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Product ID: AA24-038A
February 7, 2024
Co-Authored by:
PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and
Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical
2 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA),
and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assess
that People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-
sponsored cyber actors are seeking to pre-
position themselves on IT networks for disruptive
or destructive cyberattacks against U.S. critical
infrastructure in the event of a major crisis or
conflict with the United States.
CISA, NSA, FBI and the following partners are
releasing this advisory to warn critical
infrastructure organizations about this
assessment, which is based on observations from the U.S. authoring agenciesincident response
activities at critical infrastructure organizations compromised by the PRC state-sponsored cyber
group known as Volt Typhoon (also known as Vanguard Panda, BRONZE SILHOUETTE, Dev-0391,
UNC3236, Voltzite, and Insidious Taurus):
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD’s) Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), a part of the Communications Security
Establishment (CSE)
United Kingdom National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK)
New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ)
The U.S. authoring agencies have confirmed that Volt Typhoon has compromised the IT
environments of multiple critical infrastructure organizationsprimarily in Communications, Energy
Transportation Systems, and Water and Wastewater Systems Sectors—in the continental and non-
continental United States and its territories, including Guam. Volt Typhoon’s choice of targets and
pattern of behavior is not consistent with traditional cyber espionage or intelligence gathering
operations, and the U.S. authoring agencies assess with high confidence that Volt Typhoon actors
are pre-positioning themselves on IT networks to enable lateral movement to OT assets to disrupt
functions. The U.S. authoring agencies are concerned about the potential for these actors to use their
network access for disruptive effects in the event of potential geopolitical tensions and/or military
conflicts. CCCS assesses that the direct threat to Canada’s critical infrastructure from PRC state-
sponsored actors is likely lower than that to U.S. infrastructure, but should U.S. infrastructure be
disrupted, Canada would likely be affected as well, due to cross-border integration. ASD’s ACSC and
NCSC-NZ assess Australian and New Zealand critical infrastructure, respectively, could be vulnerable
to similar activity from PRC state-sponsored actors.
Typhoon activity:
Apply patches for internet-facing
systems. Prioritize patching critical
vulnerabilities in appliances known to be
frequently exploited by Volt Typhoon.
Implement phishing-resistant MFA
Ensure logging is turned on for
application, access, and security logs
and store logs in a central system.
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As the authoring agencies have previously highlighted, the use of living off the land (LOTL)
techniques is a hallmark of Volt Typhoon actors’ malicious cyber activity when targeting critical
infrastructure. The group also relies on valid accounts and leverage strong operational security, which
combined, allows for long-term undiscovered persistence. In fact, the U.S. authoring agencies have
recently observed indications of Volt Typhoon actors maintaining access and footholds within some
victim IT environments for at least five years. Volt Typhoon actors conduct extensive pre-exploitation
reconnaissance to learn about the target organization and its environment; tailor their tactics,
techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to the victim’s environment; and dedicate ongoing resources to
maintaining persistence and understanding the target environment over time, even after initial
The authoring agencies urge critical infrastructure organizations to apply the mitigations in this
advisory and to hunt for similar malicious activity using the guidance herein provided, along with the
recommendations found in joint guide Identifying and Mitigating Living Off the Land Techniques
These mitigations are primarily intended for IT and OT administrators in critical infrastructure
organizations. Following the mitigations for prevention of or in response to an incident will help disrupt
Volt Typhoon’s accesses and reduce the threat to critical infrastructure entities.
If activity is identified, the authoring agencies strongly recommend that critical infrastructure
organizations apply the incident response recommendations in this advisory and report the incident to
the relevant agency (see Contact Information
For additional information, see joint advisory Peoples Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber
Actor Living off the Land to Evade Detection and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) press release
U.S. Government Disrupts Botnet People’s Republic of China Used to Conceal Hacking of Critical
Infrastructure. For more information on PRC state-sponsored malicious cyber activity, see CISA’s
China Cyber Threat Overview and Advisories webpage.
For a downloadable copy of indicators of compromise (IOCs), see:
(JSON, 60 KB)
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Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Details ................................................................................................................................. 6
Overview of Activity.......................................................................................................................... 6
Observed TTPs ................................................................................................................................ 9
Reconnaissance ........................................................................................................................... 9
Resource Development ................................................................................................................ 9
Initial Access ................................................................................................................................ 9
Execution ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Persistence ................................................................................................................................ 10
Defense Evasion ........................................................................................................................ 10
Credential Access ...................................................................................................................... 10
Discovery ................................................................................................................................... 11
Lateral Movement ....................................................................................................................... 13
Collection and Exfiltration ........................................................................................................... 14
Command and Control ................................................................................................................... 15
Detection/Hunt Recommendations .................................................................................................... 16
Apply Living off the Land Detection Best Practices ........................................................................ 16
Review Application, Security, and System Event Logs ................................................................... 16
Monitor and Review OT System Logs ............................................................................................ 19
Use gait to Detect Possible Network Proxy Activities ..................................................................... 20
Review Logins for Impossible Travel .............................................................................................. 20
Review Standard Directories for Unusual Files .............................................................................. 20
Incident Response ............................................................................................................................. 20
Mitigations ......................................................................................................................................... 23
IT Network Administrators and Defenders ...................................................................................... 23
Harden the Attack Surface .........................................................................................................
Secure Credentials ..................................................................................................................... 24
Secure Accounts ........................................................................................................................ 24
Secure Remote Access Services ............................................................................................... 25
Secure Sensitive Data ................................................................................................................ 26
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Implement Network Segmentation .............................................................................................. 26
Secure Cloud Assets .................................................................................................................. 26
Be Prepared ............................................................................................................................... 27
OT Administrators and Defenders .................................................................................................. 28
Contact Information ........................................................................................................................... 29
Validate Security Controls ................................................................................................................. 30
References ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Resources ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... 31
Version History .................................................................................................................................. 31
Appendix A: Volt Typhoon Observed Commands / LOTL Activity ...................................................... 32
Appendix B: Indicators of Compromise .............................................................................................. 36
Appendix C: MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques ...................................................................... 37
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Note: This advisory uses the MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise framework, version 14. See Appendix C:
MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques section for tables of the Volt Typhoon cyber threat actors
activity mapped to MITRE ATT&CK
tactics and techniques. For assistance with mapping malicious
cyber activity to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, see CISA and MITRE ATT&CK’s Best Practices for
MITRE ATT&CK Mapping and CISA’s Decider Tool.
Overview of Activity
In May 2023, the authoring agenciesworking with industry partnersdisclosed information about
activity attributed to Volt Typhoon (see joint advisory
Peoples Republic of China State-Sponsored
Cyber Actor Living off the Land to Evade Detection). Since then, CISA, NSA, and FBI have
determined that this activity is part of a broader campaign in which Volt Typhoon actors have
successfully infiltrated the networks of critical infrastructure organizations in the continental and non-
continental United States and its territories, including Guam.
The U.S. authoring agencies have primarily observed compromises linked to Volt Typhoon in
Communications, Energy, Transportation Systems, and Water and Wastewater Systems
organizations’ IT networks. Some victims are smaller organizations with limited cybersecurity
capabilities that provide critical services to larger organizations or key geographic locations.
Volt Typhoon actors tailor their TTPs to the victim environment; however, the U.S. authoring agencies
have observed the actors typically following the same pattern of behavior across identified intrusions.
Their choice of targets and pattern of behavior is not consistent with traditional cyber espionage or
intelligence gathering operations, and the U.S. authoring agencies assess with high confidence that
Volt Typhoon actors are pre-positioning themselves on IT networks to enable the disruption of OT
functions across multiple critical infrastructure sectors (see Figure 1).
1. Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise reconnaissance to learn about the
target organization’s network architecture and operational protocols. This
reconnaissance includes identifying network topologies, security measures, typical user
behaviors, and key network and IT staff. The intelligence gathered by Volt Typhoon actors is
likely leveraged to enhance their operational security. For example, in some instances, Volt
Typhoon actors may have abstained from using compromised credentials outside of normal
working hours to avoid triggering security alerts on abnormal account activities.
2. Volt Typhoon typically gains initial access to the IT network by exploiting known or
zero-day vulnerabilities in public-facing network appliances (e.g., routers, virtual private
networks [VPNs], and firewalls) and then connects to the victim’s network via VPN for follow-
on activities.
3. Volt Typhoon aims to obtain administrator credentials within the network, often by
exploiting privilege escalation vulnerabilities in the operating system or network
services. In some cases, Volt Typhoon has obtained credentials insecurely stored on a
public-facing network appliance.
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4. Volt Typhoon uses valid administrator credentials to move laterally to the domain
controller (DC) and other devices via remote access services such as Remote Desktop
Protocol (RDP).
5. Volt Typhoon conducts discovery in the victims network, leveraging LOTL binaries for
stealth. A key tactic includes using PowerShell to perform targeted queries on Windows event
logs, focusing on specific users and periods. These queries facilitate the discreet extraction of
security event logs into .dat files, allowing Volt Typhoon actors to gather critical information
while minimizing detection. This strategy, blending in-depth pre-compromise reconnaissance
with meticulous post-exploitation intelligence collection, underscores their sophisticated and
strategic approach to cyber operations.
