March 6, 2008
TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials
FROM: Robert I. Cusick
SUBJECT: Book Deals Involving Government Employees
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) frequently
receives questions about whether an employee may enter into
an agreement with a publishing company to write a book for
compensation. Various provisions of the Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, the
criminal conflict of interest laws, and the rules on
outside earned income apply in such a case. However, the
application of the ethics rules to book deals can be
complex. For example, what the book is about and the
timing and type of compensation may dictate different
results depending on the type of employee seeking to
receive compensation. Because of this complexity, OGE has
decided that it would be useful to issue two separate
summaries on book deals, with each one addressing different
classes of employees.
The first summary (Part I) addresses regular
Government employees and special Government employees. The
second summary (Part II) addresses covered non-career
employees and Presidential appointees to full-time non-
career positions. Each part is a self-contained summary of
how to apply the appropriate ethics rules to the particular
types of employees that are the subject of the summary.
This approach will necessarily generate some degree of
overlap, but the repetition is justified by the added
convenience of having each document contain a comprehensive
analysis for the types of employees covered.
Note: Among other changes to the Standards of
Conduct effective August 15, 2024, OGE restructured
the “compensation” definition in 2635.807(a)(2)(iii).
No substantive changes were made, but this
restructuring has rendered inaccurate some citations
in this document relating to the compensation
definition. See 89 FR 43686 and LA-24-06.
Designated Agency Ethics Officials
Page 2
As you will see, each summary describes six questions
to answer when analyzing a book deal question. Any
comments or questions may be directed to Seth Jaffe,
Attorney-Advisor, at 202-482-9303.
Part I: Regular Employees and SGEs
Part II: Covered Noncareer Employees and Presidential Appointees
Book Deal DAEOgram
Table of Contents
Part I: Regular Employees and SGEs
INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1
I. What Category of Employee is Seeking
Compensation for Writing a Book?............................ 2
A. Regular Employees.................................... 2
B. Special Government Employees......................... 2
II. What is the Book About? .................................... 3
A. Regular Employees and Subject Matter
Prohibitions ........................................ 3
(i) Matters to which a regular employee
is or has been assigned..................... 4
(ii) Ongoing or announced policy, program or
operation of agency......................... 4
B. Special Government Employees and Subject Matter
Prohibitions ........................................ 5
(i) Matters to which an SGE is or has been
assigned.................................... 6
(ii) Ongoing announced policy, program or
operation of agency......................... 6
III. When is the Writing Performed and When is the
Compensation Received?...................................... 7
A. Introduction......................................... 7
................... 9
When does the writing occur?......................... 8
C. When is the compensation received?
TABLE 1: Timing of Writing and Receipt of Compensation.......... 12
TABLE 2: Timing of Contract, Writing and Compensation........... 13
IV. What is the Type of Compensation? ......................... 14
V. Who is Offering the Compensation and Why? ................. 15
VI. What Other Ethics Rules and Considerations
May Apply?................................................. 16
A. Compensation for Writing Related Activities:
What is Considered “Writing?” ...................... 17
B. Supplemental Agency Regulations..................... 18
C. Financial Conflicts of Interest..................... 18
D. Impartiality/Catch-All.............................. 18
E. Supplementation of Salary/Writing as Part of
Official Duties .................................... 19
F. Misuse of Position.................................. 19
(i) Use of Nonpublic Information ............... 20
(ii) Appearance of Governmental Sanction/
Reference to Official Position............. 21
CONCLUSION ....................................................... 21
Overview: Determining Whether a Regular Employee or
an SGE May Receive Compensation for Writing
a Book..................................................... 23
Part I: Regular Employees and SGEs
Part I:
This summary provides a template for analyzing whether regular
employees and special Government employees (SGEs) may accept
compensation for writing a book during Government service. The
primary authority limiting payment to these employees for writing a
book is found in the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of
the Executive Branch (Standards of Conduct) at 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807.
Section 2635.807 prohibits an employee from receiving
compensation for teaching, speaking or writing that is related to
the employee’s official duties. Regular employees are subject to
somewhat broad prohibitions under section 2635.807 while SGEs are
subject to similar, but less restrictive prohibitions. It is
important to note that, although section 2635.807 contains a broad
prohibition against the receipt of compensation for writing that
relates to an employee’s official duties, it does not bar any
employee from writing on any subject. It prohibits only the receipt
of compensation for that activity.
To analyze whether an employee may receive compensation for
writing a book, you should answer the following six questions:
What category of employee is seeking compensation
for writing a book?
What is the book about?
When is the writing performed and when is the
compensation received?
What is the type of payment or compensation?
Who is offering the compensation and why?
What other ethics rules and considerations may
The answers to these questions will help you decide whether the
employee may receive compensation for writing, and whether any
other ethics rules will limit his activities related to the
I. What Category of Employee is Seeking
Compensation for Writing a Book?
When you are analyzing a book deal question, you should always
first consider the type or status of the employee who is writing
the book. There are a number of different ethics rules that apply
to book deals, and how those rules apply may vary depending on the
category of employee involved. Once you have determined the
category in which the employee falls, you can immediately move on
to the remaining five questions.
As noted earlier, this summary addresses how the ethics rules
apply to compensation for writing received by regular employees and
SGEs. The following discussion explains how these two categories
are defined for purposes of this summary. Please keep in mind that
status as an employee is not affected by leave status or, in the
case of an SGE, by the fact that the individual does not perform
official duties on any given day. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(h). Also, the
term “employee” includes officers but not enlisted members of the
uniformed services. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(h).
A. Regular Employees
For the purpose of analyzing book deal compensation issues,
“regular employees” are all executive branch employees who are not
(1) SGEs under 18 U.S.C. § 202(a), (2) covered noncareer employees
under 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a), nor (3) employees appointed by the
President to a full-time noncareer position described under
5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(2). The most typical example of a regular
employee is a full-time career employee who is a GS-15 or below, or
a career member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) or SES-type
B. Special Government Employees
Special Government employees are those executive branch
officers or employees specified in 18 U.S.C. § 202(a). See also
5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(l). In general, an SGE is one who is retained
to work temporarily for the Government for no more than 130 days in
any 365-day period. An SGE might or might not be paid for his work
and he can work either full-time or on an intermittent basis. A
typical example of an SGE employee is an expert in private industry
who is appointed to perform duties as a member of an advisory
commission for a Government agency that meets a few times a year.
Once you have determined that the type of employee seeking
compensation for a book deal is either a regular employee or an
SGE, you must decide which ethics rules and laws apply to him. The
following questions will help you pinpoint the relevant ethics
provisions, and explain how they apply.
II. What is the Book About?
Now that you have decided that the employee in question is a
regular employee or an SGE, the next important question is whether
the subject matter of the book is related to the employee’s
official duties. The answer to this question is vital because
regular employees as well as SGEs are prohibited from receiving
compensation for writing a book that is related to their official
duties. Regular employees as well as SGEs generally will be allowed
to receive compensation if a book is unrelated to their official
Section 2635.807(a) of the Standards of Conduct describes
six ways in which a book may be considered related to a regular
employee’s or SGE’s official duties. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A)-(E)(1),(2) and (4). If the employee’s
writing falls within any one of these six categories, then usually
the employee may not receive compensation for the writing.
The six restrictions can be divided into two main
classifications. First, a book may be related to an employee’s
official duties based on its subject matter. These criteria will
be discussed in this section. Second, the book may be considered
related to an employee’s official duties based on who is providing
the compensation and why. These factors are addressed in Section V
of this summary. In an attempt to strike the proper balance between
ensuring that individuals are not unnecessarily deterred from
Government service, while at the same time promoting the integrity
of public service, the definition of “related to” is moderately
broad for regular employees, and is narrower for SGEs.
A. Regular Employees and Subject Matter Prohibitions
A regular employee generally is prohibited from accepting
compensation for writing a book about matters on which he works, or
about agency policies, programs and operations. 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1) and (2). Specifically, these two subject
matter categories of section 2635.807 state that an employee may
not receive compensation if:
the subject of the activity deals in significant
part with any matter to which the employee
presently is assigned or to which the employee had
been assigned during the previous one-year period,
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1), or
the subject of the activity deals in significant
part with any ongoing or announced policy, program
or operation of the employee's agency.
5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2).
(i) Matters to which a regular employee
is or has been assigned
Because the first provision above applies to any matter to
which the employee is assigned or has been assigned during the past
year, the factual analysis under this category is often
Under this first restriction, for example, a
regular employee at the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) who is assigned to create a research program
related to extraterrestrial intelligence could not receive
compensation for writing a book on NASA’s research program. See
also 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i) (Example 8).
(ii) Ongoing or announced policy, program
or operation of agency
Analysis of this second category is not always so
straightforward. Employees may not receive compensation for writing
about substantive core programs and operations of the agency that
fulfill the agency’s mission.
For the purposes of the Standards of Conduct, agency programs
or operations refer to any program or function carried out or
performed by an agency, whether pursuant to statute, Executive
order, or regulation. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(d).
The term “matter” is virtually all-encompassing with respect
to the work of the Government and covers even the consideration or
the adoption of broad policy options that are directed to the
interests of a large and diverse group of persons. See DAEOgram
“Agency programs or operations” do not include work that
agencies perform that is not related to an agency’s core mission.
Examples of such work include responding to Freedom of Information
Act requests or dealing with personnel disputes. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i) (Example 5). For further guidance concerning
whether or not the subject matter of an employee’s writing is
related to his official duties based upon the subject matter of the
book, see examples 3, 4 & 6 in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i) of the
Standards of Conduct. Also, for additional discussion and analysis
for determining whether a particular topic may be related to an
ongoing or announced policy, program, or operation of the
However, an employee may receive compensation for writings
discussing a general area of expertise that do not inherently
implicate agency programs. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)
(Examples 3 and 4); OGE Informal Advisory Letter 01 x 07. Applying
this general principle, a regular employee who works at NASA may
receive compensation for writing a textbook on the general subject
of aeronautics because the topic of aeronautics is not inherently
an agency program or operation. However, if the book specifically
focuses on NASA’s space shuttle program, the employee could not
accept compensation for writing it because it would deal in
significant part with an ongoing or announced policy, program or
operation of the employee's agency.
