Oman Air COVID-19 Coverage Terms and Conditions
We care for your safety and it is our highest priority. Oman Air will be offering its guests with
complementary Covid-19 coverage. Travel with us and you will be given assistance services
related to Covid-19, medical and quarantine expenses when you travel between 1
2020 and 30
June 2022 and your tickets booked after 1
October 2020.
This Policy covers the passengers who issued their ticket from Oct 1
2020 and onward. For a
travel period between 1
October 2020 until 30 June 2022.
The coverage now includes Oman resident cardholders (expats) who are required to present
medical coverage for their destination and return to Oman, if travel is completed within 31 days.
Omani Citizen, GCC Citizen and Holder of Free Medical Card do not require Covid-19 insurance, as
per the directive issued by Oman’s Supreme Committee for COVID-19 safety.
Passengers traveling to Thailand are covered with this Complimentary COVID-19 Coverage.
However, the Thai Authorities require separate Travel Insurance to cover additional medical risks,
which are not limited to COVID-19. Please, check our travel advisory on COVID-19 per destination
If you test positive for COVID-19 while you are abroad, you will benefit from medical repatriation
assistance, assistance with medical and hospital costs and assistance with quarantine
accommodation costs in an approved designated facility. More information about which expenses
are included and excluded and their limits can be found below.
It is mandatory to contact Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance (contact details provided below)
immediately in the event you test positive for COVID-19. Your expenses will only be settled
directly with the hospital, clinic or other medical or non-medical facility. If you pay, you will not
be able to claim these expenses later. Services which have not been organized by Oman Air COVID-
19 Assistance will not be reimbursed or paid. More information is included in section “How to
Claim” below.
Assistance is valid for 31 days from departure of the first flight of your journey. No assistance will
be provided in your country of residence. If you test positive for COVID-19 at any time during the
31-day period, your assistance will continue after the 31-day period up to the limits stated here.
Your COVID-19 testing expenses will not be covered.
Your assistance will be provided by Nextcare Claims Management LLC (part of Allianz Partners).
In this document, Nextcare is referred to as Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance. Please see the Privacy
Notice below.
Services which have not been organized by Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance will not be reimbursed
or paid.
Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance contact details:
Phone: +971 4 270 8705
WhatsApp: +971 56 358 9937
Assistance Services and Limits
Medical Repatriation Assistance
if diagnosed with COVID-19
Organizing and taking charge of
your return to your country of
residence or transportation to a
hospital in your home country
Actual costs
Organizing and taking charge of
the return of one (1) travel
companion and minor children to
country of residence
Actual costs
Medical and Hospital Costs
if diagnosed with COVID-19
Taking charge of covering the
hospital costs related to the
treatment of COVID-19
Up to a limit of €120,000 per
covered person per covered
Accommodation costs related to
COVID-19 quarantine if
diagnosed with COVID-19
If you or one (1) travel
companion are requested to be
quarantined in an approved
designated facility
Up to a limit of €100 per day
per covered person for a
maximum of 14 days
Assistance in the Event of a
covered person's Death
due to COVID-19
Transporting the body to home
Actual costs
Funeral costs
Up to a limit of €1,500 per
covered person
Excess costs: nil
More information on this assistance and applicable exclusions are provided below.
Geographical Coverage
Assistance will be provided in the country or countries visited during the trip which are mentioned in the
booking reference. Assistance will also be provided if you continue onwards to another city using another
mode of transport. Assistance will end upon your return to your country of residence. If you have
residence in more than 1 country, we will consider the country of residence where you are living, working
or studying.
General Exclusions
In addition to the specific exclusions stated for each type of assistance, assistance will not be provided for
the direct or indirect consequences of the following circumstances and events:
civil or foreign wars, riots, popular movements, strikes, hostage taking, handling of weapons or
your voluntary participation in gambling, crime or fights, except in the case of legitimate self-
any effects of a nuclear origin or nuclear reaction or caused by any source of ionizing radiation;
your deliberate acts (including but not limited to suicide and attempted suicide) and fraudulent
your consumption of alcohol, drugs or any intoxicating substance not medically prescribed;
events for which liability may fall on your travel organizer stipulating the conditions for pursuing
the business of organizing and selling holidays or on the carrier, principally for reasons of air safety
and/or overbooking;
your refusal to board the flight originally planned by an approved organization or intermediary
pandemics or epidemics except as expressly covered under the sections: Repatriation Assistance,
Medical and Hospital Costs Abroad and Assistance in the Event of Death.
