TMR Surveying Standards
Part 1 General Information
January 2022
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022
© The State of
Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 2022.
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TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 i
1 Introduction to the Standards ......................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Conditions for release ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Intellectual Property (IP) rights ....................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Ownership of data ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Structure of these Standards .......................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2 General survey requirements .......................................................................................................1
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Strategic policy the wider corporate need ................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 Survey and mapping infrastructure purpose ..................................................................1
2.3 Geospatial information .................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Compliance ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4.1 Legislative and regulatory requirements ........................................................................2
2.4.2 Survey ............................................................................................................................3
2.4.3 Surveyor .........................................................................................................................3
2.4.4 Equipment ................................................................................................................... 11
3 Project compliance ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Environmental impact ................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Surveys on streams and waterways ............................................................................ 12
3.2 General Safety .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.1 General safety and site induction ................................................................................ 13
3.2.2 Unsafe situations ......................................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) ......................................................................... 13
3.3 Safety on the road corridor ........................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Traffic management plan ............................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 Roadworks signage ..................................................................................................... 14
3.3.3 Use of traffic control..................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Entry onto land .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.4.1 Private land .................................................................................................................. 15
3.4.2 Construction sites ........................................................................................................ 15
3.4.3 Entry onto railway lands .............................................................................................. 16
4 Survey brief ................................................................................................................................. 17
4.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Requirements................................................................................................................................ 17
4.3 Supplied information ..................................................................................................................... 17
5 Survey datum .............................................................................................................................. 18
5.1 Horizontal coordinate datum ......................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Azimuth datum .............................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Vertical (Height) datum ................................................................................................................. 18
5.3.1 GNSS derived heights ................................................................................................. 18
5.4 Chainage datum ........................................................................................................................... 18
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 ii
5.5 Exceptions to use of standard datum’s ......................................................................................... 18
5.5.1 Cadastral surveys ........................................................................................................ 19
5.5.2 Connection of non-standard datum to standard datum ............................................... 19
5.6 Traceable datum information ........................................................................................................ 19
5.7 Summary of datum sets ................................................................................................................ 19
6 Survey marks .............................................................................................................................. 20
6.1 Safety of marks ............................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 Identifiers and indicators ............................................................................................................... 20
6.3 Survey mark protection ................................................................................................................. 20
6.4 Permanent Survey Marks ............................................................................................................. 21
6.4.1 Placement and recording of Permanent Survey Marks ............................................... 21
6.4.2 Maintenance, updates & amendments ........................................................................ 22
6.4.3 Submission of PSM forms to DoR ............................................................................... 22
6.5 Bench Marks ................................................................................................................................. 22
6.6 Height ............................................................................................................................................ 23
6.6.1 Levelling ...................................................................................................................... 23
7 Survey data delivery ................................................................................................................... 24
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 24
7.2 Transport and Main Roads standard software ............................................................................. 24
7.3 Field data ...................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3.1 Survey comments ........................................................................................................ 24
7.4 Processed data ............................................................................................................................. 24
7.5 Survey report ................................................................................................................................ 24
7.6 Delivered data ............................................................................................................................... 25
7.6.1 Ownership ................................................................................................................... 25
7.6.2 Media ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.6.3 Malicious code ............................................................................................................. 25
7.6.4 Corrections .................................................................................................................. 25
7.7 Metadata ....................................................................................................................................... 25
7.7.1 Locality ........................................................................................................................ 25
7.7.2 Project details / Resources .......................................................................................... 26
7.7.3 Datum / Coordinate Operations ................................................................................... 26
7.7.4 Accuracy ...................................................................................................................... 26
7.7.5 Timing / Contact .......................................................................................................... 27
7.7.6 Notes / Disclaimers...................................................................................................... 27
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 1
1 Introduction to the Standards
1.1 Overview
This TMR Surveying Standards document provides the specific requirements for the collection of
survey data in any of the geomatic survey types used by the Department of Transport and Main Roads
and also supplies the rigid application of context to that data. It is the covenant between users of
Geospatial Information and the suppliers of this information. This document is to be used to supply
surveying information to the department.
In this document, ‘Standards’ shall mean the current Department of Transport and Main Roads
Surveying Standards document. The ‘department’ shall mean the Queensland Government
department whose Chief Executive is responsible for the administration of the Transport Infrastructure
Act 1994 and associated legislation or their successors. 'DoR' shall mean the Queensland
Government department whose Chief Executive is responsible for the administration of the Surveyors
Act 2003 and associated legislation or their successors.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to:
a) advise all providers of geospatial information of the requirements applicable in undertaking
surveying activities for, or on behalf of, the department, and
b) advise all users of the survey product of the meaning/application of the geospatial information
It is intended that the Standards provide:
safe supply of survey services both for those supplying the information and the general public
an understanding of the strengths and limitations of particular geomatic types of surveys to
allow ‘fit for purpose’ supply of geospatial information
completeness, appropriateness and traceability of geospatial information supplied by
surveying services
standardisation of the presentation of geospatial information provided by surveying services
throughout the department
adequate accessibility to geospatial information provided by surveying services and protection
from corruption.
1.3 Conditions for release
This documentation is supplied on the following basis:
a) The documentation is supplied on an ‘as is’ basis and no representation, warrant or guarantee
is given by the department regarding:
i. its completeness, accuracy, adequacy or content, and
ii. any interpretations, deductions, opinions or conclusions that may be expressed or implied.
b) Any interpretations, deductions, opinions or conclusions made by the recipients of the
documentation are at the recipient's risk and the department accepts no liability or obligation
in respect of the use of such documentation.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 2
1.4 Intellectual Property (IP) rights
The intellectual property rights of any information produced by the survey shall be assigned to the
1.5 Ownership of data
All materials and information supplied in the commissioning of a survey project remain the property of
the department. It shall not be used, copied or reproduced for any other purpose without the prior
written approval by the department. The release of some data and information to external
organisations may also require a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed prior to its use.
All materials and information supplied as part of the deliverables of any project shall become the
property of the department. Custodianship shall reside with the Project Manager - the Principal
Advisor (Geospatial Information). It shall not be used, copied or reproduced for any other purpose
without the prior written approval by the custodian or the department.
1.6 Structure of these Standards
The Surveying Standards consists of two Parts and one Schedule.
Part 1 General Information
This provides:
an introduction to, and an explanation of, the Standards
details of Surveyor qualification, experience and accreditation requirements
the requirements for those aspects of surveying services that may be generally applied to all
geomatic types of surveys undertaken
the requirements of a survey brief
Survey Datum and Survey Mark requirements, and
the Survey Data Transfer requirements.
Part 2 Geomatic Survey Types
This part describes the express requirements for the different types of geomatic surveys undertaken
by the department and includes:
ground and feature model surveys
including bridge and underground asset surveys
Construction surveys
audit surveys
aerial photography surveys
GNSS survey control, and
cadastral surveys
These requirements will be enhanced for existing geomatic types as new technology and processing
methodologies dictate.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 3
Schedule 1 Codes, Linestyles and Examples
This provides the department's field codes used to represent survey data. It also shows the linestyles
used to display those codes both on the screen and when plotted to hardcopy.
Situational examples show where, and how to use field codes to assist users to meet Transport and
Main Road's requirements.
