Insurers Monitor Shocks to Collateral:
Micro Evidence from Mortgage-backed Securities
Thiemo Fetzer
University of Warwick and Bonn & CEPR
Benjamin Guin
Bank of England
Felipe Netto
Bank of England
Farzad Saidi
University of Bonn & CEPR
August 30, 2024
This paper uncovers if and how insurance companies react to shocks to collateral in
their portfolio of securitized assets. We address this question in the context of commercial
real estate cash flow shocks, which are informationally opaque to holders of commercial
mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). Using detailed micro data, we show that cash flow
shocks during the COVID-19 pandemic predict CRE mortgage delinquency, especially
those stemming from lease expiration of oces, reflecting lower demand for these prop-
erties. Insurers react to such cash flow shocks by selling more exposed CMBS—mirrored
by a surge in small banks holding CMBS—and the composition of their CMBS portfolio
aects their trading behavior in other assets. Our results indicate that institutional in-
vestors actively monitor underlying asset risk, and even gain an informational advantage
over some banks.
JEL codes: G20, G21, G22, G23
Keywords: Insurance Sector, Risk Management, Mortgage Default, Commercial Real Es-
tate, CMBS, Work-from-home
We thank David Glancy, Thorsten Martin, Ralf Meisenzahl and Lakshmi Naaraayanan, as well as seminar
participants at Queen Mary University of London, University of Leicester, the 2024 BEAR Conference at the
Bank of England, and the 2024 Conference on Regulating Financial Markets at Frankfurt School of Finance
& Management for helpful comments. Saidi acknowledges funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy (EXC 2126/1 390838866) and
through CRC TR 224 (Project C03). Fetzer acknowledges funding by the Leverhulme Prize in Economics, a
European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC, MEGEO, 101042703), and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, EXC 2126/1 – 390838866). The paper represents the authors’ personal opinions and not necessarily the
views of the Bank of England.
1. Introduction
Growing risks in mortgage-backed securities, along with perceived failure by intermediaries
to perform due diligence and risk management, are considered some of the main causes of
the Global Financial Crisis (Chen et al., 2020). For commercial mortgage-backed securities
(CMBS), such risks arise due to the uncertainty about cash flows generated by the underlying
mortgages. Yet, monitoring these cash flows is particularly challenging in CMBS as these
securities often contain several underlying assets and complex structures (Ghent, Torous and
Valkanov, 2019). By studying how investors react to salient shocks to (expected) cash flows,
we can infer whether they monitor such risks in complex assets.
In this paper, we exploit cash flow shocks during the COVID-19 pandemic that vary by the
type of property serving as mortgage collateral. Retail properties faced shocks due to lock-
downs, leading immediately to significantly lower revenue. By contrast, the shift to hybrid
work arrangements reduced demand for oce spaces, thereby aecting their current and ex-
pected revenue and value (Gupta, Mittal and Nieuwerburgh, 2023). This poses additional
challenges to CMBS investors’ monitoring eorts. Moreover, the extent to which investors
dier in their due diligence and risk-bearing capabilities also determines how commercial
real estate (CRE) risks associated with lower oce demand are shared across intermediaries.
Specifically, we explore how insurers—one of the largest investor groups in mortgage-
backed securities—react to increases in CRE mortgage risks induced by cash flow shocks both
during COVID-19 and in its wake. To this end, we exploit rich data on mortgages included
in CMBS deals, containing detailed loan and property characteristics, as well as information
about the lease contracts between borrowers and their core tenants. Lease expiration has a
strong positive eect on CRE loan default for oces, especially following the COVID-19 pan-
demic, when demand for oce real estate dwindled as a result of hybrid work arrangements.
We present evidence in line with the view that insurers monitor collateral characteristics such
as property type and lease expiration dates, and reduce their holdings of CMBS exposed to
these risks after the onset of the pandemic. Moreover, the composition of insurers’ CMBS
portfolio has implications for how these investors react to salient risks in the remainder of
their asset portfolio. Finally, we document how the reduction in CMBS holdings by insurers
is accompanied by a significant increase in the holdings of private-label CMBS in particular
by small banks.
We start out by discussing the link between borrower cash flows obtained from rental in-
come and mortgage delinquency, and how this information would influence CMBS investors’
behavior depending on monitoring. Since the value of a commercial property equals the
present discounted value of the cash flows that can be obtained from renting such property,
changes in cash ows and changes in property value are intimately connected. Lower de-
mand for CRE would aect delinquencies through their eect on cash flows obtained from
renting out properties, and risks to these cash flows are more likely to materialize once a ten-
ant agreement ends. Importantly, if lease agreement information is monitored by investors,
then these investors would be more likely to sell CMBS with a larger share of mortgages
linked to leases expiring when faced with unexpected shocks to collateral demand. More-
over, this monitoring eort could make investors less reactive to risks in other assets if their
capacity to monitor such risks is limited.
To test the relationships between information about CRE cash flow risks, loan delinquency,
and institutional investors’ trading behavior, we use comprehensive monthly panel data on
CMBS deals, bonds and loans against CRE, along with detailed information on the asset
portfolios of U.S. insurance companies. The mortgage data enable us to observe the default
status of each loan while also capturing relevant information about the underlying proper-
ties, including their location and designated use. The dataset also contains rental contract
characteristics such as lease expiration dates and tenant occupancy share for certain types
of properties. Following our discussion, we posit that changes in rental cash flows are more
common when tenant lease contracts expire, since elevated early termination fees can incen-
tivize tenants to retain their lease until it expires.
The lease expiration timing generates
a negative cash flow shock for borrowers if they need time to find a new tenant or if they
cannot renew the lease at a similar rent. Indeed, we find spikes in delinquency that coincide
with months in which the lease contracts of borrowers’ main tenants expire, especially for
oces, rendering the monitoring of lease expirations potentially valuable.
We next turn to dierences in default for properties with and without leases expiring, be-
fore and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The underlying rationale is that cash flow shocks
This should hold true under the condition that the costs of terminating the rental contract early are higher
than the savings from moving to a smaller oce space.
should be stronger following a systematic drop in demand for commercial real estate. The
COVID-19 period is characterized by structural changes in demand for oce space due to
hybrid working arrangements (Barrero, Bloom and Davis, 2021). Lower demand for oces
reduces current and expected rental income, lowering the value of commercial real estate
properties. We show evidence consistent with the presence of a structural shift in demand for
oce space, leading to more persistent increases in mortgage defaults, especially for mort-
gages exposed to lease expiration.
The challenge in establishing a causal link between lease expiration dates and delinquency
rates is that these dates can coincide with other shocks that cause delinquency. For example,
lease expiration can coincide with regional shocks that lower demand for CRE. Similarly,
if mortgages with leases expiring have floating interest rates, increases in reference interest
rates that coincide with lease expiration can also cause an increase in delinquency rates. We
address these challenges by leveraging the granularity of our data, which allow us to include
a rich set of fixed eects that capture several static and time-varying confounding factors
that could aect delinquency rates.
Using the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as the treatment period of a shock to the
demand for oce space, we estimate a dierence-in-dierences specification, and show that
lease expiration triggers increases in delinquencies, with a stronger eect after COVID-19.
These eects are economically meaningful, with lease expiration leading to about 1.3 per-
centage points higher delinquency in the baseline period, and an additional 1.2 percentage-
point increase in the post-pandemic period. Finally, the lease expiration eect is stronger
for properties which are not fully occupied by the largest tenants, suggesting that relatively
larger tenants renew their leases more often.
The second step in our empirical analysis consists of understanding how large insurance
companies’ exposure to oces through their CMBS holdings are, and the extent to which
these investors monitor cash flow risk caused by lease expiration. First, we document that in-
surance companies are indeed a large group of investors in CMBS, holding close to one-fourth
of newly issued private-label CMBS between 2017 and 2022. We also find that the amount
of insurers’ private-label CMBS portfolio not exposed to oces peaks in 2020, and decreases
afterwards, which is consistent with lower demand for CMBS exposed to oces among those
investors. Nonetheless, insurers remain largely exposed to cash flow risks arising from lower
oce demand. In our sample, the median insurance company has its private-label CMBS
with an average exposure of about 26% to oces. This potentially dwarfs banks’ exposure to
other CRE-related risks, often of indirect nature (Acharya et al., 2024).
We test if insurers monitor cash flow risks in their CMBS portfolio by asking if bonds more
sensitive to dierent cash flow shocks are more likely to be sold following the sudden, un-
expected increase in risk caused by COVID-19. Our identification strategy relies on the idea
that pandemic-driven lower demand for CRE constitutes an unexpected shock to CMBS cash
flows, with dierent eects across property collateral types. As with mortgage default, we
estimate a dierence-in-dierences specification to assess if CMBS with exposure to oce-
linked loans whose main leases expire within a specific horizon are more likely to be sold
after the pandemic. The richness of our data allows us to include insurer by time and insurer
by bond fixed eects, on top of time-varying coupon type and risk classification fixed eects.
This addresses concerns that our estimates are contaminated by other time-varying insurer
shocks or bond characteristics. Moreover, it allows us to capture changes in trading behavior
within an asset class with similar capital costs for insurers.
We find that insurers infer risks from shocks to expected cash flows, aecting their trading
behavior. Insurance companies are more likely to sell CMBS which are exposed to oces,
especially those with lease expiration in the medium term. Insurers are also more likely to
sell retail-exposed CMBS, but this eect is not sensitive to underlying lease expiration. This
suggests that insurance companies can identify how dierent property types are aected by
the pandemic, and the nature of cash flow risks caused by lower demand for oces. Further-
more, medium-term lease expiration in four to six years has strong predictive power for sales
of oce-linked CMBS. For instance, bonds exposed to oce lease expiration within six years
are over two percentage points more likely to be sold by insurers in the post-COVID period.
Their sensitivity to underlying lease expiration in longer horizons indicates that the market
expects a whole asset class—commercial real estate—to be aected by the pandemic shock
for a longer duration.
Insurers adjust to risks in CMBS also along other margins. First, the share of CMBS ac-
quired by insurers with oce exposure falls after 2020, along with the share of CMBS ex-
posed to cash flow shocks via lease expiration. Second, insurers demand higher coupons for
holding oce-exposed CMBS originated after the pandemic, even when controlling for other
determinants of CMBS returns. These findings corroborate the idea that insurers monitor
risks to their CMBS portfolio, and learn about structural changes that make certain types of
collateral more prone to cash flow-induced losses.
We also consider aected insurers’ trading behavior in the remainder of their securities
portfolio. As insurers react to immediate losses in retail-exposed CMBS, this could trigger
sales of other risky assets (Ellul et al., 2022). Indeed, we find that insurance companies are
more likely to sell risky assets if they have a larger exposure to retail collateral. At the same
time, insurers put in eort to assess underlying risks in their portfolio of securitized assets
as they become more relevant, as was the case for oce-linked CMBS during the COVID-
19 pandemic. By locking down valuable monitoring eorts, this gives rise to the possibility
that insurance companies are subsequently less sensitive to increases in capital requirements
or other consequences of holding on to riskier assets in the remainder of their portfolio.
Consistent with this, we find that insurers are less likely to sell riskier bonds in the post-
COVID period if they have a larger exposure to oces in their CMBS portfolio, even when
controlling for time-varying unobserved heterogeneity at the insurer and security level. The
latter eect points to the limited resources that financial institutions have at their disposal to
eectively constrain their exposure to investment with lurking risk (e.g., Chen et al., 2020).
If insurers reduce their exposure to private-label CMBS, other investors are acquiring these
risky assets. Since monitoring of securitized assets is costly, it is possible that less sophisti-
cated investors are less sensitive to lurking risk and end up holding larger shares of private-
label CMBS after the pandemic. In line with this view, we document a remarkable rise in the
holdings of private-label CMBS by banks after 2020, especially by small and medium-sized
banks. The number of small banks that hold private-label CMBS nearly doubles between 2020
and 2023. Since small banks are in general not exposed to large oce-linked loans (Glancy
and Kurtzman, 2024), this could be caused by additional risk-bearing capacity. However,
to the extent that small banks have lower risk management abilities (Ellul and Yerramilli,
2013), this is also consistent with the idea that better informed insurers ooad part of their
oce-borne CMBS risks to less well informed small banks. Moreover, contrary to insurers,
other investors do not seem to demand higher coupons from oce-exposed CMBS after the
pandemic, suggesting these investors are indeed less sensitive to such risks. Our findings
point to how investors’ ability to monitor risks in complex assets contributes to the transfer
of risks caused by systematic shocks.
Related literature. Our paper contributes to the literature studying securitized assets and
mortgage-backed securities in particular.