6. V
olt Typhoon achieves full domain compromise by extracting the Active Directory
database (NTDS.dit) from the DC. Volt Typhoon frequently employs the Volume Shadow
Copy Service (VSS) using command-line utilities such as vssadmin to access NTDS.dit. The
NTDS.dit file is a centralized repository that contains critical Active Directory data, including
user accounts, passwords (in hashed form), and other sensitive data, which can be leveraged
for further exploitation. This method entails the creation of a shadow copya point-in-time
snapshotof the volume hosting the NTDS.dit file. By leveraging this snapshot, Volt Typhoon
actors effectively bypass the file locking mechanisms inherent in a live Windows environment,
which typically prevent direct access to the NTDS.dit file while the domain controller is
7. V
olt Typhoon likely uses offline password cracking techniques to decipher these
hashes. This process involves extracting the hashes from the NTDS.dit file and then applying
various password cracking methods, such as brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, or more
sophisticated techniques like rainbow tables to uncover the plaintext passwords. The
successful decryption of these passwords allows Volt Typhoon actors to obtain elevated
access and further infiltrate and manipulate the network.
8. V
olt Typhoon uses elevated credentials for strategic network infiltration and additional
discovery, often focusing on gaining capabilities to access OT assets. Volt Typhoon
actors have been observed testing access to domain-joint OT assets using default OT vendor
credentials, and in certain instances, they have possessed the capability to access OT
systems whose credentials were compromised via NTDS.dit theft. This access enables
potential disruptions, such as manipulating heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems in server rooms or disrupting critical energy and water controls, leading to significant
infrastructure failures (in some cases, Volt Typhoon actors had the capability to access
camera surveillance systems at critical infrastructure facilities). In one confirmed compromise,
Volt Typhoon actors moved laterally to a control system and were positioned to move to a
second control system.
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Figure 1: Typical Volt Typhoon Activity
After s
uccessfully gaining access to legitimate accounts, Volt Typhoon actors exhibit minimal activity
within the compromised environment (except discovery as noted above), suggesting their objective is
to maintain persistence rather than immediate exploitation. This assessment is supported by
observed patterns where Volt Typhoon methodically re-targets the same organizations over extended
periods, often spanning several years, to continuously validate and potentially enhance their
unauthorized accesses. Evidence of their meticulous approach is seen in instances where they
repeatedly exfiltrate domain credentials, ensuring access to current and valid accounts. For example,
in one compromise, Volt Typhoon likely extracted NTDS.dit from three domain controllers in a four-
year period. In another compromise, Volt Typhoon actors extracted NTDS.dit two times from a victim
in a nine-month period.
Industry reporting—ident
ifying that Volt Typhoon actors are silent on the network following credential
dumping and perform discovery to learn about the environment, but do not exfiltrate datais
consistent with the U.S. authoring agencies’ observations. This indicates their aim is to achieve and
maintain persistence on the network. In one confirmed compromise, an industry partner observed Volt
Typhoon actors dumping credentials at regular intervals.
In addition to leveraging stolen account credentials, the actors use LOTL techniques and avoid
leaving malware artifacts on systems that would cause alerts. Their strong focus on stealth and
operational security allows them to maintain long-term, undiscovered persistence. Further, Volt
Typhoon’s operational security is enhanced by targeted log deletion to conceal their actions within the
compromised environment.
See the below sections for Volt Typhoon TTPs observed by the U.S. authoring agencies from multiple
confirmed Volt Typhoon compromises.
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Observed TTPs
Volt Typhoon actors conduct extensive pre-compromise reconnaissance [TA0043] to learn about the
target organization [T1591], its network [T1590], and its staff [T1589]. This includes web searches
[T1593]—including victim-owned sites [T1594]—for victim host [T1592], identity, and network
information, especially for information on key network and IT administrators. According to industry
reporting, Volt Typhoon actors use FOFA[
1], Shodan, and Censys for querying or searching for
exposed infrastructure. In some instances, the U.S. authoring agencies have observed Volt Typhoon
actors targeting the personal emails of key network and IT staff [
T1589.002] post compromise.
Resource Development
Historically, Volt Typhoon actors use multi-hop proxies for command and control (C2) infrastructure
[T1090.003]. The proxy is typically composed of virtual private servers (VPSs) [T1583.003
] or small
office/home office (SOHO) routers. Recently, Volt Typhoon actors used Cisco and NETGEAR end-of-
life SOHO routers implanted with KV Botnet malware to support their operations [
T1584.005]. (See
DOJ press release U.S. Government Disrupts Botnet People’s Republic of China Used to Conceal
Hacking of Critical Infrastructure for more information).
Initial Access
To obtain initial access [TA0001], Volt Typhoon actors commonly exploit vulnerabilities in networking
appliances such as those from Fortinet, Ivanti Connect Secure (formerly Pulse Secure), NETGEAR,
Citrix, and Cisco [
T1190]. They often use publicly available exploit code for known vulnerabilities
[T1588.005] but are also adept at discovering and exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities [T1587.004].
In one confirmed compromise, Volt Typhoon actors likely obtained initial access by exploiting
in a network perimeter FortiGate 300D firewall that was not patched. There
is evidence of a buffer overflow attack identified within the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-VPN
crash logs.
Once initial access is achieved, Volt Typhoon actors typically shift to establishing persistent access
[TA0003]. They often use VPN sessions to securely connect to victim environments [T1133
], enabling
discreet follow-on intrusion activities. This tactic not only provides a stable foothold in the network but
also allows them to blend in with regular traffic, significantly reducing their chances of detection.
Volt Typhoon actors rarely use malware for post-compromise execution. Instead, once Volt Typhoon
actors gain access to target environments, they use hands-on-keyboard activity via the command-line
[T1059] and other native tools and processes on systems [T1218] (often referred to as “LOLBins”),
known as LOTL, to maintain and expand access to the victim networks. According to industry
reporting, some “commands appear to be exploratory or experimental, as the operators [i.e.,
malicious actors] adjust and repeat them multiple times.”[
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For more details on LOTL activity, see the Credential Access and Discovery sections and Appendix
A: Volt Typhoon LOTL Activity.
Similar to LOTL, Volt Typhoon actors also use legitimate but outdated versions of network admin
tools. For example, in one confirmed compromise, actors downloaded [T1105
] an outdated version of
comsvcs.dll on the DC in a non-standard folder. comsvcs.dll is a legitimate Microsoft Dynamic
Link Library (DLL) file normally found in the System32 folder. The actors used this DLL with MiniDump
and the process ID of the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) to dump the LSASS
process memory [
T1003.001] and obtain credentials (LSASS process memory space contains hashes
for the current user’s operating system (OS) credentials).
The actors also use legitimate non-native network admin and forensic tools. For example, Volt
Typhoon actors have been observed using Magnet RAM Capture (MRC) version 1.20 on domain
controllers. MRC is a free imaging tool that captures the physical memory of a computer, and Volt
Typhoon actors likely used it to analyze in-memory data for sensitive information (such as credentials)
and in-transit data not typically accessible on disk. Volt Typhoon actors have also been observed
implanting Fast Reverse Proxy (FRP) for command and control.[3] (See the Command and Control
Volt Typhoon primarily relies on valid credentials for persistence [T1078].
Defense Evasion
Volt Typhoon has strong operational security. Their actors primarily use LOTL for defense evasion
], which allows them to camouflage their malicious activity with typical system and network
behavior, potentially circumventing simplistic endpoint security capabilities. For more information, see
joint guide
Identifying and Mitigating Living off the Land Techniques.
Volt Typhoon actors also obfuscate their malware. In one confirmed compromise, Volt Typhoon
obfuscated FRP client files (BrightmetricAgent.exe and SMSvcService.exe) and the command-
line port scanning utility ScanLine by packing the files with Ultimate Packer for Executables (UPX)
T1027.002]. FRP client applications support encryption, compression, and easy token authentication
and work across multiple protocolsincluding transmission control protocol (TCP), user datagram
protocol (UDP), hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), and hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS).
The FRP client applications use the Kuai connection protocol (KCP) for error-checked and
anonymous data stream delivery over UDP, with packet-level encryption support. See Appendix C
and CISA Malware Analysis Report
(MAR)-10448362-1.v1 for more information.
In addition to LOTL and obfuscation techniques, Volt Typhoon actors have been observed selectively
clearing Windows Event Logs [T1070.001
], system logs, and other technical artifacts to remove
evidence [T1070.009] of their intrusion activity and masquerading file names [T1036.005].
Credential Access
Volt Typhoon actors first obtain credentials from public-facing appliances after gaining initial access
by exploiting privilege escalation vulnerabilities [T1068
] in the operating system or network services.
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In some cases, they have obtained credentials insecurely stored on the appliance [T1552]. In one
instance, where Volt Typhoon likely exploited CVE-2022-42475 in an unpatched Fortinet device, Volt
Typhoon actors compromised a domain admin account stored inappropriately on the device.
Volt Typhoon al
so consistently obtains valid credentials by extracting the Active Directory database
file (NTDS.dit)in some cases multiple times from the same victim over long periods [T1003.003].
