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A narrative review of adaptive testing and its application to A narrative review of adaptive testing and its application to
medical education. medical education.
S Burr
Peninsula Medical School
T Gale
Peninsula Medical School
J Kisielewska
P Millin
Peninsula Medical School
JM Pêgo
et al.
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Burr, S., Gale, T., Kisielewska, J., Millin, P., Pêgo, J., Pinter, G., Robinson, I., & Zahra, D. (2023) 'A narrative
review of adaptive testing and its application to medical education.',
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S Burr, T Gale, J Kisielewska, P Millin, JM Pêgo, G Pinter, I Robinson, and D Zahra
This article is available at PEARL:
A narrative review of adaptive testing and its application to
medical education [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer
Steven A. Burr
, Thomas Gale
, Jolanta Kisielewska
, Paul Millin
José M. Pêgo
, Gergo Pinter
, Iain M. Robinson
, Daniel Zahra
University of Plymouth, Plymouth, England, UK
University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Lancaster University, Lancaster, England, UK
First published: 24 Oct 2023, 13:221
Latest published: 24 Oct 2023, 13:221
Adaptive testing has a long but largely unrecognized history. The
advent of computer-based testing has created new opportunities to
incorporate adaptive testing into conventional programmes of study.
Relatively recently software has been developed that can automate
the delivery of summative assessments that adapt by difficulty or
content. Both types of adaptive testing require a large item bank that
has been suitably quality assured.
Adaptive testing by difficulty enables more reliable evaluation of
individual candidate performance, although at the expense of
transparency in decision making, and requiring unidirectional
navigation. Adaptive testing by content enables reduction in
compensation and targeted individual support to enable assurance of
performance in all the required outcomes, although at the expense of
discovery learning.
With both types of adaptive testing, candidates are presented a
different set of items to each other, and there is the potential for that
to be perceived as unfair. However, when candidates of different
abilities receive the same items, they may receive too many they can
answer with ease, or too many that are too difficult to answer. Both
situations may be considered unfair as neither provides the
opportunity to demonstrate what they know. Adapting by difficulty
addresses this. Similarly, when everyone is presented with the same
items, but answer different items incorrectly, not providing
Open Peer Review
Any reports and responses or comments on the
article can be found at the end of the article.
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MedEdPublish 2023, 13:221 Last updated: 24 OCT 2023
Corresponding author: Steven A. Burr ([email protected])
Author roles: Burr SA: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project Administration, Writing – Original Draft Preparation,
Writing – Review & Editing; Gale T: Writing – Review & Editing; Kisielewska J: Writing – Review & Editing; Millin P: Writing – Review &
Editing; Pêgo JM: Conceptualization, Writing – Review & Editing; Pinter G: Writing – Review & Editing; Robinson IM: Conceptualization,
Writing – Review & Editing; Zahra D: Conceptualization, Writing – Review & Editing
Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
Copyright: © 2023 Burr SA et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Burr SA, Gale T, Kisielewska J et al. A narrative review of adaptive testing and its application to medical
education [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] MedEdPublish 2023, 13:221
First published: 24 Oct 2023, 13:221
individualized support and opportunity to demonstrate performance
in all the required outcomes by revisiting content previously answered
incorrectly could also be considered unfair; a point addressed when
adapting by content.
We review the educational rationale behind the evolution of adaptive
testing and consider its inherent strengths and limitations. We explore
the continuous pursuit of improvement of examination methodology
and how software can facilitate personalized assessment. We
highlight how this can serve as a catalyst for learning and refinement
of curricula; fostering engagement of learner and educator alike.
Assessment, adaptive testing, personalised, progress testing, fairness,
different questions, reliability, compensation
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MedEdPublish 2023, 13:221 Last updated: 24 OCT 2023
Tests that adapt by difficulty have historically been referred to
as computerized adaptive testing, or CAT (Collares & Cecilio-
Fernandes, 2019; Gershon, 2005; Linden et al., 2000; Meijer
& Nering, 1999; Wainer et al., 2000). Test items representing a
range of difficulties are pre-calibrated (Rice et al., 2022). Dur-
ing delivery, the adaptive algorithm aims to select items with
a 50/50 chance of candidates responding correctly. If a candi-
date answers an item incorrectly then the next item they receive
is easier; and if they answer correctly then the next item is more
difficult. The difficulty of items thus fluctuates to find the level
of ability of the candidate, at which point they will be answer-
ing half of the items they receive correctly and half incorrectly.
