New Jersey State Veteran's
Benefits & Discounts
The state of New Jersey provides several veteran benefits. This section offers a brief description of each
of the following benefits.
Housing Benefits
Financial Assistance Benefits
Employment Benefits
Education Benefits
Other State Veteran Benefits
Veteran Housing Programs
NJ Veterans Memorial Homes
If you're responsible for the long-term care and well being of a New Jersey veteran, a New Jersey
Veterans Memorial Home may be the right nursing home choice for your loved one. The facilities are
open to Veterans of all wars who served on active duty and were honorably discharged, qualified National
Guard/Reserve Retirees, the Veteran's Spouse, and Spouses and parents of members of the military who
were killed in action during a period of war (Gold Star Parent). A Spouse/Widow/Widower must be at
least 50 years of age and must have been married to the Veteran for a period of not less than 10 years.
Preference is given to applicants who were state residents for at least two years immediately prior to
application for admission. Applicants must meet certain asset limitation criteria. Residents pay according
to ability based on income.
Programs include ceramics, dinner parties, socials, bingo, shopping, movies, and games. Off-site
events include day trips to places such as Atlantic City, the racetrack, and many sporting events. Other
services provided at each home include barber and beauty shops, lounges and recreation rooms, outdoor
patios, chapels, snack bars, transportation, and libraries. Tours of all facilities are available by
appointment. Refer to www.nj.gov/military/veterans/application_full.pdf to complete an application for
admission. Contact the homes directly for additional information on admission or refer to:
Parmus http://www.nj.gov/military/veterans/paramusmh/index.html
Edison http://www.nj.gov/military/veterans/menloparkmh/index.html
Vineland http://www.nj.gov/military/veterans/vinelandmh/index.html
1 Veterans Drive 132 Evergreen Road
Paramus, NJ 07652 P.O. Box 3013
Tel: 732-452-4100 Edison, NJ 08818-3013
Tel: 201-634-8435
524 North West Boulevard
Vineland, NJ 08360-2895
Tel: (856) 405-4217
Stand Down Operations
Stand Down helps the New Jersey's homeless veterans "combat" life on the streets by providing a broad
range of necessities, including food, clothing, medical, legal and mental health assistance, job counseling,
and referrals, but most importantly, companionship and camaraderie.
Membership is open to Veterans and volunteers over the age of 18 who are willing and able to give of
their time, efforts and resources in assisting programs for homeless veterans.
Veterans Haven
The Transitional Housing Program for homeless veterans occupies one large building on state property in
Winslow Township. The program is divided into three phases: treatment; self-reclamation; and
community reintegration. Each phase lasts three to six months and is tailored to individual treatment
needs and vocational interests.
Eligible veterans are referred from a VA Medical Center after receiving a medical evaluation. To be
admitted into the program, the veteran must agree to a long-term program focusing on psychological,
social and vocational rehabilitation. The program is drug and alcohol free, and has a staff comprised of
professionals in the fields of mental health, addictions, social work, vocational rehabilitation and nursing.
NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA)
The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA) offers low interest rate HMFA
mortgages that provide veterans and their families with increased buying power and a savings of
thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. HMFA offers residential mortgages to United
States veterans through the Veterans Administration (VA) home buyer program. Most HMFA
homeownership loans are originated by private lenders that are approved to participate in the programs.
Visit the New Jersey Office of Veterans Affairs website http://www.nj.gov/military for contact
information and benefits assistance.
Financial Assistance Benefits
New Jersey State Income Tax Exclusions
U.S. military pension and survivor's benefit payments are not taxable for New Jersey gross
income tax purposes, regardless of the recipient's age or disability status.
New Jersey Property Tax Deduction
An annual $250 Veterans Property Tax Deduction requires citizenship, state residency, active
wartime service in the U.S. Armed Forces, honorable discharge, property ownership, and the
timely completion of an application. If living, the Veteran must own the property in whole or in
part to qualify for the deduction. Surviving spouse qualifies if all criteria are met. Eligibility for
the deduction is established as of October 1 of the pre-tax year. The application can be filed at
the local tax assessors office with appropriate documentation.
