UPDATE to TA Quick Guide: September 26, 2022
All of the information contained in the TA Quick Guide has
been superseded by the more detailed Tentative Agreement
Executive Summary below.
Alaska Airlines Pilots
September 2022
Executive Summary
2022 Alaska Airlines CBA Changes
Information related to changes in the Alaska Airlines Pilot CBA and the Tentative Agreement
approved by the MEC, subject to member ratification, is being provided in different parts and
formats. They include:
This Executive Summary highlighting changes to the four contract “cornerstone”
areas of the CBA.
The attached Appendix A detailing changes more comprehensively.
Actual contract language presented in CBA format that will be available in advance of
the roadshows.
Roadshows in each base will include Q and A segments.
Alaska Pilots Podcasts episodes on specific subjects.
MEC website information, background and contract comparisons.
Internet voting materials and ballot.
Like the Negotiating Committee and MEC communications throughout bargaining, these
materials are all designed to share facts and information transparently, aid your
understanding of the tentative agreement, and provide the basis for an informed and
deliberate ratification vote.
This Executive Summary provides a top-level synopsis of key changes in the four cornerstone
areas of the CBA:
Scope and Job Security
Compensation and Pay Related issues
Work Rules and Quality of Life
Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions
From initial surveys, repeated polling by the University of New Hampshire, during coffee sits
with MEC officers and Negotiating Committee members, and in conversations and emails with
your base representatives, you have emphasized the importance of improving these areas of
our CBA.
While the improvements in these four areas are significant, changes in other areas are also
important and summarized in this document under Section 5. Please take the time to review
the entire document, refer to the attached Appendix for more detail, review the full CBA
language when distributed and come to a road show in one of the bases to get questions
answered before voting in the ratification process.
Your active engagement in this negotiation was the key to our success, and we trust your
participation in the ratification process will continue to build a strong and unified pilot group
long into the future.
The entire Negotiating Committee is thankful for the opportunity to serve this incredible pilot
group, and we look forward to discussing this tentative agreement with you during roadshows,
coffee sits, or other opportunities as we are available.
(1) Scope and Job Security
The scope and job security provisions in the Alaska CBA have been inferior to the same
provisions in other mainline pilot contracts for decades. The following changes mean the
Alaska CBA will be in line with other mainline pilot contracts. They include:
Stronger and tighter language confirming that all flying by or for the Company will be
done by Alaska Airlines seniority list pilots unless the flying is specifically excluded
from coverage.
Small aircraft flying under the AS code are limited to 76 or fewer seats and a
maximum GTOW of 86,000 pounds (except for 39 Horizon aircraft grandfathered with
a maximum GTOW of 89,000 pounds, reflecting those already purchased).
The number of such small aircraft are limited to the ratio of mainline aircraft that
currently exists small aircraft can be no more than 43% of mainline aircraft.
All Company flights must be operated with a minimum crew complement of two
Alaska seniority list Pilots one Captain and one First Officer.
The Company’s right to codeshare requires growth of the Alaska Airlines pilot
seniority list and mainline block hours.
Merger protection has been strengthened by limiting the time that the merged airline
could operate separately (no more than 2 years) and by requiring new side-by-side
protection for the pilot groups during any period of separate operation protections
that do not exist today.
The Company may not form a Joint Venture with another company without an
agreement with ALPA.
The partial sale of Alaska Airlines assets or operations are now subject to an industry-
standard fragmentation provision requiring pilot protection.
For more information on scope and job security improvements, please see the attached
Appendix and listen to the Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Scope and Career Security, you
can find at:
(2) Compensation and Other Pay-Related Changes
Significant changes to pay rates and other pay-related items ensure that Alaska pilots will be
compensated like pilots at other leading mainline carriers. They include:
Hourly pay found in the table below effective September 1, 2022.
Years of
% Increase
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of
% Increase
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
First Officer slope modifications that conform pay to other mainline contracts and
result in increases ranging between 8% and 23%.