1.7 Definitions
The following definitions (and abbreviations) are to be used in the context of this document.
AUSGeoid2020 is a 1’ by 1’ (approximately 1.8 km) grid used to transfer heights between the ellipsoid
(GDA2020) and the Australian Height Datum (AHD). Unlike older versions of AUSGeoid (‘93/’98).
AUSGeoid2020 provides users with height offset between the ellipsoid and AHD as opposed to the
ellipsoid and the geoid.
AUSGeoid2020 provides uncertainty values.
Australian Height Datum (AHD)
Australian Height Datum is the national height datum surface based on mean seal level for 1966-1968
at 30 tide gauges around Australia, adopted by the National Mapping Council in 1971 (AHD71) as the
datum to which all vertical control for mapping is to be referred.
Bench marks
Permanent or semi-permanent marks placed in a vertically stable environment primarily for the
purpose of providing a height reference.
The person identified in the contract as having the responsibility for providing the services, set out in
the survey brief, which forms the basis of the contract.
Cadastral Survey Requirements (CSR)
Sets out a range of information, including standards and guidelines, that surveyors may require in
relation to the conduct of cadastral surveys in the state of Queensland.
A set of parameters which define the origin and orientation of a reference system with respect to a
fundamental absolute system.
Datum Control Surveys
These surveys define, extend or improve the National Geospatial Reference System (NGRS). These
control surveys are included in NGRS adjustments to allow for the most rigorous estimation and
testing of position and uncertainty for new and existing survey control marks in the NGRS. (refer SP1)
Department of Resources (Queensland)
Gazettal chainage
The cumulative chainage from the declared start of the road.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 4
Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020)
An ellipsoidal surface expressed as latitudes and longitudes which has its origin at the centre mass
(hence the term Geocentric) of the earth. The coordinate datum of the GDA2020 is the Australian
Fiducial Network (AFN), which is tied to the International Earth Rotational Reference System (IERS)
Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 (ITRF2014), epoch 2020.0
Geospatial data/information
Data/information with horizontal and vertical co-ordinates based on a grid system referenced to the
Map Grid of Australia (MGA)
Cartesian coordinates from a Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) has three map projection zones for Queensland and for
GDA2020 are expressed as:
GDA2020 / MGA zone 54
GDA2020 / MGA zone 55
GDA2020 / MGA zone 56
National Geospatial Reference Frame (NGRS)
The National Geospatial Reference System is Australia’s high accuracy spatial referencing system.
Permanent Survey Mark (PSM)
Permanent survey marks form part of the state’s survey and mapping infrastructure and are
maintained within the survey control register by DoR.
Project Reference Frame (PRF)
The project location as evidenced by the coordinates of the Project Reference Frame Marks.
An enterprise undertaken which creates and delivers a unique product or service. It will contain
activities with start and finish dates undertaken to achieve an objective. This objective will contain
specific requirements including time frames, costs and resources.
Project Customer
The person requesting and paying for the survey services.
Project Manager
The person authorising the provision of surveying services and having responsibility for the co-
ordination of a project including accepting the project deliverables the Principal Advisor (Geospatial
District Safety Officer
The person nominated by the District Director whose authority includes all safety issues within the
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 5
Safety plan
This is the plan that sets out the procedures that will be followed in applying the requirements of the
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to complete the project.
Standard for the Australian Survey Control Network - Special Publication 1, version 2.2, October 2014
Spheroidal heights
Global positioning, such as GNSS, will generally give a latitude, longitude (or x and y position) and
height. This height is usually the height above (or below) the spheroid (ellipsoid).
All activities undertaken for a transport infrastructure purpose that define natural or artificial features,
below, on or above the earth’s surface, excepting that a survey, which involves the definition of the
cadastre, shall be a cadastral survey.
Survey brief
The instrument that authorises or instructs a Surveyor to perform a survey on behalf of the
department, and sets out the requirements and instructions for the survey project. Survey brief may
also be referred to as Project Brief.
Survey Control Database (SCDB)
The register of all permanent survey marks in Queensland which includes coordinates, height, access
notes and other administrative information.
Survey plot code library
The document that sets out the departments' standard codes for feature points and strings.
Survey marks
Permanent or temporary marks, either existing or specifically placed, used for survey purposes.
Survey records
The documents necessary to adequately record every aspect of the survey, which may include:
a) a measurement or an analysis made for, or in relation to, the survey
b) information about:
i. survey marks placed in carrying out the survey, or
ii. survey marks used as reference points in carrying out the survey.
c) the plan of survey, and
d) any electronically produced measurement, analysis or plan of survey.
Surveyor shall mean a competent person who takes personal responsibility for the survey with the
qualifications and experience required as detailed in Section 2.4.3.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 6
Uncertainty in these Standards means doubt about the validity of a measurement or result of a
measurement (e.g a coordinate). It is an indication of how wrong a value may be and is used in these
Standards to quantify the level of survey quality. Uncertainty is expressed as a standard of deviation in
the International System of Units (SI) expanded to the 95% confidence level.
UncertaintyPositional (PU)
The uncertainty of the horizontal and/or vertical coordinates of a survey control mark with respect to
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 1
2 General survey requirements
2.1 Introduction
This document outlines those aspects of survey requirements that apply to all geomatic survey types.
It is the intention that this chapter, together with Part 2 Geomatic Survey Types and Schedule 1
Codes, Linestyles and Examples, will provide direction to ensure that any survey undertaken on behalf
of the department will conform to the geospatial information requirements of the department.
2.2 Strategic policy the wider corporate need
The department is the state-wide road system manager. A consequence of this management role is
that road projects are no longer isolated project sites, but form part of a state-wide road system
network. To adequately manage this road system network, the relative geospatial locations of road
projects are required to integrate information from one project to another.
There is therefore an increased need to supply crucial geospatial information to provide more informed
management of the state-wide road system network and facilitate stakeholder relationships.
Surveys for Transport and Main Roads form part of the state’s survey and mapping infrastructure and
are of value to the community because they contribute to the state's economic, environmental and
social development.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to make the Project Customer aware of the value to the
corporation of the wider purposes to which this information can be put at the time of commissioning of
the survey.
2.2.1 Survey and mapping infrastructure purpose
Survey’s for Transport and Main Roads are of value for a survey and mapping infrastructure purpose,
and therefore are subject to the conditions contained in the Surveying and Mapping Infrastructure Act
2003 and Surveying and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2014.
The Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2014 states that:
A survey is of value for a survey and mapping infrastructure purpose if, for example, the survey:
produces information in a form that can be recorded in a state dataset; or
places permanent survey marks; or
makes measurements between permanent survey marks; or
makes measurements that establish the relationship between the geodetic reference
framework and a subsidiary framework (example of a subsidiary framework cadastral
boundary system).
Surveys of value to surveying and mapping infrastructure must be carried out in a way that achieves
the survey's intended purpose. The survey's intended purpose may be achieved by, for example:
establishing appropriate survey marks for the survey by:
placing survey marks of a type complying with the relevant survey standard, or
using existing survey marks as reference points, and
depicting in the survey record, the spatial location and extent of the features surveyed as
required by an established survey standard, and
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 2
achieving an acceptable level of survey quality that is appropriate for the survey's intended
purpose as required by an established survey standard.