This literature has pointed out to how risks in
mortgage-backed securities (MBS) aected institutional investors during the Global Finan-
cial Crisis. Several papers investigate how MBS characteristics such as equity retention (Be-
gley and Purnanandam, 2017) and retention structure (Flynn, Ghent and Tchistyi, 2020)
are used by originators to signal asset quality. Ghent, Torous and Valkanov (2019) show
how more complex CMBS underperform during the Global Financial Crisis, with complexity
contributing to both obfuscating collateral quality and allowing for cash flows to be diverted
towards residual tranches. Moreover, investors do not price this complexity-induced default
risk. These studies emphasize the diculty in assessing risks in MBS, which requires costly
infrastructure to be performed (Hanson and Sunderam, 2013). Our contribution is to show
that despite these due-diligence challenges and being typically viewed as less capable of
doing so, institutional investors monitor detailed, time-varying property and lease contract
characteristics that predict CMBS losses, and divest on the basis of such information.
As such, our paper also relates to a broad literature that studies insurance companies’
portfolio decisions, and how they react to risks in their asset portfolio.
This literature doc-
uments that insurance companies react to changes in observable risk such as downgrades
(Ellul, Jotikasthira and Lundblad, 2011), and highlights how regulation aects insurers’ be-
havior facing asset risk (Chen et al., 2020; Becker, Opp and Saidi, 2022; Sen, 2023). We
contribute to it by showing how insurers divest from CMBS with larger cash flow risks fol-
lowing the pandemic, even if these risks do not immediately lead to higher capital costs.
Moreover, in line with Ellul et al. (2022), we find that insurers divest from risky assets when
a large share of their CMBS portfolio suers a devaluation shock, and that the additional
eort undertaken to monitor those cash flow risks seems to limit insurers’ ability to react
to salient risks in other assets. This finding is particularly relevant given the importance of
insurance companies in absorbing fluctuations in asset prices (Chodorow-Reich, Ghent and
See, for example, DeMarzo and Due (1999), DeMarzo (2005), Demiroglu and James (2012), Ashcraft,
Gooriah and Kermani (2019), and Aiello (2022).
See, among others, Ge and Weisbach (2021), Koijen and Yogo (2022), Bretscher et al. (2022), Bhardwaj, Ge
and Mukherjee (2022), and Koijen and Yogo (2023).
Haddad, 2021).
Finally, we relate to the literature exploring the impact of work-from-home adjustments
in CRE mortgage default risk. Thus far, this literature had not documented a direct link
between lower oce demand and CRE mortgage default (Nieuwerburgh, 2022).
Jiang et al. (2023) explore how losses from CRE loan portfolios aect the solvency of U.S.
banks, and Glancy and Kurtzman (2024) considers how dierences in small banks’ CRE loan
portfolios govern reduced exposure to loans whose poor performance was driven by lower
oce demand. Our contribution is to provide a detailed account of how insurers are aected
by CRE risks through their CMBS holdings. Moreover, variation in how insurers react to
shocks expected to materialize in dierent horizons suggests market participants expect the
oce demand shock to have a long duration. Finally, the exposure of small banks to CRE
risks through their holdings of CMBS has been largely ignored so far. As CRE risks shifted
across the financial sector, the number of small banks exposed to CMBS has increased sub-
stantially. In that sense, any comprehensive analysis of how CRE risks will aect financial
stability should account for both banks’ and non-banks’ CMBS exposures alike.
2. Lease Expiration, Cash Flow Shocks, and CRE Mortgage Default
In this section, we develop hypotheses that will guide our empirical analysis. First, sudden
drops in demand for oce space lead to fewer occupied oces after leases expire, either
by downsizing or lack of renewal, and longer search times for new tenants. This results in
lower income from new leases, reducing overall lease revenue. As a result, to the extent that
borrowers rely on such income to repay mortgages, mortgage default rates should increase,
especially in periods of lower demand for oce space.
Hypothesis 1: Lease expiration persistently increases defaults of mortgages against oces after the
COVID-19 cash flow shock, whereas other types of collateral, especially retail, see defaults imme-
diately and are, thus, less sensitive to lease expiration.
As in our study, Glancy and Wang (2024) highlights the importance of lease expiration in the post-COVID
period, showing that it aects oce vacancies and loan performance. Both studies provide direct evidence
of the importance of cash flow-triggered mortgage default for commercial real estate. Several papers study
the relevance of strategic and cash flow motives for default of residential mortgages (Ganong and Noel, 2023;
Bhutta, Dokko and Shan, 2017; Gerardi et al., 2018), with less attention devoted to commercial mortgages.
Since U.S. insurers frequently hold CMBS, any increase in the riskiness of these assets
could influence their investment decisions. First, if insurance companies can observe lease
expirations, the increased likelihood of future delinquencies due to lease expirations should
make CMBS with a higher proportion of soon-to-expire mortgages less attractive to hold.
Since lower demand increases the persistence of default triggered by lease expiration, in-
vestors are more likely to monitor characteristics associated with cash flow risks following
the pandemic-linked shock to CRE demand. Consequently, they are more prone to selling
CMBS with a larger exposure to cash flow shocks after the pandemic.
Hypothesis 2: Conditional on monitoring, insurers should sell CMBS with relatively more mort-
gages against oces undergoing lease expiration after the COVID-19 cash flow shock, while their
propensity to sell CMBS with retail exposure increases immediately and is otherwise invariant to
the horizon of lease expiration.
Mortgage-backed securities are complex assets, assessing risks for these assets is costly and
often accessible only to sophisticated institutional investors (Hanson and Sunderam, 2013).
Even if insurers possess the ability to monitor the cash flow risks associated with lower CRE
demand and lease expiration, as hypothesized, other intermediaries might not. In that case,
if insurers sell CMBS with a larger exposure to cash flow risks, and if intermediaries dier
in their monitoring capacity, the sale of CMBS by insurers would be accompanied by an in-
crease in the holdings of less sophisticated investors.
Hypothesis 3: If monitoring capacity is heterogeneous, risky CMBS should, on average, flow from
insurers to less sophisticated investors.
Finally, the demand shock for oce space leading to an unexpected increase in cash flow
risks to CMBS portfolios can aect insurers’ trading activity in other assets. This is possible
for two reasons. First, facing immediate losses—as is the case for retail-exposed CMBS—in
their asset portfolio caused by higher delinquencies after the onset of the pandemic, insur-
ers might de-risk by selling other, riskier assets (Ellul et al., 2022). Moreover, if insurance
companies’ risk assessment capacity is limited (Chen et al., 2020), insurers which exert more
eort to monitor cash flow risks—especially those linked to oce collateral—to their CMBS
portfolio after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic could become less sensitive to conse-
quences of holding riskier assets. This reduction in the salience of risk characteristics for
other bonds in insurers’ portfolios would lead to lower sales in response to changes in ob-
servable risk, such as rating downgrades or capital surcharges.
Hypothesis 4: Insurers’ holdings of CMBS aect their trading behavior in other risky assets dier-
ently depending on the type of collateral.
3. Data Description
Our data come from two main sources: Trepp and the National Association of Insurance
Companies (NAIC). Trepp is a lead provider of commercial real estate collateralized prod-
ucts data, which is established in the existing literature (Flynn, Ghent and Tchistyi, 2020).
It collects origination information from CRE mortgages, CMBS deals and bonds, which is
obtained from various sources. It includes detailed information such as property type and
location, mortgage maturity, amount, interest rates, and delinquency information for each
distribution date. We classify loans according to the use of the property which serves as col-
lateral for the loan. We distinguish between Oce, Retail, and further property types.
data also contain information on lease agreements between borrowers and tenants. We focus
on the lease information for the largest tenant only. Appendix-Table A.1 shows that the avail-
ability of lease expiration data varies by property type, with Oce and Retail as the only two
property types for which the date of lease expiration of the main tenant is available for more
than 50% of the observations. For this reason, we mainly consider these two property types
throughout the paper.
We obtain holdings and trades of fixed income assets of all insurance companies in the
U.S. from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The holdings data
These are classified as Multifamily, Mixed Use, Healthcare-Nursing, Lodging-Restaurants, Industrial and Ware-
houses, and Other. The details of how these types are obtained, along with other details of our data cleaning
procedure, can be found in Appendix B.
are based on NAIC Schedule D Part 1, and contain CUSIP-level end-of-year holdings of fixed
income securities, including CMBS. The trading information is obtained from NAIC Sched-
ule D, Parts 3 and 4, which contain information on acquisitions and dispositions of fixed
income assets by insurance companies, respectively. We identify actual trades (sales and
purchases) using a procedure similar as in Becker, Opp and Saidi (2022), which is described
in Appendix C.
We restrict our analysis to the post-2017 period.
This ensures that we mitigate concerns
about the influence of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), e.g., through elevated delinquency
rates responding to demand shocks that originated during the GFC. Table 1 shows the sum-
mary statistics of the mortgages in our sample. Panel A focuses on all properties, which have
a median lease expiring in 2024 and a median mortgage maturity of 10 years. We classify a
loan as delinquent if payments are past due for at least 90 days. On average, less than 1% of
all loans are delinquent in our sample period, around 10% of our loans have floating interest
rates, and less than 1% are recourse loans.
Finally, since our analysis mostly focuses on oces and retail CRE, we provide a break-
down of the characteristics of the mortgages used to finance these property types in Panels B
and C of Table 1, respectively. Relative to retail, oces have floating interest rates more fre-
quently, lower delinquency rates, and similar maturity. Moreover, the mean and the median
share of each property occupied by the largest tenant is smaller in oces than in retail.
4. Cash Flow Shocks and Mortgage Delinquencies
4.1. The Role of Lease Expiration
First, focusing on mortgages whose lease expiration dates occur between 2017 and 2021,
we evaluate the importance of lease expiration-induced cash flow shocks to borrowers in
driving delinquency rates. Using this sample period, we examine delinquency rates in the
time window of one year prior and one year after the expiration date of the main lease. Given
our definition of a loan being delinquent if it is at least 90 days, or about 3 months, past due,
we expect to see delinquency rates to increase comparatively more only after the third month
Our Trepp sample covers CMBS information until June 2022.
in which a lease expires.
Figure 1 shows the average delinquency rates for all property types for which such in-
formation is available. As expected, we observe that delinquency rates increase, with the
sharpest increase occurring exactly in the fourth month after the lease expiration date. This
is in line with the idea that cash flow shocks from a lease expiring induces borrowers to
stop making payments on their mortgages. This may be because the existing borrower can-
not find a new tenant immediately or the lease generates lower income than the previous
one. Moreover, delinquency rates seem to converge back to their pre-lease expiration trend
approximately 10 months after the lease expiration, which indicates that borrowers resume
their payments once a new tenancy agreement is secured. This further illustrates the impor-
tance of cash flow shocks to the default behavior of CRE borrowers.
This preliminary analysis, however, does not account for potential dierences in delin-
quency rates depending on the use of the property. There are reasons to assume that such
dierences exist. First, the specific use of the property might limit a borrower’s ability to
find a new tenant. For example, it may be more dicult to re-purpose oce space for other
uses, which can increase search costs and lower expected revenue after an existing lease ex-
pires. Second, firms in dierent sectors might be more likely to renew their lease contracts,
and to the extent that these firms select into dierent types of properties, this would dif-
ferentially aect borrowers depending on the property they are financing with their loan.
Third, it may be borrower-specific characteristics that matter. For example, some borrowers
who take out mortgages against certain types of properties might struggle more to find new
tenants, which would be the case if search frictions are dierent when looking for oce or
retail tenants. Against this background, we split our sample into two subsamples: oces
and other retail properties. Figure 2 shows a remarkable dierence in delinquency behavior
for these dierent property types. The plot on the left-hand side shows sharp increases in
delinquency rates of oces following the end of the main lease agreement. By contrast, the
plot on the right-hand side suggests that increases in delinquency rates of retail properties
are more short lived, with shocks introduced by the end of lease agreements being more tran-
sitory in nature. Overall, these preliminary results indicate that cash flow shocks are strong
predictors of oce delinquencies, but less so for retail properties.
So far, we have examined delinquencies focusing on the exact timing of the lease expiration
for a specific property, but not explicitly considering the delinquency behavior of mortgages
without leases expiring. This dierence in exposure to cash flow shocks caused by lease
expiration can be particularly relevant in the post-COVID period, as lower demand for oces
could interact with these contractual terms and lead to more persistent losses to landlords. To
the extent that lower CRE demand magnifies cash flow shocks, one would expect mortgages
with leases expiring in the post-COVID period to perform worse than mortgages which are
not subject to such cash flow shocks.
We assess dierences in delinquency of properties with and without leases expiring by
looking at oce/retail properties for which we have lease expiration information (i.e., we
know if the main lease expires or not), and zoom in on the immediate period before/after
the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We compare the average delinquency rate of loans
with leases expiring in 2021-2022 with the average delinquency rates of loans without leases
expiring in these two years.
