April 2012
Issue No: 4:0
HMG IA Standard Numbers 1 & 2
Information Risk Management
HMG IA Standard Numbers 1 & 2
Information Risk Management
Issue: 4.0
April 2012
This document is for the purposes of issuing advice to UK government, public sector
organisation and/or related organisations. The copying and use of this document for
any other purpose, such as for training purposes, is not permitted without the prior
approval of CESG.
The copyright of this document is reserved and vested in the Crown.
Document History IS1
March 1998
First issue
April 2003
September 2003
March 2007
3.0 Part 2
April 2007
IS1 now divided into two parts; risk assessment
and risk treatment
3.0 Part 1
June 2007
IS1 now divided into two parts; risk assessment
and risk treatment. Qualitative risk assessment
method introduced combining former
methodologies from IS1 and IS3
3.1 Part 1
July 2007
3.1 Part 2
January 2008
3.2 Part 2
February 2008
3.2 Part 1
October 2008
3.3 Part 1
March 2009
3.4 Part 2
December 2008
IS1 Parts 1 & 2 3.5
October 2009
IS1 Part 1 & 2 version numbers synchronised
IS1 Parts 1 & 2 3.6
October 2010
April 2012
IS1 & IS2 combined into the one Standard. Risk
assessment and risk treatment methods
combined into the one Supplement
Document History IS2
April 1999
First issue
May 2005
January 2008
October 2008
January 2010
April 2012
IS1 & IS2 combined into the one Standard
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Intended Readership
This Standard principally addresses two
types of audience:
Those who hold senior
Information Assurance (IA)
related posts within Her Majesty’s
Government (HMG), specifically:
Senior Information Risk Owners
(SIROs), Departmental Security
Officers (DSOs), Information
Asset Owners (IAOs), Lead
Accreditors and others who, in
conjunction with the
Management Board, are
responsible for setting the
organisational Information
Security Strategy which
establishes polices such as
Information Risk Management
Information Risk Managers,
Security & Information Risk
Advisors (SIRAs), IA
Practitioners, Analysts,
Accreditors, delivery partners
and third party suppliers, who are
responsible for identifying,
assessing and managing the
technical risks to HMG
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) systems and
services that handle, store or
process Government information
Additionally it assists all those who are
more widely involved in the information
risk management and accreditation of ICT
systems or services that handle, store or
process Government information.
Executive Summary
This document is a Tier Four Standard and
forms part of the Security Policy
Framework (SPF) (reference [a]) and
therefore it must be used by Central
Government Departments and Agencies.
It is also recommended for the wider public
sector. It directly supports SPF Mandatory
Requirements (MRs) 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 11.
When setting an organisation’s
Information Security Strategy, supporting
IA structures, policies and processes need
to be established. This Standard, its
Supplement and the supporting
documents published in the CESG IA
Policy Portfolio will help Departments and
Agencies to achieve this.
Departments and Agencies must produce
an Information Risk Management Policy; it
is a fundamental aspect of an
organisation’s Information Security
Strategy; it not only underpins the
corporate approach to information
security, but also directs the organisation’s
wider IA policies, standards, guidance and
An organisation’s Information Risk
Management Policy must include the
Compliance with all legal and
regulatory obligations and
An IA Governance Framework
with IA roles, which define
responsibility and accountability
for key information risk
Page 2
management processes. This is
equally applicable for shared
An information risk appetite
An Accreditation Policy which
defines the strategic approach to
proportionality of accreditation
and re-accreditation within the
Department or Agency
An Education and Training Policy
for all mandatory and specialist
security roles
A fundamental principle of information risk
management is technical risk assessment,
and all Departments and Agencies must
conduct a technical risk assessment for
the Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability of their ICT systems or
services in line with the stepped
methodology presented in the Supplement
to this Standard: HMG IA Standard Nos. 1
& 2 Supplement (Supplement),
Technical Risk Assessment and Risk
Treatment (reference [b]). Any technical
risk assessment must include a business
impact and threat assessment so that
Departments and Agencies can identify
and value their information assets and
understand the threats that they face.
A technical risk assessment, whilst
important, is a precursor to effective
information risk management. The
management of information risk through
treatment, (the selection and
implementation of controls), is where
organisations should direct their
resources, (especially when they are
Organisations should note that the risks
they face are not only technical in nature;
they will also have to manage financial,
people, and physical risk amongst others.
Often risks are interrelated so they should
not be assessed or managed in isolation.
It is recommended that any technical risk
assessments are supported and
contextualised by business activities and
wider risk management processes such as
other corporate risk appetite(s) and
Departmental risk registers. Where
appropriate the output of wider risk
management processes and business
context should contribute to the overall
understanding of risk amongst the
organisation’s stakeholders.
The outcome of the technical risk
assessment provides organisations with
an understanding of the nature and
severity of the technical risks that their
information assets face, which results in a
more informed, and therefore
proportionate and appropriate approach to
their ongoing management.
Departments and Agencies must produce
and communicate an Accreditation Policy.
By establishing and communicating an
Accreditation Policy the SIRO, in
conjunction with the Accreditor has the
ability to define a strategic approach to
accreditation and re-accreditation, which
can for example, include the terms for
proportionality and the requirements of the
document set, (the RMADS); this is critical
for cost savings and business objectives to
be realised. There is no reason why simple
systems cannot have a short and basic
It is critical that the Accreditor or their
delegated authority is involved at project
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Information Risk
start-up meetings so that the requirement
for accreditation can be communicated to
the ICT project or programme team. These
requirements can also be included in the
organisation’s Accreditation Policy.
Residual risks will remain after treatment
activities and any associated information
risk management decisions should be
taken in the context of the organisation’s
information risk appetite and tolerance
levels, whilst ensuring that business
objectives are met and the expectations of
risk stakeholders are accommodated. Any
management decisions for residual risks
that are at variance with the organisation’s
information risk appetite must be
endorsed by the SIRO or their delegated
Information risk management and the
processes that support it is a continuous,
through life activity. Embedding
information risk management into all
related processes will help to support this
important objective.
Aims and Purpose
The aim of this Standard is to provide Risk Management Requirements (RMRs) of which
there are twenty, and a number of mandatory preconditions, which Departments and
Agencies must use as the basis for their Information Risk Management Policy. This
Standard supports SPF MR 6 which states that ‘Departments and Agencies must have an
information security policy The RMRs are typically strategic in nature; however the
Standard has been written to also support Information Risk Managers, IA Practitioners and
Analysts, as well as those in senior IA posts.
Departments and Agencies should note that the purpose of this Standard is not to form the
basis for contract creation or legally binding agreements, and it should not be used to do so;
its main purpose is to provide national information risk management policy for
implementation by Central Government Departments and Agencies through their own
Information Risk Management and IA policies.
Departments and Agencies may decide that aspects of their own Information Risk Management or IA policies
are suitable to be used as the basis for contract creation or legally binding agreements. Where this is the case,
business and security requirements need to be clearly communicated to those with contractual responsibility
so that they are understood and incorporated into contracts or legally binding agreements. Departments and
Agencies should, in the first instance, contact their Commercial and Legal teams.
Page 4
This information is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and may be exempt under other UK
information legislation. Refer any FOIA queries to GCHQ on 01242 221491 x30306 or email infoleg@gchq.gsi.gov.uk
Major Changes from IS1 Part 1 v3.6, Part 2 v3.6 & IS2
The following changes have been incorporated:
Alignment with the revised SPF; the style and format of this Standard supports this;
policy is clearly identifiable and supported by guidance to assist with its pragmatic
The IS1 and IS2 Standards have been incorporated into one document
The number of policy mandates have been significantly reduced with the focus now
being on fundamental information risk management principles which must be used
as the basis for Departments’ and Agencies’ Information Risk Management Policy
The inclusion of information risk management policy in support of shared services
Departments and Agencies must implement the full set of controls as defined in
the Baseline Control Set where the Business Impact Level has been assessed as
3 or above for either: Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability
Departments and Agencies are to establish their own requirements and processes
for proportionate accreditation and re-accreditation through the implementation of
an Accreditation Policy
The technical risk assessment and risk treatment methodologies are now found in
the accompanying Supplement. This Standard provides formal policy for
information risk management; the accompanying Supplement does not introduce
any additional policy it supports Departments and Agencies to fulfil their technical
risk assessment and risk treatment obligations
The majority of the information risk management guidance contained in IS2 v3.2 is
now located in the supporting Good Practice Guide No. 47, Information Risk
Management (reference [c]).