2.3 Geospatial information
It should be noted that geospatial information is not just data, but ‘data in context’. The context of
geospatial data is provided by its position and relevance. This context can only be meaningfully
supplied by competent and qualified surveyors using uniform and published standards. The relevance
of geospatial data introduces aspects of positional accuracy, relative accuracy, currency, etc. The
direct implication of this is that information about the data, its origin, authorship, relevance, limitations,
accuracy and chronology, must also be provided with the data to enhance it from just data to
geospatial information.
Geospatial information is a valuable multi-purpose asset. The collection of field data solely for the
immediate need of a project is to be tempered with the wider corporate needs to which the geospatial
data may be put by the department and other government agencies. The information can be mined at
a later date to supply value to projects other than the primary project for which the information was
2.4 Compliance
The department, its staff and its agents have an obligation to comply with all applicable statutory
A failure to comply with the safety standards required by the legislation, or the recommendation within
the manuals and codes is considered unacceptable to the department, and considered grounds for the
termination of a contract.
All costs associated with the safe operations of both the public and the survey personnel, for the
duration of the project, are to be met by the survey services supplier. No additional payments will be
considered for costs associated with safety issues, unless specifically agreed to in the survey brief.
2.4.1 Legislative and regulatory requirements
In relation to survey work for Transport and Main Roads within the road corridor, attention is drawn to
the following acts, regulations, manuals and codes (or their successors):
Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 and its Regulations
Surveyors Act 2003 and its Regulations
Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 and its Regulations
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and its Regulations
Codes of Practice ‘approved’ under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Inter-governmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping Standard for the Australian
Survey Control Network Special Publication 1 (SP1), Version 2.2
Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Manual Consultants for Engineering Projects
National Measurement Act 1960 (Commonwealth) and its Regulations
Environmental Protection Act 1994
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 3
Fisheries Act 1994
Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995
Water Act 2000.
It is responsibility of the person working under Legislative or regulatory requirements to ensure they
are using the current version of Legislation or regulation.
Where restrictions exist upon those entering onto the road corridor within legislation, persons who
enter the road corridor are under an obligation to conform to these restrictions, notwithstanding what
may or may not be stated or implied in these standards. Underground asset investigation
All personnel undertaking underground asset investigation must be trained and accredited in
accordance with the requirements of the owners of underground assets. This may include restrictions
by the asset owner on lifting inspection lids. All personnel entering pits and other confined spaces
must be trained and accredited in confined spaces at the time of survey. These accreditations must be
current at the time of survey.
2.4.2 Survey
For the purposes of this document, ‘survey’ shall mean all activities undertaken for a transport
infrastructure purpose that define natural or artificial features, below, on or above the earth’s surface,
excepting that a survey which involves the definition of the cadastre shall be a cadastral survey.
2.4.3 Surveyor
‘Surveyor’ shall mean a competent person who personally undertakes the survey or elects instead to
supervise another person/s to undertake the survey as per the provisions set out in Section of
this document and takes personal responsibility for the survey. In the case of:
Cadastral Surveys
Registration as a Surveyor with a Cadastral endorsement with the Surveyors' Board of
Queensland. In some cases, registration as a Surveyor with a Consulting endorsement with
the Surveyors' Board of Queensland may also be required.
Construction (Road or Structure), Ground and Feature Model (GFM), and Control
Meets the Surveyor requirements as outlined in Flowchart 2.4.3
Where an individual does not possess the relevant qualifications, and / or professional
accreditation where specified in the different categories in Flowchart 2.4.3, the individual must
provide evidence that will, in the opinion of the Director Geospatial Technologies, demonstrate
acceptable competency as per Flowchart 2.4.3. These assessments are for individuals
undertaking Transport and Main Roads work only and cannot be used for other purposes. The
department reserves the right to carry out assessments at their discretion. As the department
is not an accrediting agency, Transport and Main Roads cannot guarantee providing an
ongoing competency assessment process. To undertake this type of assessment, make
contact with the Director Geospatial Technologies
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 4
Audit Surveys
An Audit Surveyor is to meet the competency requirements as specified in the Flowchart 2.4.3
for the category that they are auditing.
Flowchart 2.4.3Construction (Road or Structure), Ground and Feature Model (GFM), and
Control Surveys
Note 1: To undertake the lower level categories of work for construction (Road or Structure), Ground
and Feature Model (GFM), and Control Surveys, there are two components to meet the Surveyor
requirements the qualification component and the experience component.
Registration as a Surveyor with the Surveyors Board of
Queensland (SBQ) or interstate/international equivalent; or
certified as an Engineering Surveying Professional - Asia
Pacific (ESP-AP) with the Surveying & Spatial Science
Institute (SSSI). Also see Note 2
TMR Surveyor
Construction (Road
or Structure),
Ground and Feature
Model (GFM), and
Control Surveys
Minimum 1 years’ surveying experience in the relevant category, or minimum 3
years’ surveying experience that must include minimum of 3 months experience or
demonstrated ability in the relevant category. Also see Note 3
A 3 or 4 year surveying degree based on the Australian Qualifications Framework
(AQF) Level 7 or higher or New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level 7
or higher, or a qualification that has enabled an individual to have obtained
Registration as a Surveyor with SBQ or as an Engineering Surveying Professional -
Asia Pacific (ESP-AP) with SSSI. Also see Note 1
Ground & Feature
B2 C1
Survey Control
B1 R1 R2 G1 C2
Surveying Experience
Professional Accreditation required for higher level
categories of work
Ground &
B4 R4 R5 G2 R3 C3
Survey Control
Registration as a
Surveyor, surveying
associate or
surveying graduate
with SBQ
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 5
Note 2: To undertake the higher level categories of work for construction (Road or Structure) and
Ground and Feature Model surveys (GFM), there are two components to meet the Surveyor
requirements the accreditation component and the experience component. The higher level
requirement for undertaking control surveys requires registration as a Surveyor, surveying associate
or surveying graduate with SBQ.
Note 3: The relevant category experience component can be gained by working in any of the
engineering related survey categories as specified in Table 2.4.3. The experience component can also
be gained under supervision as per the provisions set out in Section of this document.
For example, to undertake R4 work, an individual must have a minimum of 3 years' experience made
up of any or a combination of other categories including a minimum of 3 months experience in R4
work or demonstrate ability to undertake R4 work.
Descriptors for categories for B1, B2, B3, B4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, G1, G2, C1, C2 and C3 are listed in
Table 2.4.3.
Table 2.4.3Construction (Road or Structure), Ground and Feature Model (GFM), and Control
Description (R (road) and B (bridge) categories are adapted and referenced from
Appendix A of Austroads National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge)
Construction AP-C96-19 with additions in italics that best reflect surveying
requirements. Ground & Feature (G) and Survey Control (C) are specific TMR
Typical Features of Structure:
Large culvert including link slab or cast in-situ deck units and multiple bay
(> 10 bays) culverts and other drainage structures
Basic earth retaining structures
Works excludes setting out of bridge abutments and piers.
Earth retaining structures, excluding mechanically stabilised earth
Basic earthworks.
Simple spread footing foundations. for example, large base slabs
Foundations for gantries.
Construction Environment / Traffic:
Simple traffic management (for example, rural roads)
Small stream crossing
Small cantilever retaining wall.
