2012 - 2014
City of New Brunswick, New Jersey
County of Middlesex
I. Recognition 1
II. Negotiation of Successor Agreement 1
III. Grievance Procedure 2
IV. Employee Rights 6
V. Association Rights and Privileges 7
VI. School Calendar 8
VII. Employee Hours 9
VIII. Class Size 15
IX. Non-Teaching Duties 15
X. Employment 15
XI. Salaries 18
XII. Assignments 20
XIII. Procedure for Transfers 21
XIV. Promotions 22
XV. Observation/Evaluation 22
XVI. Employment Facilities 26
XVII. Employment Administration Liaison 26
XVIII. Sick Leave 26
XIX. Temporary Leaves of Absence 28
XX. Extended Leaves of Absence 31
XXI. Sabbatical Leave Policy 35
XXII. Professional Development, Tuition Reimbursement and Educational
Improvement 38
XXIII. Substitutes 41
XXIV. Protection of Employees, Students and Property 41
XXV. Summer Employment 42
XXVI. Insurance Protection 43
XXVII. Books and Other Instructional Materials and Supplies 45
XXVIII. Deductions from Salary 45
XXIX. Representation Fee 46
XXX. Uniforms and Licensure 48
XXXI. Supervision of Student and/or Intern Teachers 48
XXXII. Personal and Academic Freedom 50
XXXIII. Complaint Procedure for Employees 50
XXXIV. Procedure for Withholding Employment or Adjustment Increment 50
XXXV. Maintenance of Classroom Control and Discipline 51
XXXVI. Coaches 51
XXXVII. Duration of Agreement 52
Schedule A Certificated 53
Schedule B Building Employees/Central Receiving /Maintenance 54
Schedule C Secretarial/Accounting Secretary 55
Schedule D Security Officers 56
Schedule E Paraprofessionals 57
Schedule F Community Agents 58
Schedule G Drop Out Prevention Officers/Family Liaison 59
Schedule H IT Support Specialists 60
Schedule I Application Specialists 61
Schedule J Play It Smart Academic Coach 62
Schedule K Nurse Floater 63
Schedule L Coaches 64
Schedule M Extra Curricular Activities 66
Schedule N Elementary Extra Curricular Activities 67
Schedule O Miscellaneous Stipends 68
Schedule P Longevity 69
Schedule Q Elementary, Middle & High School Schedule 70
Schedule R Medical Benefits 71
Schedule S Prescription Benefits 72
Schedule T Dental Coverage 73
Index 74
This Agreement entered into this 1st day of July 2012 by and between the Board of Education of
New Brunswick, the City of New Brunswick, New Jersey hereinafter called the "Board," and the
New Brunswick Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association."
WHEREAS, the Board has an obligation, pursuant to the N.J.S.A.
34:13A-1, et seq., to negotiate
with the Association as the representative of employees hereinafter designated with respect to
terms and conditions of employment, and
WHEREAS, the parties have reached certain understandings which they desire to confirm in this
In consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
Article I
A. The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for
collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all
personnel employed or on leave by the Board, but excluding: Supervisory and Executive
Personnel, Confidential Secretaries, (Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Assistant
Superintendent for Personnel and the Board Secretary's Secretary), Business Office
Manager and Cafeteria employees.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "employee" when used hereinafter in this Agreement
shall refer to all personnel represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as
defined above.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teacher" when used hereinafter in this Agreement
shall refer only to certificated personnel, including the position of technology teacher.
D. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual employee heretofore or
hereafter executed shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. This Agreement during its duration shall be controlling.
Article II
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in
accordance with N.J.S.A.
34:13A-1, et seq. of the State of New Jersey in a good-faith
effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of
Any Agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees, be reduced to writing, be
signed by the Board and Association, and be adopted by the Association and the Board.
B. The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees in the negotiating unit as
defined in ARTICLE I of this Agreement with any organization or individuals other than
the Association.
C. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an
instrument in writing duly executed by signatories to the contract.
D. Representatives of the Board and the Association shall meet, upon the request of either
party, for the purpose of reviewing the administration of the Agreement. All meetings
between the parties shall be regularly scheduled whenever possible.
E. This Agreement represents and incorporates the completed and final understanding and
settlement by the parties of all bargain able issues which were or could have been the
subject of negotiations. During the terms of this Agreement, neither party will be
required to negotiate with respect to any matter that was within the knowledge or
contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this
F. Two thousand two hundred (2,200) copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the equal
expense of the parties after the agreement with the Association on the format. The parties
will make every effort to see that these copies are delivered to the NBEA within 60 days
of agreement of both parties to send the final copy to the printer no later than 90 days
after ratification.
G. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to
the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this agreement, either party shall do so by
telegram or registered letter to the following addresses:
1. If by the Association, to Board at 268 Baldwin Street.
2. If by the Board, to Association at 83 Morris St. Suite 4.
Article III
A. Definition
1. A grievance is a claim by an employee or the Association based upon the
interpretation, application or violation of this Agreement, policies or
administrative decisions affecting the terms and conditions of employment of an
employee or group of employees or the Association.
2. An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim.
B. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to secure equitable solutions to problems affecting
employees, the terms and conditions of employment.
C. Conditions
1. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the
aggrieved within thirty calendar days from the date when the grievant would be
reasonably expected to know of its occurrence or thirty calendar days after the
grievant would be reasonably expected to know of its occurrence.
2. In the event a grievance is filed, at such time that it cannot be processed through
all the steps in this grievance procedure, by the end of the school year and, if left
unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in
irreparable harm to the aggrieved, time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so
that the grievance procedure will be exhausted prior to the end of the year or as
soon thereafter as is practicable.
3. Failure to process a grievance to the next step of the procedure within the
specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at
that step.
4. Failure to communicate the decision in writing on a grievance within the
specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved to proceed to the next step.
D. Procedure
1. Level One
An employee with a grievance shall first discuss it with the principal or
immediate supervisor, either directly or with the Association's designated
representative, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
All meetings past Level One in which the aggrieved is involved may include a
representative designated by the Association.
2. Level Two
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) school days after
the presentation of the grievance, the aggrieved may file the grievance in writing
with the person or persons designated by the Association. This written grievance
shall be referred to the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designated
representative within ten (10) school days after the initial representation or within
five (5) school days after the decision is rendered.
The Superintendent or the designated representative of the Superintendent shall
render a decision in ten (10) school days to the Association and to the aggrieved
person. The Superintendent's decision shall be in writing.
3. Level Three
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the written disposition of the
grievance at Level Two, or if no written disposition has been rendered within ten
(10) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent, the
aggrieved may, within ten (10) school days after a decision by the
Superintendent, or fifteen (15) school days after the grievance was delivered to
the Superintendent, whichever is sooner, appeal this grievance in writing to the
Board of Education through the person(s) designated by the Association. The
Board will, within thirty (30) calendar days, conduct a hearing or render a
decision. If a hearing is held, the Board will render a decision within fifteen (15)
calendar days after the hearing and notify the aggrieved person(s) and the
Association in writing.
4. Level Four
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the written decision of the
grievance at Level Three, the aggrieved may request in writing that the
Association submit the grievance to arbitration whether binding or
advisory. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious,
it may submit the grievance to arbitration within fifteen (15) days after
receipt of the Board's written decision (from Level Three).
b. Within ten (10) days after such written notice of submission to
arbitration, the Board and the person(s) designated by the Association
shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall
obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are
unable to agree upon an arbitrator to serve or to obtain such a
commitment within the specified period, either party may make a request
for a list of arbitrators to the Public Employment Relations Commission.
The rules and procedures shall then bind the parties of the Public
Employment Relations Commission in the selection of an arbitrator.
c. 1. The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of
the Board and the representatives of the Association, hold
hearings promptly and issue a decision not later than twenty (20)
days from the date of the close of the hearings or if oral hearings
have been waived then from the date the final statements and
proofs on the issues were submitted. The arbitrator's decision
shall be in writing and shall set forth the findings of fact,
reasoning, and conclusions on the issues submitted. The
arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any
decision, which requires the commission of an act, prohibited by
law or which is violative of the terms of this Agreement. The
decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties
in all matters concerning interpretation, application, or alleged
violation of the agreement, including grievances arising out of
minor disciplinary actions, except for that language under the
articles concerning transfers, assignments and promotions, which
shall be subject to advisory arbitration. The decision of the
arbitrator shall be advisory on all other grievance matters.
d. 2. In addition, the Board's decision shall be final and binding on
grievances concerning:
(i) Any matter for which a specific method of review is
prescribed and expressly set forth by law, or any rule or
regulation of the State Commissioner of Education, or
(ii) A complaint of a non-tenure employee which arises by
reason of the employee not being reemployed, or
(iii) A complaint by any certificated personnel occasioned by
appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or
lack of retention in, any position for which tenure either
is not possible or not required, or
(iv) Any matter which according to law is either beyond the
scope of the Board's authority or limited to unilateral
action by the Board alone.
E. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem and expenses, if any, and
actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses, and the cost of the hearing room shall
be born equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be
paid by the party incurring same.
F. Rights of Employees to Representation
The aggrieved may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by the grievant
personally, by a representative of the grievant own choosing approved by the Association
or by a representative selected by the Association.
G. Rights of the Association
1. The Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all
stages of the grievance procedure.
2. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or any member of the
administration against any aggrieved person, any Association representative,
witness or member, or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason
of such participation.
H. Miscellaneous
1. If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of
employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the
Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be
commenced at Level Two.
2. The Association may process any grievance through all levels of the grievance
procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
3. Decisions rendered at Level One which are unsatisfactory to the aggrieved
person and all decisions rendered at Level Two, Three, and Four of the grievance
procedure shall be in writing, setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore
and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest and to the person(s)
designated by the Association. Decisions rendered at Level Four shall be in
accordance with the procedures set forth in Section D-4 of this Article.
4. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a
grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the
personnel file of any of the participants.
5. All meetings, hearings, and investigations under this procedure shall be
accomplished without interference with the operation of the school system after
school hours and shall be considered private.
6. Time limits may be extended at Level Two, Three, and Four by mutual consent
of both parties. The extension may be for a specified length of time or an
indefinite period.
7. It is understood that all employees, including the grievant, shall during and
notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all directives
and assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board and its
administrators until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully
Article IV
A. Pursuant to N.J.S.A.
34:13A-1 et seq., the Board hereby agrees that every employee of
the Board covered by this Agreement shall have the right freely to organize, join and
support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective
negotiation. As a duly selected body exercising governmental power under the laws of
the State of New Jersey, the Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or
indirectly discourage, deprive or coerce any employee in the enjoyment of any rights
conferred by N.J.S.A.
34:13A-1, et seq., that it shall not discriminate against by reason of
the employee membership in the Association and its affiliates in respect to hours, wages,
or any terms or conditions of employment, his/her participation in any activities of the
Association and its affiliates, collective negotiations with the Board, or his/her institution
of any grievance, complaints, or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise agree
with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. No employee shall be disciplined without just cause.
C. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination, and that all
practices, procedures, and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there
is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline
of the employees or in the application or administration of this Agreement on the basis of
race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, marital status, or sexual
Any employee who believes that he/she has been discriminated against shall file a
grievance pursuant to Article III, grievance procedure, or, in the sole discretion of the
employee, to the Board’s Affirmative Action Officer.
D. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee
or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application
shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all
other provisions or application shall continue in full force and effect.
E. Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent or the Board, or
a Board Committee or member thereof, concerning any matter which could adversely
affect the continuation of that employee in his/her office, position, or employment, or the
salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then the employee shall be given written
notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a
representative of the employee's own choosing. This language shall in no way restrict or
limit the Board or Superintendent from holding meetings or discussions with employees.
F. Student grades shall be initially determined by the teacher upon his/her professional
judgment within the grading policy of the New Brunswick Public School District. In
cases where a student's grade is requested to be changed, the principal will first discuss
the change of grade with the teacher. If the grade is changed, the teacher may make a
report in writing to the principal. Upon receipt of this report by the principal, the
principal will countersign the report, one copy will be returned to the teacher, and one
copy will be placed in the student's file.
G. Any teacher desiring to be observed by an outside professional for the purpose of
securing a position in another school district shall be granted that right.
H. No employee shall be required to work in any building or part thereof that is unsafe or
contains conditions deleterious to health.
No employee shall be obliged to work in an unattended building or in such isolated areas
as to jeopardize their safety. No employee shall be required to enter or remain in any
building where materials and/or conditions are hazardous to her/his health as determined
by state and local health officials.
Article V
A. 1. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, in response to reasonable
requests from time-to-time all information in the public domain.
2. The official Board minutes from the previous month's meeting will be provided
to the Association within one week of their approval by the Board of Education.
B. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee is mutually scheduled
by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings,
conference or meetings, the employees shall suffer no loss in pay or loss of accumulated
sick leave and personal leave days.
C. Representatives of the Association, Middlesex County Education Association, the New
Jersey Education Association and the National Education Association shall be permitted
to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times
provided prior notice shall be given to the Superintendent who shall approve provided
that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
D. The Association and its representatives shall be allowed the use of buildings at
reasonable hours, Saturdays and Sundays excluded. However, if such usage or usage at
unusual hours requires the payment of incidental expenses, such incidental expenses shall
be borne by the Association.
E. The Board agrees to grant a paid leave of absence to the President of the Association for
the purpose of performing duties for the Association and to include, but not limited to,
Local Professional Development Committee responsibilities. For the first year of said
leave of absence, the newly elected President shall be paid their full salary on a ten month
schedule and shall continue to accrue service in New Brunswick. The Board shall
provide one half of the yearly salary and full benefits including health benefits for the
President of the Association. The Association will reimburse the Board for its share of
the salary on February 1, and June 30. Beginning in the President’s second year in
office and every year thereafter that he/she maintains that office, he/she shall receive all
such benefits listed above, as well as, prorated salary for the month of July. At that time
the salary shall be paid on a twelve month schedule.
F. The Association shall have in each school building the exclusive use of a bulletin board
in each faculty lounge.
G. The Association shall have the right to use the school mailboxes and interschool mail.
H. The Association shall have the right and responsibility subject to Board agreement, for
conducting two workshops as provided for in the calendar during the school year. Such
agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. All personnel are required to attend.
I. The Association representative in each building or unit shall be given the opportunity to
make announcements or reports during each regularly scheduled meeting.
Article VI
A. Every effort will be made to consult with the Association regarding the calendar not less
than two (2) months prior to the official adoption of such calendar.
B. The calendar provides for 183 teaching days and 2 professional development days. The
Board of Education reserves the right to make changes because of emergency closings
and related reasons. In the event that any of the three emergency closing days are not
utilized during the school year, the calendar shall be adjusted so that there are not more
than 180 teaching days.
C. The first two days of school for pupils will be early dismissal days. Teachers will work
their normal hours. It is understood that an early dismissal day means the time students
are dismissed on a half-day schedule.