In addition, in order for the book to be within the “agency
programs” category of prohibitions, the writing must deal in
significant part with agency policies, programs or operations. See
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i) (Example 2); OGE Informal Advisory
Letter 01 x 07. Therefore, the NASA employee described above could
receive compensation for writing a book on aeronautics containing a
single chapter discussing aspects of the space shuttle program,
provided that the information described is available to the public.
B. Special Government Employees and
Subject Matter Prohibitions
Although most of the restrictions listed in section 2635.807
apply in the same manner to regular employees and SGEs,
prohibitions based upon the subject matter of the book are less
restrictive when applied to SGEs. OGE adopted narrower restrictions
for SGEs because of the concern that highly qualified individuals
in the private sector would be disqualified from serving on
Government boards and panels, particularly on those dealing with
scientific or technical subject matter.
Therefore, an SGE is the
type of employee least likely to be prohibited from receiving
compensation for a book solely because of the subject matter of the
employee’s agency, see OGE Informal Advisory Opinions 01 x 07
(August 10, 2001) and 01 x 10 (November 13, 2001).
See Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch, 57 Fed. Reg. 35,5005, 35,038 (1992).
(i) Matters to which an SGE is
or has been assigned
The section of 2635.807 dealing with SGEs stipulates two ways
in which its application differs from its application to regular
employees. First, SGEs who work more than 60 days during any year
of their appointment are prohibited from accepting compensation for
any writing that deals to a significant degree with the matters
they are working on for the Government during their current
appointment. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(4); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1). This means, for example, that an SGE
could write and receive compensation for a book if the book was
written about a matter to which he was assigned six months ago,
provided he is no longer working on the matter and he is currently
serving under a new appointment.
Second, SGEs who have served, or expect to serve, 60 or fewer
days in each year during their appointment are subject to an even
narrower prohibition. For these SGEs, the subject matter
limitation applies only with respect to particular matters
involving specific parties in which the SGE is personally and
substantially involved. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(4);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1).
Thus, a Commissioner on the
Marine Mammal Commission, who served less, or is expected to serve
less, than 60 days during each year of his appointment, could
accept compensation for writing a book concerning methods to
protect whales from the effects of underwater sonar, a project to
which he is assigned. The Commissioner may receive the
compensation because the particular matter he works on does not
involve specific parties. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)
(Example 7). If, however, the Commissioner served more than
60 days in any one year during his appointment, then he would not
be allowed to receive compensation for writing
this book. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(4); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1).
5 The term “particular matter involving specific parties”
is defined at 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(v) to have the
meaning setforth in 5 C.F.R. § 2637.102(a)(7) and more
specifically at5 C.F.R. §2637.201(c). See also DAEOgram
+Matter,"+and+"Matter" (definition focuses primarily on
specific parties). The term "personal and substantial”
participation is defined at 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(vi) to
have the meaning set forth in 5 C.F.R. 2635.402(b)(4)
(ii) Ongoing announced policy, program
or operation of agency
Special Government employees are not subject to the
prohibition on compensation for writing that deals in significant
part with any ongoing or announced policy, program or operation of
the employee’s agency. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(4). In other words, an SGE
generally may receive compensation for writing that deals in
significant part with an ongoing or announced policy, program or
operation of his agency provided he is not assigned to the matter.
For example, an SGE working for the National Science Foundation
(NSF) may accept compensation for writing a book about an
NSF program to study beach erosion, if the employee is not assigned
to work on the matter during his current appointment. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i) (Example 8).
Once you have analyzed the subject matter of the proposed
book, you will have to decide whether the employee is barred from
receiving compensation because the subject matter is related to his
duties, as described above. If you conclude that the subject
matter falls within one of the categories described in
section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E), the employee may be barred from
receiving compensation, depending on when he writes the book and
the form of compensation he receives, as discussed in Sections III
and IV. If the subject matter of the book is not related to his
duties under section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E), he may be able to
receive compensation, depending on the answers to the questions in
Section V. And in any event, an employee must always adhere to the
requirements in Section VI, whether he receives compensation or
III. When is the Writing Performed and
When is the Compensation Received?
A. Introduction
You must analyze the timing of the writing and the receipt of
compensation under section 2635.807 if you have determined that an
employee’s writing is related to his official duties. If a regular
employee writes a book unrelated to his official duties, the timing
of the writing and receipt of compensation will not change your
decision that the employee may accept compensation. In contrast, if
the same employee writes a book related to his official duties
before, during or after Government service, the timing of the
writing could affect whether he may accept the compensation.
Timing issues can make the analyses of book deals particularly
difficult. The combination of when the writing occurs and when the
compensation is paid will dictate different conclusions about
whether the compensation is permissible. The most common scenario
where section 2635.807 applies is when a regular employee or an SGE
writes the book and receives the compensation during Government
service. However, permutations in the timing of the writing and
the payment of the compensation do occur, and must be analyzed
There are a couple rules of thumb that can help make the
timing issues a little less complex.
First, ethics rules do not restrict receipt of
compensation unless the writing occurs during Government
service; and
Second, while ethics rules generally only restrict
receipt of compensation during Government service, in
certain cases payments made before or after Government
service for writing that occurs during Government
service also may be restricted.
This section of the summary outlines the application of these
rules. The section also contains two tables that provide a summary
of how the possible combinations of the timing of the writing and
receipt of compensation affect whether compensation is barred under
section 2635.807.
B. When does the writing occur?
Section 2635.807 applies to an individual while he serves as a
Government employee. Therefore, each provision contained in
section 2635.807 restricts compensation only for writing that
occurs while an individual is in Government service. If the
writing is done either before or after Government service, none of
these provisions will apply.
For example, none of the provisions in section 2635.807 will
bar a regular employee or an SGE who writes a book before entering
Government from receiving compensation for the book while he is an
Similarly, a former regular employee or an SGE, after
leaving Government service, may enter into an agreement with a
publisher and receive compensation for writing a book, even if the
book is about his Government service.
Some writing that occurs during Government service will not
implicate the rules because no compensation is received for the
writing. For example, a regular employee or an SGE who writes a
book on any topic solely on speculation (i.e. with no agreement to
publish the book) during Government service will not violate any of
provisions in section 2635.807. This is because the employee has
not received, or even agreed to receive, compensation for his
writing. Similarly, an employee who keeps a diary or notes or other
similar materials for use in writing a book after his Government
service has terminated will not violate any of the provisions in
section 2635.807, provided he does not, during Government service,
receive compensation or have an agreement to receive compensation.
C. When is the compensation received?
Generally, section 2635.807 will not apply to a regular
employee or an SGE unless the compensation is received during
Government service. As described above, for example, an employee
who writes a book on speculation during Government service will not
violate any of the provisions if he enters into an agreement after
Government service to publish the book.
Nevertheless, there are several situations where
section 2635.807 will apply even if compensation is paid before or
after Government service.
First, an employee cannot simply defer the receipt of payment
for a book written while an employee, to a time after he terminates
Government service. When an employee signs a contract to receive a
future payment or receives other consideration for a book written
An employee may receive compensation, such as an advance and
royalties, for a book completed prior to entering Government
service even if the book is about his agency’s programs. However,
there may be limitations on the promotional activities he could
undertake while an employee. See section VI infra.
See Section VI, infra, for a discussion of the rules
relating to diaries and notes kept during Government service.
while an employee, he has “received” compensation while a
Government employee.
Second, a regular employee or an SGE who has received
compensation, prior to entering the Government, for writing a book
during Government service, may not be able to write the book while
an employee. In this case, the employee would still “receive” the
compensation while he is an employee because receiving the
compensation is contingent on undertaking the writing during
Government service. This situation sometimes occurs when an
individual has entered a book contract and then subsequently begins
a Government position before he has written the book. Similarly,
the issue may arise when an employee has published a book prior to
entering the Government on a topic that is “related to” his
Government duties and then is asked by the publisher to update or
edit the book while he is serving in the Government.
To comply
with the applicable rules, a regular employee or an SGE in these
situations would have to defer the actual writing or editing until
after he terminates Government service.
Third, an employee who enters a contract to write a book
during Government service and defers payment for the book until
Government service is terminated, still would be subject to the
restrictions on compensation if he keeps a diary, notes or other
similar materials upon which the book will be based. In such a
case, the employee’s receipt of compensation for the book would
also be, in part, for writing the preparatory materials generated
during Government service.
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iv) describes the term “receive” to
mean that there is actual or constructive receipt of the
compensation so that the employee can exercise dominion and control
over the compensation and direct its subsequent use. In addition,
section 2636.303(c) specifically states that compensation “is
received while an individual is an employee if it is for conduct by
him that occurs while an employee, even though actual payment may
be deferred until after Federal employment has terminated.” OGE
interprets this definition of “receive” to apply equally to
section 2635.807.
See Section VI, infra, for a further discussion of the rules
related to editing and proofreading.
Finally, a regular employee or an SGE cannot circumvent the
restrictions in section 2635.807 by having the compensation paid to
another person, including a charitable organization. In such
cases, the compensation is still considered to have been “received”
by the employee.
5 C.F.R § 2635.807(a)(2)(iv) states that an employee
“receives” compensation if it is paid (1) to another person,
including a charitable organization, on the basis of designation,
recommendation, or other specification by the employee, or (2) with
the employee’s knowledge and acquiescence to his parent, sibling,
spouse, child or dependent relative.
TABLE 1: Timing of Writing and Receipt of Compensation
If the writing occurs: And if the
compensation is
Then, under the Standards of Conduct § 2635.807 :
Before Gov’t
Before Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
Before Gov’t
During Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
Before Gov’t
After Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
During Gov’t Service Before Gov’t
1. Com
ensation barred if “related to official duties”
2. Com
pensation perm
itted if not “related to official duties”
During Gov’t Service During Gov’t Service
1. Compensation barred if “related to official duties”
2. Compensation perm
itted if not “related to official duties”
During Gov’t Service After Gov’t Service**
1. Com
ensation barred if “related to official duties”
2. Com
pensation perm
itted if not “related to official duties”
After Gov’t Service Before Gov’t
pensation permitted
After Gov’t Service During Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
After Gov’t Service After Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
Section 2635.807 applies to a book advance made prior to Government employment, if the paym
ent is for a book
to be written during Governm
ent employment. Because the payment is conditioned on the subsequent performance
of work after Government appointment, the receipt is not completed prior to employment.
** Section 2635.807 does not apply, however, if the employee writes the book “on speculation,” without any
agreement to receive compensation for the writing that occurs during Government service. (See
discussion in
Section III B, supra.)