“Out-year” or “downline” increases of 4% annually, or the average of the highest
B737-900/A320 rates (market rate adjustment)whichever is higher.
New pay rates are effective on September 1, 2022, if the contract is ratified by
November 1, 2022. In addition to the two-month reach back of new rates, a
credit is applied for each month of active service between October 2021 to August
2022 based on a Pilot’s status during that time. For example, a Pilot who held a
Captain position for the entire period will receive approximately $33,000 and First
Officers will receive approximately $22,000.
An Average Daily Guarantee (ADG) of 5:15.
Higher international pay: Captain: $6.25/hr, First Officer: $5.25/hr.
Increased vacation pay and credit of 3:45.
Increased training pay and credit of 5:00.
Deadhead credit increased to 100% from 50%.
Per Diem: Domestic $2.55, International $3.00; $0.05 increases each year for duration
of contract.
Holiday pay of five hours (above guarantee) for flying or reserve duty that touches the
following days: Independence Day, Halloween Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,
New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day.
(3) Work Rules and Quality of Life Enhancements
Trip Ownership
Reassignments away from Base 150% premium for the trip, 200% if pilot agrees to
return more than five hours late.
Delay Pay On the final leg of a pairing, after two hours delayed, pilots receive one
minute pay for each additional two minutes late.
Cancellation Makeup single contactability period, clarified trip protection rules,
added ability for a pilot to pick up Open Flying Time (OFT) (for extra pay) over the
footprint of the original trip if not assigned.
Retained Alternative Trip Makeup.
No assigned flying into a day off for any pilot, neither Bid Block Holder (BBH) nor
Pro-rata line construction changes:
o Can choose Short Call (SC) or Long Call (LC), and choose days off.
o BBH can choose to pick up OFT with no guarantee protection.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Trip Ownership, Displacement and Commuting, you can
find at:
Widened credit window for trading from 70 hours to FAR Maximum.
Trading and drops will be based off single daily Adequate Reserve Coverage (ARC)
number; not partitioned into individual Reserve Availability Periods (RAP) as it is now.
This is due to the design of the new reserve system.
Permit trading when both trips cover days below ARC, provided the trip with the
worst coverage is made better.
Clarified how open time will be handled by the Company. Company cannot combine
trips until the trip is assigned, and cannot assign trips prior to assignment window
(unless for cancellation makeup).
Out of Base pick up permitted within 72 hours prior to report and a minimum of six
hours in OFT.
Seat Substitute events not assigned to instructors shall be placed in OFT before being
assigned to a reserve pilot.
Pilots can advertise for Pilot-to-Pilot trips that they are seeking.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Trading, you can find at:
Trip Construction
ALPA will build the trips. The cost parameters allow an increase of quality of life
Trip construction minimum parameters, which also apply to reserve trips:
o A duty period between 02:00 04:59 shall not contain more than two segments,
and shall not be constructed with a segment following the segment flown into
this time period.
o Connect times: the maximum crew connect time shall be three hours (3:00),
two hours (2:00) for WOCL flying. The minimum crew connect times are thirty
minutes (0:30) for no aircraft change; thirty-five minutes (0:35) for an aircraft
change; and one hour and fifteen minutes (1:15) after a segment that requires
o Scheduled duty periods will not be longer than the preceding rest period (e.g.,
an eleven-hour [11:00] duty period must be preceded by a minimum of eleven
hours [11:00] rest). If a duty period is scheduled longer than seven hours and
thirty minutes (7:30) Block to Block, it must be preceded by a minimum of
twelve hours (12:00) of rest.
ALPA selected NavBlue as the vendor. It is a “sequential” award system that honors
ALPA will run the award solutions using NavBlue servers.
Industry-standard core delivery parameters.
