Ramona Elementary School
Parent/Student Handbook
9351 E. Laurel St
Bellflower, Ca. 90706
(562) 804-6532 Fax (562) 804-6562
BUSD Mission Statement
The mission of the Bellflower Unified School District is to provide the pathway for all students to attain
the expertise and develop skills of academic excellence that will empower them to:
Become lifelong active learners
Demonstrate respect for themselves and others in a dynamic, diverse and global society
Become responsible, informed, productive, independent and contributing citizens
Perform successfully in their chosen field and in society
Ramona Vision Statement
Our vision is to build lifelong learners who are equipped with the skills and
perseverance to excel in the 21
Ramona Mission Statement
Ramona Elementary is dedicated to challenging and supporting all scholars in
making growth toward their goals through collaboration and critical thinking.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Bellflower Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based
on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression,
nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation or association with a person or a group
with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Parents/students who have questions or
concerns about the policy can contact Tracy McSparren, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education &
Student Support, Title IX and Equity Compliance Officer. (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2030.
Safe Place to Learn Act
The Bellflower Unified School District is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free from
discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics set
forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code and EC 220, and disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression,
nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of
these actual or perceived characteristics. All school personnel who witness an act of discrimination, harassment,
intimidation, or bullying must take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Any student who engages in
acts of discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, or bullying related to school activity or school
attendance occurring within a school of the school district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
Principal’s Message
Dear Ramona Families:
Welcome back to a brand new school year! It is my pleasure and a great
privilege to serve as your principal again this year. I am looking forward to
another wonderful year at Ramona. Last year, our scholars proved that they are
ready to take on any and all challenges as they worked hard and constantly strove
for a Standard of Excellence in all that they do. Based on their accomplishments
thus far, I am excited to see what they will achieve during the 2018/2019 school
Our outstanding faculty is fully prepared to get back to work and fulfill the
Ramona mission of challenging and supporting all scholars in making growth
toward their goals through collaboration and critical thinking. Parents, we can
always count on you to take your role as partners in education very seriously and
we enjoy working hand in hand with you. We always appreciate your help and
support. Our Ramona Scholars come to school every day fully prepared to learn
and benefit from the excellent educational opportunities at this school.
Our RAMS expectations remain the same and I look forward to
acknowledging our scholars when they exemplify what it means to be a Ramona
RAM. Last year we earned 60,000 scholar points school wide, let’s aim to double
that number this year!
Please review the handbook for detailed information about Ramona and
discuss with your child(ren). I look forward to seeing you all on campus this year
as we work together to provide a quality education for all students at Ramona.
There are no limits to what our students can achieve when we all work together
as a team. Go Rams!
Dr. Deirdre Reyes
Parent Involvement
If you are looking to be involved in your child’s education and support the school community,
you may be interested in the following opportunities:
Ramona PTA
The Ramona Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is made up of parents, teachers, and staff
interested in helping serve our students and support them in their educational endeavors.
The PTA board meets monthly after school on Mondays from 6:00 7:00 and works toward the
following goals:
Supporting the school character education program and ensuring students can
visit the GOTCHA cart.
o Throughout the day, students earn GOTCHAs for being trustworthy,
caring, fair, responsible, and respectful citizens. PTA brings out the
GOTCHA cart during student recess time for students to turn in GOTCHAs
for prizes on the cart as recognition of their effort to be Ramona scholars
using positive character traits.
Increase parent participation and volunteer opportunities.
Organizes family events throughout the year.
Organize opportunities for parent education.
Programs supported by PTA:
GOTCHA Cart School Pictures Family Nights
Box Tops Parent Education The Ramona Garden
Please join PTA, your membership directly benefits our students. Fill out the
envelope sent home at the beginning of the year and return it to the school.
Thank you for your support!
