GIS-Based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History
Dr. Loren Siebert
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Akron
With the rise of interest in "temporal GIS" over the last decade, the use of geographic
information systems to document, visualize, and interpret the history of urban regions
has become more common. The temporal GIS project presented here is a "GIS spatial
history of Tokyo" covering spatial patterns and changes in Japan's capital region over
the last 130 years. Historical topographic maps, census data, administrative histories,
rail company chronologies, and other spatiotemporal data were used to produce a
multifaceted GIS database that includes: changes in physical features such as
shorelines, rivers, and canals; the process of urbanization as represented by
annexations, mergers, and upgrading of administrative areas from village to town, city,
or city ward; population changes mapped by administrative area; development of the
region's extensive rail network; and mapping of historical landscape units.
temporal GIS, spatial history, historical visualization, Tokyo, Japan
This paper first appeared in the Proceedings of the Computers in Urban Planning and
Urban Management (CUPUM 2001) Conference held at the University of Hawaii at
Manoa in July 2001. Those proceedings were distributed on CD-ROM.
Page numbering used here in the Adobe PDF file is different than that used in the
CUPUM 2001 proceedings.
Colors used in the maps were optimized for printing on an Epson Color Stylus inkjet
printer rather than for display on a computer monitor.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History
Geographic information systems are widely used for mapping and analyzing
current spatial phenomena in fields such as urban planning, geography, environmental
planning, and business. Over the last decade, their use for historical analysis has also
increased. On the theoretical and software-design side, there has been extensive work
by Langran (1992) and others on issues of how to handle time in GIS databases. A
bibliography on spatiotemporal database research (Al-Taha, 1994) stated that over 350
papers by almost 300 researchers had been written on the subject of GIS, space, and
time. A general survey of issues of GIS and temporal data is given in the summary of a
conference held in 1990 (Barrera et al., 1990). There has also been extensive use of
GIS techniques for archaeological documentation and analysis, as reported in Gamble
(1987) and in an anthology by Allen et al. (1990). More recently, researchers in the
social sciences and humanities have started to use GIS for historical analysis (Knowles,
The historical GIS project reported on here is based on a PhD dissertation
entitled "Creating a GIS spatial history of Tokyo" (Siebert, 1997), in which I used a
variety of historical sources -- such as topographic maps, censuses, administrative
histories, and rail event chronologies -- to document, visualize, and interpret aspects of
Tokyo's urban history. This is an ongoing project of creating a multifaceted spatial
history archive on computer. In this presentation to the Computers in Urban Planning
and Urban Management conference, I will discuss and illustrate some of the many types
of spatial phenomena included so far in the historical GIS project. Details of data input,
database design, and mapping methods used are given in the dissertation and in a
survey article for social science historians (Siebert, 2000a).
The components included in the GIS spatial history database, which covers
Tokyo and the surrounding Kanto region, are: (1) shoreline and river/canal changes in
Tokyo Bay and its delta lands, (2) administrative history, including annexations,
mergers, and status changes of villages, towns, cities, and wards, (3) population
changes, (4) rail network development, and (5) an initial mapping of landscape
fragmentation in one part of Tokyo prefecture. Recording the history of these spatial
phenomena in the GIS required use of a variety of source materials (map, table, text,
chronologies) and a variety of GIS data types (points, lines, and areas), thus making
them a useful set for developing historical GIS techniques.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 1
Historical Maps, Input, and GIS Software
The Geographical Survey Institute of Japan and its predecessor agencies have
produced regular series of maps since the last half of the 1800s. Copies of most can be
viewed on microfilm, then selected for reproduction (usually from black-and-white paper
copies, even if the original was color). In 1994, reproductions cost about 500 yen each
(about $5 at the time). I inspected samples at the viewing room in downtown Tokyo in
1993. After returning to the United States, I requested and obtained detailed catalogs of
published maps, prepared tables to evaluate the spatial and temporal coverage, and
selected maps to order.
Due to budget, time, and disk space constraints, I limited my selection to the
following: (1) a set of current 1:200,000 maps in color of the nine map sheets covering
the Kanto region, (2) a once-per-decade time series of 1:200,000 maps covering Tokyo
itself, (3) a set of current 1:50,000 maps in color of the sixteen subsheets of the Tokyo
map-sheet area, and (4) a once-per-decade time series of 1:50,000 maps covering six
of the subareas of the Tokyo map-sheet. These latter six cover all of Tokyo itself and
most of its western suburbs. Figure 1 shows the coverage of the various types of maps.
