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Application of AI in Financial Sector: Earnings Call Dataset Application of AI in Financial Sector: Earnings Call Dataset
Analysis Analysis
Kesa M. Abbas
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Abbas, Kesa M., "Application of AI in Financial Sector: Earnings Call Dataset Analysis" (2023). Thesis.
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Application of AI in Financial Sector:
Earnings Call Dataset Analysis
Kesa M. Abbas
Application of AI in Financial Sector:
Earnings Call Dataset Analysis
Kesa M. Abbas
December 2023
A Thesis Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science
Computer Engineering
1 of 1
1/9/2020, 10:42 AM
Department of Computer Engineering
Application of AI in Financial Sector:
Earnings Call Dataset Analysis
Kesa M. Abbas
Committee Approval:
Dongfang Liu Advisor Date
Department of Computer Engineering
Michael Zuzak Date
Department of Computer Engineering
Andres Kwasinski Date
Department of Computer Engineering
I wish to express my profound gratitude to my research advisor, Dr. DongFang Liu,
for his invaluable mentorship, assistance, and support throughout the research and
writing of this thesis. My appreciation also extends to my committee members, Dr.
Michael Zuzak and Dr. Andres Kwasinski, for their guidance. I would also like to
thank Nicholas Curl for his help. Lastly, I am deeply grateful to my family and friends
for their unwavering support.
To Mummy, for always believing in and supporting me, even when I doubted myself.
To Abbu, for his unwavering love and continuous support. To Khala and Khalu, who
have been like a second set of parents to me throughout this journey. To Nanno, who
has always been my biggest cheerleader and hype-woman. To my dear friends, Long
and Tianran, for their enduring love and steadfast support.
And lastly, to myself, for persevering even in the face of adversity. The playlist
recommendation while reading this is Skill Issue.
Deep learning has emerged as a cornerstone in diverse scientific domains, demon-
strating profound implications both in academic research and conventional applica-
tions. The utilization of deep learning has branched to the financial sector for stock
prediction, management of assets, credit score analysis, etc. During the end of the
financial fiscal year, top executives present their companies’ growth and losses in
earnings calls. These earnings calls invariably webcasted, furnish stakeholders with
insights into a firm’s fiscal performance during a given period. These audios along
with transcripts are published on the company website for the general public. If these
audio and transcripts are collected over time, they are capable of forming an extensive
audio and sentiment analysis database, which could be utilized to train a model ef-
fectively. The quality and quantity of the dataset are essential for a machine-learning
model. The availability of these discussions in both audio and text formats on cor-
porate portals presents an invaluable repository for longitudinal audio and sentiment
The clarity in the statistics of the earnings calls would also predict the bona fide
outlook of the companies’ financial prospects. This thesis work will focus on adding
and extending the earnings call data for the companies for MAEC dataset and create
a diverse, updated machine learning dataset. This would be further followed by the
proposal of a sentiment analysis tool inspired by the deep neural network to label
the data collected and form the baseline method for future work to compare. The
established algorithm would provide a pathway for a dataset and data annotation
that would further be utilized by the models out there, to perform financial analysis
and factual correctness of the data presented, and draw appropriate conclusions. The
addition to this dataset and the creation of an algorithm would involve rigorous em-
pirical investigation and the iterative design of a methodological framework conducive
to the systematic accrual and annotation of earnings call records.
Signature Sheet i
Acknowledgments ii
Dedication iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Acronyms x
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Datasets and Financial Crashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Background 6
2.1 Accounting Scandals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Natural Language Processing for Earnings Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Development and Testing of Current FFD Methods . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Earnings Call with Audio and Text Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4.1 Text-Based Financial Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4.2 Multi-Modal Financial Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.1 Analysis of Dataset: Open Images V4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.2 Analysis of Dataset: VQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5.3 Analysis of Dataset: CLEVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5.4 Importance of Dataset for Financial Fraud Detection . . . . . 23
2.6 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 Design Methodology 26
3.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 Baseline: Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4.1 Dataset Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4.2 Data Augmentation and Diversification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4.3 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4.4 Text Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.5 Audio Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4.6 Transcript Detailing, Refinement, and Parsing . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.7 Data Anonymization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.8 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.9 Dataset Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 Baseline: Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5.1 Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5.2 Transfer Learning from Twitter Sentiment Model . . . . . . . 35
3.5.3 Model Fine-Tuning on MAEC Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5.4 Sentiment Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5.5 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4 Findings and Results 38
4.1 Data Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.1 Text Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.2 Audio Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1.3 Data Verification and Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1.4 Results after Dataset Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2 Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2.1 Model Training on Twitter Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.2.2 Model Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.2.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2.4 Evaluation Metrics on Twitter Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 MAEC Dataset Preprocessing & Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.3.2 Analyzing the Sentiment Distribution on MAEC Dataset . . . 51
4.3.3 Potential Implications and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5 Conclusion 54
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Bibliography 57
List of Figures
2.1 Example in open Images for Image Classification, Object Detection,
and Visual Relationship Detection. For Image Classification, positive
labels (present in the image) are in green while negative labels (not
present in the image) are in red. For visual relationship detection, the
box with dashed contour groups the two objects that Hold a certain
visual relationship. [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Examples of questions (black), (a subset of the) answers given when
looking at the image (green), and answers given when not looking at
the image (blue) for numerous representative examples of the dataset
[2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Example of the Shapes, Attributes, and Spatial Relationships of the
Basic Object Shapes in the CLEVR Universe.[3] . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Left: Displays the example questions and their corresponding pro-
grams. Right: Portrayal of basic functions Which were utilized to
build questions.[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1 CNN-LSTM Model Architecture for Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . 28
4.1 Number of Instances for Predictions by the Model for the Positive and
Negative Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on Twitter Sentiment Dataset
(Training Dataset) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3 ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on Twitter Sentiment Dataset
(Testing Dataset) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4 The Confusion Matrix and the Classification Report for the Twitter
dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.5 The Sentiment Classification Done by the Transfer Learning Model . 49
4.6 An Example of the Sentiment Classification of the Earnings Call Tran-
script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.7 Another Example of the Sentiment Classification of the Earnings Call
Transcript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.8 ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on MAEC Dataset (Testing
Data) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
List of Tables
3.1 Associated Statistics of MAEC [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 Statistics of the Sentiment 140 Dataset [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.1 Associated Statistics of MAEC Before and After Expansion [4] . . . . 40
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Network
Application Program Interface
Area Under Curve
Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning
Convolutional Neural Network
Convolutional Neural Network - Long-Short-Term Memory
Common Objects In Context
Document Object Model
Financial Fraud Detection
False Positve
False Positive Rate
Harmonics to Noise Ratio
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
A Multimodal Aligned Earnings Conference Call Dataset for Financial Risk
Noise to Harmonics Ratio
Natural Language Processing
Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
True Positive
True Positive Rate
Uniform Resource Locator
Visual Question Answering
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
Real-time object tracking [6, 7] has had few challenges in the past, and the inclusion
of live sentiment analysis increases the complexity of the model created. There are
quality machine learning algorithms that have been selectively trained on the limited
datasets currently present. Datasets form the backbone of any machine learning im-
plementations out there. They are made up of images, texts, audio, videos, numerical
data points, etc., for performing various artificial intelligent tasks such as categoriz-
ing, classifying, sentiment analysis, or predicting image and video algorithms. The
datasets are applied to all the practical fields out there such as object detection, fa-
cial recognition, image, and video classification, speech, sentiment, and stock market
analysis are some of, where the need for a quality dataset is out there [8]. The more
data available the better the quality of the machine learning algorithm.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of real-time object tracking coupled with senti-
ment analysis makes the task not just computationally challenging but also intricate
in terms of contextual understanding. The present landscape of machine learning has
been more inclined towards models that have been fine-tuned with available datasets.
But one must remember that datasets aren’t just passive repositories of information;
they are reflections of the evolving real world. As such, the datasets need to be
Chapter 1. Introduction
continuously updated, enriched, and diversified to keep pace with the ever-evolving
dynamics of our world. The role of curated datasets in determining the efficacy of
machine learning models cannot be understated[9]. They are the lens through which
algorithms perceive, learn, and subsequently, act. With the exponential increase in
data generation, especially in fields like object tracking and sentiment analysis, the
next frontier in AI would likely revolve around how efficiently and holistically this
data can be harnessed. Emphasizing this, the holistic development and curation of
datasets should be a priority for researchers and institutions aiming to make mean-
ingful advancements in AI.
1.2 Datasets and Financial Crashes
The corporate world has been subjected to a series of accounting scandals, such as
Enron and World Com occurred in the 2000s, the collapse of Lehman Brothers in
the 2008 stock-market crash which resulted in significant damage and loss of trust in
the corporate market, and insufficient and inefficient allocation of funds in the stock
markets. The lack of analysis of the fraudulent statistics, and data, has resulted in
distrust and injudicious investments, thus, hurting the investors and the corporations
simultaneously [10]. The machine learning datasets are prone to biases, human errors,
privacy and compliance issues, security violations, and incorrect labeling of the data.
