Make sure this is the most recent application by checking our website. Failure to submit a current
application could result in delays while processing your application.
This application is used to apply for a broker of record, broker-officer, or broker-partner license.
If your state of licensure is not listed do not proceed with this application. You will need to apply for the
Broker-Multi-Licensee-Standard license. The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission has reciprocity with the
following states:
Arkansas Georgia Louisiana Maryland
Massachusetts New York West Virginia
If you are applying to be a broker of record for a corporation, LLC or partnership that was licensed by the
standard method, do not proceed with this application. Reciprocal brokers cannot be the broker of record
for a standard entity license holder. You must apply for the Broker-Multi-LicenseeStandard license.
To qualify for a reciprocal license you must maintain a current license in your primary state. You are
required to notify the Commission within 30 days of any change to your primary license. If your primary
license is not active at the time of renewal, you cannot renew, and must apply for a standard license.
You must meet both of the following requirements:
1. Hold a current, active equivalent license in another state, having been so obtained by
examination in a state that has entered into a reciprocal agreement with this Commission,
2. Your principal place of business is in another state
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age.
Licensees who wish to use and advertise a nickname for their first name shall include the nickname on
their licensure applications or biennial renewal applications.
If a pending application is older than one year from the date submitted and the applicant wishes to
continue the application process, the Commission shall require the applicant to submit a new application
including the required fee.
In order to complete the application process, many of the supporting documents associated with the
application cannot be more than six months from the date of issuance. All background check documents
cannot be older than 90 days from the date of issuance.
Failing to answer any questions or providing false answers may delay the issuance of a license or result in
disciplinary action once the license is issued.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER DISCLOSURE: NOTICE: Disclosing your Social Security Number on this
application is mandatory in order for the State Boards to comply with the requirements of the Federal
Social Security Act pertaining to Child Support Enforcement, as implemented in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania at 23 Pa.C.S. § 4304.1(a). At the request of the Department of Human Services (DHS), the
licensing boards must provide to DHS information prescribed by DHS about the licensee, including the
social security number.
PO Box 2649
Harrisburg PA 17105-2649
Phone Number 717-783-3658
Fax Number: 717-787-0250
Licenses are not forwarded. Provide your current address to receive correspondence from the
Commission. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform the Commission of an address or name change
within ten (10) days of the change. Refer to the “Name/Address Change” form located on our website.
PLEASE NOTE: Providing your e-mail address on this form permits the Commission to
correspond with you via e-mail regarding the status of this application. Please make sure to
add ra-realestate@pa.gov to your Contacts so that you do not miss vital communications
regarding your license.
1. The application responses must either be typed or printed in blue or black ink.
2. If you are a currently licensed PA broker applying for licensure as broker of record for a corporation
or partnership that is already licensed in this Commonwealth:
a. The corporation or partnership must obtain a resignation letter from the former broker of
record, to be submitted with this application; AND
b. The new broker of record must be identified as a signatory on the escrow account, replacing
the former broker of record. A letter from the bank confirming this change must be
submitted with this application; AND
c. The new broker of record may start practicing upon submission of this application.
3. If you are applying for licensure as broker of record for a corporation or partnership that is not
licensed in this Commonwealth, a completed application for a Broker (Corp LLC Partner) license
4. If you hold an active license issued by the PA Real Estate Commission, you do not need to submit a
state police background check.
5. If you hold a current PA salesperson or associate broker license, it will become inactive upon
issuance of your broker license.
6. Employer Certification The employer certification must be signed by the broker or broker of
record if the employing broker is a corporation or partnership. If you are applying to be the
broker of record, this section may be left blank.
7. Broker Information - Use the name, address, and license number exactly as it appears on the
broker’s license. If the employing broker is a corporation or partnership, use the company’s name,
address, and license number.
Attach the following documents to this application:
Check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
$119.50 Includes $94.50 licensure fee and $25.00 application fee.
If you have NEVER held another Pennsylvania real estate license, ADD $10.00 for the
recovery fund fee = $129.50
All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE regardless of whether a license is issued. A $20.00
processing fee will be charged for any returned unpaid check.
Certification of Licensure/Letter of Good Standing Accompanying this application must
be a Certification of Licensure or Letter of Good Standing from the state where you passed the
real estate broker licensure examination and that has a reciprocal agreement with this
Commission. The Certificate/Letter MUST be dated within 90 days of the date this application is
received in the Commission office.
Criminal Background Check completed by the State Police where the applicant resides
and dated within 90 days of the date this application is received in the Commission
If you reside in Pennsylvania, background checks may be obtained online at:
If you reside outside the state of Pennsylvania, you must obtain a background check
from the State Police in that state.
The background check must contain the Applicant’s date of birth and social security
The background check must either state “No Record” or “Record Exists.” Background
checks that reflect “Pending” “Under Review,” or “Under Request” cannot be
submitted. Questions regarding the status of a background check must be directed to
the State Police.
