Technical Summary
Access Management in
the Vicinity of Intersections
This technical summary is designed as a reference for State and local transportation officials, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) Division Safety Engineers, and other professionals involved in the design, selection,
and implementation of access management near traditional intersections (e.g., signalized, unsignalized and
stop controlled intersections). Its purpose is to provide an overview of safety considerations in the design,
implementation, and management of driveways near traditional intersections in urban, suburban, and rural
environments where design considerations can vary as a function of land uses, travel speeds, volumes of traffic
by mode (e.g., car, pedestrian, or bicycle), and many other variables.
The technical summary does not include any discussion on roundabout intersections. More information
about roundabouts is available in Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, published by the FHWA [1]. Section 1
of this technical summary presents an overview of access management factors that should be considered for
improving safety near intersections in any setting. Section 2 presents access management considerations and
treatments to improve safety near traditional intersections in suburban, urban, and rural settings. This section
features a case study of an access management retrofit project in a suburban area. Section 3 points the reader to
additional resources.
This publication does not supersede any publication; and is a Final version.
Disclaimer and Quality Assurance Statement
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department
of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government
assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information
to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes
public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize
the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically
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Introduction 1.
Section 1: General.Access.Management
Considerations. 2.
1.1 Locate Driveways on the Appropriate
Roadway Functional Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Limiting Driveways within the Functional Area
of an Intersection Improves Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Reducing the Number and Types of Conflict Points
Created by a Driveway May Reduce Crashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Eliminating Left-Turn Movements at Driveways
is Beneficial from a Safety Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Median Treatments Can Impact Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Reducing Driveway Density Reduces Crash Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.7 Properly Designed Driveways Influence Safety
and Mobility at the Driveway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section 2: Special.Considerations.for.Suburban,
Urban.and.Rural.Areas. 7.
2.1. Access Management Considerations
in the Vicinity of Suburban Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Access Management Considerations
in the Vicinity of Urban Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Access Management Considerations
in the Vicinity of Rural Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Section 3: References. 14.
Cover Photo by Ralph Bentley
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections iii
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Access management” refers to the design, implementation and management of entry and exit
points (i.e., driveways, entrances or exits) between roadways and adjacent properties. These entry
and exit points can be managed by careful planning regarding their location, the types of turning
movements allowed, and if appropriate, medians that provide or prohibit access to the driveways.
Developing and implementing effective access management strategies that promote or improve
safety requires considering the location of driveways in the context of current and future access
needs, current and future intersection operations, and mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
This technical summary is designed as a reference for
State and local transportation officials, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) Division Safety Engineers, and
other professionals involved in the design, selection, and
implementation of access management near traditional
intersections (e.g., signalized, unsignalized and stop-
controlled intersections). Its purpose is to provide
an overview of safety considerations in the design,
implementation, and management of driveways near
traditional intersections in urban, suburban, and rural
environments where design considerations can vary as a
function of land uses, travel speeds, volumes of traffic by
mode (e.g., car, pedestrian, or bicycle), and many other
variables. The technical summary does not include any
discussion on roundabout intersections. More information
about roundabouts is available in Roundabouts: An
Informational Guide, published by the FHWA [1].
Section 1 of this technical summary presents an overview
of access management factors that should be considered
for improving safety near intersections in any setting.
Section 2 presents access management considerations
and treatments to improve safety near traditional
intersections in suburban, urban, and rural settings. This
section features a case study of an access management
retrofit project in a suburban area. Section 3 provides
Photo: Ralph Bentley (used with permission)
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 1
2 FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections
Providing access (i.e., driveways, entrances or exits) onto
roadways with the lowest traffic volumes and speeds
generally improves safety near intersections. In planning,
designing, and managing access, critical consideration
must be given to arterial and collector streets as these
streets serve both mobility and access functions. To the
extent possible, it is best to manage driveways so that
access is provided to and from the roadway with the
lower functional classification as these roadways typically
have lower traffic volumes and speeds. This helps to
reduce the frequency of conflicts, which minimizes both
the opportunity for crashes and the severity of those
crashes, should they occur.
Section 1: General Access Management Considerations
Planning, designing, and implementing access management strategies to promote safety near inter-
sections begins with an awareness of several considerations. These considerations are independent
of the environment or setting in which the driveway is located (i.e., urban, suburban, or rural). These
factors include roadway functional classification (sometimes referred to as “roadway hierarchy
the functional area of the intersection; the location and number of driveways and resulting conflict
points; the use of medians; and driveway design.
By considering the following seven guidelines when developing and evaluating access management
treatments, practitioners can apply access management techniques to help improve safety in the
vicinity of intersections
Physical Area of Intersection
Functional Area of Intersection
Figure 1: Functional and Physical Areas of an Intersection
1 Typical roadway functional classifications include freeway, arterial, collector, and local street—with freeways providing the highest level of
mobility but the lowest level of accessibility, and local streets providing the highest level of accessibility but lowest level of mobility (assuming
normal traffic).
