Identication of Butternuts
and Butternut Hybrids
Lenny Farlee
, Keith Woeste
, Michael Ostry
, James McKenna
and Sally Weeks
USDA Forest Service Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, Purdue University, 715 W. State Street,
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, 1561 Lindig Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, 715 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service West Lafayette, Indiana
Purdue University
Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue e xtension
Butternut (
Juglans cinerea
), also known as white
walnut, is a native hardwood related to black walnut
Juglans nigra
) and other members of the walnut family.
Butternut is a medium-sized tree with alternate, pinnately
compound leaves that bears large, sharply ridged and
corrugated, elongated, cylindrical nuts born inside sticky
green hulls that earned it the nickname lemon-nut (Rink,
1990). The nuts are a preferred food of squirrels and
other wildlife. Butternuts were collected and eaten by
Native Americans (Waugh, 1916; Hamel and Chiltoskey,
1975) and early settlers, who also valued butternut for
its workable, medium brown-colored wood (Kellogg,
1919), and as a source of medicine (Johnson, 1884), dyes
(Hamel and Chiltoskey, 1975), and sap sugar.
Butternut’s native range extends over the entire north-
eastern quarter of the United States, including many
states immediately west of the Mississippi River, and
into Canada. Butternut is more cold-tolerant than black
walnut, and it grows as far north as the Upper Peninsula
of Michigan, New Brunswick, southern Quebec, and
Ontario (Fig.1). Butternut is now threatened everywhere
by a fungal canker disease Sirococcus clavigignenti-jug-
landacearum (Sc-j) (Nair et al., 1979) known as “butter-
nut canker,” and in many places it is rare. When present,
it grows in widely scattered clusters on rich, loamy soils
and on stream terraces; it can also compete on rocky,
drier soils, and slopes (Goodrich, 1838; Johnston, 1851;
Rink, 1990). Historical records indicate that butternut
trees were once much more common than they are today
(Johnson, 1884; Larsen, 1942) and that they may be able
to occupy more habitats than those on which they are cur-
rently found.
Accurate identication of butternuts is an impor-
tant part of the effort to conserve and manage this ne
hardwood tree. Many landowners and resource profes-
sionals are now unfamiliar with the native butternut tree
due to its increasing rarity in the landscape. Reliable
identication has been complicated by the presence of
hybrid trees, propagated primarily for nut production,
and naturally occurring hybrids and backcrosses between
butternuts and introduced Asian walnuts, primarily the
Japanese walnut (
Juglans ailantifolia
This publication will provide guidance for recognizing
butternut trees and possible hybrids to resource profes-
sionals, nut growers, and other citizens interested in
butternuts. A companion publication,
Conservation and
Management of Butternuts,
FNR-421, provides infor-
mation for the propagation and management of butternut
trees, in hopes that landowners and resource managers
who encounter butternuts can help in the effort to con-
serve this tree in the eastern hardwood forest.
Figure 1. Native range of butternut (Juglans cinerea L.).
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
Identifying Butternuts and
Butternut Hybrids
The butternut is relatively easy to distinguish from
black walnut and other native species. All walnut spe-
cies have chambered pith in the center of the twigs. The
pith in a butternut branch is dark chocolate-brown in
color (Fig. 2A), and a butternut leaf scar is surmounted
by a thick band of hairs that resemble a moustache (Fig.
2B, C). Black walnut twigs have light brown pith, and
their leaf scars have no moustaches (Fig. 3). Mature
butternut bark is platy and ash-gray with dark gray s-
sures between the platy ridges. The bark of young trees
is smooth and gray or greenish-gray (Fig. 4). Mature
black walnut bark is dark brown and heavily ridged or
blocky. The bark of young black walnut is brown and
ridged or aky (Fig. 5). Some butternuts have very dark
gray bark that closely resembles bark of black walnuts,
(Ostry and Woeste, 2004) but it usually retains the light
gray, platy surfaces on the top of bark ridges (Fig. 6). The
fruit of a butternut is generally more elongated than the
round-shaped fruit of a black walnut and is covered with
sticky hairs (Fig. 7, 8). Pecan trees and other hickories
are sometimes misidentied as butternuts. Hickories have
leaets that become progressively larger as they approach
the end of the compound leaf (Fig. 9), and the nuts are
enclosed in woody husks that split along four obvious
sutures or seams. They also lack the moustache-like hairs
found above butternut leaf scars.