TABLE 2: Timing of Contract, Writing and Compensation
If the employee signs the
The writing AND
compensation occur:
Then, under the Standards of Conduct § 2635.807 :
Before Gov’t Service After Gov’t Service
Compensation permitted
During Gov’t Service
After Gov’t Service***
Compensation permitted
*** Section 2635.807 applies, however, if a book is based on a diary or notes kept while in Government service, if
the keeping of the diary or taking of the notes are done pursuant to an agreement to receive compensation for these
services. (See
discussion in Section VI A, infra.)
IV. What is the Type of Compensation?
For book deals, the two most common types of payment are
(1) royalties--a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of each
book paid to the author from the publisher, and (2) an advance--an
up front cash payment from the publisher to the author that is
earned back through future sales.
Both royalties and an advance
qualify as “compensation.”
For example, neither a regular employee
nor an SGE employed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) may
receive a cash advance or royalties as compensation for writing a
book during Government service that is related to his official
Because the definition of compensation, for a regular employee
and an SGE, does not include “travel expenses, consisting of
transportation, lodgings or meals, incurred in connection with the
. . . writing activity,” 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(D),
Distinctions between an advance and royalties are generally
relevant to the rules for employees appointed by the President to a
full-time noncareer position and covered noncareer employees. Such
distinctions are not relevant for regular employees and SGEs. See
the following OGE Informal Advisory Opinions: 82 x 18 (December 3,
1982), 83 x 4 (March 25, 1983), 89 x 17 (September 26, 1989), and
95 x 9 (July 21, 1995).
Under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii), “compensation includes
any form of consideration, remuneration or income, including
royalties, given for or in connection with the employee’s . . .
writing activities.”
As noted in Section II of this summary, if a book is
unrelated to his official duties, a regular employee as well as an
SGE will generally be allowed to receive compensation under
section 2635.807, regardless of the type of compensation offered.
See Sanjour v. EPA, 7 F. Supp. 2d. 14 (D.D.C. 1998), on
remand from, Sanjour v. United States 56 F. 3d 85 (D.C. Cir. 1995).
(Holding portion of 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a) unconstitutional that
prohibits employees “who work below the grade level of the senior
executive service” from accepting travel expenses in connection
with “teaching, speaking, or writing [that] relates to . . .
official duties . . .”); OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 98 x 19
(November 25, 1998) and 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(D)
(interpreting Sanjour to mean that the enforcement of the ban on
travel expenses may only continue against senior executive branch
officials who are covered noncareer employees).
of these employees may be allowed to accept certain payments
related to speaking engagements about his book. The employee may
receive the compensation even if the book is related to his
official duties.
For instance, either NIH employee could accept travel expenses
provided by a publisher for a book reading or presentation, whether
the book was a mystery novel or a discussion of his NIH research.
However, because this “travel expense” exclusion from the
definition of compensation is narrow, other types of compensation
such as a speaker’s fee, may not be accepted if the book is related
to the employees’ duties. See 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(b); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(D)(Example 1).
V. Who is Offering the Compensation and Why?
If, after answering the four previous questions, you have
determined that an employee’s receipt of compensation for writing
is not prohibited, you should then consider the next questions: Who
is offering the compensation and why? The analysis of these
questions will be the same for regular employees and SGEs.
A regular employee or an SGE is prohibited from receiving
compensation for writing if he is asked to write a book, (1) by
someone who will be substantially affected by the performance of
his duties or (2) if the offer is extended primarily because of his
official position rather than his expertise in the subject of the
The first provision deals with the possibility that the public
may question the integrity of a Government official who is being
compensated for writing a book, based upon who made the offer.
Normally the source of the offer to publish a book will be a
publishing company, and the duties of most Government employees
will not substantially affect a book publisher. Sometimes, however,
this restriction may be relevant. For instance, an ethics official
may need to consider section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C) if a regular
Specifically, section 2635.807 states that an employee may
not receive compensation if, (1) the invitation or offer of
compensation was extended by a person or entity who may be
substantially affected by the performance of the employee's
official duties; 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C), or (2) the
circumstances indicate that the invitation to write the book was
extended to the employee primarily because of his official
position, rather than his expertise in the subject; 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B).
employee at the National Institutes of Health signs a book deal
with a publishing company that publishes a medical journal and, as
part of his job, reviews articles for publication in the same
The second provision deals with the possibility that the
integrity of a Government official writing a book may be questioned
based upon why the offer to write the book was made. It will often
be difficult to determine the various motives behind an offer to a
Government employee to write a book. In fact, it is almost always
possible that a Government employee is extended an offer to write a
book, at least in part, because of his official position.
Normally, a publishing company will offer a book deal to a
Government employee who has a high level of expertise in or
knowledge about, a particular subject matter. Occasionally, a
publishing company may ask an employee to write a book about a
hobby or demonstrated interest of the employee. Generally, these
situations will satisfy the requirements of
section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B), because the book deal is offered
primarily as the result of the employee’s expertise or knowledge of
a topic through personal experience, and not primarily because of
his official position. If you are presented with a situation where
an employee is asked to write a book on a topic about which he has
no apparent knowledge or expertise, you should consult with OGE.
If after answering the previous questions you have determined
that an employee is not barred from receiving compensation for the
writing, you must still consider other ethics rules that may apply.
These further considerations, outlined in the following section,
are necessary because employees must always adhere to these
additional requirements, some of which are not found in
section 2635.807.
VI. What Other Ethics Rules and Considerations May Apply?
Once you have finished analyzing whether a particular employee
may receive compensation for writing a book, you will still need to
address a variety of miscellaneous issues, as described below. If
you conclude that the employee may not receive compensation after
answering the previous questions, most of the following
considerations will be moot because the employee will probably
abandon his efforts to write during Government service. However,
if you have decided that the employee is not precluded from
receiving compensation, or if an employee decides to proceed with
the writing without compensation, the following considerations will
have to be addressed. Except for 18 U.S.C. § 209 concerning the
supplementation of salary, from which SGEs are exempt, these
restrictions apply in a similar manner to regular employees and
A. Compensation for Writing Related Activities: What is
Considered “Writing?”
Employees may want to engage in a variety of activities
associated with writing a book, apart from the original drafting of
the written text. For example, an employee may edit or proofread a
book, or may keep diaries or notes during Government service
intended for a later writing. You will need to analyze when these
activities are, or are not, considered “writing” for which
compensation is barred under section 2635.807.
OGE has drawn a distinction between substantive writing and
editing that qualify as writing, versus proofreading and copy
editing which do not. Any activity, such as substantive editing or
writing that changes or modifies the content of a written product
or publication, is considered writing under the rule. Proofreading
and copy editing such as changing formatting, or correcting
spelling, grammar and punctuation generally do not change the
meaning of the content of a writing or publication and therefore do
not qualify as writing under section 2635.807.
Because updating or modifying the content of a book, such as a
textbook, is considered writing, a regular employee or an SGE may
not receive compensation under section 2635.807 for the update
performed during Government service if the book is related to his
official duties. Similarly, keeping diaries or notes during
Government service to be used later as a basis for a book is
considered “writing.” Compensation for those activities performed
during Government service is prohibited under section 2635.807, if
the diaries or notes are related to an employee’s official duties.
For example, a regular employee may not receive compensation
if he enters into an agreement either before or during his
Government service to write a book for compensation based upon a
diary of his participation in agency meetings. He may not accept
the compensation even if his agreement calls for the payment to be
made after he leaves the Government.
Compensation for non-substantive proofreading and formatting
is permissible while in Government service, because such activities
are not considered “writing.” However, if an employee requests
permission to make any types of changes to a book that is related
to his official duties, you should consult with OGE about how to
advise the employee.
B. Supplemental Agency Regulations
Many agencies have supplemental regulations that require
employees to obtain prior approval to engage in certain outside
activities, including writing. Some of these agencies’ supplemental
regulations may contain other provisions related to writing.
Therefore, you should consult your agency’s supplemental
regulations before advising an employee whether he may receive
compensation for writing a book.
C. Financial Conflicts of Interest
Under 18 U.S.C. § 208, an employee, including an SGE, who
receives royalties for a published book may not participate
personally and substantially in a particular matter that would
directly and predictably affect the sales of his book. In addition,
if an employee who has a contract with a publisher participates
personally and substantially in a particular matter that would
directly and predictably affect the publisher’s ability and
willingness to pay what it promised under the contract, his
participation poses a conflict of interest under 18 U.S.C. § 208.
D. Impartiality/Catch-All
Once an employee enters into a book deal that complies with
all other ethics provisions, the employee will have to recuse from
Government matters involving his book publisher in order to avoid
the appearance of loss of impartiality. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502(a). An
employee should not participate in a matter involving specific
parties when someone with whom the employee has a “covered
relationship” is a party to the matter, or represents a party to
the matter, if a reasonable person would question his impartiality
in the matter. In general, an employee who enters into a book
publishing contract will be considered to have a “covered
relationship” with that publisher under 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.502(b)(1)(i).
Under this standard, for example, it is very
likely that a reasonable person would question the impartiality of
a regular employee or an SGE who participates in an agency decision
to use his outside publisher as the publisher of official agency
An employee’s book publisher will qualify as a “covered
relationship” under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502(b)(1)(i) because the
publisher is “A person . . . with whom the employee has or seeks a
business, contractual or other financial relationship that involves
other than a routine consumer transaction.”
E. Supplementation of Salary/Writing as
Part of Official Duties
Unlike the prohibitions previously addressed in this summary,
18 U.S.C. § 209 does not contain prohibitions on receipt of
compensation for personal writing; it restricts compensation for
official writing. This criminal conflict of interest provision
prohibits a regular employee, but not an SGE, from receiving a
supplementation of his Federal salary as compensation for
performing official duties from any source other than the United
Therefore, if a regular employee at the Internal Revenue
Service as part of his official duties writes a manual instructing
citizens how to fill out their tax returns, he may not accept any
payment--whether a fee, an advance, or royalties--from a non-
Government source in connection with publication of that book.
Not only does 18 U.S.C. § 209 prohibit a regular employee from
accepting compensation for writing he did as part of his official
duties, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A) of the Standards of Conduct
also prohibits such conduct.
Although SGEs are exempt from
18 U.S.C. § 209, section 2635.807 of the Standards of Conduct does
apply to SGEs. Therefore, if a regular employee or an SGE writes a
series of speeches for his supervisor, neither employee may receive
compensation for writing a book consisting of a compilation of the
speeches. See OGE Informal Advisory Letter 95 x 09 (July 21, 1995).