Page 5
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Chapter 1 - Introduction ................... 7
Using this Standard ......................... 7
Status and Applicability.................... 8
Pragmatic Information Risk
Management What This Means .. 10
Chapter 2 - Policies and the IA
Governance Framework ................. 13
Information Risk Management Policy
...................................................... 13
IA Governance Framework ............ 14
Departmental IA Policies ............... 18
Chapter 3 - Technical Risk
Assessment and Risk Treatment .. 21
Technical Risk Assessment ........... 21
Risk Treatment .............................. 27
Chapter 4 - Accreditation
Requirements .................................. 31
References ...................................... 35
Glossary .......................................... 37
Customer Feedback ....................... 49
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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Key Principles
This Standard directly supports SPF MRs 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 11; to help Departments
and Agencies fulfil their Information Security Policy, technical risk assessment, risk
treatment and accreditation obligations
This Standard is provided with a technical risk assessment and risk treatment
Supplement and should be read in conjunction with the supporting GPG 47
(reference [c])
Departments and Agencies should note that their information risk management
processes should be proportionate and appropriate to the system or service under
Using this Standard
1. This Standard has been formatted to assist Departments and Agencies with clearly
identifying what is policy and what is supporting guidance. A policy statement will
appear in the body of the text like this: ‘the Department or Agency must fulfil this’,
or in a numbered red text box as shown below:
2. The mandatory policy statement(s) and RMRs are supported by guidance, which
will provide the context needed to help Departments and Agencies pragmatically
interpret them and fulfil their obligations.
3. This Standard is provided with a technical risk assessment and risk treatment
Supplement and a supporting GPG 47 (reference [c]) which will help Departments
and Agencies to establish a proportionate and cost effective approach to
information risk management within the bounds of national IA Policy.
4. This Standard mandates some fundamental information risk management
principles for inclusion in an organisation’s Information Risk Management Policy
and supporting IA processes.
This is a mandatory policy statement, the Department or Agency must fulfil this.
Page 8
Status and Applicability
5. This Standard directly supports SPF MRs 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 11; to help Departments
and Agencies fulfil their Information Security Policy, technical risk assessment, risk
treatment and accreditation obligations.
6. The SPF states that Departments and Agencies must conduct technical risk
assessments for all ICT systems or services (using ‘HMG IA Standard No. 1
Technical Risk Assessment’)’. This assessment must be reviewed annually or
wherever there are significant changes to a risk component (threat vulnerability,
business use, impact etc).
7. Departments and Agencies should note that where a technical risk assessment
has already been conducted for their existing ICT systems or services, then an
annual review of the findings will suffice. If there have been no significant changes
to the components of risk or the technologies that form the Assessment Scope,
then a new technical risk assessment is not required. This decision should be
recorded and endorsed by the Accreditor or their delegated authority.
8. It is recommended that any technical risk assessments are supported and
contextualised by business activities and wider risk management processes such
as other corporate risk appetite(s) and Departmental risk registers. Without this
business context organisations will not necessarily consider all the risks that
should be captured by the Assessment Scope.
9. SPF MR 8 states that ‘All ICT systems that handle, store and process protectively
marked information or business critical data, or that are interconnected to cross-
government networks or services’ … must undergo a proportionate accreditation
process to ensure that the risks to confidentiality, integrity and availability of the
data, system and/or service are properly managed’.
10. The accreditation of ICT systems or services handling, storing or processing
protectively marked information or business critical data is a formal, independent
assessment against its IA requirements, which results in the acceptance of
residual risks in the context of business requirements and information risk appetite.
Typically this will be a prerequisite for approval to operate.
11. Departments and Agencies should note that the accreditation process must be
proportionate; where a system is complex then the RMADS will probably contain
a lot of information and in particular the risk assessment, risk treatment and
assurance activities may be complicated. However, where a system is simple, low
risk or follows a standard pattern then the production of an RMADS need not be
an overly burdensome activity.
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12. The Government Protective Marking System (GPMS) is an administrative system
to ensure that access to information assets is correctly managed and safeguarded
to an agreed and proportionate level throughout their lifecycle; it is founded upon
the ‘need to know’ principle. Further information on the Government Protective
Marking System is available in Security Policy No.2, Security of Information, of the
13. Information assets are provided with a Protective Marking by the originator or
nominated owner based on criteria as defined by the Cabinet Office in Annex One
of the SPF. The Protective Marking reflects the need for Confidentiality of the
information asset(s) to be maintained and does not relate to Integrity or Availability
14. Organisations should note that HMG information assets do not automatically carry
a Protective Marking and that the relationship between Protective Markings and
Business Impact Levels (ILs) is one-way and it sets the minimum IL for
Confidentiality. The Protective Markings of PROTECT, RESTRICTED,
CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET and TOP SECRET equate to ILs for Confidentiality of
at least 1/2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. However, it is not the case that an
information asset that has been assessed, for example as having an IL of 5 for
Confidentiality necessitates a Protective Marking of SECRET. Further information
on ILs is available in Appendix B of the Supplement to this Standard.
15. Departments and Agencies should note that there may be situations where the
assurance gained from accrediting ICT systems or services is required to validate
the approach to information risk management even though protectively marked
information or business critical data is not being handled, stored or processed. For
example, there may be circumstances in which senior risk stakeholders
that the ICT system or service is accredited because of the assessed high level of
impact should its Integrity or Availability be compromised, even though the
information being processed is not protectively marked.
16. Whilst those organisations that are bound by the SPF are mandated to conduct
technical risk assessments, and accredit their ICT systems or services when they
are processing protectively marked information or business critical data, they
should note that the information risk management processes supporting this
should be proportionate and cost effective.
17. CESG support a flexible approach when using the technical risk assessment
methodology it provides in the Supplement to this Standard. Whilst it is mandated
that organisations produce and communicate an Accreditation Policy, this
For the purpose of this Standard, the term senior risk stakeholder refers to any senior member of
an organisation who is responsible and accountable for its risk management activities.
Page 10
Standard does not insist that a specific structure or content is used; instead it
provides guidance in GPG 47 (reference [c]) to assist Departments and Agencies
with its production. This then allows for the business requirements of the
organisation to be included in its information risk management processes.
18. Flexibility can sometimes result in a trade-off with consistency and because of this
CESG have provided a stepped methodology in the Supplement to this Standard,
which provides Departments and Agencies with a repeatable and consistent
approach to technical risk assessment, which follows fundamental principles that
must be followed. Organisations should note that the mandatory component of
the technical risk assessment is the analysis, not the generation of forms.
19. A repeatable and consistent approach to technical risk assessment and
information risk management processes more generally, is crucial for Pan
Government information exchange and shared services
so that cost savings are
realised. Furthermore, those in specialist security roles, (such as the Lead
Accreditor), will be familiar with the methodologies and guidance presented in the
supporting Supplement, GPG 47 (reference [c]) and the wider CESG policy
portfolio as a whole.
20. This familiarisation can support the decision making process, help gain
Management Board approval and establish effective Departmental IA policies,
standards, guidance and procedures. For this reason Departments and Agencies
may choose to incorporate aspects of CESG’s IA guidance in their own Information
Risk Management Policy.
Pragmatic Information Risk Management What This Means
21. A pragmatic approach to information risk management does not mean do nothing
or the bare minimum; Departments and Agencies cannot use resource constraints
as a means of justifying a lack of information risk management activity. Information
risk management and its supporting processes should be proportionate and
appropriate to the system or service under consideration, and adapt according to
the needs of the business.