2 These are general guidelines and may not apply to all situations. Understanding these principles can help practitioners more comprehensively
evaluate options, understand tradeoffs, and make better decisions to help promote the safest possible access management treatments in the
vicinity of intersections.
1.2 Limiting Driveways within the Functional Area of an Intersection Improves Safety
Figure 1 provides a schematic
representation of functional and physical
areas of an intersection. The physical
area of an intersection is a fixed area that
represents the space confined within the
corners of the intersection.
The functional area of an intersection
includes areas upstream and downstream
of the intersection. Unlike the physical
area of an intersection, the functional
area of an intersection is variable. The
American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) A
Policy On Geometric Design of Highways and
Streets [2] defines the upstream functional
1.1 Locate Driveways on the Appropriate Roadway Functional Classification
area of an intersection as a variable distance, influenced
by: 1) distance traveled during perception-reaction time,
2) deceleration distance while the driver maneuvers to a
stop, and 3) the amount of queuing at the intersection
The upstream functional area is highly dependent on
whether or not the traffic in the through lane is required
to come to a stop at the intersection. Therefore, the
functional area should be a consideration in situations
where a driveway is near an intersection (due to a traffic
signal or stop sign).
For example, at a stop-controlled intersection with
approach speeds of 30 mph and a queue length of
125 feet (with additional assumptions for perception-
reaction time and deceleration distance), the upstream
functional area of the intersection is 200 feet. For a
signalized intersection with identical speed and queue
characteristics, the upstream functional area is 395 feet.
At that same stop-controlled intersection with a similar
queue but a higher approach speed – 50 mph – the
upstream functional area is 425 feet (compared to
just 200 feet with 30 mph approach speeds). For a
signalized intersection with identical speed and queue
characteristics, the upstream functional area is 735
feet [3].
The AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design does not define
the downstream functional area of the intersection as the
criteria used to determine the downstream functional
area can vary between jurisdictions. The Access
Management Manual [3], published by the Transportation
Research Board (TRB), notes that “stopping sight
distance is one method for establishing the downstream
functional distance of an intersection.”
In the case of the stop-controlled intersection
previously described (30 mph approach speed, 125
feet queue), the downstream functional area using the
Access Management Manual’s stopping sight distance
calculation is 200 feet. At an approach speed of 50
mph the downstream functional area is 425 feet. When
calculating downstream functional area with this method,
traffic control at the intersection is not a factor.
Limiting or, where possible, eliminating driveways within
the functional area of an intersection (upstream and
downstream) helps reduce the number of decisions
motorists must make while traveling through an
intersection and improves safety in the vicinity of an
intersection. A recent study evaluating crashes in the
vicinity of signalized intersections in suburban areas
completed by the Utah Department of Transportation [4]
provides one illustration of the correlation between
driveways in the functional area of intersections and
increased safety risk. The study evaluated right-turn and
rear-end crashes at signalized intersections in suburban
areas. The study found that the existence of accesses
within the upstream functional area of the intersection
correlated to increased crashes and crash severity costs.
The report identified an even greater increase in total
crashes, crash rates, and rear-end crashes as commercial
access density increased
Additionally, a recent study by the Texas Transportation
Institute (TTI), the “Roadway Safety Design Synthesis” [5]
discusses the safety effect of driveways in rural areas.
The study includes equations to calculate the Accident
Modification Factor (AMF) for access control based
on the number of driveways within 250 feet of a rural
1.3 Reducing the Number and Types of Conflict Points Created by a Driveway May
Reduce Crashes
In general, the number and types of conflict points
(i.e., the number of locations where the travel paths
of two different vehicles may cross) at the intersection
of a driveway and a public road influence the safety
of motorists. It is desirable to minimize the number
of conflict points created with existing and future
driveways since more conflict points increase the risk of
a crash occurring. For example, a crash due to crossing
maneuvers (created by motorists turning across the
roadway or making left turns) can lead to more severe
crashes then merging or diverging conflicts because of
the angle and speed differentials between the vehicles.
As the angle and speed differentials increases, crash
severity can also increase.
The number and type of conflict points at a driveway
can be managed by limiting both the amount of access
allowed at the driveway (e.g., full-movement, left-in/left-
out, right-in/right-out, right-in only or right-out only) and
3 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, A Policy On Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition
(Washington, DC: 2004).
4 This study examined safety-related data upstream of signalized intersections within suburban areas.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 3
the location of the driveway relative to other driveways in
the area. In most cases, property owners prefer to have
at least one direct, full-movement driveway from their
property onto the major street (i.e., the street with higher
traffic volumes) adjacent to the property. In many cases,
it may occur that property owners are requesting direct,
full-movement driveways to different properties on both
sides of the major street. It is not always possible to
align these driveways to minimize the number of conflict
points, so another strategy, such as implementation of a
raised median, should be considered (see Section 1.5 for
information on median treatments).