It is implicit that candidates will each receive different items,
and all expect to reach a 50% probability of getting the cor-
rect answer and thereby achieve an overall score approaching
50%. Decisions about the adequacy of performance by indi-
vidual candidates are then based on the level of difficulty of the
items they have gravitated toward. With most items pivoting
around the level of ability of the individual candidate, it follows
that the measure of their achievement is more reliable (Lord,
1980). The main advantages of CAT are, therefore, increased
reliability and more precise measurements (Lord, 1980); with
fewer test items needed to estimate the ability of an indi-
vidual candidate. This improves efficiency but also decreases
test item exposure which is a relevant factor in maintaining
the security and stability of the test item bank underlying this
technology. Additionally, since each candidate receives an indi-
vidualized test, test delivery can be asynchronous for candi-
dates. Thus, candidates from the same cohort can be assigned
to different time slots. This can be useful when cohorts are too
large for available venues as physical space and computers can
be reused. The main criticism that is raises relates to the poten-
tial unfairness of the test administration, since candidates are
presented with different subsets of items that may bias the sam-
pling of content and stimulus difficulties (Denny et al., 2019). To
mitigate this, large banks of calibrated items need to be set up,
to ensure a diverse range of content and difficulties that match
a predetermined blueprint. This increases the workload, time
demand, and cost to develop and maintain such item banks.
Another criticism of CAT by difficulty is that it not only requires
large banks of pre-calibrated items, but the item response the-
ory models on which difficulty categories are based require
large numbers of candidates in order to be robust (> 200 for
even the simplest models). Thus, the successful examples cited
have usually been national exams with many thousands of
candidates (Sands et al., 1997).
Tests that adapt by content have been developed more recently
and are referred to as content adaptive progress tests or CAPT
(Burr et al., 2022), and are especially applicable to longitu-
dinal approaches to knowledge testing such as the progress
test format that is more commonly used in the education of
health professionals. When adapting by content the knowledge
required is retested in subsequent tests until every candidate has
successfully demonstrated knowledge in all required content
areas. If a candidate answers an item on particular content
incorrectly then that content is more likely to be repeated
(with a different item); and if they answer correctly then that
content is less likely to be repeated. This effectively functions as
a progress test (Schuwirth & Van der Vleuten, 2012) since the
growth of each candidate toward demonstrating knowledge in
every required content area covered by the learning objectives
of a programme can be monitored and supported over
Here we explore the history of adaptive testing, its evolu-
tion over time, and potential implications for using different
types of adaptive testing in the future.
History of adaptive testing
The roots of adaptive testing can be traced back to the work of
Binet & Simon (1905). Binet developed an IQ test that used a
bank of items asked by a psychologist. The psychologist would
use their estimate of the candidate’s ability to determine which
items to start with, followed by branching to select which set
of items they would ask next depending on the answers to
the previous set. There was a pre-determined ceiling level of
performance that would terminate the test, and the final
score would be weighted by the chronological age of the
candidate. These principles have continued to be utilized in IQ
testing, including in the progression and termination rules of the
widely used WAIS-IV (Wechsler, 2008). During WWII sequen-
tial testing was developed, as a subcategory of assessment
that specifically ended data collection once a predetermined
threshold had been achieved (Taylor & Russell, 1939; Wald,
1945), and this was then used in medical research (Armitage,
1950). However, the methods were impractical for large-scale
testing due to the time and resources required.