The results are shown in Figure 3. The left-hand side plot shows a remarkable pattern for
oce mortgages with and without leases expiring in 2021-2022. Delinquency rates for the
former group are pretty much stable throughout the entire period, whereas there is a large
spike in delinquency rates for mortgages the main leases of which expired in 2021-2022. This
further indicates that cash flow shocks are a relevant determinant of oce mortgage default,
and that aggregate delinquency rates do not capture the extent to which work-from-home
arrangements trigger CRE mortgage default given its eect on oce demand.
By contrast, the trajectory of retail mortgage delinquencies on the right-hand side of Figure
3 shows a dierent pattern. Delinquency rates spike immediately at the onset of the COVID-
19 pandemic, which coincides with lockdown periods during which retail stores did not
generate income to tenants. Following that initial shock, mortgages with leases expiring
in 2021-2022 demonstrate persistently higher delinquency rates. which suggests that lease
expiration matters for the adjustment to the initial shock. In other words, while cash flow
shocks do not seem to cause mortgages to go from performing to non-performing in the case
of retail, they do seem to aect the persistence of the initial increase in delinquency rates.
In what follows, we focus on oces rather than retail properties. This allows us to focus
on structural changes in the demand for oce space without explicitly considering the im-
plications from the initial lockdowns on businesses. Furthermore, if institutional investors
trade before losses materialize, then one would expect their trading behavior to be based on
oce exposure if these mortgages losses can be predicted by shocks to expected cash flows.
4.2. The Eect of Lease Expiration on Mortgage Delinquency
Our motivating evidence suggests a key role for lease expiration dates in driving delinquency
behavior for CRE mortgage borrowers, especially for oce properties. Nevertheless, there
are a range of other factors that could be driving the delinquency dynamics we observe for
properties subject to lease expiration. For example, lease expiration dates could correlate
with systematic or region-specific shocks that aect the U.S. economy in specific times, such
as the Global Financial Crisis and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, loans for
which we have lease expiration data could also have specific characteristics, such as floating
interest rates, which can make them more susceptible to increases in delinquency in times of
increases in interest rates.
To evaluate the relationship between lease expiration and mortgage default, we leverage
the richness of our data, which allow us to compare otherwise similar mortgages that have
leases expiring and not. First, we estimate the following specification:
= α
+ α
+ α
j(f loating)t
+ ε
, (1)
where I
is an indicator variable equal to 1 if loan j, for a property located in city r, is
delinquent for more than 90 days in month t, D
equals 1 if loan j is ι months after lease
expiration in month t. α
and α
are loan and city-year fixed eects, which allow us to control
for time-invariant loan-level and time-varying regional characteristics that might influence
default rates. α
j(f loating)t
are interest rate type by year fixed eects to capture dierences in
delinquency between floating and fixed interest rate loans.
The coecients of interest δ
capture the percent dierence in delinquency rates ι months
before and after lease expiration, relative to the moment in which the lease expires. Impor-
tantly, the use of comprehensive fixed eects ensures this variation does not correspond to
time-varying regional shocks or to index rate characteristics of the mortgages that could also
influence delinquency behavior. We only include loans for which we have lease expiration
, and cluster standard errors at the loan level.
Since lower oce demand caused by work-from-home (WFH) arrangements might aect
CRE mortgage default rates, we estimate (1) separately for the period before and after the
COVID-19 pandemic started (where we consider March 2020 as the beginning of the pan-
demic). Intuitively, if borrowers face lower demand for their properties as a result of struc-
tural changes associated with work-from-home preferences, then one would expect the cash
flow shocks introduced by lease expiration to be long lasting. Conversely, absent demand
shocks, the initial drop in cash flows would cease after the borrower manages to find a new
tenant, and delinquency rates would slowly transition back to their pre-lease expiration lev-
The results are shown in the two plots of Figure 4, indicating that WFH demand adjust-
ment did aect the persistence of the eect of cash flow shocks on delinquency rates. While
the initial eect is similar in both periods, delinquency rates in the pre-COVID panel on
the left show that delinquency rates begin to converge back to their initial level after one
year of the lease expiration. Our point estimates indicate that relative to the lease expiration
month, a mortgage experiences a one percentage point higher delinquency 15 months after
the lease expiration. In contrast, the eects of the cash flow shock induced by lease expiration
are more long lasting in the post-COVID period, with delinquency rates gradually becoming
larger following a lease expiration. The dierence in relative delinquency between the lease
expiration month and 15 months after is about three percentage points, almost three times
as the same point estimate from the pre-COVID period.
To quantify the dierences in post-lease expiration delinquency behavior before and after
the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic indicated in Figure 4, we estimate a triple-dierences
We do this to avoid including loans with leases expiring in our control group (which could happen for loans
for which we do not observe that information, but might experience a lease expiration nonetheless).
= α
+ α
+ α
j(f loating)t
+ γ
P ost Expiration
+ β
P ost Expiration
× P ost Covid
+ β
P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
+ β
P ost Covid
× Ind Of f ice
+ β
P ost Expiration
× P ost Covid
× Ind Of f ice
+ ε
, (2)
where P ost Covid
is a dummy equal to 1 after March 2020, P ost Expiration
equals 1 if
loan j had its main lease expiration before or in month t, and Ind Of f ice
equals 1 if loan j
is linked to an oce. The coecient of interest β
captures the dierence in the eect of lease
expiration-induced cash flow shocks on delinquency rates since the onset of the pandemic.
The results are shown in Table 2. Across all specifications, the coeficient on the triple
interaction term is positive and statistically significant, and the economic magnitude is rele-
vant. The baseline eect of lease expiration on mortgage delinquency increases by about 1.2
percentage points, meaning the eect of cash flow shocks on delinquency rates is twice as
strong after the COVID-19 pandemic. Cash flow shocks increase delinquency rates by more
than 2 percentage points when compared to the average delinquency rate of 0.6% for prop-
erties without expired leases in the post-COVID period. This is an economically significant
eect, with delinquency rates of oce mortgages whose main tenancy agreement expired
being more than four times as large as delinquency rates of mortgages that do not experi-
ence such cash flow shocks. These results reinforce the notion that demand shocks caused
by hybrid work arrangements, which became prevalent after the beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic, further exacerbate the eects of cash flow shocks on CRE mortgage delinquency
CMBS exposure to regional work-from-home characteristics. Our analysis hinges on the
observation that by being relatively more aected by hybrid work arrangements, demand
for oce properties is also relatively more aected by the work-from-home shock, thereby
leading to more persistent cash flow shocks to rent revenue. Importantly, another dimension
of heterogeneity in exposure to work-from-home adjustments refers to regional characteris-
tics. For instance, cities like San Francisco or New York are perceived to be more aected by
hybrid work arrangements than others (Gupta, Mittal and Nieuwerburgh, 2023).
While we cannot measure demand for oce space, we can nevertheless assess how mort-
gages in our sample correlate with measures that have been constructed to capture regional
sensitivity to work-from-home. We use the measure of jobs that can be performed remotely
by Dingel and Neiman (2020), which should broadly indicate which areas are more likely to
be aected by work-from-home arrangements. Figure A.3 in the Appendix shows the distri-
bution of the percentage of teleworkable jobs in an MSA, for the oce-linked mortgages in
our sample and for all MSAs. Relative to the distribution across all MSAs, oce-linked mort-
gages in our sample are located in areas with higher sensitivity to work-from-home shocks.
4.3. Cash Flow Shocks and Relative Tenant Occupancy
Our results so far focus on the sensitivity of default rates along the extensive margin of lease
expiration—namely, whether a lease expiring is associated with increases in default—but is
silent about the intensive margin—i.e., whether the relative size of an occupant also aects
default. On the one hand, tenants which occupy a larger share of a property might also
have more bargaining power and obtain better renewal oers, rendering them more likely to
renew their contracts. On the other hand, since these tenants also represent a larger share of
the rental income obtained from a property, unexpected vacancy would have a larger impact
on borrower cash flows.
We investigate these opposing forces by analyzing how our lease expiration results interact
with tenant occupancy. Figure A.2 shows that Oces and Retail CRE have similarly shaped
distributions of the percentage occupied by a property’s largest tenant. In both cases, there is
substantial mass at 100%, with around 16% of the tenants occupying the whole rental unit.
For that reason, we re-estimate (2) and split our sample between mortgages whose underly-
ing properties are fully occupied by the largest tenant and those with partial (below 100%)
occupancy. Additionally, we estimate a version of (2) using the entire sample and adding an
additional interaction term with Full
, which equals 1 if a property is fully occupied by its
largest tenant in month t.
Table 3 shows the results, with columns 1 to 3 focusing on properties fully occupied by
the largest tenant, columns 4 to 6 partially occupied by the largest tenant, and columns 7
to 9 with the additional interaction term using the whole sample. Consistent with the idea
that relatively larger tenants have more bargaining power and obtain more favorable condi-
tions for renewing, we observe that both the baseline eect of lease expiration and the post-
pandemic dierential eect of cash flow shocks to Oce CRE mortgage default are stronger
for properties partially occupied by the largest tenant. This further indicates that character-
istics of the underlying tenancy agreements of properties financed by securitized mortgages
are important for CMBS cash flows.
5. Do Insurers Monitor Cash Flow Risks?
We have documented a significant link between expected changes in the tenancy agreement
of a specific oce and default rates of the mortgage linked to that property, which has im-
plications for assets whose cash flows depend on the performance of these CRE mortgages.
In particular, insurance companies’ cash flows obtained from their holdings of CMBS might
be compromised if the underlying mortgages become non-performing. This raises several
fundamental questions. What is the extent and dynamics of the exposure of insurance com-
panies to oce CRE through their holdings of CMBS? Moreover, given the predictable nature
of expected cash flow shocks to mortgage payments, do insurance companies monitor such
risks and sell bonds based on such cash flow shocks to mortgage CRE? Finally, does lower
oce demand introduced by work-from-home preferences in the post-pandemic period af-
fect the trading behavior of these intermediaries? We explore the answers to these questions
5.1. Insurer Holdings of WFH-sensitive CMBS
We start by leveraging our data to document the importance of insurance companies for the
private-label CMBS market, and to characterize their exposure to shocks linked to oce col-
lateral. We are in a unique position to do so, given our access to detailed CMBS information
(including origination dates) and granular data on the portfolio of insurance companies.
First, we collect information on end-of-year outstanding balances and amounts issued for
all private-label CMBS in our sample, and identify which bonds are held by insurance compa-
nies at the end of each year. Figure 5 shows that insurance companies are the main investors
in CMBS markets. By the end of 2022, insurance companies hold about $600 billion out of
$800 billion outstanding. Similarly, between 2017 and 2019, insurance companies acquired
more than 70% of the total amount of new issues of private-label CMBS. Interestingly, the
share of new CMBS originations held by NAIC insurers in the same year drops to about 65%
between 2020 and 2022. This reduction in the overall amount of CMBS held by insurance
companies is indicative of lower insurer demand, which could arise as lower oce demand
leads to mortgage default rates.
We further explore how the dynamics of CMBS holdings by insurance companies varies
over time, by documenting the exposure of insurance companies’ CMBS portfolio to oce
CRE collateral. We classify a bond as exposed if it has any mortgages financing oce prop-
erties within its pool of collateral. We then calculate the share of CMBS that is exposed to
oces out of the entire portfolio of private-label CMBS held by insurance companies. Figure
6 shows the share invested in non-exposed bonds for each year. One can see that the share
of CMBS exposed to oces increases up until 2020, at which point this trend is reversed. In
particular, insurance companies increase the share of CMBS not exposed to oces in 2021
and 2022 by about five percentage points. This further suggests insurers reacted to risks
arising from lower demand for oce space by adjusting their holdings of CMBS.
Next, we document the exposure of insurance companies to risks related to expiring ten-
ancy agreements of mortgage-financed oce properties. We calculate the percent share of
mortgages against oces in each deal associated with a CMBS bond in our sample, for all of-
fices, as of June 2022. We also compute the share of this portfolio of oce-linked CMBS with
underlying leases expiring between 2023 and 2026. Intuitively, this percentage represents
how exposed to oce mortgages a particular bond is, abstracting from seniority consider-
ations. Figure 7 shows the resulting distributions. The left plot considers exposure to any
oce properties, while the right plot considers exposure to oce properties with at least one
underlying mortgage with a tenancy agreement expiring between 2023-2026. The median
insurance company has its private-label CMBS with an average exposure of about 26% to of-
fice properties, and 4.6% to oce properties with tenancy agreements expiring in 2023-2026.