22. Information risk management should be viewed as a necessary function of an
organisation, enabling Departments and Agencies to successfully conduct
business. It should therefore be planned and resourced for appropriately in the
For the purpose of this Standard, the term shared service is used to refer to any ICT system or
service which is utilised by more than one stakeholder in a combined or collaborative business
function. Typical factors identifying a shared service include the sharing of investment between
organisations and the re-use and sharing of information assets, including processes and
technologies in a combined or collaborative function.
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same manner as other professional business functions such as Human Resources
(HR) and legal teams.
23. Only when organisations accept that information risk management is an integral
aspect of their business activities can the associated costs be managed
effectively. If information risk management requirements are ‘overlaid’ in support
of an ICT project or programme, (especially when it has been identified at a late
stage in the lifecycle), they are typically more expensive. In this case, information
risk management decisions can become influenced by project deliverables and
timescales, resulting in related contracts not representing value for money, or
worst case, failing to effectively meet the security requirements of the Department
or Agency. Organisations should note that Accreditor, (or their delegated
authority), involvement at project start-up meetings is essential so that the
requirement for accreditation can be communicated to the ICT project or
programme team.
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Information Risk
Chapter 2 - Policies and the IA Governance
Key Principles
Ultimate responsibility and accountability for legal and regulatory compliance will
always reside with the Accounting Officer/Permanent Secretary of the Department
In order for an IA Governance Framework to be effective it should be transparent,
with IA responsibilities clearly assigned including the remit of delegation
Having clearly defined roles, responsibilities and functions is a fundamental
requirement of an IA Governance Framework and must also be established for
shared services
The Management Board’s commitment to effective information security is to be
communicated; an information risk appetite statement must be produced in support
of this
An Accreditation Policy will define the terms for proportionate accreditation and re-
An Education and Training Policy will assist those in mandatory and specialist
security roles to perform their duties effectively
Information Risk Management Policy
24. There must be a ‘through life’ approach to information risk management across
an organisation. Embedding information risk management into all related
processes will help to support this important objective. In order for information risk
management to be effective it has to be visibly supported by the Management
Board and senior post holders of an organisation. A Management Board statement
can clearly communicate their commitment to information risk management and
can be included in the Information Risk Management Policy. This will help set the
organisation’s Information Security Strategy, establish its Information Security
Policy and direct the wider Departmental IA policies, standards, guidance and
Departments and Agencies must produce an Information Risk Management
Policy which incorporates the Risk Management Requirements (RMRs) of this
Standard. The Information Risk Management Policy must also include the
Mandatory Requirements from the SPF and HMG IA Standards.
Page 14
25. This RMR supports SPF MR 6. The Information Risk Management Policy will be a
component of the overarching Information Security Policy, and must be endorsed
by the Board. It should set out the IA direction for the Department or Agency as a
whole, how this will be achieved and be clearly communicated and made available
to all members of the organisation. Aspects of the policy and the supporting
Departmental IA policies, standards, guidance and procedures will also be
applicable to delivery partners and third party suppliers. A key objective of the
Information Risk Management Policy should be the improvement of organisational
processes in order to continue to support business objectives and provide
assurance that the associated information risks are being managed effectively.
26. Effective information risk management is a continual process, and its main
objective is to provide an organisation with the assurance that its ICT systems and
services can be trusted to support its business activities. Effective information risk
management will support a consistency of approach which is imperative for
interoperability and data sharing purposes.
27. Further information on the production of an Information Risk Management Policy
is available in Chapter 2 Departmental IA Policies, Standards, Guidance and
Procedures of GPG 47 (reference [c]).
28. In order for information risk management to be effective it should be applied across
the entire organisation, further information in support of this is available in CESG
Good Practice Guide No. 40 (GPG 40), The Information Assurance Maturity Model
and Assessment Framework (reference [d]) and Good Practice Guide No. 28
(GPG 28), Improving Information Assurance at the Enterprise Level (reference
29. Meeting legal and regulatory obligations and requirements is a significant objective
of the corporate governance process and is to be included in all information risk
management processes. Ultimate responsibility and accountability for legal and
regulatory compliance will reside with the Accounting Officer/Permanent Secretary
of the Department.
IA Governance Framework
The Information Risk Management Policy and its supporting organisational IA
policies, standards, guidance and procedures must comply with the legal and
regulatory obligations and requirements placed upon the Department or Agency.
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30. This RMR supports SPF MR 1. Whilst it is recognised that the Accounting
Officer/Permanent Secretary is ultimately accountable for the information security
of the Department, it is the responsibility of every member of staff, and an effective
IA Governance Framework helps to reinforce this. In order for an IA Governance
Framework to be effective it should be transparent, with IA responsibilities clearly
assigned including the remit of delegation. This is an imperative for shared
services where common information risk management agreements need to be
31. An organisation’s IA Governance Framework must include the mandatory and
specialist security roles as identified in the SPF and HMG IA Standard No. 6 (IS6),
Protecting Personal Data and Managing Information Risk (reference [f]). Further
information on mandatory and specialist security roles is available in Chapter 5
Mandatory and Specialist Security Roles, Responsibilities and Functions of GPG
47 (reference [c]).
32. Departments and Agencies should manage the succession of those IA roles with
responsibility and accountability for key information risk management processes.
For example, it is not uncommon for the responsibility and accountability of key
information risk management processes to be transferred to different individuals
as ICT projects or programmes progress. Equally, succession needs to be
managed once an ICT project or programme has been delivered as typically
responsibility and accountability are then handed over.
33. If the succession of IA roles is not properly managed then aspects of the
information risk management processes or decisions may have to be revisited
because there is a lack of supporting rationale, or tangible evaluation and
assessment available. This is inefficient as resources and efforts are in effect
duplicated potentially leading to increases in cost and project or programme delay.
In order to ensure accountability and ownership, Departments and Agencies must
have an IA Governance Framework in place.
Departments and Agencies must establish IA roles which clearly define
responsibility and accountability for key information risk management processes
including: technical risk assessment, risk treatment, risk ownership and
Page 16
Inconsistencies of approach will also arise which can result in ineffective
information risk management.
Shared Services
34. Having clearly defined roles, responsibilities and functions is a fundamental
requirement of an IA Governance Framework. This is especially important when
considering the provision of shared services; a clear definition on how the
accreditation and wider risk management processes will be run, and where
accountability resides must be established. Further information on recommended
IA roles, including those for shared services is available in Chapter 5 Mandatory
and Specialist Security Roles, Responsibilities and Functions of GPG 47
(reference [c]).
35. It is crucial that a consistent, common approach to understanding and managing
information risk is established in a shared service environment so that consumers
can be confident that the provider will securely manage their information in a
manner that is mutually acceptable. For shared environments such as the Public
Service Network (PSN) where several suppliers may be involved in the provision
of similar services, it is important that they have access to consistent and complete
36. The responsibility for the accreditation of shared services needs to be defined;
there will be situations where a lead organisation or group may accredit a shared
service on behalf of others who wish to use it. Accreditation governance for shared
services will vary; for example, from a named and recognised Department leading,
(with ultimate decision making resting with them), to a Pan Government Accreditor
(PGA) making accreditation decisions on behalf of a panel of representative
SIROs, both examples are equally suitable, provided that responsibility and
accountability are clearly defined.
Information Risk Appetite Statement
37. Good corporate governance requires that organisations identify and manage the
risks to their business; this involves senior risk stakeholders in conjunction with
the Management Board determining the levels of risk that they are prepared to
tolerate in pursuit of their business objectives. This determination, referred to as
‘risk appetite’, will influence an organisation’s business strategy, plans and
Department and Agency Management Boards, in conjunction with their Senior
Information Risk Owner (SIRO), must produce and communicate an information risk
appetite statement.