The first day back for teachers is available for an NBEA meeting at 9:00-9:45 a.m. and
the Superintendent’s meeting at 9:45-10:30 a.m. Staff will return to their schools for
meetings with Principals from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Staff has the remainder of the
day for lunch and classroom preparation.
During the second day for teachers and first day for students, the p.m. portion is available
to principals if needed.
During the third day for teachers and second day for students, the p.m. portion will be
used to prepare workstations.
The Board and Association agree there will be 180 teaching days, and they further agree
to two (2) additional working days and to two (2) professional development days for
certificated staff and security officers only by June 30th in each school year.
Article VII
A. Certificated
1. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the
appropriate column of the sign-in roster
2. All elementary school teachers shall be required to report for duty twenty (20)
minutes prior to the pupil’s tardy bell. Departure time shall be the same as
student departure time.
3. All personnel may leave the building without requesting permission during the
duty-free lunch period. If personnel must leave during the day, the regular sign-
in sign-out procedure will be followed.
4. Block Scheduling Language
a. (1) 4 by 4 Schedule
All high school teaching staff shall have three classes during each
semester. There will be no administrative duties for anyone who teaches
three classes in a semester. Professionals having more than two (2)
course preparations per semester, shall be compensated an additional
$800. Preparations shall be distributed as evenly as possible among the
members of a department, as determined by the administration.
(2) AB Schedule
All high school teaching staff have three classes on an A day and three
classes on a B day. There will be no administrative duties for anyone
who teaches three classes in a day. Professionals having more than two
(2) course preparations per day shall be compensated an additional $800
for a full year course. Preparations shall be distributed as evenly as
possible among the members of a department, as determined by the
administration. This shall not apply to self contained classes.
Staff asked to cover classes thus losing their preparation periods for the
day, shall be compensated at a rate of $50 for each 80-minute class
Traveling teachers who teach at the high school shall have 1 preparation
period at least sixty minutes in length, one lunch period, and travel time.
The daily schedule of a traveling teacher shall not exceed the length of a
normal day.
Teachers who teach an extra block for a full year shall receive an
additional twenty percent (20%) of their salary or ten (10%) per
Schedules shall be made available to the Association upon request.
b. Workloads shall be equitably assigned. Every attempt shall be made to
limit preparations at the High School to two (2) or less per semester per
In exceptional cases, professionals having more than two (2) course
preparations per semester shall be assigned an extra preparation period or
no homeroom, or shall be paid an additional $800.00 for 2012-2014.
c. A course preparation is defined as the preparation of a quarterly topic
plan (QTP) and its attendant daily plans.
Traditional High School Schedule
In the secondary schools, the daily schedule will consist of 8 periods on a
regular day and 9 periods on a pupil activity day. Professional personnel
will be required to fulfill 6 assigned periods, have one planning period,
and one duty-free lunch period in an 8 period day. When the 9 period
day is in effect, they will be required to fulfill 7 assigned periods, have
one planning period, and one duty-free lunch period.
5. All teachers in the Middle School building shall be required to report for duty no
later than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the students’ day. Departure time
shall be the same as the pupils' departure time.
6. Middle School Block Scheduling Language
a. (1) 4 by 4 Schedule
All middle school teaching staff shall have three classes during each
semester. There will be no administrative duties for anyone who teaches
three classes in a semester. Professionals having more than two (2) full
block course preparations, or its equivalent, per semester, shall be
compensated an additional $800. Preparations shall be distributed as
evenly as possible among the members of a department, as determined
by the administration. Schedules shall be made available to the
association upon request.
(2) AB (Blue/White) Schedule
All middle school teaching staff shall have three classes on a Blue day
and three classes on a White day. There will be no administrative duties
for anyone who teaches three classes in a day. Professionals having
more than two (2) full block course preparations or its equivalent per day
shall be compensated an additional $800 for a full year course and $400
for a semester. Professionals having more than 3 course preparations per
day shall receive the same compensation. Preparations shall be
distributed as evenly as possible among the members of a department, as
determined by the administration. This shall not apply to self contained
a) All professional personnel will have a duty-free lunch period
of 40 minutes. Any teacher who does not have at least five
(5) preparation periods per week on a regular basis shall be
compensated at a rate of $31 for each period less than five
(5). Elementary teachers who are required to give up their
assigned planning period shall be paid $25 for each period
b) All professionals shall receive five (5) preparation periods
per week.
c) All professionals shall have five (5) common planning
periods per week not to exceed 40 minutes daily.
d) A 23 minutes daily Advisory.
e) The schedule shall include two (2) minutes passing time.
b. Staff asked to cover classes thus losing their preparation periods for the
day shall be compensated at a rate of $50 for each 80-minute class
7. In elementary schools all professional personnel will have a duty-free lunch
period of 40 minutes.
8. The Head Nurse and Staff Development Leader shall work an eight (8) hour day
with a one (1) hour duty-free lunch and follow the same calendar as teachers.
9. The Play It Smart Academic Coach shall work an eight (8) hour day, beginning 2
hours after the start of school, with a one (1) hour duty-free lunch. The Play It
Smart Academic Coach shall work eleven (11) months. The 11
month is to be
scheduled over and above the teacher’s regularly scheduled calendar and will be
determined mutually between the Coach, the Principal and the Athletic Director.
10. Teachers in the elementary schools will be provided with planning periods taking
into account the schedules for physical education, library, art and music and any
other special subject or situation. Any scheduled prep period in excess of five (5)
per week may be available to the principal for assignment, which include CPT,
grade level meetings or professional development, but not excluding other
assignments. Every effort will be made to provide five (5) preparation periods
per week per professional in as equitable a manner as possible. To this end, the
Superintendent shall chair a meeting in early June of each year with all
elementary Principals and a committee of N.B.E.A. members appointed by the
Association President. The meeting participants shall share information and
suggest ways to provide each elementary teacher five (5) preparation periods per
week. Then, following completion of scheduling, the Superintendent will review
the schedules with the N.B.E.A. Any elementary teacher who does not have at
least five (5) preparation periods per week on a regular basis shall be
compensated at a rate of $31 for each period less than five (5).
Paraprofessionals employed as of June 30, 1998 shall receive an additional $710
stipend per year for the duration of this contract.
11. a. Elementary teachers who are required to give up their assigned planning
period shall be paid $25 for each period lost.
b. No Basic Skills/ESL class shall be canceled and its teacher used as a
substitute for any other teacher's absence except in cases of emergency.
12. On early dismissal days, all elementary teachers shall receive a 40 minute duty-
free lunch period during the time the pupils are in attendance.
13. Meetings will be held on Monday, unless there is no school in which case the
meeting will be held on the next scheduled school day. In no event, shall
meetings be scheduled on Wednesdays with the exception of Parent/Teacher
Conferences. All certified personnel may be required to attend up to three
meetings per month including building meeting, departmental meetings, grade
level meetings (City-wide), and evening meetings. Any of these three meetings
may be used for professional development or common planning. Any
administrator requesting a meeting in excess of the three mentioned above must
submit an agenda to the Superintendent of Schools for his approval along with an
explanation as to why the meeting must be held and reasons why the subject or
topics of the meeting are of such importance that a special meeting is absolutely
necessary. These additional meetings will not last more than one (1) hour and
fifteen (15) minutes beyond the school day with the exception of evening PTA-
PTO sessions, Back-To-School Night and parent conferences. An agenda will be
provided for regularly scheduled meetings. Principals and Supervisors will be
required to report in their monthly reports to the Superintendent, or his/her
designee, the starting and ending times of all faculty meetings. They will also
include a copy of the meeting agenda.
14. Every effort will be made to avoid combination classes. Any necessary
combination classes will be arranged so that no more than 3 QTP's need be
written. If, however, the prior restrictions are impossible to achieve, any teacher
with a combination class requiring more than 3 QTP'S will receive an additional
stipend $769 per year for the duration of this contract.
15. An elementary Music Teacher and/or the Middle School Music Teacher may
volunteer to be scheduled to teach instrumental music for one period prior to the
beginning or at the end of the school day for band/orchestra.
The elementary Teacher would report to his/her school to teach this forty minute
zero period at 8:00 a.m. to begin teaching at 8:10-8:50 a.m. and leave for the day
at 2:35 p.m. which is 40 minutes before the regular departure time for all other
elementary teachers. When the “zero period” is scheduled after the regular
school day ends, the teacher would begin his/her work day at 9:20 a.m. or forty
minutes after all other teachers are required to report. He/she would teach the
forty minute after school instrumental class beginning at 3:20 p.m. and leave for
the day at 3:55 p.m.
The Middle School Music Teacher would report to his/her school for the forty
minute zero period at 7:10 a.m. and begin teaching at 7:20-7:50 a.m. and leave
for the day at 1:55 p.m. which is 40 minutes before the regular departure time for
all other teachers. When the “zero period” is scheduled after the regular school
day ends, the teacher would begin his/her work day at 8:30 a.m. of forty minutes
after all other teachers are required to report. He/she would teach the forty
minute instrumental class beginning at 2:40 p.m. and leave for the day at 3:15
B. Daily and Hourly Rates of Pay
1. For purposes of this agreement, the daily rate of pay for certificated staff
(teachers, guidance, psychological, etc.), paraprofessionals, security officers,
Family Liaison, Community Agent and Drop Out Prevention Officers shall be
computed at 1/200th of the respective annual salary. The hourly rate of pay for
certificated staff will be governed by a separate schedule in this agreement. The
hourly rate of pay for security officers and Paraprofessionals will be determined
by dividing the daily rate of pay by seven.
2. The daily rate of pay for custodians, twelve-month secretaries, and maintenance
personnel shall be computed at 1/264
. of the respective annual salary. The
hourly rate of pay for custodians and maintenance personnel will be determined
by dividing the daily rate of pay by eight. The hourly rate of pay for twelve-
month secretaries will be determined by dividing the daily rate of pay by seven.
3. The daily rate of pay for ten-month secretaries shall be computed at 1/220
. of
their annual salary. The hourly rate of pay for ten-month secretaries will be
determined by dividing the daily rate of pay by seven.
C. Non-Certificated
1. Secretary-clerks and IT Support Specialists shall work eight (8) hours with one
(1) hour for lunch during the regular school year, September 1 - June 30 and
seven (7) hours with one (1) hour for lunch during the summer months, July 1 -
August 31.
2. a. Paraprofessionals shall work the same hours as teachers, with the
exception that the departure time for paraprofessionals shall be the same
as student departure time on a regular school day.
b. The work day for full-time paraprofessionals at the Demonstration Day
Care Center will be the same duration as that of teachers, however, the
starting and closing time may vary in some instances to accommodate
programmatic need.
It is agreed that the individuals will receive the monetary compensation
as outlined in the contract for any hours beyond the number of hours
outlined in Article VII. C. 2 of the present contract.
It is agreed that hourly paraprofessionals in the Demonstration Day Care
Center shall be provided with a fifteen (15) minute break in both the
morning and afternoon.
3. Security Officers, IT Support Specialists, Family Liaisons and Drop Out
Prevention Officers shall work an eight (8) hour day with a one (1) hour duty-
free lunch. All security officers employed as of June 30, 1998, shall receive an
additional $710 per year for the duration of this contract.
4. Custodians and Maintenance shall work nine (9) hours with one (1) hour for
lunch on the day shift. Custodians on p.m. shift shall work an eight (8) hour day
with one (1) hour for lunch.
The day shift will be 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and the night shift will be from 3:00
p.m. – 11:00 p.m. The midday shift will be 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. In addition
6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. shifts may be created. These
shifts will be posted if implemented and filled by qualified volunteers before
employees are assigned.
The High School Head Custodian shift will be 6:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
5. Every effort will be made to provide all non-certificated personnel, a fifteen (15)
minute break in the morning and in the afternoon.
6. a. All ten (10) month salaried employees will work in accordance with the
ten month teacher calendar, except 10 month secretaries shall begin the
year the first working day on September 1 and conclude the year with the
last working day on or before June 30.
b. Three custodians, one IT Support Specialist and one maintenance person
will be excused upon request each year to attend the N.J.E.A.
Convention. Seniority will be given first preference on a rotating basis.
D. Overtime
1. With the exception of certificated staff, employees who work 35 hour weeks
(paraprofessionals, security officers, Family Liaisons, IT Support Specialists and
Drop Out Prevention Officers and secretaries) shall be compensated at respective
hourly rates for the first five hours of work in excess of thirty-five. Those hours
worked in excess of forty hours will be compensated at 1 1/2 times the hourly
rate of pay. However, security officers who must return in the evening to
supervise evening activities will be compensated at 1 1/2 times their hourly rate.
This rate for security officers for evening work, will be paid regardless of hours
worked in any given day or week.
2. Employees who work forty hour weeks (security officers, custodians and
maintenance personnel) will be compensated 1 1/2 times their rates of pay for
those hours worked in excess of forty hours.
3. Credit for the thirty-five or forty hour week will be given an employee for any
day in a given week that the employee actually works or is otherwise
compensated. For example, an employee who has a paid holiday during the
week or a paid sick day during the week will be given credit for that day or days
toward his thirty-five or forty hour base week for purposes of computing
4. Custodian, maintenance personnel and IT Support Specialists who are requested
to work on Sundays will be compensated at two times their respective hourly rate
of pay.
5. Security and secretarial personnel required to work on Saturday or Sunday will
be compensated at 1 1/2 times their hourly rate for a minimum of two (2) hours.
6. Building employees, maintenance employees and IT Support Specialists shall
receive at least two (2) hours compensation for a call in.
7. Maintenance personnel, custodians and IT Support Specialists will be provided
equal access to overtime opportunities depending on their qualification for the
overtime offered. Such overtime will be offered on a rotating basis.
8. All building employees will make periodic security checks in their buildings
when on duty other than normal school hours.
Article VIII
A. It is recognized by the Board that pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective
educational program. The Board agrees to continue its efforts to keep class size at an
acceptable number as dictated by the financial condition of the district, the building
facilities available and the availability of qualified teachers, the best interests of the
district, and as is administratively available.
B. Every effort will be made so that remedial compensatory classes shall not exceed fifteen
Article IX
A. The Board and the Association acknowledge that a professional's primary responsibility
is to teach and that the professional's energies should, to the extent possible, be utilized to
this end.
B. Automobile use shall be compensated at the rate stipulated by the State of New Jersey
Department of the Treasury each year. The rate in effect on July 1 of each year will be
the rate for such compensation through the following June 30.
C. Employees shall not be required to perform duties not performed in the past, or to keep
D. Employees shall not be required to transport students.
Article X
A. The Board agrees to hire employees in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
State Board of Education and in accord with the laws of the State of New Jersey. The
Board recognizes its commitment to Affirmative Action in future hiring as outlined by
State and Federal regulations and will make every effort to abide by these principles.
The Board shall consult with the Association and invite to major interviews the
Association President or his/her representative, as part of the process for selecting a
Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendents.
All employee positions covered by this Agreement shall have an adopted job description.
Nothing in the job description shall conflict with the provisions of this Agreement.
B. When hiring new personnel, the Board agrees to give credit on its duly adopted salary
guide for the following kinds of previous experience as follows:
1. Contracted teaching experience (credit to be determined at the discretion of the
Board at the time of employment).
