cathedral Church of
St. Luke's Episcopal, Orlando, FL & DeLand, FL, November 2007.
Christeson, Jane, Soloist. “Vivaldi Gloria.” First Presbyterian Church, Deland, FL,
November 2007.
deMurga, Manuel. Chamber Music Presentation. With Latin Music Ensemble. Freedom
Elementary School, DeLand, FL, March 15, 2007.
deMurga, Manuel. Concert. With Latin Music Ensemble. Orange City Library, Orange
City, FL, March 25, 2007.
deMurga, Manuel, Pianist. Concert. With Stetson University Orchestra & Nestor Torres,
Guest Soloist. Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
October 2, 2007.
deMurga, Manuel, Pianist. Faculty Composer's Recital. With Latin Music Ensemble.
Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 25, 2007.
Hose, Anthony. Florida Community College Symposium Concert. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Accompanied Guest Singer. Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Combined Elgar Festival Concert. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Concert. With Chamber Orchestra. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Concert. With Symphony Orchestra. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Festival Concert. With Brevard All-County Orchestra.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Three Opera Performances. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Two Concerts. With Chamber Orchestra. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Two Concerts. With Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, 2007.
Hose, Anthony, Conductor. Two Concerts. With Symphony Orchestra. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Harpsichord Recital. Friday Musicale Auditorium, Jacksonville, FL,
February 2, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Harpsichord Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, February 4, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Harpsichord Recital. With Ann Adams. Our Lady of Hope Roman Catholic
Church, Port Orange, FL, May 13, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Bulgaria Hall, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 20, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Columbus State University, Columbus, GA, October 8,
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Festival and Congress Center, Varna, Bulgaria, May 29,
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Maestro Georgi Atanasov Hall, Pazardjick, Bulgaria, May
23, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Methodist Chruch of Varna, Varna, Bulgaria, May 28, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Nikola I. Vaptsarov Hall, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, May 22,
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. Penny Memorial Church, Penny Farms, FL, December 9,
Jones, Boyd. Organ Recital. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, March 25,
Jones, Boyd. School of Church Music Harpsichord Recital. Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary, Louisville, KY, January 20, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. “Duruflé Requiem.” With Concert Choir. Cathedral Church of St. Luke's
Episcopal, Orlando, FL, November 11, 2007.
Jones, Boyd. “Duruflé Requiem.” With Concert Choir. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
November 4, 2007.
Jones, Boyd, Harpsichordist. Concert. With Ann Adams. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, September 14, 2007.
Jones, Boyd, Organ and Harpsichord. Concert. With Stephen Robinson. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, October 23, 2007.
Jones, Boyd, Organ and Harpsichord. Organ and Harpsichord Recital. With Stephen
Robinson. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, October 28, 2007.
Jones, Boyd, Organist. Choral Clinic. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 28,
Jones, Boyd, Organist. Concert. With Russell Franks. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
August 28, 2007.
Jones, Boyd, Organist. Friends of Music Concert. With Brass Ensemble. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, August 24, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Bach Festival Christmas Concert. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, December 15, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Bach Festival Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
October 27-28, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Concert for Friends of Music. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, August 24, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Concert. With Orlando Messiah Society. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, November 25, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Elgar Festival Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
October 19, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Faculty Chamber Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
September 16, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Mother's Day Musicale - "An Afternoon of Roses."
Scholarship Program, Stetson University, May 13, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Prague Alvaro Gomez Foundation Concert. Lobkovic
Palace, Czech Republic, November 5, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Alaska, July 17, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Alaska, July 20, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Italy, July 1, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Italy, July 4, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Italy, July 6. 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Recital. Italy, June 29, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. Schubert Festival Concert. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, September 8, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa. The Merridy Williams Concert, February 11, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Concertmaster. Bach Festival Concert. With Peter
Schickele, February 17, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Concertmaster. “J. S. Bach’s The Passion According to St.
John." Bach Festival Concert, February 25, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Concertmaster. “Music of the Moravians.” Bach Festival
Concert, February 24, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Concertmaster. “Works of Handel.” Bach Festival Concert,
February 18, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Conductor. Community School String Program Concert.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, November 18, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Director & Conductor. Community School String Program
Concert. April 28, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Performer. Herbert Davidson's Memorial Service. March
31, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Soloist. Faculty Recital. News-Journal Center, Daytona
Beach, FL, January 14, 2007.