Importantly, there is considerable heterogeneity in the size of the average exposure of CMBS
bonds to oce properties among insurance companies, with the top decile of the distribution
of insurers with an average exposure of 39% of their portfolio to oces, and 10% to oces
with underlying lease expiration.
5.2. CMBS Exposure to Cash Flow Shocks and Trading Behavior
We next exploit exposure heterogeneity across insurers to estimate its eect on insurers’ trad-
ing behavior. Insurance companies might anticipate the eect of work-from-home (WFH)
shocks on the cash flows and on the value of their CMBS, and attempt to sell these bonds.
Moreover, even if insurance companies do not trade CMBS based on oce exposure alone,
they could still anticipate shocks to their assets caused by upcoming lease expiration.
First of all, it is instructive to understand if investors observe and trade based on the un-
derlying characteristics of mortgages included in CMBS. In particular, to the extent that lease
expirations predict delinquency rates, insurance companies might attempt to ooad exposed
CMBS in anticipation of losses associated with default. Moreover, this information might be
less salient to other market participants, which could put insurance companies in a unique
position to trade at more advantageous conditions than when default risk materializes. To
test this, we estimate the following specification:
= α
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ β
+ β
Y Of f ice
+ ε
, (3)
where I
is a dummy variable which equals 1 if insurer i actively sold any fraction of
security j in year t.
and I
Y Of f ice
are indicator variables capturing two measures of
exposure Y , lease expiration within one year and delinquency rates, for all properties and
only oces, respectively. α
and α
denote insurer-year and insurer-security fixed eects.
We also include interest type by year fixed eects α
and NAIC designation by year
fixed eects α
, to capture time-varying willingness to trade bonds with fixed interest
rates or dierent credit ratings. We use exposure to lease expiration in the following year
and exposure to underlying delinquency in the current year. Intuitively, these results should
indicate whether insurers are more likely to sell bonds which are currently underperforming,
or are expected to underperform, in the following year. Standard errors are clustered at the
security level.
The results are shown in Table 4. One can see that only realized, but not expected, un-
For details on how this variable is constructed, see Appendix C.
derlying losses trigger CMBS sales by insurance companies. Importantly, while most of the
variation in realized losses (columns 3 and 4) comes from oce properties, the variation in
expected losses does not depend on property types. This is consistent with the notion that
insurance companies’ selling decisions generally depend on losses to the underlying collat-
eral having actually materialized. This suggests that they do not, on average, monitor bond
performance as related to pending risks.
The work-from-home shock leads to a revaluation of oce properties, however. There-
fore, if insurance companies have the capacity to monitor such risks once they become more
salient, we would expect them to react to expected losses only after the onset of the COVID-19
To explore this possibility, the second step in our analysis is to shed light on whether in-
surance companies anticipate demand adjustments due to work-from-home shocks, which
became prevalent with the pandemic. The WFH transition reduces uncertainty regarding
which types of real estate will be aected by realized and expected shocks. This provides in-
surance companies with the opportunity to anticipate which CRE assets will be most aected
by demand-induced cash flow shocks, and to potentially trade before losses materialize. To
understand if insurance companies trade based on expected cash flow shocks, we test if they
sell private-label CMBS with larger exposure to oce mortgages with leases expiring in dif-
ferent time horizons more frequently after the pandemic started. Formally, we estimate the
following specification:
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
+ ε
, (4)
where P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019, I
and I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
are dummies which equal
1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires within t + τ years (excluding
year t), for all properties and only oces, respectively. We do not include delinquent loans
when creating the lease expiration treatment dummies, as to avoid capturing the eect of
concurrent losses. α
, α
, α
, and α
are, respectively, insurer-year, insurer-
security, coupon type by year, and NAIC designation by year fixed eects. I
Of f ice(τ)
is a
dummy which equals 1 for CMBS with exposure to any oce CRE in the underlying pool of
mortgages, and should capture overall willingness to trade oce-exposed CMBS in the post-
COVID period. We estimate this specification for six yearly horizons to gauge how much in
advance insurance companies react to cash flow risk on their underlying collateral.
It is worth considering the implications of having an unconditional oce-exposure dummy
Of f ice(τ)
alongside a horizon-sensitive lease-expiration dummy I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
, for lease expira-
tion within τ years. A positive β
would indicate that shocks expected to materialize beyond
τ years are still relevant for insurers, as shocks happening within τ years would be captured
by β
. Thus, if insurance companies only care about the type of collateral, but not about the
expected timing of the cash flow risks, we would expect β
to be positive for all specifications.
If expected losses carry greater weight (e.g., if insurers consider the present discounted value
of these losses), then for suciently large values of τ we would expect β
to decrease and β
to be positive and significant.
The results are in Table 5, with the column numbering corresponding to τ. The dierences
in the propensity of insurance companies to sell bonds more exposed to oces that expire in
the near future increase monotonically with the length of the expiration horizon. In partic-
ular, insurance companies are about one to three percentage points more likely to sell bonds
which have oce mortgages that expire in the next four to six years after the COVID-19 pan-
demic than before (columns 4 to 6). For reference, the mean of the dependent variable I
equals 0.087 for private-label CMBS, indicating a meaningful economic eect arising from
exposure to cash flow shocks expected to materialize in the medium term.
Importantly, these eects are significantly dierent from those on insurance companies’
trades in all other oce properties (captured by β
) and in all other non-oce properties
with imminent lease expirations (captured by β
). The coecient on the interaction with
the unconditional oce-exposure dummy, β
, is positive and statistically significant only in
columns 1 and 2, in part reflecting lease expirations after one or two years. Taken together,
these estimates suggest that insurance companies do react to shocks to oce collateral in
their CMBS, but only if these shocks materialize within 4 to 6 years.
Furthermore, lease expirations and oce properties play no role for insurance companies’
selling decisions before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This lends support to the
idea that insurance companies are learning about the increase in riskiness of the underlying
collateral of CMBS posed by work-from-home demand shocks.
To further bolster our identification assumption that insurers react to shocks aecting the
cash flow risks of CMBS exposed to oces with leases expiring within a few years from the
COVID-19 shock, we also estimate a dynamic dierence-in-dierences regression:
= α
ExpOf f ice(τ)
ExpOf f ice(τ)
where Controls
include other interaction terms with yearly dummies, as in specification
One can see in Figure A.4 that most of the eect we are capturing takes place in 2020,
which sees a spike in sale of CMBS with more exposure to cash flow risks posed by lease ex-
piration. Reassuringly, we find no visual evidence for violation of parallel trends, supporting
our identification assumption that oce lease expiration becomes a salient feature of CMBS
only after the COVID shock.
CMBS exposure to oces and retail. Our preliminary evidence in Section 4 shows con-
trasting evidence between oce and retail loan delinquency rates. Loans linked to retail
experience a spike in delinquency right at the onset of the pandemic, which would also pose
a risk to holders of CMBS exposed to retail properties. Importantly, this risk is less sensi-
tive to lease expiration, meaning that characteristic would be less relevant for retail-exposed
CMBS in comparison with oce-exposed CMBS. To test how dierent collateral types and
the underlying lease expiration for these loans aect the likelihood of a CMBS being sold by
insurers, we estimate a variant of specification (4) that incorporates sensitivity to dierent
types of collateral:
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
+ β
P ost Covid
× I
+ ε
. (6)
Each of the variables I
is defined as before, where Other is a residual category
for any loans with lease expiration information which is not linked to Of f ice or Retail units.
Moreover, I
is a dummy that equals 1 if bond j has exposure to retail units in year t. By
further breaking down the lease expiration dummies I
into mutually exclusive property
types, we can test for dierences in how insurers react to changes in risks in retail mortgages.
The results are in Table 6. As before, we can see that β
predicts sales for most τ horizons,
indicating insurers are sensitive to cash flow risks in oces after COVID-19. In contrast,
while exposure to retail aects CMBS sales positively, as reflected by the positive and signifi-
cant coecient on I
, this is not caused by lease expiration of the underlying retail-linked
mortgages. This is in line with the idea that while retail loans experienced rising delinquency
rates at the onset of the pandemic, this rise is less sensitive to lease expiration. Overall, our
evidence supports the idea that insurers do not only monitor cash flows risks but are also
suciently sophisticated to disentangle how these risks aect dierent types of CMBS col-
5.3. CMBS Acquisitions by Insurance Companies
Having documented that exposure to underlying cash flow shocks aects insurance compa-
nies’ trading behavior, and given the dynamics of CMBS portfolio exposure to oces shown
in Figures 5 and 6, we next consider insurers’ purchasing behavior: are insurance companies
also less willing to acquire private-label CMBS exposed to oce CRE? Lower willingness to
hold oce-linked CMBS can manifest itself through smaller acquisition of these assets by
insurers after COVID-19. Additionally, to the extent that insurers demand higher returns
for holding assets perceived as riskier, newly issued oce-exposed CMBS held by insurers
should oer higher returns.
We start by looking at how risk characteristics of private-label CMBS acquired by insurers
change over the years, focusing on oce exposure and cash flow risks represented by lease
expiration. Figure 8 shows the distribution of oce exposure for all CMBS acquired by insur-
ance companies before and after COVID-19. Importantly, there is a large jump in the share of
CMBS acquired in 2020-2022 which have no underlying oce-linked collateral, with close to
30% of the bonds acquired in 2022 having no exposure to oce CRE. The share of acquired
CMBS collateralized by oce mortgages falls from 30% in 2017-2019 to around 27.9% in
2022. We observe a similar pattern when looking at exposure to cash ow shocks repre-
sented by lease expiration taking place at dierent horizons. Figure 9 plots the respective
distribution, before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In all cases, there is a shift towards
the left of the distribution, with a larger share of the bonds acquired in the post-COVID pe-
riod having no exposure to immediate cash flow shocks to oce CRE. This variation is larger
for medium-term lease expiration time windows, with an increase of about 20% in the share
of CMBS acquired in the post-COVID period that have no mortgages linked to oce CRE
whose main lease expires within six years, for example.
The drastic reduction in holdings of cash flow risk-sensitive CMBS by insurers indicates
that these investors adjust their exposure to risks along an extensive margin, by acquiring
private-label CMBS with smaller exposure to oces. This adjustment can also occur along an
intensive margin if lower willingness to hold oce-exposed CMBS leads insurers to require
higher returns in order to invest in oce-linked CMBS after COVID-19.
We test if this adjustment takes place by analyzing how the coupons of newly issued
private-label CMBS vary based on their exposure to oces, before and after the pandemic,
by estimating the following specification at the bond issuance level:
+ β
P ost Covid
× Of f ice
+ β
Of f ice
× NAIC Held
+ β
P ost Covid
× Of f ice
× NAIC Held
+ β
, (7)
where Coupon
denotes the coupon oered by bond j issued in quarter t, P ost Covid
1 after 2020Q1, Of f ice
equals 1 if bond j has underlying exposure to oces, and X
is a
vector of bond-level controls. The ownership dummy, N AIC Held
, equals 1 if bond j is
held by an insurance company at the end of the respective year, and reflects dierences in
the pricing of risk by insurers relative to other investors. The coecient β
captures how
changes in the perceived risk of CMBS exposed to oces impacts coupons after COVID.
Moreover, the coecient β
captures any dierences in these pricing eects between insurers
and other investors. Control variables include a dummy for investment grade bonds, the %
share of pool in the largest state, the number of loans the deal to proxy for deal complexity
(Ghent, Torous and Valkanov, 2019), a dummy for horizontal risk retention (Flynn, Ghent
and Tchistyi, 2020), the weighted average LTV and debt-service coverage ratio of the deal at
securitization, and a dummy for conduit loans.
Column 1 of Table 7 shows the results without accounting for dierences between CMBS
held by insurers vs. other investors, assuming that changes in oce risks after the pandemic
were not priced in dierently by investors. However, the negative estimate masks significant
underlying heterogeneity. When we account for CMBS ownership in column 2, we find that
bonds from deals with a larger share invested in oce loans command a coupon premium,
especially after COVID-19, when they are held by insurance companies as compared to bonds
held by other investors. A one percentage point increase in the oce exposure of a deal
translates to approximately 15 basis points larger coupon rates. This eect is robust to the
addition of additional bond-level controls in columns 3 and 4.
Higher oce percentage in general has a negative eect on coupons for CMBS, including
those held by other intermediaries. This could be explained by dierent risk perception by
these investors and ultimately aect the allocation of cash flow risks across intermediaries.
We analyze how risk migrates from insurers to other firms in Section 6. Overall, the changes
in acquisition behavior by insurers documented in this section further corroborate that they
do monitor work-from-home triggered changes in oce loan risk.