Helping Hands
Every Friday after morning assembly, parents gather in the school cafeteria to work on projects
for the classrooms. Projects may consist of preparing packets, painting murals and backdrops,
creating posters and signs, and any and all requests submitted by teachers. If you are able to
volunteer some time on Fridays to help complete projects for the classroom, please join us in
the cafeteria immediately following flag salute.
Grades K-6 8:30 - 2:45
Morning recess
Kindergarten 9:45 - 10:00
1 & 2 10:05 - 10:20
5 & 6 10:25 - 10:40
3 & 4 10:45 - 11:00
Kindergarten 11:20 - 12:00
1st grade 11:30 - 12:10
2nd grade 11:50 - 12:30
3rd grade 12:05 - 12:45
4th grade 12:25 - 1:05
5th & 6th 12:45 - 1:25
Grades K-6 8:30 - 1:36
Morning recess
Kindergarten 9:45 - 10:00
1 & 2 10:05 - 10:20
5 & 6 10:25 - 10:40
3 & 4 10:45 - 11:00
Kindergarten 11:20 - 12:00
1st grade 11:30 - 12:10
2nd grade 11:50 - 12:30
3rd grade 12:05 - 12:45
4th grade 12:25 - 1:05
5th & 6th 12:45 - 1:25
Grades K-6 8:30 - 12:40
Morning recess
Kindergarten 9:50 - 10:00
1 & 2 10:10 - 10:20
5 & 6 10:30 - 10:40
3 & 4 10:50 - 11:00
No lunches at school on
minimum days
General Information
Office Hours:
Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. The school switchboard is also open during those same hours.
The phone number is: 562-804-6532; FAX is: 562-804-6562.
Use of the School telephone and messages for students:
The use of the school telephone will be permitted only in the event of an emergency. Leaving messages or deliveries
for students can be disruptive to the educational program and is discouraged. Deliveries will be distributed at the end
of the day or during recess.
Emergency Card:
For the safety of your children, state law requires that you provide the school with up-to-date emergency information.
This includes correct phone numbers, address, and emergency contact numbers. Students will only be released to
persons listed on the emergency card. Any person picking up a student MUST present ID prior to student release. If
you move - please remember to contact the school with the new information.
Items Inappropriate for School:
In general, it is best for students to not bring items from home to school. This may include but is not limited to
skateboards, CELL PHONES, toys, trading cards, roller blades, sports equipment, Heelys, radios, electronic devices, and
toys. Things brought to school should be pre-approved by the teacher and left in the classroom during the course of the
school day. Inappropriate items not pre-approved will be confiscated. A parent or guardian may pick up the items at the
end of the school day. The school is not responsible for items brought from home. Money is easily lost and students
should only bring what is needed for lunch.
Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones must be turned off during school hours and must be kept out of sight. If a cell phone is
not turned off and is visible, disrupts the classroom, or is being used without permission, it will be confiscated.
Continual disregard for the school cell phone policy will be considered an act of defiance and an appropriate
consequence will be issued.
Any item that could be considered a weapon is illegal at school:
Please talk to your child about the risk of bringing such items as pocket knives, nail clippers, poppers, toy guns, swords,
laser pointers, etc. Our school district has a zero tolerance for weapons and possession of these items could result in
suspension or expulsion.
School Property:
The school provides textbooks and other materials used by students. Students are responsible for taking good care of
these materials and will be held liable for damage or loss to textbooks, library books, and computers, plus will be billed
by the school district for damage to such property. Report cards are held for students with outstanding obligations.
School Visitors:
Parents are always welcome as visitors at Ramona. All visitors and volunteers must be pre-approved by the teacher and
the principal. Please make arrangements with the classroom teacher prior to visiting or volunteering on campus. Once
on campus, you must sign in at the front office, provide the office with identification, and wear a VISITOR'S BADGE
before you are allowed on the school grounds. Classroom visitations are limited to 20 minutes for each visit so as not to
interrupt the learning in the classroom. Please refer to the Bellflower Unified School District website for a complete
description of the volunteer and visitor policy.