Thereby, decreasing the reliability and authenticity of models tested and trained on
these datasets [11]. The unpredictability of datasets acutely affects the financial
machine-learning models which are utilized to detect the threat of corporate financial
fraud. Currently, there are limited methods available to identify investor frauds,
thus, putting the investors and companies at risk and prone to financial frauds, thus,
potentially hurting a large amount of capital involved in these transactions. Investors
rely on financial statistics to judge and invest their capital and with the availability
of falsified data and fraudulent statistics, they are prone to financial fraud. There has
Chapter 1. Introduction
been a proposed implementation of the utilization of sentimental analysis, audio and
visual tracking along with financial statistics to develop tools to detect the fraudulent
data presented in the earnings call. But there has been less success in the union of
the two fields due to the lack of quantity and quality of the data out there [10].
The necessity for rigorous and comprehensive evaluation tools in the financial sec-
tor cannot be overstressed, especially in an era where global economies are becoming
intricately interlinked. Any misstep or oversight can ripple across continents, impact-
ing economies, jobs, and lives at an unprecedented scale. The challenges faced by the
current analytical tools, stemming primarily from their inherent limitations in captur-
ing the multi-dimensional nature of corporate disclosures, necessitate a revolutionary
shift in approach. Beyond the quantitative metrics, the intangible elements, like exec-
utive confidence or hesitancy during an earnings call, can provide invaluable insights.
Harnessing the combined power of sentiment analysis, audio cues, and traditional
financial indicators could usher in a new era of financial scrutiny. By meticulously
integrating these diverse data streams, there’s an opportunity to develop a more re-
silient and predictive system, ensuring that stakeholders can make informed decisions
based on a rich tapestry of information [12]. Only by evolving and adapting to the
nuances of the modern corporate landscape can the financial sector hope to avert
crises and maintain the integrity of the global economic framework.
1.3 Objective
The primary focus of this research is to expand and diversify the earnings call statistics
dataset. This would be further followed by the development of a sentiment analysis
tool, that would categorize the textual data into emotions. This would involve an
extensive literature review and subsequent development of the methodology for the
collection of the earnings call video and audio transcripts. The development of this
scheme would provide a convenient technique to retrieve earnings call data from the
Chapter 1. Introduction
corporations’ websites. This would also include the identification of the best route to
develop software to perform the collection of data. This earnings call data collected
then would be annotated by a model inspired by a deep neural network which would
form the baseline for the other models out there. This would involve adding labels,
classifications, or other metadata to the data points in the dataset, in order to provide
additional context and meaning to the machine learning model. Thereby, leading to
the creation of a dataset, which would be utilized by the other models to train and
test, and accurately perform real-time object tracking and sentiment analysis.
Chapter 2
2.1 Accounting Scandals
The advent of the stock market crash in 2008, and the fraudulent depiction of the
company data prompted the utilization of vocal and linguistic cues for the fraud
analysis in the earnings call. The verbal cues, such as stammering, and laughing
a specific pitched noise when fraudulent company statistics were mentioned [13]. If
these vocal and physical cues were effectively recorded and noted in the live-stream
videos, they could be utilized to train a model and perform sentiment and information
analysis in real-time. Sentiment analysis, therefore, would play a critical role, in the
assessment of the facial cues with the factual presentation of the company statistics,
thereby, providing investors protection against a financial scandal[14].
Building on the significance of these discoveries, it’s worth noting that the intrica-
cies of human expression, both vocal and physical, can offer invaluable insights into
the underpinnings of corporate communications. In the high-stakes world of financial
markets, where the slightest hint of deceit or manipulation can lead to vast eco-
nomic repercussions, harnessing the power of sentiment analysis becomes even more
paramount. Not only does it act as a potential safeguard against financial misinfor-
mation, but it also offers a promising avenue for investors and stakeholders to glean
deeper, more nuanced understandings of company presentations. In the age of tech-
Chapter 2. Background
nology and information, the ability to decipher these subtle cues and nuances, and
juxtapose them against the hard data presented, could very well be the game-changer
in ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in the corporate landscape
2.2 Natural Language Processing for Earnings Call
The development of NLP occurred in the 1950s when the concept of linguistics and
machine learning were cross-trained [15]. This approach aided the machines to ob-
tain the ability to learn, read and interpret spoken language and written text while
simultaneously generating accompanying statistics from the given interaction. The
current boom of artificial intelligence along with the earnings call has given rise to
three major setups:
Development of new algorithms and techniques.
Optimization and re-inventing the existing machine learning algorithms.
The availability of large-scale datasets.
Furthermore, the symbiotic relationship between NLP and the exponential growth of
data cannot be overstated. As we entered the era of big data, the demand for effective
language processing tools skyrocketed. Every byte of data processed, whether it’s a
tweet, a research paper, or an earnings call transcript, adds to the vast tapestry of
linguistic patterns that machines can learn from [15].
Another noteworthy transformation in the NLP landscape is the growing empha-
sis on cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies. Recognizing that businesses and
research endeavors are no longer confined to linguistic or geographic silos, the tools
and techniques developed in the NLP domain are striving for universality [16]. This
global approach ensures that machines are equipped to interpret and generate con-
tent across diverse linguistic terrains, a feat that holds particular significance in the
globalized corporate world.
Chapter 2. Background
Moreover, the intersection of NLP with other domains like cognitive science, be-
havioral finance, and sociolinguistics is leading to more holistic analytical tools. For
instance, in the context of earnings calls, it’s not just about parsing the language
anymore. It’s about understanding the cultural, psychological, and sociological un-
dertones of the speaker’s utterances [17]. By integrating these multi-disciplinary
insights, NLP tools are evolving into more than just language processors; they’re
morphing into comprehensive human communication analyzers.
The culmination of these advancements promises an exciting future for NLP. As
datasets continue to grow, algorithms become more refined, and interdisciplinary
collaborations flourish, we stand on the brink of a new horizon in linguistic under-
standing, one where the boundaries between human intuition and machine intelligence
grow increasingly blurred.
2.3 Development and Testing of Current FFD Methods
The conventional FFD methods involve keeping track of the company statistics, the
headcount of the employees, stock price, employee reviews, and sudden reductions in
the workforce. These commercial methods in the past were substantial to draw the
numerical statistical situation of the companies. Currently, the attention is focused
Linguistic observations
Vocal observations
Over the course of the period, these have been analyzed separately to draw con-
clusions about the financial status of the companies. FFD has had some linguistic
Humpherys et al. obtained information by analyzing the Management’s Discus-
sion and Analysis (MD & A) portion of the Form.10-Ks are yearly reports that public
Chapter 2. Background
firms must file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), [18]. These
forms are designed to offer an overview of the financial and business health of the
company. Humpherys et al. obtained up to 67% accuracy in identifying fraud by em-
ploying language factors such as lexical variety and syntactic complexity. Bloomfield
[19] proposed that a linguistic study of CEOs’ spontaneous speech in comparison to
the legally validated material contained in MD&As might yield further information.
Larcker and Zakolyukina [20] conducted a textual study of linguistic traits that recog-
nized deceptive discussions better than chance levels in CEOs’ communications with
financial analysts during quarterly earnings conference calls.
2.4 Earnings Call with Audio and Text Analysis
Over the course of recent years, the traditional methods have proved short of the
current developments with the forging of company statistics, and the practiced ease
of acting to review the fraudulent statistics. The earnings conference call are capable
of being analyzed to build a multi-modal analysis problem incorporating textual and
audio information.
2.4.1 Text-Based Financial Datasets
The financial reports and datasets published for the masses are in textual forms. Over
the course of time, it has become significantly difficult to assess the validity and draw
relevant statistics from a large amount of randomized data. There is an increasing
demand for organized and quality datasets for the appropriate conclusion from the
statistics. In recent examinations of 10-K filings and earnings calls, for example, many
intriguing findings were supported by transcripts for risk prediction and information
from financial disclosure datasets. Past work demonstrates pragmatics and semantics
and earnings calls have a huge impact on analysts’ decision-making. Analysts evaluate
target suggestions based on the advice of the corporation following the quarterly
Chapter 2. Background
earnings calls. In fact, [21] indicates in very early research that language-based models
might expose misleading information during earnings calls and afterward trigger stock
price movements in financial markets. Unlike other text-driven jobs that have rich
datasets to exploit, such as financial news datasets presented [22],[23], [24], tweets
data used by, and 10-K report datasets released by [15].
Financial text analysis, particularly of earnings calls and financial reports, has
opened up a novel paradigm for investors, market analysts, and researchers. Tra-
ditional datasets, though voluminous, often miss out on capturing the nuanced lin-
guistic intricacies that reveal deeper insights into a company’s financial health and
forward-looking perspectives.
