Prepared by NISP Authorization Office (NAO) 04/01/2018 v1.1
1. When should Industry submit for reauthorizations? Industry reauthorization
submissions should be submitted 90 days before the current Authorization to Operate
(ATO) expires.
DSS personnel must: 1) Review the System Security Plan (SSP); 2) Conduct an
assessment; 3) Allow for interaction with Industry for potential corrections/updates to
submitted SSPs.
Note: The DSS goal is to make authorization decisions within 30 days.
2. Can Industry continue to operate systems after an ATO expires? No. Once an ATO
expires, Industry must cease processing on that system.
If Industry submitted a complete reauthorization package 90 days prior to ATO
expiration and DSS was unable to process the package due to workload, then DSS will
determine if a short term (Limited) ATO may be issued. Communication between the
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) and the local DSS Information Systems
Security Professional (ISSP) is the key to successfully achieving an ATO reauthorization.
Waiting until the day before an ATO expires to engage will ensure the process fails.
A short term ATO is not automatic and will involve input from the local Regional
Authorizing Official (AO) representatives. It is incumbent on Industry to submit a timely
and complete reauthorization package.
3. Is the ODAA Process Manual still effective? No. As of January 1, 2018, the Defense
Security Service Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM) Version 1.2
will be used for all classified systems seeking authorization and/or re-authorization.
4. Are Data Transfer Agents (DTA) considered privileged users? Yes. Privileged users
include anyone who conducts data transfers, including low to high.
5. Is Industry required to review classification guidance when completing Risk
Assessment Reports (RAR) and Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)? Yes.
Vulnerabilities identified in the Risk Assessment Report and/or the POA&M are subject
to the Security Classification Guide (SCG) for that program. SCGs are required for every
program per NISPOM 4-103 and 7-102.
6. Will DSS publish a new list of Security Relevant Objects (SROs)? No. DSS will no
longer publish a list of Security Relevant Objects (SROs) to be audited.
The ISSM must work with the Information Owner (IO)/Information System Owner (ISO)
to determine what files are most appropriate to audit in order to mitigate the specific
threats and vulnerabilities unique to the system.
7. Can audit correlation controls be manual? Yes. Audit correlation controls can be
manual; they are meant to be a discussion between different security entities to determine
if there is a pattern of security violations and insider threat concerns. Examples: 1) A
pattern of similar software failures can point to a need to roll back a security patch; 2)
Security violations from one individual in different areas might be correlated with Human
Resource (HR) records.
8. In order to meet one of the security controls, the facility will follow an internal
policy. Does the policy need to be uploaded in OBMS with the System Security Plan
(SSP)? Yes. The internal policy should be included with the SSP as an artifact with
Prepared by NISP Authorization Office (NAO) 04/01/2018 v1.1
specific page numbers and/or sections referenced. If your policy refers to an internal
policy that is proprietary or is too large to include as an artifact, it must be available for
review during an assessment visit.
9. Can a facility create one policy that incorporates all the -1 controls? Yes. Every
security control family has a -1 control that requires a policy. It may be appropriate to
roll all or some of the policies into a site IS Policy.
10. What is the time period for audit retention? Audit retention is for one year or one
assessment cycle, whichever is longer.
The SCG and other program requirements should be reviewed to determine how long
audit information is required to be retained. Example: Audit logs for a system
processing Top Secret data which supports a weapon system might require a 5 year
retention period.
11. Does a PL2 System exist within RMF? No. Under RMF, ISs are now categorized
based on the impact due to a loss of confidentiality (moderate/high), integrity
(low/moderate/high), and availability (low/moderate/high) of the system according to
information provided by the IO.
DSS and the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee
(NISPPAC) has identified a categorization of M-L-L as the baseline absent information
which would move it higher. With the transition to RMF, the facility is responsible for
categorizing the system and selecting the controls that will address the requirements for
Need To Know (NTK). ISSMs will then define the strategy for the affected controls
within the individual control implementation justification, subject to ISSP and AO
12. All Information Systems (IS) requiring authorization or reauthorization must use
the DAAPM version 1.2 and the RMF process. However, the DAAPM does not have
overlays for WAN systems. If Industry must use the RMF process for “all” ISs,
what control guidance is required on non-isolated systems? RMF requires the facility
to categorize the system and select the applicable controls. A DSS Overlay will not be
created for Wide Area Networks (WAN).
