1 Return to Main Page
Site Navigation .......................................................................................................................................... 3
How do I navigate the AMT Learning Center? ....................................................................................... 3
1. Left-Hand Navigation Menu ....................................................................................................... 3
2. Dashboard – Course Overview Section ....................................................................................... 4
Where do I go to access a course I just purchased? .............................................................................. 4
Is login required to access the AMT Learning Center? .......................................................................... 5
1. Accessing the AMT Learning Center as a Member ..................................................................... 5
2. Accessing the AMT Learning Center as a Guest .......................................................................... 5
Purchasing ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Where do I go to search for and purchase a course? ............................................................................ 6
1. Searching .................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Purchasing .................................................................................................................................. 6
What do I do if a course I just purchased is not available when attempting to access? ........................ 7
Course Help ............................................................................................................................................... 7
How do I retake a course? ..................................................................................................................... 7
1. Course was not passed during first set of quiz attempts. How do I retake the course for
additional quiz attempts? .................................................................................................................. 7
2. Quiz was not passed after retake attempt was purchased. What is my next step? .................... 8
Which course categories offer three attempts to pass? ........................................................................ 8
How do I go back and review a course I passed? ................................................................................... 8
Why is a course that I failed still showing as In Progress? ..................................................................... 9
I completed both Practice Exam and Practice Exam retake, but would like more attempts what is my
next step? .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Can I save my quiz answers and come back to finish later? ................................................................ 10
I accidentally missed the live webinar. Can I view the recording for credit? ....................................... 10
I completed a course but would like to review it again. Where can I find it? ...................................... 10
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Transcript and Completion Certificates ................................................................................................... 10
Where can I find my grades? ............................................................................................................... 10
How do I access my completion certificates? ...................................................................................... 11
General Questions .................................................................................................................................. 11
Do I need to complete the course evaluation to complete a course? ................................................. 11
Will my courses ever expire? ............................................................................................................... 11
I found a question that seems to be incorrect based on the course content. Who can I tell about this?
............................................................................................................................................................ 11
What is your course refund policy? ..................................................................................................... 12
I accidentally created a duplicate account and don’t have access to my old courses. Who can I
contact to get this fixed? ..................................................................................................................... 12
Am I allowed to purchase a course that I’ve previously passed and received credit? ......................... 12
Course Content Overview and Rules for Courses with CE Credit ......................................................... 12
Keywords and Topics for Search .......................................................................................................... 14
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How do I navigate the AMT Learning Center?
Once you are in the AMT Learning Center you will navigate through using the menu on the left-side of
the screen. If you are unable to see the left-hand navigation menu, click the button near the top left of
the page to expand or shrink. See Figure 1.
1. Left-Hand Navigation Menu
The left-hand navigation menu makes it convenient for you to easily search for courses, access
your purchased courses, etc. The options you will frequently use in the left-hand navigation
menu include:
Dashboard: contains all the courses you are enrolled.
Catalog: where you would search for AMT courses.
Transcript: report of your attended courses that includes dates, status, score, and CE
credits earned. This is also where you would find your certificate.
Figure 1
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2. Dashboard – Course Overview Section
The dashboard contains all your courses, sorted by in progress or finished courses (Past). The
main section in your dashboard is Course Overview and will allow you to sort and view courses.
Where do I go to access a course I just purchased?
All the courses you are currently enrolled are found in your dashboard. Access your dashboard by
selecting Dashboard in the left-hand user menu. Your courses will be listed in the courses tab located
under the Course Overview section. (see picture above)
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Is login required to access the AMT Learning Center?
AMT recommends that you always login when accessing the Learning Center. You are able to access as
a guest to view the catalog and help resources only. Login is required to purchase a course.
1. Accessing the AMT Learning Center as a Member
Logging in gives you full access to the AMT Learning Center. This includes searching for,
purchasing, and taking AMT courses.
Once you have logged into the AMT Website you can access the AMT Learning Center in
multiple ways:
1. Learn Page > Browse AMT Learning Catalog
2. AMT Store Page > Browse AMT Learning Catalog
3. My AMT Portal > Access AMT Learning Center
If method 1 or 2 from above are used to access you will need to select “Log In” on the top right
corner of the Learning Center. This will redirect and automatically log you into your AMT
Learning Center account. (see Figure 3):
Figure 3
Note: verify login was successful by checking for your name in the top right corner of the AMT
Learning Center page. If “Log In” is stated you will need to select and will be asked to enter your
login information for the AMT Website or you will be automatically logged in and directed back
to the AMT Learning Center.
2. Accessing the AMT Learning Center as a Guest
You will have limited functionality if accessing without first logging in through the AMT Website
or setting up a new login. As a guest you can do the following:
View Catalog (note courses can only be viewed and not added to cart)
Support (view FAQ and other help resources)
Return to AMT Website
6 Return to Main Page
If you attempt to access a restricted area while navigating as a guest, you will be taken to the
AMT Website signup page to login.