Identifying a pure butternut tree can be difcult, be-
cause butternuts have hybridized with Japanese walnuts,
and butternut hybrids have been unknowingly planted for
decades. Japanese walnut trees were introduced into the
United States in the mid to late 1800s as a potential nut
crop for the northern states due to their vigor and cold
hardiness (Crane and Reed, 1937). Some varieties of
Japanese walnut have smooth and attened, heart-shaped
nuts, the basis for their common name of “heartnut.”
Other Japanese walnuts have shells similar in texture to
English or Persian walnuts (
J. regia
) (Fig. 14). But-
ternuts can naturally hybridize with Japanese walnuts to
produce vigorous F1 (rst generation) hybrids, known in
horticulture as
. ×
, but commonly called “buarts”
(pronounced “bew-arts”) by nut growers (Bixby, 1919;
McKay, 1945). F1 buart hybrids have also been called
butter-japs, or buartnuts (USDA, ARS National Genetic
Resources Program).
Many F1 interspecic (the rst cross of two species)
hybrids of walnut species have been described around the
world. All of them have hybrid vigor, which means the
Figure 2. Branch traits that distinguish butternuts from
hybrids. Pith color of Japanese walnut (upper), hybrid tree
(middle) and butternut (lower) (A); leaf scar, dormant buds
and lenticels of butternut (left) and a hybrid (right) showing
hairy moustache above the leaf scar, and the notch in the
leaf scar of the hybrid (B), round lenticels and brown twig
color on butternut (C), elongated lenticels and green or tan
twig color often found in hybrids (D).
Photos A and B, Keith Woeste, HTIRC, U.S. Forest Service.
Photos C and D, Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University.
Figure 3. Black walnut
lacks the “moustache” of
dense hairs above the leaf
scar found on butternuts
and hybrids.
Photo: Sally Weeks, Purdue
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
offspring grow faster than either of the two parent spe-
cies. Nearly all of these F1 hybrids are almost completely
sterile (McKay, 1945). Factors such as lack of pollen pro-
duction, and premature catkin and female ower abscis-
sion lead to little or no seed set. Among walnut hybrids,
buarts are unusual in that they are fertile and can produce
a remarkable number of nuts. Another characteristic of
the walnut family is self-compatibility, which means
an individual tree can pollinate itself. Once buart trees
mature, it is very likely that some buarts pollinate other
buarts, some self-pollinate, and others are pollinated by
pure butternut pollen. Thus, buarts (strictly dened as
F1s) are not nearly as common today as are seedling de-
rivatives of buarts that have a more complicated genetic
heritage. For this reason, we refer to trees with compli-
cated, multi-species genetic background as “hybrids,”
and reserve the term buart for the cases where a tree is
known to be the direct product of a Japanese walnut ×
butternut cross (an
F1), or a tree of this type that has been
maintained by grafting. There are several buart cultivars
propagated by nut growers in North America.
Figure 4. Flat gray plates and darker ssures typical of
mature butternut bark (A), and light bark plates and tan
or even pinkish ssures typical of mature butternut hybrids
(B). The bark of a young, vigorously growing butternut (C)
and a hybrid butternut (D) is similar in appearance. Photos
A, C, D, Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University.
Photo B, Keith Woeste, HTIRC, U. S. Forest Service.
Figure 5. Bark of mature black walnut (A), and bark of
young black walnut (B).
Photo A, Sally Weeks, Purdue University, Photo B, Lenny Farlee,
HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 6. The butternut on the left shows typical light gray
bark, while the butternut on the right displays the less com-
mon dark gray bark, similar to black walnut.