Arrival Time:
The gates are opened and playground supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. Students are not to be lined up in
front of the school before 8:00, as there is no supervision. Consequences will be issued for students who
arrive before supervision starts.
Breakfast is served every morning in the Ramona Cafeteria from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. Applications for the
free and reduced lunch program are completed online. Students who do not qualify for the free or
reduced lunch program may bring cash to pay for meals. Breakfast students may not arrive before 7:45
a.m. Our breakfast program can accommodate school age children only.
Bus Schedule:
Bus information will be made available on the first day of school. Busses leave the school
approximately 5 minutes after school is out from the side gate on Clark Street.
Minimum and Shortened Days: The bus schedule is adjusted to accommodate for these days.
Bus Infractions: Students must follow safety rules when on the bus. Students who do not obey the
rules will lose the privilege of riding the bus. Parents will be notified by the teacher.
Crossing Guards:
Crossing guards are provided by the City of Bellflower at three locations based on recommendations by
the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. They are stationed at Clark & Oak, Clark & Flower, and
Laurel & Clark.
Schedule A.M. Coverage P.M. Coverage
Regular: 7:35 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Shortened Day: 7:35 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Mínimum Day: 7:35 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. - 1:10 p.m.
Walking to and from School:
Please take some time to discuss with your child the safest route to and from school. Make sure your child
knows about safety precautions such as traffic lights and crossing guards. If your child walks to school with
an older sibling, discuss alternative plans if that sibling has to stay after school for detention or for other
Bike Riders:
Bike stickers are available for students in grades 3-6 who wish to ride bikes to school. They must apply for a
bike permit in the office and must pass a test as well as agree to follow the rules in the Bicycle Rider’s
Contract. Riders of stickered bicycles must enter and leave the grounds through the gate on Laurel Street.
Bicycle riders must take full responsibility for the safety of their bicycles as well as accessories, which can be
removed from their bicycles. The school will accept no responsibility for lost or stolen items. In order to
protect bicycles from theft, they must be locked in the bicycle racks.
Bicycle riders must wear helmets (California law). Bicycle privileges will be revoked for students who do
not follow safety rules!
After School:
There is no after school supervision on the playground for students except for students enrolled in
specific school sponsored classes or activities. Please remind your children to go directly home after
school. Parents of students who are not picked up within a reasonable amount of time will be notified
and consequences issued.
Ramona School has worked with the City of Bellflower and the Sheriff’s Department to
develop a safe and reasonable plan to drop off and pick up students.
1. Drive-thru Lane on Laurel: Please note there is no parking here loading and unloading
2. Park in front of the school on Laurel for up to 10 minutes.
3. Parking allowed on Clark near the bus area. No limits. Exit by the bus gate.
4. Park further down on Laurel. No time limits.
We have designated specific gates for our classrooms to exit at the end of the day
Gate near the front of the cafeteria: Kindergarten students will be released to parents at
this gate.
Gate near the back of the cafeteria and drive-thru: The following classrooms exit this gate
(12, 14, 15, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40, and 48)
Gate on Clark Street near the bus pick up: The following classrooms exit this gate (3, 34, 51,
52, 54, 55, 56, 57)
Rooms 44 and 13 will exit from the front office.
Lakewood Sheriff will be issuing citations for:
Parking more than 10 minutes in front of the school.
Parking in the Drive-thru lanes.
U-Turns on Laurel or Clark
Please teach your children how to use the crosswalks and do not ask your
children to run across Clark or Laurel to your cars!
Ramona Elementary is a uniform school
Descriptions of the uniforms follow as does the school district's suggested guidelines. Students who are in
violation of the school’s dress code will be given a LOANER garment. The loaner must be laundered and
returned to the office the next school day.
Pants, short, skirts, or “skorts”:
Color: Solid Color in dark blue, black, gray, or
Style: Material may be of uniform material or
jeans. Sweats, Pajamas, jogging pants, and
basketball jersey shorts are not allowed. Clothing
must be in good condition (not faded, no holes,
frayed hems or cuffs, not dragging on the ground,
not skinny jeans and not oversized or baggy.)