Assistance Services
Decisions regarding the nature, the appropriateness and the way in which measures are taken and
organized are the exclusive responsibility of Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance.
Repatriation Assistance
If you have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 and medical repatriation is required, the following
assistance will be provided:
organizing and paying transportation costs of your return home or transportation to a hospital;
organizing and paying the cost of your return to your home in the relevant geographical area or
transport to the hospital which is closest to your home and/or is the most suitable to provide the
care required by your state of health. In the latter case, if you wish, your return can be organized
to your home in the relevant geographical area as soon as your state of health permits;
organizing and paying transportation costs of the return of a travel companion and minor children;
organizing and paying the costs (once Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance has agreed to this) for a trip
for a travel companion who is with you at the trip location to enable that person to accompany
you and/or enable the minor children who were travelling with you to return home if no adult
member of your family is present at the trip location with them and if your repatriation takes
place more than 24 hours before their originally planned return date.
Decisions will only be taken in consideration of your medical interests.
Nextcare doctors will contact the local medical teams and, if required, your usual medical
practitioner in order to gather the information that will enable the most appropriate decisions in
respect of your state of health to be taken.
Your repatriation is decided on and managed by medical staff who hold qualifications that are
legally recognized in the country in which they usually practice their professional activity.
If you refuse to comply with the decisions taken by Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance, you discharge
it of any liability in relation to the consequences of such an initiative and lose all rights to services
and compensation from Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance.
Moreover, under no circumstances will Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance carry out the role of local
emergency service organizations, nor can it pay the cost of expenses thus incurred.
Medical and Hospital Costs Abroad
Up to the amount limits stated in the Assistance Services and Limits table.
If, outside the country where you are resident, you incur medically prescribed medical or hospital
expenses in the event you are diagnosed with the COVID-19, you will be covered for any medical costs
related to COVID-19.
Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance ceases on the day on which Nextcare’ s doctors consider that it is possible
for you to be repatriated.
Cover applicable for returning residents with a valid residency in Oman.
Omani Citizens, GCC Nationals and all holders of the free medical treatment card are exempted from this
cover inside Oman as per the Civil Aviation Authority Circular Dated 27 December 2020.
Accommodation Costs Related to COVID-19 Quarantine
Your accommodation costs and those incurred by a travel companion will be covered if you are placed in
individual quarantine during your trip by order or other requirement of a government, public authority or
travel supplier based on a positive COVID-19 test.
Assistance does not include any quarantine that applies generally or broadly to some or all of a population,
vessel or geographical area, or that applies based on where the person is traveling to, from or through.
Your accommodation costs and those incurred by the travel companion will be covered, up to the amount
limits stated in the Assistance Services and Limits table.
Assistance in the Event of Death
In the event of your death due to the COVID-19 epidemic/pandemic, the following assistance will be
transportation of the body from the location where it is placed in the coffin to the burial place in
the relevant geographical area;
funeral costs up to the limit stated in the Assistance Services and Limits table.
Exclusions Applicable for all Assistance Services
Your travel to a destination in violation of a travel ban issued by the government of your home
country or a travel ban issued by a local authority at your trip destination (unless such government
or authority has provided exceptional permission for such travel). A travel ban does not include
travel advice issued by such government or authority (for example, advice against all but essential
travel to a destination).
Expenses incurred without the prior approval of Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance.
The consequences of an unconsolidated ailment being treated and from which you are still
convalescing, as well as any ailments occurring during a trip taken for the purpose of diagnosis
and/or treatment.
The eventual results (check-up, additional treatment, recurrence) from an ailment which
previously gave rise to a repatriation.
No repatriation due to the consequences of ailments/accidents or minor injuries that can be
treated at the location and not relating to COVID-19.
The consequences:
o of exposure to chemical agents of a combat gas type,
o of exposure to incapacitating agents, or
o of exposure to neurotoxic agents or agents with residual neurotoxic effects,
which require a quarantine period or specific preventive or monitoring measures by the local
and/or national health authorities of the country in which you are staying.
In addition, under the "Medical and Hospital Costs Abroad" cover, the following are excluded:
the cost of thermal spa treatments, heliotherapy, slimming treatments, rejuvenation cures, all
kinds of "comfort" or beauty treatments and physiotherapist costs;
the cost of implants, prostheses, artificial aids and optical costs;
vaccination expenses;
the cost of treatment or care not resulting from COVID-19;
the cost of treatment or care, the therapeutic nature of which is not recognized by legislation.