Photo: James McKenna, HTIRC, U.S. Forest Service
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
Besides hybrid vigor and high yielding potential,
buarts and the more complex hybrids derived from them
have inherited some resistance to the butternut canker
fungus from Japanese walnut (Ostry, 1997). Since the
introduction of Japanese walnut, several generations of
butternut hybrids have naturally developed, and hybrid
butternuts have become more numerous across the land-
scape (Hoban et al., 2009) as natural selection left behind
hybrid trees that resisted butternut canker disease where
pure butternuts were killed by the butternut canker. As
butternut hybrids became more prevalent, more hybrid
seed was collected and propagated. In some cases, due
to mistaken identication, hybrids were propagated and
distributed as butternuts, leading to increased distribu-
tion of hybrid trees and confusion about the identity of
the butternut. In some parts of the United States today,
hybrids are virtually the only “butternuts” to be found.
The complex hybrids found today can be challenging
to identify in the eld because they present a mixture of
butternut and Japanese walnut characteristics, especially
Figure 7. Butternut fruits (A) and butternut seeds (B, upper
row). Hybrid seeds are in the bottom row (B). Grid = 1 cm
Photo A, E. Hayes and M. Ostry, U.S. Forest Service, Photo B,
Keith Woeste, HTIRC, U.S. Forest Service
Figure 8. Black walnut fruit (A) and seed (B).
Photo A, Mark V. Coggeshall, Photo B, Sally Weeks,
Purdue University
Figure 9. Butternut leaves (left) normally have 9 to 17
leaets and leaets tend to be largest in the central part of
the leaf. Hickory leaves (right) normally have 9 or fewer
leaets and leaets become progressively larger toward the
end of the leaf. A pecan leaf may have more than 9 leaets,
but these will also be largest near the end of the leaf.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 10. A hybrid
butternut leaf (left) tends
to be larger and longer,
sometimes over 18 inches
long, as compared to a
butternut leaf (right).
Photo: James McKenna,
HTIRC, U.S. Forest Service
Figure 11. Pure butternuts (left) have dropped all foliage
while hybrid butternuts (right) still retain leaves in this
mid-October photo from Tippecanoe County, Indiana.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
Table 1. Summary of characteristics of pure butternut and hybrid butternuts.
1-Year Twigs
Butternut Characteristics Butternut Hybrid Characteristics
Current-year stem color
Olive green changing to red-brown near terminal
buds; glossy, few hairs except immediately
beneath terminal buds.
Bright green to copper brown or tan, often densely
covered with rust or tan hairs, especially near
terminal buds. Pale green near terminal bud.
Terminal bud
Whitish to beige in color; narrower, the outer,
eshy scales more tightly compact and bud
longer than hybrids.
Pale green to tan or yellowish in color, often
pyramidal in shape, wider and squatter than
butternut. Outer eshy scales more divergent than
butternut and often deciduous.
Lateral bud
Vegetative buds are elongated and somewhat
angular, creamy white to beige in color.
Vegetative buds are rounded, and green to greenish
brown in color.
Small, round, abundant, evenly distributed,
sometimes elongating horizontally across the
branch (perpendicular to the stem axis).
Large, often elongating laterally down the branch
(parallel to the stem axis) on 1-year wood, patchy
distribution. On 3- and 4-year wood, lenticels often
form a diamond pattern as they become stretched
both transversely and longitudinally.
Leaf scar
Top edge almost always straight or slightly convex;
scar usually more compact.
Top edge almost always notched; often with large,
exaggerated lobes.
Pith Very dark brown.
Variable, dark brown, but more commonly medium
brown or even light brown.
Mature Tree
Varies from light grey and platy to dark grey and
diamond-patterned in mature trees. In older trees,
ssures between bark ridges may be shallow or
deep but are consistently dark grey in color.
Silvery or light grey, rarely darker. Fissures
between bark ridges moderate to shallow in depth
and often tan to pinkish-tan in color.
Leaf senescence
Leaves yellow and brown by early-mid autumn,
falling in early to mid autumn.
Leaves often green until late autumn, falling in late
autumn or may freeze green on the tree.
Catkins 2 – 4¾ inches in length at peak pollen shed. 5 – 10 inches in length at peak pollen shed.
Nut clusters
One or two nuts per terminal in most clusters,
sometimes 3 – 5, rarely more.