If you do not have an account with AMT or you have not logged into your account via the AMT
Website and try to add a product to the cart you will be directed to:
1. Login using existing AMT Login, OR
2. Create a new AMT Member login
3. After Login you will be automatically redirected to the AMT Learning Center
Note: verify login was successful by checking for your name in the top right corner of the AMT
Learning Center page. If “Log In” is stated you will need to select and will be asked to enter your
login information for the AMT Website or you will be automatically logged in and directed back
to the AMT Learning Center.
Where do I go to search for and purchase a course?
Courses are available for purchase through the AMT Learning Center Catalog. The catalog can be
viewed by selecting “Catalog” in the left-hand navigation menu.
The Catalog contains several categories of courses. Select one of the main course categories to view
available courses.
1. Searching
Use the following steps to search for a course.
1. Select Catalog
2. Select Course Category
3. Select Course Name to open course page
To navigate back to the main catalog page, select Catalog in the left-hand navigation menu.
2. Purchasing
Use the following steps to purchase a course.
4. Select Add to Cart (item will be added to cart and you will be directed back to the course
selection for the current course category)
7 Return to Main Page
5. When ready click the “Shopping Cart” button (this will open a new window and direct
you to your cart on the AMT Main Website for checkout)
6. Enter Payment Information
Note: if you do not see all of your selected courses in the cart it is recommended to refresh your cart
page or select “Shopping Cart” in the AMT Learning Center catalog to open an updated cart window.
Once purchase is complete please use the instructions for: “Where do I go to access a course I just
The AMT Learning Center will be available in the original window being viewed. If window was closed,
you must access the learning center with the following path:
1. My AMT Portal
2. MyLearning/Events
3. Online Training Section
4. Access AMT Learning Center
NOTE: If you are not currently logged into your AMT account or do not have an account you will be
directed to the Login/Account Setup page.
What do I do if a course I just purchased is not available when attempting to access?
Courses recently purchased can take 1-10 minutes to process and become active. It is recommended to
follow the steps below before contacting Customer Service.
1. Open Course Tab > In Progress
2. If course is not visible you will need to refresh your browser window
3. If course is still not available, please wait 5 minutes and refresh again (courses will normally be
available within 1-10 minutes after purchase)
4. After waiting 5-10 minutes, if the course is still not available, please email:
How do I retake a course?
1. Course was not passed during first set of quiz attempts. How do I retake the course for
additional quiz attempts?
8 Return to Main Page
You have three attempts to pass select courses before you have to repurchase. Once you have
exhausted all quiz attempts for select products you will receive a link on the Targeted Course
page that will allow you to purchase a retake of the course.
When the link is selected the system will open a new window to your shopping cart with the
associated retake course available for purchase. Selecting the link is not an obligation to
purchase the retake.
If you want to purchase at a later date you can retrieve the retake link by accessing the course
by one of two methods:
AMT Learning Transcript
Course Overview Past Courses Tab
2. Quiz was not passed after retake attempt was purchased. What is my next step?
If you do not pass a retake course you will need to contact AMT Learning by email at:
amtlearning@americanmedtech.org to reset the course.
Which course categories offer three attempts to pass?
The course categories that offer three attempts to pass include:
1. STEP CE Articles
2. Online CE (select courses offer unlimited attempts)
3. Webinars
The following course categories have different number of attempts:
1. REACH Certificates
2. Review Courses
3. Practice Exams
Read course descriptions prior to purchase.
How do I go back and review a course I passed?
You are able to review a course that you have purchased, taken, and passed. It is not a requirement to
repurchase the course in order to review the content. You can access course content for review
through the Transcript or Past Tab in the Course Overview section. See “How do I navigate the AMT
Learning Center?
9 Return to Main Page
NOTE: Only course content purchased or completed after February 10, 2020 can be accessed for
review. You do not receive CE credit for reviewing course content AFTER you have already passed it.
Why is a course that I failed still showing as In Progress?
If your failed course is still showing as “In Progress” you will need to enter the course (open from the
“In Progress” tab in the course overview section on the homepage of the AMT Learning Center).
Once in the course review all text as stated referring to instructions. The instructions will guide you to
the link needing selection to move your course to a completed status. See Figures 4 and 5 for examples
of the instructions and link you would see.
Figure 4
Figure 5
NOTE: in the initial course attempts the retake course link will be provided as the link to complete your
course text is stated on the course page for this process. Selecting the link will not obligate to
purchase the retake course.
I completed both Practice Exam and Practice Exam retake, but would like more
attempts what is my next step?
Email the AMT Learning team at: amtlearning@americanmedtech.org.
10 Return to Main Page
Can I save my quiz answers and come back to finish later?
Yes! You may click the “Finish attempt” button to save your answers. When you are ready to submit
your completed quiz, click the “Submit all and finish” button.
Our courses are setup so that all questions must have an answer selected to be submitted for grading.