Figure 2 illustrates a scenario in which it is not possible
to align the full-movement driveways in a manner that
would reduce conflict points. Figure 3 illustrates how
construction of a raised median on the major roadway
could reduce the number of conflict points in this
situation. The raised median in Figure 3 limits the access
to Driveways A and B to right-in/right-out movements
only. Also, the number of conflicts in the vicinity of
Driveways C and D in Figure 2 are reduced by relocating
Driveway C to the minor road (see Figure 3). This solution
limits conflict points by providing a direct, full-movement
driveway (i.e., left-in/left-out/right-in/right-out) to the
minor road, and by constructing a median on the major
road and limiting access at Driveway D to right-in/right-
out only.
Finally, in Figure 3, additional right-in/right-out only
driveways are provided on the minor street (Driveways E
and F) to improve the access to the properties adjacent to
Driveways B and D. If possible, it is preferable to provide
driveways onto the minor street instead of on the major
street in order to preserve mobility on the major street.
Limiting turn movements to properties adjacent to the
roadway can result in circuitous travel to and from a site.
For example, a motorist exiting Driveway B is limited to
one direction of travel and is required to make a U-turn or
use Driveway F to reach other destinations.
Figure 2: Typical Access Scenario at the Intersection of Two Public Roadways
Figure 3: Desirable Access Scenario at the Intersection of Two Public Roadways
1.4 Eliminating Left-Turn Movements at Driveways is Beneficial from a Safety Perspective
Where restricting turning movements to and from a
driveway is possible, it is most beneficial from a safety
perspective to prohibit left-turning movements. Research
suggests that approximately 72 percent of crashes at a
driveway involve a left-turning vehicle [6]. As illustrated
in Figure 4, approximately 34 percent of these crashes
are due to an outbound vehicle turning left across
through traffic. Twenty-eight percent of crashes are
due to an inbound, left-turning vehicle conflicting with
opposite direction through traffic, and 10 percent are
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 4
due to outbound, left-turning movements
incorrectly merging into the same direction
through movement. This suggests that
reducing or eliminating left turns to or from
driveways, combined with efforts to reduce
conflict points (described in Section 1.3),
enhances safety. When turn movements
are restricted at driveways, roadway
engineers, planners, and policy makers
need to consider the tradeoffs of shifting
the turning movement to another location
along the roadway.
1.5 Median Treatments Can Impact Safety
One method to manage or limit left turns to and from
driveways is with the proper use of medians. Proper use
of medians has been found to improve roadway safety
significantly relative to undivided roadways. National
Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Report 420: Impacts of Access Management Techniques [7]
identifies two types of medians typically used:
Non-traversable medians.
Continuous two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTL).
Non-traversable medians separate opposing
directions of travel, significantly reducing the potential
for head-on crashes and physically eliminating or limiting
where left-turns and crossing movements across the
median can occur. When a non-traversable median of
sufficient width is constructed, it can also provide refuge
28% 34% 10%
Figure 4: Crash Percentages for Turning Motorists to and from the Driveway
for pedestrians crossing the roadway. Non-traversable
medians generally result in an overall crash reduction
of approximately 35 percent as compared to undivided
TWLTLs provide for left turns in both directions of travel,
except near signalized intersections where the center turn
lane transitions to a conventional left-turn lane for one
direction of travel. TWLTLs generally result in an overall
crash reduction of approximately 33 percent as compared
to undivided roadways. However, NCHRP Report 420
states that “Most studies, and the models derived from
them, also suggest that safety is improved where physical
medians replace TWLTLs.” Factors to consider include
differing roadway types, traffic volumes, travel speed,
number of through lanes, and the number of left turns
and crossing maneuvers.
1.6 Reducing Driveway Density Reduces Crash Rates
Research over the past decades has
consistently shown that crash rates
increase as driveway density increases
on a roadway (i.e., number of driveways
per mile). Figure 5 illustrates this trend
under a variety of roadway conditions and
environments across the U.S. and in Canada.
Property access points should be designed,
approved, and permitted within the context
of the number of driveways on both sides
of the street within the vicinity of the
proposed access points and should not be
considered in isolation. Possible strategies
Crashes / Million Vehicle Miles Traveled
British Columbia 2-Lane Urban
Michigan 2-Lane Urban
Michigan 2-Lane Rural
British Columbia 4-Lane Urban
Oregon Urban*
Oregon Rural*
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Access Points / Mile
* Road type not specified
Figure 5: Effect of Access Point Density on Crash Rate
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 5
to reduce the number of driveways over time include the
use of shared access to serve more than one property,
the planning and development of additional roadways to
provide connectivity and complementary mixed uses to
minimize the need for multiple parking areas, and multiple
1.7 Properly Designed Driveways Influence Safety and Mobility at the Driveway
Driveway connections to public roads must be
adequately designed to ensure safe and efficient
movement of vehicles to and from the roadway,
balancing safety with mobility interests. There are
many elements to consider in proper driveway design,
including upstream and downstream sight distance, the
angle at which the driveway intersects the major road,
the appropriate width of the driveway in tandem with
curb radii so that vehicles can make the desired turn
movement, the number of lanes (sufficient for the volume
at the site), and the vertical grade and length of the
driveway throat.