F. Misuse of Position
Subpart G of the Standards of Conduct prohibits an employee,
including an SGE, from misusing his official position.
Specifically, this subpart prohibits:
the use of public office for private gain,
the use of official time, including a subordinate’s
SGEs are completely exempt from this prohibition, while
regular employees are subject to the prohibition unless they serve
the Government without compensation. See 18 U.S.C. § 209(c).
Section 2635.807 incorporates the same prohibition on
supplementation of salary contained in 18 U.S.C. § 209 by including
in the definition of “related to official duties,” those
“activit[ies] undertaken as part of the employee’s official
duties,” 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A).
time, to perform non-official duties,
the use of Government property for unauthorized
purposes, and
the use of nonpublic information to further a
private interest. See 5 C.F.R. §§ 2635.702 - 705.
These limitations apply even when an employee may otherwise
receive compensation for writing a book unrelated to his official
duties. For example, an employee may not write a book while on
official duty. Likewise, he may not ask his subordinate to perform
tasks on official time, such as typing or editing, in connection
with this non-Government activity. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(b). Nor
may an employee otherwise use Government equipment or supplies for
work in connection with a personal writing project. 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.704.
(i) Use of Nonpublic Information
The Standards of Conduct contain two provisions relating to
the use of nonpublic information
in connection with writing.
First, section 2635.703 prohibits the use of nonpublic information
by an employee to further his own private interest or that of
another. This prohibition applies regardless of whether
compensation is received.
Second, section 2635.807 prohibits an employee from receiving
compensation for a writing that is drawn substantially from
nonpublic information or ideas. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D).
This provision prohibits only the receipt of compensation, but it
applies when the information conveyed through the writing is
nonpublic information.
For the purpose of writing a book, “nonpublic information”
referred to in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D), is defined at
5 C.F.R. § 2635.703(b). Nonpublic information is information that
an employee gains by reason of Federal employment and knows or
should know has not been made available to the general public. It
includes information that: (1) is exempt from disclosure by
statute, Executive order or regulation, (2) is designated as
confidential by an agency, or (3) has not been disseminated to the
general public and is not authorized to be made available to the
public upon request.
(ii) Appearance of Governmental Sanction/Reference
to Official Position
In addition to the prohibitions discussed above, an employee,
including an SGE, may not use or permit the use of his title or
position in a manner suggesting that the Government sanctions or
endorses his outside writing. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702(b); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(b). There is an exception, however, permitting an
employee to include a reference to his title or position in
connection with non-Government writing as one of several
biographical details if that reference is not given more prominence
than other significant biographical details. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(b)(1). Thus, an employee may not use only his name and
official title on the cover of a book, the book jacket, the title
page or other promotional materials for the book because the
reference to his official position would not be included with other
biographical details.
The limits on promotional materials mentioned immediately
above also apply to promotional activities such as appearances on
various media outlets or on promotional book tours.
For instance,
a regular employee at the Department of Education who wrote a book
prior to his Government service may not be introduced during book
signings or on TV or radio only by his name and official position.
See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b). Such an introduction or reference does
not include the other biographical details required under the rule.
Once you have analyzed all of the six questions outlined in
this summary you should be able to advise a regular employee or an
SGE who asks you whether he may receive compensation for his
writing. You should also be able to confidently advise the
employee concerning whether any other ethics rules will limit his
activities related to the writing.
The outline at the end of this summary contains the
six questions discussed in the summary as well as a list of the
citations to the various ethics rules applicable to answering these
Sometimes a publishing company may ask a Government official
to participate in promotional book tours in connection with a book
written prior to Government service. These tours can pose
additional concerns about use of public office for private gain.
You should consult with OGE before authorizing the participation of
high ranking officials in such tours.
questions. It is a one-page overview you can use as another tool in
analyzing book deal questions when making a determination whether
or not a regular employee or an SGE may receive compensation for
writing a book.
Overview: Determining Whether a Regular Employee or an SGE
May Receive Compensation for Writing a Book
I. Employee Category: Regular or SGE
Not an SGE, CNC or PA employee
SGE: 18 U.S.C. § 202(a)
II. § 807 – “Related To Official Duties”
What is the Book About? / Subject Matter Prohibitions
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1) & (2)
(E)(1) Matter in which employee assigned within previous year
(E)(2) Concerning any ongoing or announced policy, program or operation
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(4)
(E)(1) Applies to SGEs differently from Regular – See
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1)
(E)(2) Does not apply to SGEs
III. Timing of the Work / Receipt of the Compensation
Regular & SGE
: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii) & (iv) – Receipt of compensation is usually
attributable to the time the writing occurs, unless written solely on speculation during
Government service.
Possibilities: Before, during or after Government service
IV: Type of the Compensation
Regular & SGE: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii) – All forms of consideration except travel
Possibilities: Advance
Other Com
ensation or Consideration
V. § 807 – “Related To Official Duties”
Who is Offering the Compensation and Why?
Regular & SGE
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B) Invitation extended primarily because of official position
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C) Invitation extended by person affected by employee’s duties
VI. Other Considerations
Compensation for Writing Related Activities; Supplemental Agency Regulations; 18 U.S.C.
§ 208 (Financial Conflicts); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502 (Covered Relationship - Publisher); 18 U.S.C. §
209 (Supplementation of Salary – SGEs Exempt); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A) (Writing as
Part of Official Duty); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 (Public Office for Private Gain); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.703
(Use of Nonpublic Information); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D) (Draws Substantially on
nonpublic information); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.704 (Use of Government Property); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.705 (Use of Official Time); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b) (Reference to Official Position);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.802 (Conflicting Outside Employment & Activities)
Book Deal DAEOgram
Table of Contents
Part II: Covered Noncareer Employees and Presidential Appointees
I. What Category of Employee is Seeking
Compensation for Writing a Book?.......................................................................2
A. Covered Noncareer (CNC) Employees....................................................3
B. Presidential Appointees (PA) to a Full-Time
Noncareer Position.......................................................................................4
C. Distinguishing Between CNC and PA Employees............................5
II. What is the Book About?..............................................................................................5
A. General subject matter area, industry, or
economic sector primarily affected by
the programs and operations of agency .........................................6
B. Matters to which a CNC or PA employee
is or has been assigned...........................................................................7
C. Ongoing announced policy, program or
operation of agency.....................................................................................7
III. When is the Writing Performed and When is the
Compensation Received?...............................................................................................9
A. Introduction......................................................................................................9
B. When does the writing occur?..............................................................10
C. When is the compensation received?...............................................11
D. How to Calculate the 15% Limitation.............................................12
Table 1: Timing of Writing and Receipt of Compensation........................15
Table 2: Timing of Contract, Writing and Compensation..........................16
IV. What is the Type of Compensation?....................................................................17
A. Royalties vs. Advance Payments.........................................................17
B. How to Apply the Distinction Between Royalties and
V. Who is Offering the Compensation and Why?.................................................19
VI. What Other Ethics Rules and Considerations May Apply?....................20
A. Compensation for Writing Related Activities..........................21
(i) Editing Proofreading, & Diaries: What is
Considered "Writing?” ...............................................................21
(ii) Travel Expenses & Speaking Fees.......................................22
B. Supplemental Agency Regulations......................................................23
C. Financial Conflicts of Interest......................................................24
D. Impartiality/Catch-All............................................................................24
E. Supplementation of Salary/Writing as Part of
Official Duties............................................................................................24
F. Misuse of Position......................................................................................25
(i) Use of Nonpublic Information............................................25
(ii) Appearance of Governmental Sanction/
Reference to Official Position .......................................26
a PA Employee May Receive Compensation for Writing
a Book.......................................................................................................................28
Overview: Determining Whether a CNC employee or
Part II: Covered Noncareer and
Presidential Appointees
This summary provides a template for analyzing whether covered
noncareer (CNC) employees and Presidential appointees to full-time
noncareer positions (PA) may accept compensation for writing a book
during Government service. Analyzing this question can be unusually
complex because a number of different, but similar, rules apply to
these employees.
Three primary rules may come into play.
First, the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch (Standards of Conduct) limit payment to these
employees depending on the subject matter of the book, who would
make the payment, or why the payment would be made. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807.
Second, both CNC and PA employees are subject to a ban on
receiving, in a calendar year, outside earned income that exceeds
15% of the annual rate of basic pay for level II of the Executive
Schedule. See 5 U.S.C. app. § 501(a)(1) (15% limitation).
Finally, PA employees may not receive any earned income for
activities performed during Government service. See Executive
Order 12674, section 102 (outside earned income ban). For all
practical purposes, this broad outside earned income ban completely
subsumes the 15% limitation described above, as applied to
PA employees.
It is important to remember that these three provisions may
apply in the alternative in a particular case. For example, even if
a PA employee’s writing satisfies the requirements of
section 2635.807 and the 15% limitation, he still would not be
allowed to receive compensation if acceptance would violate the
outside earned income ban.
For example, the term “compensation” is defined differently
in the applicable rules. In one of the rules, book royalties are
treated as compensation; in the other two rules, royalties are
excluded from the definition of compensation. These distinctions
will be discussed further in this summary.
To help analyze whether an employee may receive compensation
for writing a book, an ethics official should answer the following
six questions:
What category of employee is seeking compensation
for writing a book?
What is the book about?
When is the writing performed and when is the
compensation received?
What is the type of payment or compensation?
Who is offering the compensation and why?
What other ethics rules and considerations may
The answers to these questions will help you decide whether
accepting the compensation is permissible, and whether any other
ethics rules will limit the employee’s activities related to the
I. What Category of Employee is Seeking
Compensation for Writing a Book?
When you are analyzing a book deal question, you should always
first consider the type or status of the employee who is writing
the book. There are a number of different ethics rules that apply
to book deals, and how those rules apply may vary based on the
category of employee involved. Once you have determined the
category in which the employee falls, you can immediately move on
to the remaining five questions.
As noted earlier, this summary addresses how the ethics rules
apply to compensation for writing received by covered noncareer
employees and Presidential appointees to full-time noncareer
positions. The following discussion explains how to identify
whether an employee falls into one of these categories. Please
keep in mind that status as an employee is not affected by leave
status. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(h).
Also, an employee includes officers but not enlisted members
of the uniformed services. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(h).
