Bonita Unified School District
School Age Care (SAC) Program
Parent & Student Handbook
2019 - 2020
School Age Care Office Address and Phone Number:
115 W. Allen Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 971-8330
Ext. 5360, 5361, 5362
District Office Contact Information:
School Age Care (SAC) District Office (909) 971-8330
Nancy Sifter, Coordinator: Ext. 5360
Patti Eide, Secretary : [email protected] Ext. 5361
Sue Gribbon, Account Technician: Ext. 5362
Elementary School Site Contact Information:
Allen Avenue Nicole Robison, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8362
Ekstrand Jannette Kalar, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8363
Gladstone Vivian Randall, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8364
Grace Miller Ashley Hernandez, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8366
La Verne Heights Yadira Lara, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8365
Oak Mesa To be determined, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8369
Roynon Lilliana Garcia, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8367
Shull Susy Griffith, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8368
Middle School Teen Scene Contact Information:
Lone Hill Bonnie Perez, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8370
Ramona Alex Hudson, Site Supervisor (909) 971-8360
Our primary form of communication is by email. Please be on the alert for emails received by this office. If your
email address changes, please inform the SAC office immediately.
Program Goals, Purpose, Staff and Description:
The School Age Care Program is a parent-funded childcare program operated by the Bonita Unified School District’s
School Age Care Office. Our School Age Care staff consists of qualified BUSD personnel who supervise all program
activities. We serve over 880 Bonita USD students.
The program provides before and after school supervision and guidance for children in grades kindergarten through
eighth grade and offers an environment in which children can grow to the best of their abilities; one which taps their
creativity and strengths and allows them to excel.
The elementary program serves children in kindergarten through fifth grade and Teen Scene at Lone Hill and
Ramona Middle Schools serve children in grades six through eight.
The before and after school programs known as Teen Scene at Lone Hill and Ramona Middle Schools provide a safe
and stimulating environment for youth that promotes healthy social, cultural, and recreational experiences which
complement the middle school educational program.
Our School Age Care centers are well-equipped and arranged to accommodate children individually and in small to
large groups. The program facilitates a wide variety of activities and experiences, both child-initiated and adult-
directed. Children have the opportunity to choose from a variety of developmentally appropriate activities, including
reading, outdoor sports and games, arts/crafts, and table and board games.
Registering your child(ren):
Complete the SAC registration form and submit with registration fees.
Registration will be cancelled if registration fees/tuition are not paid by the assigned deadline.
Registration is a non-refundable fee:
$35.00 for the first child
$25 for the second child
$20 for the third child, not to exceed $80.00 per family in the program.
Checks or money orders are to be made payable to BUSD for the exact amount due.
Cash is acceptable in the exact amount owed.
All previous balances incurred and due to the SAC program must be paid in full before a
student will be allowed to register or enroll in any SAC program (past due tuition, late
payment fees, NSF and/or late pick-up fees, etc.).
Enrollment is limited and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please keep your personal information current: email addresses, cell and home phone numbers, home
address, employment contact information, emergency contact lists, etc.
Program centers are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when children are NOT in school.
Program centers are open on pupil-free days; additional fees may apply.
Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring, and Summer break programs are available at an additional cost.
Kindergarten programs for the 2019-20 school year are as follows:
o August 19 - September 13 Approximate release time 11:30am
o September 16 - March 13 Approximate release time 1:00pm
o March 16 - June 4 Approximate release time 2:00pm
Kindergarten release times vary by school site. Check with your child’s school for actual release times.
Delayed Pick-Up Time:
Parents must pick up their child(ren) before the 6:00 p.m. closing time. Should a parent be delayed and
unable to reach the center by 6:00 p.m., he/she must arrange for one of the adults listed on the emergency
section of the enrollment card to pick up their child.
If parents do not reach the center by 6:00 p.m. and have not contacted the center by telephone, staff will contact the
person(s) listed on the emergency section of the enrollment card. If staff is unable to locate anyone to pick up the
child, the Sheriff’s Department/La Verne Police Department will be notified at 7:00pm.
Parents will be billed $1.00 per minute for each child remaining after the 6:00 p.m. closing time. Three (3) or
more late pick-ups may result in dismissal from the program.
Charges and Fee Schedules:
Fee Schedule Changes Process
Written request is required to change your fee schedule; a change fee schedule request must be submitted to
the SAC office or emailed to
Fee schedule changes will not be accepted after September 1
Program schedule changes may be made once a year.