NTDS.dit contains usernames, hashed passwords, and group memberships for all domain accounts,
essentially allowing for full domain compromise if the hashes can be cracked offline.
To obtain NTDS.dit, the U.S. authoring agencies have observed Volt Typhoon:
1. Move laterally [TA0008] to the domain controller via an interactive RDP session using a
compromised account with domain administrator privileges [T1021.001];
2. Execute the Windows-native vssadmin [T1006] command to create a volume shadow copy;
3. Use Windows Management Instrumentation Console (WMIC) commands [T1047] to execute
ntdsutil (a LOTL utility) to copy NTDS.dit and SYSTEM registry hive from the volume
shadow copy; and
4. Exfiltrate [TA0010] NTDS.dit and SYSTEM registry hive to crack passwords offline)
[T1110.002]. (For more details, including specific commands used, see Appendix A: Volt
Typhoon LOTL Activity.)
Note: A volume shadow copy contains a copy of all the files and folders that exist on the
specified volume. Each volume shadow copy created on a DC includes its NTDS.dit and the
SYSTEM registry hive, which provides keys to decrypt the NTDS.dit file.
Volt Typhoon actors have also been observed interacting with a PuTTY application by enumerating
existing stored sessions [T1012
]. Given this interaction and the exposure of cleartext-stored proxy
passwords used in remote administration, Volt Typhoon actors potentially had access to PuTTY
profiles that allow access to critical systems (see the
Lateral Movement section).
According to industry reporting, Volt Typhoon actors attempted to dump credentials through LSASS
(see Appendix B for commands used).[2
The U.S. authoring agencies have observed Volt Typhoon actors leveraging Mimikatz to harvest
credentials, and industry partners have observed Volt Typhoon leveraging Impacket.[2]
Mimikatz is a credential dumping tool and Volt Typhoon actors use it to obtain credentials. In
one confirmed compromise, the Volt Typhoon used RDP to connect to a server and run
Mimikatz after leveraging a compromised administrator account to deploy it.
Impacket is an open source Python toolkit for programmatically constructing and manipulating
network protocols. It contains tools for Kerberos manipulation, Windows credential dumping,
packet sniffing, and relay attacksas well as remote service execution.
Volt Typhoon actors have been observed using commercial tools, LOTL utilities, and appliances
already present on the system for system information [T1082], network service [T1046
], group
[T1069] and user [T1033] discovery.
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Volt Typhoon uses at least the following LOTL tools and commands for system information, network
service, group, and user discovery techniques:
net user/group/use
reg query/reg save
Some observed specific examples of discovery include:
Capturing successful logon events [T1654
o Specifically, in one incident, analysis of the PowerShell console history of a domain
controller indicated that security event logs were directed to a file named user.dat, as
evidenced by the executed command Get-EventLog security -instanceid 4624 -
after [year-month-date] | fl * | Out-File
'C:\users\public\documents\user.dat'. This indicates the group's specific interest in
capturing successful logon events (event ID 4624) to analyze user authentication patterns
within the network. Additionally, file system analysis, specifically of the Master File Table
(MFT), uncovered evidence of a separate file, systeminfo.dat, which was created in
C:\Users\Public\Documents but subsequently deleted [T1070.004]. The presence of
these activities suggests a methodical approach by Volt Typhoon actors in collecting and
then possibly removing traces of sensitive log information from the compromised system.
Executing tasklist /v to gather a detailed process listing [T1057], followed by executing
taskkill /f /im rdpservice.exe (the function of this executable is not known).
Executing net user and quser for user account information [T1087.001].
Creating and accessing a file named rult3uil.log on a domain controller in
C:\Windows\System32\. The rult3uil.log file contained user activities on a compromised
system, showcasing a combination of window title information [
T1010] and focus shifts,
keypresses, and command executions across Google Chrome and Windows PowerShell, with
corresponding timestamps.
Employing ping with various IP addresses to check network connectivity [T1016.001] and net
start to list running services [T1007].
See Appendix A for additional LOTL examples.
In one confirmed compromise, Volt Typhoon actors attempted to use Advanced IP Scanner, which
was on the network for admin use, to scan the network.
Volt Typhoon actors have been observed strategically targeting network administrator web browser
datafocusing on both browsing history and stored credentials [T1555.003]—to facilitate targeting of
personal email addresses (see the Reconnaissance section) for further discovery and possible
network modifications that may impact the threat actor’s persistence within victim networks.
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In one confirmed compromise:
Volt Typhoon actors obtained the history file from the User Data directory of a network
administrator user’s Chrome browser. To obtain the history file, Volt Typhoon actors first
executed an RDP session to the user’s workstation where they initially attempted, and failed,
to obtain the C$ File Name:
users\{redacted}\appdata\local\Google\Chrome\UserData\default\History file, as
evidenced by the accompanying 1016 (reopen failed) SMB error listed in the application event
log. The threat actors then disconnected the RDP session to the workstation and accessed
the file C:\Users\{redacted}\Downloads\ This file presumably contained
data from the User Data directory of the user’s Chrome browser, which the actors likely
saved in the Downloads directory for exfiltration [
T1074]. Shortly after accessing the file, the actors terminated RDP sessions.
About four months later, Volt Typhoon actors accessed the same user’s Chrome data C$
File Name: Users\{redacted}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local
State and $ File Name: Users\{redacted}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User
Data\Default\Login Data via SMB. The Local State file contains the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) encryption key [
T1552.004] used to encrypt the passwords stored in the
Chrome browser, which would enable the actors to obtain plaintext passwords stored in the
Login Data file in the Chrome browser.
In another confirmed compromise, Volt Typhoon ac
tors accessed directories containing Chrome and
Edge user data on multiple systems. Directory interaction was observed over the network to paths
such as C:\Users\{redacted}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and
C:\Users\{redacted}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\. They also enumerated
several directories, including directories containing vulnerability testing and cyber related content and
facilities data, such as construction drawings [
Lateral Movement
For lateral movement, Volt Typhoon actors have been observed predominantly employing RDP with
compromised valid administrator credentials. Note: With a full on-premises Microsoft Active Directory
identity compromise (see the Credential Access
section), the group may be capable of using other
methods such as Pass the Hash or Pass the Ticket for lateral movement [T1550].
In one confirmed compromise of a Water and Wastewater Systems Sector entity, after obtaining initial
access, Volt Typhoon actors connected to the network via a VPN with administrator credentials they
obtained and opened an RDP session with the same credentials to move laterally. Over a nine-month
period, they moved laterally to a file server, a domain controller, an Oracle Management Server
(OMS), and a VMware vCenter server. The actors obtained domain credentials from the domain
controller and performed discovery, collection, and exfiltration on the file server (see the Discovery
and Collection and Exfiltration sections).
Volt Typhoon’s movement to the vCenter server was likely strategic for pre-positioning to OT assets.
The vCenter server was adjacent to OT assets, and Volt Typhoon actors were observed interacting
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with the PuTTY application on the server by enumerating existing stored sessions. With this
information, Volt Typhoon potentially had access to a range of critical PuTTY profiles, including those
for water treatment plants, water wells, an electrical substation, OT systems, and network security
devices. This would enable them to access these critical systems [T1563]. See Figure 2
Figure 2: Volt Typhoon Lateral Movement Path File Server, DC, and OT-Adjacent Assets
Additionally, Volt Typhoon actors have been observed using PSExec to execute remote processes,
including the automated acceptance of the end-user license agreement (EULA) through an
administrative account, signified by the accepteula command flag.
Volt Typhoon actors may have attempted to move laterally to a cloud environment in one victim’s
network but direct attribution to the Volt Typhoon group was inconclusive. During the period of the
their known network presence, there were anomalous login attempts to an Azure tenant [T1021.007
potentially using credentials [T1078.004] previously compromised from theft of NTDS.dit. These
attempts, coupled with misconfigured virtual machines with open RDP ports, suggested a potential for
cloud-based lateral movement. However, subsequent investigations, including password changes and
multifactor authentication (MFA) implementations, revealed authentication failures from non-
associated IP addresses, with no definitive link to Volt Typhoon.
Collection and Exfiltration
The U.S. authoring agencies assess Volt Typhoon primarily collects information that would facilitate
follow-on actions with physical impacts. For example, in one confirmed compromise, they collected
[TA0009] sensitive information obtained from a file server in multiple zipped files [T1560
] and likely
exfiltrated [TA0010] the files via Server Message Block (SMB) [T1048] (see Figure 3). Collected
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information included diagrams and documentation related to OT equipment, including supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, relays, and switchgear. This data is crucial for
understanding and potentially impacting critical infrastructure systems, indicating a focus on gathering
intelligence that could be leveraged in actions targeting physical assets and systems.
Figure 3: Volt Typhoon Attack Path for Exfiltration of Data from File Server
In another compromise, Volt Typhoon actors leveraged WMIC to create and use temporary
directories (C:\Users\Public\pro, C:\Windows\Temp\tmp, C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active
Directory and C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\registry) to stage the extracted ntds.dit and SYSTEM
registry hives from ntdsutil execution volume shadow copies (see the Credential Access section)
obtained from two DCs. They then compressed and archived the extracted ntds.dit and
accompanying registry files by executing ronf.exe, which was likely a renamed version of the
archive utility rar.exe) [T1560.001].