Pants must fasten at the waist and must not be
baggy or sagging. Hemlines for shorts and skirts
must pass the “fingertip length” rule. Shorts must
be worn under skirts.
Shirts or blouses:
Color: White or any solid color shirt.
(No logos, pictures, writing or patterns)
Style: Plain crew-neck or collared. Clothing
needs to be an appropriate fit (Not
baggy/oversized, not longer than wrist-length, and
not so short that skin is uncovered), and
not see-through.
Jackets or Sweatshirts:
Style: Plain solid color. Plain means no strips or
designs, and without logos, pictures, or writing.
Ramona School “spirit” shirts and sweatshirts:
would always be acceptable, not just on “Spirit
Closed toe and heel shoe - tennis shoes are
acceptable. No sandals or flip-flops permitted
The following standards have been established
The following standards have been established
by the BUSD Board of Education.
1. Jewelry which depicts or suggests sexually
related or obscene gestures, pictures, or wording,
or which promotes the use/abuse of drugs or
alcohol shall not be worn on campus or at school
2. The wearing of hats/ head coverings are not
permitted except at school special activities.
3. No clothing, or articles of clothing or methods
of grooming (including but not limited to gloves,
bandannas, belt buckles, shoe strings, wristbands,
jewelry, tattoos, extreme hairstyles) related to a
group or gang, which may provoke others to acts
of violence or to be intimidated by fear of
violence, or could possibly disrupt the educational
process, shall be worn on campus or at any school
4. All clothes must be neat, clean, in good repair
and be an appropriate size (for example, no baggy,
oversized pants or short shorts hemlines must
extend past finger tips).
5. Closed shoes are to be worn at all times.
Sandals, thongs, soft plastic shoes, or open toed
shoes are not permitted. Shoes must have backs.
6. Girls may not wear sheer blouses or bare
midriffs. Undergarments shall be worn and not be
visible at any time.
7. No make-up, glitter, fake nails, or extreme hair
Health Information
Children who appear ill should not be sent to school. If a child has had a temperature, he/she should
be kept home for at least twenty-four hours after the temperature returns to normal. Please let the
school know if your child has contracted a contagious medical condition such as measles, mumps, head
lice, etc. so that appropriate precautionary measures may be taken. Students who become ill at school
will be sent home. It is very important that the school have up-to-date emergency information with a
list of adults who can come for your sick or injured child.
Medication at School:
If a student is required to take medication, a doctor’s written order must be on file in the health office. A
form is available from the school office. Medication is kept in the health office and is dispensed by the health
clerk or nurse. At no time should medication be in the possession of children while on the playground or in
class unless written direction from a physician is on file in the health office reflecting medical need. This
includes cough syrup, cough drops, inhalers and aspirin.
Head Lice:
Head lice are a serious concern in an elementary school. If a student is found to have head lice, he/she
will be sent home immediately. The school will provide you with information on proper treatment and
shampoo (for those with financial needs). Please follow the directions carefully as students are only
allowed 3 days of excused absence for head lice. Students must be re-examined and checked back into
school through the health office.
Health Clerk and Nurse:
The school has two part-time health clerks who assist students with their health needs. The district
also has a professional school nurse who is available for health consultation. The school nurse also
conducts the vision and hearing screening, grades K, 2, 5 and by referrals.
Students may bring their lunch or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. Juice and milk can also be purchased
separately. Free and reduced lunches are provided to students who qualify; however, students must pay for
lunch until their application is processed and approved. Completing the meal applications has never been
easier! Save time, paper and avoid writer’s cramp! Online meal applications are available on the BUSD
website, www.busd.k12.ca.us. If you don’t have access to a computer at home, it is not a problem; the
school site computer lab will also be available during the first week of school. You only need one application
per family. You need a new application for any student who will be in Kindergarten in the Fall, even if they
were already students in another program within the district (Jump Start, T-K, Preschool, etc).