An overlay was only created for Standalone Systems and Isolated LANs/Peer-to-Peer.
Selecting security controls for WANs will start with the initial baseline (DAAPM
Appendix A). The security controls listed in the initial baseline are not a minimum, but
rather a proposed starting point from which controls may be removed or added based on
tailoring. However, all controls must be addressed. Tailoring guidance is provided in
DAAPM page 21 and NIST SP 800-53.
13. Can Industry assume tailored-in controls that the DSS SCAs will require for
DIBNet-S or SECRET IP Data Network nodes will be the same for all contractors
who submit assessment packages to DSS for these 'WAN' systems? No. All security
controls must be addressed. RMF is not a one size fits all approach.
Every facility has different operational security requirements based on the level of
safeguarding required for the data processed. Since WANs do not have an overlay, you
are not tailoring in additional controls. These controls are part of the baseline. As with
all SSP packages, you will need to first conduct a risk assessment. Once you have
conducted a thorough risk assessment and reviewed all contractual requirements, you will
need to select the appropriate controls for the system. If controls from the baseline are
Prepared by NISP Authorization Office (NAO) 04/01/2018 v1.1
not selected, you will need to tailor out these controls and provide proper written
14. To fully comply with the spirit and intent of control CP-9 'Information System
Backup', does the contractor have to perform a full backup of all software and data
on the MUSA system weekly and record evidence they performed a weekly
Continuous Monitoring (ConMon) audit to enable DSS to confirm this action has
been executed weekly by the user, system administrator or ISSM of Record? CP-9
requires the organization to conduct the following: (1) Backups of user-level information
contained in the information system weekly; (2) Backups of system-level information
contained in the information system weekly; (3) Backups of information system
documentation including security-related documentation as required by system baseline
configuration changes in accordance with the contingency plan (4) Protect the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of backup information at storage locations.
System-level information includes system-state information, operating system and
application software, and licenses.
Backup plans should be developed for all systems and be included in your contingency
planning policy. The backup plan should consider data loss risks. The areas of risk that
should be identified and planned for include, but are not limited to: loss of power, loss of
network connectivity, loss or corruption of data, and facility disruptions, such as loss of
air conditioning, fire, flooding, etc.
15. Does guidance and supporting policies exist for the classification of a system as a
PIT (Platform Information Technology) versus an IS and a modified authorization
process? As detailed in the DAAPM Version 1.2 (Sections 6.1 and 6.2), the ISSM is
required to define the system in the System Description section of the SSP. The ISSM
will document the controls as appropriate for any system type. Controls that require
tailoring out due to a lack of system capabilities will need to have documented
justification(s) and/or mitigations within the SSP.
16. Does DSS NAO believe Change Request (CRs) must be populated and pre-approved
in writing by the ISSM for 1) all uploaded vendor 'patch' updates to operating
system or business/security relevant software noted in the AO approved 'Software
Listing' and 2) all anti-virus 'signature file' updates uploaded periodically to the
Information System (IS)? Facilities must operate in accordance with their
Configuration Management Plan. The plan will detail the roles, responsibilities, policies,
and procedures that are applicable when managing the configuration of products and
systems. The ISSM is responsible for ensuring the policies and procedures are followed
and that all additions, changes or modifications to hardware, software, or firmware are
documented and that security relevant changes are appropriately coordinated. If the
Configuration Management Plan requires a CR for vendor OS patches; then a CR is
required. If the plan addresses vendor patches as a "weekly system maintenance activity,"
then a CR may not be required if this activity is captured in a Maintenance log or other
similar tracking document.
17. Since the implementation of a Diskless Computer is consistent regardless of
make/model of system (i.e. any computer that does not have the ability to
store/retain information), will DSS make this a third option to the SSP template (i.e.
in addition to SUSA/MUSA and Isolated LAN/P2P) and tailor out the appropriate
controls? At this time, DSS will not create an overlay for Diskless Workstations. As
Prepared by NISP Authorization Office (NAO) 04/01/2018 v1.1
with all systems authorized under RMF, the correct balance of security commensurate
with risk is found by using the tailoring process.