Vacation: if a pilot has five consecutive days of vacation in a month, they may “opt
in” to any or all of the following:
o Credit window of 68-78 hours.
o One hour of “Virtual Credit” applied up to each of seven vacation days.
o Up to four Inviolate Days Off (IVOs) to prevent PBS from awarding trips next to
vacation days.
o Single vacation day trades are limited to one in each month.
Golden Days Off (GDOs): Each pilot will receive six GDOs (no pay or credit) to use in
blocks of two or three on a first come, first serve basis.
Until PBS is implemented: Pilots can drop to 60 hours during first step, but must pick
back up to 75 hours by the end of second step. If low credit, the pilot is only
assignable until trading opens.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled PBS and Trip Construction, you can find at:
The reserve system has been redesigned. The new system will facilitate better trading for
both BBHs and reserve pilots, allows reserve pilot to bid more effectively for the days
they want off from work, and ensures days off are full calendar days.
The following reserve rules will be implemented before the new system is rolled out:
Longer call out times:
o Long Call 14 hours.
o Short Call 2.5 hours (close-in parking or roundtrip rideshare if called with less
than four hours before departure).
RAPs shortened to 12 hours, rest increased to 12 hours Release to Report.
Vacation days that fall on an awarded reserve day off can be restored via the pro rata
table. Additionally, a new pay formula will require vacation days to pay above a pro-
rated guarantee.
When a reserve pilot reaches guarantee, they will receive additional pay for each
reserve duty day or be released for the remainder of the month.
Reserves flying on day off reinserted.
Additional day off in a 31-day month.
No more ACARS from scheduling, but reserve pilots will be required to check their
schedule upon landing in base before release from a trip.
New Reserve System Features
Bid blocks of three to six reserve days, with minimum of two days off between blocks.
Default award is a Long Call pilot (75-hour guarantee), subject to conversion to short
call on a daily basis.
Optional lines:
o Short Call lines (79-hour guarantee), minimum of 30 percent of available
reserve lines.
o Non-convertible Long Call lines (75-hour guarantee), minimum of 10 percent of
reserve lines. These lines will not be converted to Short Call.
Pilots not required to report before 14:00 on the first day of a block (unless the pilot
chooses a Short Call line with a RAP that starts earlier). The pilot may choose to
report earlier and receive one hour pay above guarantee.
Pilots are only assignable to midnight on the last reserve day.
Long Call Pilots may pick up a trip +/-1 day of days remaining (category).
Scheduling will assign remaining trips and Short Call RAPs in seniority order, subject
to covering the operation.
For the first six conversion to short call, the pilot will receive one hour of pay above
guarantee if not assigned a trip. For each subsequent Short Call conversion, the pilot
will receive two hours of pay above guarantee.
Long Call pilots will be able to trade with other Long Call pilots without consideration
of ARC.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode Reserve, you can find at:
Increased hotel availability:
o Training if more than 50 miles from the training location.
o For a cancellation, if more than four hours from notification to report.
o Broken trips with a release in base within the footprint of the original trip.
Positive space travel to and from training.
Commuter policy improvements. When a pilot misses a trip due to a broken commute,
they may pick up open time instead of sitting commuter on call.” Commuter on
call times are shorter.
Pilots commuting to or from work in the jumpseat will not be removed for weight
restrictions until all other non-revenue passengers have been removed first.
Earlier reserve assignment window (11:00-13:00 Seattle time) once the new reserve
system is implemented.
(4) Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions
Defined contribution increases: 0.5% across the board for all 401k participants, except
a 1% increase for the “soft freeze” participants.
Snap-up DC rate increases if three of five competitors increase rates to 17%; in that
case the company will increase all pilot DC rates by an additional 1%.
Raised Short Term Disability weekly caps to $2200.
Long Term Disability benefit for substance abuse limited to 24 months unless the pilot
is in the Alaska Airlines HIMS program.
Credited Service restoration for pilots furloughed between 2008-2011.