New Jersey Property Tax Exemption
Disabled Veteran Exemption requires a 100 % VA Certificate of Disability. The exemption
should be permanent and total, partial or temporary is non-qualifying. The property must be
owned and occupied by the claimant, and must be their legal residence in this state.
Eligibility for Veterans who meet all of the following criteria:
Served during a specified wartime period.
Received an honorable discharge or under honorable conditions.
Rated 100 percent permanent service-connected by the VA. The 100 percent rating cannot be
temporary or as a result of hospitalization, surgery or recuperation.
The exemption unlike the deduction is PRORATED from the date the veteran or spouse filed the
application with ALL required documentation. EXAMPLE: A veteran completes the application on April
7, but does not submit all the documentation until May 3. The veteran's property tax exemption is
effective May 3. Many tax assessors exempt the property tax January 1 of the next year. The same
proration process applies to the surviving spouse.
New Jersey Catastrophic Entitlement
Eligible Veterans/surviving spouses receive a monthly entitlement of $62.50. Criteria: A Veteran
must be a New Jersey resident in receipt of a permanent service-connected disability rating from
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that resulted from wartime service resulting in one of
the following catastrophic disabilities resulting in a 100% rating: loss of sight; amputation of
both hands, both feet or one hand and one foot; hemiplegia and permanent paralysis of one leg
and one arm on either side of the body; paraplegia and permanent paralysis of both legs and
lower parts of the body; osteochondritis and permanent loss of use of both legs; multiple
sclerosis and the loss of use of both feet or both legs; quadriplegia.
Visit the New Jersey Office of Veterans Affairs website http://www.nj.gov/military for contact
information and benefits assistance.
Employment Benefits
Veterans Preference and Pension Status
NJ Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is the agency to determine veterans preference for hiring
in New Jersey civil service and veterans status for New Jersey civil service pension plans.
Veterans Preference for Hiring in New Jersey Civil Service
The NJ Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is the agency that determines veterans preference for
hiring in New Jersey civil service and veteran status for New Jersey civil service pension plans.
Veterans Preference for Hiring in New Jersey Civil Service: War period veterans who pass state civil
service examinations are given absolute preference over non-veterans when applying for state, county and
municipal employment. Absolute preference is not extended to promotions, but if a veteran ranks highest
on a promotional certification, a non-veteran cannot be offered the appointment before the veteran.
Veterans with service-connected disabilities (at least 10%) who pass civil service examinations are given
preference over other veterans and non-veterans for state, county and municipal employment.
Veterans Status for Civil Service and Pension Plans
A pension is available to qualified veterans. To qualify, a veteran must apply for veterans status for civil
service pension plans after employment and must be in active employment until the effective date of
retirement. These benefits cannot be deferred. Veterans who continue in employment covered by Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS) until they are at least age 60 with 20 or more years of service
credit are entitled to an annual benefit equal to one-half of the salary on which pension contributions were
made in any consecutive 12-month period which would provide the largest possible benefit to the
Veterans who are at least age 55 with 35 or more years of service credit are entitled to an annual
allowance based on the following formula: Years of Service divided by 55, multiplied by the last 12
months salary, which yields the Maximum Annual Allowance. Veterans benefits cannot be deferred and
members must meet all the requirements to qualify. Veteran members may retire on the same basis as
non-veteran members if it would result in a higher benefit.