In general, driveways should be of sufficient length to
allow motorists to completely pull off the road without
interference from on-site parked vehicles, vehicle queues,
or pedestrian or vehicle circulation once they enter
the property adjacent to the roadway. The design of
a driveway at any given location is a function of the
design vehicle, travel speeds onto and off of the property,
traffic volume, pedestrian and bicycle volume, and the
type of traffic control (e.g., a signalized driveway should
accommodate queues that may conflict with on-site
turning movements). For motorists leaving a property, the
vertical alignment of the driveway should be as close to
level as possible where it intersects with the roadway. The
driveway should be level for a sufficient distance to allow
the motorist to easily stop with an unobstructed view
upstream and downstream prior to entering the major
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Driveway Manual [8] provides a thorough overview of
the criteria and application methods that a practitioner
should consider in the design of a driveway. In addition,
jurisdiction-specific design guidelines should be
consulted when designing a driveway.
Photo: Ralph Bentley (used with permission)
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 6
Section 2: Special Considerations for Suburban, Urban
and Rural Areas
Urban, suburban, and rural areas each present unique opportunities and challenges with respect
to design, selection and implementation of access management strategies that provide the high-
est level of safety in the vicinity of intersections. The following sections (2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) provide an
overview of some additional special considerations that apply within each of these environments.
Because suburban areas offer the greatest opportunities to improve safety through access manage-
ment strategies (due to development trends and traffic volumes), this discussion addresses suburban
areas first, followed by a discussion of urban and rural environments.
2.1 Access Management Considerations in
the Vicinity of Suburban Intersections
Suburban areas offer the greatest opportunity to
positively impact safety through access management
treatments for several reasons. New development
and redevelopment often occurs on large parcels
of land, providing planners with more flexibility and
options for implementing optimal access management
treatments. This can provide the opportunity for access
to be considered from a systematic perspective, from
the outset of a project, where stakeholders have the
opportunity to plan for the appropriate number of
driveways and optimum types of access (e.g., right-in/
right-out only; or right-in/right-out-left-in). For example,
access to developments on corner lots may be limited
to a side street where traffic volumes and speeds are
typically lower. Where access to a major roadway is
allowed, agencies with authority over the roadways have
opportunities to limit turn movements to and from the
driveway with physical treatments, such as medians along
the major roadway and/or median islands at locations
where the driveway connects to the major roadway.
Further, adjacent land uses, including residential,
commercial, and industrial require significant access
management planning and accommodation. Finally,
while suburban areas are often lower density than urban
areas, their residential and commercial centers are often
connected by higher speed arterials (35 to 50 mph and
occasionally up to 55 mph) than are found in urban areas,
creating safety risks and opportunities through access
management planning and implementation.
This section describes specific characteristics and access
management challenges and opportunities associated
with suburban areas and intersections, and provides a
summary of potential access management treatments
that can improve safety for motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians. It also features a case study highlighting an
access management retrofit project in a suburban area.
2.1.1 Characteristics of Suburban Roads and Intersections
As the distance from the urban core increases, the density
of development decreases. Emphasis on residential
land use grows as one moves further from the urban
core. Suburban areas tend to be characterized by large-
scale and residential, commercial, industrial, or retail
development typically separated by larger distances than
in the urban core. In developing suburban areas, parcels
can be combined to accommodate larger developments,
such as big box retail and strip malls. Land values often
rely on spacious parking lots and convenient access to
adjacent roadways.
Physical characteristics of suburban areas include medium
to long block lengths that may vary from 400 feet to a
half mile and signalized intersections on arterials and
major collectors. Traffic characteristics of suburban areas
include roadways with speeds that generally range from
35 to 50 mph (and occasionally up to 55 mph), medium
to high traffic volumes (30,000 to 50,000 vehicles per day)
on mainline roadways; and 5,000 to 15,000 vehicles per
day on side streets and non-residential driveways. Physical
characteristics include:
Moderate to large site setbacks for structures.
Non-traversable medians (in some cases) or continuous
two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTLs) .
Left- and right-turn lanes.
Six or fewer traffic signals per mile.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 7
Table 1
eported Crashes on OR 82 at
Study Driveway (November 1994 to August 1997)
Crash Severity
Fatality Injury PDO Left-turn
12 0 6 6 12
PDO = Property Damage Only
Figure A: Original Driveway and Roadway Configuration
Suburban Case Study: La Grande, Oregon
In June 1996, the Oregon Department of Transportation
(ODOT) initiated a study of an unsignalized, full-access
driveway (i.e., left and right turns allowed for inbound and
outbound vehicles) in a suburban area. The study driveway
was located on Oregon 82 (OR 82), approximately 600 feet
south of Walton Road in La Grande, Oregon. La Grande
has a population of approximately 12,500, and OR 82 is an
undivided five-lane road. Adjacent land use development
is a mix of big-box retail, commercial, and some industrial
uses. The posted speed on this segment of OR 82 is 40
mph. During a 34-month period
between November 1994
and August 1997, ODOT crash reports show that 12 crashes
occurred at this unsignalized driveway. Figure A depicts
this driveway (driveway A) and the roadway configuration
during the study period, prior to implementation of any
access management treatments.