2. Military experience (full credit up to four years).
3. Related experience (credit to be determined at time of employment).
C. 1. At the time of initial employment all new employees shall be informed in writing
of the benefits available to them.
2. The Personnel Office, upon monthly request from the Association, will provide
information relative to any new appointments.
3. Every effort will be made to inform the Association as soon as possible of the
Board's interest in the closing of a building or in the creation or elimination of a
category of jobs.
D. Persons employed temporarily shall be so informed at the time of employment. This
applies especially to persons who fill the position of an employee on leave.
E. Tenure will be granted to all employees covered by this Agreement in accordance with
New Jersey Statutes Annotated Title 18A.
F. All certificated employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the
ensuing year in accordance with N.J.S.A.
18A:27-10. All non-certificated employees
shall be notified on or before May 30th. Each notice shall indicate service increments as
G. If any employee shall have his/her position eliminated because of budgetary reasons, or
other circumstances, the following provisions shall apply:
1. The Medical-Dental Insurance Program by Connecticut General or HMO will be
offered to employees who have worked in the district for more than three
consecutive years on a one year basis. All other employees will be offered this
program for the months of July, August, and September. If any RIF’D employee
is rehired by November 1st of the school year following the year in which the
employee was RIF’D, the Board shall reimburse the employee his/her cost for
said insurance.
2. Payment for the insurance coverage listed in G.1 will be borne by each employee
who subscribes to the program through the Board of Education Personnel Office.
Employees must subscribe to the entire package (medical-dental-prescription).
3. Preferential treatment for hiring will be given in the Board of Education's Home
Instruction and Adult Education Programs for all teachers who are released
through a reduction in force.
4. Preferential treatment will be given for substitute positions, to all RIF'D teaching
5. Tenured teachers shall be recalled for vacancies pursuant to the Provisions of
18A and N.J.A.C Title 6.
6. Non-tenured teachers released through a reduction in force shall be given first
consideration to any other vacancies that occur.
7. If there is any possibility of saving potential job positions through transfers
within the district, this will be attempted.
8. The Board of Education will consider recommendations from the Association
relative to saving staff positions.
H. The criteria for the reduction of tenured teachers shall be as outlined herein:
These steps will be on a priority basis with each subsequent step being the next criterion
in selecting the person who would be retained by the district.
1. Beginning date of continuous employment (in most cases, this will be September
1st to conform with N.J.S.A.
18A provisions).
2. Total years in New Brunswick.
3. Total years of teaching experience (Public School).
4. Highest degree attained.
5. Highest number of credits beyond degree.
6. Evaluation
The basis for evaluation is the tenure evaluation form currently used in the
district, assuming that said evaluation has been conducted by the same
administrator. Only the point totals on the bottom two (2) sections of the
evaluation will be tabulated for point preference. Those with the lowest point
total will be selected. If there is less than 5% variation between the point totals
of two (2) or more individuals, a panel of six (6) persons, three (3) selected by
the Association, and three (3) selected by the Board, will review the balance of
the evaluation. These evaluations will be reviewed on an anonymous basis.
The panel's decision will require a 2/3 secret ballot vote.
I. 1. Every employee applying for a school year position shall have his application
2. All postings for summer program positions will clearly state background
requirements, criteria for selection, job responsibilities/workshop expectations,
times, dates, and conditions. Postings will go up as far in advance as possible.
J. 1. The Board agrees to hire all part-time teachers on contract, with the exception of
Home/Supplemental teachers and Adult School teachers who will be paid
according to Schedule A (hourly rate). Adult School teachers who are hired
under contract will be paid pursuant to Schedule A.
Teachers who work half time or more will receive full benefits except those paid
on hourly rate.
2. The term half-time shall be defined as working under contract at least three hours
per day every day of the week or a total fifteen hours per week.
3. The Board agrees to permit all employees who receive less than half-time
contracts to receive full fringe benefits on the following basis. The person must
agree to pay his or her share toward fringe benefits, in which event the Board will
pay the remaining share. Any employee who is employed less than half-time and
elects to receive such benefits, must pay a share in reverse proportion to the
percentage of their employment, so that if a person is employed on a one-third
basis: such person must pay two-thirds of the cost of fringe benefits, and the
Board one-third of the cost. The election to receive such fringe benefits shall be
optional and reside in the employee, but if an employee determines that he or she
is not desirous of receiving fringe benefits, there will be no other benefit
provided instead.
4. Seniority for all certificated employees will be based according to Title 18A and
Article XI
A. The salaries for all personnel covered by this Agreement are set forth in the attached
Schedules A-P which are a part of this Agreement.
1. Upon the expiration of the 2012-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement there
will not be any advancement on the salary guide.
B. 1. Employees shall be paid in equal semi-monthly payments for the term of their
contracts. Payday shall be on the 15th and last working day of the month. If
schools are closed on the 15th, payday shall be on the last work day preceding
the 15th.
2. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend,
personnel shall receive their checks on the last previous working day.
3. All employees employed on a ten (10) month basis shall receive their final
checks and the pay schedule for the following year on the last working day in
June. Twelve month employees will receive their checks on the regular pay
C. 1. Employees hired in the New Brunswick School District beginning July 1, 1995
will be given longevity credit for work performed only in the New Brunswick
School District. Employees hired prior to July 1, 1995 will maintain their same
longevity credit. Also effective July 1, 1995 service increments will be granted
to all employees the month following the anniversary date of hire. The Personnel
Office will notify payroll and the employee thirty (30) days prior to the
employee’s anniversary date.
2. Service increments shall be based upon the provisions as set forth in Schedule P.
3. Verification shall be in the form of a report completed by the secretary of each
school district in which the employee formerly served and, in the case of military
service, a photo static copy of the employee's discharge record.
4. The records described in three (3) above shall be available for inspection by the
President of the Association when a request is made to the Superintendent of
Schools, and permission is granted by the respective employee.
5. a. An increment on the salary guide shall be granted if the teacher works 90
teaching days out of the total 180 teaching days. Other employees shall
be granted an increment if they have worked 50% of their contracted
b. Twelve month employees employed prior to February 1st shall move to
the next step of the salary guide the following July 1st.
6. a. An employee shall notify the Personnel Office when his/her educational
statuses on a salary guide changes. The notification shall include official
documentation such as transcript or degree from the employee's college
or university. All necessary documentation will be submitted by
November 1st for individuals requesting a status change for the first
academic semester, and by April 1
for the second academic semester.
b. The Personnel Office will forward the documentation of the status
change to the Board for action at its next public meeting.
D. Employees shall be paid according to their respective salary schedules.
E. Head teachers in elementary schools shall receive an additional salary of $500 per year
for the duration of this contract.
F. It shall be the objective of the parties to provide a career program appropriate for
secretaries that will enable them to enhance their performance and increase their earnings.
This contract provision shall remain open so that parties can meet as needed to draft a
plan to achieve this objective as soon as possible.
G. It shall be the objective of the parties to reduce the balloon step and change inner guide
steps to more competitive levels where considerable differences currently exist in any of
the salary schedules.
H. The practice of paying a $200 annual stipend to special education teachers shall be
discontinued effective the 1992-93 school year. (Anyone currently receiving this
payment will be grandfathered.)
I. When inclement weather forces the district to close on a regular school day, building and
maintenance staff are expected to report to work. When snow removal is completed
and/or the building is ready to open the next school day, building and maintenance
employees shall be dismissed by the Board Secretary or his/her designee. If school is
dismissed during a day because of inclement weather, custodial and maintenance
personnel will be dismissed by the Board Secretary.
J. If "serious" inclement weather or other emergency should strike during a holiday or
weekend, Building and/or Maintenance employees are expected to work to prepare the
building or grounds for opening the next regular school day. Building and/or
Maintenance employees reporting to work under such circumstances will be reimbursed
at the appropriate overtime rate of pay. Automobile use shall be compensated at the rate
stipulated by the State of New Jersey Department of the Treasury each year. The rate in
effect on July 1 of each year will be the rate for such compensation through the following
June 30.
K. The Board agrees to compensate any building employee assistant who must assume the
responsibility of a Head Custodian, forty dollars ($40) per day above their existing rate of
L. Secretaries who have been previously employed by the New Brunswick Public School
System shall upon their return be placed on the step salary level which they attained prior
to their resignation. However, nothing herein shall be mandated to rehire any secretary
who has resigned from the district's employ.
Article XII
A. If a change is made, employees shall be given written notice of their building and/or
subject assignments, and room assignments for the forthcoming year. Every effort shall
be made to provide this information before the summer recess.
B. Every effort should be made at signing of contract to assign each employee to the specific
position agreed upon. However, the Board has the right to reassign as the need presents
C. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building
assignments, or room assignments are proposed, the Association shall be notified
promptly in writing and, upon the request of the employee and the Association, the
changes shall be promptly reviewed between the Superintendent or the Superintendent's
representative and the employee affected, and, at the employee's option, a representative
of his/her choice, and a representative of the Association.
D. Employees who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire to
transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Personnel
Office no later than April 1. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to
which the employee desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he/she
desires to be transferred, in order of preference.
E. As soon as practicable but no later than the last day of the school year, the Superintendent
shall notify the applicants and send notice of all employees who have been reassigned or
transferred to the Association.
F. In the case of an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the administration shall meet with
the involved employee and shall inform him/her of the transfer or reassignment and of
available positions to which he/she may be transferred or reassigned and shall give
consideration to his/her choice among them.
G. Security Officers will be assigned security duty on school buses. One day’s notice shall
be given for such duty except in emergency. When Security Officers are assigned to ride
school buses for the health, safety, and welfare of the students or drivers, the Security
Officer will report to the transportation company’s terminal five minutes prior to the
departure time of the buses. Compensation relative to the bus security assignments will
be according to Article VII of this Agreement. When a Security Officer is required to
ride school buses, arrangements will be made for those individuals who are unable to
provide their own transportation to the bus terminal. This expense shall be the Board’s
Article XIII
A. Employees may notify the Superintendent at any time of their desire to be transferred or
reassigned. As a courtesy, the employee shall also submit a copy to his or her immediate
In those cases where vacancies can be filled by means of voluntary transfer or
reassignment, requests of qualified employees for voluntary transfer or reassignment to
such vacancies will be duly considered.
B. The Superintendent will inform the appropriate principal or supervisor of the employee's
request for transfer, and the principal or supervisor may interview the employee relative
to the reassignment. All applications will be reviewed and each applicant will be notified
of the final decision.
C. All candidates who are interviewed will be notified, within a reasonable time in writing,
whether their requests for transfer have been granted. The decision of the Superintendent
concerning this matter will be final.
D. All announcements of vacancies will be sent to the NBEA President and the NBEA
representative in each school for posting.
1. During the summer months, vacancies shall be posted in the Central Office, on
the Board of Education website and sent to the NBEA President.
2. Five (5) days after each monthly Board meeting the Superintendent shall notify
the Association of all employees who have been reassigned or transferred by
Article XIV
A. Promotional positions are defined as follows: Positions paying a salary differential
and/or positions on the administrator-supervisor levels.
1. The Superintendent will, at least two weeks prior to the closing application
deadline, forward notices of vacancies to the President of the Association and to
all Association Representatives who will post same.
2. All notices of vacancies will include qualifications for the position, its duties, and
rate of compensation.
B. All employees of the Board of Education are entitled to apply for advancement, if
qualified, to positions of increased remuneration and/or responsibility, within the school
C. Vacancies which occur, or positions to be filled during the summer months, shall be
posted in Central Office and a copy sent to the NBEA office. Any employee interested in
receiving notice of vacancies during the summer will leave a self-addressed envelope
with the Personnel Office before departing on summer vacation.
D. Each applicant not selected shall receive written notification from the Superintendent or
his/her designee.
E. Ten (10) days after the selection has been made, a copy of the successful applicant’s
name will be sent to the NBEA office.
Article XV
A. Certificated Employees
1. a. The primary purpose of the observation/evaluation of certificated
employees is to improve the instructional program of the school system.
Evaluation sessions with the individual employee should point out the
strengths and weaknesses of the employee and give specific suggestions
in the areas in which the certificated employee can improve.
b. Responsibility for observation/evaluation is assigned to the
Superintendent of Schools, the building principal and the supervisor or
department head.
c. Observations/evaluation of teachers shall be made individually or as a
team by the principal, supervisor or department head. A Pre-Evaluation
Conference shall be held at least three (3) days prior to the evaluation-
observation for non-tenured certificated staff. A conference after each
observation shall be held as soon as possible but in no case later than
nine (9) calendar days for all non-tenured teachers. A conference after
each observation shall be held as soon as possible but in no case later
than twelve (12) calendar days for all tenured teachers. The final written
observation shall be given to the teacher after the conference is held no
later than seven (7) calendar days after the conference.
d. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a certificated
employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the
certificated employee.
2. a. A minimum of three formal evaluation-observations shall be conducted
each year for non-tenured certificated employees, the first of which must
be conducted no later than December 1st of the school year, or thirty (30)
days after the date of hire if hired after the September opening of school.
The second must be conducted no later than January 31st. and the third
no later than March 15th. Every effort will be made to schedule each of
the three formal evaluation-observations at the mutual convenience of the
employee and the evaluator with the major consideration being to assist
the certificated employee in producing his/her best performance. A
minimum of five (5) days notice will be given to the certificated
employee prior to each of the scheduled formal evaluation-observations.
Each of these three evaluation-observations shall last a minimum of one
complete subject lesson, unless otherwise permitted by law.
b. At each of the formal evaluation-observation conferences the substance
of the observation or evaluation report shall be discussed, utilizing
reflective responses by the staff member evaluated to conferencing
questionnaires. Each of the participants in the conference shall sign the
final report once it has been completed indicating that he/she has read the
contents of the report. Each of the participants in the observation or
evaluation may retain a copy of the report for his or her personal file.
The employee may prepare a statement to be attached to the observation
and/or evaluation report.
c. Where there is disagreement of the teacher's evaluation-observation, it
shall be referred to the Superintendent's Office for further review and/or
d. A copy of formal evaluation-observation reports shall go into the
teacher's permanent record.
3. a. All tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least once each school year.
The evaluation-observation shall take place between October 1 - April
, and shall be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the certificated
employee and the evaluator. The evaluation-observation shall last a
minimum of one complete subject lesson, unless otherwise permitted by
law, and will be followed by a formal evaluation conference within
twelve (12) calendar days. The final written observation shall be given to
the teacher after the conference is held no later than 7 calendar days after
the conference.
b. At each of the formal evaluation-observation conferences the substance
of the observation or evaluation report shall be discussed, utilizing
reflective responses by the staff member evaluated to conferencing
questionnaires. Each of the participants in the conference shall sign the
final report once it has been completed indicating that he/she has read the
contents of the report. Each of the participants in the observation or
evaluation may retain a copy of the report for his or her personal file.