(5) Noteworthy Changes in Other Areas
Long-stay hotels (more than 15 hours’ layover) will be located in a core business
Crew meal quality is tied to first class meals.
Maternity leave expanded, and now also includes fathers and adoptive parents.
HIMS program codified in contract.
Appendix A
2022 Alaska Airlines Proposed CBA Changes
This appendix outlines changes to the 2022 Alaska Airlines Pilot CBA in more detail than the
preceding Executive Summary.
The Executive Summary highlighted some of the most significant changes to the CBA in the
four “cornerstone” areas of the contract that Alaska Pilots emphasized were most important
in surveys, polling, conversations, and emails. Those areas were (1) Scope and Job Security;
(2) Compensation and Pay Related issues; (3) Work Rules and Quality of Life; and (4)
Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions.
This appendix details more fully the changes in the Tentative Agreement reached by your MEC
representatives which, if ratified, would have an effective date of Date of Signing. Unlike the
Executive Summary presentation, which is organized thematically, organization of the
Appendix outlines the detailed changes in order of the CBA sections. Where possible, specific
contract provisions or paragraphs are referenced so you will be able to cross-reference the
actual CBA language when it’s received and reviewed.
Contract Sections with no changes, or where only minor administrative or language
adjustments were made for consistency or ease of understanding (“pairings” to “trips, for
example) are not included in this appendix but will be tracked in the CBA draft language you
Where section changes are more substantial, this appendix provides an introductory “30,000-
foot view” to aid general understanding.
Section 1 Scope and Recognition
Section One highlights many additional protections that were an integral part of the
agreement as defined by Alaska Pilots. This is technical in nature, and more explanation can
be found in the actual TA language. These overdue Section 1 additions bring Alaska Pilots in
line with industry peers, and in some cases go further.
All flying (including passenger, cargo, scheduled and non-scheduled), by or for the
Company, will be done by Pilots on the Alaska Airlines Pilot Seniority List with limited
exceptions, which all include pilot protections:
Small aircraft defined as 76 or fewer seats, with a maximum of 86,000 pounds
(Allowance for 39 E-175 jets at a maximum of 89,000 pounds, accounting for
those already in service or purchased).
Must maintain a ratio of no more than 43% small aircraft versus mainline
aircraft within the previous twelve months, which is consistent with the
industry standard.
All flights operated by the Company shall be operated with a minimum crew
complement of two Alaska seniority list Pilots consisting of at least one Captain and
one First Officer.
Protections for Code Sharing that state mainline must grow in relation to new Code
Share agreements.
Protections for mergers and partial sales, and no arbitration required for a JCBA.
Protections related to joint ventures and fragmentation.
Section 3 Compensation
Hourly pay and International/ETOPS pay were all increased to bring Alaska Pilots in line with
peers at other carriers. Our pay rates include a “true up” that will keep us in line with pay
raises at other carriers, so we don’t find ourselves falling behind during this contract cycle. A
Holiday Pay provision was also added for six dates throughout the year.
3.A: Hourly pay:
Years of
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Effective September 1, 2023 the hourly rates will increase the higher of 4% of the
existing pay rate or the average of 737-900 rates at five comparator airlines: United
(737-MAX 8/9), American (Group II), Delta (737-900), Southwest, and JetBlue
(A320/321) (with JetBlue only included if they have a new agreement with updated
pay rates).
Slope is aligned in this table with industry norms
3.B: International Pay/ETOPS Flying Override Pay:
Captain: $6.25 per hour
First Officer: $5.25 per hour
3.F: Holiday Pay: A Pilot will receive five hours (5:00) pay only when: any portion of a Pilot’s
trip touches the holiday (including a layover during the holiday), or when on reserve for any
portion of the holiday. Holiday Pay applies to the following holidays: Independence Day,
Halloween Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day.