The dynamic nature of the corporate world further complicates this scenario. For
instance, while some companies might use overly optimistic language to hide un-
derlying issues, others might present a conservative front despite enjoying a robust
financial position [25]. The sentiment and tone reflected in these reports often act
as indicators, signaling potential corporate strategies and market movements. Rec-
ognizing these subtle cues, therefore, can be a game-changer in the world of financial
Moreover, with the rapid digitization of financial data and the surge of unstruc-
tured data, the traditional text-processing methodologies often fall short. The vast
array of online forums, analyst commentary, and investor feedback on various plat-
forms provide a gold mine of sentiment indicators. But tapping into this reservoir
requires sophisticated NLP tools capable of handling both the volume and complexity
of the data [26].
The integration of machine learning and NLP in financial analysis is a promising
avenue. Models can be trained to recognize patterns and anomalies, identify senti-
ments, and even predict market reactions based on historical data. However, this
endeavor isn’t without its challenges. The sheer variety of financial documents, the
Chapter 2. Background
diversity in the writing style across regions, companies, and time periods, and the
evolving jargon of the financial world all pose significant hurdles.
Despite these challenges, there’s growing recognition of the potential rewards. As
cited in the works of [21], [22], and others, there’s a profound impact of language pat-
terns on market reactions. Going forward, a combination of robust datasets, cutting-
edge NLP tools, and interdisciplinary collaboration will be pivotal in harnessing the
full potential of financial text analysis. This is not just about enhancing stock pre-
dictions but reshaping the very foundation of financial research and decision-making.
2.4.2 Multi-Modal Financial Datasets
Currently, multi-media processing advancements have been built on combining var-
ious sorts of characteristics together during training. Some common datasets have
been generated to accommodate Multimodal learning and high-level embedding from
many data sources are progressing. The Vision-and-Language BERT (ViBERT) [4],
for example, requires pictures and natural language datasets, whereas M-BERT [27]
investigates the prospect of leveraging language. This dataset combines audio and
visual data based on the transformer architecture. There has always been a focus on
the development of a text-audio-aligned dataset, inspired by the statistics and data
released by S & P companies at the end of every fiscal year. The S & P 500 Earnings
Conference Calls dataset [28] was the first attempt to consider earnings call analysis
as a multimodal (text + audio) potential because of the consistent requirement of it
in FFD methods to train the models.
Past research has proven that the emotions and psychological attributes of the
speaker can be abstracted and a relationship can be drawn between them. Consistent
research has demonstrated that various emotions and physical activities of a speaker
could be utilized to be abstracted and represented. Consequently, the recent models
provide insight into text-aligned data to capture verbal features along with vocal
Chapter 2. Background
cues. This aids in the semantic and pragmatic features extracted from the audio
transcripts to provide statistics [15]. Li, et, al collected the randomized data released
by the companies over the period of three years and sorted and aligned them into a
multimodal aligned dataset earning call, considering the textual data. These provide
the starting point for the dataset needed for the sentiment analysis and conclusion
deduction from the earnings call data. This provides a basis for further research in
the analysis of the earnings call [15].
2.5 Related Work
Data is notably important in helping computers comprehend images as collections of
items, which humans do naturally but robots have so far struggled to do. More specif-
ically, it would be ideal for computers to classify the objects in an image automatically
(image classification), locate them accurately (object detection), and determine which
of them are interacting and in what ways (visual relationship detection) [1, 29]. To
form the baseline for the research, some popular datasets and their methodology for
the creation of their respective datasets would be conferred.
A deep dive into the methods and algorithms that power these tasks reveals a
heavy reliance on extensive datasets. These datasets, curated meticulously, are col-
lections of labeled images that serve as the foundation for training machine learning
models. The labeling process involves human annotators who assign categories or de-
scriptions to various elements within an image, essentially creating a reference guide
for the machine to learn from.
Several renowned datasets have set the standard in the computer vision commu-
nity, each with its unique set of images, annotations, and use cases. Understanding
the methodologies employed in curating these datasets is paramount, as it sheds light
on the challenges faced, solutions employed, and the breadth and depth of informa-
tion captured. By examining the gold standards in the field, researchers can glean
Chapter 2. Background
insights for their own projects, ensuring their models are trained on data that is both
representative and comprehensive. The rigorous process behind these datasets exem-
plifies the importance of quality data in pushing the boundaries of what machines
can perceive and interpret.
2.5.1 Analysis of Dataset: Open Images V4
The first dataset observed would be Open Images V4, which is quite popular with
its ”bounding box” images. This dataset is quite popular for object tracking and is
capable of providing 30.1M image-level labels for 19.8k concepts, 15.4M bounding
boxes for 600 object classes, and 375k visual relationship annotations involving 57
classes [1].
Figure 2.1: Example in open Images for Image Classification, Object Detection, and Visual
Relationship Detection. For Image Classification, positive labels (present in the image) are
in green while negative labels (not present in the image) are in red. For visual relationship
detection, the box with dashed contour groups the two objects that Hold a certain visual
relationship. [1]
Before creating a design for the collection of datasets, a thorough analysis of
the methods of the other similar datasets was conducted. This would provide the
inception of the methodology to create a multi-modal dataset from the earnings call
data. Figure 2.1 demonstrates a subset of images from the Open Images V4 dataset.
Thus, the methodology for the data collection of this popular dataset was observed
Chapter 2. Background
and summarized.
1. Image Acquisition: The images were collected from websites such as Flickr,
followed by generating two versions at different resolutions such as 1600HQ,
and 300K pixels. This method was further continued by the extraction of the
metadata of the images with proper attribution and with censorship. These
images were refined by the removal of duplicates, multiple appearances on the
internet, and recovery of the original image orientation. These images were then
sorted into train, test, and validation splits.
2. Classes: The set of classes included in the Open Images Dataset were derived
from JFT, an internal dataset at Google with millions of images and thousands
of classes. 19,794 classes were selected from JFT, which contained a range of
concepts to serve as the image-level classes in the Open Images Dataset. Some
of the concepts it encompassed but was not limited to were Coarse-grained
object classes, Fine-grained object classes, Scene classes, Events and Material
3. Image-Level Labels: Since manual labeling of the images was a tedious task
an image classifier was applied to them and followed by generating candidate
labels for them. This was further followed by human verification for the validity
of the applied labels to the images.
4. Bounding Boxes: Image level labels were followed by the annotation of bound-
ing boxes for the 600 boxable object classes. Two methods were applied extreme
clicking, and box verification series. Annotators verified bounding boxes, cre-
ated automatically by, a learning algorithm in around 10% of the bounding
boxes in the training set. This technique iterates between retraining the de-
tector, relocalizing objects in training images, and having human annotators
Chapter 2. Background
verify bounding boxes given image-level labels. 90% of all bounding boxes uti-
lized excessive clicking, a rapid box drawing approach. The original approach
for annotating ILSVRC involved clicking on imaginary corners of a tight box
around the object. This had a bottleneck with corners that were often outside
the actual object and multiple adjustments were necessary to produce a tight
box. Annotators used extreme clicking to click on four physical points on the
object: the top, bottom, left, and right-most points. This activity seemed more
intuitive, and these points were convenient to locate.
5. Visual Relationships: The Open Images Dataset contained a wide variety of
scenes and a large number of classes, which inspired led to annotation of visual
associations. These relationships were established selecting relationship triplets,
this involved pairing up the images together of different classes, and were further
classified by annotation.
Bias is quite prevalent in machine learning datasets. The authors of the Open
Images V4 have tried to combat the bias by implying strategies with the images
present [30]. The photographs were gathered from Flickr without a predetermined
list of class names or tags, resulting in natural class statistics and eliminating the
initial design bias on what should be included in the dataset. The authors distributed
them under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which allowed people
to share and change the content, even commercially. Thus, making it important for
models trained on this data, since it made them more easily useful in any context. The
images were deleted from elsewhere on the internet to avoid bias toward web image
search engines, favoring complicated images with several objects [1]. This dataset
has taken steps to prevent the bias at the initial steps during the image collection
but [31] observed that this dataset depicted a significant number of people who were
quite small in the image for human annotators for determination of gender. It was
found that annotators infer that they are male 69% of the time, especially in scenes
Chapter 2. Background
of outdoor sports fields, and parks. This increases the risk of biases being propagated
in the model.
Thus, the methodology for the Open Images V4 opened a new pathway for training
object detection models. With its large collection of labeled images, the dataset has
provided an edge to the object-tracking models implemented.
2.5.2 Analysis of Dataset: VQA
The research work is focused on the collection of data that is multi-modal in nature.
Thus, the methodology of the data collection of VQA was explored. VQA stands for
Visual Answering Question. VQA is a new dataset that contains open-ended image-
related questions. To answer these issues, one must grasp the vision, language, and
common sense. The dataset consists of [2]:
265,016 images (COCO and abstract scenes)
At least 3 questions (5.4 questions on average) per image
10 ground truth answers per question
3 plausible (but likely incorrect) answers per question
Automatic evaluation metric
Chapter 2. Background
Figure 2.2: Examples of questions (black), (a subset of the) answers given when looking
at the image (green), and answers given when not looking at the image (blue) for numerous
representative examples of the dataset [2]
The images in Figure 2.2 demonstrate a setup of answering questions on the basis
of the images present. The methodology for the collection of the dataset involved the
description of real images and abstract scenes utilized to collect the questions. This
was followed by the collection of the questions and corresponding answers.