Kroumovitch-Gomez, Routa, Soloist. Recital. Austin Peay State University, Clarksville,
TN, January 18, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd. Faculty Recital. With Michael Rickman and guest instrumentalists.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, February 27, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd. Stetson Schubert Festival Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
September 8, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Pianist. Worship Services. New Hope United Church of Christ, DeLand,
FL, Spring 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Soloist. Piccolo Spoleto Festival Concert. With Furman University
Alumnae Singers. Charleston, SC, June 10, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Soloist. University Chapel Services. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
Spring 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Soloist. University Orientation Worship Service. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, August 19, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Soprano Soloist. Christmas Eve Service. Emmaus Lutheran Church,
Orange City, FL, December 24, 2007.
Linney, Lloyd, Soprano Soloist. “Vivaldi’s Gloria.” First Presbyterian Church, Deland, FL,
November 4, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Clarinet Quartets of Böhm, Brown, Waterson, Høffding Dialoger.” Stetson
University Clarinet Clinic Faculty Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, June
20, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Copeland’s Simple Gifts, Barber’s Cello Concerto, Lay Vision of the
Earth, Orff’s Carmina Burana.” Bach Festival Society. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, October 27 & 28, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Der Hirt auf dem Felsen.” Stetson University Schubert Song Festival.
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 8, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Finzi’s Five Bagatelles, Saint Saëns’ Sonata, Osborne’s Rhapsody:
Debussy’s Premiére Rhapsody.” Stetson University Clarinet Clinic Director's
Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, June 19, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Gabaye’s Sonatina, CPE Bach’s Sonata a-Moll, Wq. 132, Debussy’s
Premiere Rapsody, Hodkinson’s SKURRY.” Guest Artist Recital. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, October 4, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Mozart Concerto in A.” Memorial Service. First Congregational Church,
Winter Park, FL, December 1, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Mozart’s Quintet in A Minor, K. 581; Husa’s Évocations de Slovaquie;
Bartok’s Contrasts.” Faculty Chamber Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
September 16, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Reicha’s Quintet in Eb, Op. 88, No. 2, Taffanel’s Quintet, Coricelli’s
arrangement Four Brazilian Dances.” Veritate Winds Guest Artist Recital First
United Methodist Church of Tavares Fine Arts Series. First United Methodist
Church of Tavares Fine Arts Series, November 4, 2007.
Musco, Lynn. “Trio Della Canno - Maros Serenata.” Double Reed Workshop Faculty
Recital. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, June 4, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Conductor. Woodwind Ensemble Concert. With Clarinet Choir. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, October 21, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Conductor. “Pre-concert music.” Christmas Candlelight Concert. With
Clarinet Choir. Stetson University, November 29 & 30, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Featured Artist. “Sparkes’ Concerto for Clarinet and Wind Ensemble, Mvt.
1, Edmondson’s Serenade.” Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic Concert. With
Chicago Vandercook Wind Ensemble. Chicago, IL, December 21, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Principal Clarinet & Soloist. Florida Bandmasters Association 2007
Summer Convention Southern Winds Concert. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
July 12, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Principal Clarinet. Concert. With Bach Festival Choir/Orchestra,
December 15, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Principal Clarinet. Concert. With Orlando Symphony/West Orange High
School Choirs. Orlando, FL, December 14, 2007.
Musco, Lynn, Principal Clarinet. Southern Winds Rolls of Distinction Concert. Stetson
University, November 17, 2007.
Painter, Noel, Conductor. Performances. With First Baptist Church Choir. First Baptist
Church, DeLand, FL, 2007.
Painter, Noel, Percussionist. Concert. With Nestor Torres. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, October 2, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. Faculty Recital. With Lloyd Linney. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
February 27, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. Faculty Recital. With Lynn Musco. Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
February 2, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. “Concerto in A Minor, Opus 16 by Grieg.” Concerto Performance.