The employee may prepare a statement to be attached to the observation
and/or evaluation report.
c. If the tenured teacher and the evaluator agree on the contents of the
evaluation-observation report, then the certificated employee's evaluation
for the year is concluded. If the employee disagrees with the report, the
certificated employee may request, in writing, an additional evaluation-
observation which shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days. The
Superintendent may assign a different evaluator for the second
evaluation, if requested by the certificated employee. The procedure for
this evaluation-observation shall be the same as the initial evaluation.
d. The tenured teacher may prepare a statement to be attached to the
evaluation-observation report(s).
e. A copy of the formal evaluation-observation report(s) shall go into the
tenured teacher's permanent record.
f. Job description and criteria for the observation/evaluation of tenured
certificated employees will be developed by the Superintendent in
consultation with the Association. The Superintendent shall select an
appropriate procedure for said consultation which shall include a
minimum of five tenured certificated employees selected by the
4. a. A teacher shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of
his/her personnel file.
b. No material derogatory to teacher's conduct, service, character or
personality-except where it is confidential, such as medical, legal or
reference information-shall be placed in any personnel file unless the
teacher has had an opportunity to review the material. The certificated
employee shall have the right to submit a written answer to such
c. The Board agrees to protect the confidentiality of personal reference,
academic credentials and other similar documents. It shall not establish
any separate personnel file.
5. Final observation/evaluation of a teacher upon termination of employment shall
be concluded prior to severance.
6. The Association President shall be informed of those charges and circumstances
concerning an employee against whom action is contemplated or has been taken.
B. Non-Certified Staff
1. Non-certified staff with under three (3) years experience shall be evaluated at
least two (2) times each year. Non-certified staff with three (3) or more years
experience shall be evaluated at least one (1) time each year.
2. If two evaluations are needed, the first shall be no later than December 31, and
the second not later than May 15.
3. If only one evaluation is needed, it shall be made by May 15.
4. Non-certified staff shall receive a copy of each written evaluation.
5. Non-certified staff shall be provided two (2) school days to review the evaluation
with the right of rebuttal, which may be oral or written. If written, it shall be
attached to the evaluation.
6. No material derogatory to non-certified staff members conduct, service, character
or personality – except where it is confidential, such as medical, legal or
reference information shall be placed in any personnel file unless the employee
has had an opportunity to review the material.
7. Non-certified staff shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of
their personnel files.
8. The appropriate evaluation instrument, developed with input from the
Association, will be used.
9. Employees will have the opportunity to review and respond to all materials
placed in their personnel files.
10. Employees shall have the right, upon request, to review their personnel files.
C. The Administration and the Association will jointly review the evaluation instrument as
Article XVI
A. To the extent possible, taking into consideration the availability of space, funds, and
facilities, the Board will provide facilities for employees such as the following:
1. Storage space for materials and supplies, desk, chair, and filing cabinet, as
appropriate to the position, chalkboards, bulletin boards, books, teaching
manuals, paper, pencils, pens, chalk erasers, and easy access to audio-visual
materials and equipment, closet space, a preparation area, storage for personal
articles, rest rooms, lounge, and vending machines.
2. It is the intent of the Board to keep buildings clean and in good repair.
3. Employees will be given keys to their rooms and work areas as determined by the
Principal or Superintendent.
Article XVII
A. 1. The Association shall form a Liaison Committee for each school building.
2. The School Building Liaison Committee shall meet at regular intervals
throughout the school year and as the need arises with the building principal.
3. The School Building Liaison Committee shall review local school problems and
practices, make known the views of the employees to the principal, and play an
active role with the principal in the revision or development of building policies.
B. The Superintendent shall be available to meet monthly with the Association
representative(s) to review and discuss current school problems and practices and the
administration of this Agreement.
Article XVIII
A. 1. All twelve (12) month employees who start July 1 are entitled to eleven (11) sick
days per school year and all ten (10) month employees who start at the beginning
of the school year in September are entitled to ten (10) sick leave days per school
year whether or not they report for duty on those days.
2. Employees who start after July 1 (twelve (12) month employees) or the first day
of school in September (ten (10) month employees) shall be entitled to one sick
leave day for each month or fraction thereof they worked but not to exceed
eleven (11) days or ten (10) days respectively for the school year.
3. Employees who resign or who are granted a leave of absence without pay, with
the exception of leaves granted without pay for illnesses, will be credited only
with one (1) sick leave day per month for every month or fraction thereof
4. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year-to-year with no
maximum limit.
5. The estate of any ten (10) month employee who dies during the school year
(September 1 to June 30) will be paid all accumulated sick leave days and
personal days, including the current year entitlement. This provision does not
apply to employees hired after May 21, 2010 who are only eligible for payment
at the time of retirement from a State or locally administered retirement system
per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
6. The estate of any ten (10) month employee who dies in July or August will be
credited only with accumulated sick leave days on record the previous June 30th.
This provision does not apply to employees hired after May 21, 2010 who are
only eligible for payment at the time of retirement from a State or locally
administered retirement system per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
7. The estate of any twelve (12) month employee who dies during the twelve (12)
month school year (July 1 to June 30) will be paid all accumulated sick leave
days and personal days, including the current year entitlement. This provision
does not apply to employees hired after May 21, 2010 who are only eligible for
payment at the time of retirement from a State or locally administered retirement
system per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
8. Employees retiring during the school year after the first semester for ten (10)
month employees and after six (6) months for twelve (12) month employees who
are eligible to receive a pension under TPAF or PERS within two (2) years of
termination of employment will be paid all accumulated sick leave days
including days as indicated.
B. Certified employees shall be paid the difference between their pay and that of the
substitute when accumulated sick leave has been used up, upon approval of the Board.
Non-certificated employees shall be paid the difference between their pay and that of the
substitute when accumulated sick leave has been used up, upon approval of the Board.
When a substitute is not hired, the non-certificated employee may be entitled to twenty
(20) percent of their contracted daily rate of pay for each day approved by the Board.
The decision of the Board shall be based upon the criteria established by the Board in its
policy concerning this matter and each case will be judged on its individual merits.
C. Employees shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days as soon as
possible in September of each school year.
D. 1. The Board of Education agrees to retirement leave pay for employees at the rate
of $80.00 per accumulated sick day for those that retire in the TPAF and $55.00
per accumulated sick day for those that retire in the PERS. To be considered for
this benefit, the employee must be eligible to receive retirement pay under TPAF
or PERS within two (2) years of termination of employment. Employees
represented by this Agreement shall not receive more than $20,000 under this
provision. Employees hired after May 21, 2010 shall not receive more than
Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars for unused and accumulated sick leave at
retirement per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
2. All retiring employees who receive $1500 or more in retirement leave pay must
participate in the Employer Contribution Plan. The employee must be enrolled in
403B Tax Annuity Fund prior to retirement date. The single payment to the
Annuity Fund, by the New Brunswick Board of Education, shall be made within
two (2) months of retirement. The district cannot make a payment to an
employer contribution plan after the employee passes away.
3. All retiring employees who receive less than $1,500 in retirement cannot
participate in the Employer Contribution Plan (403B). The single monetary
payment to the employee, by the New Brunswick Board of Education, shall be
made within two (2) months of retirement.
This provision shall be in accordance with all Federal regulations as they
currently exist or may be changed in the future.
4. An employee who passes away during the course of his/her employment with the
Board of Education shall have his/her accumulated sick leave, including personal
days and vacation days benefit, paid to his/her estate (See A.4-7). This provision
does not apply to employees hired after May 21, 2010 who are only eligible for
payment at the time of retirement from a State or locally administered retirement
system per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
5. Employees who are RIF’D after twenty (20) years service in the district are
entitled to the above benefits. This provision does not apply to employees hired
after May 21, 2010 who are only eligible for payment at the time of retirement
from a State or locally administered retirement system per NJSA 18A:30-3.5.
E. Employees are encouraged to notify the Board Secretary eighteen (18) months prior to
their date of retirement. This information will be held in strictest confidence.
F. When the Board requires an employee to take X-rays, the Board shall pay for said X-
Article XIX
A. Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of
absence with full pay each school year:
1. Three (3) days leave of absence for personal business, serious family illness,
serious household or family matters which require absence during school hours.
Notification to the employee's immediate supervisor for personal leave shall be
made five (5) days before the taking of such leave, except in cases of
emergencies. The employee shall not be required to state the reason for taking
such leave other than that it is being taken under this section. The Board reserves
the right to request reasons, in writing, for taking emergency days. Consecutive
personal days or personal days prior to or after a holiday, will not be granted
except at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools. Employees requesting
such days will be required to state reasons.
2. Two (2) days for professional staff and one (1) for non-professionals with the
approval of the Superintendent for the purpose of visiting and observing work
related methods in other school districts, or to attend meetings or conferences of
an educational or work related nature in addition to those listed in Section A,
Paragraph 3.
3. Two (2) days for six representatives of the Association to attend conferences and
conventions of state and national affiliated organizations.
4. Time necessary for appearance in any legal proceeding connected with the
employee's employment or with the school system. In any other legal proceeding
where the employee is required by subpoena to attend, not to exceed one (1) day
per school year.
5. Time required for jury duty.
6. Five (5) days at any one time in the event of death of an employee's spouse, ex-
spouse where minor children are involved, civil union, child, parent/legal
guardian, brother, sister and/or any other relative living in the household.
7. Three (3) days at any one time in the event of death of an employee's son-in-law,
daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
grandparents or friend domiciled in the home.
8. One (1) day per year in the event of death of a friend. One (1) day in the event of
death of a relative outside the employee's immediate family as defined above. In
the event of the death of an employee or student in the New Brunswick school
district, an immediate supervisor shall arrange sufficient time off so as many
employees as possible can attend the funeral.
9. Time necessary for persons called into temporary duty of any Reserve or
National Guard shall be paid the difference between their pay and their military
pay not to exceed two weeks a year.
10. Time granted by the Board for other reasons.
B. Leaves taken pursuant to Section A above shall be in addition to any sick leave to which
the employee is entitled.
C. Unused personal days will be added to the employee's accumulated sick leave.
D. Vacations: Building and Maintenance Employees
Building and maintenance employees' vacations shall be granted according to the
following schedules:
a. Less than one year one day per two (2) months employment
b. One - five years two weeks
c. Six - ten years three weeks
d. Eleven years and up four weeks
e. After twenty years four weeks and two days
f. After twenty-five years four weeks and four days
g. After thirty years five weeks
Items e., f., and g., do not apply to employees hired after July 1, 1995.
All vacation time requested shall be subject to review and approval by the Building
Principal and the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, which approval shall not be
arbitrarily denied. The decision to approve or not approve the request shall balance the
needs of the district with the interests of the employee.
Employees shall take their vacations during the school year. If job responsibilities
interfere, unused vacation days may be carried over so that no vacation days are lost.
Notification of carryover of vacation days recorded and copy to employee by June 30.
E. Vacations: Twelve Month Secretaries and Clerks
1. After completing one full year of employment: 2 weeks
2. After completing two full years of employment: 4 weeks
3. Twelve (12) month personnel, if not employed a full year at vacation time, will
be entitled to one (1) working day per month of employment, not to exceed nine
(9) working days.
4. Twelve (12) month personnel if employed over a full year at vacation time will
be entitled to two (2) full weeks plus one (1) additional working day per two
months beyond their first anniversary date, but not to exceed a total of five (5)
additional working days, or three (3) full weeks’ vacation.
5. Twelve (12) month secretaries who have worked two (2) or more years will not
lose their four (4) weeks of vacation time if transferred back to ten (10) month
and then transferred back to a twelve (12) month position.
. 6. A ten (10) month secretary with three (3) years experience in the district will be
entitled to two (2) weeks’ vacation when transferred over to a twelve (12) month
7. Vacations will normally be taken during the summer months. Vacations will not
be taken at any other time during the school year without the permission of the
Superintendent of Schools. If job responsibilities interfere, unused vacation days
may be carried over so that no vacation days are lost.
F. Vacations: IT Support Specialists
1. After completing one full year of employment: 2 weeks
2. After completing two full years of employment: 4 weeks
3. Twelve (12) month personnel, if not employed a full year at vacation time, will
be entitled to one (1) working day per month of employment, not to exceed nine
(9) working days.
4. Twelve (12) month personnel if employed over a full year at vacation time will
be entitled to two (2) full weeks plus one (1) additional working day per two
months beyond their first anniversary date, but not to exceed a total of five (5)
additional working days, or three (3) full weeks’ vacation.
5. IT Support Specialist staff hired before July 1, 2005 will maintain 4 weeks’
vacation, regardless of years of employment. If job responsibilities interfere,
unused vacation days may be carried over.
6. All vacation time requested shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Supervisor of Technology, which approval will not be arbitrarily denied. The
decision to approve or not approve the request shall balance the needs of the
district with the interest of the employee.
G. Holiday Schedule (Building and Maintenance and IT Support Specialists)
Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Day Day before New Year’s
Columbus Day New Year’s Day
Veterans Day Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday
Thanksgiving Day Washington's Birthday
Day after Thanksgiving Good Friday
Day before Christmas Memorial Day
Article XX
A. 1. The Board agrees that up to three (3) employees designated by the Association
shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to two (2)
years for the purpose of engaging in activities of the Association or its affiliates.
2. Upon request, one of the leaves may be extended two (2) years for a total of four
(4) years.
B. A leave of absence without pay of up to two (2) years shall be granted to any employee
who joins the Peace Corps, Vista, Teacher Corps, or serves as an exchange teacher or
teaches in a foreign country, or territory of the US and is a full time participant in either
of such programs or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship, or any other grant or scholarship.
Upon expiration of the leave, the employee agrees to return to the district and serve in the
district for a period of time equal to the duration of the leave.
C. 1. Military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted or
enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of
said induction or initial enlistments.
2. The spouse or civil union of any employee who is on overseas military
assignment shall be granted two (2) years military leave upon request without
D. An employee shall, upon request, receive a leave without pay of up to two (2) years for
the purpose of child-rearing.
E. A leave of absence without pay of up to two (2) years shall be granted to an employee for
the purpose of caring for a sick member of the employee's immediate family or civil
F. Any employee who shall have completed seven (7) years of employment for the New
Brunswick Public Schools, shall, upon request, receive an unpaid leave of absence for a
period of one (1) academic year, but not for the purpose of accepting other employment.
G. Maternity
This Article shall conform with the Order of the New Jersey Division of Civil Rights
effective March 23, 1973, and should be added to Article XXII of the Agreement. The
terms of the order are as follows:
1. The Board shall not discriminate against any person in violation of the Law
against Discrimination.
2. The Board shall not maintain or enforce any policy or practice for removal of any
tenured or non-tenured employee from her duties that is based solely on the fact
of pregnancy or a specific number of months of pregnancy but shall consider and
treat each employee on an individual basis.