Conformance and as constructed surveys.
B1 activities plus majority of the following:
Typical Features of Structure:
Cast in-situ reinforced concrete flat slab bridges
Simple bridges
Single span simply supported steel or pre-stressed concrete girders
Simple steel bridges
Setting out of bridge abutments and piers or other structures without horizontal and
vertical curve geometry.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 6
Moderate earthwork, including guide banks and rock protection
Mechanically stabilised earth structures
Embankment supporting relieving slab.
Standard non-complex pile foundations (generally <25m length) without the need for
floating equipment or temporary bridges
Precast prestressed piles.
Construction Environment / Traffic:
Construction over operating roads (low traffic volumes) and non-electrified rail lines.
Typically semi-urban work location.
B2 activities plus majority of the following:
Typical Features of Structure:
Voided slab superstructures
Post tensioned cast in-situ structures
Complex geometry
Complex cast in-situ composite decks
Steel girder bridges
Structures carrying significant public utilities
Cable stayed pedestrian bridges
Complex steel girders
Super T’s / T-roffs
Major slipform piers
Setting out bridge abutments and piers or other structures with horizontal and
vertical curve geometry.
Complex earthworks, including guide banks and rock protection
Detailed earthwork (exposing cast insitu & pre cast piles.
Foundations which may be complex and/or require deep piling and/or require
floating equipment or temporary bridges
Include cast in-situ piles, which may include simple dry rock sockets.
Construction Environment / Traffic:
Construction over operating roads
Simple bridge widening of plank unit bridges.
B3 activities plus majority of the following:
Typical Features of Structure:
Significant fabricated steel superstructures
Complex geometric/aesthetic shapes
Balanced cantilever construction
Major cable stayed structures
Construction over water using coffer dams or large floating cranes and launching
trusses for placement of girders
Structures constructed using top down methodology
Incremental launched structures.
Very heavy foundations. Including complex rock sockets at depth > 10 metres
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 7
Difficult installation conditions, including poured insitu piles in wet conditions
Pile installation from floating equipment.
Construction Environment / Traffic:
Construction over navigable waterways
Complex cast-in-situ cut and cover tunnels
Staged construction in highly urbanised environment
Complex bridge widening or staged bridge construction (one lane at a time).
General features of works:
Typically rural or semi-urban works with minimal traffic and issues
Minor works including simple construction, reconstruction and widening.
Earthworks to a maximum of 2 m in cut or fill.
Simple granular pavements with sprayed seal surfacing.
Minor culvert work (RCP < 600 mm dia only no more than 2 bays) and reinforced
concrete works.
Conformance and as constructed surveys.
R1 activities plus majority of the following:
General features of works:
Low complexity at grade intersection and channelisation works.
Significant earthwork including structural fill and rock protection
Excavation in rock not requiring blasting
Cut or fill with slopes up to 1:2 and up to 5 m in height or depth (cutting).
Significant longitudinal joints with existing pavements
Multi-layer granular pavements or simple A/C pavements.
Medium-sized culvert works, RCBC < 1.8 m height and < 6 bays)
Cross and longitudinal drainage
Interface with bridge construction.
Non complex service relocation works.
R2 activities plus majority of the following:
General features of works:
More complex intersections located at urban location
Medium to large scale of works.
General earthworks exceeding 5 m in cut or fill
Mechanically stabilised earth construction to a nominal 5m in height
Excavation in hard rock where blasting is likely to be required.
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 8
Pavement construction using marginal materials (non-standard)
Pavement construction using modified materials (e.g. cement treated sub-base)
Deep lift asphalt
Small scale concrete pavement.
Special foundation and/or subgrade and subsoil drainage treatments
Includes large size culverts, multiple bays and link slab culverts.
Moderately complex service relocations including conduits (e.g. electrical,
communication services)
Setting out dedicated services corridor alignments.
R3 activities plus majority of the following:
General features of works:
Grade-separated intersections
Complex staging of construction works
Duplication of major arterial road.
Mechanically stabilised earth construction > 5 m in height & other substantial
retaining structures
Embankments over very soft soils using wick drains, stone columns, etc &
sophisticated monitoring.
Heavy duty asphalt pavements
Bitumen treated base pavements.
Permanent sedimentation catchment
Complex gully box
Arrangements for urban works.
Complex service relocations. (e.g. construction of dedicated services corridor)
Including multiple staging of coordination of Utility Services.
R4 activities plus majority of the following:
General features of works:
Complex grade separated interchanges, multiple carriageways
Motorway on a new urban alignment.
Construction of zonal embankments
Earthworks within 2 m of tidal areas
Aggressive unsuitable materials including acid sulphate soils.
Slipform, large-scale concrete pavements.
Permanent variable message signs and complex ITS arrangements.
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Small scale, non-complex ground and feature modelling surveys often rural or simple
urban with minimal surface and or underground features. Work can be undertaken by
survey personnel with limited or supervised ground and feature modelling surveying
experience. Works may include:
rural roads with low traffic volumes
open terrain with few features
simple drainage culverts
simple bridges and bridge site surveys.
Work can be generally undertaken by survey personnel with highly developed or
specialised skills and substantial ground and feature modelling surveys. Works include
the capability of category G1 activities, plus any or all of the following:
complex urban environments with high number of features
complex intersections
multi lanes with high traffic volumes
complex bridges/structures
extensive underground services.
Small scale control networks. Work can be undertaken by survey personnel with
limited or supervised control network experience using Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (GNSS) field-based measuring techniques. Works may include:
field GNSS observations using
Quick static
terrestrial observations
levelling networks.
Medium to large scale control networks. Work can generally be undertaken by survey
personnel with highly developed or specialised skills in GNSS Control networks. Works
include the capability of category C1 activities, plus any or all of the following:
control network design
GNSS processing.
Placing or reinstating Permanent Survey Marks (Registered Surveyors, surveying
associates or surveying graduates only). Supervision requirements
This section does not apply for Cadastral Surveys. The Supervision Policy for Cadastral Surveys is
found under the following link:
An individual who does not meet the Surveyor competency requirements for Audit Surveys and
Construction (Road or Structure), Ground and Feature Model (GFM), and Control Surveys as
specified in the TMR Surveying Standards, may undertake surveying work for Transport and Main
Roads under direct supervision of the nominated Surveyor who meets those requirements.
The Surveyor supervising an individual undertaking surveying work must:
have sufficient knowledge of the scope of surveying work to be undertaken
personally review the surveying methodology
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personally conduct day to day supervision of the supervisee including regular site visits, and
have sufficient control over methodology and any outputs of the surveying work to reasonably
form the view that the standard of the survey work is that to be expected of a Surveyor under
the TMR Surveying Standards, its supporting documents and specifications.
In practice, Transport and Main Roads considers that for supervision as required by these Standards,
the supervision must:
be direct and not through a third person
direct the individual in undertaking the work
oversee the undertaking of the work by the individual
evaluate the undertaking of the work by the individual, and
take full professional responsibility for the surveying work.
The supervisor must have direct contact with the supervisee and knowledge of the professional
surveying work being undertaken. By directing, the supervisor must not merely observe the
undertaking of the surveying work. Directing is a process of instruction, guidance and overseeing.