5.4. Insurer-level Exposure to CMBS Shocks
Variation in CMBS risk introduced by higher delinquency risk in the post-pandemic period
can also aect insurer behavior beyond investors’ willingness to trade aected bonds them-
selves. In particular, Ellul et al. (2022) argue that in response to a drop in insurers’ asset
values, these investors would de-risk by selling illiquid bonds. Similarly, Becker, Opp and
Saidi (2022) show that insurers are more likely to sell downgraded assets which would trigger
higher capital requirements relative to assets that would not incur such surcharges.
In our context, a sudden increase in mortgage delinquencies at the onset of the pandemic
would trigger an immediate drop in CMBS values for bonds more exposed to retail and lodg-
ing properties, as illustrated in Figure 3. Moreover, higher delinquency can also lead to
rating downgrades and potential added capital surcharges for insurers holding those secu-
ritized bonds. In either case, we predict that insurers with larger exposure to such property
types would be more likely to sell risky, illiquid bonds.
Importantly, it is unclear how insurers’ exposure to oces would aect their trading be-
havior after COVID-19. On the one hand, the dynamic nature of the materialization of cash
flow risks arising from WFH suggests larger exposure to oces should not lead to immediate
short-term adjustments. On the other hand, if investors’ ability to assess risks is limited, then
a large oce exposure can lead to inattention to risks in other assets, as these insurers would
have to use more of their monitoring capacity to track the materialization of cash flow risks
represented by oce lease expiration.
To understand how exposure to dierent types of CMBS collateral aects insurers’ trading
behavior, we estimate the following specification:
= α
+ α
+ α
+ γ
Of f ice
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× T
Of f ice
× I
+ γ
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× T
× I
+ γ
× I
+ β
P ost Covid
× T
× I
+ ε
, (8)
where T
is the lagged exposure of insurer i to properties of type prop in year t 1, I
is a a time-varying dummy which equals 1 for riskier bonds, and α
denotes security-year
fixed eects. Given that the relevant level of variation is now at the insurer level, we cluster
standard errors accordingly.
In particular, we estimate specification (8) using two dierent variables I
: I
, which
is a dummy which equals 1 for bonds with NAIC designation 2 or greater (worse) in year t,
and I
, which equals 1 if bond j has been downgraded in year t 1 such that capital
buers have to increase.
Our exposure variables are the weighted average percent exposure
of insurers’ private-label CMBS portfolios to each property type, multiplied with the share of
private-label CMBS in their entire bond portfolio. Each β
term captures the eect of larger
exposure to a type of collateral on insurance companies’ sales of risky assets. Importantly, we
use lagged exposures to address the fact that trading within one year would aect exposure
in the same year (as it changes insurers’ portfolio composition).
The results for the two risk variables I
are in Table 8 (columns 1-3 and columns 4-6). After
controlling for time-varying unobserved heterogeneity at the insurer and security level, we
yield a negative, albeit statistically insignificant, coecient on β
in columns 1 and 4. This
reflects the idea that CMBS exposure to oce buildings desensitizes insurance companies
We use NAIC designation to infer downgrading. Eectively, I
equals 1 if bond j had a NAIC
designation in year t 1 greater than its NAIC designation in year t 2.
to risky securities with higher capital requirements, which they would otherwise sell upon
being downgraded (Ellul, Jotikasthira and Lundblad, 2011).
As post-COVID oce exposure is associated with greater delinquencies, insurance compa-
nies may be preoccupied with acquiring information regarding oce collateral and selling
the respective CMBS first. However, in line with higher retail and lodging mortgage delin-
quencies in Figure A.1, β
may be confounded with insurance companies’ portfolio rebalanc-
ing in the face of retail and lodging mortgage delinquencies, i.e., T
Of f ice
could be correlated
with insurers’ respective exposures in their CMBS portfolio. To account for this possibility,
we control for such confounding portfolio exposures by estimating (8) in columns 2 and 5 of
Table 8.
After doing so, the estimated coecient on β
becomes more negative and statistically sig-
nificant. Importantly, it carries the opposite sign of the other triple interactions, thereby
ruling out that our estimated eect is governed by other, correlated portfolio exposures. In-
stead, larger exposure to retail leads to more sales of risky assets, which is in line with the
idea that facing a devaluation in their asset portfolio, insurers sell illiquid bonds first. Finally,
in columns 3 and 6, we additionally control for the triple interaction with insurers’ share of
corporate bonds more generally, which leaves our coecient of interest virtually unaltered:
larger exposure to oces in insurers’ CMBS portfolio is associated with a lower likelihood of
selling riskier bonds in the post-COVID period.
6. Migration of CRE Cash Flow Risks from Insurance to other firms
The evidence so far suggests that insurers are able to monitor risks in securitized assets
that arise from lower oce demand after the pandemic, and reduce their exposure to these
private-label CMBS. In this section, we turn to the question of who acquires these assets in
an attempt to understand which intermediaries become more exposed to WFH-borne risks
and why these other investors are willing and able to acquire more exposed CMBS.
6.1. Who Purchases Private-label CMBS from Insurers?
We first analyze the purchasers of private-label CMBS from insurance companies in our sam-
ple period. To this end, we categorize the buyers into three groups: banks, insurance compa-
nies, and others (which includes uncategorized buyers and instances where the buyer name
is not specified in the data). Figure A.6 illustrates the trends in these categories over time.
We notice a dip in the share of insurance buyers in 2021 although it is not persistent.
portantly, while banks are prominent purchasers throughout, they are even more important
for oces (Figure A.7).
To test more formally whether insurance companies sell o CRE-related cash flow risks
to banks, we re-estimate the same specifications as in Table 5, but replace the dependent
variable with a sales indicator that is equal to one only for the subset of sales to banks. That
is, the dependent variable equals zero if insurer i sold any fraction of security j in year t to
any non-bank purchaser or nothing at all.
In Table 9, the coecient on CMBS with exposure to oce lease expirations, β
in (4), is
positive—as in Table 5—and statistically significant at least for the two longest horizons. This
indicates that sales are more likely to banks if the CMBS is related to oce properties with
expiring leases in the post-COVID period. Generally, up until the COVID period, insurance
companies are more likely to sell CMBS to banks, independent of the type of collateral and
lease expiration. This eect is, however, muted since the COVID period, but only for non-
oce exposures, e.g., retail. This implies that insurance companies’ selling activity to banks
is more concentrated on CMBS exposure to oce lease expirations in the post-COVID period.
For completeness, Appendix-Table A.2 examines sales from insurance companies to other
insurance companies by adjusting the dependent variable accordingly. The results suggest
some eects for sales to insurers if the CMBS in question is related to oce properties with
expiring leases but only for the last period considered. Moreover, we show in Figure A.5 the
share of the portfolio of private-label CMBS held by insurers exposed to lease expirations of
dierent horizons, as captured by I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
. There is a sharp drop in the share of insurers’
CMBS portfolio exposed to cash flow shocks materializing within four to six years after 2019,
consistent with the idea that insurers reduce their exposure to cash flow risks by selling
exposed bonds to other investors, as indicated in Table 9.
Overall, these results can be seen as suggestive of a transfer of this particular risk from
insurance companies to banks.
6.2. Bank Holdings of Private-label CMBS
Purchaser information reported by insurers suggest most of the buyers of private-label CMBS
with oce exposure are banks, as shown in Figure A.7. Nonetheless, these banks might be
acting as dealers on behalf of other buyers, which limits the conclusions we can draw from
reported buyer information on NAIC files.
To better understand the extent to which banks acquire more CMBS after the pandemic,
we use Call Reports data and construct bank-level holdings of private-label CMBS. Using
that information, we first document how aggregate holdings of private-label CMBS evolve
over time for banks of dierent size.
Figure 10 shows a remarkable increase in holdings of CMBS by small and medium-sized
banks (i.e., those with assets under $100 billion) from 2021 onwards. This pattern is more
striking relative to 2017 and 2018, when the aggregate amount of private-label CMBS hold-
ings by banks was at similar levels, but with a substantially smaller role played by medium
and small-sized banks. This bigger role could be explained by a larger exposure to private-
label CMBS by those institutions that held CMBS in the past, or by a larger number of banks
investing in these assets. Figure 11 shows that the latter is the main driving force. In Panel
(A), we see that the number of small banks (total assets under $ 10 billion) that hold private-
label CMBS nearly doubles between March 2020 and December 2023. Moreover, these “new
entrants” are holding meaningful shares of private-label CMBS: the median small bank has
more than 1% of their assets invested in private-label CMBS, as shown in Panel (B).
To understand how this unprecedented increase in the number of small banks investing in
CMBS is related to the characteristics of these banks, we divide our sample of small banks
into three types: banks that held private-label CMBS between 2017 and March 2020, banks
that held private-label CMBS only after March 2020, and banks that do not hold private-
label CMBS between 2017 and 2023. Table A.3 shows mean values of selected characteristics
for these three dierent bank types. Banks that began investing in private-label CMBS af-
ter COVID-19 are smaller than those that invested in CMBS before the pandemic, but have
Note, however, that our data do not allow us to identify the ultimate holder of the CMBS as banks might be
merely operating as brokers on behalf of other investors.
similar leverage, exposure to CRE loans, and have a similar share of their total assets and
securities invested in private-label CMBS. Banks that do not invest in CMBS (third column)
are smaller, have lower exposure to non-owner occupied CRE loans, and are more levered
than banks that do invest in private-label CMBS between 2017 and 2023.
Banks increasing their holdings of private-label CMBS suggests that risks in CMBS with
oce-linked mortgages flow from the insurance sector to the banking sector. What explains
this shift in CMBS ownership from insurers to banks, especially small banks? To the extent
that small banks make smaller loans (Ghent and Valkanov, 2015; Glancy et al., 2022), they
are unlikely to originate loans that can be used to finance oce properties, meaning they are
not exposed to risks related to the eects of hybrid work arrangements on oce vacancies.
This has two implications: first, by investing in oce-exposed CMBS, these small banks
would eectively diversify their CRE exposure, so these banks could have additional risk-
bearing capacity. Additionally, small banks’ ability to perform due diligence in CMBS might
be limited, which would facilitate the sale of oce-exposed CMBS by insurance companies
to small banks. While both forces could be at play, we have provided evidence of insurers’
ability to monitor risks in securitized assets, which in turn contributes to a transfer of these
risks to the banking sector.
7. Financial Stability and Policy Implications
The results in this paper shed light on the ability of institutional investors’ to assess under-
lying risks to MBS. Given the importance of insurers and CRE loans for financial markets,
these findings potentially inform relevant dimensions of policymaking, as we outline below.
7.1. Institutional Investors and Risk in Securitized Assets
The prominent role played by asset-backed securities during the Global Financial Crisis
(GFC) prompted regulators to revisit securitization regulation, aiming for more aligned in-
centives for originators and better risk assessment by investors. One example are due dili-
gence requirements, which require investors to assess risk characteristics of the underlying
For example, this article suggests that small banks did not experience substantial losses in their CRE loans
due to reduced exposure to oces.
exposures of securitized positions.
These due diligence requirements address the perceived
failure by investors to observe and monitor risks in securitized positions in the run-up to the
GFC. Our findings on trading of CMBS by insurance companies in the aftermath of the pan-
demic indicate that certain institutional investors are capable of assessing risks to their secu-
ritization positions and monitoring changes to these risks over time. This strongly suggests
that at least the largest, most systemically important banks always had this ability to start
with. These results also highlight how access to time-varying loan level information could be
beneficial for continuous risk assessment of asset-backed securities, both by investors and by
However, the adjustment made by insurance companies in response to the build-up of
these risks is accompanied by a dramatic rise in the holdings of private-label CMBS by small
banks. This evidence is suggestive of heterogeneity in financial intermediaries’ risk manage-
ment capabilities, and raises concerns about the fact that less sophisticated investors become
exposed to private-label CMBS at the same time as risks in these assets rise. Moreover, given
the slow materialization of default risks arising from hybrid work, which depends on cash
flow shocks, insurers and banks could still face large losses to their portfolios arising from
CRE mortgage default. The bottomline is that investors’ ability to assess risks is no substi-
tute for adequate capital requirements, which ensure that investors can absorb losses to their
asset portfolios, thereby internalizing threats to financial stability.
7.2. Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Default Risk
The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented shift in work conditions, with hybrid work
arrangements becoming prevalent and aecting real estate valuation. These changes in asset
prices raised concerns about financial stability, as CRE serves as collateral for loans held by
banks and these loans are included in CMBS. Until recently little evidence had been docu-
mented about how the sudden fall in demand for oce space aects commercial mortgage
default. Our study addresses this gap by showing how sensitivity to borrower income and
the timing of cash flow shocks to the borrower matter for the transmission of lower oce
demand to credit risk.