3. The Board may remove any pregnant employee from her duties on any one of the
following bases:
a. Performance - Her performance has substantially declined from the time
immediately prior to her pregnancy.
b. Physical Incapacity - Her physical condition or capacity is such that her
health would be impaired if she were to continue employment, and which
physical incapacity shall be deemed to exist only if:
(i) The pregnant employee fails to produce a certification from her
physician that she is medically able to continue working, or
(ii) The Board of Education's physician and the employee’s
physician agree that she cannot continue working, or
(iii) Following any difference of medical opinion between the
Board's physician and the employee's physician, the Board
requests expert consultation in which case the Local County
Medical Society shall appoint an impartial third physician who
shall examine the employee and whose medical opinion shall be
conclusive and binding on the issue of medical capacity to
continue working. The expenses of any examination by an
impartial third physician under this paragraph shall be shared
equally by the employee and the Board.
c. Just Cause - any other "just cause" as defined in N.J.S.A.
Title 18A.
4. The Board shall grant leaves of absence for medical reasons associated with
pregnancy and birth to pregnant employees on the same terms and conditions
governing leaves of absence for other illness or medical disabilities, as set forth
in N.J.S.A.
18A:30-1, et seq. and the rules, regulations, policy statements and
collective negotiations agreements entered into by the Board, except as otherwise
provided herein.
a. Upon reasonable notice, any tenured or non-tenured employee seeking a
leave of absence on the basis of medical reasons associated with
pregnancy or birth shall apply to the Board for said leave at any time
prior to birth. At the time of application, which shall be made upon
reasonable notice to the Board, the employee shall specify in writing the
date on which she wishes to commence leave and the date on which she
wishes to return to work after birth. The Board may require any
employee to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the
requested leave dates provided that if the Board's physician is in
disagreement, the conflict of medical opinion shall be resolved as set out
in paragraph 3b (iii) of this order. Where medical opinion is supportive
of the leave dates requested, such requested leave shall be granted by the
Board, except that the Board may change the requested dates upon a
finding that the grant of a leave for those dates would substantially
interfere with the administration of the school and provided that such
date change by the Board is not medically contraindicated. Following
the grant of such leave to any employee, the commencement or
termination dates thereof may be further extended or reduced for medical
reasons upon application by the employee to the Board. Such extension
or reduction shall be granted by the Board for an additional reasonable
period of time, except that the Board may alter the requested dates upon
a finding that such extension or reduction would substantially interfere
with the administration of the school, and provided that such date change
by the Board is not medically contraindicated. The Board may require
any employee to produce a certificate from the physician in support of
the extension or reduction of requested leave dates provided that if the
Board's physician is in disagreement, the conflict of medical opinion
shall be resolved as set out in paragraph 3b (iii) of this order.
b. The Board need not grant or extend the leave of absence of any non-
tenured employee beyond the end of the contract school year in which
the leave is obtained. An employee returning from pregnancy leave of
absence shall be entitled to all benefits to which employees returning
from other types of sick or disability leaves would be entitled.
c. No tenured or non-tenured employee shall be barred from returning to
work after the birth of her child solely on the ground that there has not
been a stated or prescribed lapse of time between that birth and her
desired date of return except as provided in this order. Nothing
contained in this paragraph shall be construed to preclude the Board from
requiring any employee after birth of her child to produce a certificate
from her physician showing that she is physically capable of resuming
her duties, provided that if the Board's physician is in disagreement, that
conflict or medical opinion shall be resolved in the same manner as is set
out in paragraph 3b (iii) of this order.
Nothing contained in this order shall be construed to require the Board to
grant tenure to any non-tenured employee who would not have been
granted tenure in the absence of this order or to offer a new contract for a
new school year to any non-tenured employees who would not have been
offered such a contract in the absence of this order.
Said leave shall terminate from one (1) to twelve (12) months after the
birth of the child and may be extended for a second year upon request of
the employee if such request is made by March 1st of the preceding
school year.
Any employee adopting an infant child may receive similar leave which
shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of the child.
5. Paternity (personal) leave without pay shall be granted to male employees
paralleling maternity leaves granted to female employees as in G.1.4 above.
a. The employee may take a personal leave, without pay, to care for his/her
pregnant spouse as in G.1.4, G.1.4a, G.1.4b, G.1.4c.
b. The employee may extend his/her personal leave as in paragraph G.1.4c
third subsection.
c. The above provisions shall be in addition to section D. of this article.
d. Personal leave without pay shall be granted to civil unions paralleling
maternity leave granted to female employees as in G.1.4 above.
H. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board.
I. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section A1, B or C1 of this Article, an
employee shall be considered as if he/she were actively employed by the Board during
leave and shall be placed upon the salary schedule at the level he/she would have
achieved if he/she had not been absent, provided, however, that time spent on said leave
shall not count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure. An
employee shall not receive increment credit for time spent on leave granted pursuant to
Section A2, C2, D, E, F, G, and H of this Article, nor shall such time count toward the
fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure.
J. All benefits to which employees were entitled at the time their leave of absence
commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical
eligibility, shall be restored to the employee upon his/her return, and he/she shall be
assigned to the same position which he/she held at the time said leave commenced, if
available, or if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
Article XXI
Sabbatical leave is designed to maintain and improve educational services. It is an opportunity
made available to teachers to improve themselves so that they may better serve the students of the
New Brunswick school system.
Sabbatical Leave Review Council
A. Sabbatical Leave Review Council shall be appointed by the Board of Education and shall
consist of the following persons who will serve for two year terms from the date of
1. Two members selected from a list submitted by the New Brunswick Education
2. The Superintendent of New Brunswick schools or another administrator
recommended by him.
3. A member of the Board of Education.
B. The Council shall have the following duties:
1. To organize such procedures as may be required to implement this policy.
2. To devise the application form.
3. To invite applications.
4. To review applications.
5. To interview applicants when necessary.
6. To recommend deserving applicants to the Board of Education and to state the
7. To communicate with unsuccessful candidates the evaluation of their proposals
when requested.
8. To receive the report of the completed Sabbatical Leave.
a. To transmit copies to the Board of Education.
b. To acquaint the staff with the report, if desirable.
The applicant must be a certificated employee who has completed seven (7) years of professional
services in the New Brunswick School System.
A. Study at the graduate level.
B. Planned research.
C. An organized plan of travel and study, individual or group.
D. An internship with an agency or institution.
E. Other purposes directly connected to the service being performed.
A. All applicants must submit a proposal of the program they intend to pursue with a
statement of the anticipated benefits to themselves and to the school system.
B. The application must be submitted by December 1
. of the year preceding the proposed
C. The application shall clearly demonstrate a program of consequence that is achievable
within the limits of the leave.
D. Persons who apply for a sabbatical leave shall submit with the application a $100
application fee. Those not receiving leave shall have the fee returned. Persons who
receive the leave will have the fee returned upon presentation of their report to the
Sabbatical Review Council.
1. New Brunswick Board of Education
a. During the year in which successful applicants are on one-half year sabbatical
leave, the Board will pay them one half of their one half year's contracted salary.
b. All fringe benefits shall accrue to the successful applicants as if they were daily
employed within the system.
c. Payroll deductions shall be made as if the successful applicants were daily
employed within the system.
d. Upon return from leave, successful applicants shall be considered as if they
were continuously present, and shall be placed upon the salary guide at the
level they would have achieved if they had not been absent.
e. Time spent on sabbatical leave shall count towards service increments.
f. Definition: "Full, current contracted salary" means level and step on the salary
guide concurrent with the year of the sabbatical leave. This definition excludes
all income classified as extra pay for extra service.
2. The Successful Applicant
a. The successful applicant shall agree to return to work within the system for two
(2) years following the termination of the Sabbatical Leave or shall repay the
amount paid the professional by the Board during the leave.
b. The successful applicant shall issue a report of his/her program to the
Sabbatical Leave Review Council no later than three (3) months following the
termination of the leave.
c. Any person who does not complete the program described in his/her Sabbatical
Leave application will appear before the Sabbatical Leave Review Council. If
adequate information or reasons are not supplied to the satisfaction of the
Council, he/she will be required to reimburse the Board the amount paid the
professional by the Board during the leave.
Numbers and Terms of Awards
1. Unanimous agreement of the Council will determine the number of awards, but the
number will not exceed two during each school year.
2. No two awards will be granted to persons in the same building, except in special
circumstances such as the high school where no two awards will be granted to persons
in the same department.
Notice of Award
The Sabbatical Leave Review Council will meet no later than January 31
and notice to all
applicants will be made no later than March 1
Article XXII
A. In our rapidly changing society, teachers must constantly review curricular content,
teaching methods and materials, educational philosophy and goals, social change and
other topics related to education. The Board recognizes that it shares with its
professional staff responsibility for the upgrading and updating of professional
performance and attitudes. The Board and the Association support the principle of
continuing training and improvement of instruction.
B. The Board agrees to implement the following:
1. The sum of $210,000 will be budgeted for Professional Development for the next
three (3) years, $70,000 for each year. Persons eligible for this benefit must be
employed by the Board of Education for at least two years. The yearly sum will
be divided in equal amounts for 4 semesters paralleling the district fiscal year.
Applicants may receive payment for up to (3) credits per semester. If an
applicant has already received payment in an earlier semester in one fiscal year,
he/she will not then be considered in a later semester until those who have never
received a payment are paid first. A letter of intent must be sent to the Personnel
Office within the following timelines to reserve a place on the waiting list and
must state when the last day of the course will be:
Summer Semester – May – June 1
Fall Semester – August 1 – September 1
Spring Semester – December 1 – January 1
Summer Semester 2 April 1-May 1
The Personnel Office will assign individuals an exact number and send a letter of
confirmation to each person. A paid-in-full term bill and the grade must be
submitted to the Personnel Office within 30 days of the completion of the course.
The following is the semester timelines and dollar amounts:
$6,000 Summer Session 1- Course must begin after 6/30 and end before 8/31
$30,000 Fall Semester - Course must begin after 8/31 and end before 12/31
$30,000 Spring Semester – Course must begin after 12/31 and end before May
$4,000 Summer Semester 2 - Course must begin after April 30 and end before
July 1
Reimbursement will be made at the following times:
Summer Semester 1 - In September
Fall Semester - In January
Spring Semester - In June
Summer Semester 2 - In July/August
The list shall be posted in the New Brunswick Public Schools Website.
If at the end of the budgeted year there is a balance of funds remaining, the
amount will be divided equally among those who took more than nine credits.
Payment shall be based on fee per charge by state colleges and universities.
2. The Board will submit information indicating disbursements under this Article to
the Association by August 1
3. To qualify under Section B-1 of this Article, a teacher must notify the Personnel
Office no later than June 1
. of the courses taken and the total number of credits
expected to be earned during the current school year with a paid-in-full term bill.
4. A school year will run from July 1
. through June 30
5. Reimbursement will be made to the individual teacher as soon as possible after
proof of successful completion of courses taken has been submitted to the
Personnel Office.
C. The Board agrees to develop an in-service training program for salary credit.
1. Employees who successfully complete college in-service training for salary
credit shall be granted salary credit.
2. Proposals will be submitted by the Association or individual members to the
Board through the Superintendent for approval for in-service salary credit. The
Board must act on the proposal within thirty (30) days after submission to the
D. To enable employees to upgrade and update their performance, the Board agrees to
reimburse non-certificated employees for successful completion of courses taken
according to the following agreement:
1. The sum of $24,000 will be budgeted for Professional Development for the next
3 years, $8,000 for each year. Persons eligible for this benefit must be employed
by the Board of Education for at least two (2) years. The yearly sum will be
divided in equal amounts for 4 semesters paralleling the district fiscal year.
Applicants may receive payment for up to (3) credits per semester. If an
applicant has already received payment in an earlier semester in one fiscal year,
he/she will not then be considered in a later semester until those who have never
received a payment are paid first. A letter of intent must be sent to the Personnel
Office within the following timelines to reserve a place on the waiting list and
must state when the last day of the course will be:
Summer Semester – May 1 – June 1
Fall Semester – August 1 – September 1
Spring Semester – December 1 – January 1
Summer Semester 2 - April 1 - May 1
The Personnel Office will assign individuals an exact number and send a letter of
confirmation to each person. A paid-in-full term bill and the grade must be
submitted to the Personnel Office within 30 days of the completion of the course.
Those who have submitted the proper paperwork may not exceed three (3) credits
per semester.
The following is the semester timelines and dollar amounts:
$1,500 Summer Session 1 - Course must begin after 6/30 and end before 8/31
$2,500 Fall semester - Course must begin after 8/31 and end before 12/31
$2,500 Spring Semester – Course must begin after 12/31 and end before May
$1,500 Summer Semester 2 - Course must begin after April 30 and end before
July 1
Reimbursement will be made at the following times:
Summer Semester 1 - In September
Fall Semester - In January
Spring Semester - In June
Summer Semester 2 - In July/August
The list shall be posted in the New Brunswick Public Schools Website.
If at the end of the budgeted year there is a balance of funds remaining, the
amount will be divided equally among those who took more than nine credits.
Payment shall be based on fee per charge by state colleges and universities.
2. All courses taken for educational improvement shall first be approved by the
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel.
3. Reimbursement will be made to the non-certificated employee as soon as
possible after proof of successful completion of courses taken has been submitted
to the Personnel Office. Courses may be taken under the auspices of union
training, technical schools, or institutes and similar organizations.
E. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of registration fees and other reasonable expenses
incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training
sessions or other such sessions which a certificated employee attends as a part of his/her
continuing education plan and/or is required and/or requested to attend by the
administration. Such expenses shall include, but are not limited to, registration fees,
transportation, materials and lodging. Reimbursement under this paragraph is subject to
the availability of funds in each building’s professional development account.
F. All programs conducted by the district outside the certificated employee’s workday, work
year, or during the summer shall be voluntary and compensated at the hourly rate set
forth in Schedule A.
G. Any teacher employed by the Board of Education as a consultant for an in-district in-
service program will be paid $110 per hour for each hour of the presentation. Any
additional presentations are limited to one (1) hour of payment.
H. The district will provide each certificated employee with an accounting of his/her
accumulated professional development hours in October of each school year. Any
discrepancies between the district’s and certificated employees records should be noted to
the Personnel Office within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Board records by the
Article XXIII
A. The Board of Education agrees that whenever possible (in accordance with availability of
personnel and availability of funds) it will hire only certificated personnel for emergency
B. The Board of Education will continue to maintain a list of all available substitutes who
meet the County Superintendent's standards for certification.
C. The Board will always provide substitutes whenever they are needed if substitute
personnel are available.
Article XXIV
A. The Board shall endeavor to protect employees, students, and property from physical
injury and shall do everything within its power to insure safe conditions in the schools.
B. All Board vehicles and equipment including trucks and snow plows shall have a program
of regular maintenance and inspection. No school employee shall be required to work on,
in or about vehicles and equipment which have not been maintained and inspected
regularly. Appropriate safety equipment shall be available on all Board equipment.
C. The Board will assume responsibility for having the appropriate city agency provide
crossing guards at all hazardous crossings.
D. A committee shall be formed consisting of five (5) members appointed by the
Association and five (5) members appointed by the Board. The committee shall be
charged with the drawing of policy to be submitted to the Board for approval regarding:
1. Protection of students, employees and property.
2. Disposition of socially and emotionally maladjusted students.
3. Procedure regarding students with juvenile and/or criminal records, narcotics
users, and students carrying or possessing dangerous weapons.
