Major: Marketing Last Updated : May 9, 2019
Assessment Method & Procedures
Data Collection
Planned Improvements Based on Results Assessment Type
Outcome 1.1 - Demonstrate an
integrated understanding of business
90% of students will receive a "C" or better on
a comprehensive marketing strategies case.
(MKTG 4800)
Tri-Annual 2017
Learning objective is direct, formative, and internal.
Outcome 1.2 Developed advanced
analytical skills through the use of
complex and comprehensive cases, to
be able to identify central
issues/problems in these cases and
present well-supported
recommendations for future actions.
90% of students will receive a "C" or better on
a comprehensive marketing strategies case.
(MKTG 4800)
Tri-Annual 2017
100% received at least a "C" or better on at
least one comprehensive marketing
strategies case.
In this class, all students met the standards of this
assessment. I spent a clear amount of time introducing
case analysis in this class. Case analysis, and marketing
decision-making, requires tolerance for ambiguity.
Some students did not appear to be ready to take this
course. Confidence is important when developing a
tolerance for ambiguity, and I want to make students
feel comfortable as possible when they are introduced
to case analysis. However, in a subtle matter, I will let
students know early that this class requires a tolerance
for ambiguity. I already give considerable attention to
prepare students to case analysis. However, I will make
previous semester case analyses available to student. I
am actively considering other ways to assist students to
develop a more personalized understanding of case
analysis. Ultimately, a better measure next year might
be that at least 70% of all students should: (1) have at
least a B average on all cases after the first case; and,
(2) turn in on time at least three of the five case
Outcome 2.1 - Adapt the marketing
mix to fit an international marketing
80% of students will receive a "C" or better on
an international market feasibility study
(MKTG 3360)
Tri-Annual 2018
Average grade in E90 section was 84.86%
with 92% receiving a "c" or better.
Students achieved the desired outcomes for this
project. One change to be implemented on this project
would be to slightly decrease the amount of work for
this project to allow for more feedback to be provided
to the students.
Learning objective is direct, formative, and internal.
Outcome 2.2- Develop the ability to
collaborate effectively in a team
90% of groups will receive a satisfactory score
(3 on a scale of 1-5) on the group portion of
their peer evaluation on the integrated
marketing plan project. (MKTG 3250)
Tri-Annual 2019
The average group evaluation score for all
sections of MKTG 3250 was 1.49 on a scale of
1-5 with 1 being excellent and 5 being very
poor. The average score of the on-campus
section was 1.15. This scores indicates that
the on-campus section of MKTG 3250
excelled at working with their peers on a
group project. The last time this course was
taught I had a large amount of online student
request to work alone due to challenging life
schedule. I made the decision to not require
group work so no students opted to work
with a partner. So this was not assess for
online students.
Obviously there were some teams that worked more
effectively than others. Overall, the current procedures
for the group project are working well based on these
scores. However, it is recommended that the Facutly
provide as many collaboration tools as possible for the
students in order to effectively collaborate on group
projects. It may also be helpful to have the groups
periodically "check-in" with the Instructor of the
course, or do multiple peer evalautions throughout the
project in order to ensure that the group is effectively
collaborating. There is also a challenge that we are
seeing that online students prefer to work along then in
groups due to their busy work/life schedules. This is
something we need to discuss further to see how we
should handle this moving forward.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 2.3 - Students demonstrate
an understanding of the impact social
responsibility, sustainability , ethics
and the legal environment have have
on the marketing of products and
80% of students will receive a grade of a "C" or
better on assignment(s)that address social
responsibility, sustainability, ethics and the
legal environment in marketing. (MKTG 3250)
Tri-Annual 2019
The average score out of 20 on the
assignment was 19.3 points for the on-
campus students and 19.5 for online students
that submitted the assignment. The average
scores for the online and on-campus classes
were very simular. 100% of students
achieved a satisfactory grade of 70% or a "C"
or better on this assignment.
Students achieved the desired outcomes for this
assignment. The current assessment activity is lacking
in questions regarding sustainability. It is
recommended that some additional questions
pertaining to sustainability be added to this assignment.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Program Learning Outcome 3.