How to Claim
To request assistance
You, or a third party, must contact Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance immediately after the COVID-19 result
has been received.
Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance services are available 24/7:
by telephoning the following number: +971 4 270 8705
by messaging on WhatsApp: +971 56 358 9937
by sending an email to: : COVID19Assistance@nextcarehealth.com
You will be assigned a case number and you will be asked to:
Share copies of the following documents:
o Oman Air flight ticket;
o boarding pass;
o passport, including residency visa page if applicable;
o COVID-19 positive test result that should be dated after the first day of travel.
Share your email address and contact number where you can be reached and the details of those
assisting you.
Allow Nextcare doctors to have access to all relevant medical information.
Cost of Transport
When Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance organizes and pays the cost of transport, this will be for first class
train travel and/or economy class flights or by taxi (depending on the decision taken by Oman Air COVID-
19 Assistance).
In this case, Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance takes ownership of the original tickets and you undertake to
give up these tickets.
Scope of Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance Services
All Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance services are in compliance with national and international laws and
regulations and are subject to obtaining the necessary approval from the competent administrative
authorities and taking into account potential travel restrictions and exceptional regulatory restrictions in
Moreover, Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance cannot be held liable for delays or hindrance to the
performance of the agreed services as a result of a case of force majeure or events such as strikes, riots,
popular movements, restrictions on free circulation, sabotage, terrorism, civil or foreign wars, the
consequential effects of a radioactive source or any other exceptional circumstances.
Effect of Sanctions on Assistance
You shall not be covered for any expenses if the claim cannot be processed by Oman Air COVID-19
Assistance because of sanction, prohibition or restriction under the United Nations resolutions or trade
or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of
America. It is Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance’s decision to not cover expenses if it believes paying those
expenses may breach applicable sanctions, prohibitions, restrictions, laws or regulations.
Privacy Notice
By having your medical and quarantine expenses covered, you acknowledge and agree that certain
personal data, including sensitive personal data, needs to be processed by Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance
to evaluate your claim for expenses and arrange payment for those expenses. This may include your name,
passport details, results of COVID-19 testing and other medical information. This data will be processed
by Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance located in the United Arab Emirates in accordance with its privacy policy
which can be found at nextcarehealth.com.
Additional hotel costs and cost of contacting Oman Air COVID-19 Assistance following a
covered event, excluding all costs for meals and drinks.
All damaging consequences of an event falling within the scope of one of the types of cover
taken out. All damages arising from the same initial cause constitute one and the same claim.
Any person who holds a medical qualification that is legally recognized in the country in
which he/she usually carries out their professional activity.
An infectious disease recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official
government authority in your country of residence or your trip destination.
The share in the damage payable by yourself when the claim is settled. Excess amounts in
respect of each type of cover are specified in the cover and excess amounts table.
Any country except for the country where you are resident or of which you are a citizen.
First conservation costs, handling, placing in coffin, specific arrangements for transportation,
conservation made compulsory by legislation, packaging and simplest coffin required for
transportation and complying with local legislation, excluding burial,
embalming and ceremony costs.
Any deterioration to your health diagnosed by a competent medical authority.
This is the duration for which you are covered as detailed in this policy: 31 calendar days
starting from the trip commencement date.
Medically prescribed pharmaceutical, surgical, practitioner's and hospital costs required for
the diagnosis and treatment related to COVID-19.
Every nuclear reaction that results in the release of energy, such as nuclear fusion, nuclear
fission or artificial and natural radioactivity.
An epidemic that is recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) or
an official government authority in your country of residence or your trip destination.
Country of residence
Country where you live, work or study for more than 6 months (180 days). This does not
apply to situations where due to epidemic/pandemic the person is stranded abroad for more
than 6 months (180 days) and returning to the country of residence.
Mandatory confinement of a maximum of 14 days, intended to stop the spread of a
contagious disease to which you or a travel companion has been exposed.
A person travelling with a Covered Person. Travel Companion could be a member of the
Covered Person’s family but not necessarily.
Trip or holiday, lasting a maximum of 31 consecutive days using an air ticket issued by Oman
This includes armed conflicts, civil wars, insurrections, disturbances, riots and mutiny.
Passport holders of the Gulf Cooperation Council region, which consists of UAE, Oman,
Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Medical card issued by the government of Oman.