All of these crashes included a collision with a vehicle
moving northbound on OR 82. One of the crashes involved
a motorist turning left out of driveway Aonto southbound
OR 82 and colliding with a motorist traveling northbound
on OR 82, who was turning right into the driveway.
After performing a review of the roadway configuration,
ODOT staff recommended the following access
management improvements, depicted in Figure B:
Restrict left turns to and from the driveway with a
non-traversable median to eliminate left turns into
and out of the site.
Modify the adjacent signalized intersection to
accommodate U-turns to allow motorists to access
southbound OR 82, which has been eliminated at the
During the study period, the average annual daily traffic
volumes on OR 82 approached 17,200 in the vicinity of
driveway A. Data also showed that approximately 500
vehicles per day traveled inbound/outbound on the study
driveway A. The average crash rate was 0.66 crashes per
million entering vehicles
Table 1 summarizes the crashes
reported during this period.
driveway with the non-traversable median.
Construct a northbound right-turn deceleration lane
in advance of driveway “A.” This treatment reduces
the speed differential between motorists slowing
to access the driveway and following motorists,
while improving sight distance upstream from the
The proposed access management treatments were
approved and funded through the State’s access
management fund. The State implemented the
recommended improvements in August 1997.
Figure B: OR 82 Roadway Configuration After Implementation of
Access Management Techniques
In the ten years following implementation, only two crashes
have occurred at the unsignalized driveway on OR 82 and
neither involved another vehicle
Given the estimated
18,900 vehicles per day on OR 82 for the 10-year period
after the access management treatments were made,
the crashes involved vehicles turning left from the driveway
onto southbound OR 82.
5 The 34-month study period represents the time period from when the full access driveway was approved until when ODOT completed mitigation measures.
6 Crash rate is calculated by: 1) multiplying average daily traffic by the number of years of crash data by 365 days per year, and dividing by 1,000,000 and 2)
dividing the total number of crashes at the site during the study period by the million entering vehicles calculated in Step 1.
7 One crash involved a single vehicle and a fixed object, and the other involved a vehicle attempting a left turn across the raised median.
8 Based on a review of ODOT crash reports for the 10-year period from September 1, 1997, through August 31, 2007.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 8
Traffic signal spacing in suburban areas is a function of adequate progression of traffic on the mainline roadway.
Roadway and intersection improvement projects often
are required to provide additional capacity for increasing
traffic volumes.
the ability to progress two-way traffic along the mainline
roadway. Signalized driveways are often not permitted in
private developments but may be allowed if the spacing
and timing can meet established standards to ensure
2.1.2 Potential Access Management Treatments to Improve Safety for Motorists in Suburban Areas
The following access management
techniques can help to improve motorist
safety and mobility at access points
implemented in the vicinity of suburban
Locate driveways upstream of the vehicle
queue caused when the downstream
traffic signal is red. Figure 6 illustrates
this scenario, in which site driveway
A” is located beyond the limits of the
typical queue as shown with the yellow
(light) vehicles, with current traffic
volumes. Without changes in capacity,
existing traffic queues will grow as traffic
volumes increase. If possible, therefore,
as development occurs, plan and
locate driveways for future estimated
traffic volumes. Figure 7 demonstrates
potential access issues at driveway “A
if future traffic queuing conditions, as
illustrated with the blue (dark) vehicles,
are not anticipated.
Prohibit median openings to restrict
driveway movements to and from the
left-turn lane at a major intersection.
Figure 8 illustrates the risks of allowing
such a median opening. In this
example, motorists turning left into the
site access may conflict with the left-
turning or through traffic.
In cases where there is a traversable
median (e.g., TWLTL), aligning
driveways to have a positive offset to
minimize conflicts between left-turning
vehicles is advantageous. Figure 9
Figure 6: Driveway Location in Relation to
Traffic Queues on a Major Roadway
illustrates driveway alignment with a positive offset. With
a positive offset, motorists can use the two-way, left-turn
lane to access either driveway with a reduced likelihood
of a crash. Figure 10 demonstrates a negative offset
of driveway. In Figure 10 if two motorists are using the
two-way, left-turn lane at the same time, the drivers’ paths
Figure 8: Avoid Median Opening Across Left-Turn Lane for Downstream Intersections (Courtesy of FDOT)
Figure 7: Driveway Location in Relation to
Future Traffic Queues on a Major Roadway (Blue
Vehicles with X Indicate Future Traffic Queues)
would overlap (i.e., a crash may occur) as each driver tries to
access the driveways.
