Rev. 04/18 – Records | rec_release_ref_let.doc
Office of the Registrar
503-725-5525 fax
The Portland State University Records Policy, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974 (FERPA), requires the written consent of the student authorizing the disclosure of non-directory
information from his or her record. The authorization must include: the specific information to be released;
the party or class of parties to whom the information is to be released; the purpose of the release; the date;
and the student’s signature.
I am requesting a one-time only release of information to the following party/ class of parties for the
following purpose.
I, ______________________________________________, Student ID ________________________,
(please print your name clearly)
hereby give my written consent to
(name of PSU faculty or staff member)
to disclose the following information:
(specify records/information to be released: GPA, grades, academic performance, class attendance, etc.)
I authorize PSU to release the above-mentioned education records, for the purpose of providing a
letter of recommendation, to:
(specify person/s to whom release be made)
I understand that the specific information referenced on this form is being released to a third party at my
request with the understanding that s/he will not release it to any other parties. Portland State University is
hereby released from all legal responsibility or liability for the release of the above-mentioned information.
Student Signature Date
Portland State University is required to keep original signed consent forms.
Students are advised to keep a copy of this form with their records.
Receipt date_______ Staff Initials _______
Please bring your
Photo ID when
this form