A. Covered Noncareer (CNC) Employees
There are several ways in which an employee may qualify as a
CNC employee under 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a).
Generally, there are
three primary points to remember about a CNC employee:
a CNC’s appointment must be one of several types of
noncareer appointments. 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a)(1)-
(4). Typically, when a position is identified as
“noncareer” it refers to a political appointment
where the appointee can be removed at the will of
the appointing official(s);
a CNC employee must be in a position that meets
certain grade and pay requirements. CNCs must be in
a position classified above GS-15 in the General
Schedule or, for positions not under the General
Schedule, in a position for which the rate of basic
pay is at least 120 percent of the minimum rate of
basic pay payable for GS-15 of the General
5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a); see 5 U.S.C. app.
§§ 501(a), 502(a); and
a special Government employee cannot be a
CNC employee. 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a); see 5 U.S.C.
app. § 505(2) (excluding SGEs from the class of
covered employees).
Under this definition, an employee whose position is
classified at GS-15 or lower, including one appointed to a
Schedule C position pursuant to 5 C.F.R. § 213.3301, can never be a
CNC employee. For example, a GS-15 Schedule C employee who makes
$116,500 a year fails to meet the threshold to qualify as a
CNC employee because his position is not classified above GS-15.
Therefore, although the Schedule C employee is a noncareer
employee, he is not “covered noncareer” under this definition.
5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a) contains a comprehensive definition
of “covered noncareer employee,” as well as a brief list of
exclusions from the definition.
For calendar year 2008 the minimum rate of basic pay payable
for GS-15 is $95,390 and 120 percent of this basic rate of pay is
Typical examples of CNC employees are full-time employees who are
noncareer members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) or most
Presidential appointees subject to Senate confirmation.
B. Presidential Appointees (PA) to a Full-Time Noncareer
Generally, a PA employee means any employee who is appointed
by the President to a full-time position. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.804(c)(2), implementing section 102 of Executive
Order 12674.
There are three primary points to remember about a
PA employee:
the employee must be appointed by the President;
the employee must be a full-time employee to be
covered. Therefore, special Government employees
and other employees who work more than SGEs but
less than full-time are not PAs subject to this
rule. See OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 05 x 07
(November 1, 2005); and
the employee must not be excluded from coverage.
(e.g. Presidential appointees in the White House
whose basic rate of pay is below GS-9 are
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether an
employee is a CNC employee, a PA employee, or both. For example,
it may be difficult to determine whether an employee is a
CNC employee when he has been appointed under an agency-specific
statute. According to 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a)(3), an employee will
be a CNC employee if, after meeting the other non-appointment
criteria, he is appointed “under an agency-specific statute that
establishes appointment criteria essentially the same as those set
forth in [5 C.F.R.] section 213.3301 . . . for Schedule C
appointments.” For additional discussion and analysis on
determining whether an agency-specific appointment authority
qualifies a position as a CNC position under 5 C.F.R.
§ 2636.303(a)(3), see OGE Informal Advisory Letters; 05 x 02(2)
(April 18, 2005); 05 x 07 (November 1, 2005); and OGE Informal
Advisory Opinion 04 x 10 (July 20, 2004).
5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(2)contains a comprehensive definition
of a Presidential appointee to a full-time noncareer position as
well as a brief list of exclusions from the definition.
A typical example of a PA employee is the Director of the Office of
Government Ethics whose position is classified as level III of the
Executive Schedule pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 5314.
C. Distinguishing Between CNC and PA Employees
An employee can be both a CNC and a PA employee at the same
Once you have determined that an employee is a PA employee,
even if he is also a CNC employee, the stricter complete ban on
outside earned income always applies, superseding the
15% limitation on outside earned income applicable to
CNC employees.
For instance, the Deputy General Counsel for the Department of
Defense qualifies as both a CNC employee and a PA employee because
he is appointed by the President to a position classified as
level V of the Executive Schedule pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 5316.
This appointment satisfies the requirement in 5 C.F.R.
§ 2636.303(a)(1) for a CNC employee as well as requirements under
5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(2) for a PA employee. Because this employee
is subject to the outside earned income ban, no analysis under the
15% limitation is necessary.
In contrast, once you have determined that an employee holds a
CNC position you cannot assume that employee will also be a
PA employee because many CNC employees are not appointed by the
President. For example, a Deputy General Counsel appointed to his
position by the General Counsel of an agency as a noncareer member
of the Senior Executive Service is a CNC, but not a PA employee.
His appointment satisfies the required elements in 5 C.F.R.
§ 2636.303 (assuming he meets the minimum pay threshold), but his
appointment does not satisfy 5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(2) because he
is not appointed by the President.
II. What is the Book About?
Once you have decided that the employee in question is a
CNC employee, a PA employee, or both, the next important question
is whether the subject matter of the book is related to the
employee’s official duties. Both CNC and PA employees are
prohibited from receiving compensation for writing a book that is
related to their official duties. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807.
A PA employee usually also is a CNC employee unless he fails
to meet the minimum salary requirement for a CNC employee.
CNC and PA employees generally are prohibited from accepting
compensation for writing a book that deals in significant part with
any of the following three subject matter categories:
the subject deals in significant part with the
general subject matter area, industry, or economic
sector primarily affected by the programs and
operations of the employee’s agency. 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(3); or
the subject deals in significant part with any
matter to which the employee presently is assigned
or to which the employee had been assigned during
the previous one-year period, 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1); or
the subject deals in significant part with any
ongoing or announced policy, program or operation
of the employee’s agency.
5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2).
Under section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2), an employee is not
prohibited from receiving compensation for writing a book that only
incidentally discusses his agency’s programs. For example, a
CNC employee who works at NASA may receive compensation for writing
a book on the subject of engineering advances in modes of
transportation containing a single chapter discussing NASA’s space
shuttle program, provided that the information described is
available to the public. This type of book does not deal in
significant part with NASA’s space shuttle program.
A. General subject matter area, industry, or economic
sector primarily affected by the programs and
operations of agency
This provision of section 2635.807 is very broad and more
restrictive than the other provisions cited above. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(3). For example, a CNC employee of the
For the purposes of the Standards of Conduct, agency programs
or operations refer to any program or function carried out or
performed by an agency, whether pursuant to statute, Executive
order, or regulation. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.102(d).
National Labor Relations Board who is subject to this provision may
not write a book and receive compensation if the book concerns, in
significant part, the general topic of the United States labor
movement. The receipt of compensation is impermissible because the
topic concerns the general subject matter area primarily affected
by the employee’s agency. As a result, this employee will be
prohibited from receiving compensation for this book, even though
the writing does not specifically involve operations, policies or
programs of his agency. For a further discussion and analysis of
whether receipt of compensation is prohibited based on the topic of
the writing under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(3), see
OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 85 x 18 (October 28, 1985) and
OGE Informal Advisory Letter 89 x 17 (September 26, 1989).
B. Matters to which a CNC or PA employee is or has been
The second provision above applies to any matter to which the
employee is assigned or has been assigned during the past year.
This prohibition also applies to high ranking CNC and PA employees
who are responsible for making their own assignments.
Under this
second restriction, for example, an employee of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) who is assigned to
create a research program related to extraterrestrial intelligence
could not receive compensation for writing a book on NASA’s
research program. See also 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)
(Example 8).
C. Ongoing announced policy, program or operation of agency
An employee may receive compensation for writings discussing a
general area of expertise that do not inherently implicate agency
programs. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2) (Examples 3 and
4); OGE Informal Advisory Letter 01 x 07 (August 10, 2001).
The term “matter” is virtually all-encompassing with respect
to the work of the Government and covers even the consideration or
the adoption of broad policy options that are directed to the
interests of a large and diverse group of persons. See DAEOgram
See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.402(c)(1)(stating that an employee
responsible for making his own assignments must take the necessary
steps to ensure that he does not participate in matters from which
he is disqualified).
Applying this general principle, a CNC employee who works at the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may receive compensation
for writing an economics textbook, under this subsection, because
the topic of economics is not an agency program or operation.
However, if the book specifically focuses on the SEC’s regulatory
scheme for registered mutual funds, the employee could not accept
compensation for writing it because it would deal in significant
part with an ongoing or announced policy, program or operation of
the employee's agency.
For further guidance concerning whether or not the subject
matter of an employee’s writing is related to his official duties
based upon the subject matter of the book, see examples 3, 4 & 6 in
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i) of the Standards of Conduct. Also, for
additional discussion and analysis regarding whether a particular
topic may be related in significant part to an ongoing or announced
policy, program or operation of the employee’s agency, see 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(2) (Example 2); OGE Informal Advisory
Opinions 01 x 07 (August 10, 2001) and 01 x 10 (November 13, 2001).
As described above, you will have to decide whether the
employee is barred from receiving compensation for the book because
the subject matter is related to his official duties. If you
conclude that the subject matter falls within one of the categories
described in section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1)-(3) the employee may
be barred from receiving compensation, depending on when the book
This CNC employee at the SEC may also receive compensation
for this textbook under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(3)
(prohibiting a CNC employee from receiving compensation for writing
that deals in significant part with the general subject matter
area, industry, or economic sector primarily affected by his
agency). The employee may receive the compensation under this
provision because the academic field of economics does not qualify
as the general subject matter of the SEC.
“Agency programs or operations” include substantive core
programs and operations that fulfill an agency’s mission. The term
does not include work that all agencies perform that is not related
to an agency’s core mission. Examples of such work include
fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests or dealing with
personnel disputes. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i) (Example 5).
is written and published, and the form of compensation
he would
receive. And in any event, even if the employee decides to proceed
with writing the book without any compensation, you will still need
to address the considerations discussed in Section VI.
III. When is the Writing Performed and
When is the Compensation Received?
A. Introduction
Timing issues make the analyses of book deals particularly
difficult. The combination of when the writing occurs and when the
compensation is paid will dictate different conclusions about
whether the compensation is permissible. The most common scenario
where section 2635.807, the 15% limitation, and the outside earned
income ban apply is when a PA or CNC employee writes the book and
receives the compensation during Government service. However,
permutations in the timing of the writing and the payment of the
compensation do occur, and must be analyzed accordingly.
There are several rules of thumb that can help make the timing
issues a little less complex.