Where it is not possible to align driveways with a positive
offset (as depicted in Figure 10), align driveways directly
across the street from one another. Figure 11 illustrates this
technique, which allows drivers to access either driveway
without utilizing the same median area while decelerating
prior to turning from the major roadway.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 9
Figure 9: Locate Driveways on Opposite Sides of Figure 10: Avoid Locating Driveways on Opposite
Sides of the Roadway that Create an Overlap for
Left Turns Exiting the Major Roadway
Figure 11: Align Driveways on Opposite Sides of
a Roadway to Achieve a Positive Offset the Roadway
2.1.3 Potential Access Management Treatments to Improve Safety for Bicyclists and Pedestrians in
Suburban Areas
The following access management approaches can
help to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety as well
as mobility at access points in the vicinity of urban
and suburban intersections (both signalized and
Provide raised medians on the major roadway to prohibit
vehicles from turning left into driveways. This improves
pedestrian safety by reducing the number of potential
pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at a driveway.
Construct a channelized island between the inbound and
outbound movements at right-turn-only driveways to
provide a pedestrian refuge across the driveway.
Minimize the width of the driveway as much as possible in
order to reduce pedestrian crossing distances (i.e., reduce
Place sidewalks and pedestrian driveway crossings so that
pedestrians are visible to the drivers, and drivers are visible
to the pedestrians. Do not block pedestrian-driver sight-
lines with landscaping or signage.
Include bike lanes and signage, as appropriate, to alert
bicyclists that motorists may be entering or exiting a
driveway and to alert motorists that bicyclists may be
crossing the driveway.
2.2 Access Management Considerations in the Vicinity of Urban Intersections
Implementing access management treatments in urban
areas can be difficult to achieve because of some of
the constraints in urban areas and the amount of time
planning and implementation can consume for local
jurisdictions. This section describes specific characteristics
and design challenges associated with access
2.2.1 Characteristics of Urban Roads and Intersections
Urban areas (including central business districts) are
typically characterized by dense, multi-modal, fully
built-out transportation systems. Adjacent land uses
are typically high-density office, commercial, and
management near urban intersections (Section 2.2.1), and
provides a summary of potential access management
treatments that can improve the safety for motorists
(Section 2.2.2), bicyclists, and pedestrians (Section 2.2.3).
retail developments with minimal setbacks from the
street. Parking is usually along roadways, in parking
structures, and in some cases available via surface parking
lots. Older businesses often rely on on-site parking;
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 10
therefore, eliminating driveways on these properties can
significantly impact business operations.
Physical characteristics of urban environments include
short block lengths (200 to 350 feet), two-way streets with
some left-turn lanes, six or more traffic signals per mile,
and minimal site setbacks. Where there are driveways
to and from the streets, the driveways have small radii
and width, and curbs and gutters exist in almost all areas.
Intersections are controlled with a mix of signalized
or unsignalized intersections while the driveways are
generally unsignalized.
Traffic characteristics include low to medium driveway
volumes (500 to 5,000 vehicles per day), medium to high
adjacent street traffic volumes (20,000 to 50,000 vehicles
per day), and coordinated, fixed signal timing. Pedestrians,
bicycles, and buses often are present, and speeds
generally are equal to or below 30 mph.
One-way couplets are often found within the urban area
and provide access management benefits. One-way
streets limit driveways to right-in/right-out only or left-in/
left-out only turning maneuvers and reduce the number
of crossing conflict points and the spacing required
between adjacent driveways. One-way streets also reduce
the need for intersection sight distance downstream of a
driveway as there is no oncoming vehicular traffic.
One-way streets can also be beneficial for pedestrians
crossing the street as they only need to look for
oncoming traffic in one direction.
Based on a speed of 30 mph, the upstream functional
area of an urban signalized intersection often exceeds the
length of a typical urban block. For this reason, engineers
in urban areas often cannot avoid placing driveways
within functional areas of intersections. Furthermore,
on-street parking and other sources of friction within
an intersection’s functional area, including bus pull-outs
and areas for truck loading/unloading, can diminish the
benefits otherwise associated with placing driveways
outside of the functional area of an intersection.
2.2.2 Potential Access Management Treatments to Improve Motorist Safety Near
Urban Intersections
The following access management approaches can help to
improve motorist safety and mobility at access points implemented
in the vicinity of urban area intersections. The techniques apply
whether or not the urban intersection is signalized:
Develop a right-turn lane for inbound vehicles on the through road
in advance of the site driveway by removing a section of on-street
parking; this removes the turning vehicle from the flow of traffic.
Avoid locating on-site parking bays near site driveways. This allows
motorists to drive completely onto the property without having to
stop for other motorists completing on-site parking maneuvers, as
illustrated in Figure 12. Parking maneuvers near the site driveway
can also result in delays for inbound motorists, creating queues
that extend back into the major roadway. Figure 13 illustrates an
unobstructed driveway, which allows motorists to exit the roadway
unimpeded by other motorists maneuvering in the driveway.