The Nutrition Services office is located at: 10247 Alondra Blvd., Bellflower CA. 90706
Office hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday, Phone Number: 562-866-4192
The Bellflower Unified School District is committed to providing safe and healthful school environments that
promote and protect student’s health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthful eating and
physical activity. All students in grades K-12 will have opportunities, support, and encouragement to be
physically active on a regular basis. Schools will provide nutrition education and physical education that
foster lifelong habits of healthful eating and physical activity. Schools will establish linkages between health
education, school meal programs, extracurricular activities, and other related services such as counseling.
Outside food and snacks
Fast food items are not to be brought on campus for or by students to be eaten or sold. Only healthful snacks
such as fruit, crackers, vegetables etc. should be sent with students. Unhealthful snacks such as chips, candy
and cookies are not recommended. Per the USDA Smart Snacks and Guidelines, flavored and/or carbonated
beverages are not permitted. Snacks sent with students are for the consumption of the student only. Food
may not be shared with friends.
Birthday Celebrations
The Bellflower Unified School District acknowledges the special occasion of each child’s birthday. Please do
not send food items such as cupcakes, punch and other unhealthful snacks. It is a violation of the school
wellness policy a positive way to celebrate a student’s birthday is to recognize their birthday by donating a
book to their classroom or school library.
National School Breakfast/Lunch Program
The district participates in the National School Breakfast/Lunch Program that provides nutritious meals on a
voluntary, low-cost basis to students. The program offers free or reduced-price meals for students who meet
the standards for participation.
Applications for the free and reduced lunch program will be processed online.
Each family needs to complete one application by listing all students and household members on one
Applications must be completed by each family annually.
Completed applications are processed by the Food Services Manager and families who qualify are
Federal Regulations Regarding the School Lunch Program
Federal regulations require that all foods purchased at school must be eaten by students while at school or
attending school functions.
Students who do not qualify for the free or reduced lunch program may bring cash to pay for meals.
Please be sure the money is in a sealed envelope with the student’s name and room number.
It is strongly recommended that parents take advantage of the pre-paid lunch account.
Parents may submit a check made out to BUSD Food Services or use a credit card. To use this service
you would call the Nutrition Services office at (562) 866-4192 ext. 7803.
Balanced breakfasts, lunches, milk and orange juice are sold daily in the school cafeteria. Prices are
subject to change.
If a child forgets their money, they will be provided a small meal that will be charged to their account.
Successful students have excellent attendance. The law says that students must attend school
every day and be on time. Students are excused for illness, doctor's and dentist's appointments,
quarantine, funeral of immediate family or court appearance. All other absences will be marked
"unexcused." The education code states that any student absent from school for a total of three
days, without a valid excuse or is tardy more than thirty minutes on three occasions is truant and
shall be reported to the attendance supervisor. Attendance letters will be sent to notify parents
of excessive absences and meetings (SART and SARB) will be scheduled to remedy attendance
What to do if your child is absent:
Call the school at (562) 804-6532 and inform the office of your child’s absence and send a note
when your child returns including:
Ramona School begins each day with a patriotic assembly and ends with homework and
reminders being given. Children who are late or who leave early, miss out on important parts of
their school day. Students who are not in their class line by the second bell will be marked tardy.
Extended Absences/Independent Study:
If your child needs to be absent for an extended period of time, please request an independent
study contract from the office. In this way, your child can continue to do school work and
absences are recorded within legal limits. There is a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 10
days. One-week prior notice is required.
Leaving School During the Day:
When a child must leave school during the school day, a parent or person listed on the
emergency card must present a valid ID and sign the child out of school, no exceptions. If you
must pick up your child before the first recess please send a note with your child that day. Please
try to make appointments outside the school day so that you do not interfere with your child's
education. Excessive early releases will generate an attendance meeting.