It was not until the advent of sufficient computing power in
the 1960s that adaptive testing became a practical method
for large-scale testing. In 1968, Frederick Lord developed a
set of rules that could form the basis of a computerized adap-
tive testing algorithm for the Educational Testing Service to
administer the Graduate Record Examination in the USA (Lord,
1968). Subsequently, in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers began to
develop new algorithms and models for adaptive testing. Sequen-
tial testing was intensively studied and applied to the assess-
ment of candidates where candidates answered items one at a
time until a predetermined level of performance was achieved
(summarized by Weitzman, 1982). Item Response Theory (IRT)
as a distinct area of study with practical applications was devel-
oped (Lord, 1980), which provided a framework for modeling
the relationship between a candidate’s ability and their perform-
ance on individual test items. The IRT model allowed for more
accurate and efficient adaptive testing, as it could estimate the
candidate’s ability level with greater precision than previous
methods (Weiss, 1985).
In the 1990s, the increasing accessibility of the internet and
networked computing enabled the coordinated delivery of dif-
ferent items to different candidates in large cohorts. Research-
ers began to explore the use of adaptive testing in online
learning and assessment. The Graduate Record Examination
in the USA was the first large-scale high-stakes assessment to
use adaptive testing (Sands et al., 1997). However, by the turn
of the century, adaptive testing had not become as common-
place as some had speculated (Linacre, 2000). Take-up for sum-
mative use more widely across the education sector was slow,
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probably due to the need for a combination of: (1) commer-
cial software (Sahin et al., 2018), (2) computer venues, (3) aca-
demics willing to innovate, and (4) enlightened regulatory
policymakers. Adaptive testing has been recognized to provide
personalized learning experiences, as it can adapt the difficulty
of items to the individual needs of each candidate. However, for a
long time, it has been perceived to be unattainably complex to
deliver summatively in comparison to established non-adapting
methods of assessment. Perceptions of adaptive testing are also
colored by the persistent cultural belief that for a test to be ‘fair’
everyone should receive the same items. In addition, there is the
difficulty of making high-stakes decisions based on candidates
answering different items. The expansion in use of adaptive test-
ing has thus predominantly been through developing formative
assessments, and this has evolved with the advent of mobile
devices to support flexible personalized learning (Choi &
McClenen, 2020; Conejo et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2009; Oppl
et al., 2017; Triantafillou et al., 2008). Other applications
based on the principles of adaptive testing have been devel-
oped to help in the evaluation of patients, for example in aspects
of mental health (Gibbons et al., 2008) and arthritis (Fries
et al., 2009). Another success, currently familiar to many is
the popular “Duolingo” mobile application that requires suc-
cessful content completion before the user can “level up” using
adaptive release (Teske, 2017). There have also been relatively
recent developments to deliver national assessments of pro-
ficiency in literacy and numeracy for school children using
adaptive testing in Australia (Thompson, 2017) and Wales
(Williams, 2017).
To date, the emphasis on adaptive testing has been to adapt by
difficulty. Recently in 2018–22 the European Board of Medical
Assessors coordinated the development of an online inter-
national progress test, that adapted by difficulty, involving 8
medical schools as partners across 5 countries. This revealed
that the creation and delivery of sequential formative tests
was feasible and achievable (Rice et al., 2022). Other medical
schools have also begun to develop tests that adapt by difficulty
(Koşan et al., 2019). The development of a progress test that
adapts by difficulty provided the foundations to enable two
of the original partner medical schools (at the universities of
Plymouth and Minho) to then develop the means to adapt
tests by content instead of difficulty, and to begin to practi-
cally implement this summatively (Burr et al., 2022). This form
of summative assessment is not only personalized to ensure
performance in all required content is achieved, but also moti-
vates, supports, and empowers candidate development, and
thus functions as learning (Bennett, 2010).