Within reason, the supervising Surveyor may not need to be physically present at all times at the site.
In these circumstances, direct contact may be through written correspondence (letters, drawings, or
emails), telephone, or voice or video chat. However, the contact must be directly between supervisor
and supervisee. In addition, the supervisor must have sufficient knowledge of every significant
element of the surveying work undertaken.
The supervising Surveyor must oversee the individual throughout all stages of undertaking the
surveying work.
The supervising Surveyor must evaluate the undertaking of survey work. The supervisor must be
satisfied that, at all times, the undertaking of surveying work by the supervisee is to a standard which
might reasonably be expected of a Surveyor, in a professional and competent way, exercising
adequate knowledge, skill, judgement, and care and be in accordance with the TMR Surveying
Standards, its associated surveying supporting documents and specifications.
The supervising Surveyor must take full professional responsibility for the undertaking of surveying
works. This means that if a complaint is made about the standard of the supervised surveying works,
the supervisor must accept that the complaint will attach to them as the person who provided direct
supervision of the carrying out of the service, and not the supervisee. And the supervisor may be
subjected to investigation and subsequent disciplinary action by Transport and Main Roads. A
Registered Surveyor may also be subject to investigation and subsequent disciplinary action by the
relevant Surveyors Board. Engineering Surveying Professional Australia Pacific (ESP-AP) holders
may also be subject to investigation and subsequent disciplinary action under the Surveying and
Spatial Science Institute's (SSSI) Code of Ethics.
Finally, Transport and Main Roads considers that both the supervisor and supervisee shall
document and retain documentation of the supervision provided by the supervisor. This must be
produced if verification of the existence and nature of the supervision is ever required.
NOTE: The supervision wording has been adapted from the Board of Professional Engineers of
Queensland (BPEQ) Practice Note 4.5 (1A) direct supervision with permission [© Board of
Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ)]
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TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 11
2.4.4 Equipment
In relation to survey equipment:
1. Survey instruments and ancillary equipment must be kept in good adjustment (within
equipment manufacturers stated precisions) and condition
2. Electromagnetic Distance Measuring equipment (EDME) measured distances must be legally
traceable. Thus, EDME must be validated via comparison with a Regulation 13 certified
baseline under the National Measurement Act 1960 (Commonwealth):
a. using recommended procedures
b. at least annually
c. after the equipment is serviced or repaired
d. after any other event which may affect the quality of distance measurement.
3. Current and historical records of calibration and collimation of all survey instruments must be
kept and be available for inspection by the Project Manager or their authorised representative.
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3 Project compliance
The project area is defined as that area covering the extent of the required survey data and will be
defined in the survey brief. Generally the project area will cover the road corridor, which consists of the
carriageway extending to the road boundary on each side. The required project area may also include
private property, a stream or waterway, railway property, or a construction site. Various Legislation
and Acts cover the entry onto different types of land and conducting work thereafter.
3.1 Environmental impact
All surveys for Transport and Main Roads will be performed to minimise the impact on the
environment. Disturbances should be kept to an absolute minimum and the site reinstated, cleaned-up
and left in as close as possible to pre-disturbed condition on the completion of the survey works.
Consultants engaged by Transport and Main Roads will be solely responsible for any breach of
Legislation whilst undertaking the project work.
Applicable legislation is the Environmental Protection Act 1994 especially Chapter 7 Part 1
Section 319 - General environmental duty:
“(1) A person must not carry out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm
unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the harm (the
general environmental duty).”
The district environmental officer may at times give direction or place conditions on the works
undertaken on a project site. This may be because a rare or endangered plant has been found and
must be protected, or noxious weeds are present and must not be spread by work activities. Survey
personal have an obligation to report any potential siting of rare or endangered flora and fauna,
noxious weed or significant disturbance of the natural environment to the district environmental officer.
3.1.1 Surveys on streams and waterways
Surveyors should be aware of the various legislative requirements that may impact on the manner in
which they carry out surveys in general. Surveys carried out on streams and waterways, particularly
on tidal streams, require special caution. Legislation that may impact in these areas includes, but is
not limited to:
Fisheries Act 1994, particularly:
Part 5 Fisheries Management
Part 6 Protection and Conservation of Fish Habitats, particularly:
Section 123 - Protection of marine plants.
Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995
Water Act 2000
Environmental Protection Act 1994, particularly:
Chapter 7 - Environmental Management.
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3.2 General Safety
Transport and Main Roads has an aspirational goal of Zero Harm a work environment free of injury
or incidents. An effective workplace health and safety system is an integral component of achieving
this objective.
Following the commissioning of the project, and prior to the commencement of survey work, the
Project Manager shall complete, or cause to be completed, any risk assessment procedures (including
work method statements) and permits necessary to conform to District safety requirements.
This shall comprise the Safety Plan. Where necessary, approval is to be obtained from the District
Safety Officer. This approval in no way exempts others entering the project area to carry-out the
project from their responsibility in relation to the above legislation. The Safety Plan will comprise part
of the survey brief as outlined in Section 4.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ascertain what, if any, restrictions relate to the lands
upon which the survey is to be carried out and produce a plan for access to those lands.
All personnel entering the project area shall have received the appropriate training and possess
current accreditation required by legislation and the department.
3.2.1 General safety and site induction
All personnel entering onto the road corridor to perform work for the delivery of a Geospatial
Information Project must have completed a course in General Construction Induction and produce a
currently valid induction card when requested by a WH&S representative. If the project area has any
project-specific requirements under WH&S, then those persons entering upon the project site must
also have completed a project site induction and produce evidence of the induction when requested.
All personnel are to be aware of what constitutes a confined space. Entry to confined spaces is
restricted by WHS legislation. The departments’ requirements for risk assessment, entry permit and
training must be adhered to.
3.2.2 Unsafe situations
Should an on-site work situation occur or an on-site work procedure be adopted, either of which in the
judgement of the District Safety Officer, constitutes an unsafe situation, the surveyor shall, upon being
advised of it, take immediate action to rectify the situation. If the situation continues unresolved, the
District Safety Officer shall order that all work cease until the matter is resolved with the surveyor.
Sharp pointed objects, such as pickets, should not be placed on footpaths or in any other pedestrian
area. In order to reduce conflict with pedestrians, survey marks should be driven ‘flush’ or below the
Personnel using power-assisted equipment must have been instructed in, certified to use, or being
immediately directed in the safe use of, such equipment.
3.2.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Personnel engaged in work within the project area are to correctly wear the necessary personal safety
equipment or apparel at all times.
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3.3 Safety on the road corridor
Works undertaken within the road corridor may cause interference or obstruction to the normal use of
a road by road users. Maintaining the safety of workers, and the safe and convenient movement of
traffic are of paramount concern (refer Section 3.3.2 of this document for more information).
Access to carriageways may be restricted during times of heavy public use or by departmental
Prohibition Orders. The Project Manager is to give advice on such restrictions in the survey brief and
the surveyor is to ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with these restrictions. Advice on
the times of restrictive access or prohibition can be provided by the District officer responsible for such
3.3.1 Traffic management plan
As part of the Safety Plan, a Traffic Management Plan must be developed and presented for approval
by a safety representative of the department. District requirements shall be adhered to.