Usually 3 to 5 per cluster, sometimes as many as 7.
in the cases where they are more than half butternut. For
example, a buart “backcrossed” to a butternut results in
seedlings that are ¾ butternut and ¼ Japanese walnut.
Genetic testing with DNA-ngerprinting techniques may
be the only way to reliably identify and untangle the
pedigree of some of these complex hybrid trees (Ross-
Davis et al., 2008; Hoban et al., 2008; Woeste et. al.,
2009). Butternuts do not hybridize with black walnuts
but may hybridize with other walnut species in addition
to Japanese walnut. These hybrids are very rare and not
very fruitful and will not be covered in this publication.
Hybrids are not necessarily undesirable, but we still
know very little about how they will perform as possible
replacements for butternuts, so careful identication is
warranted if you wish to propagate and manage native
No single trait distinguishes a butternut from a hybrid,
but hybrids may be recognized using multiple charac-
teristics (Table 1) and by using the key found in Table
2 (Ross-Davis et al., 2008). Tree growth rate, age, and
other factors can cause variation in the appearance of the
identifying characteristics listed, so use as many of the
traits as possible. Before using the key, the rst thing to
consider is where the tree is growing. Trees in a natural
forest, or at least 300 feet inside a woodlot where there
are no signs of old home sites, orchards, or outbuildings,
are much more likely to be pure butternuts. Hybrids were
typically planted around farms, parks, and yards, and
may naturally regenerate in nearby forest edges. Any
“butternut” in a location where it may have been planted
or naturalized as offspring from a planted tree may be a
hybrid. Another consideration is the health and vigor of
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
the tree. Hybrids tend to resist butternut canker infection,
or heal quickly when infected, and have a rapid growth
rate due to hybrid vigor. Pure butternuts may also grow
vigorously, but most native butternuts are infected with
the butternut canker disease, resulting in obvious cankers
on branches and trunks, decreased growth rate and tree
vigor, and shortened life span. Rarely, a butternut will es-
cape butternut canker disease because it is isolated from,
or possesses some resistance to the disease, so consider
additional identifying traits before making an identica-
tion decision based on tree health or location. Healthy,
pure butternuts exist and are important for future breed-
ing efforts.
Table 2. Key for separating butternuts from hybrids using eld characteristics. To use this key, examine
each specimen for at least ve of the traits listed below. For each trait, assign the specimen a score of 0,
1, or 2. Sum the scores for each of the traits you use, if the total score for your sample is 3 or less, your
sample is probably a butternut. If it is greater than 3, it is probably a hybrid or a heartnut. This key is
intended as a eld guide and is not denitive. In some cases, only genetic testing can separate butternuts
and hybrid trees.
TRAIT 1 Leaf Retention — Figures 11, 12 SCORE
Leaves drop early in the fall, at about the same time as black walnut.....................…………………….……..0
Leaves stay green longer than black walnut but begin dropping before frost........................…………………...1
Leaves stay green late into the fall and drop after a frost.......................…………………………………….…..2
TRAIT 2 Dormant Terminal Bud — Figures 22,23
Terminal bud elongated and slender, conical, and tan colored.......................……………………..…………..0
Terminal bud broadest at base, less elongated, slightly green colored.................……......................….……1
Terminal bud stout, pyramid shaped, green or yellow green in color.....................………………………...….2
TRAIT 3 Dormant Twigs — Figures 2, 22, 23
Dark olive green or reddish-brown, slender, sometimes with hairs below the terminal bud............................0
Tan to brownish green and stout, sometimes with patches of hairs, especially below terminal bud................1
Tan to light green, stout, often with abundant rusty red or tan hairs.................................................................2
TRAIT 4 Lenticel Shape on New Twigs — Figures 2C and 2D, 22, 23
Lenticels on most recent growth uniformly small, round, white, abundant, and evenly distributed;
if some are elongated or dash-shaped, elongation is perpendicular to direction of the branch.......................0
Lenticels on most recent growth mostly small, round, white, abundant, with patchy distribution;
if some are elongated or dash-shaped, elongation is parallel to direction of branch..................................….1
Lenticels on most recent growth large, tan and corky, patchy distribution, many dash-shaped and elongated
parallel to branch....................….....................................................................................................................2
TRAIT 5 Pith Color of 1-Year Twig — Figure 2A
Very dark, chocolate brown.........................................................................................................................…..0
Medium brown (color of dark maple syrup).............................................................................................…..1
Tan to honey colored............................................................................................…………………………......2
TRAIT 6 Leaf Scar — Figure 2
Top edge of most leaf scars straight or slightly arched..................................................................................….0
Top edge of some leaf scars with small descending “V” shaped notch.............................................................1
Top edge of most or all leaf scars with clear descending “V” shaped notch.................................................….2
Figure 12. Hybrid
butternut trees may
retain green foliage until
a killing frost, while pure
butternuts have dropped
all leaves two or more
weeks earlier.