If you are moving from our school, the law requires that you notify the school office.
Perfect Attendance:
Perfect Attendance is defined as a student who is in attendance everyday, has no tardies, and
attends the entire school day.
Curriculum in grades K-6 will include instruction in Reading/Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Listening,
Speaking, Word Study), Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Technology, Physical Education, and the Visual
and Performing Arts. Coursework is tied to the California Standards which identify at each grade level what
students are expected to learn. A copy of the California Standards is located on the California Department of
Education website at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ and on the BUSD website.
Standards Based Report Card:
The report card helps parents understand their child’s progress in relation to the Content Standards. Student
work shall be evaluated in relation to standards at his/her grade level. The progress report and report card
will provide information to you that clearly shows your student’s strengths and areas needing improvement.
Report Cards are issued 3 times, once for each Trimester.
Progress Reports:
Children who are not meeting the grade level standards will be notified at the mid-point of each reporting
Student Work and Assessment:
Student work and assessment will be the primary method of determining grades. Students may show
mastery of the standards through class work, homework, projects, portfolios, standardized and teacher made
tests, classroom participation, and presentations.
Behavior/Effort/Attendance /Work Habits:
These areas impact students learning and are reported as separate components on the student’s report
Student Success Team (SST):
Ramona believes that a team approach is the best way to help students who are struggling academically
and/or behaviorally. The Student Success Team looks at strategies to help children with their learning.
Parents are encouraged to attend SST meetings for their children. An Academic Intervention Plan or a
Behavior Plan will be developed at this meeting.
Academic Intervention Plans:
These documents will be developed for students who are not making satisfactory progress towards the
standards. Parents will be informed of the strategies the school will use to help their child. It is important
that parents support the school’s effort to help their children. Some students may need before or after
school help.
Behavior Plans:
These documents will be developed for students who are struggling with behavior. Parents will be informed
of the strategies the school will use to help support their child as he/she works toward making positive
behavioral choices.
Extended Learning
Ramona Plus and Homework Help:
Extended day tutorial and help with homework may be available. Check with your child’s teacher.
Homework Policy:
Homework is considered an extension of the classroom learning process and an addition to the regular school
day. It is a valuable component of the educational process. Parents are encouraged to provide the support
needed for students to complete homework assignments, and to cooperate with and give support to the
classroom teacher. Please do the following:
1. Assign a regular time and quiet place each day for your child to do their homework
2. Monitor work by checking their homework log or planners each day
3. Expect high quality work from your child
4. Support Reading 20 minutes daily in addition to regular homework
5. Support learning the math facts for your child’s grade level
You may monitor your child’s Accelerated Reader progress by logging in to the program from
home. You will need your child’s login information to gain access to the program.
GATE/High Potential:
Enrichment opportunities for gifted students are provided in the classroom and through extended day
Student Conduct:
Students enrolled at Ramona Elementary follow the six pillars of Character Counts: Respect, Responsibility,
Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship and are expected to follow school and classroom rules and
procedures. Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own actions and are helped to develop
caring and respectful attitudes toward themselves and toward others.
School Wide Rules:
1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
2. Walk quietly along the walkways and have a pass if you are outside of student designated areas.
3. Follow directions of adults and all other school and classroom rules and procedures.
4. Use the six pillars of Character Counts to make good choices
RAMS Expectations
Respect others
Act Responsibly
Make the best choices
Scholars: Everyday, Everyway
School rules apply while going to and from school, at school, and while on a school sponsored activity.
Playground Rules and Procedures:
1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self including: no tag, chasing, tackling, pushing, kicking, hitting, spitting,
throwing objects, play fighting, wrestling, karate, and football.
2. Follow standard game rules.
3. Allow all students to join games.
4. Use school equipment properly. No equipment, toys, or balls may be brought from home.
5. Stay within the playground area (inside the red line) unless you have a pass.
6. Use restrooms appropriately.
7. Eat snacks at the benches.
8. Freeze and Squat when the bell rings and walk when dismissed by the teacher on duty.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
School wide rules are to be followed at all times. Classroom rules are created by the teacher and/or class and are
posted in the classroom.