If the change is due to an emergency, contact [email protected]
Fee schedules are provided to parents every year.
All fees are paid monthly in advance on either the 1
or 15
All fees are based on a weekly rate and are paid monthly in advance based upon the payment option selected
at registration. Prorated weekly tuition is not offered.
Children must attend daycare for at least two weeks out of every month and no more than two consecutive
weeks at a time. If attendance is less than two weeks, the student’s enrollment may be terminated.
Unpaid balances will result in a suspension of daycare services until all charges are paid in full.
Tuition must be paid by cash, check or money order made payable to BUSD. If paying by personal check,
blue or black ink if required. If paying by cash, the exact amount must be submitted.
All checks must indicate the child’s name and school of attendance. (See check example on page 9)
All payments are made directly to the district office SAC location. Payments are not accepted at the SAC
school sites.
An after-hours drop vault is available at the SAC office.
All returned checks will be assessed a fee of $20.00 plus the amount of the check. Only cash, money orders
or cashier’s checks will be accepted from anyone who has had two or more returned checks from the bank.
Email reminders will be sent on a regular basis. If an account becomes delinquent, additional reminders will
be emailed.
Late Fees/Non-Payment
Fees are considered delinquent and a late fee will be assessed if tuition is paid on the 6
day after the due
date, or as otherwise noted on the fee schedule.
For example:
o Tuition due on the 1
: Late fee will be assessed on the 6
o Tuition due on the 15
: Late fee will be assessed on the 20
o More than three (3) late payments, may result in suspension from the program.
o Please call our office if your payment will be late. Communication with us in these matters is
Tuition not received within eight (8) days of the due date will result in the suspension of program services
until fees are paid in full.
Students Leaving the Program
Notify the SAC office and your school SAC supervisor immediately if your child will no longer attend the
program. Fees and tuition continue to accrue if no notification is received.
Termination of Service
SAC reserves the right to terminate service at any time. Reasons for termination can include but are not
limited to the following:
o Late payment (more than 3) and/or non-payment of tuition or fees
o Repeated late pick-up of child(ren)
o Non-attendance for more than two consecutive weeks
o Repeated suspensions from the program based on behaviors
Non-Pupil Days
No additional charge for pupil-free days for those enrolled in full-day care or grades K-5 PM only.
Children enrolled in grades K-5 in AM only, there is an additional charge of $8.40.
Children enrolled in grades 6-8 in AM or PM only there is an additional charge of $5.40.
Family Discount
10% discount for 2 or more children enrolled. Discount will be applied to the lower of the two fees.
BUSD Employee Discount:
BUSD employees who work at least 10 hours per week on an ongoing basis with students enrolled in the District
have the option to enroll their students in our program at a reduced rate.
Extra Care:
We provide an Extra Care option for families enrolled in AM Care only or PM Care only. Extra Care can be used if
you need to have your child there for Full Day occasionally.
It is $6.00 an hour, or for any portion of an hour. Example: if a child is dropped off at 6:30 and goes to school at 6:50
that would be considered 1 hour with a charge of $6.00.
Children must attend daycare at least two (2) weeks out of every month and miss no more than two (2)
consecutive weeks at a time. If a child does not attend the SAC program for at least two weeks, the
child may be dropped from the program.
It is required that parents notify SAC in all instances when we should not expect to receive their child
in our care at the time that he/she is scheduled to attend. This notification is crucial to ensuring the
safety of each and every child. A written notice is required one week in advance if a child will not
attend one full week. This includes weekly accounts. This notice can be emailed to
If a child is checked out of school on any given day and is not checked back into school before his/her grade
level release time, he/she may not attend the SAC program that day.
If a child is checked out of SAC, the child may not be checked back in that same day.
Each site has voicemail to report an absence. If there is an emergency and you are unable to reach the school site,
call the SAC office at (909) 971-8330 ext. 5361 or 5362. Children may not attend the SAC program on any day
they do not attend school.
Children may leave the SAC program on special occasions to participate in organized sports, after school activities,
and other adult organized functions held at the school site if arrangements have been made in advance, SAC has
written permission from the parent, they are under the supervision of a responsible adult, and sign-out procedures are
Your child should not attend the SAC Program if…
1. there are signs of a communicable illness
2. he/she has a high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a bad cold
3. the child is too sick or uncomfortable to participate in regular activities
4. the child has not attended school that day
Please see the Illness section for more detailed information.