Photo: Lenny Farlee,
HTIRC, Purdue University
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
TRAIT 7 Leaf Length — Figure 10
Most leaves less than 18 inches long..............................................................................................................….0
Many leaves 18 inches or longer......................................................................................................................1
TRAIT 8 Color of Bark Fissures on Mature Trees — Figures 4, 6
Dark grey or black.............................................................................................................................................0
Light grey or silvery...................................................................................................................................…...1
Tan or slightly pinkish.................................................................................................................................…..2
TRAIT 9 Green Hull Characteristics
Densely hairy and very sticky.......................……………………………………………………...............…..0
Somewhat hairy and only slightly sticky....................................................................................................…...2
TRAIT 10 Nut Shape — Figures 13–21
Nut cylindrical, round in cross section, with thin, sharp corrugations. The suture/seam is not
easily distinguished from the longitudinal ridges………………….…...........................................................0
Nut slightly asymmetrical, with noticeable valleys between longitudinal ridges.……………..…..................1
Nut asymmetric, diamond shaped or attened, with dull or sparse corrugations, the suture/seam is easily
identied and forms the widest part of the body of the nut.............................................................................2
TRAIT 11 Catkin Length When Fully Extended and Shedding Pollen
Shorter than 4.5 inches...........................................................................................................................0
4.5 5.5 inches...................................................................................................................................…...1
Longer than 5.5 inches...............……………….....................................................................................…..2
Evaluate your tree and sum its score for any 5 of the traits listed above. If your score is:
Zero – 3...........………...Butternut
Greater than 3………...Hybrid or Japanese walnut (heartnut)
Table 2. Continued
Figure 13. Variations in butternut size and appearance (A).
Looking at the end of the nut, a butternut appears round in
cross-section and the sharp, thin corrugations ll the zones
between ridges and suture. The nut suture is not easily
distinguished until it begins to open (B).
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
While the shapes and sizes of the nut shells of but-
ternuts vary considerably from tree to tree and across its
native range (Fig. 13A), some characteristics are fairly
consistent and can be valuable for differentiating native
butternuts from hybrids. Native butternuts tend to be
round in cross-section (Fig. 13B), while hybrid nuts tend
to be asymmetrical, angular, or slightly attened (Fig.
14-18). The shell of a butternut has extremely thin, sharp
corrugations extending outward, similar to the cooling
ns on a radiator. In pure butternuts, these corrugations
tend to be evenly distributed between, and reach about
the same height as, the longitudinal ridges and sutures on
the shell (Fig. 13, 19). In contrast, hybrids tend to have
thick or blunt corrugations that are unevenly or sparsely
distributed between the longitudinal ridges creating the
appearance of “valleys” between the ridges (Fig. 15-18,
20, 21). Some hybrid nuts, F1 buarts in particular, have
irregular bumpy surfaces, with no corrugations or ridges.