Command and Control
Volt Typhoon actors have been observed leveraging compromised SOHO routers and virtual private
servers (VPS) to proxy C2 traffic. For more information, see DOJ press release
U.S. Government
Disrupts Botnet People’s Republic of China Used to Conceal Hacking of Critical Infrastructure).
They have also been observed setting up FRP clients [T1090] on a victim’s corporate infrastructure to
establish covert communications channels [T1573] for command and control. In one instance, Volt
Typhoon actors implanted the FRP client with filename SMSvcService.exe on a Shortel Enterprise
Contact Center (ECC) server and a second FRP client with filename Brightmetricagent.exe on
another server. These clients, when executed via PowerShell [
T1059.001], open reverse proxies
16 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
between the compromised system and Volt Typhoon C2 servers. Brightmetricagent.exe has
additional capabilities. The FRP client can locate servers behind a network firewall or obscured
through Network Address Translation (NAT) [
T1016]. It also contains multiplexer libraries that can bi-
directionally stream data over NAT networks and contains a command-line interface (CLI) library that
can leverage command shells such as PowerShell, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI),
and Z Shell (zsh) [
T1059.004]. See Appendix C and MAR-10448362-1.v1 for more information.
In the same compromise, Volt Typhoon actors exploited a Paessler Router Traffic Grapher (PRTG)
server as an intermediary for their FRP operations. To facilitate this, they used the netsh command,
a legitimate Windows command, to create a PortProxy registry modification [
T1112] on the PRTG
server [T1090.001]. This key alteration redirected specific port traffic to Volt Typhoon’s proxy
infrastructure, effectively converting the PRTG’s server into a proxy for their C2 traffic [T1584.004]
(see Appendix B for details).
Apply Living off the Land Detection Best Practices
Apply the prioritized detection and hardening best practice recommendations provided in joint
guide Identifying and Mitigating Living off the Land Techniques
. Many organizations lack
security and network management best practices (such as established baselines) that support
detection of malicious LOTL activitythis makes it difficult for network defenders to discern legitimate
behavior from malicious behavior and conduct behavior analytics, anomaly detection, and proactive
hunting. Conventional IOCs associated with the malicious activity are generally lacking, complicating
network defenders’ efforts to identify, track, and categorize this sort of malicious behavior. This
advisory provides guidance for a multifaceted cybersecurity strategy that enables behavior analytics,
anomaly detection, and proactive hunting, which are part of a comprehensive approach to mitigating
cyber threats that employ LOTL techniques.
Review Application, Security, and System Event Logs
Routinely review application, security, and system event logs, focusing on Windows
Extensible Storage Engine Technology (ESENT) Application Logs. Due to Volt Typhoon’s ability
for long-term undetected persistence, network defenders should assume significant dwell time and
review specific application event log IDs, which remain on endpoints for longer periods compared to
security event logs and other ephemeral artifacts. Focus on Windows ESENT logs because certain
ESENT Application Log event IDs (216, 325, 326, and 327) may indicate actors copying NTDS.dit.
See Table 1 for examples of ESENT and other key log indicators that should be investigated. Please
note that incidents may not always have exact matches listed in the Event Detail column due to
variations in event logging and TTPs.
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Table 1: Key Log Indicators for Detecting Volt Typhoon Activity
Event ID
Event Detail Description
A database location change was detected from
'C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit' to
A change in the NTDS.dit
database location is
detected. This could
suggest an initial step in
NTDS credential dumping
where the database is
being prepared for
The database engine created a new database (2,
C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active Directory\ntds.dit).
Indicates creation of a new
NTDS.dit file in a non-
standard directory. Often a
sign of data staging for
exfiltration. Monitor for
unusual database
operations in temp
C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active Directory\ntds.jfm-++- (0)
New flush map file “C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active
Directory\ntds.jfm” will be created to enable persisted
lost flush detection.
A new flush map file is
being created for
NTDS.dit. This may
suggest ongoing operations
related to NTDS credential
dumping, potentially
capturing uncommitted
changes to the NTDS.dit
ds.dit-++-0-++- [1] The database engine attached a
database. Began mounting of
C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit file created from volume
shadow copy process
Represents the mounting of
an NTDS.dit file from a
volume shadow copy. This
is a critical step in NTDS
credential dumping,
indicating active
manipulation of a domain
controller’s data.
18 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Event ID
Event Detail Description
C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active Directory\ntds.dit-++-1-
++- [1] The database engine detached a database (2,
C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active Directory\ntds.dit).
Completion of mounting of ntds.dit file to
C:\Windows\Temp\tmp\Active Director
The detachment of a
database, particularly in a
temp directory, could
indicate the completion of a
credential dumping
process, potentially as part
of exfiltration preparations.
21 (Windows
Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded:
User: {redacted}\{redacted} Session ID: {redacted}
Source Network Address: {redacted}
Successful authentication
to a Remote Desktop
Services session.
22 (Windows
Remote Desktop Services: Shell start notification
received: User: {redacted}\{redacted} Session ID:
{redacted} Source Network Address: {redacted}
Successful start of a new
Remote Desktop session.
This may imply lateral
movement or unauthorized
remote access, especially if
the user or session is
23 (Windows
Remote Desktop Services: Session logoff succeeded:
User: {redacted}\{redacted} Session ID: {redacted}
Successful logoff of
Remote Desktop session.
24 (Windows
Remote Desktop Services: Session has been
disconnected: User: {redacted}\{redacted} Session ID:
{redacted} Source Network Address: {redacted}
Remote Desktop session
disconnected by user or
due to network connectivity
19 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Event ID
Event Detail Description
25 (Windows
Remote Desktop Services: Session reconnection
succeeded: User: {redacted}\{redacted} Session ID:
{redacted} Source Network Address: {redacted}
Successful reconnection to
a Remote Desktop
Services session. This may
imply lateral movement or
unauthorized remote
access, especially if the
user or session is
System Log)
Handle scavenged.
Share Name: C$
File Name:
users\{redacted}\downloads\ Durable: 1
Resilient or Persistent: 0 Guidance: The server closed
a handle that was previously reserved for a client after
60 seconds.
Indicates the server closed
a handle for a client. While
common in network
operations, unusual
patterns or locations (like in a user’s
downloads) may suggest
data collection from a local
All Event ID 1102 entries
should be investigated as
logs are generally not
cleared and this is a known
Volt Typhoon
tactic to cover
their tracks.
Monitor and Review OT System Logs
Review access logs for communication paths between IT and OT networks, looking for
anomalous accesses or protocols.
Measure the baseline of normal operations and network traffic for the industrial control system
(ICS) and assess traffic anomalies for malicious activity.
Configure intrusion detection systems (IDS) to create alarms for any ICS network traffic
outside normal operations.
Track and monitor audit trails on critical areas of ICS.
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Set up security incident and event monitoring (SIEM) to monitor, analyze, and correlate event
logs from across the ICS network to identify intrusion attempts.
Review CISA’s Recommended Cybersecurity Practices for Industrial Control Systems
and the joint
advisory, NSA and CISA Recommend Immediate Actions to Reduce Exposure Across all Operational
Technologies and Control Systems, for further OT system detection and mitigation guidance.
Use gait to Detect Possible Network Proxy Activities
Use gait[4] to detect network proxy activities. Developed by Sandia National Labs, gait is a
publicly available Zeek[5] extension. The gait extension can help enrich Zeek’s network connection
monitoring and SSL logs by including additional metadata in the logs. Specifically, gait captures
unique TCP options and timing data such as a TCP, transport layer security (TLS), and Secure Shell
(SSH) layer inferred round trip times (RTT), aiding in the identification of the software used by both
endpoints and intermediaries.
While the gait extension for Zeek is an effective tool for enriching network monitoring logs with
detailed metadata, it is not specifically designed to detect Volt Typhoon actor activities. The
extension’s capabilities extend to general anomaly detection in network traffic, includingbut not
limited toproxying activities. Therefore, while gait can be helpful in identifying tactics similar to those
used by Volt Typhoon, such as proxy networks and FRP clients for C2 communication, not all
proxying activities detected by using this additional metadata are necessarily indicative of Volt
Typhoon presence. It serves as a valuable augmentation to current security stacks for a broader
spectrum of threat detection.
For more information, see Sandia National Lab’s gait GitHub page
sandialabs/gait: Zeek Extension to
Collect Metadata for Profiling of Endpoints and Proxies.
Review Logins for Impossible Travel
Examine VPN or other account logon times, frequency, duration, and locations. Logons from
two geographically distant locations within a short timeframe from a single user may indicate an
account is being used maliciously. Logons of unusual frequency or duration may indicate a threat
actor attempting to access a system repeatedly or maintain prolonged sessions for the purpose of
data extraction.