Integrate technology and computer software applications to address business challenges.
Program Learning Outcome 1.
Apply analytical and critical thinking skills by utilizing general business principles and practices in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing.
Program Learning Outcome 2.
Demonstrate ethical leadership and effective teamwork in given business scenarios of a global and diverse environment.
Outcome 3.1 - Be able to create and
deliver a presentation using current
presentation technology.
100% of students completed a satisfactory
presentation on their integrated maketing
plan presentation. (MKTG 3250)
Tri-Annual 2019
The average grade on the IMC presentation
was 24.04 out of 25 possible points for all
sections. The average for the on-campus
section was 23.84 and 24.24 for the online
section. 100% of students achieved a
satisfactory score on their IMC plan
Marketing students appear to have excellent
presentation area of opportunity for
oncampus students is to have them dress professionally
during there presentation. It is recommended that this
assignment be continued to continue to develop these
skill sets of these students. It is also recommended that
current technologies continue to be utilized for
conducting their presentations.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 3.2 - Demonstrate the
ability to utilize current technologies
to analyze marketing research data
80% of students received a grade of "c" or
better on marketing research assignment that
analyzed data output. (MKTG 3400)
Tri-Annual 2018
001 Section - 100% of students received a "c"
or better on data analysis assignment.
However, direct evaluation was based on a
group project. E90 section - 100% of
students in the online section achieved a "c"
or better on the marketing research data
analysis section
The online section may incorporate more videos and
tutorials in order to provide a clearer understanding of
data analysis concepts. In addition, more may be done
online so that students can access a statistical package
much earlier. On campus, students should have a
direct individual evaluation of their abilitiy to analyze
data output.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 3.3 - Students have the
ability to utilize web-based
applications to promote products and
services online.
80% of students received a grade of "C" or
better on Internet Marketing project. (MKTG
Tri-Annual 2018
001 Section - 100% of students received a "c"
or better on the simulation activity, the
average score was 83.50%. E90 section -
100% of students in the online section
achieved a "c" or better on the simulation
activity, the average score was 74.25%.
Students achieved the desired outcomes for this
project. Previously we were going to elimiate the
simluation in the course but decided to keep it so that
students could get some hands on experience. Students
did achieve the desired results but the on-campus class
did a little better than the online section. I will put
together more videos as resources for online students
that are having difficulties. I also might make the
simulation not as long and have a short time period or
less turns in a longer time period to accomodate online
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 4.1 - Demonstrate effective
oral communcation skills.
100% of students completed a satisfactory
presentation on their integrated maketing
plan presentation. (MKTG 3250)
Tri-Annual 2019
The average grade on the IMC presentation
was 24.24 out of 25 possible points for all
sections. The average for the on-campus
section was 23.79 and 24.68 for the online
section. 100% of students achieved a
satisfactory score on their IMC plan
Marketing students appear to have excellent
presentation skills. It is recommended that this
assignment be continued to continue to develop these
skill sets of these students. It is also recommended that
current technologies continue to be utilized for
conducting their presentations.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 4.2 -Demonstrate effective
written communication skills.
80% of groups receive a satisfactory ("C")
score on the writing and referencing portion
of the integrated marketing plan (MKTG
Tri-Annual 2019
The average grade on the written
communication portion of the IMC plan was
90.33%. The range of scores was 70% -
100%. The online average was a 89% and the
on-campus students' average was 91.66%.
One way to improve students writing skills is to
continue to do in-class peer reviews of their papers,
give students the opportunity to submit a draft for
review to their professor prior to the due date, provide
samples of well-written papers and encourage students
to have their paper proofed at the writing center.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
80% of students will receive a "C" or better on
an international market feasibility study
(MKTG 3360)
Tri-Annual 2015
Avearage grade on feasibiltiy analysis project
in section 001 was 95% with 95% of students
receiving a "c" or better on the project.