The Pilot will not receive Holiday Pay if they use sick leave for any portion of the trip or
reserve day to which Holiday Pay is applied. If a Pilot splits a trip on a day receiving Holiday
Pay via Pilot-to-Pilot trading, both the Pilot giving a portion of his trip away and the Pilot
grabbing the trip shall receive two hours and thirty minutes (2:30) pay only.
Section 4 Pay Guarantee
Pay guarantees for Long Call (75:00) and Short Call (79:00) reserve remain the same. The new
BBH guarantee is 70:00.
4.C: Show/No Go: This provision has been changed from pay and Credit of one hour to pay
only. This means a reserve will also receive this pay over and above guarantee.
4.E: Conflicting Trips: If a delayed trip conflicts with a Pilots subsequent trip, the Pilot will
receive full pay and Credit for the delayed trip and will be pay assigned for the missed
portion of the subsequent trip.
Section 5 Expenses
This section includes many updates: increased per diem rates, improved hotel language and
crew meal criteria, and transportation improvements to and from hotels. You’ll also find
significant enhancements requiring Hotel Committee participation in the hotel selection
5.A.1: Per Diem:
Domestic: $2.55
International: $3.00
Both rates increase $0.05 per year for the duration of the CBA
5.B: Lodging and Transportation
First Class rating requirement for hotel maintained, but may be waived by the Hotel
Committee Chairman, as well as expanding the hotel selection criteria such as room
quality, location, food options and expanded room quality factors.
Sign in sheets separate from Flight Attendants codified.
Codified Short Stay hotels to layovers less than fifteen hours, release to report, with
an average drive time of twenty minutes to/from the airport.
Codified Long Stay hotels to layovers of 15 hours or greater, release to report, with
no more than a 90-minute average drive time to/from the airport. Additionally, Long
Stay hotels will include attractions other than shopping malls, offer diverse dining,
entertainment, and sightseeing options, all of which may be weighted by the ALPA
Hotel Committee when considering locations.
Codified the need for the Company to make every effort to provide a hotel that has
a full-service restaurant open during regular hours for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
and one that providesroom service. In addition, the Company will make every effort
to negotiate food discounts in the hotel restaurant(s).
Provided ALPA the ability to request and jointly complete a safety and security
check at the hotel property, of which the results must be shared within ten days of
A Pilot who has been reassigned or misconnects in Domicile resulting in an RON will
be provided accommodations at the normal crew hotel at that location. This is true
for both registered commuters and Pilots who live in base.
Provided definitions and procedures in the cases of unplanned hotel usage, including
overflow, short notice, short term, and emergency use.
Contracted van times to the airport will be adjusted so as not to arrive more than
fifteen minutes prior to report time, solving the “van creep” issue.
Hotel-provided vans must have a trip rotation of no more than thirty minutes.
5.C: Crew Meals
Codified when meals will be boarded based on duty time, and that two meals of the
same type will not be served within the same duty period.
Codified “long haul” flying will include a meal and a snack.
Allowed some relief for the ability of a Pilot to select a “buy on boarditem if a
meal is duplicated.
Section 6 Moving Expenses
6.C: Allowance
Increased to moving advance cash amount to $3,000.00.
Increased to gross up to cover taxes that must be paid due to changes in federal tax
Section 7 Vacation
Vacation credit/pay was raised to 3:45. Reserve vacation has been addressed so it is not
“lost” within a reserve schedule, with the potential of additional duty days off provided per
the Pro-Rata Table in Section 2. A vacation buyback provision was added with protection for
the number of days made available for bidding in summer and holiday months. The single day
vacation trading provision currently in place remains intact until implementation of PBS.
7.B.3: Allocation
Codified any unused vacation at the end of vacation awarding shall be placed in
vacation open time for trading.
Increased the minimum vacation distribution to 4%, meaning more vacation is
available for Pilot bidding in the summer and holiday months.