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policies, which will in turn determine risk tolerance levels for individual business
activities and enable the delegation of risk management responsibilities with clear
38. This determination is also applicable to information risk. An organisation’s
information risk appetite statement is the Management Board’s primary means of
communicating the level of information risk the Department or Agency can accept
in balancing the benefits of taking a risk, against the impact of compromise of its
information assets. As the Information Security Strategy owner, the SIRO must
actively demonstrate the Management Board’s endorsement of, and commitment
to, the information risk appetite statement by signing it on their behalf.
39. Organisations will have a number of, (probably differing), levels of information risk
appetite for the strategic, tactical and operational aspects of the business, as well
as for the various areas of business activity, its business relationships with other
organisations and delivery partners, its short and long term business strategies,
and even at different times of the year for seasonal business.
40. Departments or Agencies may also choose to have multiple information risk
appetites possibly containing a number of levels within each, as a result of the
markedly different business activities and associated technical risks that they face.
There is no ‘ideal’ way for how organisations should choose to communicate
information risk; be it through a single appetite statement with one level, through
to multiple appetite statements with a number of levels; however it should be
clearly understood and reflect the circumstances of the business.
41. Information risk appetite statements are not unchanging; the ‘levels’ that have
been set will need to be revisited by the Board to ensure that they represent
manageable risk.
42. When developing or using a shared service, each subscribing organisation will
have its own information risk appetite statement so a common ‘level’ will have to
be established. Each subscribing organisation should consider their use of that
shared service and the information which is being shared and exchanged. They
should use this context to help shape the production of a common information risk
appetite statement for the shared service community. An information risk appetite
statement must be created for the shared service, with input from all involved
stakeholders and communicated by the provider. Further detail on information risk
appetite including levels and example statements is available in Chapter 2
Departmental IA Policies, Standards, Guidelines and Procedures and Chapter 3
Information Risk Management Shared Services of GPG 47 (reference [c]).
43. Risk tolerance allows for variations in the amount of information risk an
organisation is prepared to tolerate for a particular business or project activity. It is
Page 18
recognised that the amount of risk organisations will tolerate will vary depending
on the nature of their business or project activities; however local tolerance
decisions should be guided by the overall information risk appetite.
Departmental IA Policies
44. This RMR supports SPF MR 8. By establishing and communicating an
Accreditation Policy the SIRO has the ability to define a strategic approach to
accreditation and re-accreditation, which can for example, include the terms for
proportionality, and the requirements of the document set; this is critical for cost
savings and business objectives to be realised.
45. The Lead Accreditor should use the policy to establish their expectations of the
document set so that a balance is agreed between the necessary information for
an accreditation decision to be reached and the resources available to achieve
this. The scope and complexity of the RMADS should be proportionate and
appropriate to the system or service being accredited. There is no reason why
simple systems cannot have a short and basic RMADS.
46. The RMADS provides the Accreditor with the basis for judging whether or not the
identified risks are being managed appropriately and effectively and is used as the
basis for their decision making. Further information on Accreditation Policy is
available in Chapter 4 Accreditation of GPG 47 (reference [c]).
47. This RMR supports SPF MR 3. Education and awareness is essential to
supporting the effectiveness of information risk management. Increasingly
specialised security roles will demand a level of demonstrable professionalism,
which can be provided through training and certification; this will assist them with
performing their duties effectively.
The SIRO, in conjunction with the Lead Accreditor must produce and communicate
an Accreditation Policy that defines a proportionate and accountable approach, and
includes their requirements of the RMADS, and the conditions for re-accreditation.
Departments and Agencies must produce and implement an Education and
Training Policy for all mandatory and specialist security roles as defined by the SPF
and HMG IA Standards.
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Information Risk
48. CESG are actively supporting RMR 7 through their IA Professionalisation,
Education and Training (PE&T) programme, which aims to raise the level of IA
professionalism and skills across HMG, the wider public sector and their suppliers
to improve information risk management.
49. Specialist security roles such as Lead Accreditor (LA), Information Technology
Security Officer (ITSO) and Security & Information Risk Advisor (SIRA), are
professional competencies and are not a function that should be undertaken
without training and a proven track record of IA in a business environment. CESG
is developing a framework for certifying IA specialists who meet the competency
and skills requirement for specialist IA roles. Further information is available via
CESG’s external website at the following URL:
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Information Risk
Chapter 3 - Technical Risk Assessment and Risk
Key Principles
A repeatable and consistent approach to assessing technical risk must be used by
Departments and Agencies; it must include a business impact and threat
The output of the technical risk assessment must be endorsed by the Accreditor or
their delegated authority, and must be used as the basis for any information risk
management decisions
Departments and Agencies should treat the technical risks to their information assets
in an appropriate and proportionate manner
The selection of controls and the approach to their implementation must be
endorsed by the Accreditor or their delegated authority
Organisations will increasingly rely on service providers for their security
requirements, therefore the right to audit these must be included in all new ICT
Technical Risk Assessment
50. This RMR supports SPF MR 8. A repeatable and consistent approach to technical
risk assessment must be used; the method must incorporate a business impact
and threat assessment. A stepped technical risk assessment methodology is
presented in the Supplement to this Standard, which must be used; it provides a
repeatable and consistent approach for Departments and Agencies to follow.
51. As discussed any technical risk assessments should be supported and
contextualised by business activities and wider risk management processes such
as corporate risk appetite and Departmental risk registers. Without this business
context organisations will not necessarily consider all the risks that should be
captured by the Assessment Scope. For example, the technical risk assessment
Departments and Agencies must assess the technical risks to the Confidentiality,
Integrity and Availability of their ICT systems or services. A technical risk
assessment must be conducted at the start of all HMG ICT projects or programmes,
and must be refined to reflect any change. The findings of all technical risk
assessments must be reviewed at least annually to identify any changes to threat,
vulnerability or impact.
Page 22
methodology presented in this Supplement to this Standard does not support the
consideration of risk from a stakeholder’s (the citizen’s) perspective. However, this
is still an important consideration for organisations to make and should
contextualise the overall technical risk assessment. Extensive work has already
been conducted with regards to identifying and understanding stakeholder risk,
and guidance on this is available in CESG Good Practice Guide No. 43 (GPG 43),
Requirement for Secure Delivery of Online Public Services (RSDOPS) (reference
52. CESG support a flexible approach when using the technical risk assessment
methodology it provides in the Supplement; whilst the stepped process is
mandated, the way in which organisations work with each stage should be
proportionate and cost effective and reflect the needs of the business. In particular
the mandatory component of the technical risk assessment is the analysis, not the
generation of forms. Whilst the use of forms provided in the Supplement is
recommended, it is not mandatory; as long as the relevant information is captured
and analysed the policy requirements can be considered met; organisations may
choose to achieve this through the use of software tools.
53. There may be situations where organisations choose to conduct a snapshot
technical risk assessment as a precursor to the detailed analysis that Steps 1 6
of the Supplement provides, this can assist with the following:
In support of change management processes for dynamic systems or services
where components are being regularly upgraded or replaced
The technical risk assessment of simple or less complex systems, such as
standalone laptops or small office networks with no interconnections
In support of Urgent Operational Requirements (UOR) where a more detailed
risk assessment cannot be conducted because of time constraints
At the start of ICT projects or programmes in order to establish the information
security context for the proposed business activities
To assist in outline project plans and budgetary estimates for providing controls
54. The purpose of the snapshot technical risk assessment is to produce a general
understanding of technical risk. A snapshot technical risk assessment can be used
to help the Accreditor decide how much more detailed analysis is needed.
55. Organisations that face resource constraints may decide that a less detailed
approach to technical risk assessment is more proportionate and cost effective.