Advantages of adaptive testing
One of the key advantages of adaptive testing is its ability to pro-
vide a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s knowledge
and skills compared to other assessment methods. In a study
by Wang and colleagues, adaptive testing was shown to have
higher validity, in addition to reliability, compared to traditional
testing methods (Wang et al., 2012). The authors concluded
that adaptive testing could provide a more accurate and fair
assessment of a candidate’s abilities. In another study, the use
of an adaptive testing method significantly reduced the test-
ing time while maintaining the same level of accuracy as tra-
ditional testing methods (Weiss & Kingsbury, 1984). Thus,
adaptive testing can provide a more efficient testing experi-
ence, which could be improved further by considering the use
of alternative statistical models to assess candidate knowledge
(Boyd et al., 2010). Another advantage of adaptive testing is its
ability to provide personalized feedback. In a study by Martin
and Lazendic (2018), candidates were assessed using an adap-
tive testing method that provided personalized feedback based
on their performance. The results showed that candidates who
received personalized feedback had higher levels of motivation
and engagement compared to those who received generic feed-
back. It has also been suggested that adaptive testing improves the
candidate’s motivation and engagement by presenting items
that are challenging but not too difficult, although benefits
will not accrue without curriculum alignment (Griff & Matter,
2013). Furthermore, adaptive testing can provide valuable feed-
back to both the student and the educator by identifying areas
of strength and weakness and guiding the learning process
(Martin & Lazendic, 2018). In contrast to tests that adapt by dif-
ficulty, tests that adapt by content are intrinsically aligned to the
principles and advantages of programmatic assessment (van der
Vleuten et al., 2012), offering an alternative to portfolio-based
assessment, with linkage between tests. A programmatic approach
to assessment decreases the use of high stakes assessments
for making progression decisions and instead uses continuous
assessment methods which build up a profile of a learner’s
growth in knowledge and skills.
Potential limitations of adaptive testing
One of the main limitations is the potential for item expo-
sure, where candidates may share or memorize the items and
compromise the validity of the assessment (Persky & Fuller,
2021). To minimize this risk, CAT requires a large pool of items
that can be randomly selected and rotated across candidates.
Nering and Ostini (2011) have previously noted that the devel-
opment of large item banks can be time-consuming and
costly. However, the advent of automatic item generation (Lai
et al., 2009) and generative Artificial Intelligence (Falcão
et al., 2022; Falcão et al., 2023; Sun & Hoelscher, 2023) has
the potential to dramatically augment the process of creating
large numbers of items. Item security could be further improved
if the same item could be rewritten in different ways using
generative Artificial Intelligence.
An additional requirement for tests that adapt by difficulty is
the need for sound psychometric models and algorithms to
facilitate decisions about the setting of performance thresh-
olds (van der Linden & Hambleton, 2013). For example, the
application of IRT and Rasch modelling to make pass-fail
decisions (Kuravsky et al., 2017; van der Linden & Pashley,
2009) could be considered difficult to understand and as a result,
for decisions about candidates to lack transparency. Adapt-
ing by difficulty requires the selection of items ‘on the fly’
within a test, and this also means that candidates cannot be
permitted to go back and change their answers to items pre-
viously viewed. Thus, navigation must be unidirectional if
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adapting by difficulty within a test (whereas navigation can
be bidirectional if adaptation is by content between tests).
When adapting by difficulty, if a candidate receives an easier
item, then this indicates they have answered the previous item
incorrectly. With bidirectional navigation candidates could
spend time during an examination trying to evaluate the rela-
tive difficulty of sequential items and thus whether they should
change their answers. The potential for differential cueing
effects on easy and hard items (Schuwirth et al., 1996) would
become more complex and undesirable. In contrast, when adapt-
ing by content the items can be preselected before the start
of each test, and bidirectional navigation retained, because
adaptation occurs between tests rather than within each test.
An additional requirement for tests that adapt by content is the
need for sequential test opportunities with intervals between
them to give the opportunity for weaknesses to be addressed
before re-testing (Ricketts & Bligh, 2011). The potential to
benefit from such feedback mandates that an indication of the
content (although not necessarily the items) which could be
asked is transparently known by candidates in advance; a fact
that can undermine the long-established benefits of discovery
learning (Bruner, 1960; Castronova, 2002). When adapting by
content, all items also need to have equal value to each other,
when in practice there may be no such consensus. Furthermore,
there needs to be an acceptance that the different aspects of con-
tent being tested can be acquired in any order over the series
of tests, and so the assessment of some content may be out
of alignment with its teaching for some candidates. However,
this can be considered beneficial where there are multiple teach-
ing sites or multiple classes within the same year, or where
different placement rotations are experienced, as tests which
adapt by content effectively adjust.