Ensured vacation that is sold back does not come out of the “low allocation” months
mentioned above in months for availability and bidding (July, August, December
7.D: Vacation Trading
Once PBS is implemented a single day of vacation may be traded only once a month
as a “stand alone” day. Pilots can still trade an unlimited amount of two contiguous
days or more of vacation throughout the year.
Pilots may trade an unlimited number of single vacation days into a month if that
day touches another contiguous block of vacation days.
7.E: Pay and Credit
Pay and Credit raised to 3:45 for BBH.
Pay only applied to reserve Pilots at the rate of 3:45. Vacation pay is no longer lost
to guarantee (see “Line Adjustment” below).
Vacation buyback provision allowing for Pilots to sell any number of vacation days
back to the Company prior to vacation bidding for the following year. This option
will be completed by July 31 prior to vacation bidding for the following year and will
be payable on the January 20 check of the year in which the vacation was to be
used. The days sold back will not be removed from low allocation months mentioned
in 7.B.3.
7.F: Line Adjustment
Reserve Pilots will bid and receive a reserve schedule. Duty days touching vacation
will be removed and the remaining days of reserve will be compared to the Pro-Rata
table in Section 2. If the Pilot does not have enough duty days off, then RAPs will be
removed until the proper number of duty days off are achieved. These removed duty
days must come from the beginning or end of a block of reserve days. RAPs may NOT
be added by scheduling even if called for by the Pro-Rata Table.
The monthly guarantee will be prorated for the remaining number of scheduled
reserve days.
Section 8 Deadheading
100% pay and credit for deadheads.
Section 9 Passes & Jumpseat
9.D: Jump Seat
Pilots may now list for the jumpseat up to 48 hours prior to a flight. Listing does not
guarantee getting the jumpseat.
Names of listed crewmembers will be provided to Central Load Planning (CLP), gate
agents, and the flight crew operating the flight via Jetpack.
Priority is given to Pilots over other non-rev passengers when weight and balance
requires removing weight.
Section 11 Training
Multiple improvements to the availability of training hotels were made in this section, as well
as increased training pay. Travel to and from training was also addressed, including allowing
Pilots to travel from their home of record to training, instead of being limited to travel only
from their domicile.
11.A: General
ALPA and the Company will determine if training is “Flight Training” per Section 2
definitions or “Non-Flight Related Training/Meetings” per Section 26.U which is
important for pay rate consideration.
Moved the contents LOA 11-01 (Bidding for General and Non-Flight Related
Training/Meetings) to the body of Section 11.
Minimum rest prior to or after training is now twelve hours, and Pilots can no longer
have duty on the same calendar day prior to a training event.
Classroom hours can be up to eight hours in length with the approval of the Training
Committee Chairman.
11.D: Training Lodging
A hotel for Pilots will be provided for training to include the full duration of initial
training, and for Pilots that live more than 50 straight line miles from the training
facility for other training (CQ, Airbus recurrent training, etc.). This hotel may be
requested for the night prior to training and will also be available should Pilots be
unable to make it to their home of record at the completion of training.
Hotels for training of more than five days will be of the “extended stay” type with
additional kitchenette facilities. If these are unavailable, then a proper first-class
hotel will be used.
Hotels should be within twenty minutes of the training facility, and transportation
will be provided to and from the facility.
11.E: Training Pay
Training 15 days or less, pay raised to 5:00 pay and Credit.
Training sessions shall not exceed eight hours.
Training of more than 15 days will pay 85 hours for BBH, Reserve, and new hire Pilots.
Training Travel
Training scheduling will be responsible for placing a travel footprint on a Pilots
schedule that reflects actual flights to and from training. This travel will include
deadhead Credit and pay and will be considered duty.
Pilots will book deadhead flights from their domicile to the major airport nearest the
training facility. If unable to do so a week out, then training scheduling will book a
deadhead for them.
Pilots also have the option for positive space travel from any airport served by AAG
nearest their home of record to the airport nearest the training facility.