With Stetson University Orchestra. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, April 20,
Rickman, Michael. “Liszt’s Harmonies of Evening.” Recital to Benefit the Scholarship
Fund of the Volusia County Alumni Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota. With Routa
Kroumovitch and Ernie Murphy. Our Lady of Hope Church, Port Orange, FL, May
13, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. “Works by Brahms and Babin.” With Christina Heizmann. Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, April 21, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. “Works by Mozart, Pärt, and Shostakovich.” Faculty Recital. With
David Bjella. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, March 25, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. “Works for piano and violin by Brahms and Beethoven.” With Routa
Kroumovitch. News-Journal Center, Daytona Beach, FL, January 14, 2007.
Rickman, Michael. “Works for piano and violin by Brahms and Beethoven.” With Routa
Kroumovitch. Austin Peay University, Clarksville, TN, January 18, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Performance. With Boyd Jones. Stetson University, Elizabeth Hall,
DeLand, FL, June 24, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert, Sun Fest Chapel Concert Series. Boynton Beach,
FL, April 14, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert. Manatee Community College, Bradenton, FL, April
28-29, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert. Okaloosa-Walton College Mattie Kelly Arts Center,
Navarre, FL, April 5. 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert. Pensacola Junior College Lyceum Series,
Pensacola, FL, April 6, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert, Music at the Library Series. Pasco County Board of
County Commissioners and the Friends of the Pasco County Library System,
Holiday, FL, February 18, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert. Gardiner Guitar Series, Gardiner, NY, February 11,
Robinson, Stephen. Solo Concert. Lorraine Arts Center/Arts Council of Greater Palatka,
FL, April 27, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Conductor/Arranger. Performances and Masterclasses. With Guitar
Orchestra. Florida Community College Symposium, Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, January 25-27, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Director. Concert. With Stetson Guitar Ensemble. Dickenson
Memorial Library Hall, Orange City, FL, February 25, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Director. Concert. With Stetson Guitar Ensemble. Stetson
University, Elizabeth Hall, DeLand, FL, November 10, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Guitar Soloist. “Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo.” With
Central Florida Symphony Orchestra. Ocala, FL, October 20 and 21, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Solo and Chamber Performances. Live at Dowling Park Artists
Series. With Stetson University Guitar Ensemble. Advent Christian Village, FL,
November 9, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Benefit Performance for Betty Griffin House for Battered
Women. Memorial Presbyterian Church Artist Series, St. Augustine, FL,
November 30,2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Concert. Rotary Club, DeLand, FL, February 15, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Concert. St. Petersburg College Artists Series, November
14, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Concert. With Benjamin Lane. The Church of St. Luke
Advent Lessons and Carols Series, Orlando, FL, December 2, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Concert. With Benjamin Lane. The Church of St. Luke
Cathedral Series, Orlando, FL, November 13, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Faculty Recital. Stetson University, Elizabeth Hall, DeLand,
FL, October 23, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Solo Concert. Middle Tennessee State University Guitar
Festival, Murphreesboro, TN, March 16-20, 2007.
Robinson, Stephen, Soloist. Solo Concert. Florida State University's Artist Series,
Tallahassee, FL, October 28, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Concert. With Brass Quartet. Basilica of St. Paul, Daytona Beach, April
8, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Concert. With Space Coast Pops Orchestra. Merritt Island, March 10,
Schmidt, David. Concert. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. Deltona High School,
Winter Springs High School, and South Seminole Middle School, May 8, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Concert. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. Olympia High School and
Gotha Middle School, May 9, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Recital with Organ. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. Westminister
by the Sea Presbyterian Church of Port Orange, February 25, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Recital. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. First Methodist Church of
Tavares, January 14, 2007.
Schmidt, David. Recital. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. Elizabeth Hall, April 15,
Schmidt, David. Recital. With Stetson Faculty Brass Quintet. Tuba and Euphonium
Conference South Regional Workshop in Sarasota, May 26, 2007.
Schmidt, David. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Seaside Music Theatre, January 5-28,
Schmidt, David, Conductor. Spring Concert. With Brass Ensembles & Trombone Choir.
Elizabeth Hall, April 17, 2007.
Schmidt, David, Conductor. Stetson University Scholarship Recognition Dinner. With
Trombone Choir. Stetson University, DeLand, FL, April 20, 2007.
Small, Ann. Children's Choir: High School Choral Clinic. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, October 2007.
Small, Ann. Christmas Candlelight Concert. With Children's Choir. Stetson University,
DeLand, FL, Fall 2007.
Small, Ann. Fall Concert. With Children's Choir, Stetson University, DeLand, FL,
December 2007.