Review Standard Directories for Unusual Files
Review directories, such as C:\windows\temp\ and C:\users\public\, for unexpected or
unusual files. Monitor these temporary file storage directories for files typically located in standard
system paths, such as the System32 directory. For example, Volt Typhoon has been observed
downloading comsvcs.dll to a non-standard folder (this file is normally found in the System32
If compromise, or potential compromise, is detected, organizations should assume full domain
compromise because of Volt Typhoon’s known behavioral pattern of extracting the NTDS.dit from
21 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
the DCs. Organizations should immediately implement the following immediate, defensive
1. Sever the enterprise network from the internet. Note: this step requires the agency to
understand its internal and external connections. When making the decision to sever internet
access, knowledge of connections must be combined with care to avoid disrupting critical
a. If you cannot sever from the internet, shutdown all non-essential traffic between the
affected enterprise network and the internet.
2. Reset credentials of privileged and non-privileged accounts within the trust boundary
of each compromised account.
a. Reset passwords for all domain users and all local accounts, such as Guest,
HelpAssistant, DefaultAccount, System, Administrator, and krbtgt. The krbtgt
account is responsible for handling Kerberos ticket requests as well as encrypting and
signing them. The krbtgt account should be reset twice because the account has a two-
password history. The first account reset for the krbtgt needs to be allowed to replicate
prior to the second reset to avoid any issues. See CISA’s Eviction Guidance for Networks
Affected by the SolarWinds and Active Directory/M365 Compromise for more information.
Although tailored to FCEB agencies compromised in the 2020 SolarWinds Orion supply
chain compromise, the steps are applicable to organizations with Windows AD
i) Review access policies to temporarily revoke privileges/access for affected
accounts/devices. If it is necessary to not alert the attacker (e.g., for intelligence
purposes), then privileges can be reduced for affected accounts/devices to “contain”
b. Reset the relevant account credentials or access keys if the investigation finds the threat
actor’s access is limited to non-elevated permissions.
i) Monitor related accounts, especially administrative accounts, for any further signs of
unauthorized access.
3. Audit all network appliance and edge device configurations with indicators of malicious activity
for signs of unauthorized or malicious configuration changes. Organizations should ensure
they audit the current network device running configuration and any local configurations that
could be loaded at boot time. If configuration changes are identified:
a. Change all credentials being used to manage network devices, to include keys and strings
used to secure network device functions (SNMP strings/user credentials, IPsec/IKE
preshared keys, routing secrets, TACACS/RADIUS secrets, RSA keys/certificates, etc.).
b. Update all firmware and software to the latest version.
4. Report the compromise to an authoring agency (see the Contact Information
5. For organizations with cloud or hybrid environments, apply best practices for identity and
credential access management.
a. Verify that all accounts with privileged role assignments are cloud native, not synced from
Active Directory.
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b. Audit conditional access policies to ensure Global Administrators and other highly
privileged service principals and accounts are not exempted.
c. Audit privileged role assignments to ensure adherence to the principle of least privilege
when assigning privileged roles.
d. Leverage just-in-time and just-enough access mechanisms when administrators need to
elevate to a privileged role.
e. In hybrid environments, ensure federated systems (such as AD FS) are configured and
monitored properly.
f. Audit Enterprise Applications for recently added applications and examine the API
permissions assigned to each.
6. Reconnect to the internet. Note: The decision to reconnect to the internet depends on
senior leadership’s confidence in the actions taken. It is possibledepending on the
environmentthat new information discovered during pre-eviction and eviction steps could
add additional eviction tasks.
7. Minimize and control use of remote access tools and protocols by applying best practices
from joint Guide to Securing Remote Access Software
and joint Cybersecurity Information
Sheet: Keeping PowerShell: Security Measures to Use and Embrace.
8. Consider sharing technical information with an authoring agency and/or a sector-
specific information sharing and analysis center.
For more information on incident response and remediation, see:
Joint advisory Technical Approaches to Uncovering and Remediating Malicious Activity
. This
advisory provides incident response best practices.
CISA’s Federal Government Cybersecurity Incident and Vulnerability Response Playbooks.
Although tailored to U.S. Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies, the playbooks
are applicable to all organizations. The incident response playbook provides procedures to
identify, coordinate, remediate, recover, and track successful mitigations from incidents.
Joint Water and Wastewater Sector - Incident Response Guide. This joint guide provides
incident response best practices and information on federal resources for Water and
Wastewater Systems Sector organizations.
23 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
The authoring agencies recommend
organizations implement the mitigations below
to improve your organization’s cybersecurity
posture on the basis of Volt Typhoon activity.
These mitigations align with the Cross-Sector
Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs)
developed by CISA and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). The CPGs
provide a minimum set of practices and
protections that CISA and NIST recommend all
organizations implement. CISA and NIST based
the CPGs on existing cybersecurity frameworks
and guidance to protect against the most
common and impactful threats, tactics,
techniques, and procedures. Visit CISA’s
Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals
for more information on the CPGs, including
additional recommended baseline protections.
IT Network Administrators and Defenders
Harden the Attack Surface
Apply patches for internet-facing systems within a risk-informed span of time [CPG 1E].
Prioritize patching critical assets, known exploited vulnerabilities, and vulnerabilities in
appliances known to be frequently exploited by Volt Typhoon (e.g., Fortinet, Ivanti, NETGEAR,
Citrix, and Cisco devices).
Apply vendor-provided or industry standard hardening guidance to strengthen software
and system configurations. Note: As part of CISA’s Secure by Design campaign
, CISA urges
software manufacturers to prioritize secure by default configurations to eliminate the need for
customer implementation of hardening guidelines.
Maintain and regularly update an inventory of all organizational IT assets [CPG 1A].
Use third party assessments to validate current system and network security
compliance via security architecture reviews, penetration tests, bug bounties, attack surface
management services, incident simulations, or table-top exercises (both announced and
unannounced) [CPG 1F
Limit internet exposure of systems when not necessary. An organization’s primary attack
surface is the combination of the exposure of all its internet-facing systems. Decrease the
attack surface by not exposing systems or management interfaces to the internet when not
These mitigations are intended for IT
administrators in critical infrastructure
organizations. The authoring agencies recommend
that software manufactures incorporate secure by
design and default principles and tactics into their
software development practices to strengthen the
security posture for their customers.
For information on secure by design practices that
may protect customers against common Volt
Typhoon techniques, see joint guide
and Mitigating Living off the Land Techniques and
joint Secure by Design Alert Security Design
Improvements for SOHO Device Manufacturers.
For more information on secure by design, see
CISA’s Secure by Design webpage and
24 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Secure Credentials
Do not store credentials on edge appliances/devices. Ensure edge devices do not contain
accounts that could provide domain admin access.
Do not store plaintext credentials on any system [CPG 2L
]. Credentials should be stored
securelysuch as with a credential/password manager or vault, or other privileged account
management solutions—so they can only be accessed by authenticated and authorized users.
Change default passwords [CPG 2A] and ensure they meet the policy requirements for
Implement and enforce an organizational system-enforced policy that:
o Requires passwords for all IT password-protected assets to be at least 15
o Does not allow users to reuse passwords for accounts, applications, services, etc.,
[CPG 2C]; and
o Does not allow service accounts/machine accounts to reuse passwords from
member user accounts.
Configure Group Policy settings to prevent web browsers from saving passwords and
disable autofill functions.
Disable the storage of clear text passwords in LSASS memory.
Secure Accounts
Implement phishing-resistant MFA for access to assets [CPG 2H].
Separate user and privileged accounts.
o User accounts should never have administrator or super-user privileges [CPG 2E
o Administrators should never use administrator accounts for actions and activities not
associated with the administrator role (e.g., checking email, web browsing).
Enforce the principle of least privilege.
o Ensure administrator accounts only have the minimum permissions necessary to
complete their tasks.
o Review account permissions for default/accounts for edge appliances/devices and
remove domain administrator privileges, if identified.
o Significantly limit the number of users with elevated privileges. Implement continuous
monitoring for changes in group membership, especially in privileged groups, to detect and
respond to unauthorized modifications.
o Remove accounts from high-privilege groups like Enterprise Admins and Schema
Admins. Temporarily reinstate these privileges only when necessary and under strict
auditing to reduce the risk of privilege abuse.
o Transition to Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) where suitable for enhanced
management and security of service account credentials. gMSAs provide automated
password management and simplified Service Principal Name (SPN) management,
enhancing security over traditional service accounts. See Microsoft’s
Group Managed
Service Accounts Overview.
25 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Enforce strict policies via Group Policy and User Rights Assignments to limit high-
privilege service accounts.
Consider using a privileged access management (PAM) solution to manage access to
privileged accounts and resources [CPG 2L
]. PAM solutions can also log and alert usage to
detect any unusual activity.
Complement the PAM solution with role-based access control (RBAC) for tailored access
based on job requirements. This ensures that elevated access is granted only when required
and for a limited duration, minimizing the window of opportunity for abuse or exploitation of
privileged credentials.
Implement an Active Directory tiering model to segregate administrative accounts
based on their access level and associated risk. This approach reduces the potential impact of
a compromised account. See Microsoft’s PAM environment tier model
Harden administrative workstations to only permit administrative activities from
workstations appropriately hardened based on the administrative tier. See Microsoft’s
Why are
privileged access devices important - Privileged access.
Disable all user accounts and access to organizational resources of employees on the
day of their departure [CPG 2G
Regularly audit all user, admin, and service accounts and remove or disable unused or
unneeded accounts as applicable.
Regularly roll NTLM hashes of accounts that support token-based authentication.