Real Images. The image dataset consisted of 123,287 training and validation, and
81,434 testing images. These images were obtained from the Microsoft COCO
dataset [32]. The purpose behind choosing these images was the rich contextual
images along with the object reference.
Abstract Scenes. The VQA tasked with real images enforces the utilization of com-
plex and frequently noisy visual recognizers. The dataset included 20 ’paper doll’
human models of various genders, ethnicities, and ages, each with eight distinct
emotions. The limbs of these paper dolls were adjustable, allowing for endless pos-
Chapter 2. Background
ture variations. Over 100 objects and 31 animals in various stances were included
in the collection with the utilization of clipart to create more realistic scenes, [2].
Splits. The same train/val/test split technique was used for real images as it was
for the MC COCO dataset [32] (including test dev, test-standard, test-challenge,
test-reserve). Test-development environment was used for debugging and validation
experiments for VQA and it allowed for unlimited submissions to the evaluation
server [2]. The splits were constructed for standardization for abstract scenes,
dividing the scenes into 20K/10K/20K for train/val/test splits, accordingly. There
were no subsplits for abstract scenes (test-dev, test-standard, test-challenge, test-
Captions. The creation of the VQA dataset utilized the Microsoft COCO dataset,
which simplified the need for captions. Since the Microsoft COCO dataset has
in-built captions, these were directly utilized and applied to this dataset.
Questions. For each image/scene, three questions were gathered from unique work-
ers. To boost the topic diversity, the subjects were given the prior questions asked
for that image before creating a question. The collection comprised 0.76 mil-
lion questions in total. The same methodology was utilized for both the real and
abstract images. To prevent bias for generic image-independent questions, the sub-
jects asked the questions that would require a response from the image to answer.
Answers. Generating answers was a tedious task, and dependent on the human
subjects. Human beings may also disagree on the ”right” answer, for example,
with some answering ”yes” and others saying ”no.” To address these disparities, ten
replies were obtained from different workers for each question, while also verifying
that the worker answering a question did not ask it [33]. The subjects were urged to
respond with ”a simple phrase rather than a whole statement.” It was insisted upon
to respond directly, without using conversational language or expressing a varied
Chapter 2. Background
perspective.” In addition to completing the questions, respondents were asked,
”Do you believe you answered the question correctly?” and given the options ”no,”
”maybe,” and ”yes.” The testing of the tasks was done by open-ended and multiple-
choice strategies. For open-ended, an answer was deemed 100% accurate if at least
3 subjects provided that exact answer. Each question in a multiple-choice task
had 18 candidate answers. As with the open-ended job, the accuracy of a selected
alternative was calculated by human subjects who provided that answer (divided
by 3 and clipped at 1).
This dataset, although tried to remove the bias by employing strategies and ran-
domizing data. It was still found to be biased even though its performance was similar
to human performance, [34]. Yet, as demonstrated by [35], the VQA dataset is known
for its reliance on linguistic biases. To date, many VQA datasets and evaluation pro-
tocols have been derived from the original VQA dataset. It was released to the public
as a means to test and understand the biases and robustness of VQA models such as
VQA-CP2 and CP1 [35], GQA-OOD [36], and VQA-CE [37], [34].
2.5.3 Analysis of Dataset: CLEVR
CLEVR stands for Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning which
is a synthetic VQA dataset. It includes photographs of 3D-rendered objects, together
with a variety of highly compositional questions that are divided into many categories
for each image. These groups can be divided into five different task types: Exist,
Count, Compare Integer, Query Attribute, and Compare Attribute. The CLEVR
dataset includes a training set with 70k images and 700k questions, a validation set
with 15k images and 150k questions, a test set with 15k images and 150k object-
related questions, as well as answers, scene graphs, and functional programs for all
the training and validation sets of images and questions. A set of four characteristics,
in addition to position, define each object in the scene: 2 sizes: large, and small, 3
Chapter 2. Background
shapes: square, cylinder, and sphere, 2 material types: rubber, and metal, 8 color
types: gray, blue, brown, yellow, red, green, purple, and cyan, resulting in 96 unique
combinations [3, 38].
For rich diagnostics to better understand the visual reasoning skills of VQA sys-
tems, CLEVR offers a dataset that demands complex reasoning to solve. This was
accomplished by tightly controlling the dataset using synthetic images and questions
that were created automatically. The questions have an associated machine-readable
form, and the images have associated ground truth object locations and attributes.
[3]. The complexity of the methodology of this dataset can be broken down as follows:
Figure 2.3: Example of the Shapes, Attributes, and Spatial Relationships of the Basic
Object Shapes in the CLEVR Universe.[3]
Chapter 2. Background
Figure 2.4: Left: Displays the example questions and their corresponding programs.
Right: Portrayal of basic functions Which were utilized to build questions.[3]
Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4 portray the complexity and the examples of the dataset
Objects and relationships. The CLEVR universe was made up of three shapes that
were set in two absolute sizes with two material properties and eight colors; these
objects were spatially related such as left, right, front, and back. The complexity of
the positions increased because it is dependent not only on relative object positions
but also on the camera viewpoint and context [39]. It was challenging to generate
queries that elicit spatial links while being semantically consistent. Instead, there
was reliance on a simple and unambiguous definition: The camera viewpoint vector
was defined by projecting it onto the ground plane. If one object’s ground-plane
location is further along the ”behind” vector, it is behind another. The other
relationships were defined in the same way.
Scene representation. Scenes were depicted as collections of objects that were
Chapter 2. Background
tagged with shape, size, color, material, and ground-plane position [40, 41, 42].
A scene graph could also be utilized to depict a scene, where nodes are objects
annotated with attributes and lines linked to geographically related objects. A
scene graph comprises all ground-truth information for an image and can be utilized
to replace a VQA system’s visual component with perfect sight [43, 44].
Image Generation. The images were generated by the random sample of the scene
graph and followed by rendering it using Blender [45, 41, 46]. Every scene seemed
to contain between three and ten objects with randomized shapes, sizes, colors,
etc. It was ensured that at least all the objects present in the scene were partially
visible, and this aided in reducing the ambiguity present in the spatial relationships.
Question representation. The CLEVR questions are associated with a functional
program that would be utilized to answer the question by processing the scene
graph of an image. Basic functions such as querying object properties, counting
sets of objects, or comparing values, relate to the fundamental operation of visual
reasoning and form the building blocks of functional programming [47]. Compo-
sitions of such building components can easily be identified in Figure2.3. The
questions were categorized by the type, defined by the outermost function in the
question’s program as depicted in the questions in Figure 2.3 have types query-color
and exist [39].
Question Families. CLEVR contains 90 question families with single program tem-
plates and an average of four text templates. The question family can be defined as
a template for the construction of functional programs and text templates having
the capability of expressing these programs in natural language [48]. To account
for the variety of unique questions, synonyms were employed in these templates
These attributes added up and gave rise to new question families which contained
multiple sets of unique questions.
Chapter 2. Background
Question Generation. The question was generated by the usage of the previous
question family, and the values were selected for each of the template parameters
[49]. This was followed by the execution of the resulting program on the image’s
scene graph to find the answer, and use one of the text templates from the question
family to generate the final natural-language question. To find the appropriate
answer to the instantiating question families the algorithm of the depth-first search
was applied. Thus, at each consecutive step ground-truth scene information was
applied to sort through the irrelevant and undesirable questions. Another tech-
nique recent sampling was applied to produce an approximately uniform answer
distribution for each question family.
The above-mentioned methodology summarizes the process for the collection, sort-
ing, and labeling of the CLEVR dataset [50]. Like other datasets, this dataset is also
prone to bias and tends to skew the model towards a biased outcome. With the devel-
opment and creation of more datasets, the models wouldn’t be limited by the errors,
and biases present in one dataset. The development of the design of the dataset that
would analyze and form a collection of earnings calls would provide a pathway for
the creation of another dataset that would be capable of forming a base for sentiment
analysis and performing fact checks during the live videos [51].
2.5.4 Importance of Dataset for Financial Fraud Detection
Recent studies on the detection of financial fraud have broadened the categories of
indications that may be useful beyond accounting risk variables obtained from cor-
porate financial parameters, including the significance of verbal and nonverbal char-
acteristics [52]. However, these studies usually consider each of these new feature
categories’ potentials separately. The premise of this work is that by using specific
features throughout the entire collection of data, categories may offer accuracy and
error rate benefits that individual feature categories may not.
Chapter 2. Background
The realm of financial fraud detection has always been a dynamic one, adapt-
ing to the ever-evolving methods employed by perpetrators [53]. The cornerstone
of this detection mechanism lies in the datasets used to train the detection mod-
els. Traditionally, these datasets primarily encompassed numerical and categorical
data derived from financial statements, transactions, and other related metrics. But
the recent shift towards integrating verbal and non-verbal cues signifies the field’s
acknowledgment of the multifaceted nature of financial fraud.