In some cases, no map was available for a decade, or a cataloged map was not
actually available for reproduction when ordered. There are, consequently, several gaps
in my coverage, especially for the 1900s decade and for one subarea each in the 1910s,
1930s, and 1940s. For these missing areas, I had to rely on the 1:200,000 map sheet.
Once obtained, the maps were scanned into the computer, georeferenced, and
then used for digitizing the required vector layers of the GIS. The scanned maps can
also be displayed at any time as backdrops for visual reference, allowing their wealth of
information to be accessed even if it has not all been digitized.
The GIS spatial history of Tokyo has been produced in the Maptitude vector GIS
software program from Caliper Corporation. This software was selected due to its low
cost, ease of digitizing, and, most importantly, its ability to handle the historical rail
network data correctly. At the time the project was started, Maptitude was the only
software that would allow station information to be attached to the nodes of a line layer,
and the only one that kept crossing lines as independent entities (necessary for the
many rail lines that cross each other) rather than breaking them apart into separate
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 2
Tokyo 6-Map Area
0 5 10 15
of six-
Most-recent map for all sixteen map-sheet
areas covering 200K Tokyo map-sheet area
Once-per-decade in 1900s for six map-sheet
areas covering all of Tokyo itself and most of
its western suburbs
Most-recent map for all nine map-sheet areas
covering Kanto region
Once-per-decade in 1900s for Tokyo map-
sheet area
Current Maps for Base-Map ProductionTime Series for Historical MappingScale
Figure 1 Spatial and Temporal Coverage of Maps Used in This Project
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 3
Land Reclamation and River Rerouting
Tokyo has its origins in Edo, a village at the head of a large bay in eastern
Japan. In 1603, the Tokugawa military government, which had successfully unified the
country three years earlier, established its capital at Edo. As part of the process of
building its castle grounds and extensive moat system, the new government made
significant changes in the channels of rivers and in the shoreline of Edo Bay.
The Tokugawa-era land reclamation was nothing, however, compared to
reclamation in the modern era, after the Meiji Restoration of 1868, when Edo was
renamed Tokyo as the new imperial capital city. Figure 2 shows the decade during
which land reclamation areas first appeared on historical topographic maps from the
1900s. The GIS database covers all of Tokyo Bay (formerly Edo Bay), but this view
shows only the portion around the city of Tokyo itself. The main patterns are:
(1) 1910s (dark blue)
: Several sets of small islands were created along the
mainland shoreline or next to existing islands (in Minato, Chuo, and Koto wards).
This formed a first “tier” of islands.
(2) 1920s (medium blue)
: Only a few new islands appear (in Koto ward in the north
and Ota ward in the south).
(3) 1930s (light blue)
: Many new islands appear, including some that start to form a
second tier of islands. Most of the expansion is in the north and west (in Koto,
Chuo, Minato, and Shinagawa wards), and just a little in the south (in Ota ward).
(4) 1940s (medium green)
: No new land was reclaimed in the area shown here.
(5) 1950s (light green)
: No new land was formed in Tokyo; one island was created
in Kawasaki.
(6) 1960s (yellow)
: Many new islands, including several very large ones, were
formed. In the north (in Chuo and Koto wards), these formed a third tier of
reclamation. In the west and south (Minato, Shinagawa, and Ota wards) they
formed a first or second down-bay (i.e., southward) tier.
(7) 1970s (light orange)
: Many new islands and several new areas of mainland were
reclaimed. In Koto ward, these formed a fourth tier as well as some outliers.
Elsewhere they formed a second or third tier.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 4
(8) 1980s (dark orange) and 1990s (red): Land area expanded in Ota ward (new
Haneda airport) and Koto ward (completion of a new island), forming a fifth tier.
Crescent-shaped islands were created in a new park in Edogawa ward.
The major pattern observable for Tokyo itself is that land expansion in Chuo and
Koto ward areas progressed outward by decade, whereas in Minato, Shinagawa, and
Ota wards it progressed both outward and southward along the west shore of Tokyo
Bay. Both patterns reflect the southward, down-bay dominance of growth until recently.