See, for example, Chapter 2, Article 5 EBA (2017).
There are several policy implications of the evidence of changes in default rates in response
to CRE demand adjustments to depend on cash flow shocks to borrowers caused by contrac-
tual lease termination. First, our results inform the implementation of the revised banking
standards (“Basel 3.1”) that is currently being undertaken by prudential regulators around
the world. These revised standards distinguish mortgages by whether they are materially
dependent on cash flows generated by the property (CRE20 in BCBS, 2022) for the purposes of
capitalizing their credit risk. For example, in its recent public consultation on implementing
Basel 3.1, the UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) “proposes assign risk weights to
mortgage exposures depending on whether repayment of the loan is materially dependent
on the cash flows generated by the property.
According to this view, our results provide evidence that supports this proposal of im-
posing such an exposure classification based on cash flows. Furthermore, they highlight the
value of property-specific contract information, in particular lease expiration dates, which
can help policymakers identify mortgages materially dependent on cash flows. Second, our
results suggest that examining aggregate delinquencies is not sucient for gauging credit
risk in CRE loans as they insuciently reflect post-COVID lower oce demand. This high-
lights the need for granular data for proper credit risk assessment. Specifically, our results
point to the value of tenancy agreement characteristics, in particular lease expiration dates,
as a relevant determinant of borrower cash flow shocks. Third, our findings are also relevant
from a macroprudential perspective. Since many tenancy agreements are due to expire in
the next years (Table 1), the full eect of work-from-home adjustments on aggregate mort-
gage default is yet to materialize, which might come with financial stability consequences.
In short, monitoring of tenancy contractual characteristics should be useful for policymakers
assessing credit risks in real estate mortgages.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we examine the role of cash flows shocks from renting out commercial proper-
ties for mortgage delinquencies, assessing the extent to which insurance companies monitor
these risks in securitized assets. Using rich data on commercial mortgages included in CMBS
deals and insurers’ asset portfolios and trading behavior, we document a link between bor-
rower cash flow shocks and CRE loan default following the COVID-19 pandemic. For oces,
we document an eect between lease expiration and defaults which is stronger during the
COVID-19 pandemic, caused by lower oce demand due to work-from-home arrangements.
Moreover, we show that insurers react to such collateral shocks in their CMBS portfolio by
selling more exposed bonds before delinquency materializes. This suggests that—contrary
to commonly held views—institutional investors do actively monitor underlying asset risk.
Finally, this monitoring eort also makes insurers less reactive to observable risks in other
assets, suggesting limited monitoring capacity.
Our findings indicate that there is a build-up of materialized default risk once existing
leases need to be rolled over, providing information as to which features of CRE loans are
relevant to track such risks. Our findings also illustrate the limitations of policies requiring
due diligence by institutional investors as a means of promoting active risk management.
While we make use of CMBS data from the U.S., these mechanisms should also take place
in other markets and countries. Given the key role of insurers and mortgages for financial
markets, our findings warrant further scrutiny, and monitoring, of the risks caused by lower
oce demand.
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Figure 1: Changes in Delinquency around Lease Expiration Dates
Notes: This figure shows average delinquency rates in each month relative to lease
expiration, for properties with leases expiring between 2017 and June 2022. Delin-
quency is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a mortgage is at least 90 days past
due. Sources: Trepp loan data and authors’ calculations.
Figure 2: Changes in Delinquency around Lease Expiration Dates for Oce and Retail
Notes: This figure shows average delinquency in each month relative to lease expiration, for prop-
erties with leases expiring between 2017 and June 2022. Panel A shows delinquency rates for prop-
erties classified as Oce. Panel B shows delinquency rates for properties classified as Retail. Delin-
quency is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a mortgage is at least 90 days past due. The vertical
line marks three months after lease expiration. Sources: Trepp loan data and authors’ calculations.
Figure 3: Delinquency Rates of Mortgages With and Without Leases Expiring in 2021-2022
Notes: This figure shows average delinquency rates for mortgages with leases expiring in 2021-
2022, and mortgages without leases expiring in these two years. Panel A shows delinquency rates
for properties classified as Oce. Panel B shows delinquency rates for properties classified as Retail.
Delinquency is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a mortgage is at least 90 days past due. Sources:
Trepp loan data and authors’ calculations.
Figure 4: Delinquency Rates around Lease Expiration Dates—Oce WFH Sensitivity
Notes: This figure shows the eects of lease expiration on delinquency rates of properties classified
as Oce. The level of observation is loan j in city r in month t, where month denotes the distribution
month of each securitized mortgage. The sample period is Jan/2017 to Jun/2022. The dependent
variable I
is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a loan is at least 90 days past due. The δ
estimates from specification (1) show delinquency rates relative to the lease expiration month. The
vertical line marks three months after lease expiration. Panel A includes all months before March
2020. Panel B includes all months after March 2020 (exclusive). Shaded areas correspond to the
95 percent confidence intervals around point estimates. Standard errors clustered at the loan level.
Sources: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Figure 5: Insurance Holdings of CMBS
Notes: This figure shows the total amount outstanding (Panel A) and amount originated (Panel B) of
private-label CMBS per year, dierentiating between the amount held by insurance companies and
that held by other investors. We identify holdings of insurance companies using NAIC Schedule D,
Part 1. Insurer-held amounts are calculated as the sum of the BACV of the CMBS held by insurers.
Amount held by other investors is the residual value relative to the total original balance outstand-
ing/originated in a given year. Both plots exclude interest-only and agency CMBS. Source: Trepp,
NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Figure 6: % CMBS Portfolio without Oce Exposure
Notes: This figure shows the share of insurance companies’ private-label CMBS portfolio not ex-
posed to any CRE mortgages linked to properties classified as Oce. Shares are calculated aggregat-
ing BACV for exposed and non-exposed CMBS, where exposure is defined as any percentage of the
pool of mortgages used to finance oce CRE. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Figure 7: CMBS Bonds Held by Insurance Companies—Exposure to Oces
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of oce-exposed shares of insurance companies’ private-
label CMBS portfolio. The left panel shows the distribution for any oce exposure, and the right
panel shows the distribution conditional on any mortgages having main leases expiring between
2023-2026. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Figure 8: Distribution of Oce Exposure—CMBS Acquired Before and After COVID-19
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of oce exposures of CMBS acquired by insurance com-
panies, before and after COVID-19. Percent exposure equals the amount of the pool of mortgages
linked to oce CRE. The left panel plots the distribution of oce exposure for CMBS acquired
between 2017-2019. The right panel plots the distribution of oce exposure for CMBS acquired be-
tween 2020-2022. The width of each distribution bar equals 2%. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’
Figure 9: Distribution of Oce Exposure with Leases Expiring—CMBS Acquired Before and
After COVID-19
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of oce exposures with leases expiring within a certain
time window of CMBS acquired by insurance companies, before and after COVID-19. Percent expo-
sure equals the amount of the pool of mortgages linked to oce CRE whose main lease agreement
expires within that time window. Each panel plots the distribution of security exposures of CMBS
acquired before and after COVID-19, for each time window. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’
Figure 10: Bank Holdings of Private-label CMBS
Notes: This figure shows the total amount of private-label CMBS holdings
of U.S. banks, including held-to-maturity and available-for-sale assets. Top 4
banks are J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.
Large banks are institutions with total assets above $ 100 billion, medium
banks are institutions with total assets between $10 billion and $100 billion,
and small banks are institutions with total assets under $10 billion. We also
exclude TD Bank from the plots as it shows discontinuity in holdings of pri-
vate CMBS in 2018 that is not present on the aggregate series. Source: Call
Reports and authors’ calculations.
Figure 11: Small Banks’ Exposure to Private-Label CMBS
Notes: This figure shows the number of small U.S. banks which hold private-label CMBS (Panel
A) and the median % share of private-label CMBS out of total assets for small banks with CMBS
exposure (Panel B). Small banks are defined as institutions with total assets under $10 billion.
Source: Call Reports and authors’ calculations.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Panel A. All Properties Mean Median Min Max N
Outstanding Balance 12,126,498.41 4,665,665.69 535.94 9,016,115,069.00 7,081,912
Floating Interest Rate 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.00 7,081,912
Delinquency (90 days) 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 7,081,912
Recourse Loan 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 7,081,912
Loan Term 228.39 120 1 515 7,010,744
Lease Expiration Year 2026 2024 2016 2099 747,189
Largest Tenant % Sqr Ft 45.11 33.44 0.00 100.00 748,523
Panel B. Oce Mean Median Min Max N
Outstanding Balance 35,592,214.49 17,545,061.17 6,760.18 3,000,000,000.00 276,561
Floating Interest Rate 0.08 0.00 0.00 1.00 276,561
Delinquency (90 days) 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 276,561
Recourse Loan 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.00 276,561
Loan Term 112.87 120 1 363 275,307
Lease Expiration Year 2025 2024 2016 2099 209,965
Largest Tenant % Sqr Ft 42.20 29.71 0.00 100.00 211,306
Panel C. Retail Mean Median Min Max N
Outstanding Balance 17,123,979.19 7,331,549.50 797.55 2,400,000,000.00 516,328
Floating Interest Rate 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.00 516,328
Delinquency (90 days) 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.00 516,328
Recourse Loan 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 516,328
Loan Term 123.63 120 1 360 506,734
Lease Expiration Year 2027 2024 2016 2099 415,663
Largest Tenant % Sqr Ft 45.68 34.52 0.00 100.00 417,838
Notes: This table shows summary statistics from our sample of commercial real estate mortgages. The sample
period is from Jan/2017 to Jun/2022. Panel A includes summary statistics for all property types in the sample.
Panel B includes summary statistics for properties classified as Oce. Panel C includes summary statistics for
properties classified as Retail. Source: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Table 2: Triple Dierences—Lease Expiration Before and After COVID-19
(1) (2) (3)
P ost Expiration
(0.0029) (0.0029) (0.0034)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
-0.0029 -0.0029 -0.0013
(0.0033) (0.0033) (0.0040)
P ost Covid
× Ind Of f ice
(0.0019) (0.0019) (0.0031)
P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
0.0013 0.0014 0.0004
(0.0062) (0.0062) (0.0068)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
(0.0064) (0.0064) (0.0074)
Observations 751,294 751,294 751,294
0.42319 0.42324 0.57382
Within R
0.00208 0.00206 0.00300
Month-year fixed eects
Loan ID fixed eects
Month-year × Floating fixed eects
Month-year × City fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eects of lease expiration on delinquency rates for mortgages
linked to dierent property types, before and after COVID-19, as in (2). The level of obser-
vation is loan j in city r in month t, where month denotes the distribution month of each
securitized mortgage. The sample period is Jan/2017 to Jun/2022. The dependent variable
is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a loan is at least 90 days past due. P ost Covid
equals 1 after March 2020, P ost Expiration
equals 1 if loan j had its main lease expiration
before or in month t, and Ind Of f ice
equals 1 if loan j is linked to an oce. Standard errors
clustered at the loan level in parentheses. Sources: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Table 3: Triple Dierences and Occupancy %—Lease Expiration Before and After COVID-19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
P ost Expiration
0.0185 0.0185 -0.0038 0.0129
(0.0175) (0.0176) (0.0340) (0.0029) (0.0029) (0.0036) (0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0037)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
0.0809 -0.0059
-0.0055 -0.0050 -0.0051 -0.0041
(0.0294) (0.0295) (0.0638) (0.0034) (0.0034) (0.0041) (0.0034) (0.0034) (0.0041)
P ost Covid
× Ind Of f ice
(0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0113) (0.0025) (0.0025) (0.0042) (0.0025) (0.0025) (0.0040)
P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
0.0488 0.0490 0.0720 -0.0046 -0.0046 -0.0056 -0.0035 -0.0034 -0.0044
(0.0366) (0.0367) (0.0558) (0.0064) (0.0064) (0.0070) (0.0064) (0.0064) (0.0071)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
-0.1139 0.0169
(0.0363) (0.0363) (0.0721) (0.0071) (0.0071) (0.0082) (0.0071) (0.0071) (0.0082)
-0.0058 -0.0057 -0.0036
(0.0119) (0.0119) (0.0163)
P ost Covid
× Full
(0.0034) (0.0034) (0.0056)
P ost Expiration
× Full
0.0131 0.0131 0.0079
(0.0146) (0.0146) (0.0158)
Ind Of f ice
× Full
-0.0016 -0.0015 -0.0093
(0.0131) (0.0131) (0.0180)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
× Full
(0.0298) (0.0298) (0.0406)
P ost Covid
× Ind Of f ice
× Full
8.32 × 10
-0.0002 0.0038
(0.0039) (0.0040) (0.0066)
P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
× Full
0.0416 0.0415 0.0538
(0.0325) (0.0325) (0.0364)
P ost Covid
× P ost Expiration
× Ind Of f ice
× Full
(0.0360) (0.0360) (0.0465)
Observations 135,346 135,346 135,346 611,679 611,679 611,679 747,025 747,025 747,025
0.44563 0.44565 0.71391 0.43901 0.43908 0.60674 0.43801 0.43807 0.58513
Within R
0.01021 0.01021 0.01239 0.00153 0.00150 0.00233 0.00283 0.00282 0.00373
Month-year fixed eects
Loan ID fixed eects
Month-year × Floating fixed eects
Month-year × City fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eects of lease expiration on delinquency rates of mortgages linked to dierent property types, before and after COVID-19, for partial and full tenant
occupancy. We estimate (2) for the sample of full (columns (1)-(3)) and partial (columns (4)-(6)) occupancy mortgages, and for the whole sample, adding an interaction with the
dummy (columns (7)-(9)). The level of observation is loan j in city r in month t, where month denotes the distribution month of each securitized mortgage. The sample
period is Jan/2017 to Jun/2022. The dependent variable I
is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a loan is at least 90 days past due. P ost Covid
equals 1 after March 2020,
P ost Expiration
equals 1 if loan j had its main lease expiration before or in month t, Ind Of f ice
equals 1 if loan j is linked to an oce, and Full
is a dummy which equals 1 for
full tenant occupancy. Standard errors clustered at the loan level in parentheses. Sources: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Table 4: CMBS Bond Trading—Underlying Lease Expiration and Mortgage Delinquency
(1) (2) (3) (4)
0.0029 0.0017
(0.0029) (0.0031)
Exp Of f ice
(0.0027) (0.0028)
D Of f ice
Observations 176,824 176,824 176,824 176,176
0.63398 0.63399 0.63403 0.63366
Within R
1.7 × 10
3.27 × 10
0.00016 0.00025
Year × Insurer ID fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer ID fixed eects
Year × Coupon Type fixed eects
Year × NAIC Designation fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to underlying lease expiration and delinquent
loans (for all properties and for oces) on the likelihood of sales of private-label CMBS by
insurance companies, as in (3). The level of observation is bond j held by insurer i at the
end of year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable I
is a dummy
which equals 1 if bond j was sold by insurer i in year t. I
and I
Y Of f ice
(with Y {Exp,D})
are dummies equal to 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until
one year ahead (Exp) or have underlying delinquent mortgages (D), for all properties and only
oces, respectively. Coupon Type is the type of coupon payment for bond j (e.g. fixed rate,
floating rate, interest only). Standard errors clustered at the security level in parentheses.
Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table 5: CMBS Trading Dierence-in-Dierences—Exposure to Lease Expiration
Lease expiration horizon (τ = 1) (τ = 2) (τ = 3) (τ = 4) (τ = 5) (τ = 6)
0.0015 0.0006 0.0033 -0.0008 0.0034 0.0038
(0.0033) (0.0045) (0.0052) (0.0059) (0.0069) (0.0072)
Exp Of f ice(τ)
0.0019 0.0029 0.0040 0.0054 0.0023 0.0026
(0.0028) (0.0031) (0.0037) (0.0045) (0.0058) (0.0066)
Of f ice
-0.0171 -0.0126 -0.0115 -0.0130 -0.0139 -0.0152
(0.0207) (0.0209) (0.0209) (0.0209) (0.0207) (0.0207)
P ost Covid
× I
0.0012 0.0101
0.0071 0.0019 -0.0066
(0.0048) (0.0060) (0.0070) (0.0075) (0.0085) (0.0089)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
-0.0009 0.0062 0.0068 0.0128
(0.0037) (0.0043) (0.0053) (0.0061) (0.0079) (0.0087)
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
0.0094 0.0107 0.0097 0.0084
(0.0070) (0.0074) (0.0075) (0.0075) (0.0077) (0.0078)
Observations 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731
0.60744 0.60754 0.60762 0.60757 0.60755 0.60757
Within R
0.00024 0.00049 0.00069 0.00057 0.00053 0.00058
Year × Insurer ID fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer ID fixed eects
Year × Coupon Type fixed eects
Year × NAIC Designation fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to underlying lease expiration and oces on the likelihood of
sales of private-label CMBS by insurance companies, as in (4). The level of observation is bond j held by insurer
i at the end of year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable I
is a dummy which equals
1 if bond j was sold by insurer i in year t. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019, I
and I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
are dummies
which equal 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until year t + τ (excluding year t),
for all properties and only oces, respectively. I
Of f ice
is a dummy which equals 1 for any exposure to oces.
Coupon Type is the type of coupon payment for bond j (e.g. fixed rate, floating rate, interest only). Standard
errors clustered at the security level in parentheses. Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table 6: CMBS Trading Dierence-in-Dierences—Exposure to Lease Expiration of Oces
vs. Other Properties
Lease expiration horizon (τ = 1) (τ = 2) (τ = 3) (τ = 4) (τ = 5) (τ = 6)
Exp Of f ice(τ)
0.0034 0.0035 0.0031 0.0036 0.0021 0.0020
(0.0025) (0.0028) (0.0033) (0.0040) (0.0049) (0.0054)
Exp Retail(τ)
0.0030 0.0012 0.0042 0.0043 0.0059 0.0067
(0.0025) (0.0033) (0.0043) (0.0053) (0.0064) (0.0066)
Exp Other(τ)
0.0003 0.0044 0.0104
(0.0027) (0.0028) (0.0032) (0.0036) (0.0040) (0.0047)
-0.0269 -0.0246 -0.0247 -0.0242 -0.0217 -0.0242
(0.0316) (0.0315) (0.0314) (0.0313) (0.0312) (0.0311)
Of f ice
-0.0096 -0.0090 -0.0088 -0.0086 -0.0081 -0.0086
(0.0213) (0.0213) (0.0212) (0.0211) (0.0211) (0.0212)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
-0.0028 0.0061 0.0099
0.0074 0.0123
(0.0033) (0.0039) (0.0047) (0.0054) (0.0065) (0.0072)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Retail(τ)
-0.0048 0.0019 0.0072 0.0072 0.0161
(0.0035) (0.0048) (0.0068) (0.0076) (0.0090) (0.0094)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Other(τ)
0.0007 -0.0057
-0.0031 -0.0005 0.0022
(0.0036) (0.0034) (0.0038) (0.0043) (0.0047) (0.0050)
P ost Covid
× I
0.0101 0.0155
(0.0064) (0.0069) (0.0077) (0.0080) (0.0083) (0.0086)
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
0.0121 0.0104 0.0082 0.0075
(0.0069) (0.0071) (0.0074) (0.0075) (0.0077) (0.0079)
Observations 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731 219,731
0.60756 0.60761 0.60771 0.60767 0.60769 0.60768
Within R
0.00054 0.00068 0.00092 0.00083 0.00089 0.00086
Year × Insurer ID fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer ID fixed eects
Year × Coupon Type fixed eects
Year × NAIC Designation fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to underlying lease expiration and oces on the likelihood of
sales of private CMBS by insurance companies, as in (6). The level of observation is bond j held by insurer i at
the end of year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable I
is a dummy which equals
1 if bond j was sold by insurer i in year t. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019 and I
Exp Retail(τ)
, I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
Exp Other(τ)
are dummies which equal 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until
year t + τ (excluding year t), for retail, oces, and other properties, respectively. I
and I
Of f ice
equal 1 for
any exposure to retail and oces, respectively. Coupon Type is the type of coupon payment for bond j (e.g.
fixed rate, floating rate, interest only). Standard errors clustered at the security level in parentheses. Sources:
Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table 7: Bond Pricing
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Of f ice
% -0.0043
(0.0016) (0.0037) (0.0040) (0.0035)
Of f ice
% × P ost Covid
-0.0015 -0.0124
(0.0023) (0.0051) (0.0051) (0.0050)
Of f ice
% × NAIC Held
(0.0036) (0.0036) (0.0032)
Of f ice
% × P ost Covid
× NAIC Held
(0.0049) (0.0047) (0.0045)
% -0.0109
P ost Covid
× Retail
% -0.0005
% × NAIC Held
% × P ost Covid
× NAIC Held
P rime rating
(0.0404) (0.0546)
Main state (share in %)
0.0003 0.0077
(0.0015) (0.0020)
Num Loans at Securitization
(0.0017) (0.0018)
Horizontal Risk Retention
0.0495 0.0076
(0.0369) (0.0407)
W eighted Avg LT V at Securitization
W eighted Avg DSCR at Securitization
Observations 3,302 3,302 3,302 2,529
0.58652 0.61258 0.64864 0.67202
Within R
0.02036 0.08209 0.15321 0.23219
Year-quarter × Maturity fixed eects
Lead Underwriter fixed eects
Notes: This table shows a regression of fixed rate bond coupons of private-label CMBS on the oce collateral
and insurance ownership before and after COVID-19, as in (7). The level of observation is bond j originated
in quarter t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable Coupon
is the coupon rate of
fixed rate bond j originated in quarter t. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019. NAIC Held
equals 1 if bond j is
held by any insurer in the end of the year of origination of the respective quarter t. Of f ice
% and Retail
% are the percent shares of the deal linked to oce and retail loans. P rime rating
equals 1 if the bond is
rated at least BBB by S&P or by Fitch or at least Baa3 by Moody’s. Main State (share in %)
is the share
of the deal invested in the main state. N um of Loans at Securitization
is the number of loans in the deal
at origination. Horizontal Risk Retention
and Conduit
are dummies for deals of each type, respectively.
W eighted Avg LT V at Securitization
and W eighted Avg DSCR at Securitization
are average LTV and DSCR
weighted by loan volume within each deal. Standard errors clustered at the security level in parentheses.
Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table 8: Insurer CMBS Portfolio Exposure and Asset Sales
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
× T
Of f ice
-0.0008 -0.0016 -0.0017 0.0015 0.0102
(0.0021) (0.0035) (0.0035) (0.0021) (0.0040) (0.0039)
× T
0.0007 0.0006 -0.0070
(0.0024) (0.0024) (0.0029) (0.0029)
× T
0.0023 0.0040 -0.0051 -0.0057
(0.0071) (0.0070) (0.0067) (0.0068)
P ost Covid
× I
× T
Of f ice
-0.0022 -0.0095
-0.0007 -0.0117
(0.0021) (0.0035) (0.0034) (0.0027) (0.0046) (0.0046)
P ost Covid
× I
× T
(0.0031) (0.0031) (0.0038) (0.0037)
P ost Covid
× I
× T
0.0056 0.0042 0.0069 0.0085
(0.0069) (0.0069) (0.0094) (0.0093)
× T
(0.0137) (0.0115)
P ost Covid
× I
× T
(0.0146) (0.0150)
Observations 7,091,153 7,091,153 7,091,153 5,605,453 5,605,453 5,605,453
0.71081 0.71082 0.71083 0.78171 0.78171 0.78171
Within R
0.00086 0.00090 0.00093 6.25 × 10
1.55 × 10
1.95 × 10
Year × CUSIP fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer ID fixed eects
Year × Insurer ID fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to dierent types of collateral via CMBS holdings on the likelihood of
sales of risky assets by insurance companies, as in (8). The level of observation is bond j originated in quarter t. The
sample period is 2017 to 2022, and the sample includes all bonds. The dependent variable I
is a dummy which
equals 1 if bond j was sold by insurer i in year t. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019, T
P rop
is the size of the exposure
of insurance company i to property type P rop {Of f ice, Retail, Lodging} in year t 1, and I
is a dummy which
equals 1 if the bond is classified as Risky or if it was downgraded in year t 1. T
is the share of insurance
company i fixed income portfolio invested in corporate bonds in year t 1. Standard errors clustered at the insurer
level in parentheses. Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table 9: CMBS Bank Buyer Dierence-in-Dierences—Exposure to Lease Expiration
sold to bank
Lease expiration horizon (τ = 1) (τ = 2) (τ = 3) (τ = 4) (τ = 5) (τ = 6)
(0.0012) (0.0017) (0.0019) (0.0021) (0.0023) (0.0022)
Exp Of f ice(τ)
0.0015 0.0016 0.0020 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035
(0.0011) (0.0012) (0.0015) (0.0019) (0.0022) (0.0021)
Of f ice
-0.0012 -0.0016 -0.0022 -0.0031 -0.0029 -0.0026
(0.0068) (0.0068) (0.0068) (0.0069) (0.0069) (0.0068)
P ost Covid
× I
-0.0018 -0.0025 -0.0037 -0.0062
(0.0016) (0.0021) (0.0024) (0.0026) (0.0026) (0.0027)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
-0.0011 0.0006 0.0020 0.0032 0.0046
(0.0014) (0.0015) (0.0018) (0.0021) (0.0024) (0.0025)
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
0.0044 0.0049
0.0037 0.0027
(0.0024) (0.0026) (0.0027) (0.0028) (0.0027) (0.0028)
Observations 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987
0.39349 0.39355 0.39361 0.39363 0.39362 0.39366
Within R
0.00012 0.00022 0.00031 0.00036 0.00034 0.00040
Year × Insurer ID fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer ID fixed eects
Year × Coupon Type fixed eects
Year × NAIC Designation fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to underlying lease expiration and oces on the likelihood of sales of
private-label CMBS by insurance companies to banks. The level of observation is bond j held by insurer i at the end of
year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable I
sold to bank
is a dummy which equals 1 if bond j was
sold by insurer i in year t to a bank. We excluded CMBS holdings where the following firms are buyers: FA REINSUR-
ANCE, Resolution Life Insurance, Coinsurance Talcott-Allianz. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019, I
and I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
are dummies which equal 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until year t + τ (excluding year
t), for all properties and only oces, respectively. I
Of f ice
is a dummy which equals 1 for any exposure to oces. Standard
errors clustered at the security level in parentheses. Coupon Type is the type of coupon payment for bond j (e.g. fixed
rate, floating rate, interest only). Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
A. Additional Figures and Tables
Figure A.1: Delinquency Rates by Property Type
Notes: This Figure reports average delinquency for mortgages linked to dierent property types.