Dates to Remember 2019-2020:
First day of school Monday, August 19, 2019
Labor Day - SAC Closed Monday, September 2, 2019
Non-Pupil Day - SAC Open Friday, October 4, 2019
Non-Pupil Day - SAC Open Friday, November 1, 2019
Veteran’s Day - SAC Closed Monday, November 11, 2019
Thanksgiving Break (11/25-11/29) SAC Open November 25-26, 2019
Winter Break (12/23-1/3) SAC Open January 2-3, 2020
Martin Luther King Day - SAC Closed Monday, January 20, 2020
Lincoln’s Birthday - SAC Closed Monday, February 10, 2020
President’s Day - SAC Closed Monday, February 17, 2020
Non-Pupil Day SAC Open Friday, March 6, 2020
Spring Break (3/23-3/27) SAC Open March 24-27 2020
Memorial Day - SAC Closed Monday, May 25, 2020
Last Day of School SAC Open Thursday, June 4, 2020
No School/SAC Closed Friday, June 5, 2020
SAC Camps:
The Bonita Unified School District SAC Program reserves the right to combine child care facilities on dates of non-
pupil days, Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring breaks, and Summer Camp. On these days, parents and/or guardians will be
required to drop-off and pick-up their child(ren) from the child care facilities that are open. Tuition for Thanksgiving,
Winter, and Spring Camps: $21 per day with a 10% discount for additional children. This tuition is non-refundable.
Thanksgiving Camp
Dates: Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The SAC program and school will resume Monday, December 2, 2019
Winter Camp
Dates: Thursday, January 2 and Friday, January 3, 2020
Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The SAC program and school will resume Monday, January 6, 2020
Spring Camp
Dates: Tuesday, March 24 through Friday, March 27, 2020
Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The SAC program and school will resume on Monday, March 30, 2020
Summer Camp
More Summer Camp 2019 information will be available in the spring of 2020.
and Sign-Out Procedures:
Children must be signed in and signed out of the program each day by an authorized parent or guardian.
When bringing a child to the SAC program, a parent/guardian or adult designated by the parent, must
accompany the child into the facility and sign the child in.
At the end of the day the adult must come into the facility and sign the child out. A full signature, date, and
time must be provided on the daily sign in/out sheet.
Picture identification of parents or other adults is required without exception. For your child’s safety
we reserve the right to not release a child without proper picture identification.
Only those listed on a child’s emergency contact list or who have written permission signed by a parent or guardian
on file with the site supervisor will be allowed to sign the child in or out of the program center. Please keep your
child’s emergency contact list current. Call the SAC office with any changes.
Minor Release Form: The Bonita Unified School District recommends against allowing a child to be released from
the School-Age Care Program to the care of an individual under the age of 18 years; however, should you find it
necessary to do so, you must complete the minor release form before your child will be released to a minor of at least
14 years of age. No exceptions will be made to this requirement. Please obtain a minor release form at the SAC
office; these forms are not available at the school sites.
Custody Alert:
Educational Rights: Biological parents hold educational rights for a student unless those rights have been
specifically limited or removed by the court; this is true even when a custody order is in place. Unless the order states
one parent has sole educational rights, both parents still hold rights.
In the event a child’s parents are divorced and have joint custody, children may be released to either parent. A parent
will be denied access to that child only when a signed court order that states one parent has the right to see and/or
pick up the child.
Parents are to provide the SAC Office a copy of any custody papers or court orders for our files to ensure those
papers/orders are followed.
Per Ed Code 51101(d):
“A parent may not exercise “bill of rights” when those rights conflict with a valid restraining order, protective order,
or order for custody or visitation issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.”
The Education Code, Section 49423 allows school personnel or program staff to administer medication if the
following steps are taken:
1. Authorization for Medication form is completed and signed by the child’s physician and parent(s), and the
form is on file with the SAC supervisor.
2. Medication is brought to the SAC Supervisor by the parent.
3. Medication is in the original container labeled with the child’s name, name of medication, name of
prescribing physician and the physician’s instructions. The instructions on the container must match the
physician’s written instructions.
If a child is on a continuous, regular medication, new medication orders must be filled out annually or as necessary.