School-wide Expectation Matrix
Please review the school-wide expectation matrix with your child(ren) in order to ensure that they are successful
in all areas of the school campus. Classroom teachers will be teaching students the expectations all year long and
appreciate your support of these expectations.
School-wide Expectation Matrix
Define, Teach, Expect
All settings
Computer Lab
Keep hands, feet,
and objects to
Maintain a bully-
free environment
Listen to others
Track the
Look, smile, wave
at people walking
Appreciate your
food and the staff
Say please and
thank you to the
lunch staff
Use inside voices
Consider the
privacy of
Listen quietly
Applaud appropriately
Include everyone
in your game
Play safe
Leave the computer
equipment and lab
ready for the next
Work quietly
Smile and greet
the librarian
Use a whisper
Be courteous
Follow directions
Follow all school
Raise your hand
for permission to
Complete and
return your
classwork and
Walk quietly in
line as a team unit
Stay seated and eat
with your class
Raise your hand to
leave your seat
Eat lunch everyday
Keep all food in the
Wash your
hands after
using the
Keep the
bathroom clean
Enter and exit the
assembly area in an
orderly manner
Sit properly
Use equipment
Stop and sit when
the bell rings
Walk on the
blacktop, run on
the grass
Follow the rules of
the game
Follow the school
internet agreement
Return books in
a timely
Keep books in
good condition
Use the shelf
Make the
Best Choices
Walk quietly at all
Report problems to
an adult
Contribute to
our learning
Do your best at
all times
Take pride in your
Keep the cafeteria,
table, benches
Use the
restroom at
Listen attentively
Be a good sport
Use appropriate
internet safety
Check out a
book at an
Use the six Pillars of
Character Counts
Believe that you
can achieve
Build citizenship
Practice proper
healthy habits
what you have learned
Have an active
Build digital
Readers are
Ramona Behavior Plan
Student Recognitions for Good Choices
GOTCHAS or “Caught you doing something good!” coupons are issued to students exhibiting
excellent student conduct. Once students have collected five GOTCHAS, they may select a prize
from the PTA sponsored GOTCHA cart. The cart is open during lunch on the first Friday of each
Positive Phone Calls/Notes Home: Teachers may make positive phone calls or send positive
notes home to students that exhibit positive character traits and good work habits.
Award Assemblies:
Students who have shown consistent effort or achievement in academics, work habits or
citizenship may be recognized at an assembly and receive a certificate. Parents are welcome to
attend the assembly.
Perfect Attendance:
Students who have no absences and no tardies will be awarded a perfect attendance certificate
monthly and at the end of the year by their classroom teacher.
Achievement Awards:
Students in grades four through six are eligible for this recognition each grading period. A
student must receive all 3’s and/or above on their report card to be recognized for Academic
Achievement. Students who receive all 4’s will be recognized with an Exceptional Academic
Achievement award. A certificate of achievement is given to each student who achieves this
Positive Referral:
Teachers may issue a positive referral to a student who has met a goal or who is a positive role
model for other students. These students receive a certificate and are allowed to make a trip to
the principal’s treasure box in the office.
RAMS Points
This is a school wide positive incentive program. Our scholars must work together to earn
schoolwide rewards. It is based on our behavioral expectations Respect others, Act Responsibly,
Make the Best Choices and Scholars Every Day, Every Way. Scholars earn points for the school
when they are observed by a staff member demonstrating our RAMs expectations. We set goals
for the school and earn a reward when that goal is met. Prizes include but are not limited to a
Free Dress Day, Hat Day, Copy Cat Day, Pajama Day, and Picnic Day.