Property types are defined as in Appendix B. Delinquency is a dummy variable which equals 1 if a
mortgage is more than 90 days past due. Source: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Figure A.2: Distribution of % Occupancy by Largest Tenant
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of the % occupied by the largest tenant in the properties
linked to CRE mortgages, separately for Retail and Oce. The width of each distribution bar is 4%.
Source: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Figure A.3: Distribution of % Teleworkable Jobs—All MSAs and Oce Mortgages
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of the share of jobs in each MSA that can be performed
from home, using the measure proposed by Dingel and Neiman (2020). We plot the distribution of
all MSAs in the Dingel and Neiman (2020) dataset, and the distribution of the MSAs from the mort-
gages in the Trepp data, focusing on properties classified as Oce. The width of each distribution
bar is 2%. Source: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Figure A.4: Dynamic Dierence-in-Dierences: Trading of CMBS Exposed to Cash Flow
Notes: Each plot shows the dynamic eect of exposure to underlying oce lease expiration on the likelihood of
sales of private-label CMBS by insurers, as in specification (5). The level of observation is bond j held by insurer
i at the end of year t. The dependent variable I
is a dummy which equals 1 if bond j was sold by insurer i
in year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
is defined as in the main paper, and D
ExpOf f ice(τ)
dummies equal to 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until one year ahead and
ι = t. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Figure A.5: Share Insurers CMBS Portfolio Exposed to Lease Expiration Within τ years
Notes: Each plot shows the share of the private-label CMBS portfolio of insurance companies at the
end of each year, for bonds which have I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
equal 1, that is, bond j has any underlying oce-
linked mortgages whose leases expire within τ years in year t. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’
Figure A.6: Buyers of CMBS by Category over Time (All Properties)
Notes: This figure reports the share of buyers of all private-
label CMBS against all properties sold by insurance firms by cat-
egories over time. We exclude three major buyers (FA REIN-
ALLIANZ). Property types are defined as in Appendix B. Source:
Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Figure A.7: Buyers of CMBS by Category over Time (Oces)
Notes: This figure reports the share of buyers of all private-label
CMBS against oces sold by insurance firms by categories over
time. We exclude three major buyers (FA REINSURANCE, RES-
types are defined as in Appendix B. Source: Trepp, NAIC, and au-
thors’ calculations.
Table A.1: Property Types and Lease Expiration Information
Property Category # without lease expiration # with lease expiration % with lease expiration
Healthcare-Nursing 464727 51 0.01
Industrial-WH 147055 53515 26.68
Lodging-Restaurants 208574 180 0.09
Mixed Use 66103 56571 46.11
Multifamily 5057710 831 0.02
Oce 66596 209965 75.92
Other 223293 10413 4.46
Retail 100665 415663 80.50
Notes: This table shows the number of observations in our CRE mortgage sample for which the lease expiration informa-
tion is included, and the number of observations for which the lease expiration information is missing. Sample is from
Jan/2017 to Jun/2022. Breakdown is provided by property type. Source: Trepp and authors’ calculations.
Table A.2: CMBS Insurance Buyer Dierence-in-Dierences—Exposure to Lease Expiration
sold to insurance
Lease expiration horizon (τ = 1) (τ = 2) (τ = 3) (τ = 4) (τ = 5) (τ = 6)
0.0002 0.0009
8.62 × 10
0.0002 8.82 × 10
(0.0004) (0.0005) (0.0006) (0.0006) (0.0006) (0.0007)
Exp Of f ice(τ)
0.0003 4.85 × 10
0.0008 0.0004 0.0007 0.0005
(0.0004) (0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0006)
Of f ice
-0.0017 -0.0015 -0.0017 -0.0017 -0.0018 -0.0019
(0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013)
P ost Covid
× I
8.79 × 10
0.0004 0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0005 -0.0013
(0.0006) (0.0008) (0.0007) (0.0007) (0.0008) (0.0009)
P ost Covid
× I
Exp Of f ice(τ)
1.5 × 10
8.1 × 10
-0.0002 0.0007 0.0008 0.0018
(0.0006) (0.0006) (0.0005) (0.0006) (0.0006) (0.0009)
P ost Covid
× I
Of f ice
-0.0004 -0.0007 -0.0006 -0.0008 -0.0009 -0.0011
(0.0008) (0.0008) (0.0008) (0.0008) (0.0009) (0.0009)
Observations 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987 203,987
0.41865 0.41866 0.41866 0.41866 0.41866 0.41868
Within R
2.41 × 10
5.25 × 10
5.34 × 10
4.11 × 10
5.18 × 10
8.35 × 10
Year × Insurer id fixed eects
CUSIP × Insurer id fixed eects
Year × Coupon Type fixed eects
Year × NAIC Designation fixed eects
Notes: This table shows the eect of exposure to underlying lease expiration and oces on the likelihood of sales of private-label CMBS by insurance companies
to insurance companies. The level of observation is bond j held by insurer i at the end of year t. The sample period is 2017 to 2022. The dependent variable
sold to insurance
is a dummy which equals 1 if bond j was sold by insurer i in year t to another insurance company. We excluded CMBS holdings where the following
firms are buyers: FA REINSURANCE, Resolution Life Insurance, Coinsurance Talcott-Allianz. P ost Covid
equals 1 after 2019, I
and I
ExpOf f ice(τ)
are dummies
which equal 1 if bond j is exposed to mortgages whose main lease expires up until year t + τ (excluding year t), for all properties and only oces, respectively. I
Of f ice
is a dummy which equals 1 for any exposure to oces. Coupon Type is the type of coupon payment for bond j (e.g. fixed rate, floating rate, interest only). Standard
errors clustered at the security level in parentheses. Sources: Trepp, NAIC, and authors’ calculations.
Table A.3: Small Bank Characteristics by CMBS Ownership
CMBS Before COVID-19 CMBS Only After COVID-19 No CMBS
Total Assets (000s) 1,751,887 1,267,447 707,091
% Non-owner occ CRE loans 16.35 17.16 13.28
% Private CMBS over total assets 1.18 1.26 0
% Private CMBS 1.98 2.37 0
% Short term securities 2.93 2.76 5.55
% US Treasury 8.22 9.56 16.39
% State and Municipal Bonds 28.64 28.67 27.51
% Other Debt Securities 3.28 3.42 1.95
% Foreign Debt Securities 0.13 0.10 0.09
% Agency MBS 10.43 9.83 7.53
Tier 1 Leverage 10.85 10.81 11.57
Notes: This table shows average values for selected characteristics for three types of small banks over the four
quarters of 2023. The first column includes all banks that hold private-label CMBS between 2017 and March 2020.
The second column includes all banks that hold private-label CMBS only after March 2020. The last column includes
all remaining banks, i.e., banks that do not hold any private-label CMBS between 2017 and 2023. Source: Call
Reports and authors’ calculations.
B. Data Construction
Our data comes from two main sources, Trepp and NAIC, and are complemented by Call
Reports data for our bank level analysis. In what follows, we document the data cleaning
procedures for each of the two data sources, and show how we obtain measures of exposure
to cash flow shocks at the CMBS level.
Trepp CRE mortgage data. Mortgage data is informed at the loan level with frequency dic-
tated by distribution dates (ddate). We use these distribution dates as our main date variables
in the loan level analysis. In constructing our sample for the analysis, we exclude:
Observations without city information;
Observations with an outstanding balance lower than $ 500;
Observations for which lease expiration is patchy, that is, when lease expiration infor-
mation exists for certain months, ceases to be included, and is again included after-
Observations which have more than one broad property type associated with it in the
year in our sample.
Furthermore, we use information from the variable proptype, informed by Trepp, to con-
struct the broad property types which we use in our analysis. The variable proptype has a
large number of stringers indicating the use of the property serving as collateral for each
mortgages. We aggregate these strings into eight dierent property types: Oce, Retail, Mul-
tifamily, Mixed Use, Healthcare-Nursing, Lodging-Restaurants, Industrial and Warehouses, and
the residual category Other. Examples of how we bin dierent proptype into our broader
property type category are:
Oce includes proptype strings such as “Oce “Oce/Hdqr”,“Oce Building” and
“oce properties”;
Retail includes proptype strings such as “Retail”, “Retail Unanchored”, “Retail An-
chored” and “Retail Mall”;
Multifamily includes proptype strings such as “Multi-Tenant”, “Multifamily” and “Multi-
Mixed Use includes proptype strings such as “Mixed-Use, “Oce/Warehouse”, “Mul-
tifamily/Retail” and “Oc/Retail/Mltfmly”;
Healthcare-Nursing includes proptype strings such as “Nursing Home, “Medical Of-
fice, “Assisted Living” and “Medical Oce”;
Lodging-Restaurants includes proptype strings such as “Hospitality”, “Lodging Full
Service, “Restaurant” and “Hotel”;
Industrial and Warehouses includes proptype strings such as “Industrial”, “Self-Storage,
“Warehouse” and “Industrial/warehouse.
The full list of strings and their respectively classification can be obtained upon request.
Following this procedure, we obtain the loan level monthly panel summarized in Table 1.
Call Reports. We obtain bank level data at quarterly frequency from the Reports of Condi-
tion and Income (call reports), available here. We construct our series of holdings of private
CMBS by following the construction of the LM763063653.Q and LM763063693.Q variables
at the bank level. Detailed instructions for the construction of these two series can be found
here and in here.
B.1. CMBS and Insurer Level Exposure to Underlying Loan Characteristics
Since NAIC data is at annual frequency and Trepp data is at distribution date frequency
(monthly), we follow an aggregation procedure to plug loan information into CMBS. Specif-
ically, we collect deal level information corresponding to December of each year (and June
for 2022, the last month in our sample from Trepp), and add this information to the bonds
linked to each deal.
We exclude TD Bank from the analysis as its holdings of private-label CMBS suddenly drop in 2018, and
no discontinuous drop is observed in either of the aggregate series. Our small bank analysis is identical as TD
Bank would not be classified as a small bank.
Specifically, let T otAmt
denote the total amount outstanding of the pool of loans of deal
d which is linked to bond j and T otAmt
Of f ices
denote the same amount for loans linked to of-
fice properties. Then bond js exposure to oces in year t is defined as T
Of f ice
T otAmt
Of f ices
T otAmt
This exposure variable is used to construct dummy variables for positive exposure to oces
using variables analogous to T otAmt
Of f ices
that only include amount for loans with leases
expiring within each τ horizon.
To obtain insurer level exposures, we calculate a weighted average exposure at the bond
level (weighted by BACV), times the size of the portfolio of private-label CMBS for each
C. Identifying Active Sales and Acquisitions
The results in Section 5 rely on measures of active asset sales and acquisitions by insurers,
obtained from NAIC Schedule D, parts 3 and 4. We identify active sales using a procedure
similar to Becker, Opp and Saidi (2022). First, we use the information contained in the
variable name of the purchaser to exclude entries with keywords associated with maturity,
redemption, repayment and default, for example. We also impose the requirement of strict
positive or negative value in the variable realized gain(loss) on disposal. Finally, we further
exclude observations for which maturity dates coincide with the report date.
To classify active acquisitions, we identify a series of keywords for the vendor variable
which contain information not associated with active acquisitions. These keywords include
references to exchange, capitalization, merger and transfer, for example. The full list of key-
words, alongside the R code, can be obtained from the authors upon request.