The decision to conduct a snapshot technical risk assessment in lieu of a more
detailed technical risk assessment must be endorsed by the Accreditor or their
delegated authority. An organisations Accreditation Policy should include the
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Information Risk
circumstances for when a snapshot technical risk assessment is to be used;
further information is available in Chapter 4 Accreditation of GPG 47 (reference
[c]). The Accreditor or their delegated authority may require that a more detailed
technical risk assessment is conducted after a snapshot technical risk assessment
has been completed. Further information on snapshot technical risk assessment
is provided in the Supplement to this Standard.
56. A technical risk assessment, whilst important, is a precursor to effective
information risk management. The management of information risk through
treatment, (the selection and implementation of controls), is where organisations
should direct their resources, (especially when they are constrained).
57. Departments and Agencies should note that an annual review of technical risk is
unlikely to require a completely new assessment. If there have been no significant
changes to the components of risk or the technologies that form the Assessment
Scope, then a review can be conducted that simply provides confirmation of this.
A series of review points have been added to the technical risk assessment
methodology to assist with this.
58. An example of a significant change to a component of risk could be an increase to
the Threat Level. For example, a new Threat Source has been identified as actively
targeting the HMG ICT system or service under consideration and it has been
assessed that they possess an increased capability and priority over those that
form part of the existing Assessment Scope.
59. Departments and Agencies should conduct their technical risk assessment whilst
taking into account wider corporate risk management activities. It is recommended
that any technical risk assessments are supported and contextualised by
corporate risk appetite and Departmental risk registers, and that, where
appropriate, the output contributes to the overall understanding of risk amongst
the organisation’s risk stakeholders. Further information is available in Chapter 2
Departmental IA Policies, Standards, Guidance and Procedures of GPG 47
(reference [c]) in support of this.
60. This RMR supports the SPF which states that ‘Departments and Agencies must
use ‘Business Impact Levels’, also known simply as Impact Levels (ILs), to assess
A business impact assessment, using Business Impact Levels (ILs), must be
conducted against the Accreditation Scope; its findings must be endorsed by the
Information Asset Owner (IAO) or their delegated authority, in conjunction with the
Accreditor and inform the technical risk assessment.
Page 24
the level of impact from a compromise of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability’.
ILs, in conjunction with the GPMS is to be used by Departments and Agencies to
provide them with the means to consistently identify and assess the impacts to the
business through a loss of Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability of data and ICT
systems or services, should the risks be realised. Further information on business
impact is available in the Supplement to this Standard.
61. It is highly probable that a number of different stakeholders from across the
organisation, led by the IAO, will need to contribute to the information asset
identification and valuation process, and thus any associated IL marking. It is
believed that such an approach will help Departments and Agencies to produce a
more rounded and realistic business impact assessment should the risks be
62. Business impact assessments should be made in terms of the likelihood of
compromise in a typical business context in which the organisation uses the
information asset(s); this should be based upon a reasonable, informed
assessment of actions by Threat Sources or Actors in the typical course of events.
63. A technical threat assessment can be conducted in-house or be obtained from
relevant authorities: CESG, the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
(CPNI), or the Ministry of Defence (MoD) can request threat information from
Defence Intelligence (DI). When organisations are conducting an in-house
technical threat assessment they must use the components of technical threat:
priority or motivation and capability, as presented in the Supplement to this
Standard, as the basis for their assessment.
64. In most instances an in-house technical threat assessment will be more
appropriate; as it will probably encompass a more specific appreciation of the
technical threats the Department or Agency faces, and this will be contextualised
by an understanding of the business activities. A number of different areas of the
business can contribute to the technical threat assessment through supporting
processes such as accounting, audit, monitoring and security incident reviews.
Further information on technical threat is available in CESG Technical Threat
Briefing No. 1, Assessment of Technical Threat (reference [h]).
A technical threat assessment must be conducted against the Accreditation Scope;
its findings must be endorsed by the Accreditor or their delegated authority, and
inform the threat levels of the technical risk assessment.
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65. There will be situations where it is advisable for organisations to obtain an external
technical threat assessment from the authorities because of the scale or nature of
their business activities. For example, national or Pan Government ICT
66. To request technical threat information from CESG, organisations can contact their
CESG Customer Account Manager (CAM), or the Threat Assessment team: at
[email protected], or by telephoning 01242 221491 ext 30165. Please note
that CESG’s capacity for producing technical threat assessments is limited and
subject to a prioritisation process.
67. To request non-technical threat information from CPNI, organisations can contact:
[email protected] or telephone 020 7233 8181.
68. Vulnerability is another significant component of technical risk and should be used
to further contextualise the technical threat assessment. The methodology
presented in the Supplement to this Standard depicts vulnerability as an
abstraction which should be considered as part of the compromise methods and
attacks associated with threat. The assessment of vulnerability and associated
compromise methods should be conducted in the context of the system or service
under consideration.
69. The findings of the technical risk assessment must be used as the basis for any
information risk management decisions and should be presented to the Accreditor
in a format that has been agreed with them. Areas of concern, (such as high risk
levels), should be brought to the Accreditor’s attention. This is easier to achieve if
areas of concern are not concealed amongst the details of hundreds of ‘Very Low’
or ‘Low’ risks.
The findings of the technical risk assessment must be endorsed by the Accreditor
or their delegated authority.
Page 26
Shared Services
70. Commercial shared service providers to Government, must conduct a technical
risk assessment in line with the methodology presented in the Supplement to this
Standard, where it is proposed that they will handle, store or process information
with an IL of 3 or above for Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability. This will provide
assurance to the users of the shared service that a consistent and proven technical
risk assessment methodology has been followed.
71. Where it is proposed that a commercial provider of a shared service to
Government will handle, store or process information with an IL of 2 or below they
will not be expected to conduct a technical risk assessment in line with the
methodology presented in the Supplement to this Standard. Instead assurance will
be achieved by them gaining ISO27001 certification to a scope agreed with the
72. A mutual approach to trust will need to be adopted amongst the users of a shared
service so that the benefits of collaboration, efficiencies and cost savings can be
fully realised; however this does not mean that the responsibility for information
risk has been transferred to the provider. Where appropriate, provisioned shared
services should form part of an organisation’s Reliance or Assessment Scope
when conducting a technical risk assessment for their own information assets.
73. It is important to note that the organisation’s Management Board will still own the
risks to their information even where their services have been outsourced or are
part of a multi-organisation shared service. Further information is available in
Chapter 3 Information Risk Management Shared Services of GPG 47
(reference [c]) in support of this.
Providers of shared services to HMG must supply Departments and Agencies with
a residual risk statement and the corresponding Assessment Scope so that they can
understand and review the risks to their own information assets. The SIRO of the
subscribing organisation is ultimately responsible for the risk associated with any
Departmental information being handled, stored or processed by the shared service.
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Risk Treatment
74. The output of the technical risk assessment will typically be a consolidated and
prioritised list of risks, (a risk register), and this must be used as the basis for any
information risk management decisions that are to be taken by organisations. A
mapping should be established between the risks that are to be treated and the
type of control, (this can be physical, personnel or procedural as well as technical),
and the expected implementation of that control. If this mapping does not take
place then not only is there a likelihood that some of the controls will be unsuitable,
but that resources and funding will be misapplied.
75. The Supplement to this Standard presents the concept of the Segmentation
Model, which aims to segment responses to information risk at the various levels
in both an appropriate and proportionate manner. It is believed that this approach
will promote the implementation of controls in a pragmatic, appropriate and cost
effective way and that the risks will be managed in a manner that supports the
organisation’s objectives. Any information risk management activities should be
proportionate, align with the organisation’s information risk appetite and tolerance
levels and be able to adapt to meet changing business requirements. Further
information on the selection and implementation of controls and the Segmentation
Model is available in the Supplement to this Standard.
76. The selected controls should form the basis of a risk treatment plan which can
underpin the more specific functional security requirements of the system or
service under consideration.