Other Civil Service Benefits for Veterans Preference
The following are other civil service benefits for veterans preference:
Appointment of veterans
Application of statutes to promotions
Preference in appointment in noncompetitive division
Preference to veterans in layoffs
Hearing on dismissal of veterans
Veterans not to be discriminated against because of physical defects
Employment or Promotion
Any individual who has served in the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States and
who has been awarded the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force Cross or Navy
Cross, while a resident of this State, and any individual who has served in the United States Coast Guard
and who has been awarded the Medal of Honor or the Navy Cross while a resident of this State, shall be
appointed or promoted without complying with the rules of the Merit System Board. The appointing
authority to whom the individual applies for appointment or promotion shall, at its discretion, appoint or
promote that person. Upon promotion or appointment, that person shall become subject to the rules of the
Merit System Board. A person who qualifies under this section shall not be limited to only one
appointment or promotion.
Visit the New Jersey Office of Veterans Affairs website http://www.nj.gov/military for contact
information and benefits assistance.
Education Benefits
Operation Recognition: High School Diplomas for Veterans
The New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) and the Department of
Education jointly launched a program October 5, 2000 to honor World War II era veterans who left
school to join the military and never received a high school diploma. Known as Operation Recognition,
the program will award a state-endorsed high school diploma to any New Jersey veteran who left a New
Jersey high school to enter military service during World War II. Because of the overwhelming success of
this program, The Adjutant General and the Commissioner of Education are expanding the program to
include veterans from the Korean and Vietnam wars.
POW and MIA Tuition Benefits
Free undergraduate college tuition is available to any child born or adopted before, during or after the
period of time his or her parent was officially declared a prisoner of war (POW) or person missing in
action (MIA) after Jan. 1, 1960. The POW-MIA must have been a New Jersey resident at the time he or
she entered the service or whose official residence is in New Jersey. The child must attend either a public
or private institution in New Jersey. A copy of DD- 1300 must be furnished with the application.
War Orphans Tuition Assistance
Children of those service personnel who died while in the military or due to service-connected
disabilities, or who are officially listed as missing in action by the U.S. Dept. of Defense may claim $500
per year for four years of college or equivalent training. To qualify, the child must be a resident of New
Jersey for at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the application and be between the ages of
16 and 21 at the time of application. The veteran must have been a state resident.
Veterans Tuition Credit Program
The Veterans Tuition Credit Program provides additional education benefits to veterans eligible for
federally funded education programs and who served on active duty from December 31, 1960 to May 7,
1975 and who were legal residents of New Jersey at the time of induction into the Armed Forces or at the
time of discharge from active service or for a period not less than one year prior to making application.
The amount of the award is $400 annually or $200 per semester for full-time attendance and $100 per
semester for part-time. Deadlines for applying are October 1 and March 1.
New Jersey National Guard Educational Benefits
New Jersey National Guardsman (Army or Air) who are eligible must:
Have completed Initial Active Duty Training.
Be in good standing with your unit.
Tuition Assistance: Pays up to 75% of tuition costs at Accredited schools only with a maximum of $100
per undergraduate credit and a maximum of $170 per graduate credit. Tuition Assistance may NOT be
used together with any other federal program (i.e. the GI Bill)
Visit the New Jersey Office of Veterans Affairs website http://www.nj.gov/military for contact
information and benefits assistance.
Other New Jersey State Veteran Benefits
Replacement of Medals
Veterans may request issuance or replacement of their medals and awards. Family members may only
request medals and awards of living veterans by obtaining their signed authorizations. For deceased
veterans, requests will be accepted from next-of-kin (unremarried widow or widower, son or daughter,
father or mother, brother or sister of the deceased veteran.)
Fishing and Hunting Licenses
The NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife will annually issue the following items FREE to each qualified
disabled veteran: a fire arm, bow & arrow, fishing or all around hunting license, a pheasant and quail
stamp, a state duck stamp and a trout stamp. In addition, disabled veterans may apply for free permits:
one bow and arrow deer permit *; one firearm (muzzleloader or shotgun) deer permit *; one spring and
one fall turkey permit * for use during applicable hunting season.
State Parks Admission
The New Jersey Division of State Parks and Forestry does not charge an admission fee for entrance into a
State park or forest by any resident of the State who is an active member of the New Jersey National
Guard who has completed Initial Active Duty Training.
Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Free interment and perpetual care, in the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial
Cemetery, is available to veteran residents of New Jersey, their spouses and dependent children. The
Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located at 350 Provinceline Road,
Wrightstown, NJ 08562.
The BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery, a state- operated cemetery dedicated to
veterans, is located on 225 acres in a picturesque setting of partially wooded land in Arneytown, North
Hanover Township, Burlington County. The cemetery features a modern, nondenominational
chapel/administration building. The cemetery will accommodate 215,000 veterans and eligible family
members. Areas are provided for the interment of those cremated and for those veterans whose remains
have never been recovered.
No Fee Automobile Registration
The veteran must be 100 percent disabled and be eligible for the automobile financial assistance from the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In addition, the veteran must have sustained the following
injuries incurred or aggravated during active military service:
Loss or permanent loss of use of one or both feet
Loss or permanent loss of use of one or both hands
Permanent impairment of vision of both eyes to a prescribed degree. Veterans with best-corrected
vision no better than 20/200 or less or field defect of 20 degrees or less are considered eligible.
No Fee Automobile Registration for Medal of Honor Recipients: Medal of Honor recipients are eligible
for a no-fee registration and will receive special license plates noting their award. Contact - For
information call 1-888-486-3339.
Military Organization Specialty Plates
The following plates listed at http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Vehicle/serviceorg.htm are available for
Plate Type
Assigned Series
To purchase organizational plates
Plate fees vary by plate type.
Contact the license plate coordinator for your qualified non-profit, alumni or service organization.
To find your coordinator’s contact information, call MVC toll-free at (888) 486-3339, extension
Once approved by the coordinator, plates are available from:
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Plate Unit, 2W
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666
Personalized plates are also available for certain qualified organizations subject to approval by
your coordinator. Refer to http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Vehicle/personalized_plates.htm for
To apply for a new plate type
Community and alumni organizations must have at least 500 members in good standing.
Military service-related organizations must have at least 175 members in good standing.
MVC plate fees are:
$15 for Service organizations
$25 for Community organizations
$50 for Alumni organization.
For information on obtaining a new organizational plate type, contact MVC by calling (888) 486-
3339 ext. 5061 or write to:
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Plate Unit, 2W
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666
Visit the New Jersey Office of Veterans Affairs website http://www.nj.gov/military for contact
information and benefits assistance.
[Source: http://www.military.com/benefits/veteran-state-benefits/new-jersey-state-veterans-benefits.html
Mar 2016 ++]
Military Discounts in New Jersey
1. MVDC has close to 5200 business locations in New Jersey that have discounts for military personnel
and veterans. In addition to businesses providing discounts, the state of New Jersey also provides
discounts for those that have served. To find business discounts, enter your zip code in the search box at
2. Veterans Designation on drivers license: Yes
3. State of New Jersey discounts for veterans and military personnel
Medal of Honor recipients are eligible for no-fee automobile registration and special license
plates noting their award.
Qualified veterans 100% disabled by a service-connected injury are also eligible for no-fee
automobile registration.
Members of the National Guard and qualified disabled veterans can received hunting and fishing
licenses free.
Qualified disabled veterans may also enter the first lottery for deer and turkey permits for free
Free admission to state parks and forests for members of the National Guard who are residents.
4. Property tax
Property tax deduction for eligible veterans.
Property tax exemption for eligible veterans 100% disabled by a service-connected injury.
Full income tax exemption on military pension and survivors' benefit payments.
5. Education Discounts
100% tuition assistance for members of the National Guard at state colleges and universities
(above and beyond the current GI Bill).
Free undergraduate college tuition at a public or private institution for the eligible children of a
prisoner of war or person missing in action.
$500/year for college or equivalent training for up to four years for children of service personnel
who died while in the military or due to service-connected disabilities, or who are listed as
Missing in Action
Additional education benefits to qualified Vietnam veterans
[Source: http://militaryandveteransdiscounts.com/location/new-jersey.html Mar 2016 ++]