The GIS spatial history of Tokyo also includes mapping and interpretation of
land-reclamation transition types. For example, not all areas went from water (bay) to
land (island or new mainland). Some had a much more complex history, such as first
becoming part of an island, then being dredged out as a channel within the island, then
finally being filled in again. Another type of analysis conducted with the GIS database is
the mapping of phases by which the various portions of Tokyo's harbors were enclosed
by breakwaters or outlying land-fill islands.
The 1900s also saw significant changes in rivers flowing into Tokyo Bay. The
Tokugawa government had already modified rivers to form Edo's moat system. The
modern Japanese government also extensively modified river channels, especially those
flowing through the shita-machi "low-town" delta lands at the head of Tokyo Bay. Figure
3 shows the extent of modifications of four rivers -- the Sumida-gawa, Ara-kawa,
Naka-gawa, and Edo-gawa. The Ara-kawa and Edo-gawa were both given new, wider
direct routes to Tokyo Bay, to alleviate flooding along their earlier channels. The
Naka-gawa was substantially straightened.
Though not mapped here, these changes in river routes had a significant impact
on political boundaries and transportation routes. Villages were split into two parts.
Some disappeared entirely, and others were merged into adjacent towns or villages.
Similarly, several train lines had to be partially rerouted and stations relocated.
The GIS spatial history database is being expanded to include river channel
changes within inland areas as well, not just those in the delta lands.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 5
Numbers show major “tiers” (and major decades) of island reclamation:
1 = 1910s, 2 = 1930s, 3 = 1960s, 4 = 1970s, 5 = 1980s/1990s
Sources and Processing:
Digitized and interpreted from once-per-decade 1:50,000 topographic maps in 1900s.
Color theme of LANDDEC field derived from LANDFIRST field of AREAHIST database.
Tokyo Bay
Land Reclamation
Labels = Wards/Cities in 1995
by Decade in 1900s
Figure 2 Land Reclamation in Tokyo Bay by Decade in 1900s
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 6
All channels shown still exist (including those called “Old”).
Outlines within a channel indicate dredging stages over multiple decades. Colors group them by decade
of completion. Construction stages could be queried in the database and mapped differently.
Sources and Processing:
Digitized and interpreted from once-per-decade 1:50,000 topographic maps in 1900s.
Selections from WATERBODY geographic file.
Rivers and New Channels
Lines in Bay = Future Land Areas
Land Area in 1920s
Major Existing Rivers
New Channel in 1920s-1930s
New Channel in 1950s
New Channel in 1960s
Tokyo Bay
New Naka-gawa
Old Edo-gawa
Old Naka-gawa
Figure 3 Rivers and New Channels at Head of Tokyo Bay in 1900s
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 7
Development of Towns, Cities, and Wards
Japanese prefectures are subdivided into villages, towns, cities, and special
cities with wards. The history of boundary changes, mergers, annexations, and
occasional splits of these administrative units has been recorded in the GIS spatial
history database. Each polygon represents an area with a common political history.
These "uniform history zones" are like the "uniform analysis zones" used in other GIS
applications. The information in this part of the database is based on historical
topographic maps, historical censuses, and a chronology of administrative history (Ota,
Interpretations based on this data have revealed that there were four major
zones of transition types, with some areas having sequential changes from village to
town to city to ward, and others nonsequential changes, skipping one or two
intermediate administrative levels (Siebert, 2000b). Patterns of annexations and
mergers have also been mapped and interpreted (Siebert, 2000a).
Three maps are included here to show the decade during which town, city, or
ward status was obtained by these administrative units. Figure 4 shows that major
decades of conversion to town status were the 1910s through the 1930s for areas
ringing Tokyo city itself and along the Kanagawa coast, and the 1940s and 1950s for
inland areas.
Figure 5 shows that major decades of change to city status were the 1920s and
1930s for Tokyo and Yokohama and the 1940s through 1970s for other areas. In
Tokyo, several large cities formed in the west (at the edge of the mountains) before
many of the flat intervening areas became cities.