4. Grievance channels parent/student.
It is agreed that each meeting shall have a rotating chairperson and that the Board shall
provide clerical help as needed. It is further agreed that the committee shall be provided
with the necessary research materials upon request and that its recommendations shall not
be unreasonably denied.
E. In event of litigation, civil or criminal, the Board will extend to its employees all of the
protection afforded by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey, in particular the following:
1. N.J.S.A.
Whenever any civil action has been or shall be brought against any person
holding any office, position or employment under the jurisdiction of any board of
education, including any student teacher, for any act or omission arising out of
and in the course of the performance of duties as such office, position,
employment or student teaching, the board shall defray all costs of defending
such action, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses together with costs
of appeal, if any, and shall save harmless and protect such person from any
financial loss resulting there from; and said Board may arrange for and maintain
appropriate insurance to cover all such damages, losses and expenses.
2. N.J.S.A.
Should any criminal action be instituted against any such person for any such act
of omission and should such proceeding be dismissed or result in a final
disposition in favor of such person, the Board of Education shall reimburse
him/her for the cost of defending such proceeding, including reasonable counsel
fees and expenses of the original hearing or trial and all appeals.
F. If the employees desire to institute any legal proceedings as a result of occurrences
arising in the scope of their employment, the Board will render such legal assistance to
the employees as it deems necessary.
Article XXV
A. All summer positions shall be posted.
B. Priority for hiring.
1. New Brunswick employees who plan to return to the school system in the
subsequent September.
2. New Brunswick employees beginning their careers in the subsequent September.
3. School employees from other districts.
4. New Brunswick teachers who do not plan to return to the school system in the
subsequent September.
C. Summer Adult Education programs shall be contracted on a basis equal to the
compensation received by personnel in the academic summer high school.
D. Employees must indicate in writing to the Personnel Office when they are available
during the summer months and the positions in which they have interest.
E. Vacancies which occur or positions to be filled during the summer months shall be posted
in Central Office and a copy sent to the NBEA office.
F. Employees not selected for a summer position who are interested in being notified of any
positions during the summer will leave a self-addressed envelope with the Personnel
Office prior to departing for the summer vacation.
G. Summer school teachers shall have a ten minute break every teaching day.
H. Should a ten (10) month secretary have to work during the summer to do any task related
to their job, said days shall be considered to be paid at their regular daily hourly rate of
I. When work is available during the summer, ten (10) month secretaries will be
approached by April 1st or as soon as possible after the matter is known so they can make
summer plans appropriately should they desire to accept.
J. Security Officers, Head Nurse, and Staff Development Leader summer work shall be
paid at the prorated salary.
Article XXVI
Health Care Insurance
A. The Board shall provide health-care insurance protection according to the agreed policy
as attached hereto as Schedules R, S, and T.
Effective July 1, 2010, and thereafter, employees shall contribute one and one half (1.5%)
percent of their salary toward the cost of health benefits.
Any employee who waives coverage shall not contribute toward the cost of health
Effective July 1, 2010, the Board shall have in effect and IRS Section 125 Plan.
B. The Board shall provide a Paid Prescription Insurance Plan in accordance with
Schedule S.
C. Employees hired after July 1, 2007 can enroll in either of the Point of Service (POS)
plans and may change only between these two plans during the designated, annual open
enrollment period.
Effective July 1, 2011, all eligible employees shall move from the traditional health
benefits plan to the Point of Service Plan (“POS”) or any other plan in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
An eligible employee may chose to purchase the Traditional Plan at a cost to the
employee equal to the difference between the Traditional Plan and the plan the employee
was previously enrolled in.
D. Effective July 1, 2007, no employee can be insured as both an employee and a dependent
under any of the healthcare plans sponsored by the Board. Such employee is entitled to a
waiver bonus.
E. Any employee who voluntarily waives medical and prescription drug coverage shall be
entitled to a waiver bonus of:
Family to Parent/Child(ren) or
Husband/Wife to Single: $1000
Family to Single or
Husband/Wife to no coverage: $1500
Family to no coverage $2,500
The waiver bonus shall be paid in equal installments over a calendar year period. In
order to qualify for the waiver bonus, the employee must provide satisfactory proof of
coverage under another employer-sponsored healthcare plan. All employees who waive
coverage will be able to return immediately to the plan they left if/when other insurance
becomes unavailable to them. Employees who voluntarily rescind their waiver and did
not lose other coverage may only re-enroll at the Board’s next open enrollment.
Any employee hired on or after July 1, 2007 who waives coverage, then subsequently
either loses the other coverage or rescinds his/her waiver, may only enroll in either of the
two POS plans according to the terms noted in the above paragraph.
F. Employees hired prior to July 1, 2007 may change between any of the Board sponsored
Plans only during the designated open enrollment period.
G. All retired employees may purchase health insurance, or parts of the package, through the
Board’s group policies at the current rates. This option must be elected within two (2)
years of the employee’s retirement date.
H. If an employee uses all his/her sick days and is accordingly off the payroll, insurance
coverage will continue for the balance of the month when payroll termination occurred.
In addition, the Board will provide one month's insurance coverage for employee beyond
this month. After this time, it is the employee's responsibility to convert or maintain
his/her insurance per policy language.
I. If the Board receives information that it is legally permissible to self-insure, the
Association agrees, if requested by the Board, to re-open negotiations on the
possibility of self-insurance. Anything negotiated is subject to ratification by both
Article XXVII
The Board and the Association shall establish a joint study committee to study books and other
instructional materials and supplies.
Article XXVIII
A. Association Dues
1. The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees, dues for the
United Teaching profession which encompasses the New Brunswick Education
Association, the Middlesex County Education Association, the New Jersey
Education Association and the National Education Association, provided said
employees authorize the deductions. Such deductions shall be made in
compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (NJSA 52:14-15 9E, and as
amended), and under rules established by the State Department of Education.
Said monies, together with records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to the
treasurer of the New Brunswick Education Association by the 15th of each
month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The
Association treasurer shall disburse such moneys to the appropriate association or
associations. Authorizations shall be in writing on the form as provided.
2. Each of the Associations named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the
current rate of its membership dues. Any association which shall change the rate
of its membership dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective
date of such change.
3. Additional authorizations for dues deduction may be received after August 1st
under rules established by the State Department of Education.
4. The filing of notice of an employee's withdrawal shall become effective to halt
deductions as of January 1
. or July 1st. next succeeding the date on which notice
of withdrawal is filed.
B. Payroll Savings Plan
The Board agrees to deduct from employees' salaries a fixed monthly sum as authorized
by the employee.
1. New employees shall be given the opportunity to join the program upon
employment by the Board.
2. Current employees desiring to join the program may do so in July or January.
3. All employees may discontinue the program by written notice to the Board
payroll clerk in July or January.
C. Tax Sheltered Annuities
The Board agrees to deduct from employees' salaries a fixed monthly sum as authorized
by the employee on a deduction authorization card and forward such sum to the tax-
sheltered annuities representative, firm or company as specified on the authorization card
(above) by the 15th of each month.
1. New employees shall be given the opportunity to join the program upon
employment by the Board.
2. Current employees may join the program at any time.
3. All employees may discontinue the program by written notice to the Tax Shelter.
D. Savings Bond Program
The Board agrees to deduct from employees' salaries a fixed monthly sum as authorized
by the employee for the purchase of US Savings Bonds.
E. Credit Union
The Board agrees to deduct from employees' salaries a fixed monthly sum as authorized
by the employee on a deduction authorization card and forward such sum to the Southern
Middlesex County Federal Teachers' Credit Union.
F. Electronic Transfer of Wages
The Board agrees to implement the system of automatic deposit of net wages. Beginning
July 1, 1993, all employees will be entitled to this service. All requirements established
by the Board's local bank relative to data needed, pre-notification etc. will be followed.
Employees may automatically transfer their net base on each pay day to one bank and
into one account. The Board shall be given permission to debit or credit the identified
account two days prior to and including pay day. Once the option is taken the employee
cannot change until the following July 1st.
Article XXIX
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership
year (i.e., from September 1st to the following August 31st) which is covered in whole or
in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to
the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the
employee's per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority
B. Amount of Fee
1. Notification
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the
Board in writing of the amount of regular membership dues, initiation fees and
assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership
year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be determined by
the Association in accordance with the law.
2. Legal Maximum
In order to adequately offset the per capita cost of services rendered by the
Association as majority representative, the representation fee should be equal in
amount to the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged
by the Association to its own members, and the representation fee may be set up
to 85% of that amount as the maximum presently allowed by law. If the law is
changed in this regard, the amount of the representation fee automatically will be
increased to the maximum allowed, said increase to become effective as of the
beginning of the Association membership year immediately following the
effective date of the change.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification
Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this
Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees
who have not become members of the Association for that current membership
year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance
with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly
will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as
possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during
the remainder of the membership year in question. The deduction will begin with
the first paycheck paid:
(a) 10 days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; or
(b) 30 days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining
unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit
position and continued in the employ of the Board in a no bargaining
position or was on layoff, in which event the deductions will begin with
the first paycheck paid ten (10) days after the resumption of the
employee's employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
3. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her
employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount
of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will
deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee
during the membership year in question.
4. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of
representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as
nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission
of regular membership dues to the Association.
5. Changes
The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list
provided for in paragraph I. above and/or the amount of the representation fee,
and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than ten (10)
days after the Board received said notice.
6. New Employees
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this
Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of
all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during
the preceding thirty (30) day period. The list will include names, job titles and
date of employment for all such employees.
D. The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board of Education harmless against any
and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability including liability for
reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may rise out of or by
reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board of Education in conformance with
this provision.
Article XXX
A. Maintenance/Custodian Uniforms – Upon hire custodial/maintenance employees shall be
issued five (5) shirts, five (5) pants, one (1) overall, inclement weather gear and safety
belt. Uniforms will be replaced as needed. Each year employees shall be provided work
boots or an $80 reimbursement if purchased by the employee.
IT Support Specialists and Security will wear pants and shirts provided by the Board.
Upon hire they shall receive 5 shirts, 5 pants and will be replaced as needed.
B. Effective July 1, 1983, all Building Employees presently employed and all Building
Employees hired after this date, must have at the time of employment or within twelve
(12) months of July 1, 1983 or within twelve (12) months of date of hire, a Black Seal
License. This license must be maintained throughout the employee's employment.
No part of the above provision shall apply to an employee who has applied for renewal of
his/her Black Seal License but has failed to obtain it in time due to the fault of the license
bureau. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to show proof that he/she has
reapplied by the expiration date of said license by either a photo copy of a check or
money order to the license bureau.
Article XXXI
A. Mutual Responsibility
The Board and the Association recognizes their mutual responsibilities to assist in the
pre-service training of student and intern teachers and observers.
B. The placement of student and intern teachers is an important key in the successful pre-
service training program for certificated employees. All placements will conform to the
following rules.
1. Tenure
No certificated employee shall have an intern or student teacher under his/her
supervision unless said employee has obtained tenure status, except when
teachers who have not obtained tenure status and who have three or more years
of teaching experience specifically request such an assignment.
2. Voluntary Participation
All placements of students or intern teachers and student observers with the
cooperating teacher shall be on a voluntary basis.
3. Record
Prior to the assignment of the student or intern teachers, each prospective
cooperating teacher shall be provided with pertinent information about the
student or intern teachers.
4. Consent
The certificated employee shall receive the request to take a student or intern
teacher at least four weeks prior to the student's introduction to the classroom. In
the event less notice is given, the teacher shall have the right to accept or reject
the student or intern teacher. In the case of student observers, two weeks’ notice
will be given.
5. Materials and Supplies
The student or intern teacher will be furnished with the appropriate materials,
textbooks and supplies and a copy of this Article of Contract by the school
6. Substitution
The student teacher shall not be used as a substitute during assigned practice-
teaching hours. The intern teacher may be used as a substitute when his/her use
as a substitute will not unduly interfere with his/her training program as outlined
in Item 8.
7. Information for Cooperating Professional
Each cooperating teacher shall receive all available information concerning the
intern or student teacher and student observer prior to their arrival which would
include the training schedule, beginning and ending date, the cooperating
college's program and the college's expectations and requirements.
8. Schedule
The student shall follow the schedule of the cooperating teacher, including
assignments, duties, extra-curricular activities and staff meetings.
9. Program
Cooperating teachers shall be informed of the observer’s program prior to
entering the classroom.
10. Student observers shall be available to discuss their observation with the
cooperating teacher.
Article XXXII
Personal and Academic Freedom is guaranteed to each teacher under the laws and the
Constitutions of New Jersey and the United States of America. The Board of Education respects
the rights of all teachers to exercise these freedoms.
Article XXXIII
A. Any complaint received regarding an employee shall be brought to the attention of the
employee involved where such a complaint could affect the employee's status or
B. Any complaints received in writing regarding an employee shall be shown to the
employee. The employee shall receive a copy and have the right to respond.
C. The employee may request a conference with the complainant to attempt to resolve the
complaint. The Superintendent shall afford the parties the opportunity to meet and shall
attempt to resolve the complaint.
D. Any complaint still unresolved may be submitted by the employee to the grievance
procedure and shall commence at Level Two.
E. The employee has the right to be represented by the Association at meetings regarding
Article XXXIV
Employment or adjustment increments may be withheld in whole or part for inefficiency or other
just cause related to the performance of duties and only in accordance with the following:
1. That the procedures be adhered to as outlined in ARTICLE XV.
2. No person shall forward any recommendation which might lead to the
withholding of an employee’s increment or a part thereof unless at least sixty
(60) calendar days prior thereto, and in no case later than April 1st of the
preceding school year in which such action would take effect, that person has
given to the employee against whom the recommendation may be made, written
notice of the alleged cause(s) for the recommendation specifying the nature
thereof with such particulars to furnish the employee an opportunity to respond
to same and correct same.
Any action by the Board to withhold an increment or any part thereof shall commence at Level 3
ARTICLE III, Grievance Procedure. The Board’s decision to withhold an increment shall be
subject to advisory arbitration.
Article XXXV
A. As of September 21st of each year, the Superintendent will ensure that every teacher is
provided with written procedures for the utilization of the Child Study Team.
B. When, in the judgment of a teacher, a student is, by his/her behavior, seriously disrupting
the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the teacher shall have the
right to send that student to the school office. Before a student returns to class, the
administrator shall communicate to the teacher, in writing or verbally, the action taken by
the administration.
Article XXXVI
A. Hiring Procedures
1. All positions listed in Schedule L of the contract between the Board and the
Association shall be posted at least fifteen (15) days prior to the deadline for
applications. In cases of emergency, the personnel office will advise the
Association immediately that a lesser period of time is required and reasons for
2. All applicants for the posted positions shall be interviewed by appropriate
administrative personnel.
3. Upon final approval by the Board, all applicants shall receive written notice of
the selection from the personnel office.