If “Record Exists”—submit originals of the following for EACH conviction:
o The conviction summary information provided by the State Police;
o Certified copies of ALL court documents;
o Letter from the probation office, dated within 90 days, indicating current
probationary status/completion date;
o Employment History (resume);
o Detailed description (in applicant’s words) of the circumstances surrounding the
conviction, the basis for the conviction and the disposition of the conviction;
o A signed and dated reference letter from the employing broker, on the company’s
letterhead, indicating that the broker is aware of all conviction(s) and is willing to
hire the applicant;
o Two signed and dated character references from individuals who are not related
to or residing with the applicant.
Documentation regarding discipline (if applicable). If your real estate license in another
state or other professional license in any state has been the subject of discipline, submit all
documentation related to the disciplinary action.
Resignation Letter (if applicable) - From previous broker of record.
Escrow Letter (if applicable) - Verifying that the previous broker of record has been
removed as a signatory, and that the new broker of record has been added. (Does not apply to
officer/partner applicants).
Licenses are mailed to the employing broker’s main office address.
Please see the Commission’s website www.dos.pa.gov/estate for additional information about
licensure and application requirements.
To check the status of your application or to apply online visit www.mylicense.pa.gov
Select the License Type:
1. Applicant’s Legal Name:
2. Applicant’s Nickname (if applicable):
3. Applicant’s Home Address:
(City) (State) (Zip)
4. Applicant’s Email Address:
PLEASE NOTE: Providing your e-mail address on this form permits the
Commission to correspond with you via e-mail regarding the status of this
application. Please make sure to add ra-realestate@pa.gov to your Contacts so
that you do not miss vital communications regarding your license.
5. Applicant’s Social Security Number: __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __
6. Applicant’s Date of Birth: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
7. Applicant’s Phone Number: (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
8. Select your state of reciprocity:
Arkansas Georgia Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts New York West Virginia
9. Employing Broker’s Office Name:
10. Employing Broker’s Office Address:
11. Employing Broker’s Office License Number:
(RBR #)
12. Do you hold, or have you ever held, a license, certificate, permit, registration or other authorization
to practice a profession or occupation in any state or jurisdiction? No Yes
13. If you answered yes to the above question, please provide the profession_______________ and
state or jurisdiction _______________. Please do not abbreviate.
14. Have you had disciplinary action taken against a professional or occupational license, certificate,
permit, registration or other authorization to practice a profession or occupation issued to you in any
state or jurisdiction or have you agreed to voluntary surrender in lieu of discipline? No Yes
15. Do you currently have any disciplinary charges pending against your professional or occupational
license, certificate, permit or registration in any state or jurisdiction? No Yes
PO Box 2649
Harrisburg PA 17105-2649
Phone Number 717-783-3658
Fax Number: 717-787-0250
16. Have you withdrawn an application for a professional or occupational license, certificate, permit or
registration, had an application denied or refused, or for disciplinary reasons agreed not to apply or
reapply for a professional or occupational license, certificate, permit or registration in any state or
jurisdiction? No Yes
17. Have you been convicted (found guilty, pled guilty or pled nolo contendere), received probation
without verdict or accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD), as to any criminal charges, felony or
misdemeanor, including any drug law violations? Note: You are not required to disclose any ARD or
other criminal matter that has been expunged by order of a court. No Yes
18. Do you currently have any criminal charges pending and unresolved in any state or jurisdiction?
No Yes
Disciplinary action includes any revocation, suspension, voluntary surrender, reprimand, probation, civil
penalty or any restriction in practice. If any disciplinary action has been taken against any license in any
state, submit all documentation about the disciplinary action.
Conviction includes a finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt, a plea of nolo contendere or
receiving probation without verdict, disposition in lieu of trial or an Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition
in the disposition of criminal charges. Only felony and misdemeanor convictions must be reported to the
Commission. If a conviction has occurred in any state that has not yet been reported to the Commission,
submit all documentation about the conviction. If you answered “Yes” to any of the disciplinary or
conviction questions, provide complete details as well as certified copies of relevant documents.
I do hereby request that a license be granted to ___________________________________________ to
provide real estate services at this office. I certify that the above applicant bears a good reputation for
honesty, trustworthiness, integrity and competence and I will actively train and supervise the applicant
as required by the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act and the Commission’s Regulations.
(Broker’s Signature) (License Number) (Date)
By submitting this information, I verify that this application is in the original format as supplied by the
Department of State and has not been altered or otherwise modified in any way. I am aware of the
criminal penalties for tampering with public records or information under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4911. I verify that
the statements in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief. I understand that false statements are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904
(relating to unsworn falsification to authorities) and may result in the suspension, revocation or denial of
my license, certificate, permit or registration.
(Applicant’s Signature) (Date)