3.3.2 Roadworks signage
The Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) “together with the Queensland
Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (QGTTM), is to provide organisations and individuals
carrying out works on roads with a set of uniform practices for the signing, delineation, and use of
devices for works on roads which will promote the safety of workers and the safe and efficient
movement of road users at the work site.” and shall be adhered to.
All personnel working on, or adjacent to, a road shall have completed training in the basic application
of the Queensland MUTCD Part 3.
At least one person must be onsite, who has the appropriate Queensland MUTCD Part 3 training and
possesses current accreditation commensurate with the roadwork signage activities being undertaken
(for example, to set up signage, one person onsite must have received the appropriate Queensland
MUTCD Part 3 training and be currently accredited to set up signage).
No signage is to be left displayed when inappropriate (such as overnight). Evidence of work in
progress must always be visible to the travelling public. Any object placed in the project area should
be within the limits of the signage and, if left unattended for any period, additionally identified by the
use of ‘witches hats / safety cones’.
3.3.3 Use of traffic control
Where the presence of the survey party is sufficient to seriously impede or endanger the public or
survey personnel, arrangements must be made with the department for the employment of traffic
control personnel. In all cases where people, other than police officers are to be used for traffic
control, then the surveyor is to ensure that the person having the traffic control responsibility holds an
appointment as an accredited person under Section 21 of the Transport Operations (Road Use
Management) (TORUM) Act 1995 to perform the functions of a Traffic Controller as prescribed by
Subdivision 6 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management Accreditation and Other
Provisions) Regulation 2015.”
(Queensland MUTCD Part 3, Section 1.3.19, July 2021)
3.4 Entry onto land
Entry onto land other than the road corridor is often required to enable completion of a survey.
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3.4.1 Private land
To provide the surveyor with the specific authority to enter upon private land when necessary, in order
to effect the survey, the wording, as set out below, will be included in the survey brief:
"You are authorised to exercise the powers as set-out in sections 35 and 36 of the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994 for the purpose of carrying out this instruction." Notice of entry forms
Before entry is made onto land, held under freehold or leasehold tenure, subject to native title claim or
upon land which may be regarded as not open to the general public, a Notice of Entry (Form M727) is
to be served on the registered owner, Crown Lessee or the nominated head of the organisation in
control of the particular land at least seven working days prior to any entry onto such lands.
Where applicable, a copy of the Notice of Entry is to be served on the occupier of the land if that
person is not the owner. Where notices are served on the owner and occupier, as separate entities,
each copy of the notice should be noted to that effect. In addition to this, a Notice of Entry must be
served on any entity registered as a Native Title claimant.
Names and addresses of land owners are available from the local authority. Notice of Entry may be
served either personally or by certified mail.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to issue the Notice(s) of Entry or cause them to be
issued. Prior to the first entry onto private land, the surveyor responsible for carrying out the survey
task is to ensure that the Notice of Entry has been served. Refusal to accept Notice of Entry
If, at any time, the owner or occupier of any land refuses to accept the Notice of Entry, or denies
access to the land, they should be advised of the conditions printed on the Notice. If they continue to
deny entry or refuse to accept the Notice, the surveyor must notify the Project Manager and not enter
the land until further advised. Public enquiries
While serving Notice of Entry, or during the survey, the surveyor is often asked questions relating to
the purpose of the survey, the timing of proposed works, the method of assessing compensation, etc.
In such cases, the property owner or member of the public should be advised to direct their enquiries
to the Project Manager or any person designated in the survey brief as the person assigned to
respond to enquiries.
3.4.2 Construction sites
Where entry is necessary onto any construction site within the project area, the survey team must hold
the required inductions including any specific site induction as necessary. The surveyor who is
responsible is to make arrangements for the project team members to conform to any legal
requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 for such entry, such as specific certified safety
induction requirements.
It is the responsibility of the individual project team member to carry evidence of current inductions
and produce the documentation upon request.
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3.4.3 Entry onto railway lands
The survey brief may require personnel to collect information within a railway reserve, or land under
the control of Queensland Rail. Prior to entry onto any land under the control of Queensland Rail, the
surveyor must advise Queensland Rail and conform to any requirements they may have regarding
working conditions, inductions, times of operation and safety issues.
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TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 17
4 Survey brief
4.1 Purpose
The survey brief is the document which stipulates the requirements for the delivery of a survey. It must
include certain information (listed below) as well as any project specific variations or additions to what
is required by the Standards. The survey brief is the only instrument where the requirements of the
Standards may be varied. The survey brief must be sufficiently comprehensive to ensure delivery of
survey information that meets the project’s requirements.
4.2 Requirements
The survey brief must address at least the following requirements:
Project identifiers
The intended use of the data and specific requirements of the survey
Coordinate, azimuth, vertical (height) and chainage Datum (including AUSGeoid version)
Notice of Entry (if applicable)
Land entry authorisation statement (vide section 3.4.1)
WH&S including Safety Plan
Public consultation / confidentiality
Documentation supplied
Applicable dates e.g project due date, earliest start date
Deliverable specifics
Contact information for Project Manager and communications officer (if applicable)
Version of the TMR Surveying Standards, 12d Customisation and eSB to be used, and
Variations from the Standards.
4.3 Supplied information
All information, supplied as a part of the survey brief, is to be returned with the project deliverables.
This includes any cadastral plans, survey books, aerial photographs, and so on.
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5 Survey datum
Survey Datum is the framework upon which all geospatial information is referenced. The Survey
Datum not only supports the accuracy of captured survey data, but also provides geospatial
correlation with other data sets. It decides the integrity of delivered geospatial products and is the core
element for sharing geospatial information within the department and other agencies in government,
as well as the private sector.
Survey Datum points must be clearly annotated and referenced within the deliverable survey
information. This traceability shall include datum origin information, values adopted and cross
reference to the originating document.
5.1 Horizontal coordinate datum
Horizontal coordinate datum for all TMR surveys shall be the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020
(GDA2020) and implemented in the relevant zone of the Map Grid of Australia (GDA2020 / MGA
For further information on GDA please refer to:
5.2 Azimuth datum
Azimuth is obtained from the horizontal coordinates used for datum.
5.3 Vertical (Height) datum
All surveys shall be based on the Australian Height Datum 1971 (AHD71).
For more information on AHD71 search for “Australian Height Datum” on:
5.3.1 GNSS derived heights
GNSS derived heights shall use the current AUSGeoid2020 separation model of differences between
ellipsoidal heights and AHD71 to reconcile GNSS heights directly to AHD71.
For additional information, search for “AUSGeoid2020” on:
5.4 Chainage datum
Gazettal chainage is to be based on the current departmental reference for the road. The Road
number, name and section as well as the gazettal distance shall form the chainage datum for a
5.5 Exceptions to use of standard datum’s
The Project Manager may, via the survey brief, direct that the survey be based on another datum
other than the department’s standard datum’s. When an alternative datum is used, the survey must be
connected to the departments standard datums (vide Section 5.5.2). Alternative datum’s may be:
a) on the datum of an existing survey where the new survey extends or adds to that existing
b) on a project specific projection.
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5.5.1 Cadastral surveys
Cadastral surveys are bound by the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Requirements (CSR).
Hence, cadastral surveys are exempt from using the standard azimuth and chainage datum’s.