77. The risk treatment plan will typically form part of the RMADS and support the
security case. Any risk treatment plan will have to define how it meets the relevant
Mandatory Requirements in the SPF and HMG IA Standards as well as the
The risk treatment plan must include as a minimum the mandatory protective
controls from the SPF, HMG IA Standards and other relevant Tier 4 policy
The findings of the technical risk assessment must inform and substantiate the
selection, and implementation approach of the controls used to treat the identified
technical risks. The approach to selection and implementation must be endorsed by
the Accreditor or their delegated authority.
Page 28
Information Risk Management Policy. For example, if the risk treatment plan
includes the use of cryptographic controls to manage the risk of interception of
protectively marked information as it traverses an untrusted network it would have
to detail how it complied with HMG IA Standard No. 4 (IS4), Management of
Cryptographic Systems (reference [i]).
78. Where it is proposed that a commercial provider of a shared service to
Government will handle, store or process information with an IL of 2 or below they
are not expected to implement the full set of controls as defined in the Baseline
Control Set of the Supplement to this Standard. Instead assurance will be
achieved by them gaining ISO27001 certification to a scope agreed with the
79. For information systems or services with an IL of no more than 2, for each of
Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability, the Baseline Control Set (BCS) should be
consulted to help determine appropriate controls. Application of these controls is
left to the Accreditors discretion or their delegated authority.
80. Situations may occur where stakeholders from the business have taken the
decision not to apply a particular control because it is demonstrably not
appropriate or reasonable to do so. Where this is the case this must first be
endorsed by the Accreditor or their delegated authority, and it should be captured
in the risk treatment plan. For example, there may be a situation where an
organisation is processing IL3 information on a standalone system, which is
physically separate from the rest of the organisation’s ICT, which is processing IL1
information. The Accreditor or their delegated authority is responsible for deciding
whether the application of the full set of baseline controls to the standalone system
is appropriate and proportionate or not.
81. There are large economies of scale when controls are designed, deployed and
operated across the whole organisation instead of system by system or service by
service. Designing, deploying and operating controls across the whole
organisation promotes consistency and standards that can support and facilitate
the accreditation process. Controls can be provided by enterprise wide
management processes and common infrastructure services/components;
therefore only a subset of the controls presented in the Baseline Control Set need
By default every HMG information system or service with a Business Impact Level
(IL) of 3 or above, for either: Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability, must implement
the full set of controls as defined in the Baseline Control Set of the Supplement to
this Standard.
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be implemented or augmented in respect of an individual system or service.
Controls can be selected from enterprise standards or from other control sets or
new controls can be designed to meet specific needs as appropriate. Further
information is available in GPG 28 (reference [e]).
82. This RMR supports SPF MR 11. Increasingly Departments and Agencies are
relying on contractual agreements with service providers to deliver their security
requirements. In order for this to be effective, business and security requirements
need to be clearly communicated to those with contractual responsibility so that
they are understood and incorporated into contracts and service agreements.
83. Departments and Agencies will have established processes, (such as an audit
function), that they currently use internally as a means of providing implementation
and operational assurance; these can be adapted for use with service providers.
Departments and Agencies should define what is required as evidence of
compliance from the service provider; for example, this can be based on key
controls from the Baseline Control Set.
84. Departments and Agencies should take a risk based approach to identify those
service providers they decide to undertake auditable activity on. Obtaining
evidence of compliance can be achieved in a number of ways:
Receiving evidence of compliance from an independent audit function such as
the PGA
Receiving evidence of compliance from the service provider’s audit function
Requesting the service provider conducts an independent audit against the
security requirements using their own resources to provide evidence of
compliance, (this may need to be expressly stated in the contract)
Conducting a site visit and requesting to see evidence of compliance
All new ICT contracts must include the right for Departments and Agencies to audit
the services and security requirements being provided to them.
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Chapter 4 - Accreditation Requirements
Key Principles
Engaging with the Accreditor or their delegated authority, will provide ICT projects
and programmes with the requirements for an accreditation decision. Any
deliverables should be proportionate and appropriate to the level of complexity and
risk to the system or service being accredited
Assurance activities are used to ascertain and support the effectiveness of the
selected controls
Residual risks will remain after treatment and any management decisions should be
taken in the context of the organisation’s information risk appetite and tolerance
Any management decisions for residual risks that are at variance with the
organisation’s information risk appetite must be endorsed by the SIRO or their
delegated authority
85. Organisations should use their Accreditation Policy as a means of delegating
authority and communicating the requirements for accreditation. By engaging with
the Accreditor or their delegated authority at the earliest opportunity, ICT projects
and programmes will be provided with the requirements for an effective
accreditation decision; this allows for project and programme managers to plan
and resource for this accordingly. Accreditor oversight should be provided
throughout the ICT project or programme with, for example, representation at the
Risk Working Groups
Threat Assessment Workshops
Security Working Groups
Change Advisory Boards
86. Any deliverables should be proportionate and appropriate to the level of complexity
and risk to the system or service being accredited. The Accreditor may insist that
a snapshot technical risk assessment is conducted in support of the ICT project or
programme start-up.
The Accreditor or their delegated authority must be involved at the start of all ICT
projects or programmes so that the requirements for accreditation can be agreed
and are clearly understood.
Page 32
87. A security case will be used by the Accreditor as a basis for deciding whether the
risks have been appropriately managed or not. An important aspect of this will be
the residual risk assessment which will demonstrate to the Accreditor that the risks
have been managed effectively, (or not as the case may be), through treatment
and accreditation activities.
88. Any accreditation decisions should be taken within the context of the
organisation’s information risk appetite and tolerance levels, whilst ensuring that
business objectives are met and the expectations of risk stakeholders are
accommodated. The Accreditor will be better placed to achieve this on behalf of
the risk owners if the evidence presented to them is concise, pertinent and
89. The SyOPs should identify the procedures to be carried out by the users or
providers of HMG ICT systems or services in order to reduce the likelihood of
compromise and to support the implemented controls. SyOPs should be concise
and where possible role based, this ensures that the individual understands only
those procedures that are needed for them to perform their duties. Departments
and Agencies should note that SyOPs are applicable to all members of an
organisation who use or provide that given ICT system or service, and are a useful
means of providing traceability and accountability. Senior management
participation provides visible endorsement and support to the organisational
information risk management processes in place.
90. SyOPs should not be produced in isolation of wider System Operating Procedures
(SOPs); SOPs should include the requisite security procedures where appropriate.
A benefit of issuing the users or providers of an ICT system or service with the
necessary operating procedures will be a reduction of accidental compromise.
91. Assurance activities are a means of providing confidence that security controls
perform the functions expected of them. An assurance activity in isolation only
Assurance activities must be implemented which ascertain and support the
ongoing effectiveness of the controls selected to treat the identified technical risks.
These assurance activities must be endorsed by the Accreditor or their delegated
Security Operating Procedures (SyOPs) must be produced for all users or providers
of HMG ICT systems or services. Users or providers must sign to acknowledge that
they understand the content of the SyOPs, and that they will follow its procedures.
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provides a snapshot of the effectiveness of a control, therefore assurance should
be sought from all key security enforcing controls: physical, personnel or
procedural as well as technical, and continue throughout the lifecycle of the ICT
system or service; this approach is as important as the activities themselves.
Assurance is equally applicable to services and systems as well as products.
92. Assurance activities should be proportionate and appropriate to the risks that
Departments and Agencies face. Formal sources of assurance may be costly and
time consuming, (and so where possible), should be pragmatic, appropriate and
cost effective so that the maximum benefit is realised. Any solution or assurance
gaps should also be included in the RMADS. Further information on assurance is
available in CESG Good Practice Guide No. 30 (GPG 30), Assurance of ICT
Systems and Services (reference [j]).
93. Departments and Agencies should note that residual risks will remain after
treatment activities. Any residual risk management decisions should be taken in
the context of the organisation’s information risk appetite and tolerance levels,
whilst ensuring that business objectives are met and the expectations of risk
stakeholders are accommodated. The approach to the treatment of risk may even
need to be reviewed where necessary to address any functional shortcomings or
assurance gaps. Guidance on residual risk assessment can be found in the
Supplement to this Standard.