Figure 6 shows that Tokyo had two stages of ward creation. In 1889, the original
core area was divided into 15 wards (pink). In the 1930s, a large outer ring of towns
and villages joined the city as new wards. Yokohama also had two stages. The first
was in the 1920s (medium blue), when the old core area and some recently annexed
towns and villages were consolidated into wards. A second zone of conversion to ward
status occurred in the 1930s, when many surrounding villages and towns joined the city
and became parts of existing or new wards. Finally, unlike Tokyo but like Yokohama,
Kawasaki (medium orange) existed as an ordinary city for several decades before
gaining special city status and being subdivided into wards (in the 1970s).
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 8
Town decade means time when area became new town or was annexed into existing town.
Boundaries of some areas outside Tokyo map-sheet frame are approximate.
Sources and Processing:
Once-per-half-decade censuses and once-per-decade topographic maps in 1900s.
Color theme from TOWNDECADE field of AREAHIST database.
Town Decade
0 6 12 18
Before 1900
Never Town
Figure 4 Development of Town Areas in Tokyo and Kanagawa by Decade in 1900s
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 9
City decade means time when area became new city or was annexed into existing city.
Boundaries of some areas outside Tokyo map-sheet frame are approximate.
Sources and Processing:
Once-per-half-decade censuses and once-per-decade topographic maps in 1900s.
Color theme of CITYDECADE field of AREAHIST database.
City Decade
0 6 12 18
Before 1900
Never City
Figure 5 Development of City Areas in Tokyo and Kanagawa by Decade in 1900s
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 10
Ward decade means time when area became new ward or was annexed into existing ward.
Boundaries of some areas outside Tokyo map-sheet frame are approximate.
Sources and Processing:
Once-per-half-decade censuses and once-per-decade topographic maps in 1900s.
Color theme from WARD DECADE field of AREAHIST database.
Ward Decade
0 6 12 18
Before 1900
Never Ward
Figure 6 Development of Ward Areas in Tokyo and Kanagawa by Decade in 1900s
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 11
Population in Tokyo
The Japanese government has produced two types of enumerations of
population during the modern era (University of Texas, 1966): First, Japan has a
system of “registers” kept by local authorities to record legal and actual residents of
each administrative district. Estimates of total population were made each year based
on the number of changes recorded in these registers, and enumerations were directly
produced from these registers every five years from 1898 through 1918. Second, an
actual enumeration by surveying all of the population was conducted in 1872, then from
1920 to the present (with some irregularities during the 1940s due to war and postwar
conditions and information needs). These methods differ in nature and probably in
accuracy (e.g., local officials might pad the registers, especially in times of rationing).
However, for simplicity, they can both be called censuses.
The GIS spatial history database includes census data for Tokyo, Kanagawa,
Saitama, and Chiba prefectures for all census years from 1903 through 1995; the 2000
census will be added when available.
Figure 7 compares data from the 1920 and 1925 censuses for Tokyo prefecture.
The top two maps show the respective density data, and the bottom map shows
population change. This was the period during which the Great Kanto Earthquake of
September 1, 1923, destroyed much of the delta lands of Tokyo. Large areas of green,
representing population decline, can be seen in the bottom map. In contrast, there are
many areas (pink) that grew more than 100 percent during that five-year period.
Figure 8 shows population change in Tokyo prefecture during the first half of the
1940s, the World War II years. The top map compares 1940 and 1944 data, the middle
map compares 1940 and 1945 data, and the bottom map compares 1944 and 1945
data. Assuming these war-time censuses are accurate, they show that during the first
four years of war in the Pacific: (1) Tokyo’s inner ward area (medium green) lost
between 10 and 20 percent of its population, (2) Tokyo’s middle ring of wards (light
green) lost up to 10 percent of its population, and (3) Tokyo’s outer wards (yellow and
medium orange) gained up to 20 percent. Most of the nearby western suburbs grew
remarkably (dark orange, red).