In comparison, a test that adapts by both difficulty and content
would need to prioritize one over the other, and whichever
isn’t prioritized would suffer a degree of compromise. Prac-
tically, a test cannot contain the same range of difficulty in
items for the same range of content, for all candidates, and still
adapt by both simultaneously; a trade-off is required (Luecht
et al., 1998). If prioritizing difficulty, then candidates will need
to receive items covering different aspects of content in order to
balance the overall difficulty of the test. Similarly, if prioritiz-
ing content, a test cannot cover as wide a range of difficulty
and provide assurance all content is achieved to the same stand-
ard. To completely adapt by both difficulty and content, all
content areas would need to be covered at each difficulty incre-
ment, or vice versa, requiring additional items, such that it
becomes impractical to vary both factors within a restricted
test length. The balancing of content within tests which adapt
by difficulty is a well-known issue with several approaches
available to control it (Leung et al., 2003; Veldkamp & van
der Linden, 2002). An equivalent combination of adapting by
difficulty whilst simultaneously evaluating cognitive attributes
has also been developed (Gierl & Zhou, 2008), although the
number of domains is limited and decision making more
Comparison with other assessment methods
Adaptive testing is a method of assessment where each item
presented to a candidate is based on their previous answers.
Adaptive testing is important for developing personalized
assessments: (1) to gain more reliable measures of individual
performance, (2) to ensure acquisition of all the required learn-
ing outcomes by all candidates, and (3) to tailor individual
support for learning. Tests can be designed to adapt by item
difficulty, content, or both.
Except for some specific circumstances such as test-equating,
other methods of assessment typically present all candidates
with the same items: (1) When considering difficulty this
means that high ability candidates will receive many items that
they find easy, while other low ability candidates will receive
many items that they find hard. A lower proportion of items are
close to the level of ability of any given candidate and so the
reliability of the measures of performance will be lower than
if the test adapts. (2) When considering content this means that,
unless the required performance threshold is 100%, there will
be a degree of compensation whereby some of the content will
not need to be demonstrated. Candidates can thus avoid certain
content areas and still achieve a pass. When considering these
points, adaptive testing should work more efficiently to prac-
tically facilitate learning by providing support in accord with
the theory of the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky &
Cole, 1978).
Why it is fairer to ask candidates dierent
What is fairness? Is it that candidates are all treated the same?
Is that possible, or reasonable? Is it fairer for candidates to be
asked the same questions or different questions? At face value, it
may appear fairer for everyone to be judged by their answers to
the same set of questions. However, a moment’s reflection might
call to mind complexities such as those parodied by the Traxler
cartoon of a monkey, elephant, goldfish, and other animals being
assessed ‘fairly’ by all being asked to climb a tree (Traxler, 1983).
This equality approach to assessment presupposes all candidates
have the same preparatory experience, as well as being matched
in all other variables. If candidates cover the content of the
curriculum at different times through different learning experi-
ences, but are given the same set of questions at the same time
with which to achieve a particular pass mark, then the unfair-
ness in this equality approach should be apparent. In such
circumstances, it becomes fairer to ask candidates different
questions to each other.
The idea of asking candidates different questions to each other
might be countered by claiming that candidates receive the
same learning and teaching within a programme. However,
it is typical of most contemporary curricula in higher educa-
tion (Clegg et al., 2010; although admittedly less so in school
education; McNeil, 2014), for candidates to have different
amounts of time on different content. This can occur: in small
group work, with different peers; by choosing different
coursework assignment titles; by selecting or been limited to
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different placement opportunities; and due to a greater empha-
sis on self-directed learning. Thus, undergraduate candidates
may cover content in different orders, and to different extents
(or not at all), compared to other candidates in the same
cohort. This variation in experience is compounded by differ-
ences in attendance through illness and other valid extenuating
circumstances, leading to alternative replacement coursework,
resit examinations, or even the repeating of parts of a pro-
gramme with a different cohort (Burr et al., 2018). Thus, tra-
ditional assessment strategies already allow that candidates on
the same programme will be graduated (or not) based on a dif-
ferent set of assessments and assessment items to each other. It
is therefore not currently the case, nor a reasonable expectation
of new assessment designs, that candidates all be judged only
by their response to the same questions during a programme
of study. With this in mind, programmes are often designed
with the end-point being for candidates to demonstrate
their achievement in covering a set of learning objectives.