The inclusion of verbal cues, for instance, can involve the analysis of communica-
tion patterns, choice of words, and tonal variations during earnings calls or executive
speeches. On the other hand, non-verbal cues might encompass facial expressions,
body language, or hesitation patterns. When isolated, each category offers a unique
lens to view potential anomalies or suspicious activities [54]. However, the true po-
tential unfolds when these distinct categories are combined, resulting in a holistic
view of potential red flags [55].
The amalgamation of varied data sources leads to the creation of comprehensive
datasets that capture the essence of multiple facets of a business operation [56].
These datasets, when utilized effectively, can potentially paint a clearer picture of
the company’s financial health and the integrity of its declarations [57]. In essence,
diversifying the feature set within a dataset not only enhances the accuracy of fraud
detection models but also reduces the chances of false negatives, ensuring a more
robust and resilient financial system.
2.6 Contribution
The given research aims in resolving the bottleneck of machine learning, specifically,
datasets. The purpose of this research work is to prepare and strategize for the col-
lection of earnings call data followed by the proposition of an annotation tool for
the models out there. The potential collection of earnings calls data would result
Chapter 2. Background
in the accumulation of audio and video data for analysis by the machine learning
models present. The initial dataset would include raw data, labels, and evaluation
metrics. This would be further followed by labeling the data appropriately, and an
annotation tool based on the deep neural network will be proposed, providing a base-
line method for future approaches. This potential dataset along with the annotation
model would provide an opportunity for natural language processing, object tracking,
and sentiment analysis for the machine learning algorithms out there.
Chapter 3
Design Methodology
In recent years, with the advancement of the collection of multi-modal datasets, the
area of datasets has been propelled to new heights. The integration of multiple
modalities of the data such as audio, video, and text, forms a dataset and has unlocked
new unprecedented opportunities for the recognition of different patterns in data.
The methodology involved harnessing the potential pre-existing multimodal dataset,
expanding its scope, and increasing its diversity. Followed by the application of
a custom Convolutional Neural Network - Long-Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM)
model to unravel latent insights to perform sentiment analysis on it [58].
The design methodology was evolved through a process of thorough literature
review and consultation of the Python documentation. Followed by a layout for the
potential development of the algorithm that would collect the audio transcript and
videos released by the companies. A list of the companies that release the earnings
call videos and audios were analyzed and stored to contribute and create an expansive
multi-modal dataset. To further improve the usage of this data, a sentiment analysis
tool inspired by deep neural network was applied. This would allow for the sentiment
classification of the textual data [59]. This collected and annotated data would be
shared for usage with the machine learning models for sentiment analysis, NLP, and
real-time object tracking. Thus, this contribution would provide a step toward the
prevention of potential financial fraud out there.
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
3.1 Purpose
The foundation of this research relied on leveraging an existing multi-modal dataset,
and further extending and increasing the diversity of the given dataset. The dataset
utilized for this research was MAEC: A Multimodal Aligned Earnings Conference
Call Dataset for Financial Risk Prediction [60]. This dataset was published for public
use and included a collection of earnings calls audio and transcript collection leading
up to 2018. Through the utilization of this existing dataset, the issue of data scarcity
was aimed to be overcome, especially in the field of multi-modal datasets [61].
The expansion of the dataset involved careful curation of data, pre-processing,
and annotation to similar integrity as the original dataset, thereby, adding quality
to the information. However, reliance solely on existing datasets did present some
limitations in addressing relevant contextual questions. Thus, to answer one of these
questions, a proposal for the sentiment analysis model was made to address this multi-
modal dataset. Given the above data-collection process, the extraction of relevant
information from this dataset was crucial for the enrichment of the deep learning field.
Thus, a custom-designed CNN-LSTM model was created which capitalized on the
strengths of both the convolutional neural networks and extended short-term memory
networks. The CNN component excelled at the extraction of the spatial features
from a given set of visual data, whereas, the LSTM component effectively captured
the temporal dependencies in the given sequential data. The fusion of the given
architectures and modalities aids in achieving superior performance in complex tasks
such as multimodal classification, generation, and prediction which form a crucial
step in the arena of deep neural networks.
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
3.2 Approach
The approach towards this model was characterized by several crucial steps, which
involved data pre-processing, model architecture design, hyperparameter tuning, and
evaluation [62]. This was followed by meticulously pre-processing the multi-modal
data to ensure compatibility and consistency across all modalities. A custom CNN-
LSTM architecture was developed trained on a different model to label this dataset,
and tailored specifically to the requirements of the expanded multimodal dataset
[63]. The discussion was further led by the exploration of various hyperparameters
utilized in tuning and governing the given behavior of the CNN-LSTM model and
optimizing them through systematic experimentation. Figure 3.1 demonstrates the
basic architecture deployed for the sentiment classification of the MAEC dataset.
Figure 3.1: CNN-LSTM Model Architecture for Sentiment Analysis
3.3 Ethics
As mentioned above the dataset was extracted from the public records, and archives
to prevent data privacy and permission issues. It was also ensured that all the sources
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
where the data was collected for expansion of the original dataset, had public licenses
[64]. This was to ensure that no private or restricted data was unlawfully or un-
ethically accessed and to prevent the jeopardizing of the companies’ privacy. To
further preserve the privacy of individuals involved, all personal identifiers have been
anonymized and replaced with general markers such as ’speaker 1’, ’speaker 2’, etc.
This measure upholds the ethical commitment to privacy and confidentiality while
still enabling an insightful and valid analysis[65]. The MAEC dataset was also ensured
that it was in the public domain, and permission to work on it was obtained from the
author of the dataset. Thus, the research has conscientiously balanced the need for
comprehensive data analysis with a strong commitment to ethical data practices.
3.4 Baseline: Dataset
The MAEC audio dataset was chosen for the expansion of the earnings call dataset.
It is a multi-modal dataset comprised of audio and text recordings of earnings calls
leading up to 2018. Table 4.1 demonstrates the key statistics and features of the
MAEC dataset and its timeline of collection, which were focused on during the data
Table 3.1: Associated Statistics of MAEC [4]
Attributes Statistics
Multi-modal Earnings Calls Instances 3443
Start Year 2015
End Year 2018
Number of Companies 1213
Number of Tokens 8,019,142
The overarching objective in employing this dataset was to not only expand its
size but also enhance its diversity, which in turn would bolster the accuracy and
comprehensiveness of financial risk forecasts. The process was split into various stages,
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
as follows:
3.4.1 Dataset Selection
The MAEC dataset was chosen as the foundational base because of its unique struc-
ture and its proven value in predicting financial risk [66]. It was also selected for its
multimodal nature, combining both textual and acoustic data from earnings confer-
ence calls. The original dataset was capped for the content by the year 2018, and
thus, served as a suitable baseline to add more diversity and recent updates to this
existing dataset. This would also serve as an expansive sentiment analysis dataset
for future model use.
3.4.2 Data Augmentation and Diversification
In order to increase the diversity of the dataset and thereby potentially enhance its
predictive capabilities, new data was added to the existing MAEC dataset. This data
augmentation process included gathering more earnings conference call transcripts
and corresponding audio files[67]. The added data was selected to cover a wider
range of industries, companies, and financial conditions, as well as temporal periods,
to provide a more comprehensive representation of the business and economic envi-
ronment [68]. The companies that were focused upon included names such as, Apple,
Alphabet, Netflix, Spotify, Salesforce, NVIDIA, AMD, etc.
3.4.3 Data Collection
The data collection process followed the methodology as prescribed by the original
authors of the MAEC dataset. Data was gathered from public domains and databases
that host earnings conference call transcripts and corresponding audio files. For each
call, the company name, call date, and industry type were recorded.
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
3.4.4 Text Data Collection
The primary textual repositories identified were Seeking Alpha and the official web-
sites of the companies in question. While Seeking Alpha is recognized for its vast
reservoir of transcripts, the official company websites often provide exclusive content,
ensuring a much more exhaustive collection. The purpose of listing the web crawler
architecture emphasized the dynamic nature of data collection. Since earnings calls
are released every quarter, the web crawler is capable of obtaining the Webcrawler Architecture and Workflow
The web crawler was added to the data collection process to maintain the versatility
and authenticity of the dataset. This procedure contained the ability to obtain new
earnings call audio and transcript when it is released to the public. The utilization of
the given procedure aides in the prompt retrieval of the newly released earnings call.
1. Initialization: At the outset, a web crawler was meticulously crafted using a
popular framework such as BeautifulSoup, primed for optimal transcript iden-
tification and extraction.
2. Spreadsheet Integration: An Excel spreadsheet, with stored URLs of company
pages, became the starting point for the web crawlers journey. This Excel
integration facilitated orderly and systematic extraction without oversight.