Improve management of hybrid (cloud and on-premises) identity federation by:
o Using cloud only administrators that are asynchronous with on-premises
environments and ensuring on-premises administrators are asynchronous to the cloud.
o Using CISA’s SCuBAGear tool
to discover cloud misconfigurations in Microsoft
cloud tenants. SCuBA gear is automation script for comparing Federal Civilian Executive
Branch (FCEB) agency tenant configurations against CISA M365 baseline
recommendations. SCuBAGear is part of CISA’s Secure Cloud Business Applications
(SCuBA) project, which provides guidance for FCEB agencies, securing their cloud
business application environments and protecting federal information created, accessed,
shared, and stored in those environments. Although tailored to FCEB agencies, the project
provides security guidance applicable to all organizations with cloud environments. For
more information on SCuBAGear see CISA’s
Secure Cloud Business Applications
(SCuBA) Project.
o Using endpoint detection and response capabilities to actively defend on-premises
federation servers.
Secure Remote Access Services
Limit the use of RDP and other remote desktop services. If RDP is necessary, apply best
practices, including auditing the network for systems using RDP, closing unused RDP ports,
and logging RDP login attempts.
26 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Disable Server Message Block (SMB) protocol version 1 and upgrade to version 3
(SMBv3) after mitigating existing dependencies (on existing systems or applications), as they
may break when disabled.
Harden SMBv3 by implementing guidance included in joint #StopRansomware Guide
page 8 of the guide).
Apply mitigations from the joint Guide to Securing Remote Access Software.
Secure Sensitive Data
Securely store sensitive data (including operational technology documentation, network
diagrams, etc.), ensuring that only authenticated and authorized users can access the data.
Implement Network Segmentation
Ensure that sensitive accounts use their administrator credentials only on hardened,
secure computers. This practice can reduce lateral movement exposure within networks.
Conduct comprehensive trust assessments to identify business-critical trusts and
apply necessary controls to prevent unauthorized cross-forest/domain traversal.
Harden federated authentication by enabling Secure Identifier (SID) Filtering and
Selective Authentication on AD trust relationships to further restrict unauthorized access
across domain boundaries.
Implement network segmentation to isolate federation servers from other systems and
limit allowed traffic to systems and protocols that require access in accordance with Zero Trust
Secure Cloud Assets
Harden cloud assets in accordance with vendor-provided or industry standard hardening
o Organizations with Microsoft cloud infrastructure, see CISA’s
Microsoft 365 Security
Configuration Baseline Guides, which provide minimum viable secure configuration
baselines for Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Azure Active Directory (now known as
Microsoft Entra ID), Exchange Online, OneDrive for Business, Power BI, Power Platform,
SharePoint Online, and Teams. For additional guidance, see the Australian Signals
Blueprint for Secure Cloud.
o Organizations with Google cloud infrastructure, see CISA’s Google Workspace Security
Configuration Baseline Guides, which provide minimum viable secure configuration
baselines for Groups for Business, GMAIL, Google Calendar, Google Chat, Google
Common Controls, Google Classroom, Google Drive and Docs, Google Meet, and Google
Revoke unnecessary public access to cloud environment. This involves reviewing and
restricting public endpoints and ensuring that services like storage accounts, databases, and
virtual machines are not publicly accessible unless absolutely necessary. Disable legacy
authentication protocols across all cloud services and platforms. Legacy protocols frequently
lack support for advanced security mechanisms such as multifactor authentication, rendering
27 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
them susceptible to compromises. Instead, enforce the use of modern authentication protocols
that support stronger security features like MFA, token-based authentication, and adaptive
authentication measures.
o Enforce this practice through the use of Conditional Access Policies. These policies
can initially be run in report-only mode to identify potential impacts and plan mitigations
before fully enforcing them. This approach allows organizations to systematically control
access to their cloud resources, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and
potential compromise.
Regularly monitor and audit privileged cloud-based accounts, including service accounts,
which are frequently abused to enable broad cloud resource access and persistence.
Be Prepared
Ensure logging is turned on for application, access, and security logs (e.g., intrusion
detection systems/intrusion prevention systems, firewall, data loss prevention, and VPNs)
]. Given Volt Typhoon’s use of LOTL techniques and their significant dwell time,
application event logs may be a valuable resource to hunt for Volt Typhoon activity because
these logs typically remain on endpoints for relatively long periods of time.
o For OT assets where logs are non-standard or not available, collect network traffic and
communications between those assets and other assets.
o Implement file integrity monitoring (FIM) tools to detect unauthorized changes.
Store logs in a central system, such as a security information and event management
(SIEM) tool or central database.
o Ensure the logs can only be accessed or modified by authorized and authenticated
users [CPG 2U
o Store logs for a period informed by risk or pertinent regulatory guidelines.
o Tune log alerting to reduce noise while ensuring there are alerts for high-risk
activities. (For information on alert tuning, see joint guide
Identifying and Mitigating Living
Off the Land Techniques.)
Establish and continuously maintain a baseline of installed tools and software, account
behavior, and network traffic. This way, network defenders can identify potential outliers,
which may indicate malicious activity. Note: For information on establishing a baseline, see
joint guide Identifying and Mitigating Living off the Land Techniques
Document a list of threats and cyber actor TTPs relevant to your organization (e.g.,
based on industry or sectors), and maintain the ability (such as via rules, alerting, or
commercial prevention and detection systems) to detect instances of those key threats [
Implement periodic training for all employees and contractors that covers basic
security concepts (such as phishing, business email compromise, basic operational security,
password security, etc.), as well as fostering an internal culture of security and cyber
awareness [CPG 2I
o Tailor the training to network IT personnel/administrators and other key staff based
on relevant organizational cyber threats and TTPs, such as Volt Typhoon. For
example, communicate that Volt Typhoon actors are known to target personal email
28 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
accounts of IT staff, and encourage staff to protect their personal email accounts by using
strong passwords and implementing MFA.
o In addition to basic cybersecurity training, ensure personnel who maintain or secure OT
as part of their regular duties receive OT-specific cybersecurity training on at least
an annual basis [CPG 2J
o Educate users about the risks associated with storing unprotected passwords.
OT Administrators and Defenders
Change default passwords [CPG 2A] and ensure they meet the policy requirements for
complexity. If the asset’s password cannot be changed, implement compensating controls for
the device; for example, segment the device into separate enclaves and implement increased
monitoring and logging.
Require that passwords for all OT password-protected assets be at least 15 characters,
when technically feasible. In instances where minimum passwords lengths are not technically
feasible (for example, assets in remote locations), apply compensating controls, record the
controls, and log all login attempts. [CPG 2B
Enforce strict access policies for accessing OT networks. Develop strict operating
procedures for OT operators that details secure configuration and usage.
Segment OT assets from IT environments by [CPG 2F]:
o Denying all connections to the OT network by default unless explicitly allowed (e.g., by
IP address and port) for specific system functionality.
o Requiring necessary communications paths between IT and OT networks to pass
through an intermediary, such as a properly configured firewall, bastion host, “jump box,”
or a demilitarized zone (DMZ), which is closely monitored, captures network logs, and only
allows connections from approved assets.
Closely monitor all connections into OT networks for misuse, anomalous activity, or OT
Monitor for unauthorized controller change attempts. Implement integrity checks of
controller process logic against a known good baseline. Ensure process controllers are
prevented from remaining in remote program mode while in operation if possible.
Lock or limit set points in control processes to reduce the consequences of
unauthorized controller access.
Be prepared by:
o Determining your critical operational processes’ reliance on key IT infrastructure:
Maintain and regularly update an inventory of all organizational OT assets.
Understand and evaluate cyber risk on “as-operated” OT assets.
Create an accurate “as-operated” OT network map and identify OT and IT network
o Identifying a resilience plan that addresses how to operate if you lose access to or
control of the IT and/or OT environment.
Plan for how to continue operations if a control system is malfunctioning, inoperative,
or actively acting contrary to the safe and reliable operation of the process.
29 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Develop workarounds or manual controls to ensure ICS networks can be isolated if the
connection to a compromised IT environment creates risk to the safe and reliable
operation of OT processes.
o Create and regularly exercise an incident response plan.
Regularly test manual controls so that critical functions can be kept running if OT
networks need to be taken offline.
o Implement regular data backup procedures on OT networks.
Regularly test backup procedures.
Follow risk-informed guidance in the joint advisory
NSA and CISA Recommend Immediate
Actions to Reduce Exposure Across all Operational Technologies and Control Systems, the
NSA advisory Stop Malicious Cyber Activity Against Connected Operational Technology.
US organizations: To report suspicious or criminal activity related to information found in this joint
Cybersecurity Advisory, contact:
CISA’s 24/7 Operations Center at or (888) 282-0870 or your
local FBI field
office. When available, please include the following information regarding the incident: date,
time, and location of the incident; type of activity; number of people affected; type of
equipment used for the activity; the name of the submitting company or organization; and a
designated point of contact.
For NSA client requirements or general cybersecurity inquiries, contact
Water and Wastewater Systems Sector organizations, contact the EPA Water Infrastructure
and Cyber Resilience Division at [email protected]
to voluntarily provide situational
Entities required to report incidents to DOE should follow established reporting requirements,
as appropriate. For other energy sector inquiries, contact
For transportation entities regulated by TSA, report to CISA Central in accordance with the
requirements found in applicable Security Directives, Security Programs, or TSA Order.