If AAG does not serve the airport nearest the training facility off-line travel will be
provided from the Pilots domicile to said airport. Alternatively, Pilots may travel from
their home of record to the training facility if the cost is less than or equal to a full-
service Y-class fare from the Pilots domicile to the airport nearest the training
Section 12 Hours of Service
The “Average Daily Guarantee” concept was added, in line with many of our peers. This
addresses mainly the low-time trips that were a product of long layovers and little flying, but
also protects trip construction variety, as well as providing additional pay when operational
issues impact a day off.
12.A: Average Daily Guarantee
A Pilot shall receive not less than 5:15 of pay and Flight Time Credit per operational
day a trip touches. This includes days encroached on because of reassignment or late
Trips comprised of a single duty period are exempt from this provision (red eye/all-
nighter turns for example).
12.D: Rest
Short call reserve rest adjusted to twelve hours release to report.
Long call reserve rest adjusted to fourteen hours prior to report.
12.E: Pay and Flight Time Credit
Added Flight Training Credit (last-minute addition of a line check for example) will be
paid at 200%.
Section 13 Leave of Absence
Several highlights of this section include expanded protections for military members returning
from leave, as well as within maternity leave. A “Parental Leave” section was added,
extending protections to the parents of natural or adopted children “FFDO Training Leave”
with additional protections was also moved from the FOM and added to the body of our TA,
preventing changes based simply on company policy.
13.D: Returning from Military Leave
Pilots returning from military leave have further protections, including returning to
any Base or position their seniority could have held if a vacancy bid had occurred
during the leave, provided a position had been proffered or posted in that Base
and/or position.
If a reduction bid occurred and the military Pilot was reduced, he or she may return
to any Base or position his or her seniority on the date of return would allow.
Military Pilots returning from leave will be carried as an “extra” in their Base and
position until the next position bid.
13.G: Maternity Leave
Women who are pregnant will notify the Company of her pregnancy in consultation
with her doctor, no longer upon discovery of pregnancy in writing.
The Company may require proof of fitness for flying after receiving notification, but
will bear the cost of securing this certificate.
The Pilot will be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA) for the length of time she is
unable to work due to pregnancy, and will continue to accrue longevity and seniority.
13.H: Parental Leave
A Pilot may be granted a LOA for up to six months following delivery or placement of
an adopted child. Federal Leave Laws apply, and longevity and seniority will be
Pilots failing to return to work after these six months will be deemed to have
voluntarily resigned.
A Pilot may extend this leave up to an additional year and must request these sixty
days prior to the original leave ending. This additional time off is unpaid, but
seniority and longevity are protected if Pilot certificates are maintained for his or her
Pilots may use sick leave during parental leave.
13.I: Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) Training Leave
Initial and recurrent training shall be approved except for December 20
January 5, three days either side of Thanksgiving, and July 1
through 5.
The approval of semi-annual training is subject to Company staffing requirements.
Pilots must notify flight crew administration no later than the posting of monthly bids
of required training.
Conflicting trips will be dropped, and there is no requirement to make up time unless
the Pilot makes himself assignable.
The Company will provide on-line positive space travel to and from FFDO training.
This travel is not considered duty.
If requested, the Pilot must provide proof of attendance within seven days of
completing training.
Section 14 Sick Leave
Several examples were updated mirroring formatting used throughout the rest of the CBA.
Substantively they remain unchanged.
14.E: Proof of Sickness/Injury
The Company may only require proof of sickness or injury verifying only the Pilot’s
inability to work. The length of time of the non-availability for duty is no longer
The Pilot no longer must disclose what the sickness or injury is.
Section 18 Union Business
Duty drops granted from the Company for union business were increased to reflect the needs
of a growing pilot group, and rules surrounding how pay would be shared between ALPA and
the Company were expanded.
18.C: Guaranteed Drops
Drops raised from 480 to 600 duty periods to conduct union business. No more than 51
may be used in each bid period.