3. Navigation and Scraping Logic: For each URL, the webcrawler was programmed
with specific logic to navigate the webpage’s DOM structure, focusing on sec-
tions typically containing earnings transcripts. Once identified, the data would
be scraped and stored in a structured format.
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
Mechanism for Web Crawler
f u n c t i o n webCrawler ( e x c e l F i l e , l ocalRepo ) :
l i n k s = readFromExcel ( e x c e l F i l e )
for l i n k in l i n k s :
webpage = v i s i t L i n k ( l i n k )
audioData = scrapeAudio ( webpage )
textData = sc rap eTe xt ( webpage )
s t o r e ( audioData , localRepo , audio )
s t o r e ( textData , localRepo , t e x t )
f u n c t i o n s t o r e ( data , repo , dataType ) :
path = determinePath ( repo , dataType )
saveToRepo ( data , path )
3.4.5 Audio Data Processing Download & Meta-data Annotation
Upon identification, the audio files were downloaded and stored with associated meta-
data, ensuring easier referencing during data consolidation stages. To further process
the audio, PRAAT was utilized for the audio refinement [60]. All of the audio features
were extracted with the utilization of PRAAT. PRAAT is a popular audio-analysis
tool utilized for the NLP, audio segmentation, feature extraction, etc. To maintain
consistency and homogeneity, the audio clippings were processed in a similar method
as in [60] This involved clipping through the audio logs, and obtaining the relevant
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
bits of information such as Mean pitch, standard deviation, minimum pitch, maxi-
mum pitch, mean intensity, minimum intensity, maximum intensity, number of pulses,
number of periods, mean period, standard deviation of period, fraction of unvoiced,
number of voice breaks, degree of voice breaks, jitter (local), jitter (local, absolute),
jitter (rap), Jitter (ppq5), jitter (ddp), shimmer (local), shimmer (local, dB), shim-
mer (apq3), shimmer (apq5), shimmer (apq11), shimmer (dda), mean autocorrelation,
mean NHR, mean HNR, and audio length.
To achieve the pairing, the existing iterative-forced alignment model was utilized
[60], and further improvements were made to it. The algorithm paired the audio clips
with the text segments, such as 64 × Audio Length features. This led to continuous
application of processing for all the audio and text. The proposed algorithm was
modified to be much more efficient by removing the utilization of threading and
making the file path more dynamic.
3.4.6 Transcript Detailing, Refinement, and Parsing
1. Dedicated Script for Post-processing: Another script, separate from the we-
bcrawler, was engineered for transcript refinement. This script aimed at making
the raw transcripts analysis-ready.
2. Company Information Extraction: Its first responsibility was to identify meta-
data blocks typically containing company names, call dates, and participating
3. Segmentation and Parsing Logic: Delving deeper into the content, the script rec-
ognized and segmented distinct sections within the transcript. It used pattern
recognition algorithms to discern headers, footers, and standard sub-sections
like Q&A rounds. Each segment was tagged, facilitating modular analysis in
subsequent stages.
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
4. Timestamp Mining: Critical to the multimodal nature of this dataset was the
alignment of text with audio. The script, through text-pattern searches, ex-
tracted embedded timestamps. These would later serve as synchronization
points, marrying text snippets to their corresponding audio moments.
The procedure involved identifying the common positions names such as CEO,
executive, COO, CTO, etc. Removal of date time stamps in the format of
mm/dd/yyyy, and removal of Q&A, headers, footers, etc., to obtain the clean
transcript for processing.
3.4.7 Data Anonymization
To ensure the privacy of the individuals involved in the conference calls, all the
personal identifiers were removed from the gathered data. Instead, speakers were
identified through anonymous labels such as ’Speaker 1’, ’Speaker 2’, etc.
3.4.8 Alignment
Textual data was time-aligned with the audio data, resulting in a truly multimodal
dataset. This involved mapping each segment of the transcript with the corresponding
segment of the audio file. Through this process, both spoken words and their written
counterparts are linked, enabling the potential for more advanced analyses that take
into account the context provided by both modalities [69]. By aligning the audio’s
temporal features, such as pauses, intonation, and pacing, with the textual content,
the dataset is effectively enriched. This alignment process transforms the dataset into
a truly multimodal resource, where both the textual and auditory information can be
leveraged simultaneously for richer insights and more accurate analyses
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
3.4.9 Dataset Integration
Finally, the newly collected and processed data was integrated with the original
MAEC dataset, effectively expanding and diversifying it. This was done by com-
bining the collected data with the old data to create a comprehensive dataset. The
resulting enhanced MAEC dataset, therefore, holds greater potential for building
more robust and generalized models for financial risk prediction.
This methodology ensured that the given approach was systematic, repeatable,
and ethical, and forms a solid basis for the analysis that follows in the next chapters
of this thesis.
3.5 Baseline: Sentiment Analysis
The subsequent stage of this research involves employing a sentiment analysis ap-
proach to label the expanded MAEC dataset. This process consists of several steps,
involving the application of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) model that was initially trained on a Twitter dataset.
3.5.1 Model Selection
A CNN-LSTM model was chosen for this task because of its ability to handle both
the sequential nature of text (via LSTM) and its ability to capture local semantic
features (via CNN) [70]. This hybrid model combines the strengths of CNNs and
LSTMs, making it well-suited to sentiment analysis tasks.
3.5.2 Transfer Learning from Twitter Sentiment Model
The CNN-LSTM model was pre-trained on a large-scale Twitter sentiment dataset.
This dataset had a wide range of sentiments and language styles, and the trained
model could capture a broad spectrum of sentiments and their representations [71].
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
This pre-training allowed the model to understand the basic semantics of the language
before being exposed to the specific domain of earnings calls. The dataset had three
sentiments namely, negative(-1), and positive(+1). It contained two fields for the
tweet and label. The model was initially trained on this dataset and after appropriate
output applied to the MAEC dataset for sentiment labeling.
The model utilized for this dataset was Sentiment140, as depicted in table 3.2. As
of now it comprises 1,600,000 tweets which were extracted using Twitter API. The
given tweets were annotated using positive and negative sentiments[5].
Table 3.2: Statistics of the Sentiment 140 Dataset [5]
Statistic Value
Total Number of Tweets 1.6 million
Positive Tweets Approximately 800,000
Negative Tweets Approximately 800,000
Sentiment Labels Binary (Positive/Negative)
Maximum Tweet Length Limited to 140 characters (preprocessed)
Data Format Sentiment Label, Tweet ID, Date, Tweet
Sentiments140 was chosen for its benchmark for sentiment analysis and text clas-
sification tasks, and these were also extracted directly from the source, Twitter.
3.5.3 Model Fine-Tuning on MAEC Dataset
To ensure the model was adequately tailored to the given domain, it fine-tuned it on
the text part of the MAEC dataset. This involved a further training phase where the
model’s weights were slightly adjusted to better suit the language style and sentiment
expressions of earnings conference calls.
3.5.4 Sentiment Labeling
Post-training, the model was employed to label the sentiment of each segment of the
conference call transcripts. Each segment was assigned one of three labels: ’positive’,
Chapter 3. Design Methodology
’negative’, or ’neutral’. This labeled data can provide insights into the sentiment
trends of the calls and could potentially be used to predict financial risk [72].
3.5.5 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
The final stage of the methodology considered the multimodal nature of the MAEC
dataset. While text-based sentiment analysis offers valuable insights, combining it
with audio features can potentially improve the model’s performance. Hence, the
sentiment labels from the text were combined with the acoustic features extracted
from the corresponding audio files to create a multimodal sentiment analysis model.
Through this design methodology, the goal was to gauge a broader coverage and
adaptability of the given sentiment analysis approach. This will provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the sentiments expressed in the conference calls and
may improve the accuracy of financial risk prediction models.
Chapter 4
Findings and Results
4.1 Data Expansion
The initial setup involved the expansion of the MAEC dataset. The MAEC dataset
consisted of text-audio paired earnings calls of the S&P 1500 companies. Since the
goal was to expand and update the dataset, the data collection was done onwards
2018 2022. With the increase of the information over the year, a much more
expansive dataset was created, and it included the companies from the S&P 1500
companies to maintain the homogeneity of the data while retaining the original format
The collection procedure for the MAEC dataset was an intricate endeavor, shaped
by dual objectives: ensuring comprehensive textual representation and securing au-
thentic audio recordings of earnings calls.
4.1.1 Text Data Collection
The corporate websites of the concerned companies and Seeking Alpha were the main
textual repositories found. The official company websites frequently offer unique con-
tent, guaranteeing a comprehensive collection. Listing the web crawler architecture
served to highlight how dynamic data collection is. The web crawler provided the
ability to update the dataset with new earnings information each time it was run
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
because earnings calls are released every quarter.
4.1.2 Audio Data Collection
Following textual extraction, the web crawler had auxiliary logic embedded to spot
the associated audio files. Given the varied formats and hosting methods of these
recordings, the crawler employed a series of checks to determine valid audio links and
followed by storing them.