First, ethics rules do not restrict receipt of
compensation unless the writing occurs during Government
Second, while ethics rules generally only restrict
receipt of compensation during Government service, in
certain cases payments made before or after Government
service for writing that occurs during Government service
also may be restricted; and
Finally, where receipt of compensation is permitted, you
still must make a special calculation under the
15% earned income limitation to determine how much
compensation can be received in any one calendar year.
Because the definition of “compensation” as it applies to
the outside earned income ban and the 15% limitation specifically
excludes royalties, it will still be necessary to do an analysis
under section 2635.807 when a CNC or PA employee has a contract to
write a book that includes the receipt of royalties. 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.804(c)(1). A further discussion of the distinct treatment
of advances and royalties is contained in section IV of this
This section discusses these rules of thumb for each of the
three applicable ethics provisions (i.e. section 2635.807, the
15% limitation, the outside earned income ban). The section also
contains two tables that provide a summary of how the possible
combinations of the timing of the writing and the receipt of
compensation affect whether compensation is permitted under the
three applicable provisions.
B. When does the writing occur?
Section 2635.807, the 15% limitation, and the outside earned
income ban apply to an individual while he serves as a Government
employee. Therefore, each provision restricts compensation only
for writing that occurs while an individual is in Government
service. If the writing is done either before or after Government
service, none of these provisions will apply.
For example, none of the provisions will bar a PA or
CNC employee who writes a book before entering Government from
receiving compensation for the book while he is an employee.
Similarly, a former PA or CNC employee, after leaving Government
service, may enter into an agreement with a publisher and receive
compensation for writing a book, even if the book is about his
Government service.
Some writing that occurs during Government service will not
implicate the rules because no compensation is received for the
writing. For example, a PA or CNC employee who writes a book on
any topic solely on speculation (i.e. with no agreement to publish
the book) during Government service will not violate any of the
three provisions. This is because the employee has not received,
or even agreed to receive, compensation for his writing.
Similarly, an employee who keeps a diary or notes or other similar
materials for use in writing a book after his Government service
has terminated will not violate any of the three provisions,
provided he does not, during Government service, receive
compensation or have an agreement to receive compensation.
An employee may receive compensation, such as royalties,
for a book completed prior to entering Government service even if
the book is about his agency’s programs. However, there may be
limitations on the promotional activities he could undertake while
an employee. See Section VI infra.
See Section VI, infra, for a discussion of the rules
relating to diaries and notes kept during Government service.
C. When is the compensation received?
Generally, section 2635.807, the 15% limitation, and the
outside earned income ban will not apply to a PA or a CNC employee
unless the compensation is received during Government service. As
described above, for example, an employee who writes a book on
speculation during Government service will not violate any of the
three provisions if he enters an agreement after Government service
to publish the book.
Nevertheless, there are several situations where the
three rules will apply even if compensation is paid before or after
Government service.
First, an employee cannot simply defer the receipt of payment
for a book written while an employee, to a time after he terminates
Government service. When an employee signs a contract to receive a
future payment or receives other consideration for a book written
while an employee, he has “received” compensation while a
Government employee.
Second, a PA or CNC employee who has received compensation,
prior to entering the Government, for writing a book during
Government service, may not be able to write the book while an
employee. In this case, the employee would still “receive” the
compensation while he is an employee because receiving the
compensation is contingent on undertaking the writing during
Government service. This situation sometimes occurs when an
individual has entered a book contract and then is selected for a
Government position before he has written the book. Similarly, the
issue may arise when an employee has published a book prior to
entering the Government on a topic that is “related to” his
Government duties or to agency programs, and then is asked by the
publisher to update or edit the book while he is serving in the
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iv) and 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(c)
both describe the term “receive” to mean that there is actual or
constructive receipt of the compensation so that the employee can
exercise dominion and control over the compensation and direct its
subsequent use. In addition, section 2636.303(c) specifically
states that compensation “is received while an individual is an
employee if it is for conduct by him that occurs while an employee,
even though actual payment may be deferred until after Federal
employment has terminated.” OGE interprets this definition of
“receive” to apply equally to section 2635.807.
To comply with the applicable rules, a PA or
CNC employee in these situations would have to defer the actual
writing or editing until after he terminates Government service.
Third, an employee who enters a contract to write a book
during Government service and defers payment for the book until
Government service is terminated, still would be subject to the
restrictions on compensation if he keeps a diary, notes or other
similar materials upon which the book will be based. In such a
case, the employee’s receipt of compensation for the book would
also be, in part, for writing the preparatory materials generated
during Government service.
Finally, a PA or CNC employee cannot circumvent the
restrictions of section 2635.807, the 15% limitation, and the
outside earned income ban by having the compensation paid to
another person, including a charitable organization. In such
cases, the compensation is still considered to have been “received”
by the employee.
D. How to Calculate the 15% Limitation
A CNC employee may not, in any calendar year, have outside
earned income attributable to that year which exceeds 15% of the
annual rate of basic pay for Level II of the Executive Schedule.
5 U.S.C. app. § 501(a)(1). Regardless of when the compensation is
actually paid, a CNC employee may not receive income in excess of
the 15% limitation for services provided in a calendar year.
See Section VI, infra, for a further discussion of the rules
related to editing and proofreading.
Both 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iv) and 5 C.F.R.
§ 2636.303(c) state that an employee “receives” compensation if it
is paid (1) to another person on the basis of designation,
recommendation, or other specification by the employee, or (2) with
the employee’s knowledge and acquiescence to his parent, sibling,
spouse, child or dependent relative.
As of January 1, 2008, the rate of basic pay for Level II of
the Executive Schedule was $172,200. Fifteen percent of that
amount is $25,830.
The 15% limitation is determined on a pro rata basis for an
individual who becomes a CNC employee during a given calendar year.
See 5 C.F.R. § 2636.304(b). In other words, a CNC employee may not
receive more than 15% of the annual rate of basic pay for Level II
of the Executive Schedule in effect on January 1 of the calendar
For example, a CNC employee who signs a contract to write a
book in 2008 that calls for a $60,000 cash advance and 5% of the
royalties from books sold, would be allowed to keep the royalties
(regardless of the amount) because royalties are not considered
“earned income.” However, the CNC employee would be able to accept
only $25,830 of the advance because he is limited to receiving
15% of Level II of the Executive Schedule for writing in that
calendar year.
On the other hand, if the book contract makes clear that an
advance is for writing that will occur in stages over more than one
calendar year, a CNC employee may be able to accept a larger
advance. For example, suppose a CNC employee entered a book deal
to receive a $60,000 advance payable in three installments (i.e.
when the first draft of the manuscript was submitted; when the
second draft was submitted; and when the final product was
published), he could not receive two installments of $20,000 (for a
total of $40,000) for two drafts completed in a single calendar
year, because the two installments exceed the 15% limitation. Nor
could he simply defer payment of the amount of the installments
that exceeds the 15% limitation to the next calendar year. The
15% limitation applies to compensation attributable to the year in
which the services were provided. However, in this scenario, the
CNC employee could write the first draft in Year 1 and receive
$20,000; write the second draft in Year 2 and receive another
$20,000; and complete the book in Year 3 and receive the final
$20,000 installment.
year he becomes a CNC employee, divided by 365 days and multiplied
by the number of days in which he serves as a CNC employee.
The 15% limitation applies to the aggregate of all outside
earned income attributable to a calendar year and not just to
income earned for writing. Therefore, an employee may only accept
the full $25,830 for writing attributable to a calendar year in
which he has not received any other earned income attributable to
that year.
One final important thing to remember about the 15% limitation
is that most PA employees cannot receive any outside earned income
during Government service, so the rules on how to apportion
payments received for writing will not apply to them. In addition,
a CNC employee who writes on a topic “related” to his duties as
defined in section 2635.807, may not receive any earned income or
compensation for the writing. Therefore, these rules on how to
apportion payments for writing will apply to a CNC employee only if
the writing is not related to his duties.
Table 1: Timing of Writing and Receipt of Compensation
If the writing
And if the
is received:
Then, under the Standards
of Conduct § 2635.807 :
PA & CNC Employees
Then, under the
Outside Earned
Income Ban:
PA Employees
Then, under the
15% Outside
Earned Income
CNC Employees
Before Gov’t
Before Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
Before Gov’t
During Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
Before Gov’t
After Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
During Gov’t
Before Gov’t
1. Compensation barred if
“related to official duties”
2. Compensation permitted if
not “related to official duties”
1. Advance barred
2. Royalties
1. Advance counts
toward limit
2. Royalties do not
count toward limit
During Gov’t
During Gov’t
1. Compensation barred if
“related to official duties”
2. Compensation permitted if
not “related to official duties”
1. Advance barred
2. Royalties
1. Advance counts
toward limit
2. Royalties do not
count toward limit
During Gov’t
After Gov’t
1. Compensation barred if
“related to official duties”
2. Compensation permitted if
not “related to official duties”
1. Advance barred
2. Royalties
1. Advance counts
toward limit
2. Royalties do not
count toward limit
After Gov’t
Before Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
After Gov’t
During Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
After Gov’t
After Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
* The rules restricting receipt of compensation by Government employees for writing do apply to a book advance made
prior to Government employment, if the payment is for a book to be written during Government employment. This is the
case because the payment is conditioned on the performance of work during Government service.
** The rules do not apply, however, if the employee writes the book “on speculation”. (See
discussion in section III B,
Table 2: Timing of Contract, Writing and Compensation
If the
signs the
The writing
Then, under the Standards
of Conduct § 2635.807 :
PA & CNC Employees
Then, under the
Outside Earned
Income Ban:
PA Employees
Then, under the
15% Outside
Earned Income
CNC Employees
Before Gov’t
After Gov’t
Compensation permitted
doesn’t count
toward limit
During Gov’t
After Gov’t
Compensation permitted Compensation
doesn’t count
toward limit
*** A book based on a diary or notes kept while in Government service, however, is considered writing during
Government service if the keeping of the diary or taking of the notes are done pursuant to an agreement to receive
compensation for these services. (See
discussion in section VI A, infra.)
IV. What is the Type of Compensation?
A. Royalties vs. Advance Payments
For book deals, the two most common types of payment are
(1) royalties--a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of each
book paid to the author from the publisher, and (2) an advance--an
up front cash payment from the publisher to the author that is
earned back through future sales.
Determining whether the employee will receive royalties and/or
an advance for writing a book is important because royalties and
advances from book deals are not treated the same under all ethics
rules for CNC and PA employees. Under section 2635.807 of the
Standards of Conduct both royalties and advances are treated as
However, under the 15% limitation and the outside
earned income ban, only advances are considered “compensation” and
“earned income”. Royalties are not considered “compensation” nor
“earned income” under the 15% limitation or the outside earned
income ban.