Between 1944 and 1945 (bottom) there was a remarkable change. All of the
ward area and several suburban areas lost significant levels of population. The
westernmost, mountainous areas had large percentage increases.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 12
1920 and 1925 Censuses of Japan
Pop Change %
1920 to 1925
-100 to -50
-50 to -20
-20 to -10
-10 to 0
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 50
50 to 100
100 and higher
1925 Density
0 7 14 21
per Sq Km
0 to 250
250 to 500
500 to 750
750 to 1,000
1,000 to 2,000
2,000 to 3,000
3,000 to 4,000
4,000 to 5,000
5,000 to 10,000
10,000 and higher
1920 Density
0 7 14 21
per Sq Km
0 to 250
250 to 500
500 to 750
750 to 1,000
1,000 to 2,000
2,000 to 3,000
3,000 to 4,000
4,000 to 5,000
5,000 to 10,000
10,000 and higher
Figure 7 Population Change between 1920 and 1925, Compared with Density
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 13
1940, 1944, and 1945 Censuses of Japan
Percent Change
1944 to 1945
-100 to -50
-50 to -20
-20 to -10
-10 to 0
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 50
50 to 100
100 and higher
Percent Change
1940 to 1945
-100 to -50
-50 to -20
-20 to -10
-10 to 0
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 50
50 to 100
100 and higher
0 7 14 21
Percent Change
1940 to 1944
-100 to -50
-50 to -20
-20 to -10
-10 to 0
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 50
50 to 100
100 and higher
Figure 8 Population Change In Tokyo Prefecture during World War II
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 14
Tokyo's Rail Network
Japan's first rail line opened between Tokyo and Yokohama in 1872. The Kanto
region around Tokyo has had over 100 historical rail lines, and over 2000 stations,
producing one of the world's most dense rail networks. Information on rail company, rail
lines, and rail stations has been input into the historical spatial database using a variety
of sources, including historical topographic maps, company guidebooks with
chronologies, and other sources that compile, in table form, lists of rail openings,
closing, electification, multiple tracking, and related events.
Of the many types of mapping and interpretation possible, two will be included
here. Figure 9 shows ease of commuting, by comparing direct-service access to
downtown Tokyo versus direct-service access just to the Yamanote loop line. Red dots
show stations that are within the Yamanote loop or have direct service to that central
area. Yellow dots show stations on lines that end at the Yamanote loop, with no direct
service to downtown Tokyo. All stops within the direct-service range are shown; in
reality, depending on which types of trains stop at a given station, that station may or
may not have direct service. Medium-distance direct service is good in all directions,
with some lines being exceptions (yellow dots, such as Seibu Shinjuku line).
Figure 10 shows how rail network information can be combined with
administrative history information. Stations and lines that existed in 1920 are shown in
blue, and those that opened between 1920 and 1925 are shown in red. The
background layer shows administrative unit status as of 1925. Companion maps (not
included here) can show administrative status change and population change during the
same period. Just looking at Tokyo prefecture, we can see that between 1920 and 1925
several new lines opened on the western and southwestern edges of Tokyo itself (some
of the lines are hidden by red dots). The administrative status layer shows that most but
not all towns and all cities had rail service by 1925. Rail service for the ward area of
Tokyo itself was less complete (the wards had streetcar service, which is currently not
included in the database).
Other information in the database has been used to analyze such factors as
opening dates of lines and stations, multiple tracking, gauge changes, grade separation,
company mergers, line reroutings, in-fill stations, interline through service, and rail
names and name changes based on provinces vs. prefectures (Siebert 2000c).
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 15
Red stations have direct regular commuter service to Tokyo station or into area within Yamanote loop.
Yellow stations have direct regular service to Yamanote loop but not into area within loop line.
Sources and Processing:
1993/1994 rail company guidebooks and/or 1995 nationwide time schedule.
Selections of SEAT1CTR and SEAT1LOOP fields of STATION layer of RR-Abs rail database.
Direct Service
0 6 12 18
to Tokyo in 1995
To Loop Line
To Tokyo Center
Figure 9 Direct Service to Tokyo Center or Yamanote Loop in Tokyo Area in 1995
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 16
Only passenger lines and stations are shown.
Boundaries of some areas outside Tokyo map-sheet frame are approximate.
Sources and Processing:
Rail chronologies, once-per-half-decade censuses, and once-per-decade topographic maps.
Selection sets from RR-Abs rail database and color themes derived from AREAHIST database.
Rail Growth by 1925
0 6 12 18
New Lines by 1925
Lines as of 1920
New Stations by 1925
Stations as of 1920
Figure 10 Rail Growth between 1920 and 1925 vs. Administrative Unit Type
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 17
Landscape Units and Fragmentation
As a preliminary step to the complex process of mapping land cover and land
use change in Tokyo, a partial mapping of "historical landscape units" has been
conducted for the 1:50,000 Ome map sheet area of western Tokyo prefecture. The
basic concept was to divide the landscape into areas that were at some time in the
1900s bounded by either a street, major river, railroad track, or other significant feature
that made them a distinct geographic unit. This layer will serve as the initial base for
mapping land cover and land use, with each unit being given a primary and secondary
class and perhaps rough percentages.