4.1.3 Data Verification and Quality Control
Ensuring the integrity of collected data was paramount. Regular checks were insti-
1. Data Completeness Checks: The script accounted for the verified audio and text
for earnings calls that for every scraped transcript, there was a corresponding
audio file. Manual checks were also conducted in cases of discrepancy to account
for correct pairing.
2. Content Quality Validation: Sample-based manual checks were periodically con-
ducted to validate the accuracy of the scraped content, ensuring the crawler
wasn’t amassing irrelevant or corrupted data.
4.1.4 Results after Dataset Expansion
Due to the above applied application process, and methodology, Table 4.1. provides
the updated statistics for this expanded MAEC Dataset.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Table 4.1: Associated Statistics of MAEC Before and After Expansion [4]
Attributes Statistics(Before) Statistics (After)
Multi-modal Earnings Calls Instances 3443 3556
Start Year 2015 2015
End Year 2018 2023
Number of Companies 1213 1313
Sentences 394,277 424,145
Tokens 8,019,142 8,572,384
This extensive data collection and refinement procedure, steered by advanced
scripting and periodic quality checks, ensured that the MAEC dataset wasn’t just
expansive, but also of the highest research quality. Every textual piece, paired with
its auditory counterpart, stood a testament to rigorous methodology, heralding the
promise of unparalleled insights.
4.2 Sentiment Analysis
The endeavor to apply sentiment analysis on the Multimodal Aligned Earnings Con-
ference Call (MAEC) dataset, using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) hybrid model initially trained on a Twitter dataset, was
an intricate and challenging feat. This part delves deep into the insights and revela-
tions of this venture and discusses the nuances associated with such an application.
The central objective of this research was to apply sentiment analysis on the Mul-
timodal Aligned Earnings Conference Call (MAEC) dataset using a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) hybrid model that
had previously been trained on a Twitter dataset. This chapter furnishes a compre-
hensive discourse on the outcomes of this endeavor.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
4.2.1 Model Training on Twitter Dataset
Starting with the Twitter dataset, meticulous steps ensured that the dataset was
cleaned and standardized, ensuring that the model received the best possible input.
Sentiment distributions were explored and visualized, painting a clear picture of the
inherent biases and patterns present. The process of tokenization was handled with
care, transforming raw tweets into structured data. Relying on Google’s pre-trained
Word2Vec for embedding ensured that the model could recognize and utilize semantic
intricacies in the tweets. Combining the power of CNNs for feature extraction and
LSTMs for capturing temporal dependencies, the model was optimally trained for the
task at hand. The results were indicative of its promise and potential, which set the
stage for the primary goal: analyzing the MAEC dataset.
Initially, the Twitter dataset was explored and cleaned by excluding specific rows
with erroneous data. The distribution of sentiments, visually represented by a bar
plot, provided a glimpse into the balance of positive and negative sentiments. Sub-
sequent tokenization of tweets utilized the RegexpTokenizer. This step was crucial
as structured data improves the model’s learning capability. Embedding was then
carried out using Google’s pre-trained Word2Vec, chosen for its semantic richness.
The model’s architecture combined CNN’s strength in sequential feature extrac-
tion with LSTM’s adeptness at long-term dependency understanding. Post-training,
results indicated an exemplary performance, setting the stage for its application to
the MAEC dataset.
4.2.2 Model Summary
An embedding layer was employed, with its dimensions and weights determined by
the pre-trained model’s normalized vectors. This layer was pivotal for capturing the
semantic relationships between words. The model was constructed as a Sequential
model and incorporated this embedding layer as its initial layer.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
The subsequent architecture included multiple Conv1D layer with 64 filters and a
kernel size of 5, employing RELU activation and causal padding. This convolutional
layer was designed to extract features from the embedded word sequences. A Max-
Pooling1D layer followed, with a pool size of 2, to reduce the dimensionality of the
data and capture the most salient features.
To mitigate the risk of overfitting, two Dropout layers, each with a rate of 0.7, were
integrated, and interspersed around a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer with
150 units. This LSTM layer was key for understanding the context and dependencies
in text data, given its ability to retain information over long sequences.
The final layer of the model was a Dense layer with a single unit and a sigmoid
activation function, suitable for binary classification tasks like sentiment analysis.
The model was compiled with a ’binary cross-entropy’ loss function and the ’Adam’
optimizer, focusing on accuracy as a metric.
After training on the Twitter dataset, the model was modified to account for the
MAEC dataset. The predictions for MAEC were made on the data using the model,
and these predictions were classified into three categories: Positive, Negative, or
Neutral, based on a defined threshold for the sigmoid output. Predictions with values
greater than 0.66 were labeled Positive, those less than 0.33 were labeled Negative,
and values in between were classified as Neutral.
The thresholds of 0.33 and 0.66 were set up for a more refined classification in sen-
timent analysis, thereby attributing to the complexity of human sentiments expressed
through language.
This approach highlighted the intricacies involved in developing the neural network
model capable of sentiment analysis, emphasizing handling textual data effectively
and making predictions that can categorize sentiments.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Logic and Rationale behind Sentiment Classification
The process for sentiment labeling was based on a thresholding strategy:
Positive: An output value greater than 0.66 was considered positive, reflecting a
predominant optimistic tone in the earnings call.
Neutral: Values between 0.33 and 0.66 were marked as neutral. Earnings calls
often contain a balanced mix of achievements and challenges, leading to a neutral
Negative: Output values lower than 0.33 indicated a largely pessimistic sentiment.
The logic behind this tripartite division was to offer a more nuanced understanding
of earnings calls. Binary categorizations could miss out on the complexities, and
given the influence of these calls on the stock market, a more detailed sentiment
classification was deemed imperative.
4.2.3 Results
The given graph 4.1 portrays the number of instances or predictions made by the
model for the two classes, characterized by ’P’ and ’N’. These stand for ’P’ for pos-
itive and ’N’ for negative sentiment respectively, and, the bars indicate the count of
predictions for each class. The model predicted more negative instances than positive
instances solely based on the dataset.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Figure 4.1: Number of Instances for Predictions by the Model for the Positive and Negative
Figure 4.1. provided a glimpse into the categorization of the sentiment classifica-
tion tool.
4.2.4 Evaluation Metrics on Twitter Dataset
Several metrics were used to evaluate the model’s performance on the Twitter dataset:
ROC Curve
The Figure 4.3. displayed the ROC curve, which portrayed the balance between sen-
sitivity and specificity, with the AUC metric aggregating the model’s distinguishing
capability. The x-axis represented the False Positive Rate (FPR), and the y-axis rep-
resented the True Positive Rate (TPR). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was
a measure of how well the model was capable of distinguishing between classes, with
1 being perfect discrimination and 0.5 being no better than random chance. Here,
the AUC on the training dataset was observed to be 0.88. Thereby, verifying the
classification power of the sentiment classification of the model.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Figure 4.2: ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on Twitter Sentiment Dataset
(Training Dataset)
Figure 4.3. displayed the predicting power of the sentiment classification of the
tool on the testing dataset. indicating good model performance on the Twitter
dataset. The AUC observed on this dataset was 0.82, thus, capable of classifying
sentiments on much more complex dataset as MAEC.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Figure 4.3: ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on Twitter Sentiment Dataset
(Testing Dataset)
Confusion Matrix
Figure 4.4 provides a detailed breakdown of classification results, from which the
precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy were computed.
True Positives (TP): The model correctly predicted 541 positive sentiment.
True Negatives (TN): The model correctly predicted 642 negative sentiment.
False Positives (FP): The model incorrectly predicted 223 positive sentiment (ac-
tually negative).
False Negatives (FN): The model incorrectly predicted 173 negative sentiment (ac-
tually positive).
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Figure 4.4: The Confusion Matrix and the Classification Report for the Twitter dataset
Next to this was the classification report with precision, recall, f1-score, and sup-
port for both the Positive and the Negative classes:
Precision was the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to the total
predicted positives. For positive, it was observed to be 0.76, and for negative, it
was 0.74.
Recall (also known as sensitivity or the true positive rate) measured the proportion
of actual positives that were correctly identified. For positive, it was observed to
be 0.71, and for negative, it was 0.79.
F1-score was the weighted average of Precision and Recall. Therefore, this score
took both the false positives and false negatives into account. For Positive, it was
0.73, and for Negative, it was 0.76.
Support was the number of actual occurrences of the class in the specified dataset.
For Positive, there were 764 instances, and for Negative, there were 815. The report
also included the overall accuracy (0.75) which was the ratio of correctly predicted
observations to the total observations.
These metrics together provide a comprehensive overview of the model’s perfor-
mance, indicating that the model was relatively good at distinguishing between posi-
tive and negative sentiments with some room for improvement. Thus, this model was
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
applied on the expanded MAEC dataset for labeling the sentiments of the earnings
The metrics collectively showcased the model’s robustness, establishing its readi-
ness for transfer learning on the MAEC dataset. The primary focus of this research,
after initial training on the Twitter dataset, was the application and interpretation
of sentiment analysis on the Multimodal Aligned Earnings Conference Call (MAEC)
dataset. The following section provides an intricate overview of this application,
emphasizing its specific challenges and logic.