This distinction between royalties and an advance for the
15% limitation and the outside earned income ban is based on the
concept that royalties are not “earned” income. More specifically,
an employee with a royalty interest in a manuscript is deemed to
retain a mere property right in the residual income stream, making
it more akin to investment income than to earned income. Therefore,
the income an author receives from book royalties does not fall
within the concept of “earned income.”
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(“compensation includes any
form of consideration, remuneration or income, including royalties,
given for or in connection with the employee’s . . . writing
Specifically, outside earned income and compensation under
the 15% limitation and the outside earned income ban mean wages,
salaries, honoraria, commissions, professional fees and any other
form of compensation for services other than salary, benefits and
allowances paid by the United States Government. These terms do not
include, among other things, copyright royalties and their
functional equivalent. See 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(b)(5); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.804(c)(1).
See OGE Informal Advisory Opinions 82 x 18 (December 3,
1982), 83 x 4 (March 25, 1983), 89 x 17 (September 26, 1989), and
95 x 9 (July 21, 1995).
B. How to Apply the Distinction Between Royalties and Advances
The following examples illustrate how the distinction between
advances and royalties affects the results in particular cases.
Because royalties and advance payments are both considered
compensation under section 2635.807, neither a CNC employee nor a
PA employee at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) may receive
a cash advance or royalties as compensation for writing a book
during Government service that is related to his official duties.
However, because book royalties are excluded from the definition of
“earned income,” a CNC employee as well as a PA employee may
receive an unlimited amount of royalties for a book written during
Government service, provided that the writing is not related to his
official duties and all other ethics requirements have been
In contrast, because an advance is considered “earned income,”
a PA employee may not accept any advance for writing a book during
his Presidential appointment. For example, the General Counsel for
the Department of Veterans Affairs, a PA employee appointed under
5 C.F.R. § 5315, may receive all royalties generated from a book
written during his appointment concerning global warming. The book
is not related to his official duties, and the royalties are not
“earned income.” He cannot, however, accept any advance for writing
the book during his Presidential appointment because the advance is
“earned income.” A CNC employee may receive an advance worth up to
15% of the basic rate of pay for level II of the Executive Schedule
in any calendar year to which the outside earned income from that
book is attributable.
Depending on the terms of the contract, a CNC employee might
be able to accept advances greater than the 15% limitation when an
amount smaller than the 15% limit is attributable to any one
calendar year. For instance, if a CNC employee in the Department of
Education writes a diet book during Government service, he may
accept all of the advance payments if the contract calls for a
$20,000 advance due upon signing the contract in 2008 and a $20,000
advance payment in 2009 when the manuscript is completed. Because
the payments are tied to bona fide events called for in the
contract and these terms fall within the normal practice of the
publishing industry for this type of book, the payments are
“received” in the respective years in which they are paid and when
the writing occurs. However, if this employee receives a one time
$40,000 advance in 2008 for the diet book that is not explicitly
tied to bona fide benchmarks in the contract, the advance is
attributable to 2008. Therefore, under the 15% limitation, the
employee may only receive up to $25,830 (i.e. 15% of the rate of
basic pay for an EL-II in 2008) of the $40,000 advance.
As mentioned above, the 15% limitation and the outside earned
income ban also apply to agreements between a publisher and an
employee to pay the employee in the future for writing that occurs
during his Government appointment. See OGE Informal Advisory
Opinion 82 x 18 (December 3, 1982). As an example, the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) at the Department of Health and Human
Services is a PA employee who writes a book about collecting
baseball cards. He cannot receive a $20,000 payment after his
Presidential appointment, if it was previously agreed that the
publishing company would pay for writing that took place during his
Presidential appointment (The CFO is able to receive an unlimited
amount of royalties since the topic is not “related” to his
duties). Finally, he will be unable to direct an advance of $20,000
to the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame for writing that will
occur during his Government appointment.
V. Who is Offering the Compensation and Why?
If, after answering the four previous questions, you have
determined that an employee’s receipt of compensation for writing
is not prohibited, you should then consider the next questions: Who
is offering the compensation and why? The analysis of these
questions will be the same for CNC and PA employees.
A CNC or a PA employee is prohibited from receiving
compensation for writing (including royalties) if he is asked to
write a book, (1) by someone who will be substantially affected by
the performance of his duties or (2) if the offer is extended
primarily because of his official position rather than his
expertise in the subject of the book.
The 15% limitation and the ban apply, respectively, to both
a CNC employee and a PA employee who “receives” an advance by
directing that the payment for his book be made to a third party.
5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(c); See, OGE Informal Advisory Letter 89 x 17
(September 26, 1989).
Specifically, section 2635.807 states that an employee may
not receive compensation if, (1) the invitation or offer of
compensation was extended by a person or entity who may be
substantially affected by the performance of the employee's
official duties; 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C), or (2) the
circumstances indicate that the invitation to write the book was
extended to the employee primarily because of his official
position, rather than his expertise in the subject; 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B).
The first provision deals with the possibility that the public
may question the integrity of a Government official who is being
compensated for writing a book, based upon who made the offer.
Normally the source of the offer to publish a book will be a
publishing company, and the duties of most Government employees
will not substantially affect a book publisher. Sometimes, however,
this restriction may be relevant. For instance, an ethics official
may need to consider section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C), if an employee
at the National Institutes of Health signs a book deal with a
publishing company that publishes a medical journal and, as part
of his job, reviews articles for publication in the same journal.
The second provision deals with the possibility that the
integrity of a Government official writing a book may be questioned
based upon why the offer to write the book was made. It will often
be difficult to determine the various motives behind an offer to a
Government employee to write a book. In fact, it is almost always
possible that a Government employee is extended an offer to write a
book, at least in part, because of his official position. This can
be true especially for CNC and PA employees who may have a higher
profile than other Government employees.
Normally, a publishing company will offer a book deal to a
Government employee who has a high level of expertise in, or
knowledge about, a particular subject matter. Occasionally, a
publishing company may ask an employee to write a book about a
hobby or demonstrated interest of the employee. Generally, these
situations will satisfy the requirements of
section 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B), because the book deal is offered
primarily as the result of the employee’s expertise or knowledge of
a topic through personal experience, and not primarily because of
his official position. If you are presented with a situation where
an employee is asked to write a book on a topic about which he has
no apparent knowledge or expertise, you should consult with OGE.
If after answering the previous questions you have determined
that an employee is not barred from receiving compensation for the
writing, you must still consider other ethics rules that may apply.
These further considerations, outlined in the following section,
are necessary because employees must always adhere to these
additional requirements, some of which are not found in section
2635.807, the 15% limitation, or the outside earned income ban.
VI. What Other Ethics Rules and Considerations May Apply?
Once you have finished analyzing whether a particular employee
may receive compensation for writing a book, you will still need to
address a variety of miscellaneous issues, as described below. If
you conclude that the employee may not receive compensation after
answering the previous questions, most of the following
considerations will be moot because the employee will probably
abandon his efforts to write during Government service. However,
if you have decided that the employee is not precluded from
receiving compensation, or if an employee decides to proceed with
the writing without compensation, the following considerations will
have to be addressed. Unless otherwise indicated, these
restrictions apply in a similar manner to CNC and PA employees.
A. Compensation for Writing Related Activities
Employees may want to engage in a variety of activities
associated with writing a book, apart from the original drafting of
the written text. For example, an employee may edit or proofread a
book, may keep diaries or notes during Government service intended
for a later writing, or may have an opportunity to travel or speak
to promote book sales.
The first section of the following discussion explains when
these activities are, or are not, considered “writing” for which
compensation is barred under section 2635.807. However, even when
compensation is permitted under section 2635.807, a CNC or
PA employee’s receipt of payment for these activities must also be
analyzed to determine whether the payment may be accepted under the
15% limitation or the outside earned income ban.
(i) Editing, Proofreading, & Diaries: What is Considered
OGE has drawn a distinction between substantive writing and
editing that qualify as writing, versus proofreading and copy
editing which do not. Any activity, such as substantive editing or
writing that changes or modifies the content of a written product
or publication is considered writing under the rule. Proofreading
and copy editing such as changing formatting, correcting spelling,
grammar and punctuation generally do not change the meaning of the
content of a writing or publication and therefore do not qualify as
writing under section 2635.807.
Because updating or modifying the content of a book, such as a
textbook, is considered writing, a CNC or a PA employee may not
receive compensation under section 2635.807 for the update
performed during Government service if the book is related to his
official duties. Similarly, keeping diaries or notes during
Government service to be used later as a basis for a book is
considered “writing”. Compensation for those activities performed
during Government service is prohibited under section 2635.807, if
the diaries or notes are related to an employee’s official duties.
For example, a CNC employee may not accept compensation from a
publishing company, after Government service, for a book based on a
diary of his participation in agency meetings if the employee
entered into an agreement either before or during his Government
service to write a book for compensation based on the diary.
In contrast to section 2635.807, the 15% limitation limits the
amount of outside earned income an employee may receive, while the
ban prohibits receipt of all outside earned income for any activity
performed during Government service including non-substantive
proofreading. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(a); 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(b).
For example, a CNC employee at the Securities and Exchange
Commission who wishes to provide non-substantive proofreading and
formatting services on a book he had previously written may
receive, in any calendar year, only up to 15% of the annual rate of
basic pay for an EL-II for these services. In addition, the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, a PA employee, may not receive
any compensation for proofreading and formatting activities during
his Presidential appointment because he is subject to the complete
ban on outside earned income.
(ii) Travel Expenses & Speaking Fees
The definition of compensation for CNC employees and most
PA employees under section 2635.807 does include, “travel expenses,
consisting of transportation, lodgings or meals, incurred in
connection with the . . . writing activity,” 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(D).
Therefore, a CNC or a PA employee is not
See Sanjour v. EPA, 7 F. Supp. 2d. 14 (D.D.C. 1998), on
remand from, Sanjour v. United States 56 F. 3d 85 (D.C. Cir. 1995).
