2302 Marn #475, Irvine, CA 92612
Main 877.362.6246 | Fax 877.440.1860
People, More Producve
Customer Success Story-Real Estate
Brock Property Management
Brock Property Management, located in Coral Springs, FL, specializes in eecvely managing
the properes and tenants within condominium and homeowners associaons. A property
management company is essenally the liaison between the property owner and the tenant. Because
they work with dierent locaons, their dues oen change. Some of the daily roles they take on
include: accepng rent, responding to and addressing maintenance problems, adversing property
availabilies, and conducng credit and background checks on possible tenants. Occasionally
they take on ligaon responsibilies including evicons and non-payment issues. They are also
responsible for collecng fees and managing the money spent on services such as landscaping and
Because Brock Property management is a small home based business, comprised of just 5
employees, it became important from them to consider the way in which their business dollar was
being spent. A room dedicated to housing 12 four-drawer ling cabinets was no longer seen as an
ecient use of oce space. In addion, the me it took to search for documents, housed within
these ling cabinets, could be beer spent on more important tasks. It was during this me that
Toshiba American Business Soluons recommended Questys Soluons as a means of paperless le
Currently, Brock Property Management ulizes Questys Document Management, which delivers an
advanced out-of-the-box soluon that includes
all of the tools a business needs to digitally
manage their documents. Brock Property
Management ulizes the following standard
features: OCR for full text searching, Microso
oce integraon, ability to store les in their
nave format, e-mail integraon, database
lookup capabilies, ability to auto-generate
cover pages to speed the scanning process,
revision control, acvity log, and TIFF printer
Since the implementaon of Questys Document
Management, the sta at Brock Property
Management has scanned and imported all of their paper documents. “We prey much are paperless
now. Everythings electronic... we create and store text, images, databases, and spreadsheets” says
Jane Brock, President of Brock Property Management. In addion to le storage, Questys is ulized
in both their accounts payable and receivable departments. Because of all the benets Questys has
provided them, Brock Property Management has suggested the use of Questys Soluons to other
Questys Document Management has eecvely saved them me and money. The me it takes
to retrieve documents has been reduced to seconds, as the speed of search is the hallmark of
Questys. The sta at Brock Property Management has seen an increase in employee producvity
and eciency levels. In addion to being in a posion of growth, Brock Property Management now
feels more able to take on changes. “Now we are able to grow, because we have more space. We no
longer have ling cabinets” states Brock.
“We were trying to get more automated.
People are using scanning and emails more
and more, we wanted to get involved in that.
Using Questys Document Management also
allows us to retrieve documents faster and that
will increase customer sasfacon, as well
as, impacng collaboraon and operaonal
Jane Brock
Brock Property Management
Brock Property Management
Small home oce with one locaon in
Coral Springs, FL
Real Estate/Property Management
number of empoyees
busIness CHallenge
The growing company had a le room lled
with 12 four-drawer legal ling cabinets. In
need of more oce space, they began look-
ing for a beer means of storing their les.
Questys Document Management: An af-
fordable, easy-to-use and exible document
management soluon that eliminates the
need for space wasng ling cabinets.
• Time spent searching for customer
documentaon reduced from days to
• Searchable database enables quick
response to customer requests
• Improved employee producvity and
• Reduced physical storage requirements