The traditional model of assessment presents all candidates
with the same set of items covering all learning objectives, and
requires them to achieve a particular pass mark with those items
(Holzinger et al., 2020). This has as its graduation criteria the
achievement of a particular pass mark across assessments, rather
than the demonstration of all the learning objectives. Thus, can-
didates can compensate for missing some learning objectives
by excelling in others (Brinkman et al., 2017), unless all assess-
ments have a 100% pass mark (Herold et al., 2016). This can
even be to the point of completely ignoring one or more objec-
tives or content areas. Furthermore, achievement of the pass
mark is based on the same items set for all candidates. Within
a curriculum where learning experiences differ, this means
that not all candidates are given the same opportunities to
develop and demonstrate their knowledge and meet the pass
mark. Unmet objectives are never revisited if the pass mark has
been achieved, and as such, the end-point for candidates is
different (Bierer et al., 2008). Some candidates will gradu-
ate with a broad range of knowledge, whereas others will
graduate with exceptional knowledge of some areas and less
(or no) knowledge of others (Cummings et al., 2019).
In contrast, requiring candidates to demonstrate achievement of
knowledge in each content area by the end of the programme is
unquestionably more aligned to the stated aim of creating gradu-
ates that have demonstrated achievement of all of the learn-
ing objectives. Unlike the previous situation, in this case, all
students have the same end-point of demonstrating achieve-
ment of each and every learning objective, and are given
repeated opportunities to demonstrate this through assessment
items that adapt by content. The selection of items is person-
alised to each candidate, with tailored feedback and support to
meet objectives that remain unmet after each assessment. This
adaptation, to ensure the same end-point is met by each gradu-
ate, necessitates each candidate receiving different assessment
items over the course of the programme. Candidates have been
shown to perceive alternative assessment types as fairer where
there is the opportunity to react to feedback and stimulate deeper
learning (Struyven et al., 2005). In addition, the approach fos-
ters self-directed learning, a form of individualised learn-
ing which is realisable with asynchronous delivery (Svedberg,
2010). Individualised learning can then also be assessed, with
the common end-point of meeting all objectives, through
adapting items (Burr et al., 2022).
Considerations of fairness also tend to focus on the potential
for cheating, which can be ameliorated by presenting differ-
ent questions to candidates in the same cohort (Denny et al.,
2019). It has long been established that fairness also depends
on candidate perceptions that assessments are authentic,
reasonable, realistic, developmental, and beneficial (Sambell
et al., 1997). It is clear that fairness is a multidimensional
construct, perceived through many different lenses. Con-
trary to the recurrent, yet impractical, position that fairness
depends on everyone facing the same questions, it can in fact
be fairer, as explained here, to ask candidates different ques-
tions. This is particularly true where repeated personalised
assessments are possible, giving a fairer opportunity for all
candidates to demonstrate achievement of all the learning
objectives, and to ensure the same standard is achieved.
Whilst the ideas underpinning adaptive testing have been around
since the early 1900’s, examples of its use are scarce until the
later part of that century, when the widespread availability
and use of computers made it possible to implement adaptive
assessment methods on a large scale. Today, the recent develop-
ment of software to comprehensively deliver tests that adapt
by difficulty and content facilitates easier adoption of more
personalized forms of summative assessment, and with it, the
advantages of increased assessment reliability, and the assur-
ance that each candidate is meeting all the required learning
outcomes, with tailored individual support for learning and
feedback where it is needed. These technical developments
to facilitate the delivery of adaptive testing do not necessarily
overcome other barriers such as the misguided perception that
it is unfair for candidates to be required to answer different
questions. However, in cases where assessment across a wide
range of content is paramount, the use of different questions
could become accepted if there are significant benefits. This
could certainly be the case for adapting testing by content since
this can eliminate compensation and thereby categorically
demonstrate attainment in all of the knowledge required.
Data availability
There are no data associated with this article.
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