Cadastral surveys are also exempt from using the departments standard horizontal and vertical
datum’s except where required by the Cadastral Survey Requirements (e.g volumetric).
Cadastral surveys must however be connected to the departments standard horizontal coordinate
datum as specified in Section 5.5.2).
5.5.2 Connection of non-standard datum to standard datum
All surveys, including cadastral surveys, on a horizontal coordinate datum other than TMR’s mandated
datum (or no coordinate datum), must include ties to at least two Survey Control Database (SCDB)
PSM’s with known GDA2020 / MGA Zone** coordinates and Positional Uncertainty of less than
0.030 m to allow transformation of the project onto GDA2020 / MGA Zone** for the corporate record.
Similarly, if a vertical datum other than AHD71 is used, a tie to least one AHD71 mark of at least
Order Class D (AHDD) must be surveyed to provide correlation.
5.6 Traceable datum information
Traceability to datum is to be documented and must clearly show what marks were used and how
datum was determined. The basic elements of traceability include, but are not restricted to:
all datum marks and measurements are to be presented in the control section of the project
the actual datum ‘starting points’ are to be clearly identifiable
the type, material, and condition of marks is to be stated
show all calculations relating to datum establishment including adjustment reports
provide a statement to clarify why decisions were made.
The feature coding system has been developed as a hierarchal system to enable a logical traceable
order in the establishment of datum and project control. Correct use of this system and clear
presentation within project data and documentation enables future users to quickly identify the origin
of project datum and its relation to any previous datum.
5.7 Summary of datum sets
Table 5.7 Datum sets
Datum Geographical coordinate set
Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) (latitude, longitude and height from ellipsoid)
Projection Coordinate set
GDA2020 / MGA Zone**)
(Zone) (Easting, Northing)
Australian Height Datum 1971
(Height from reference surface)
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 20
6 Survey marks
A survey mark is a mark placed as:
a) evidence of a survey, or
b) a reference point for a survey (monument).
Survey marks must be appropriate for the surveys intended purpose. They must be of a durable
nature, which resists corrosion or decay and stable enough to serve as a suitable reference for
locating those features required in the relevant geomatic survey type. The reference point of the mark
must be clearly identifiable (i.e tack in peg, centre punch hole in star picket).
Under no circumstances shall square pegs be used in conjunction with any survey other than a
cadastral survey.
6.1 Safety of marks
Irrespective of the type of mark or indicator placed, the surveyor must ensure that it is not hazardous
to people, livestock or vehicles. This hazard must be mitigated by some process like driving the mark
flush with or below the ground level.
6.2 Identifiers and indicators
All survey marks must be clearly and permanently marked with a unique identifier. Sufficient indicators
such as finder pegs or paint markings are to be placed to identify the position of all survey marks.
Indicators should be discrete to avoid unwanted attention or cause visual pollution.
6.3 Survey mark protection
Survey marks are vitally important to a wide range of people in the community and are used to support
the surveying of property boundaries, road building, mapping and other land surveys. Disturbance or
destruction of survey marks has significant cost effects on construction projects and degrades the
integrity of the state survey control network and property boundary cadastre.
Legislative requirements are in place for the protection of survey marks of value for survey and
mapping infrastructure purposes. Section 42 of the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003
(current as at 1 January 2015) makes it clear that a person must not interfere with a survey mark,
a) for a cadastral survey mark for a boundary the person interferes with the mark in order to
erect a fence, wall or other permanent structure along a boundary; or
b) for a recognised permanent survey mark - the person interferes with the mark under an
authority given under section 43; or
c) for a mark other than a recognised permanent survey mark - the person, before interfering
with the mark -
i. causes a survey to be carried out to establish the relationship between the mark and at
least 2 recognised permanent marks; and
ii. gives the chief executive a copy of the plan of survey; or
d) the person has a reasonable excuse.
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In this context, significant survey marks are Permanent Survey Marks, Bench Marks and cadastral
marks (common marks are pegs with bevelled edges, buried iron pins, screws in kerbs).
Care should be taken to position the projects primary (significant) survey marks in safe positions
where they are least likely to be affected by the construction process. They should be easily visible
and identifiable as a survey mark requiring protection.
All works should avoid disturbing or destroying marks where possible. The local Transport and Main
Roads Principal Advisor (Geospatial Information) should be contacted as soon as it is realised that a
significant survey mark could be disturbed or has been disturbed.
6.4 Permanent Survey Marks
Permanent Survey Marks (PSM) are the preferred mark to be placed or used for primary survey
control on Transport and Main Roads projects. Their installation and maintenance thereafter are
covered by Legislation. All existing PSM’s within the project limits or immediately adjacent shall be
connected to and referenced in the project records.
6.4.1 Placement and recording of Permanent Survey Marks
Section 14(2) of the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2014 Part 4 states that:
“A person must not place or reinstate a permanent survey mark for a survey unless the person is-
a) a surveyor, or
b) a person supervised by a surveyor.”
New PSM’s shall meet the criteria for type, accessibility and location as set out in Section 3 of SP1’s
Guideline for Installation and Documentation of Survey Control Marks v2.1 (as below).
A survey control mark should be:
Made of good quality, durable, corrosion resistant materials. It should employ robust
construction techniques and be installed in stable ground or in solid rock, such that it is least
likely to be subject to local displacement or other seasonal or periodic movements. If a survey
control mark is to be installed in an unstable area, permanent marking may require placing
deep-seated survey control marks that penetrate the surface soil to the depth of refusal, thus
bypassing the zone of seasonal or periodic influence.
Installed in allocation where it is likely to be disturbed, damaged or removed, or to constitute a
hazard, such that its long-term stability and useability is maximised.
Permanently and clearly marked with a unique identifier to ensure unambiguous identification.
A station identifier should be engraved or stamped on the survey control mark, or a durable
tag with the identifier firmly attached. A marker post or indicator should be installed if a survey
control mark will not be easy to find.
Accessible to allow for its proper use, and
Located in a position that maximises the use of various measurement techniques and
connection to existing and future marks. For instance, a survey control mark that is intended to
be observed using GNSS techniques will require optimal sky view free of obstruction,
multipath and radio frequency interference (RFI) sources.
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Marks suitable to Transport and Main Roads include but not limited to:
2.4 m galvanised star pickets, driven to refusal or full length, with a concrete collar or cap,
Deep-driven, non-corrosive rods anchored in stable sub-strata or driven to refusal
Screw, plug or plaque anchored to a permanent structure.
All new PSM’s will be registered as required by Legislation. In accordance with the Survey and
Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003, a PSM plan is to be prepared on the current approved form (form 6)
for each PSM placed in the course of conducting a survey. DoR specifications set out in Completion of
Permanent Survey Mark Plans (currently v1.05) shall be followed. For further information and PSM
plan forms refer to:
6.4.2 Maintenance, updates & amendments
All existing PSM’s associated with the project, either as datum for the Project Reference Frame or
within the bounds of the project, shall have a PSM Maintenance Form completed. Section 45 of the
Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 requires any irregularity in information recorded in the
survey control register (SCDB) or disrepair, destruction or removal of a PSM to be reported to the
chief executive (of DoR).