Australian organizations: Visit
or call 1300 292 371 (1300 CYBER 1) to report
cybersecurity incidents and access alerts and advisories.
Canadian organizations: Report incidents by emailing CCCS at [email protected].
New Zealand organizations: Report cyber security incidents to [email protected] or call 04
498 7654.
United Kingdom organizations: Report a significant cyber security incident:
incident (monitored 24 hours) or, for urgent assistance, call 03000 200 973.
30 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
In addition to applying mitigations, the authoring agencies recommend exercising, testing, and
validating your organization's security program against the threat behaviors mapped to the MITRE
ATT&CK for Enterprise framework in this advisory. The authoring agencies recommend testing your
existing security controls inventory to assess how they perform against the ATT&CK techniques
described in this advisory.
To get started:
1. Select an ATT&CK technique described in this advisory (see Table 5 through Table 17).
2. Align your security technologies against the technique.
3. Test your technologies against the technique.
4. Analyze your detection and prevention technologiesperformance.
5. Repeat the process for all security technologies to obtain a set of comprehensive performance
6. Tune your security program, including people, processes, and technologies, based on the
data generated by this process.
The authoring agencies recommend continually testing your security program, at scale, in a
production environment to ensure optimal performance against the MITRE ATT&CK techniques
identified in this advisory.
[1] fofa
[2] Microsoft: Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques
[3] GitHub - fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or
firewall to the internet
[4] GitHub - sandialabs/gait: Zeek Extension to Collect Metadata for Profiling of Endpoints and
[5] The Zeek Network Security Monitor
Microsoft: Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques
Secureworks: Chinese Cyberespionage Group BRONZE SILHOUETTE Targets U.S. Government
and Defense Organizations
The information in this report is being provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The authoring
agencies do not endorse any commercial entity, product, company, or service, including any entities,
products, or services linked within this document. Any reference to specific commercial entities,
31 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not
constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the authoring agencies.
Fortinet and Microsoft contributed to this advisory.
February 7, 2024: Initial Version.
32 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
See Table 2 and Table 3 for Volt Typhoon commands and PowerShell scripts observed by the U.S.
authoring agencies during incident response activities. For additional commands used by Volt
Typhoon, see joint advisory
People's Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber Actor Living off the
Land to Evade Detection.
Table 2: Volt Typhoon Observed Commands in PowerShell Console History
Command/Script Description/Use
Get-EventLog security -instanceid 4624 -after
{redacted date} | fl * | Out-File
PowerShell command extracts security log
entries with the Event ID 4624 after a specified
date. The output is formatted (fl *) and saved
to user.dat. Potentially used to analyze logon
patterns and identify potential targets for lateral
Get-EventLog security -instanceid 4624 | Where-
Object {$_.message.contains('{redacted user
account}')} | select -First 1 | fl *
PowerShell command extracts security log
entries with the Event ID 4624 and filters them
to include only those containing a specific user
account, selecting the first instance of such an
wminc process get name,processid
Appears to be an attempt to use the wmic
command but with a misspelling (wminc instead
of wmic). This command, as it stands, would
not execute successfully and would return an
error in a typical Windows environment. This
could indicate a mistake made during manual
wmic process get name,processid
WMI command lists all running processes with
process names and process IDs. Potentially
used to find process IDs needed for other
operations, like memory dumping.
tasklist /v
Command displays detailed information about
currently running processes, including the
name, PID, session number, and memory
33 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Command/Script Description/Use
taskkill /f /im rdpservice.exe
Command forcibly terminates the process
rdpservice.exe. Potentially used as a
cleanup activity post-exploitation.
ping -n 1 {redacted IP address}
Command sends one ICMP echo request to a
specified IP address.
ping -n 1 -w 1 {redacted IP address}
Command sends one ICMP echo request to a
specified IP address with a timeout (-w) of 1
net user Lists all user accounts on the local machine or
domain, useful for quickly viewing existing user
query user
Displays information about user sessions on a
system, aiding in identifying active users or
net start
Lists all active services.
Opens a new instance of the command prompt.
cd [Redacted Path]
Changes the current directory to a specified
path, typically for navigating file systems.
Remove-Item .\Thumbs.db PowerShell command to delete the Thumbs.db
file, possibly for cleanup or removing traces.
move .\Thumbs.db ttt.dat
Relocates and renames the file Thumbs.db in
the current directory to ttt.dat within the
same directory.
del .\Thumbs.db /f /s /q
Force deletes Thumbs.db files from the current
directory and all subdirectories, part of cleanup
operations to erase traces.
del ??
Deletes files with two-character names,
potentially a targeted cleanup command.
34 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Command/Script Description/Use
del /?
Displays help information for the del
Terminates the command prompt session.
Retrieves network configuration details, helpful
for discovery and mapping the victim's network.
net time /dom
Queries or sets the network time for a domain,
potentially used for reconnaissance or to
manipulate system time.
netstta -ano
Intended as netstat -ano; a mistyped
command indicating a potential operational
netstat -ano
Lists active network connections and
processes, helpful for identifying
communication channels and potential targets.
type .\Notes.txt
Displays the contents of Notes.txt, possibly
used for extracting specific information or
intelligence gathering.
Logs off the current user session.
Table 3: Volt Typhoon Observed PowerShell Scripts
Script name and
Contents Description/Use
# Find DC list from Active Directory
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
# Define time for report (default is 1 day)
$startDate = (get-date).AddDays(-1)
The script is designed for
user logon discovery in a
Windows Active Directory
environment. It retrieves a
list of DCs and then
queries security logs on
these DCs for successful
logon events (Event ID
4624) within the last day.
The script differentiates
35 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Script name and
Contents Description/Use
# Store successful logon events from
security logs with the specified dates and
workstation/IP in an array
foreach ($DC in $DCs){
$slogonevents = Get-Eventlog -LogName
Security -ComputerName $DC.Hostname -
after $startDate | where {$_.eventID -eq
4624 }}
# Crawl through events; print all logon
history with type, date/time, status, account
name, computer and IP address if user
logged on remotely
foreach ($e in $slogonevents){
# Logon Successful Events
# Local (Logon Type 2)
if (($e.EventID -eq 4624 ) -and
($e.ReplacementStrings[8] -eq 2)){
write-host "Type: Local Logon`tDate:
"$e.TimeGenerated "`tStatus:
Success`tUser: "$e.ReplacementStrings[5]
"`tWorkstation: "$e.ReplacementStrings[11]
# Remote (Logon Type 10)
if (($e.EventID -eq 4624 ) -and
($e.ReplacementStrings[8] -eq 10)){
write-host "Type: Remote Logon`tDate:
"$e.TimeGenerated "`tStatus:
Success`tUser: "$e.ReplacementStrings[5]
"`tWorkstation: "$e.ReplacementStrings[11]
"`tIP Address: "$e.ReplacementStrings[18]
between local (Logon Type
2) and remote (Logon
Type 10) logon events. For
each event, it extracts and
displays details including
the logon type, date/time of
logon, status, account
name, and the workstation
or IP address used for the
logon. Volt Typhoon may
be leveraging this script to
monitor user logon
activities across the
network, potentially to
identify patterns, gather
credentials, or track the
movement of users and
administrators within the
36 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
See Table 4 for Volt Typhoon IOCs obtained by the U.S. authoring agencies during incident response
Table 4: Volt Typhoon Malicious Files and Associated Hashes
Note: See MAR-10448362-1.v1 for more information on this malware.
File Name
Hashes (SHA256)
The file is an FRP that
could be used to
reveal servers situated
behind a network
firewall or obscured
through Network
Address Translation
The file is a Windows
executable "FRPC
designed to open a
reverse proxy
between the
compromised system
and the threat actor(s)
C2 server.
37 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
See Table 5 through Table 17 for all referenced threat actor tactics and techniques in this advisory.
Table 5: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Reconnaissance
Technique Title
Gather Victim Host
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance. This includes web searches, including victim-
owned sites, for victim host, identity, and network information,
especially for information on key network and IT
Gather Victim
Identity Information
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance to learn about the target organization’s staff.
Gather Victim
Identity Information:
Email Addresses
Volt Typhoon targets the personal emails of key network and
IT staff.
Gather Victim
Network Information
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance to learn about the target organization’s
Gather Victim Org
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance to learn about the target organization.
Search Open
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance. This includes web searches, including victim-
owned sites, for victim host, identity, and network information,
especially for information on key network and IT
Search Victim-
Owned Websites
Volt Typhoon conducts extensive pre-compromise
reconnaissance. This includes web searches, including victim-
owned sites, for victim host, identity, and network information,
especially for information on key network and IT
38 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Table 6: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Resource Development
Resource Development
Technique Title
Volt Typhoon uses multi-hop proxies for command-and-control
infrastructure. The proxy is typically composed of Virtual
Private Servers (VPSs) or small office/home office (SOHO)
Volt Typhoon used Cisco and NETGEAR end-of-life SOHO
routers implanted with KV Botnet malware to support their
Volt Typhoon has redirected specific port traffic to their proxy
infrastructure, effectively converting the PRTG’s Detection
Guidance server into a proxy for their C2 traffic.
