Updated July 2023
Adult Coed Soccer Rules
1. The governing body of this league will be the Superintendent of Athletics from the Williamson County
Parks and Recreation Department (WCPR) or the assigned representative.
2. Items not covered by these by-laws will be ruled on by the Williamson County Parks and Recreation
1. League registration fees (in order to have league participation) will be paid at the time of registration.
2. All players must be eighteen years old.
3. All players must sign and fill out a roster/player contract to be eligible to play. All rosters must be
completed and turned into the League Coordinator prior to the start of the first game.
a. Teams without rosters on file will automatically forfeit their games.
b. Teams may have up to sixteen team members on their rosters. No exceptions.
c. Added players must sign the roster/player contract before playing in a game.
d. All rosters are final after the 5
week of regular season play.
4. It is the captain’s responsibility to have all players understand and abide by the rules, as well as sign the
roster and meet all league eligibility requirements.
5. Teams not qualifying for league play prior to the start of the season will have their registration fees
6. No refunds once the season begins.
7. Players cannot change teams once the season starts unless approved by the WCPR staff.
8. Any protest of eligibility will be brought to the attention of the official(s) before the game begins or the
protest will not be allowed.
9. Results of a game may be protested if the protesting team pays the protesting fee of $50.00. Judgment on
the game will be given within seven business days of the game.
1. Everyone must follow all of the facility rules.
a. Teams are required to inform spectators that they must remain in the seating area during the game.
Anyone not wishing to abide by this rule will be asked to leave the facility.
2. Only ONE spokesperson per team is permitted. This is the designated captain of the team (must be
designated on the roster or in the event that the team captain is not present the alternate must be assigned
prior to the start of the game). He or she will accept full responsibility for the team’s actions.
3. If a team defaults/forfeits two games during a season, they will be reviewed by the WCPR Staff regarding
their continued participation in the league.
4. Two red card violations, per team, of any nature called during a game will result in a forfeited game.
Misconduct will not be tolerated. This is a recreational league.
5. An individual, player, coach, or spectator behaving in a threatening way to an official, supervisor, league
participant or spectator will be required to leave the facility and will be suspended indefinitely from all
WCPR recreation activities.
6. Anyone intoxicated or thought to be under the influence will be asked to leave the facility immediately.
7. All players involved in fighting will be suspended immediately and arrested. Players or spectators
involved in fights or threatening behavior to WCPR Staff, officials, or opposing players, will be
suspended for an indefinite period of time from all WCPR recreation activities and facilities.
Updated July 2023
1. SHOES: all players must wear indoor soccer shoes or sneakers - no molded cleats. (Please see last page
for details). Any completely flat sole is allowed.
2. JERSEYS: all jerseys must have a number on the back.
a. You have until the 2
week of the regular season to have all members with a numbered jersey.
b. First offence is a verbal warning; Second offence the player(s) will receive a yellow card (this card
will start at the beginning of the game). Third offence the Team will receive a yellow card.
c. In case of conflict in uniform color, the home team (team listed first on schedule) will be required
to change. All teams should bring alternate jerseys.
3. GAME LINE-UPS: teams will have the player line-up completed with players names and jersey
numbers before the start of the game. If a player enters the game without being on the game line up, the
game will stop and the opposing team will be awarded a PK.
4. BALL: the game ball will consist of a regulation size five ball.
5. SHIN GUARDS: are mandatory and must cover the entire shin. A yellow card will be issued if it is not
entirely covered. The carded player may not return to the game until his or her shin guards meet the
1. CLOCK: 42 minute running clock with no halftime.
a. The buzzer will sound signaling the clock starting.
b. The clock does not stop except for injury (if there is time).
c. We will have a 5 minute grace period for the first game only.
2. Mercy Rule: If a team is up by 5 goals or more at the 3 minute mark, WCPR may end the game at their
3. SCHEDULED TIMES: games will start on time according to the published schedule; this means both
teams must have players on the field and ready to play! The clock will start regardless of whether a team
and or player(s) are ready to begin. If games begin running over their allotted times, administration or
supervisors, may, at their discretion:
a. Reduce the scheduled time between games.
b. Reduce overall game time in order to finish by the scheduled time. For example, if the game is
running long, up to five minutes may be taken off the clock; however, the time taken off must
leave at least two minutes remaining in the game.
4. OVERTIME: there is no overtime during the regular season. Games can end in a tie during the regular
a. Overtime in tournament play consists of a five minute sudden death period (first team that scores
b. If a winner is not established during sudden death, a shootout will follow. Teams will designate
five players for PKs. The team with the most goals after five PKs wins. A coin toss will determine
who kicks first.
5. FORFEITS: Teams will have until the 20 minutes are left in the game to have all their players present (see
TEAM MAKEUP for details) or the game will be declared a forfeit.
a. Any team that fails to show for two games during the season will be reviewed by WCPR and
could lead to being dropped from the league (NO REFUNDS).
b. WCPR will not reschedule games in the event of a forfeit.