94. An organisation’s corporate risk register should include those residual risks that
have been escalated within the IA Governance Framework to the SIRO or their
delegated authority and subsequently accepted by them.
If the residual risks are at variance with the information risk appetite they must be
escalated within the IA Governance Framework, any ensuing management
decisions must be endorsed by the SIRO or their delegated authority.
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[a] HMG Security Policy Framework. Tiers 1-3 (Not Protectively Marked). Available at
[b] HMG IA Standard Nos. 1 & 2 Supplement Technical Risk Assessment and Risk
Treatment Issue 1.0, April 2012 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from the CESG IA
Policy Portfolio.
[c] CESG Good Practice Guide No. 47, Information Risk Management, Issue 1.0,
April 2012 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from the CESG IA Policy Portfolio.
[d] CESG Good Practice Guide No. 40, The Information Assurance Maturity Model
and Assessment Framework, Issue 1.0, May 2011. Available from the CESG IA
Policy Portfolio.
[e] CESG Good Practice Guide No. 28, Improving Information Assurance at the
Enterprise Level, Issue 1.1, September 2010 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from
the CESG IA Policy Portfolio.
[f] HMG IA Standard No. 6, Protecting Personal Data and Managing Information Risk,
Issue 2.0, October 2011 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from the CESG IA Policy
[g] CESG Good Practice Guide No. 43, Requirements for the Secure Delivery of
Online Public Services (RSDOPS), Issue 1.0, (UNCLASSIFIED). In production,
available soon.
[h] CESG Technical Threat Briefing No. 1, Assessment of Technical Threat, Issue
1.1, October 2011 (UK RESTRICTED). Available from the CESG IA Policy
[i] HMG IA Standard No. 4, Management of Cryptographic Systems, Issue 5.1, April
2012 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from the CESG IA Policy Portfolio.
[j] CESG Good Practice Guide No. 30, Assurance of ICT Systems and Services,
Issue 1.0, April 2011 (UNCLASSIFIED). Available from the CESG IA Policy
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Information Risk
Accreditation is the formal, independent assessment of an ICT
system or service against its IA requirements, resulting in the
acceptance of residual risk in the context of the business
requirement and information risk appetite. This will be a
prerequisite for approval to operate.
Accreditation Scope
The Accreditation Scope includes all of the capability and
services for which the project is responsible for delivering and
accrediting. This will typically be the same as the scope of the
Agreed Information
The Agreed Information Threshold (AIT) is a means by which
the stakeholders of a shared service can agree a common and
consistent approach to the risk management of data
Aggregation is where the business impact of compromise of a
set of assets is greater than the impact of an individual
compromise. This could be due to accumulation of information
or because of association of assets with each other.
Analysis Scope
The Analysis Scope includes everything that is part of the risk
assessment. This includes everything that is part of the
Accreditation and Reliance Scope as well as considering
business information exchange requirements and system
The Analyst is the person(s) who are conducting the technical
risk assessment and risk treatment activities; the person
following the technical risk assessment and risk treatment
methodologies presented in the Supplement to this Standard.
These activities are typically managed by the Security and
Information Risk Advisor (SIRA).
Anything that has value to the organisation, its business
operations and its continuity.
Assurance is the confidence that controls perform the functions
expected of them. Assurance can come from many different
sources such as trust of the manufacturer (Intrinsic Assurance)
or through testing and evaluation (Extrinsic assurance).
Page 38
The Assurance Framework is a conceptual model that
considers assurance throughout the lifecycle of an ICT system
or service. The framework presents four elements of assurance:
Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Implementation and Operational.
Assurance Plan
The assurance plan describes how appropriate assurance will
be gained in all controls applied to manage information risk.
Additionally the plan describes any assurance gaps and forms
part of the security case.
Assured Products
IT products that have a formally recognised level of security
The property of being accessible and usable upon demand by
an authorised entity.
Business Continuity
Strategic and tactical capability of the organisation to plan for
and respond to incidents and business disruptions in order to
continue business operations at an acceptable pre-defined level
(BS 25999-1)
Business Continuity
The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a documented collection
of procedures and information that is developed, compiled and
maintained in readiness for use in an incident to enable an
organisation to continue to deliver its critical activities at an
acceptable pre-defined level [BS 25999-1).
Baseline Control Set
The Baseline Control Set (BCS) contains a single set of
protective controls that should be considered as the HMG
baseline for managing information risk.
Business Impact
The result of an information security incident on business
functions and the effect that a business interruption may have
upon them.
Business Impact
A Business Impact Level (IL) is a numeric indicator of the level
of impact likely to result from the compromise of Confidentiality,
Integrity or Availability of an asset. It is a seven point scale
ranging from IL0, (no impact), to IL6 (maximum impact).
Capability is the component of threat and a characteristic of a
Threat Actor or Threat Source. It defines a level, which indicates
the types and technical sophistication of the threat.
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Code of Connection
A Code of Connection (CoCo) is an agreement on the policy
and rules for the connection of internal or external ICT systems
or services, which are subject to different management or
accreditation domains.
The property that information is not made available or disclosed
to unauthorised individuals, entities, or processes.
Control Measure
Control measures are determined from control objectives to
describe controls that are appropriate for the system or service
under consideration. These measures should be at a level of
detail consistent with how much is known about the system
architecture at that point.
Control Objectives
A Control Objective describes functionally and the purpose of a
control, but may not define how that control will be achieved or
Compromise Method
A compromise method is the broad type of attack by which a
Threat Actor type may attempt to compromise the
Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability of an asset.
Critical National
The Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is those infrastructure
assets that are vital to the continued delivery and integrity of the
essential services upon which the UK relies.
DEFEND is a conceptual level of the Segmentation Model
which presents a bespoke implementation approach to the
controls presented in the Baseline Control Set to protect against
the most sophisticated and highly capable Threat Actors
(Formidable capability), such as those enhanced by Foreign
Intelligence Services.
DETECT & RESIST is a conceptual level of the Segmentation
Model which presents a robust implementation approach to the
controls presented in the Baseline Control Set to protect against
targeted attacks from skilled Threat Actors (Significant
capability) using bespoke tools that exploit known
DETER level is a conceptual level of the Segmentation Model
aims which presents a Government good practice
implementation approach to the controls presented in the
Baseline Control Set to protect against targeted attacks from
Page 40
the Internet by skilled Threat Actors (Limited capability) using
freely available tools with bespoke modification.
Disaster Recovery
The process of recovering from an emergency, including the
immediate aftermath and priorities for the critical business
functions which need to be resumed.
Extrinsic Assurance
Extrinsic assurance is the actions and activities that are
undertaken independently of the development environment,
and that seek to find vulnerabilities through the response of the
ICT system or service to context, threat and risk informed stimuli
through independent testing.
Focus of Interest
A Focus of Interest (FoI) is a collection of assets, with
associated features that are the subject of a given risk
assessment. In essence, a FoI simply acts to conveniently
group assets so that a risk assessment can be conducted for
the group, rather than requiring an assessment of each
individual component.
Forensic Readiness
The achievement of an appropriate level of capability by an
organisation in order for it to be able to collect, preserve, protect
and analyse digital evidence so that this evidence can be
effectively used in any legal or disciplinary matters, in an
employment tribunal or in a court of law.
IA Governance
An organisational structure which defines individuals with
responsibility and accountability for key information risk
management processes including: technical risk assessment,
risk treatment, risk ownership, accreditation and the remit of
The result of an information security incident, caused by a
threat, which affects assets.
Implementation Assurance is the actions and activities
necessary to combine one or more components and so
establish and verify the properties of an ICT system or service
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such that they meet the needs of the business at an acceptable
level of risk.
Information Assurance (IA) is the confidence that information
systems will protect the information they handle and will function
as they need to, when they need to, under the control of
legitimate users.