B. Responsibilities
Job descriptions for coaches shall be prepared by the Athletic Director, in consultation
with the coaching staff. Coaches shall be responsible for performing those items listed in
the coaches’ job description.
C. Evaluation of Coaches
1. All coaches will be evaluated by the Athletic Director at least once during the
sport being coached, based upon the job description.
2. The Athletic Director shall prepare the written evaluation of the coach not later
than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the respective sport, except in the
cases of spring sports, when evaluations will be prepared prior to the close of the
school year.
3. The Athletic Director shall provide the coaches with a copy of the evaluation
report at least one (1) day prior to a conference between the Athletic Director and
the coach.
4. At said conference, the written evaluation will be discussed and both Athletic
Director and coach shall sign the report. The coach may prepare a statement to
be attached to the evaluation report.
5. Any coach not satisfied with his/her evaluation report may utilize the grievance
procedure, if desired. The grievance would commence at Level Two.
Article XXXVII
A. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2012 and shall continue in effect until
June 30, 2014, subject to the Association's right to negotiate over a successor Agreement
as provided in ARTICLE II. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is
expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
B. In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their
respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to
be placed thereon, all on the day and year first above written.
Nancy Coppola, NBEA President
Nancy Fischer, NBEA Secretary
Edward Spencer, Board President
Richard Jannarone, Board Secretary
2012-13 Certificated Staff
Salary Guide
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30 DOC
51,175 53,276 54,101 58,360 59,469
52,029 54,130 54,955 59,214 60,323
52,529 54,630 55,455 59,714 60,823
53,029 55,130 55,955 60,214 61,323
53,529 55,630 56,455 60,714 61,823
54,029 56,130 56,955 61,214 62,323
54,529 56,630 57,455 61,714 62,823
56,769 58,870 59,695 63,954 65,063
61,709 63,810 64,635 68,894 70,003
67,659 69,760 70,585 74,844 75,953
73,659 75,760 76,585 80,844 81,953
79,659 81,760 82,585 86,844 87,953
82,659 84,760 85,585 89,844 90,953
Everyone moves up one step
Hourly rate $41/hour
Certificated Staff
Salary Guide
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30 DOC
52,382 54,483 55,308 59,567 60,676
52,882 54,983 55,808 60,067 61,176
53,382 55,483 56,308 60,567 61,676
53,882 55,983 56,808 61,067 62,176
54,382 56,483 57,308 61,567 62,676
54,882 56,983 57,808 62,067 63,176
55,382 57,483 58,308 62,567 63,676
59,362 61,463 62,288 66,547 67,656
65,262 67,363 68,188 72,447 73,556
71,262 73,363 74,188 78,447 79,556
77,262 79,363 80,188 84,447 85,556
83,262 85,363 86,188 90,447 91,556
No step movement except 11a goes to 12
Hourly rate $42/hour
2012-13 Building Employees/Central Receiving/Maintenance
Salary Guide
Step Non BSL BSL Head
28,000 29,000 31,959 39,755
28,362 29,362 34,122 41,918
28,732 29,732 36,447 44,243
29,109 30,109 38,946 46,742
29,493 30,493 41,632 49,428
29,885 30,885 44,519 52,315
30,285 31,285 47,622 55,418
30,693 31,693 50,958 58,754
31,109 32,109 54,544 62,340
31,533 32,533 58,398 66,194
37,078 38,078 62,541 70,337
44,244 45,043 66,994 74,790
2013-14 Building Employees/Central Receiving/Maintenance
Salary Guide
Step Non BSL BSL Head
28,258 29,258 32,217 40,013
28,620 29,620 34,380 42,176
28,990 29,990 36,705 44,501
29,367 30,367 39,204 47,000
29,751 30,751 41,890 49,686
30,143 31,143 44,777 52,573
30,543 31,543 47,880 55,676
30,951 31,951 51,216 59,012
31,367 32,367 54,802 62,598
31,791 32,791 58,656 66,452
37,336 38,336 62,799 70,595
44,502 45,301 67,252 75,048
2012-13 Secretarial/Accounting
Salary Guide
12 Mo.
HS Princ.
& Acct.
39,039 39,739
40,018 40,718
41,034 41,734
42,089 42,789
43,183 43,883
44,319 45,019
45,497 46,197
46,720 47,420
47,988 48,688
49,305 50,005
50,670 51,370
52,087 52,787
53,555 54,255
2013-14 Secretarial/Accounting
Salary Guide
12 Mo.
HS Princ.
& Acct.
39,904 40,604
40,883 41,583
41,899 42,599
42,954 43,654
44,048 44,748
45,184 45,884
46,362 47,062
47,585 48,285
48,853 49,553
50,170 50,870
51,535 52,235
52,952 53,652
54,420 55,120
2012-13 Security Officers
Step Guide
2013-14 Security Officers
Step Guide
2012-13 Paraprofessionals
Salary Guide
AA OR 60
20,617 21,639 22,492 23,627 24,763
20,867 21,889 22,742 23,877 25,013
21,122 22,144 22,997 24,132 25,268
21,383 22,405 23,258 24,393 25,529
21,649 22,671 23,524 24,659 25,795
21,920 22,942 23,795 24,930 26,066
22,196 23,218 24,071 25,206 26,342
22,796 23,818 24,671 25,806 26,942
23,396 24,418 25,271 26,406 27,542
24,196 25,218 26,071 27,206 28,342
24,896 25,918 26,771 27,906 29,042
26,296 27,318 28,171 29,306 30,442
33,260 34,282 35,135 36,270 37,406
Hourly rate $19.00/hour
Salary Guide
AA OR 60
21,179 22,201 23,054 24,189 25,325
21,429 22,451 23,304 24,439 25,575
21,684 22,706 23,559 24,694 25,830
21,945 22,967 23,820 24,955 26,091
22,211 23,233 24,086 25,221 26,357
22,482 23,504 24,357 25,492 26,628
22,758 23,780 24,633 25,768 26,904
23,358 24,380 25,233 26,368 27,504
23,958 24,980 25,833 26,968 28,104
24,758 25,780 26,633 27,768 28,904
25,458 26,480 27,333 28,468 29,604
26,858 27,880 28,733 29,868 31,004
33,822 34,844 35,697 36,832 37,968
Hourly rate $19.50/hour
2012-13 Community Agents
Step Guide
2013-14 Community Agents
Step Guide
2012-13 Drop Out Prev./Family Liaison
Step Guide
Drop Out Prev./Family Liaison
Step Guide
IT Tech
Support/Security Tech
Salary Guide
Step IT
IT Tech
Support/Security Tech
Salary Guide
Step IT
Staff remains on same step
2012-13 Application Specialists
Salary Guide
Step App. Specialists
2013-14 Application Specialists
Salary Guide
Step App. Specialists
2012-13 Play it Smart
Salary Guide
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30 DOC
48,780 50,881 51,706 55,965 57,074
49,280 51,381 52,206 56,465 57,574
49,780 51,881 52,706 56,965 58,074
50,280 52,381 53,206 57,465 58,574
50,780 52,881 53,706 57,965 59,074
51,280 53,381 54,206 58,465 59,574
51,780 53,881 54,706 58,965 60,074
55,760 57,861 58,686 62,945 64,054
61,660 63,761 64,586 68,845 69,954
67,660 69,761 70,586 74,845 75,954
73,660 75,761 76,586 80,845 81,954
79,660 81,761 82,586 86,845 87,954
2013-14 Play it Smart
Salary Guide
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30 DOC
49,339 51,440 52,265 56,524 57,633
49,839 51,940 52,765 57,024 58,133
50,339 52,440 53,265 57,524 58,633
50,839 52,940 53,765 58,024 59,133
51,339 53,440 54,265 58,524 59,633
51,839 53,940 54,765 59,024 60,133
52,339 54,440 55,265 59,524 60,633
56,319 58,420 59,245 63,504 64,613
62,219 64,320 65,145 69,404 70,513
68,219 70,320 71,145 75,404 76,513
74,219 76,320 77,145 81,404 82,513
80,219 82,320 83,145 87,404 88,513
2012 – 2014 SALARY GUIDE
43,597 44,597 46,698 47,523 51,782 52,891
44,097 45,097 47,198 48,023 52,282 53,391
44,597 45,597 47,698 48,523 52,782 53,891
45,097 46,097 48,198 49,023 53,282 54,391
45,597 46,597 48,698 49,523 53,782 54,891
46,097 47,097 49,198 50,023 54,282 55,391
46,597 47,597 49,698 50,523 54,782 55,891
50,577 51,577 53,678 54,503 58,762 59,871
56,477 57,477 59,578 60,403 64,662 65,771
62,477 63,477 65,578 66,403 70,662 71,771
68,477 69,477 71,578 72,403 76,662 77,771
74,477 75,477 77,578 78,403 82,662 83,771
2012-13 2013-14
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Head Football
$8,503 $8,894 $9,303
3 $9,072 $9,489
Assistant Football JV
$4,946 $5,173 $5,411
5 $5,277 $5,519
Sophomore Football
$3,814 $3,989 $4,173
0 $4,069 $4,256
Sophomore Assistant Football
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Freshman Football
$3,814 $3,989 $4,173
0 $4,069 $4,256
Freshman Assistant Football
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Basketball
$6,532 $6,832 $7,146
2 $6,969 $7,289
Assistant Basketball JV
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Freshman Basketball
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Baseball
$5,741 $6,005 $6,282
6 $6,125 $6,407
Assistant Baseball
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Jr. Varsity Baseball
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Freshman Baseball
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Cross Country
$4,511 $4,718 $4,936
1 $4,813 $5,034
Assistant Cross Country
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Wrestling
$5,741 $6,005 $6,282
6 $6,125 $6,407
Jr. Varsity Wrestling
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Freshman Wrestling
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Winter Track
$5,528 $5,782 $6,048
8 $5,898 $6,169
Assistant Winter track
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Spring Track
$5,741 $6,005 $6,282
6 $6,125 $6,407
Assistant Spring Track
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Gymnastics
$4,511 $4,718 $4,936
1 $4,813 $5,034
$4,511 $4,718 $4,936
1 $4,813 $5,034
$4,511 $4,718 $4,936
$4,60 $4,813 $5,034
Assistant Tennis
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Soccer
$5,741 $6,005 $6,282
6 $6,125 $6,407
Jr. Varsity Soccer
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Freshman Soccer
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Head Softball
$5,741 $6,005 $6,282
6 $6,125 $6,407
Assistant Softball JV
$3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,803 $3,978
Ticket Manager - Fall
$1,508 $1,577 $1,650
8 $1,609 $1,683
Ticket Manager - Winter
$1,508 $1,577 $1,650
8 $1,609 $1,683
Head Bowling Coach
$4,511 $4,718 $4,936
1 $4,813 $5,034
Head Cheerleader Advisor/Fall
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Head Cheerleader Advisor/Winter
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Fresh/Sophomore Cheerleader
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
JV Cheerleader Adv/Fall
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
JV Cheerleader Adv/Winter
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Fresh/Sophomore Cheerleader
Advisor Winter
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Drill Team Advisor
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Twirler Team Advisor
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
High School Coaches Con’t.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Color Guard Advisor
$2,732 $2,860 $2,995
6 $2,917 $3,055
Weight Room Trainer
$1,264 $1,324 $1,386
0 $1,350 $1,414
Head Volleyball $5,742 $6,006 $6,281
6 $6,126 $6,407
Jr. Varsity Volleyball $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Freshman Volleyball $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
2012-13 2013-14
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Volleyball $4,182 $4,511 $4,794
6 $4,602 $4,890
Cheerleading $2,732 $2,860 $2,995
$2,78 $2,917 $3,055
Cross Country $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Wrestling $2,193 $2,499 $2,805
7 $2,549 $2,861
Baseball $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Softball $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Tennis $1,966 $2,272 $2,578
5 $2,317 $2,629
Soccer $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Track & Field $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Head Middle Sch. Basketball $4,511 $4,719 $4,936
2 $4,813 $5,034
Assistant Middle School
Basketball $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Cross Country $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Baseball $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Softball $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Soccer $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Track & Field $3,565 $3,729 $3,900
6 $3,804 $3,978
Assistant Volleyball $3,304 $3,565 $3,787
0 $3,636 $3,863
Assistant Cheerleading $2,158 $2,259 $2,365
1 $2,304 $2,413
Assistant Wrestling $1,733 $1,975 $2,215
8 $2,014 $2,260
Assistant Tennis $1,552 $1,794 $2,036
3 $1,830 $2,077
HS Band Director
$3,458 $3,527
HS Band Assistant
$2,490 $2,540
HS School Chorus Director
$3,458 $3,527
HS Drama Director
$7,407 $7,555
Musical Drama Director
$3,458 $3,527
Dance Drama Director
$3,458 $3,527
Choreographer of Theatre
Productions $3,458 $3,527
Musical Director of Theatre
Productions $3,458 $3,527
HS Student Council Advisor
$3,458 $3,527
HS Yearbook Editorial
$3,458 $3,527
HS Yearbook Business
$3,458 $3,527
Literary Magazine
$3,458 $3,527
$2,765 $2,821
Senior Class Advisor
$3,458 $3,527
Junior Class Advisor
$1,752 $1,787
Sophomore Class Advisor
$1,037 $1,058
Freshman Class Advisor
$1,037 $1,058
Finance Scholar Advisor
$1,383 $1,411
Incentive Scholars Advisor
$1,383 $1,411
Peer Leadership Coordinator
$3,458 $3,527
Peer Leadership Advisor
$1,852 $1,889
NBHS Honor Society
$1,752 $1,787
NBHS Clubs
$1,752 $1,787
Key Club
$1,752 $1,787
Student Activities Accountant
$3,506 $3,576
ROTC Instructor
$2,000 $2,040
Intramurals (Hourly)
$41 $42
For advisors, there shall be no release time from any teaching or non-teaching duties. All student
contact shall occur outside the regular student day, unless the administration and the advisor
reach a mutual agreement to the contrary.
2012-13 2013-14
Yearbook - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Student Council - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Newspaper Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Drama - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Band - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Cheerleader - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
Safety Patrol - Elementary
$1,752 $1,787
All Elementary Clubs/Advisors
$1,752 $1,787
Science Resource Managers
$1,324 $1,350
Step-Up Advisor
$1,752 $1,787
21st Century Program Advisor
$3,458 $3,527
21st Century Club Advisor
$1,752 $1,787
Head Elementary School
$584 $596
Head Elementary School Art
$584 $596
Head Elementary School Music
$584 $596
Security Coordinator $1,750 $1,785
2012-13 2013-14
Head Nurse, Staff Development
$9,303 $9,489
Curriculum Writing-full year
$800 $800
Curriculum Writing-half year
$400 $400
2012-13 2013-14
$1,505 $1,535
$1,950 $1,989
$2,787 $2,842
2012-13 2013-14
$658 $671
$970 $989
$1,884 $1,922
$3,416 $3,484
2012-13 2013-14
$1,360 $1,387
$1,649 $1,682
$2,045 $2,086
$2,318 $2,365
All elementary teachers report by 8:40 AM and may leave by 3:15 PM.