Figure 11 shows the historical landscape units of the Ome area. The units are
color-coded by size, with reds for small units and greens for large units. For reference, I
also include the full rail network for this region, showing every line and station that
existed in the area. Many of the short freight spurs have been closed, and one
passenger route has been shortened. Most of the stations shown (red dots) still exist,
except for some repositioned stations.
In the map, green indicates large historical units, not vegetative cover. In the
west are large hilly areas that are vegetated, as is the central area. Some of the large
angular block areas are farmland. Others are airport areas, some of which have now
been converted to parks and industrial uses. The two new reservoirs in the center
appear only as outlines, with their former village areas as reds and oranges within them.
This map gives an idea of the complexity and fragmentation of the landscape.
Although it is not a land-use/land-cover map, it does show development in a general
way. The density and population-change maps shown earlier would be useful for
comparison in early decades, when the administrative units were still small, but less
useful in recent decades, when villages and towns had been consolidated into cities.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 18
Historical land units are areas bounded by streets, railways, major rivers, and other prominent features.
Each unit represents a common history of such subdivision, not a common land cover or land use.
Sources and Processing:
Historical landscape units digitized from once-per-decade topographic maps in 1900s.
Rail lines and stations from rail company histories and once-per-decade topographic maps in 1900s.
< Itsukaichi
Historical Landscape Units and Rail Network
Reds = Small units, Greens = Large units
in Ome Map-Sheet Area
Rail Lines
Rail Stations
Rivers, Canals
Ome Line
Itsukaichi Line
Junctions, Spur Ends, Signals
Sayama Hills
Figure 11 Historical Landscape Units in Ome Area of Western Tokyo
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 19
Geographic information systems can serve as a powerful tool for documenting,
visualizing, and analyzing the spatial history of an urban region. In this presentation, I
have presented various examples of different types of historical spatial features that can
be mapped. Those shown here include: (1) shoreline and river changes in Tokyo Bay
and its delta, (2) the decade of conversion of administrative units from villages to towns
to cities to wards, (3) population changes during the 1920s and 1940s, two decades that
respectively saw major shifts due to earthquake or war, (4) accessibility of the rail
network and rail stations, and (5) landscape fragmentation units. These are just a few
of the many types of features that can be included in an historical GIS.
The PhD dissertation on which this article is based was partially funded by a
Hall-Ammerer Interdisciplinary Dissertation Fellowship from the University of
Washington. Subsequent work on the project has been partially funded by a Faculty
Summer Research Fellowship from the University of Akron.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 20
Al-Taha, K. K., Snodgrass, R. T., and Soo, M. D. (1994). Bibliography on spatiotemporal
databases. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, 8(1), 95-103.
Allen, K. M. S., Green, S. W., and Zubrow, E. B. W., editors (1990). Interpreting Space: GIS and
Archaeology. Applications of Geographic Information Systems. London: Taylor & Francis.
Barrera, R., Frank, A., and Al-Taha, K., editors (1990). Temporal Relations in Geographical
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Langran, G. (1992). Time in Geographic Information Systems. London: Taylor & Francis.
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Siebert, L. (1997). Creating a GIS Spatial History of Tokyo. PhD dissertation, University of
Washington, Department of Urban Design and Planning.
Siebert, L. (2000a). Using GIS to document, visualize, and interpret Tokyo's spatial history. Social
Science History, 24:3, 537-574.
Siebert, L. (2000b). Urbanization transition type and zones in Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures.
Geographical Review of Japan, Series B, 73:2, 207-224.
Siebert, L. (2000c). Rail names as indicators of enduring influence of old provinces in modern
Japan. Geographical Review of Japan, Series B, 73:1, 1-26.
University of Texas (1966). International Population Census Bibliography: Asia, Census
Bibliography No. 5. Austin, TX: Bureau of Business Research, Graduate School of
Business, University of Texas.
2001 Loren Siebert / GIS-based Visualization of Tokyo's Urban History 21