Average grade in E90 section was 80% with
87.5% receiving a "c" or better. The overall
average score between the two sections was
87.5% with 91.25% of students receing a "c"
or better on the assignment.
Students achieved the desired outcomes for this
project. One change to be implemented is more
standardized grading between the two sections. It
appears that the on-campus (001) section received
higher scores than the online section (e90). Standard
grading will be implemented in both sections.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 6.1 - Students are able to
analyze secondary and primary
research data and develop
80% of students received a grade of "c" or
better on marketing research assignment that
analyzed data output. (MKTG 3400)
Tri-Annual 2015
001 Section - 92% of students received a "c"
or better on data analysis assignment. E90
section - 70% of students in the online
section achieved a "c" or better on the
marketing research data analysis section
The online section will incorporate more videos and
tutorials in order to provide a clearer understanding of
data analysis concepts.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Outcome 6.2 - Students have the
ability to identify target markets and
segments for a specific product or
80% of students receive a satisfactory ("C")
score on the target market and segmentation
portion of the integrated marketing plan
(MKTG 3250).
Tri-Annual 2016
The average score on the target market
segmentation section of the IMC plan was
8.65/10 or 85.5%. The majority of students
seem to demonstrate a good understanding
of segmentation
One way to improve scores on this section of the report
is to continue to do in-class peer reviews of their
papers, give students the opportunity to submit a draft
for review to their professor prior to the due date, and
provide samples of previously completed reports with
excellent target market/segmentation sections.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Program Learning Outcome 6.
Utilize Marketing Research including primary and secondary data, marketing segmentation, and target marketing techniques to evaluate and formulate strategic marketing
Program Learning Outcome 4.
Apply effective communication skills in business and professional settings.
Program Learning Outcome 5.
Analyze the marketing environment utilizing the 4 P's of Marketing including prodcut, price, place, promotion to execute the marketing strategy in a global economy.
80% of students received a "c" or better
average on compilation of all exams. (MKTG
Section 001/002 - 78% of students received a
"c" or better on average score of all exams in
the class. Section E90/91 - 91% of students
earned a "c" or better on average score of all
exams. Total in all sections 84.5% of all
students received a grade of a "c" or better
on the average of all exams
Both on-campus and online students are able to use the
book when taking the exam. It has increased the
average score of the sections but 2.5%.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
8.1 - Demonstrate the ability to
develop branding gruidelines and
80% of students receive a "c" or better on
branding project. (MKTG 3700)
Tri-Annual 2018
001 Section - 100% of students received a "c"
or better on branding project, the average
was a 92%. E90 section - 100% of students in
the online section achieved a "c" or better on
the branding project, the average was 78%.
The online grades includes a few 0, which
brought the average down. Of those that
complete the branding project the average
was a 90%.
After the changes that had been made from the
previous assessment plan, the changes have seemed to
have been good. Students seem to know what is
expected of them and they have been doing a great job.
This will be revaluated again after the next semester
this is taught.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
8.2 Determine the appropriate
advertising mediums and promotion
recommendations to be used to
effectively promote products and
services to the identified target
80% of students receive a satisfactory ("C")
score on the advertising, [promotion, and
target market sections of the integrated
marketing plan. (MKTG 3250)
Tri-Annual 2019
The average score on the advertising and
promotion section of the IMC plan was 32.02
out 35 or 91.4%. Students seem to do well on
this section of the marketing plan.
One way to improve scores on this section of the report
is to continue to do in-class peer reviews of their
papers, give students the opportunity to submit a draft
for review to their professor prior to the due date, and
provide samples of previously completed reports with
excellent advertising and promotion recommendations.
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
8.3 -Understand when personal
selling is most effective in selling
products and services.
90% of students receive a satisfactory ("C")
score on personal selling presentation (MKTG
Tri-Annual 2017
Learning objective is indirect, formative, and internal.
Program Learning Outcome 7.
Illustrate how internal and external forces affect consumer and business needs and wants resulting in comsumption related behavior.
Program Learning Outcome 8.
Demonstrate how branding, advertising, promotions, and sales are integrated to develop an effective marketing program.