Capabilities: Exploits
Volt Typhoon uses publicly available exploit code, but is also
adept at discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities as zero
Obtain Capabilities:
Volt Typhoon uses publicly available exploit code, but is also
adept at discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities as zero
Table 7: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Initial Access
Initial Access
Technique Title
Exploit Public-
Facing Application
Volt Typhoon commonly exploits vulnerabilities in networking
appliances such as Fortinet, Ivanti (formerly Pulse Secure),
NETGEAR, Citrix, and Cisco.
External Remote
Volt Typhoon often uses VPN sessions to securely connect to
victim environments, enabling discreet follow-on intrusion
39 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Table 8: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Execution
Technique Title
Command and
Scripting Interpreter
Volt Typhoon uses hands-on-keyboard execution for their
malicious activity via the command-line.
Command and
Scripting Interpreter:
Volt Typhoon has executed clients via PowerShell.
Command and
Scripting Interpreter:
Unix Shell
Volt Typhoon has used Brightmetricagent.exe, which
contains multiplexer libraries that can bi-directionally stream
data over through NAT networks and contains a command-
line interface (CLI) library that can leverage command shells
such as PowerShell, Windows Management, Instrumentation
(WMI), and Z Shell (zsh).
Volt Typhoon has used Windows Management
Instrumentation Console (WMIC) commands.
Table 9: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Persistence
Technique Title
Valid Accounts
Volt Typhoon primarily relies on valid credentials for
Table 10: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Privilege Escalation
Privilege Escalation
Technique Title
Exploitation for
Privilege Escalation
Volt Typhoon first obtains credentials from public-facing
appliances after gaining initial access by exploiting privilege
40 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
escalation vulnerabilities in the operating system or network
Table 11: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Defense Evasion
Defense Evasion
Technique Title
Direct Volume
Volt Typhoon has executed the Windows-native vssadmin
command to create a volume shadow copy.
Indicator Removal:
Clear Persistence
Volt Typhoon has selectively cleared Windows Event Logs,
system logs, and other technical artifacts to remove evidence
of their intrusion activity and masquerading file names.
Indicator Removal:
Clear Windows
Event Logs
Volt Typhoon has selectively cleared Windows Event Logs,
system logs, and other technical artifacts to remove evidence
of their intrusion activity and masquerading file names.
Indicator Removal:
File Deletion
Volt Typhoon created systeminfo.dat in
C:\Users\Public\Documents, but subsequently deleted it.
Match Legitimate
Name or Location
Volt Typhoon has selectively cleared Windows Event Logs,
system logs, and other technical artifacts to remove evidence
of their intrusion activity and masquerading file names.
Modify Registry
Volt Typhoon has used the netsh command, a legitimate
Windows command, to create a PortProxy registry
modification on the PRTG server.
Obfuscated Files or
Software Packing
Volt Typhoon has obfuscated FRP client files
(BrightmetricAgent.exe and SMSvcService.exe) and the
command-line port scanning utility ScanLine by packing the
files with Ultimate Packer for Executables (UPX).
System Binary
Proxy Execution
Volt Typhoon uses hands-on-keyboard activity via the
command-line and use other native tools and processes on
systems (often referred to as “LOLBins”), known as LOTL, to
maintain and expand access to the victim networks.
41 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Table 12: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Credential Access
Credential Access
Technique Title
Brute Force:
Password Cracking
Volt Typhoon has exfiltrated NTDS.dit and SYSTEM registry
hive to crack passwords offline.
Credentials from
Password Stores
Volt Typhoon has installed browsers saved passwords history,
credit card details, and cookies.
Credentials from
Password Stores:
Credentials from
Web Browsers
Volt Typhoon has strategically targeted network administrator
web browser data, focusing on both browsing history and
stored credentials.
OS Credential
Dumping: LSASS
Volt Typhoon used a DLL with MiniDump and the process ID
of Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) to
dump the LSASS process memory and obtain credentials.
OS Credential
Dumping: NTDS
Volt Typhoon appears to prioritize obtaining valid credentials
by extracting the Active Directory database file (NTDS.dit).
Volt Typhoon has obtained credentials insecurely stored on an
Credentials: Private
Volt Typhoon has accessed a Local State file that contains the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption key used to
encrypt the passwords stored in the Chrome browser, which
enables the actors to obtain plaintext passwords stored in the
Login Data file in the Chrome browser.
Table 13: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Discovery
Technique Title
Account Discovery:
Local Account
Volt Typhoon executed net user and quser for user account
42 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Application Window
Volt Typhoon created and accessed a file named
rult3uil.log on a Domain Controller in
C:\Windows\System32\. The rult3uil.log file contained
user activities on a compromised system, showcasing a
combination of window title information and focus shifts,
keypresses, and command executions across Google Chrome
and Windows PowerShell, with corresponding timestamps.
Browser Information
Volt Typhoon has installed browsers saved passwords history,
credit card details, and cookies.
File and Directory
Volt Typhoon enumerated several directories, including
directories containing vulnerability testing and cyber related
content and facilities data, such as construction drawings.
Log Enumeration
Volt Typhoon has captured successful logon events.
Network Service
Volt Typhoon has used commercial tools, LOTL utilities, and
appliances already present on the system for system
information, network service, group, and user discovery.
Peripheral Device
Volt Typhoon has obtained the victim's system screen
dimension and display devices information.
Permission Groups
Volt Typhoon has used commercial tools, LOTL utilities, and
appliances already present on the system for system
information, network service, group, and user discovery.
Process Discovery
Volt Typhoon executed tasklist /v to gather a detailed
process listing.
Query Registry
Volt Typhoon has interacted with a PuTTY application by
enumerating existing stored sessions.
Software Discovery
Volt Typhoon has obtained the victim's list of applications
installed on the victim's system.
System Information
Volt Typhoon has used commercial tools, LOTL utilities, and
appliances already present on the system for system
information, network service, group, and user discovery.
43 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
System Location
Volt Typhoon has obtained the victim's system current locale.
System Network
Discovery: Internet
Volt Typhoon employs ping with various IP addresses to
check network connectivity and net start to list running
System Owner/User
Volt Typhoon has used commercial tools, LOTL utilities, and
appliances already present on the system for system
information, network service, group, and user discovery.
System Service
Volt Typhoon employs ping with various IP addresses to
check network connectivity and net start to list running
System Time
Volt Typhoon has obtained the victim's system timezone.
Table 14: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Technique Title
Remote Service
Session Hijacking
Volt Typhoon potentially had access to a range of critical
PuTTY profiles, including those for water treatment plants,
water wells, an electrical substation, operational technology
systems, and network security devices. This would enable
them to access these critical systems.
Remote Services:
Cloud Services
During the period of Volt Typhoon’s known network presence,
there were anomalous login attempts to an Azure tenant
potentially using credentials previously compromised from
theft of NTDS.dit.
Remote Services:
Remote Desktop
Volt Typhoon has moved laterally to the Domain Controller via
an interactive RDP session using a compromised account with
domain administrator privileges.
44 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Use Alternate
Volt Typhoon may be capable of using other methods such as
Pass the Hash or Pass the Ticket for lateral movement.
Valid Accounts:
Cloud Accounts
During the period of Volt Typhoon’s known network presence,
there were anomalous login attempts to an Azure tenant
potentially using credentials previously compromised from
theft of NTDS.dit.
Table 15: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Collection
Technique Title
Archive Collected
Volt Typhoon collected sensitive information obtained from a
file server in multiple zipped files.
Archive Collected
Data: Archive via
Volt Typhoon has compressed and archived the extracted
ntds.dit and accompanying registry files (by executing
ronf.exe, which was likely a renamed version of rar.exe).
Data Staged
Volt Typhoon accessed the file
C:\Users\{redacted}\Downloads\, which
presumably contained data from the User Data directory of the
user’s Chrome browser, which the actors likely saved in the
Downloads directory for exfiltration.
Screen Capture
Volt Typhoon has obtained a screenshot of the victim's system
using two libraries (gdi32.dll and gdiplus.dll)
Table 16: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Command and Control
Command and Control
Technique Title
Encrypted Channel
Volt Typhoon has setup FRP clients on a victim’s corporate
infrastructure to establish covert communications channels for
command and control.
45 of 45 | Product ID: AA24-038A
Ingress Tool
Volt Typhoon uses legitimate, but outdated versions of
network admin tools. For example, in one confirmed
compromise, actors downloaded an outdated version of
comsvcs.dll, on the DC in a non-standard folder.
Volt Typhoon has setup FRP clients on a victim’s corporate
infrastructure to establish covert communications channels for
command and control.
Proxy: Internal
Volt Typhoon has used the netsh command, a legitimate
Windows command, to create a PortProxy registry
modification on the PRTG server.
Proxy: Multi-hop
Volt Typhoon uses multi-hop proxies for command-and-control
Table 17: Volt Typhoon actors ATT&CK Techniques for Enterprise Exfiltration
Technique Title
Exfiltration Over
Alternative Protocol
Volt Typhoon exfiltrated files via Server Message Block