Small, Ann. “The Nightingale by Imant Raminsh.” Concert. Stetson University, DeLand,
FL, Fall 2007.
Small, Ann. “The Nightingale by Imant Raminsh.” Concert. With Children's Choir,
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, Spring 2007.
Small, Ann, Director. “La Boheme.” Concert. With Children's Choir. Stetson Opera
Theatre, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, 2007.
Smithers, Brian, Alto Saxophone. Concert. With Ralph Carmichael Orchestra. First
Assembly, Fort Myers, January 28, 2007.
Smithers, Brian, Guest Artist (EWI) & Composer. Faculty Recital. With Thomas Macklin.
Stetson University, September 2007.
Smithers, Brian, Tenor Saxophone. “Classic Albums Live: Sargent Pepper's Lonely
Hearts Club Band.” Concert. With Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Hard Rock
Live, June 16, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. “Also Apply.” Faculty Composers Recital. Elizabeth Hall Auditorium,
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, March 16, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. “Collective Sites (San Diego).” NWEAMO International Festival of
Electro-Acoustic Music. With Mobil Performance Group. Smith Recital Hall, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA, October 5-6, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. “Desire For.” Faculty Composer's Recital. Elizabeth Hall Auditorium,
Stetson University, DeLand, FL, September 25, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan. “Release Party.” Poetry at an Uncouth Hour FATAM Series. With Mobil
Performance Group. Nightlites, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, April 19, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan, Technical assistance and live sound engineer. “Caution to the Winds.”
Alumnus/Guest Recital. With Shiau-Uen Ding. Elizabeth Hall Auditorium, Stetson
University, DeLand, FL, September 21, 2007.
Wolek, Nathan, Technical assistant and auxiliary electronics performer. “Five Ideas
About the Relation of Sight and Sound.” With Virgil Morefield. Elizabeth Hall
Auditorium, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, February 6, 2007.
Grieb, Terry. “Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Engages Students for ‘Deliberation about
Things That Matter’ at Stetson University.” The Key Reporter (Winter 2007).
Internet Pages
Dinkins, Debbi. “Acquisitions Website,” Complete Revision, 2007,
Dinkins, Debbi. “Cataloging Website,” Complete Revision, 2007,
Dinkins, Debbi. “Central Florida Chapter of the University of Alabama Alumni
Association Website,” 2007, <http://www.bamaorlando.com>
Dinkins, Debbi. “Periodicals Website,” Complete Revision, 2007,
Dinkins, Debbi. “Technical Services Website,” Complete Revision, 2007,
Johnson, Betty D. “League of Women Voters of Volusia County Website,” 2007,
Kirkland, Laura. “Monthly Statistics from Technical Services,” 2007,
Ryan, Susan. Library Website, Complete Revision, June-August 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Art Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Biography Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Communication Studies Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Computer Science Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Integrative Health Sciences Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "International Studies Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Latin American Studies Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Philosophy Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Physics Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Ryan, Susan. "Political Science Subject Pages, Library Website," 2007,
Costello, Barbara. “American FactFinder: How to Search it for Census 2000 Data.” Rev.
December 2007 <http://www2.stetson.edu/library/using_americanfactfinder.pdf>
Costello, Barbara. “Find Primary Sources on the U.S. Civil War.” Rev. August 2007.
Costello, Barbara. “World Development Indicators Online: How to Search It.” Rev. May
2007. <http://www2.stetson.edu/library/using_wdi.pdf>
Costello, Barbara. Research Guide: ATG 301, Taxation of Individuals. August 2007.
(posted to course Blackboard site)
Nuzzaci, Patricia. “ABI/Inform : How to Search It on the Web.” June 2007.
Nuzzaci, Patricia. “International Financial Statistics : How to Search It on the Web.” April
2007. <http://www2.stetson.edu/library/using_ifs.html>
University Publications
Costello, Barbara. “Be an Informed Citizen: 2008 Presidential Election Information on
the Web.” December 2007. (handout to accompany January 2008 book display)
Johnson, Betty D. Library Newsletter (Fall 2007).
Johnson, Betty D. Library Newsletter (Spring 2007).
Kirkland, Laura, ed. Stetson University Faculty Review 2006: A Selective Listing of
Publications and Creative Activities. 2007.