Where the information on the location sketch or data sheet of the PSM Form 6 requires updating, the
new information will be completed as outlined in DoR’s specification Completion of Survey Mark
For relevant specifications and forms please refer to the website listed above in Section 6.4.1.
6.4.3 Submission of PSM forms to DoR
All new Form 6’s, updated Form 6’s and PSM Maintenance Forms shall be submitted as part of the
deliverables to the Project manager for submission to DoR.
6.5 Bench Marks
Bench Marks may be placed when it is not practical or useful to place a Permanent Survey Mark. This
may be because a sufficient number of high quality PSM’s exist in the area or the mark will be of
limited value past the construction phase.
Bench Marks will meet the same requirements for type, accessibility and location as set out in
Section 6.4.1 of this document. They must meet their primary objective, that is, they be stable
All existing Bench Marks within the project limits or immediately adjacent shall be connected to and
referenced in the project records. Consideration should be given to registering existing Bench Marks
as Permanent Survey Marks where they meet the requirements of a PSM and meet Transport and
Main Road’s obligations to enhance the states survey and mapping infrastructure.
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6.6 Height
The height of all survey marks must be recorded and shall be the highest point of the mark. This may
not necessarily be the same point observed as the horizontal reference. Care should be taken when
placing survey marks to ensure, where possible, that the highest point and the horizontal reference
point are coincident (e.g on PM and BM’s - cut the star picket ‘wings’ off so the centre of the star is the
high point).
6.6.1 Levelling
The project height values for all Permanent Survey Marks, Bench Marks and traverse stations shall be
determined from the average of two-way independent differential level runs from a project height
datum mark. Where a secondary height datum mark is available, it must be observed in order to verify
the value of the primary mark.
The maximum allowable misclose (in millimetres) as determined from the reciprocal level runs must
not be greater than 12 mm * √k, where ‘k’ is the distance in kilometres from the datum mark (vide
Section 4 of the Guideline for Control Surveys by Differential Levelling, Special Publication 1 version
2.2 (ICSM).
Differential levelling equipment and observation techniques shall adhere to the requirements for
12 mm * √k (km) as specified in Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of the Guideline for Control Surveys by
Differential Levelling, Special Publication 1 version 2.2 (ICSM). The following SP1 requirements do
NOT need to be adhered to: wood or fibreglass staff, calibrated within 5 years; and temperature
recorded. They are however encouraged.
Total station differential levelling may only be used with prior approval of the Project Manager. When
used, the equipment and observation techniques shall adhere to the total station differential levelling
requirements for 12 mm * √k (km) as specified in Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of the Guideline for Control
Surveys by Differential Levelling, Special Publication 1 version 2.2 (ICSM).
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 24
7 Survey data delivery
7.1 Introduction
Data produced in conjunction with a survey shall form part of the deliverables and will be specified
within each Geomatic Survey type in Part 2 of the Standards or the survey brief. Acceptable file
formats for Survey Data are controlled by the software packages used by the department. Specific file
formats may also be identified in the survey brief.
Should a survey brief request survey information in any format other than those used by the
department, it is beholding on the officer responsible for accepting the information (Project Manager)
to ensure that all the information can be converted to the standard format without loss of functionality
or integrity for archival purposes.
7.2 Transport and Main Roads standard software
12d Model is the departments standard software and as such, survey data will generally be required in
12d archive format. Any variations to this requirement will be specified in the specific Geomatic Survey
type or survey brief.
7.3 Field data
The department requires a file/s containing the raw recordings of the field data for the entity
information located in the field. The field data file shall be supplied in a format acceptable to the
Project Manager.
All relevant and necessary information used to create the projects delivered 12d archive file shall form
part of the deliverables to the Project Manager.
7.3.1 Survey comments
Comments provided on survey data must be necessary and relevant. Repetition of the same comment
from the previous point is unnecessary and unacceptable. The principal purpose of comments is to
provide useful information to the users of the data. Comments that are not relevant or do not provide
additional information are not acceptable. For example, commenting kerb lip on a kerb string is not
relevant or necessary as the code already informs the user that it is a kerb lip.
7.4 Processed data
The processed data shall be an accurate representation of the raw field recordings edited of any
mistakes. The processed data shall be delivered to the Project Manager in 12d archive format file
unless otherwise specified in a specific Geomatic Survey type in Part 2 of these Standards or in the
survey brief.
7.5 Survey report
A Survey Report shall be created for every project. It shall be signed and dated by the person who
meets the relevant requirements, detailed in Section 2.4.3 of this document, who is taking
responsibility for the survey. The report must include:
the project identifiers
datum information
any information, pertinent to the survey, that may affect either the design of the project
any information, pertinent to the survey, concerning land owners or occupiers
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 25
variations from the survey brief and the reasons for such variations.
7.6 Delivered data
7.6.1 Ownership
All digital data supplied by a contractor, albeit ‘in-house’ personnel or private contractors, shall
become the property of the department. Custodianship shall reside with the Project Manager. It shall
not be used, copied or reproduced by the contractor for any other purpose without the prior written
approval by the custodian or the department.
7.6.2 Media
Due to the complexity and quantum of modern survey information, the media used for transfer of the
data becomes the property of the department. For example, if Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) data is
supplied on portable hard drives, then those hard drives become the property of the department.
7.6.3 Malicious code
Contractors are to certify that the transferred data is free from malicious code. Data files in
compressed executable files (.exe) are unacceptable.
7.6.4 Corrections
Any errors, deficiencies or ambiguities identified by the Project Manager shall be referred back to the
Surveyor responsible for correction or clarification. These must be actioned within one business day of
the notice being given. The project will not be considered complete until all errors, deficiencies and
ambiguities have been resolved in accordance with these Standards and the survey brief to the
satisfaction of the Project Manager. Transport and Main Roads will not be responsible for any
additional expense incurred in completing these corrections.
7.7 Metadata
All survey information / data that is captured and provided to Transport and Main Roads must provide
metadata inclusive of project details as listed below.
7.7.1 Locality
Local Authority
Road (Number / Name)
Project Description
Start Chainage
End Chainage
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 26
7.7.2 Project details / Resources
Include all relevant project details including:
Project Details:
Project Number
Project Name
File Name
Fieldbook ID
Survey brief ID
Project Resources:
Captured by
Processed by
Surveyor Responsible
7.7.3 Datum / Coordinate Operations
Geodetic Datum for example:
GDA2020 (EPSG:1168)
Horizontal Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for example:
GDA2020 / MGA zone 55 (EPSG:7855)
Vertical Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for example:
AHD Derived
Geoid Model for example:
7.7.4 Accuracy
Geomatic Survey Type:
Survey Type
Survey Purpose
TMR Surveying Standards Version
Relative Uncertainty at 95%:
Horizontal (m)
Vertical (m)
Part 1 General Information
TMR Surveying Standards, Transport and Main Roads, January 2022 27
Capture Method
Include all equipment details that have been used to capture data. For example:
Total Station
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS)
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS)
7.7.5 Timing / Contact
All timing components of a project shall be supplied that should include as a minimum:
Date of instruction
Date/s of data capture
Date/s of data processing
Data Contact:
7.7.6 Notes / Disclaimers
Any relevant notes should be included. For example:
Any additional General notes
Any additional GDA2020 notes
Any additional DBYD information
Underground services notes for example: data is only valid at the time of capture.