(Holding portion of 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a) unconstitutional that
prohibits employees “who work below the grade level of the senior
executive service” from accepting travel expenses in connection
with “teaching, speaking, or writing [that] relates to . . .
official duties . . .”); OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 98 x 19
(November 25, 1998) and 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii)(D)
(interpreting Sanjour to mean that the enforcement of the ban on
travel expenses may only continue against senior executive branch
officials who are CNC employees). Some PA employees in the
White House appointed by the President do not meet the pay or
position threshold to qualify as CNC employees. See 5 C.F.R.
§ 2636.303(a); 5 C.F.R. § 804(c)(2). Therefore, the definition of
compensation under section 2635.807, as applied to these employees,
does not include travel expenses.
allowed to accept travel expenses for speaking engagements
promoting a book related to his official duties. In contrast, both
the 15% limitation and the outside earned income ban exempt travel,
meals and lodging expenses from the definition of “compensation.”
As a result, both a CNC as well as a PA employee may accept travel,
meals and lodging expenses incurred as actual and necessary
expenses in connection with promoting a book unrelated to his
official duties. Therefore, the ban does not prohibit a PA employee
at the Department of the Interior, who writes a book about
collecting baseball cards, from accepting payment of travel
expenses from the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame for a speaking
engagement promoting his book.
A CNC employee may only accept up to 15% of the annual rate of
basic pay for an EL-II for other types of compensation, such as a
speaker’s fee, in connection with a book reading or presentation
promoting a book regardless of whether the book is related to his
official duties. A speaker’s fee clearly constitutes compensation.
In contrast, a PA employee may not accept any compensation, such as
a speaker’s fee, in connection with these same activities
regardless of whether the book is related to his official duties.
Accordingly, the PA employee from the Department of the Interior
described above cannot accept a speaker’s fee from the Hall of Fame
for his presentation promoting the book.
B. Supplemental Agency Regulations
Many agencies have supplemental regulations that require
employees to obtain prior approval to engage in certain outside
activities including writing. Some of these agencies’ supplemental
regulations may contain other provisions related to writing.
Therefore, you should consult your agency’s supplemental
regulations before advising an employee whether he may receive
compensation for writing a book.
See 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(b)(6)(exempting from the definition
of “outside earned income,” actual and necessary expenses paid or
reimbursed by another person in connection with the outside
activity.)(Example 2)
See 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(b); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)
(iii)(D)(Example 2).
C. Financial Conflicts of Interest
Under 18 U.S.C. § 208, an employee who receives royalties for
a published book may not participate personally and substantially
in a particular matter that would directly and predictably affect
the sales of his book. In addition, if an employee who has a
contract with a publisher participates personally and substantially
in a particular matter that would directly and predictably affect
the publisher’s ability and willingness to pay what it promised
under the contract, the employee’s participation poses a conflict
of interest under 18 U.S.C. § 208.
D. Impartiality/Catch-All
Once an employee enters into a book deal that complies with
all other ethics provisions, the employee will have to recuse from
Government matters involving his book publisher in order to avoid
the appearance of loss of impartiality. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502(a). An
employee should not participate in a matter involving specific
parties when someone with whom the employee has a “covered
relationship” is a party to the matter, or represents a party to
the matter, if a reasonable person would question his impartiality
in the matter. In general, an employee who enters into a book
publishing contract will be considered to have a “covered
relationship” with that publisher under 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.502(b)(1)(i).
Under this standard, for example, it is very
likely that a reasonable person would question the impartiality of
a PA or CNC employee who participates in an agency decision to use
his outside publisher as the publisher of official agency reports.
E. Supplementation of Salary/Writing as
Part of Official Duties
Unlike the prohibitions previously addressed in this summary,
18 U.S.C. § 209 does not contain prohibitions on receipt of
compensation for personal writing; it restricts compensation for
official writing. This criminal conflict of interest provision
prohibits a CNC or PA employee from receiving a supplementation of
his Federal salary as compensation for performing official duties
from any source other than the United States. Therefore, if a
An employee’s book publisher will qualify as a “covered
relationship” under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502(b)(1)(i) because the
publisher is “A person . . . with whom the employee has orseeks a
business or contractual or other financial relationship that
involves other than a routine consumer transaction.”
CNC employee at the Internal Revenue Service, as part of his
official duties, writes a manual instructing citizens how to fill
out their tax returns, he may not accept any payment--whether a
fee, an advance, or royalties--from a non-Government source in
connection with publication of that book.
Not only does 18 U.S.C. § 209 prohibit a CNC or PA employee
from accepting compensation for writing done as part of his
official duties, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A) of the Standards
of Conduct also prohibits such conduct.
Therefore, under both
provisions, a CNC or PA employee who writes a series of speeches,
as part of his official duties, may not receive compensation for
publishing a book consisting of a compilation of the speeches. See
OGE Informal Advisory Letter 95 x 09 (July 21, 1995).
F. Misuse of Position
Subpart G of the Standards of Conduct prohibits an employee
from misusing his official position. Specifically, this subpart
the use of public office for private gain,
the use of official time, including a subordinate’s
time, to perform non-official duties,
the use of Government property for unauthorized
purposes, and
the use of nonpublic information to further a
private interest. See 5 C.F.R. §§ 2635.702 - 705.
These limitations apply even when an employee may otherwise
receive compensation for writing a book unrelated to his official
duties. For example, an employee may not write a book while on
official duty. Likewise, he may not ask his subordinate to perform
tasks on official time, such as typing or editing, in connection
with this non-Government activity. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(b). Nor
may an employee otherwise use Government equipment or supplies for
work in connection with a personal writing project. 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.704.
(i) Use of Nonpublic Information
Section 2635.807 incorporates the same prohibition on
supplementation of salary contained in 18 U.S.C. § 209 by including
in the definition of “related to official duties,” those
“activit[ies] undertaken as part of the employee’s official
duties,” 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A).
The Standards of Conduct contain two provisions relating to
the use of nonpublic information
in connection with writing.
First, section 2635.703 prohibits the use of nonpublic information
by an employee to further his own private interest or that of
another. This prohibition applies regardless of whether
compensation is received.
Second, section 2635.807 prohibits an employee from receiving
compensation for a writing that is drawn substantially from
nonpublic information or ideas. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D).
This provision prohibits only the receipt of compensation, but it
applies when the information conveyed through the writing is
nonpublic information.
(ii) Appearance of Governmental
Sanction/Reference to Official Position
In addition to the prohibitions discussed above, an employee
may not use or permit the use of his title or position in a manner
suggesting that the Government sanctions or endorses his outside
writing. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702(b); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b).
There is an exception, however, that permits an employee to include
a reference to his title or position in connection with non-
Government writing as one of several biographical details if that
reference is not given more prominence than other significant
biographical details. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b)(1). Thus, an
employee may not use only his name and official title on the cover
of a book, the book jacket, the title page or other promotional
materials for the book because the reference to his official
position would not be included with other biographical details.
The limits on use of official title and position also apply to
promotional activities such as appearances on various media outlets
or on promotional book tours.
For instance, a CNC employee at the
For the purpose of writing a book, “nonpublic information”
referred to in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D), is defined at
5 C.F.R. § 2635.703(b). Nonpublic information is information that
an employee gains by reason of Federal employment and knows or
should know has not been made available to the general public. It
includes information that: (1) is exempt from disclosure by
statute, Executive order or regulation, (2) is designated as
confidential by an agency, or (3) has not been disseminated to the
general public and is not authorized to be made available to the
public upon request.
Sometimes a publishing company may ask a high-ranking
Government official to participate in promotional book tours in
Department of Education who wrote a novel prior to his Government
service may not be introduced during a book signing or on TV or
radio as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Educational Affairs.
See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b). Such an introduction does not include
the other biographical details required under the rule.
Once you have analyzed all of the six questions outlined in
this summary you should be able to advise a CNC employee or a
PA employee who asks you whether he may receive compensation for
his writing. You should also be able to confidently advise the
employee concerning whether any other ethics rules will limit his
activities related to the writing.
The outline at the end of the summary contains the
six questions discussed in the summary as well as a list of the
citations to the various ethics rules applicable to answering these
questions. It is a one page overview you can use as another tool
in analyzing book deal questions when making a determination
whether or not a CNC or PA employee may receive compensation for
writing a book.
connection with a book written prior to Government service. These
tours can pose additional concerns about use of public office for
private gain. You should consult with OGE before authorizing the
participation of high ranking officials in such tours.
Overview: Determining Whether a CNC employee or a PA Employee
May Receive Compensation for Writing a Book
I. Employee Category: CNC or PA
: 5 C.F.R. § 2636.303(a)
PA: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(2)
II . § 807 – “Related To Official Duties” What is the Book About? / Subject Matter Prohibitions
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(E)(1) & (2)
(E)(1) Matter in which employee assigned within previous year
(E)(2) Concerning any ongoing or announced policy, program or operation
CNC Only
(E)(3) General subject matter area, industry, or economic sector
III. When is the Writing Performed and Compensation Received?
: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii) & (iv) - Standards of Conduct
CNC Only: 5 C.F.R. § 2626.303(b) & (c); § 2636.304(d) – 15% Limitation
PA Only: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(a) & § 2626.303(b) – Outside Earned Income Ban
– Under all these provisions receipt of compensation is usually attributable to the time the writing occurs, unless written solely
on speculation during Government service
IV: What is the Type of the Compensation?
: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(iii) – (Standards of Conduct)- All forms of consideration
CNC & PA: 5 C.F.R. § 2635.804(c)(1) & 5 C.F.R. § 2626.303(b) – (15% Outside Earned
Income Limitation and the Outside Earned Income Ban) - Most forms of
consideration except royalties and actual and necessary travel expenses
Types of Compensation
: Advance; Royalties; Travel Expenses; Speakers Fee,
Honoraria & Other Com
ensation or Consideration
V. Who is Offering the Compensation and Why?
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(B)
5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(C)
Invitation extended primarily because of official position
Invitation extended by person affected by employee’s duties
VI. Other Considerations
Compensation for Writing Related Activities; Supplemental Agency Regulations; 18 U.S.C. § 208 (Financial Conflicts);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.502 (Covered Relationship - Publisher); 18 U.S.C. § 209 (Supplementation of Salary); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(A) (Writing as Part of Official Duty); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 (Public Office for Private Gain); 5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.703 (Use of Nonpublic Information); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(2)(i)(D) (Draws Substantially on nonpublic information);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.704 (Use of Government Property); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705 (Use of Official Time); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b)
(Reference to Official Position); 5 C.F.R. § 2635.802 (Conflicting Outside Employment & Activities)