The suture or seam where a butternut splits open during
germination is generally the same height as the ridges
(Fig. 13). The seam on a hybrid nut may are out away
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
Figure 14. Japanese walnut or heartnut (left, top and
bottom) and butternut (right, top and bottom) easily
hybridize to create butternut hybrids which often
demonstrate physical characteristics intermediate between
the parent trees. Note the prominent suture on Japanese
walnut and the inconspicuous suture resembling the
longitudinal ridges on the butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 15. Hybrid butternut (left, top and bottom) and
butternut (right, top and bottom) showing the prominent
suture and blunt, less abundant corrugations on the hybrid
nut as compared to the butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 16. Hybrid butternut (left, top and bottom) and
butternut (right, top and bottom) showing the prominent
suture, more angular shape and blunt corrugations on the
hybrid nut as compared to butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 17. The differences between the hybrid butternut
(left, top and bottom) and the butternut (right, top and
bottom) are less pronounced, but still present including:
prominent suture, blunt corrugations and ridges, and a
more angular appearance of the hybrid nut as compared to
the butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
from the body of the nut, creating a triangular, attened
appearance at the tip of the nut (Fig. 15-17).
Hybrids can become very difcult to separate from
pure butternuts, particularly when they become more
genetically mixed with native butternuts. Combining
information about the location of the tree, history of the
area, physical characteristics, vigor and health of the tree,
and appearance of the nuts will help you determine if you
have a hybrid or pure butternut.
This publication is an adaptation and expansion of
an article that appeared in the Northern Journal of
Applied Forestry: Woeste, K.E., L. Farlee, M.E.
Ostry, J.R. McKenna, and S. Weeks. 2009. A Forest
Managers Guide to Butternut. Northern Journal of
Applied Forestry. 26(1): 9-14.
Figure 18. This suspected back-cross hybrid butternut
(left, top and bottom) very closely resembles pure butternut
(right, top and bottom). Some subtle differences can still
be seen in the more angular appearance of the nut and
the “valleys” between the ridges where corrugations are
shorter and sparser than in pure butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 19. Long, sharp
corrugations located on
and between the ridges of a
native butternut.
Figure 20. Short, mostly
blunt corrugations on and
between ridges of a hybrid
Figure 21. Sparse, blunt
corrugations on and
between ridges of a hybrid
butternut (buart).
All photos: Lenny Farlee,
HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 22. Elongated lenticels, stout twig, notched leaf
scar, and large pyramidal terminal bud typical of hybrid
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Figure 23. Small, round lenticels, slender twig, arched or
at-topped leaf scar, and slender, elongated tan terminal
bud typical of pure butternut.
Photo: Lenny Farlee, HTIRC, Purdue University
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
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molecular methods to identify butternut (
L.) and butternut hybrids: Relevance to
butternut conservation. Tree Physiology 28:1127-1133.
USDA, ARS National Genetic Resources Program.
Germplasm Resources Information Network-(GRIN)
[Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources
Laboratory, Beltsville, MD. URL. Available online
at; last
accessed Nov. 13, 2007.
Waugh, F.W. 1916.
Iroquois Foods and Food
. Geol. Sur. Can. Mem. 86 (Anthropol.
Ser. 12). Dept. of Mines, Ottwawa, Canada. 235 p.
Woeste, K.E., Farlee L., Ostry, M.E., McKenna, J.R.,
and S. Weeks. 2009. A Forest Managers Guide to
Butternut. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry.
Identification of Butternuts and Butternut Hybrids FNR-420-W
Additional Resources
Detailed information on the life-history, range, identi-
cation and a variety of other characteristics of butternut
is readily available in printed and digital format.
Several research and management documents for
butternut are accessible from the USDA Forest Service
Northern Research Station: http://
• The USDA Forest Service Conservation Assessment
for butternut is available at
• The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) provides
an index of information for butternut at
• The USDA NRCS PLANTS Database also provides a
butternut plant prole at
• The biological characteristics (silvics) of butternut
can be found at
• ConservationandManagementofButternuts,
FNR-421-W, provides recommendations for retention,
management and propagation of butternuts.
In addition to these information sources, many states within
the range of butternuts will have information available
through forestry, conservation, and botanical survey
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Contact Information for Foresters
Indiana Division of Forestry
402 West Washington Street, Rm 296W
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-4105
Directory of Professional Foresters:
Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Assoc.
1011 North 725 West
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Purdue Extension Foresters
(765) 494-3583
The authors wish to thank Brian Beheler and Phil
O’Connor for their very helpful expert review of this