Updated July 2023
6. TEAM MAKEUP: Coed League - five field players plus one goalkeeper (minimum of two women).
a. Teams must have a minimum of four players to start the first half, one must be female.
b. By the second half: at least 5 players must be on the field at all times, one must be a female no
exception (exception: a player is serving his or her penalty, see YELLOW CARD for details).
a) If only one female is present then you cannot substitute that position with another male
c. If at any time the number of players drops below the minimum required, the game will be declared
a forfeit and the opposing team will be awarded the victory, even if it due to an injury.
d. Females may outnumber males at any time.
7. WEATHER: All games will be played regardless of weather (exception: severe weather such as snow or
ice storms, this decision will be made by the Director of WCPR and indicated on the inclement weather
hotline, 615 370 0209, whenever possible).
1. WCPR League Rules are the guideline for league play.
2. LEAGUE POINTS: will be awarded as follows: three points for a win, one point for a tie, one point for a
shutout, and zero points for a loss.
3. KICK-OFFS & FREE KICKS: when kickoffs or free kicks are taken, the defending team must be at least
ten feet from the ball; the ball may be played forward or backward. After a goal is scored, the game is
restarted with a kickoff from the center line.
4. OFFSIDE RULE: is not in effect.
5. THREE LINE RULE: is not in effect.
a. Goalkeepers may only retain possession of the ball with his or her hands for a period of six
seconds. A dead ball must be played in six seconds or be turned over to the opposing team.
b. Goalkeepers may not punt the ball, only throw-ins will be allowed.
c. The goalkeeper may not use his or her body illegally.
7. DROP BALL: if the ball gets jammed or lodged between players, the boards, or nets, the referee may
award a drop ball at his or her discretion.
8. END LINE: a ball which passes over the end line (netting above the goal):
a. Having been last played by a player defending that end of the field will result in a “corner kick” - a
direct kick taken from the corner spot by the attacking team.
b. Having been last played by a player attacking that end will result in a “goal kick” - a direct kick
taken from any point in the goal box by the defending team.
9. OUT OF BOUNDS: a ball which hits the netting:
a. Will result in a direct free kick at the point nearest where the ball went out of bounds.
b. A ball which hits the ceiling netting will result in a direct free kick from the nearest yellow line on
the field. The ball must be played from the yellow line, failure to do so will result in the ball being
turned over to the opposing team.
10. FREE SUBSTITUTION: substitution will be on the fly as the game is in progress, see Infractions 1.b. for
more information.
11. ADVANTAGE RULE: If a foul occurs and the advantage is played the referee will hold up his or her
hand to indicate that a direct foul has been given.
12. Individual players may score a maximum of 3 goals per game.
Updated July 2023
1. INDIRECT FREE KICKS: awarded inside the penalty area will be taken from the nearest point outside
the penalty area.
a. A player is allowed to place one hand on the boards for support. The use of two hands will result
in an indirect kick for the opposing team.
b. Free Substitution: the substitute may not touch the ball until the substituted player is off the field.
Infringement will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team, and a yellow card for the
2. DIRECT FREE KICKS: awarded inside the penalty area will be taken as a penalty kick from the
attacking yellow line. The goalkeeper lines up on his or her goal line, the PK kicker lines up at the ball
and the remaining players from both teams line up behind the center line. At the whistle, the kicker may
dribble forward and shoot, the goalkeeper may come off his or her line, and the remainder of the players
may run towards the goal. The ball is live and may be touched as many times as needed.
a. Hand balls count as a direct kick foul, and will be counted on the direct free kick counter.
b. Sliding/Tackles: no sliding or slide tackling, infringement will result in a direct free kick and that
player will be given a yellow or red card (referees desecration).
c. Three Goal Limit: coed players may only score three goals per game. A foul will occur if players
score more than three and the opposing team will be awarded a direct kick.
d. Four Direct Free Kick Fouls occur during one game, the opponent will be awarded a penalty kick
on the fourth direct free kick. The fouls will reset after four direct free kick fouls. Fouls do not
reset at half-time.
i. If a fourth direct free kick foul occurs in the final seconds of the game and time expires
before the PK takes place, then five seconds are to be placed on the clock and the ball is
live for that period of time.
3. YELLOW CARD: players who receive a yellow card must spend five minutes in his or her player box.
a. Teams may not substitute for the carded player. The carded player must remain in the player box
until the penalty time has expired.
b. If the opposing team scores a goal, then the team that is down a player may put a player back in
the game. However, the carded player must serve the full five minutes.
c. A Goal keeper must serve for his or her yellow card.
d. Two yellow cards by the same player equal a red card for a player.
e. Three yellows cards per team during one game equal a team red card.
4. RED CARD: players who receive a red card must leave the facility for the remainder of the game. The
player that received a red card must sit out during the next game and or may be suspended for the
remainder of the season. All final decisions will be made by the Superintendent of Athletics.
a. Teams may not substitute for or replace a player that has received a red card.
b. Players who receive two red cards in a season will not be allowed to play for the remainder of the
c. A team that has received a red card must play short a player for the remainder of the game. A
player who receive two yellow cards in a game will receive a red card and must sit out the next
game. If a player receives three yellow cards, he or she will be suspended for one game.
d. Two red card violations, per team, of any nature called during a game will result in a forfeited
game. Misconduct will not be tolerated. This is a recreational league.
e. If a team receives three red cards in a season, then that team will forfeit the remainder of their
league games.
Updated July 2023
Updated July 2023