Ramona Behavior Plan
Problem Solving Strategies
When students find themselves in a conflict with another student, they are encouraged to use the
suggestions below to help solve the problem:
1. Control Your Temper: Stop and take a calming breath before responding.
2. Apologize: Say, “I’m sorry,” “Oops!” or “Excuse Me” even if you don’t feel you were wrong.
3. Compromise: Both students give up a little something, share, let the other person go first, or take
turns (try rock, paper, scissors).
4. Talk About it: Leave the game and talk to the person to solve the problem.
a. Take turns. Don’t interrupt. Listen to the other person’s point of view.
b. Speak respectfully without yelling or name calling.
c. Use “I” statements (“I feel hurt when you call me names.”)
d. Tell the other person what you need (an apology or promise to stop it).
5. Wait: Handle the problem at another time after you “cool down.”
6. Get Help: If you are not able to solve your problem, ask for help from an adult on duty, your
teacher, or the guidance technician.
Conflict Mediation:
When students have tried their best to solve a conflict and have not been successful, they can request a
mediation to help resolve the problem. During the conflict mediation process, the students involved visit
the guidance technician who acts as a facilitator to help everyone involved find an appropriate solution.
The guidance technician supervises and assists in all mediations.
Creating a Bully-Free Environment:
The staff is trained annually in how to maintain a “bully-free” environment in the classroom and school-
wide. The staff is trained in how to determine the difference between conflicts and bullying and how to
teach students strategies for solving conflicts and responding to bullying if it occurs.
Some examples of how we expect students to respond if bullied are:
1. Stand up straight and say in a firm confident voice, “I don’t like that.”
2. Do not name call or use your hands to solve problems.
3. Stay calm and walk away.
4. If other people are nearby, join them.
5. Tell an adult (recess supervisor, noon duty supervisor, teacher, guidance
technician, office staff, principal, etc.)
Some examples of how we expect students to respond if they witness bullying are:
1. Be a HERO...do something. Don’t laugh and join in.
2. Ask the person being bullied if they want to play with you.
3. Use an “I statement” - I don’t like it when you say or do that.— I don’t think that
is funny.
4. Get help from an adult (recess supervisor, noon duty supervisor, teacher,
guidance technician, office staff, principal, etc.).
Ramona Behavior Plan
Consequences for Poor Choices
Verbal Warning:
Students may receive a warning for poor choices that are made and counseling to make better choices.
Loss of Free Time:
Students may sit out of recess for a specified number of minutes or days.
Time Out:
Students may be sent to another classroom under the supervision of another teacher.
Students may be assigned to detention after school for a period of time up to 30 minutes. The parent will be
notified in advance. Detention slips are sent home the day of the infraction for a parent signature. Failure to
return a detention slip could result in a second detention being issued.
Parent Communication:
A note may be sent home if the student has made a poor choice.
Counseled by Principal:
Students may be sent to the principal for counseling and guidance prior to returning to class.
Community Service:
Students may work under the supervision of school personnel cleaning or picking up trash. The parent will be
notified in advance. Students may be assigned to a number of minutes or hours.
Student/guardians may be required to pay for acts of vandalism or graffiti in addition to disciplinary
Severe Clause: Verbal disrespect to adults, refusal to follow adult directions, obscene language and/or
gestures, bodily harm to another person, fighting, stealing, damage to school property, bringing dangerous
objects, drugs, or alcohol to school will result in the student being sent to the principal’s office for
disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion.
In-house Suspension:
A student may be removed from the classroom by the teacher for a period of time. A student may be in-house
suspended or recommended for expulsion for any of the reasons listed under Education Code 48900.
A student will be removed from school for a period of time. A student may be suspended or recommended for
expulsion for any of the reasons listed under Education Code 48900.
A student will be removed from school. A student may be suspended or recommended for expulsion for any of the
reasons listed under Education Code 48900.
Vice President
Interim Superintendent
Laura Sanchez-Ramirez
Debbie Cuadros
Jerry Cleveland
Sue ElHessen, Ed.D.
Hannah Flanagan-Flores
Tracy McSparren