18. What are the "security markings" required by DAAPM and control MP-3? The
contractor is required to follow both the NISPOM and DAAPM. The DAAPM is the
manual that provides the “additional security controls.”
NISPOM 8-101 states: The contractor will maintain an ISs security program that
incorporates a risk-based set of management, operational, and technical controls,
consistent with guidelines established by the CSA.
NISPOM 8-300 states: Additional security controls may be provided by the CSA to
establish the baseline security control set required for each IS processing classified
NISPOM 4-200 states: Physically marking classified information with appropriate
classification markings serves to warn and inform holders of the information of the
degree of protection required. Other notations facilitate downgrading, declassification,
and aid in derivative classification actions. Therefore, it is essential that all classified
information and material be marked to clearly convey to the holder the level of
classification assigned, the portions that contain or reveal classified information, the
period of time protection is required, the identity (by name and position or personal
identifier) of the classifier, the source(s) for derivative classification, and any other
notations required for protection of the information.
NISPOM 8-302g.(1) states: Mark, label, and protect ISs media to the level of
authorization until an appropriate classification review is conducted and resultant
classification determination is made.
The DAAPM (Appendix A) MP-3 Supplemental Guidance states that security markings
refer “to the application/use of human readable security attributes.”
19. Does DAAPM MP-3 require volatile hardware component security markings to
marking requirements include "distribution limitations, handling caveats, and applicable
security markings (if any) of the information." In addition, the NISPOM must be
referenced for additional media marking information. It is important to note that the
intent of the markings is to ensure that the classification of the item is clear to the holder
(NISPOM 4-200) so that proper protection can be provided.
DSS recognizes forms of media as special types of material generally containing multiple
files and coming in all shapes and sizes, which makes marking and labeling more
difficult than for individual documents. Such media often contain both unclassified and
classified documents and may include multiple categories of information and/or handling
caveats. Therefore, the highest classification of any classified item contained within the
media (overall marking) along with any and all associated categories/caveats (e.g.,
CNWDI, NATO) will be conspicuously marked (stamped, printed, etched, written,
engraved, painted, or affixed by means of a tag, sticker, decal, or similar device) on the
exterior of such material (or, if such marking is not possible, on documentation that
accompanies the media) so it is clear to the holder (NISPOM 4-203).
If each document on a removable device contains all of the required information for that
document, only the overall classification and associated caveats markings must be
marked on the exterior of the device. Other notations such as names, addresses,
subjects/titles, source of classification and declassification instructions are not necessary
Prepared by NISP Authorization Office (NAO) 04/01/2018 v1.1
on the exterior of removable media. Additionally, unclassified media and systems located
in areas approved by the CSA for classified processing must also be marked and labeled
so that the overall classification and associated caveats are apparent to the user.
20. Is encryption of data at rest always required regardless of the type of system? Some
ISSPs are stating that it is a requirement while others are not. No. The ISSP should
be looking at the threats and overall security posture of the facility. This requirement may
be met using alternate controls or methods. Each situation and system must be
evaluated separately. For example, if it is a laptop that does not travel or create media
and is stored in a container when not in use, this control could be mitigated and
acceptable by using the container as a means of controlling access to data.
21. Are all POA&M items required to be closed out/completed prior to the system being
granted an Authorization to Operate (ATO)? No. POA&Ms are required when a
control is not met. The ISSM must identify and mitigate any control that is not met or
claimed as not being required. Open items do not prevent a system from being
authorized. Some items may never be closed out, while others may be implemented at a
later time. An example would be if the contractor system replicates or is supporting a
fielded system that cannot be upgraded at the moment. Documentation should be
provided detailing when the fielded item will be updated and that date reflected. The
POA&M is reviewed under the continuous monitoring program.
22. Is Industry required to shut down C&A accredited systems in order to transition to
RMF? No. C&A accredited systems may continue to operate during the transition
process. If the ISSM has failed to submit a complete RMF SSP prior to the ATO
expiration, the AO/ISSP will work with the facility and determine whether or not an
extension to the current authorization may be issued to complete the RMF process.
23. When can we expect to see the next update of the DAAPM?
NAO is in the process of releasing DAAPM 1.3 which will become effective on June 4,
2018. The DAAPM will be accessible from the RMF Resource