All middle school teachers report by 8:00 AM and may leave by 2:35 PM.
Reporting time is 7:50 am
Block #1-2 will start at 7:56 am
Bell schedule will run from 7:56am to 2:26 pm
All staff can leave at 2:26 pm
7:50 Teacher Start Time
1 – 2 7:56 9:16 80 Class
Advisory 9:20 9:40 20
3 – 4 9:44 11:04 80 Class
5 11:08 11:38 30 Lunch
6 – 7 11:42 1:02 80 Class
5 – 6 11:08 12:28 80 Class
7 12:32 1:02 30 Lunch
5 11:08 11:48 40 Class
6 11:50 12:20 30 Lunch
7 12:22 1:02 40 Class
8 – 9 1:06 2:26 80 Class
One common planning time per week at 40 minutes
A 20 minutes daily Advisory
Four minute passing
Advisory equals homeroom for the purpose of compensation
Contract language would be honored
The Board will provide the following medical plan options:
(Only available to employees hired prior to July 1, 2007 may elect this option)
Lifetime Plan Maximum Unlimited
Annual Deductible $150 per employee but no more than 2
Deductibles per family
Maximum Annual Out of Pocket $800 per person covered
(Not including the annual deductible) 2 times maximum per family
Effective July 1, 2007 the Traditional Medical Plan will include a pre-certification
requirement for all inpatient hospital admissions, for selected outpatient diagnostic
testing and procedures as determined by the Traditional Plan insurance carrier.
Covered Expenses incurred will be reduced by 50% for these charges unless this pre-
certification is received prior to the date of admission, testing or performed procedure.
Covered expenses incurred will also be reduced by 50% for charges made for outpatient
diagnostic testing or procedures for which Outpatient Certification was performed, but
not certified as Medically Necessary.
Network pre-certification is coordinated by the network provider. It is the employee’s or
dependent’s responsibility to obtain pre-certification for out-of-network inpatient
admissions and/or select outpatient diagnostic testing or procedures.
2. POINT OF SERVICE PLAN OPTION (currently Cigna) with a $10 in network office
visit co-pay.
3. ALTERNATE POINT OF SERVICE OPTION (currently Aetna) with a $5 in network
office visit co-pay.
4. CIGNA POS 90/70 Plan-(80
R & C)
5. HRA with Fund provided by NBBOE.
6. Effective July 1, 2011, all eligible employees shall move from the Traditional health
benefits plan to the Point of Service Plan (“POS”) or any other plan in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement. An eligible employee may choose to purchase the Traditional
Plan at a cost to the employee equal to the difference between the Traditional Plan and
the plan the employee was previously enrolled in.
Effective July 1, 2011 the co-pays shall be modified to:
Brand Name Prescriptions: $25.00 co-pay
Generic Prescriptions: $12.00 co-pay
Brand Name Prescriptions: $20.00 co-pay
Generic Prescriptions: $12.00 co-pay
Dental benefits will be provided at no cost for employee only coverage under the Board’s
Traditional Dental Plan (in place as of prior to July 1, 2007) or the alternate DHMO Plan.
Employees may choose to cover their eligible dependents, however, the full cost of dependent
coverage (as previously defined in Article XXVI) will be paid for by the employee through
payroll deductions.
Traditional Maximum Benefit:
Calendar Year $1,500
Orthodontic Limit (lifetime) $750
All plan benefits are subject to scheduled co-pays.
Assignment………………………………………………………………………….pg. 20 Art. XII
Automobile Uses…………………………………………… 15 Art. IX:B, pg. 20 Art. XI:J
Benefits Notification……………………………………………………….….…pg. 16 Art. X:C.1
Breaks (15 min.)
Non Certified Personnel…………………………………………….…pg. 14 Art. VII:C.5
Summer School Teachers………………………………………….….pg. 43 Art. XXV:G
Cancellation Special Area Classes………………………………………… pg. 11 Art. VII:A.11.b
Class Size………………………………………………………………….…pg. 15 Art. VIII:A, B
Closing Buildings…………………………………………………….…….… 16 Art. X:C.3
Change of Grades………………………………………………………………… 7 Art. IV:F
Coaches………………………………………………….……pg. 51 Art. XXXVI, pg. 64 (Sch. L)
Combination Classes……………………………………………….…….… 12 Art. VII:A.14
Community Agents……………………………………………………………….…pg. 58 (Sch. F)
Complaints…………………………………………………………………… 50 Art. XXXIII
Course Preparation High School……………………………………….…….pg. 9 Art. VII:4.a,b,c
Work Hours……………………………………………………………pg. 14 Art. VII:C.4
Clothing Allowance……………………………………………….… 48 Art. XXX:A
Security checks…………………………………………………….… pg. 15 Art. VII:D.8
Black Seal License………………………………………………….…pg. 48 Art. XXX:B
Inclement weather…………………………………………………….…pg. 20 Art. XI:I, J
Compensation for assistant if head custodian out…...……………...……pg. 20 Art. XI:K
Deductions…………………………………………………………………..….pg. 45 Art. XXVIII
Dental Plan…………………………………………………………………….....…pg. 73 (Sch. T)
Dental Plan for RIF’D Employees………………………………………….…pg. 16 Art. X:G.1, 2
Discrimination (lack of)…………………………………………………….…… 6 Art. IV:C
Drop Out Prevention Officers work hours……………………………………. pg. 13 Art. VII:C.3
Dues, Association…………………………………………………………... pg. 45 Art. XXVIII:A
Educational Improvement, Professional Development,
Tuition Reimbursement…………………………………………………...………pg. 38 Art. XXII
Elementary Schedule………………………………...………….pg. 9 Art. VII:A.2 ; pg.70 (Sch.Q)
Employee Hours………………………………………………………….………..…pg. 9 Art. VII
Employment Notification…………………………………………………..…..… 16 Art. X:F
Certificated……………………………………………………………. pg. 22, Art. XV:A
Non-Certificated………………………………………………….…. pg. 25 Art. XV:B, C
Family Liaison Work Hours…………………………………………………... pg. 13 Art. VII:C.3
Grievance Procedure………………………………………………………….……….pg. 2 Art. III
Head Nurse Work Hours…………………………………………………… 11 Art. VII:A.8
Health Care Insurance…………………………………………………….…… 43 Art. XXVI
Medical, prescription, dental………………………..………...…pgs. 71-73 (Sch. R, S, T)
Retired……………………………………………………………..….pg. 44 Art. XXVI:G
High School Schedule…………………………….…….…… 9 Art. VII:A.4, pg. 70 (Sch. Q)
Inclement Weather (snow days)
Custodial, maintenance staff………………………………… 20 Art. XI:I, J
Increment Granted……………………………………………………..…… 19 Art. XI:C.1-6
Withholding…………………………………………….…………… 50 Art. XXXIV
Insurance, see: Health Care Insurance
Intern Students and/or Teachers……………………………………….……...…pg. 48 Art. XXXI
Job Description……………………………………………………………..…… 15 Art. X:A
Leave of Absence
Temporary…………………………………………………………..…… 28 Art. XIX
Extended…………………………………………………………..……… 31 Art. XX
Maternity……………………………………………………………...…pg. 32 Art. XX:G
Bereavement…………………………………………………… 29 Art. XIX:A.6, 7, 8
Jury Duty…………………………………………………………… 29 Art. XIX:A.5
Association…………………………………………………………….pg 29 Art. XIX:A.3
Personal/Emergency………………………………………………… 28 Art. XIX:A.1
Other…………………………………………………………...……pg. 28 Art. XIX:A.10
Legal Protection (Save Harmless)……………………………………… 42 Art XXIV:E.1, 2
Liaison Committees………………………………………………………….……pg. 26 Art. XVII
Longevity Pay………………………………………….………pg. 19 Art. XI:C.1; pg. 69 (Sch. P)
Certified personnel………………………………………………...…pg. 12 Art. VII:A.13
Professional Development…………………………………………….pg 12 Art. VII:A.13
Membership Eligibility………………………………………………………………… pg. 1 Art. I
Miscellaneous Provisions……………………………………………….……… 48 Art. XXX
Negotiations……………………………………………………………………….……pg. 1 Art. II
NJEA Convention, Custodian, Maintenance, IT Support Specialists…...… 14 Art. VII:C.6.b
Notifications to Association
New employees………………………………………………...… 48 Art. XXIX:C.6
Overtime………………………………………………………………………….pg. 14 Art. VII:D
Paternity Leave……………………………………………………………… 34 Art. XX:G.5
Pay Rates
Daily, hourly……………………………………………………….……pg. 13 Art. VII:B
Overtime…………………………………………………………...…….pg. 14 Art. VII:D
Lunch time……………………………………………… 9, 13 Art. VII:A.3, C.1, 2, 3
Custodian and Maintenance
Call in Compensation……………………………..…pg. 14, 15 Art. VII:D.4, 6, 7
Equal opportunity for overtime……………………….………pg. 15 Art. VII:D.7
Security, Saturday, Sunday……………………………………….……pg. 15 Art. VII:D.5
Secretarial, Saturday, Sunday……………………………………….…pg. 15 Art. VII:D.5
Building Employee - Assistant who must
Assume responsibility when head building
Employee is out ……………………………………………………..……pg. 20 Art. XI:K
Payroll Deductions……………………………………………………….. …... pg. 45 Art. XXVIII
Association dues……………………………………………………pg. 45 Art. XXVIII:A
Savings plan……………………………………………………… 45 Art. XXVIII:B
Tax Sheltered…………………………………………………… 46 Art. XXVIII:C
Savings bonds…………………………………………………… 46 Art. XXVIII:D
Credit Union……………………………………………………… 46 Art. XXVIII:E
Representation Fee………………………………………………………pg. 46 Art. XXIX
Part-time Teachers………………………………………………………………….pg. 18 Art. X, J
Payroll Direct Deposit……………………………………………………… 46 Art. XXVIII:F
Personal Days see Leave of Absence
Planning Periods
Secondary…………………………………………………………………pg. 9 Art. VII:A
Elementary………………………………………………………… 11 Art. VII:A.10
Postings………………………….…………….… 22 Art. XIII:D, pg. 22 Art. XIV:C
Prescription Plan………………………………………………………………...… 72(Sch. S)
Professional Development……………………………………………………… 38 Art. XXII
Promotions…………………………………………………………………………pg. 22 Art. XIV
Protection, employees, student, property……………………………………… 41 Art. XXIV
Reduction in Force (RIF)
General ……………………………………………………………….……pg. 16 Art. X:G
Insurance Coverage…………………………………………….…pg. 16, 17 Art. X:G.1, 2
Non-Tenured Teachers………………………………………………… 17 Art. X:G.6
Tenured Teachers………………………………………………… 17 Art. X:G.5, H
Saving Positions…………………………………………………… 17 Art. X:G.7, 8
Call Back…………………………………………………………………pg 17 Art. X:G.5
Representation (Agency) Fee…………………………………………………….pg. 46 Art. XXIX
Save Harmless……………………………………………………… 48 Art. XXIX:D
Retired Health Insurance see: Health Care
Rights and Privileges
Employee.......................................................................................................... pg. 6 Art. IV
Association........................................................................................................ pg. 7 Art. V
Sabbatical Leave Policy……………………………………………………………pg. 35 Art. XXI
Safety……………………………………………………………………………….pg. 7 Art. IV:H
Salaries………………………………………………………………………….… 18 Art. XI
Schedules A-O……………………………………………………………………pg. 53-68
Increments……………………………………………………………pg. 19 Art. XI:C.1-5
Notification by employee of Education Status………………… 19 Art. XI:C.6.a, b
Head Teachers……………………………………………………….……pg. 20 Art. XI:E
Military Experience…………………………………………………… 16 Art. X:B.2
Credit on Guide…………………………………………………………….pg.16 Art. X:B
Special Education Stipend……………………………………………… 20 Art. XI:H
School Calendar……………………………………………………………………….pg. 8 Art. VI
Ten month secretaries’…………………………………………...… 14 Art. VII:C.6.a
Security Officers……………………………………………………………….pg. 48 Art. XXX:A
Work Hours……………………………………………………………pg. 13 Art. VII:C.3
Stipend………………………………………………………………... pg. 13 Art. VII:C.3
Uniforms……………………………………………………………….pg. 48 Art. XXX:A
School Bus Duty…………………………………………………………pg. 21 Art. XII:G
Sick Leave……………………………………………………………………… 26 Art. XVIII
Payment to Estate……………………………………...………pg. 26 Art. XVIII:A.5, 6, 7
Used up sick leave……………………….…..…pg. 27 Art. XVIII:C, pg. 44 Art. XXVI:H
Retirement sick leave pays …………………………………….… 27 Art. XVIII:D.1
RIF'D Employees sick pay…………………………………………pg. 28, Art. XVIII:D.5
Snow Days see: Inclement weather
Student Intern Teachers…………………………………………………..…… 48 Art. XXXI
Substitutes……………………………………………………………………… 41 Art. XXIII
Summer Employment…………………………………………………………..…pg. 42 Art. XXV
Break………………………………………………………………… 43 Art. XXV:G
10 Month Secretary………………………………………………… 43 Art. XXV:H
Secretary-clerks, IT Support Specialists Summer Hours………………pg. 13 Art. VII:C.1
Paraprofessionals………………………………………………….………pg. 57 (Sch. E)
Observation/Evaluation……………………………………………………pg. 22 Art. XV
Work Hours………………………………………………………….pg. 13 Art. VII:C.2.a
Stipend…………………………………………………………………pg. 10 Art. VII:A.6
Temporary Employment……………………………………………………………pg. 16 Art. X:D
Tenure…………………………………………………………………..…pg. 16, 17 Art. X:E, G.5
Written Notification…………………………………………… 20, 21 Art. XII:A, E
Involuntary…………………………………………………………… 21 Art. XII:F
Voluntary……………………………………………pg. 21 Art. XII:D, pg. 21 Art. XIII:A
Tuition Reimbursement ……………………………………………….………….pg. 38 Art. XXII
Vacation………………………………………………………………………… 28 Art. XIX
Secretaries’………………………………………………………...……pg. 30 Art. XIX:E
Building Employees………………………………………………...… 30 Art. XIX:D
Maintenance………………………………………..………………… 30 Art. XIX:D
IT Support Specialists………………………………………………… 31 Art. XIX:F
Working Hours
Certified Personnel…………………………………………………….….pg. 9 Art. VII:A
Security, IT Support Specialists, Family Liaisons, and
Drop Out Prevention Officers…………………………………… 13 Art. VII:C.3
Custodians…………………………………………………………… 14 Art. VII:C.4
Maintenance………………………………………………….……… 14 Art. VII:C.4
Paraprofessionals………………………………………………… 13 Art. VII C:2.a
Work Load Equity………………………………………………………..……pg. 9 Art. VII:A.4.b
X-Ray (if required)…………………………………………………………….pg. 28 Art. XVIII:F
S:\MJF\RTC\New Brunswick Board of Education\2010-2012 CONTRACT NBEA.doc