If you are not able to submit please review and make sure all questions have been answered.
I accidentally missed the live webinar. Can I view the recording for credit?
Yes! Live webinars are recorded for on-demand viewing and participants may earn CE credit after
watching the recorded webinar and passing a quiz.
Recordings are uploaded normally between 1-5 business days after the live session has ended.
Webinar link will be replaced by the recording on the course page when available.
I completed a course but would like to review it again. Where can I find it?
Any courses that you complete will be moved to the “Past” tab of the Course Overview block located
on your AMT Learning Center dashboard. Additionally, you can also access past courses within your
AMT Learning Center transcript.
NOTE: only course content purchased or completed after February 10, 2020 can be accessed for
Where can I find my grades?
To view your transcript, click the “Transcript” link in the left-hand navigation menu. If you do not see
the menu, you may click the button with three lines near the top left of the page to open the menu.
Please note that login is required to the main AMT website for this functionality to be visible. You will
be directed to login or signup if not currently logged in.
NOTE: Grades are transferred to AMTrax, but only for the first passing attempt. All course attempt
grades will be stated by course in your AMT Learning Center transcript.
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How do I access my completion certificates?
Your AMT Learning Center Transcript provides access to all of your completion certificates for courses
that have been successfully passed. In order to access you will navigate to your transcript via the left-
hand user menu. Once in your transcript all courses with an available certificate will have a certificate
symbol under the certificate category. Select this symbol to open your certificate in a new window. You
can view, print, or download these certificates at any time. (see Figure 6):
Figure 6
Do I need to complete the course evaluation to complete a course?
Course Evaluation is not mandatory for completion of AMT Learning Center course offerings.
We do ask that if you have time to please fill out the course evaluation.
This information will be reviewed and utilized to help in the improvement of our AMT Learning Center
course offerings.
Will my courses ever expire?
Your enrollment in a course does not expire, so you will be able to access your courses at your own
NOTE: Although courses do not expire, CEs remain within the 3-year CCP cycle in which they are
earned and will not rollover to future cycles.
I found a question that seems to be incorrect based on the course content. Who can I
tell about this?
Contact the AMT Learning Team at: [email protected]g.
Please provide:
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Course Name
Question Content
Screenshot of Question if accessible
What is your course refund policy?
The refund policy can be reviewed on the AMT Learning Center support page. Please make sure to
review to see if you are eligible prior to contacting.
I accidentally created a duplicate account and don’t have access to my old courses.
Who can I contact to get this fixed?
Contact the AMT Customer Service team either by email or phone:
Email: mail@americanmedtech.org
Phone: (847) 823-5169
NOTE: Please do not makes any further purchases prior to contacting Customer Service.
Am I allowed to purchase a course that I’ve previously passed and received credit?
No. AMT policy states that a course is only allowed to have CE credit earned one time from successful
When browsing for new courses you will see the following warning if a course you are attempting to
purchase has been awarded CE previously.
Course Content Overview and Rules for Courses with CE Credit
STEP CE Article
o Quiz Attempts: 3
Retake course is available for purchase after initial failed attempt. Retake offers
3 additional quiz attempts.
o Passing Grade: 80%
o CE Amount: 0.5 2.0
o No Expiration
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Online CE
o Quiz Attempts: 3
NOTE: certain courses will allow for unlimited attempts at a passing score. These
will be listed in the course overview before purchase. Please see screenshot
below for reference
course is
purchase after initial failed attempt. Retake offers 3 additional quiz attempts.
o Passing Grade: 80%
o CE Amount: 0.5 2.0
o No Expiration
o Quiz Attempts: 3
Retake course is available for purchase after initial failed attempt. Retake offers
3 additional quiz attempts.
o Passing Grade: 80%
o CE Amount: 0.5 2.0
o No Expiration
REACH Certificates
o Immunization Certificate
Quiz Attempts: 1
One additional attempt is available for purchase after initial failed
Only 2 attempts total to pass during the current Certificate Cycle.
Passing Grade: 80%
CE Amount: 6.00
Expiration Date: Review Course Catalog for exact dates (vary based on current
Badge Expiration: 1 Year from date of completion
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o Point-of-Care Certificate
Quiz Attempts: 1
One additional attempt is available for purchase after initial failed
Only 2 attempts total to pass during the current Certificate Cycle.
Passing Grade: 85%
CE Amount: 5.00
Expiration Date: Review Course Catalog for exact dates (vary based on current
Badge Expiration: 2 Years from date of completion
o ECG Certificate
Quiz Attempts: 1
One additional attempt is available for purchase after initial failed
Only 2 attempts total to pass during the current Certificate Cycle
Passing Grade: 70%
CE Amount: 5.00
Expiration Date: Review Course Catalog for exact dates (vary based on current
Badge Expiration: 5 Years from date of completion
Keywords and Topics for Search
Clinical Practice
Disease States
Medical Assisting
Blood Bank