School Related Injuries:
The district does not carry insurance that pays for the cost of treatment for students injured on school grounds while
under school supervision or while participating in school sponsored activities, including the SAC program. Parents
may have private insurance that provides such coverage or parents may wish to purchase student accident medical
insurance. An insurance brochure/application is available in your child’s school office.
Illness and Prolonged Illness:
Sick children must be excluded from the program until they are no longer contagious so as not to expose other
children. Parents are asked to exercise good judgment and keep children at home while ill and seek medical attention
as appropriate. Symptoms which are signs of possible impending infection or disease include:
Fever over 100 degrees F
Signs of a new cold, cough, sore throat, watery eyes, etc., green mucus
Headache or head pain
Loss of appetite
Excessive irritability or unusual passivity
Inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis)
Abscess or draining sores
Rash, unless the cause is determined to be non-contagious
Behavior not normal for the child
Head Lice (please contact your child’s school health office)
To protect the health of your child and others, if a child arrives at the program with a contagious condition or
symptoms of possible illness we will contact you immediately. If we are unable to contact you or you cannot pick up
your child, we will phone the person(s) you list as alternates for us to call in an emergency. In the event of a serious
or life threatening emergency, we will seek emergency services by calling 911 first, then attempt to contact you.
In the case of prolonged illness, please contact the SAC Office immediately. A credit and/or refund may be issued
after five (5) consecutive days of absence due to illness. A request for credit/refund must be submitted within five (5)
working days of the child’s return to the SAC program. A doctor’s note may also be required.
Personal Articles:
The program is not responsible for any personal articles brought from home–including portable games, electronic
devices, toys, etc. which may be damaged or lost. All left items will be disposed of after 5 days of the conclusion of
all offered programs and camps.
Photograph Permission:
We may have the opportunity to use child’s likeness in newspaper articles or presentations to the BUSD Board of
Education. Please complete the photo authorization form and return it to the SAC site with your registration
Movie Permission Slips:
Occasionally, movies may be shown at School Age Care. Please see the site Supervisor for a permission slip.
If a child becomes ill or is injured, school/district policy will be followed. Parents will be required to come to the
SAC site and take the child home. If, in the opinion of the staff, a child needs immediate medical attention, the
following steps will be taken:
1. If deemed necessary by staff:
a. Call 911
b. Child will be taken by emergency vehicle to a hospital upon recommendation of paramedics. If a
child needs to be transported to the hospital by an emergency vehicle, it will be at the parent’s
2. Attempt to contact parent or guardian
3. Attempt to contact parent through persons listed on child’s emergency information form.
Snack and Food:
The SAC Program has made a conscious choice to serve healthy snacks. Each site posts a monthly snack menu,
however, on occasion, we will serve foods that are exceptions to those generally on the menu. Snacks are served in
the mid-afternoon.
If your child is allergic to any foods, please contact the SAC site supervisor at your child’s school immediately.
Children with food allergies will be provided alternative snack food items.
All students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and follow school/district rules while in the SAC
program. Disruption of the program may result in suspension or dismissal from the SAC program. During a one to
five-day suspension, tuition is not refundable.
Children are expected to follow all school/district and SAC program rules by:
o Maintaining a hands-off policy at all times
o Use of appropriate language at all times
o Appropriate dress according to school dress codes
o Respect for all people by maintaining appropriate behavior at all times
o Respect for all property. If equipment or property is destroyed or damaged as a result of
inappropriate behavior, parent may be held responsible for all costs incurred.
o Gum is prohibited.
Following are the progressive discipline guidelines in the event a student does not demonstrate appropriate behavior
or is disruptive to the program:
1. Verbal notification to parent/guardian
2. Written warning
3. One to five-day suspension from the program
4. Suspension for the remainder of the semester and/or school year from the program
One or more steps in the progressive discipline guidelines may be skipped at the discretion of the program site
supervisor and/or coordinator in situations that are considered an emergency or extreme disruptions to the
BUSD Uniform Complaint Procedures:
If parent wishes to appeal a decision made by the SAC site supervisor or principal, appeals shall be made to the
Coordinator of the SAC program at the District Office. If the parent wishes to appeal a decision made by the
Coordinator, the appeal shall be made to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee. Appeals
will be heard and a decision rendered within ten working days.
Bonita Unified shall not discriminate against students/parents, or community on the basis of gender, race, color,
religious creed, ancestry, age, marital/parental status, mental/physical disability, or sexual orientation.
July 2019