Replace gated parking entries with alternate ticketing options to
decrease the drivers entrance time into the driveway and off the main
roadway, thus reducing the likelihood of queues on the main roadway.
Locate loading and bus bays on the far side of the driveway to
maximize sight distance for motorists exiting a driveway.
Place driveways on lower volume roadways (side streets or alleys)
wherever possible (Figure 3).
Figure 12: Parking Maneuvers Close to the Roadway
Result in Delays for the Inbound Motorist
Figure 13: Unobstructed and Clearly Defined
Driveways Allow Easy Access for Inbound Motorists
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 11
Sign and stripe for right-turn, outbound movements
only, wherever possible. It is not always possible to
enforce this condition without geometric restrictions
(i.e., raised channelization) to eliminate outbound, left-
turning conflicts.
Place driveways that serve left-turning, inbound vehicles
near the center of the block to minimize interaction with
upstream and downstream intersection queues, thus
reducing the potential for left-turn related crashes.
Place driveways on one-way streets where possible. This
results in right-in/right-out only or left-in/left-out only
driveways and therefore fewer conflict points.
Position driveways as far upstream from intersections
as possible to provide motorists leaving a property with
distance along the roadway to make any necessary
lane changes for traveling through the downstream
intersection (e.g., maneuvering into an intersection left-
or right-turn lane).
2.2.3 Potential Access Management Treatments to Improve Safety for Pedestrians and Bicyclists in Urban
In addition to the access management treatments
identified in 2.1.3, the following access management
approaches can help to improve pedestrian and bicyclist
safety and mobility at access points in the vicinity of
urban intersections. The techniques apply whether or not
the urban intersection is signalized:
Use colored pavement across driveways in combination
with crosswalk markings, and audio/visual treatments for
exiting vehicles with limited sight distance. Such treatments
include a signal and/or flashing sign that is activated to alert
pedestrians a vehicle is about to cross the sidewalk from an
adjacent parking area.
Restrict inbound vehicle speeds by designing the driveway
access with appropriately designed radii.
Smaller driveway radii of 25 to 35 feet are more sensitive to
pedestrian movements [5] because motorists have to slow
down to complete the turn. However, on-street parking and
bike lanes can increase the effective driveway radius, so care
should be taken to balance vehicle and pedestrian safety.
2.3 Access Management Considerations in the Vicinity of Rural Intersections
Rural areas, in general, have fewer access management
needs in the vicinity of rural intersections than urban
or suburban areas. Intersections with county roads are
generally infrequent, and these roads often have fairly
low traffic volumes. The majority of driveways in the
vicinity of intersections serve low traffic generators such
as single family homes and/or farms. Large property
frontages adjacent to the roadway allow the regulating
jurisdiction to locate a driveway a significant distance
from the intersection. However, rural intersections can
2.3.1 Characteristics of Rural Roads and Intersections
Rural areas are characterized by low-density commercial
development, such as gas stations and small convenience
stores, industrial land and farm land, as well as, in some
cases, large expanses of private or publicly-owned
undeveloped property. Large property frontages along
rural roadways allow jurisdictions to adequately space
driveways, though topographical and environmental
constraints (e.g., steep hills, wetlands, or rivers) may
impact where driveways can be located.
have intersecting high-speed roadways, which can create
access management risks.
This section describes specific characteristics and
access management challenges and opportunities
associated with rural areas and intersections, and
provides a summary of potential access management
treatments that can improve the safety of motorists,
bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Physical characteristics of rural roads include divided
or undivided two-lane and multilane highways; paved
and unpaved shoulders; and infrequent full-access,
unsignalized, and on occasion, signalized intersections.
Traffic characteristics include speeds of 50 mph and
higher. Pedestrian and bicycle volumes are typically
the lowest on rural roads as compared to urban and
suburban roadways. Rural areas may be subject to
development in the future. TTI has published research
on rural intersections that relates driveway frequency
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 12
to crash frequency. Researchers estimate that a rural
signalized intersection with no driveways within 250 feet
“will be associated with 13 percent fewer crashes than an
intersection with three driveways (say, two driveways on
one major-approach and one on the other approach).”
Researchers also estimate that a rural unsignalized
intersection with no driveways within 250 feet will
be associated with 20 percent fewer crashes than an
intersection with three driveways [9].
2.3.2 Potential Access Management Treatments to Improve Safety for Motorists in Rural Areas
The following access management approaches can help
to improve motorist safety and mobility at access points
implemented in the vicinity of intersections in rural areas:
Early participation by jurisdictional staff and all stakeholders
in planning processes can help assure that access requests
do not become problematic for regulating jurisdictions.
As development occurs in rural areas, a potential concern
is development of subdivisions or partitions of large
properties near rural intersections that could create a
demand for additional access to the major roadway. Early
communication and coordination with property owners can
help to establish the location and number of driveways that
can be permitted to the major roadway as part of the land
subdivision process.
