Student Textbook
Level 4
Chapter 7
Lesson 3
You will
• study new vocabulary;
make card 17; write own
sentence using the
vocabulary word.
• analyze new analogy; make
card 17; write own analogy.
• practice Jingles 13-21.
• classify Practice Sentences.
• do a Skill Builder.
• identify tenses of
helping verbs.
• do Classroom Practice 34.
• read and discuss
Discovery Time.
Learn It:
Recite the new vocabulary and analogy words.
Chapter 7: Lesson 3
Practice Sentences
1. _____ Before the freeze, the busy farmer harvested the crops
in his fields.
2. _____ My uncle makes delicious cakes and delightful pies.
3. _____ Two skillful little birds built a splendid nest in the branches
of our tree.
Recite It:
Practice Jingles 13–21 in the Jingle Section on pages 499–502.
Apply It:
Classify the Practice Sentences orally with your teacher.
Vocabulary & Analogy Words
Reference 125
Word: deficiency
(dĭ fĭsh' ən sē)
lack of something needed
The doctor told Julie that she had a vitamin deficiency
Analogy: key : piano :: string : guitar
Part-to-whole relationship:
Just as a key is part of a piano,
a string is part of a guitar.
Vocabulary Card 17:
Record the vocabulary information above and write your own
sentence, using the new word.
Analogy Card 17:
Record the analogy information and write your own analogy,
using the same relationship as the analogy above.
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Lesson 3
Level 4
Student Textbook
Chapter 7
Using the three sentences just classified, do a Skill Builder orally with your teacher.
1. Identify the nouns in a Noun Check.
2. Identify the nouns as singular or plural.
3. Identify the nouns as common or proper.
4. Identify the complete subject and the complete predicate.
5. Identify the simple subject and the simple predicate.
6. Do a Vocabulary Check.
7. Do a Verb Chant.
Learn It:
Tenses of Helping Verbs
Reference 126
Verb Tense Main Verb Past Tense Form R or I
1. The teacher is giving the test.
1 gave I
2. My baby had cried throughout the night.
2 cried R
3. The patient will wait for his doctor to call.
3 waited R
Present Tense
Past Tense
1. was 2. were 3. had 4. did 5. been
To determine the tense of a verb, you must first know if the sentence has a main verb only, or if it has a
main verb and a helping verb. Then, you will use one of the two ways below to determine the verb tense.
1. If there is only a main verb in a sentence, the tense is determined by the main verb and will be either
present tense or past tense.
If there is a helping verb with a main verb, the tense of both verbs is determined by the helping verb, not
the main verb. If there is more than one helping verb, the tense is determined by the first helping verb.
Since the helping verb determines the tense, it is important to learn the tenses of the 14 helping verbs you
will be using. You should memorize the list below so you will never have trouble with tenses.
Present-tense helping verbs:
am, is, are, has, have, do, does
Past-tense helping verbs:
was, were, had, did, been
Future-tense helping verbs:
will, shall
Some present-tense helping verbs keep verb phrases in present tense even though the main verbs have
a past-tense form. Has and have are the two present-tense helping verbs used most often with past-tense
main verbs. When has and have are used with a past-tense main verb, it describes an action that began in
the past and continues into the present or that occurred in the recent past..
(I have washed the car today.)
Example 1:
(1) Underline the verb or verb phrase.
(2) Identify the verb tense by writing 1 for present tense, 2 for past tense, or 3 for future tense.
(3) Write the past-tense f
(4) Write R for Regular or I for Irregular.
Example 2:
List the present-tense and past-tense helping verbs in the blanks below.
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Lesson 3
It is time to practice the skills you are learning. You will use the
classroom practice on the next page to apply these skills.
Classroom Practice
Student Tip…
Verb-Tense Game:
Write each of the present-, past-, and future-tense helping verbs on the front of index cards.
On the back of the cards, write either present, past, or future tense for each helping verb.
(Make several sets of cards.)
Present-tense helping verbs:
am, is, are, has, have, do, does
Past-tense helping verbs: was, were, had, did, been
Future-tense helping verbs: will, shall
Divide into several groups with three or four students in each group. Give each group a set of cards.
Have the “dealer” in each group place a card on the desk, “verb side” up. The first person in the
group to name the tense gets to keep the card. Continue until all the cards have been played. Rotate
until each student has had a turn to be the dealer.
Ice Hockey evolved from games played on makeshift ice skates in Northern Europe
during the Middle Ages. The name hockey has been attributed to the French word,
hoquet, which means shepherd’s stick. Early hockey games allowed as many as thirty
players on each side on the ice, and the goals were two stones, each frozen into one
end of the ice. Wayne Gretzky, nicknamed “The Great One,” was the youngest player
ever in professional ice hockey at the age 17
• What are some of the terms used in ice hockey,
and what do they mean?
• What are the basic rules of hockey?
• Who are some well-known hockey players?
• What do you think about ice hockey?
Are you interested in learning more about ice hockey or hockey players?
1. You may explore this topic further by using the resources listed below.
Computer resources: Internet, encyclopedia software
Library resources: encyclopedias, books, magazines, newspapers
Home/community resources: books, interviews, newspapers, magazines
Discovery Share Time is provided in Lesson 7 if you wish to share your
investigation results. You may share orally, or you may prepare a written report.
You will put your written report in a class booklet titled “Sports and Recreation.”
This booklet will be placed in the class library for everyone to enjoy.
Student Textbook
Level 4
Chapter 7
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Lesson 3
Level 4
Student Textbook
Chapter 7
End of
Lesson 3
Exercise 3:
(1) Underline the verb or verb phrase. (2) Identify the verb tense by writing 1 for present tense,
2 for past tense, or 3 for future tense. (3) Write the past-tense form. (4) Write R for Regular or I for Irregular.
Exercise 4:
List the present-tense and past-tense helping verbs below. (These verbs are listed in Reference 126.)
Exercise 5:
Correct each mistake.
Editing Guide:
End Marks: 4 Capitals: 8 Commas: 4 Homonyms: 1
Apostrophes: 1 A/An: 2 Underline: 1 Subject-Verb Agreement: 2 Misspelled Words: 1
jeremys class is reading because of winn dixie a novel about a homeless dog he must
do an report on the author kate DiCamillo and reed it to his class he have gone to the libary
and he have checked the internet for information he also talked to a uncle who knows the author
Classroom Practice 34
Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Date:________________________
List the Noun Used List the Noun Job Singular or Plural Common or Proper Simple Subject Simple Predicate
Verb Tense Main Verb Past Tense Form
R or I
1. Will you eat pancakes with us?
2. The sun rose at 6:00 this morning.
3. My pencil needs an eraser.
4. The chairs have scratched the floor.
5. We were swimming too far from the beach.
Present Tense
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Past Tense
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Exercise 1:
Classify each sentence.
1. Laura and I have read many books during our summer vacation.
2. The hunting dog tracked the raccoon through the brush.
3. Wow! I saw a falling meteor clearly during the night.
Exercise 2:
Use Sentence 1 above and complete the table below.
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