4.3 MAEC Dataset Preprocessing & Challenges
Dataset Characteristics: The MAEC dataset was unique. Unlike the casual tone
and structure of tweets, earnings calls encapsulate a formal, comprehensive, and mul-
tifaceted view of a company’s financial state and outlook. The text-audio paired
format from the S&P 1500 companies offers layers of information, where the textual
part delivers the specifics and the audio might contain emotional nuances.
Tokenization & Structuring: Given that the MAEC dataset consists of longer
textual data than tweets, and the content was more complex, the tokenization process
was adapted to fit this structure. The strategy was to maintain the core essence of
the earnings call, ensuring that the extracted tokens held financial relevance.
Embedding and Sequence Padding: Using Google’s pretrained Word2Vec for em-
bedding in the Twitter dataset set a precedent. For the MAEC dataset, this was par-
ticularly valuable because it could capture industry-specific terminologies and their
semantic meaning. The padding process ensured that each tokenized earnings call
was consistent in length, making the sequential input uniform for the model.
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
4.3.1 Results
Figure 4.5 with three bars, each representing counts of classifications for a sentiment
analysis model. The bars were color-coded and corresponded to three different senti-
ment classes: Positive, Neutral, and Negative. From the below Figure 4.5, following
deductions can be made about the model’s classification power:
Figure 4.5: The Sentiment Classification Done by the Transfer Learning Model
Positive Sentiment: Represented by the blue bar on the left, it portrayed the count
of instances classified as positive by the model. The model has classified the least
number of instances as Positive.
Neutral Sentiment: Represented by the orange bar in the middle, it displayed the
count of instances classified as neutral by the model. The majority of the instances
have been classified as Neutral, as indicated by the tallest orange bar.
Negative Sentiment: Represented by the green bar on the right, it displayed the
count of instances classified as negative by the model. The count of Negative
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
instances is slightly less than the Neutral but significantly more than the Positive.
The y-axis, labeled ’count’, indicates the number of instances classified into each
category. The x-axis lists the sentiment categories. The counts suggest that when
applied to this particular dataset, the model finds more instances of Neutral and
Negative sentiments than Positive ones.
The variation in counts could be due to several factors including the nature of
the dataset, the model’s sensitivity to certain linguistic patterns, or an imbalance in
the dataset’s inherent sentiment distribution. This provided a visual representation
of the distribution of sentiments as classified by the model across a dataset.
Figure 4.6. demonstrated the sentiment classification power of the model, while
maintaining the sanctity of the user identity. As demonstrated, the model struggled
with the classification of the ambiguous texts present in the earnings calls.
Figure 4.6: An Example of the Sentiment Classification of the Earnings Call Transcript
Figure 4.7. demonstrated another set of sentences present in the earnings calls
transcript and it being classified appropriately according to the sentiment represented
by the text.
Figure 4.7: Another Example of the Sentiment Classification of the Earnings Call Tran-
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
Thus, to further test out the validity and get a better picture of reliability for the
labeled data, a ROC curve was plotted in Figure 4.8. A portion of MAEC Data was
labeled manually to obtain the ground truth and was compared against the model’s
performance of labeling.
Figure 4.8: ROC Curve Obtained for the Model based on MAEC Dataset (Testing Data)
Figure 4.8 portrays the ROC curve obtained for the expanded MAEC Dataset,
with a discrimination level of 0.74. Thus, portraying that the model was capable of
predicting sentiment labels fairly and reasonably.
4.3.2 Analyzing the Sentiment Distribution on MAEC Dataset
Sentiment Distribution Insights: Post-labeling, the MAEC dataset’s sentiment dis-
tribution was examined. The distribution offered a window into the general tone of
earnings calls over the dataset’s duration. The economic climate, industry-specific
challenges, and company achievements were factors contributing to this distribution.
Homogeneity and Consistency: By keeping the MAEC expansion consistent with
the original dataset, a uniform structure was maintained. This ensured that the
sentiment analysis outcomes were comparable across the board, eliminating structural
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
4.3.3 Potential Implications and Applications
Financial Analysis & Forecasting: The sentiment-labeled MAEC dataset becomes a
powerful tool for financial analysts. By monitoring sentiment trends, analysts can
potentially anticipate stock market reactions, offering insights for investment strate-
Comparative Analysis: The labeled dataset allows for comparisons across indus-
tries or within sectors over time, enabling deeper dives into specific economic trends
and sectoral challenges.
4.3.4 Conclusion
The MAEC dataset was successfully enriched and diversified with the addition of the
new data from the recent earnings calls. It was also updated with the recent earnings
call data while diversifying the data from different companies. It employed a custom
web crawler for the collection of data directly from the company websites. Thus, it
was successfully expanded with 100 more companies.
The creation of the sentiment application tool allowed for the classification of
human sentiments on the textual part of the MAEC dataset. The creation and
baseline labeling of the Twitter dataset paved for the classification of MAEC Dataset.
The sentiment classification tool aided in the classification of the sentiments and
labeling of positive, neutral, and negative sentiments of the MAEC dataset. This
ultimately resulted in the labeling of the MAEC text part with the sentiments. Thus,
adding more descriptors to this dataset.
The application of the CNN-LSTM model to the MAEC dataset highlighted the
complexities and potential of sentiment analysis in financial contexts. With promising
results, this research not only offers immediate analytical tools but also sets the stage
Chapter 4. Findings and Results
for more intricate studies. Emphasizing the audio component of the MAEC dataset in
future analyses, for instance, could pave the way for multi-modal sentiment analytics,
leveraging both textual content and vocal tones.
Chapter 5
In the exploration of the MAEC dataset, an expansion was undertaken to enhance its
comprehensiveness. Originally, the dataset consisted of earnings call recordings and
written transcripts from the S&P 1500 companies. The addition of data from 2018-
2022, sourced from public websites and company sites, enriched its diversity. This also
led to the creation of a webcrawler that would allow for the constant update of this
dataset periodically enriching it with the current information. This updated MAEC
dataset offers a wider range of company conversations from recent years while main-
taining the integrity and quality of the original collection. Essentially, the MAEC
dataset received a modern update, solidifying its position as a premier tool for ana-
lyzing company sentiments and behaviors.
The journey through the realm of sentiment analysis in this study brought forth
several insights. The blend of CNN and LSTM architectures to decode sentiments
demonstrated a significant evolution in understanding the nuances of sentiments in
textual data. The baseline was established by training it on the Twitter dataset.
This allowed for the creation of a sentiment analysis tool that was capable of labeling
the expansive textual part of the MAEC dataset. Thereby, providing insights for the
involvement of sentiment analysis with finance.
Transitioning from the Twitter dataset to the MAEC dataset was not just an ex-
ercise in model adaptability but also a deep dive into the world of financial linguistics.
Chapter 5. Conclusion
The difference in language style and content structure between tweets and earnings
calls underscored the essence of dataset-specific preprocessing. It also highlighted
the model’s capability to capture sentiments in varying contexts, be it the informal
diction of tweets or the structured jargon of earnings calls. This ultimately led to
the labeling of the sentiments of the textual portion of the MAEC dataset, thus,
providing it a new edge.
The model’s performance on the MAEC dataset has profound implications. Fi-
nancial experts and stock market enthusiasts can harness these sentiment labels to
better understand the underlying mood of an earnings call, potentially providing an
edge in stock market predictions and investment decisions.
5.1 Future Work
The vast landscape of sentiment analysis presents numerous avenues for future explo-
ration. One of the most promising avenues lies within the MAEC dataset itself. Its
unique text-audio paired structure provides an opportunity for exploring multi-modal
sentiment analysis. Incorporating vocal tonality and pace into sentiment calculations
might offer a more comprehensive sentiment assessment.
An intriguing proposition would be to delve into temporal sentiment analysis.
With an expansive dataset like MAEC, tracking sentiment trends over the years
could reveal patterns. Such patterns might resonate with economic shifts, pivotal
industry innovations, or even broader global events, offering a sentiment lens to view
financial history.
Future researchers might want to explore different architectures, maybe trans-
formers like BERT, to understand their efficacy in this domain. The precedent set
by training on the Twitter dataset makes a compelling case for further ventures into
transfer learning. There’s potential in gauging the effectiveness of models pre-trained
on various textual datasets when applied to financial transcripts.
Chapter 5. Conclusion
As the influence of sentiment analysis grows, especially in domains as impactful
as finance, ethical considerations must be paramount. Ensuring that models are free
from biases and that data handling respects privacy norms will be crucial. In the
practical realm, envisioning a platform where analysts could get real-time sentiment
assessments of financial transcripts can be an exciting direction, bringing the power of
sentiment analytics to the fingertips of financial analysts. This research illuminated
the path of sentiment analysis in financial contexts, by adding sentiments to the
earnings calls and exploring the possibility of the intersection of the finance and
human sentiments.
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