Provide adequate throat depth and on-site circulation for
vehicles to easily exit a major roadway. This will minimize
speed differential between through vehicles and vehicles
slowing to turn into a driveway.
Pave the shoulders near driveways to provide additional
entry and exit width and, hence, higher entry and exit
speeds to help minimize speed differentials between
through vehicles and vehicles turning onto or off of the
roadway within the functional area of an intersection.
In situations where there are higher traffic generators in the
vicinity of rural intersections, frontage roads that parallel
the major roadway may also be employed as a means to
provide access to each of the adjacent properties. This
solution can help to eliminate several access points to the
major roadway as access to each development is achieved
via the frontage/backage road rather than to the major
roadway. In instances where the intersecting roadway
has high traffic volumes, the jurisdiction may elect to
implement some type of grade-separated facility rather
than allow the installation of a traffic signal on a high-speed
2.3.3 Potential Treatments to Improve Safety for Pedestrians, and Bicyclists in Rural Areas
In rural areas, where there is no sidewalk, pedestrians
and bicyclists benefit from roadway shoulders that are
at least 4 feet wide or wider, paved and well maintained.
As access and intersection modifications are considered
in these environments, to the extent possible, shoulder
widths should be maintained in order to provide facilities
for non-auto travelers. Figure 14 depicts an example of a
paved shoulder for bicycles or pedestrians on a rural road.
Photo: Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (used with permission)
Figure 14: Paved shoulder for bicycles or pedestrians
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 13
Section 3: References
The following documents were referenced in the development of this technical summary.
1. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, Report FHWA-RD-00-067. FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, June
2000. This comprehensive guide is anticipated to be published in 2010. It will include the most recent research
and findings for the design and implementation of roundabouts in the U.S.
2. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004. Commonly referred to as the “Green Book,” this
manual provides the transportation professional with a wide array of guidelines for the design and operation of
roadways and streets.
3. Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C. 2003. A comprehensive overview
on access management, the Access Management Manual provides information on how to develop a State or local
access management program. The manual also includes sections on corridor management, land development,
access location and spacing criteria, medians, public involvement, right-of-way and legal concerns, driveway
applications and permitting processes, and case studies.
4. G. Schultz, C. Allen, and D. Eggett. Crashes in the Vicinity of Major Crossroads, Brigham Young University,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for the Utah Department of Transportation, December 2008.
The study focuses on the evaluation of crashes in the vicinity of signalized -intersections in suburban areas.
5. J. Bonneson, K. Zimmerman, and K. Fitzpatrick, Roadway Safety Design Synthesis, Texas Transportation Institute,
November 2005. This document describes the effect of key design components on street and highway safety.
6. Analysis of Crossing Path Crashes, U.S. Department of Transportation. July 2001. This 76-page report examines
crossing path crashes within the physical area of an intersection, including contributing factors to the crashes
and a section on pedestrian and bicyclists’ crashes at intersections.
7. Report 420, Impacts of Access Management Techniques, Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C. 1999. This
170-page report presents access management techniques and provides methods for estimating the safety and
operational effects of different techniques. The report was a precursor to the 2003 Access Management Manual.
8. Florida Driveway Information Guide, Florida Department of Transportation, September 2008 ( This guide provides a comprehensive overview
on issues related to driveways including information on appropriate connection radii and flare, driveway width,
grade and length, sight distance considerations, optimum location for a driveway, and pedestrian considerations.
9. J. Bonneson, K. Zimmerman, and K. Fitzpatrick, Roadway Safety Design Synthesis, Texas Department of
Transportation, 2005. The synthesis includes safety information related to freeways, interchange ramps, rural
highways and intersections and urban streets and intersections.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 14
The following web sites offer two of the most comprehensive portals available for online access management
FHWA Access Management Web site:
The web site provides links to FHWA resources and publications published on access management topics, including
videos/CDs; brochures, including the Benefits of Access Management (2003); the publication Safe Access is Good for
Business (2006), with accompanying CD; contact information for the National Highway Institute 3-day classroom
course “Access Management, Location and Design; and a link to the Access Management Manual at the TRB Bookstore.
The FHWA materials and classroom course will be especially beneficial for those involved in public outreach and
coordination and those desiring to learn more about the technical and legal aspects of an access management
TRB Access Management Committee:
The site includes information on all of the access management related publications that have been developed within
the United States and many other countries in the past two decades. The site provides links to published research
(including NCHRP reports); guides and handbooks for the practitioner; outreach materials; papers, PowerPoint and
video presentations from past access management conferences; information on upcoming conferences and future
research needs; and policies and programs from international, state, and local agencies.
FHWA | Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections 15
For More Information
Jeffrey Shaw
Intersection Program Manager,
FHWA Office of Safety
Visit FHWAs intersection safety web site to download this
and other technical outreach products highlighting proven
intersection safety treatments from across the country:
Updated July 2020