The property of safeguarding the accuracy and completeness
of assets - this may include the ability to prove an action or event
has taken place, such that it cannot be repudiated later
Intrinsic Assurance
Intrinsic assurance is the actions and activities necessary to
understand the risks associated with the origin of an ICT
system, service or solution.
Information Security
Preservation of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of
information; in addition, other properties such as authenticity,
accountability, non-repudiation and reliability can also be
involved [ISO/IEC 27001]
Information Security
Management System
That part of the overall management system, based on a
business risk approach, to establish, implement, operate,
monitor, review, maintain and improve information security
(within the defined ISO/IEC 27002 scope). Note: The
management system includes organisational structure, policies,
planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures,
processes and resources.
ISO/IEC 27001
International Standard that specifies requirements for
establishing, implementing and documenting Information
Security Management Systems (ISMS).
ISO/IEC 27002
International Standard that defines a Code of Practice for
information security management. It establishes guidelines and
general principles for initiating, implementing, maintaining, and
improving information security management in an organisation.
It specifies control objectives and controls that can be
Page 42
implemented to meet the requirements identified by a risk
IT Health Check
A technical analysis of a system or service to ensure correct
implementation of security functions and the identification of
vulnerabilities which may compromise the Confidentiality,
Integrity or Availability of information.
The probability of an attack being successfully realised (i.e. an
asset being compromised).
Memorandum of
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a mutual agreement
between parties; however it is not legally binding and more akin
to a gentlemen’s agreement.
Motivation is a measure of how much a Threat Actor is induced
or encouraged to compromise an asset or group of assets.
The actions and activities necessary to maintain the risk
assessed baseline once the ICT system or service has entered
use, including provision for activities to monitor changes in
vulnerability and threat.
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) is the ISO/IEC 27001 “virtuous
circle” model.
Privacy Impact
A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a structured assessment,
adopting a risk management approach, of a project’s potential
impact on privacy, enabling Departments to anticipate and
address the likely impacts of new initiatives, foresee problems
and negotiate solutions.
Page 43
Information Risk
Priority is a measure of how much a Threat Source desires to
compromise an asset or group of assets.
Reliance Scope
The Reliance Scope identifies capability and services that the
Accreditation Scope relies upon, but is not directly supplied by
the project. A trusted risk assessment and accreditation of these
components is required in order to rely upon them without
further analysis.
The trust and value placed upon an organisation or programme
by both internal and external stakeholders and/or customers. A
valued asset to be protected.
Residual Risk
A native risk as identified by the risk assessment that has been
managed through treatment and/or assurance activities.
Residual Risk
Residual Risk Indicator (RRI) is a qualitative gauge for the
effectiveness of risk treatment and assurance activities; it can
be used as an indication of confidence to build a case that
demonstrates to the Accreditor that the risks have been
managed effectively, (or not as the case may be).
The potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities of an
asset or group of assets and thereby cause harm to the
Residual Risk
The decision to accept a residual risk.
Risk Acceptance
The decision to accept a risk.
Page 44
Risk Analysis
The systematic use of information to identify sources and to
estimate the risk.
Risk Appetite
Risk appetite is logically a function of the organisation’s capacity
to bear risk, which should not be exceeded.
Risk Assessment
The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.
Residual Risk
The decision not to be involved in, or action to withdraw from, a
residual risk situation.
Risk Avoidance
The decision not to be involved in, or action to withdraw from, a
risk situation.
Risk Evaluation
Process of comparing the estimated risk against given risk
criteria to determine the significance of risk
Risk Identification
Process to find, list and characterise elements of risk.
Risk Management
Process of coordinating activities to direct and control an
organisation with regard to risk. Defined approaches to risk
management are: acceptance, avoidance, transfer or
Page 45
Information Risk
Risk Management &
Document Set
The Risk Management & Accreditation Document Set (RMADS)
is often a portfolio, which specifies the risk management
measures, Accreditation Policy, and accreditation status of an
ICT system or service.
Risk Reduction
Action taken to lessen the probability, negative consequences,
or both, associated with risk
Risk Register
A detailed record of the risks as identified by a risk assessment
methodology. An owner should be identified for each risk.
Where a risk is to be reduced there should be a cross reference
to the Risk Treatment Plan.
Risk Tolerance
Risk tolerance is closely related to risk appetite, whereas
appetite refers to risk at the corporate level, risk tolerance
allows for variations in the amount of risk an organisation is
prepared to tolerate for a particular project or business activity.
Residual Risk
Sharing with another party the burden of loss or benefit of gain
for a residual risk.
Risk Transfer
Sharing with another party the burden of loss or benefit of gain
for a risk.
Risk Treatment
A series of mitigation activities to manage risk through the
implementation of controls.
Risk Treatment Plan
The plan should contain detail the approach to manage risk
through mitigation activities. It provides details on the controls
that are being applied and the ownership of them. It will also
record the implementation approach and status of each control.
Page 46
Security Case
The security case describes how all of the identified risks have
been satisfactorily treated. It includes the list of risks, a
description of application of all controls, the assurance plan and
any functional or assurance gaps that may be present.
Segmentation Model
The Segmentation Model provides a framework that ensures
that the approach to the implementation of controls are both
appropriate and proportionate to manage the identified risks, at
a given level of impact or threat to an ICT system or service.
The Segmentation Model presents three conceptual levels:
Senior Information
Risk Owner
The Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) is a member of the
senior management board with responsibility for IA governance
and risk ownership in the organisation on behalf of the board.
Shared Services
Any ICT system or service which is utilised by more than one
stakeholder in a combined or collaborative business function.
Service Level
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a negotiated agreement
between two or more parties, (typically a customer and service
provider). These are typically contracts and can be legally
binding, formal or informal in nature.
Snapshot Risk
A snapshot risk assessment follows the technical risk
assessment methodology as depicted in the Supplement to this
Standard; however it recognises the limitations of
understanding of risk components at the early stages of a
project or programme. This risk assessment is therefore
intended to inform the organisation of the types and magnitudes
of risk that will require management in order to, for example,
help make a decision about whether or not to proceed.
Statement of
(ISO/IEC 27001) Documented statement describing the control
objectives and controls that are relevant and applicable to the
organisation’s ISMS. Note: control objectives and controls are
based on the results and conclusions of the risk assessment
and risk treatment processes, legal or regulatory requirements,
contractual obligations and the organisation’s business
requirements for information security.
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Information Risk
A potential cause of an incident that may result in harm to a
system or organisation.
Threat Actor
A Threat Actor is a person who actually performs an attack or,
in the case of accidents, will cause the accident.
Threat Actor Group
A Threat Actor group is a group of people who can reasonably
be considered to have the same characteristics in terms of
capability, motivation and opportunity to perform an attack.
Threat Level
The threat level is a value attributed to the combination of the
capability and motivation/priority of a Threat Actor or Threat
Source to attack an asset.
Threat Source
A Threat Source is a person or organisation that desires to
breach security and ultimately will benefit from a compromise in
some way.
A weakness of an asset or group of assets that can be exploited
by one or more threats.
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Information Risk
Customer Feedback
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encourage readers to inform CESG of their experiences, good or bad in this document.
We would especially like to know about any inconsistencies and ambiguities. Please
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HMG IA Standards are issued jointly by Cabinet Office and CESG, the UK National
Technical Authority for Information Assurance, in support of Mandatory Requirements
specified in the HMG Security Policy Framework (SPF). The standards outline
minimum measures that must be implemented by Departments and Agencies bound
by the SPF, and compliance with SPF Mandatory Requirements cannot be claimed
unless adherence to the Standards can be demonstrated. They do not provide tailored
technical or legal advice on specific ICT systems or IA issues. Cabinet Office and
GCHQ/CESG and its advisers accept no liability whatsoever for any expense, liability,
loss, claim or proceedings arising from reliance placed upon this Standard.
CESG Enquiries
Hubble Road
GL51 0EX
Tel: +44 (0)1242 709141
Email: enquiries@cesg.gsi.gov.uk
© Crown Copyright 2012.