All local council members will be dropped for quarterly MEC meetings at no cost to
the association, and ALPA will notify the Company 30 days prior to bid opening for the
month in which the meeting will be held.
Retirement committee provided seven duty periods off each month, and three
additional members will be allowed to drop one trip each to attend retirement board
business meetings.
Safety Committee Chairman as a BBH will keep his or her hours between 40 and the
monthly maximum, with additional drops available with concurrence from the MEC
chairman and VP of Flight Operations. As a reserve Pilot, he may drop ten reserve
days. Ten additional duty periods are available for drops for other committee
Scheduling Committee Chairman will be full time drop and be paid 90 hours. He may
pick up time in step trading and remain current in his or her aircraft and position. 25
hours is expected monthly flying.
A PBS working group was added, with three members being allowed to drop six duty
periods each for running the PBS solution, as well as dropping trips to attend the
monthly Average Line Value (ALV) establishment meeting.
Hotel Committee Chairman allowed to drop one trip to attend the quarterly hotel
meeting with the Company. Additionally, one member of the committee, plus another
for training if required, will be allowed to attend a hotel site inspection. Short notice
visits will be at no cost to ALPA.
Training committee allowed a couple different types of meetings for guaranteed
Crew meal committee added for one trip drop to attend quarterly meetings.
HIMS committee billing changed from 100% to 50%.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee added with a single trip drop for annual or
quarterly training.
Section 19 Investigation and Discipline
19.A: Investigatory Interview
A Pilot being investigated will be pay protected for the remainder of the bid period,
and in subsequent months protected to 75 hours. Should the Pilot be returned to
service his or her pay will retroactively increase to an amount equaling the average of
the twelve months prior to being removed from service if that amount is greater.
A Pilot being withheld as a witness will be pay protected for the remainder of the bid
period and will receive the monthly maximum for the remainder of his or her time off
the schedule. When the Pilot returns, his or her pay will retroactively increase to an
amount equaling the average of the twelve months prior to being removed from
service if that amount is greater.
19.C: Initial Hearing
A Pilot who is eventually terminated will not be required to repay any compensation
or benefits received during the time he or she was withheld from service.
Section 20 Grievances
20.A: Pre-Grievance Process
Pre-grievance meetings changed to twice monthly.
Quarterly mediation dates will be set in December for the following year.
Mediator expenses will be borne equally by the Company and ALPA.
Each of the parties will assume the compensation and other expenses of their
20.C: Resolution
Prior to appealing a grievance or leading up to a System Board of Adjustment, the
parties may mutually agree to conduct settlement discussions or use a third-party
Section 21 System Board of Adjustment
21.I: Selection and Designation of Neutral
ALPA and the Company will select a panel of seven neutral referees.
ALPA and the Company may review and append the panel as necessary, and a process
is further described in this section.
Section 25 Scheduling
Although the formatting is similar, most of the scheduling section contains major rewriting
and changes to rules and processes. This summary will provide an overview of these, although
many of the processes will be covered in a very general fashion. Full TA language should be
referenced to better understand all the details. PBS and the new reserve system are covered
in a stand-alone section at the end of this section. The general form of our current line
bidding system will remain intact until the implementation of PBS. Major changes include
lengthened Long Call report times, shortened RAP’s, delay pay, additional reassignment pay,
increased trading opportunities via a single ARC number based on the entire day, only one
contactability period for cancelled trips, and widened trip trading provisions to name a few.
Several provisions were added or enhanced to provide Pilots additional pay as a BBH or
25.A: General
ACARS contactability or other flight deck communication systems may not be used for
scheduling issues.
The “Proficiency Flying” agreement language was moved from the “Other
Agreements” section to the body of the TA.
A BBH Pilot delayed more than two hours after the end of the originally scheduled
trip will receive one minute of pay only for each additional two minutes of delay
beyond the two hours. For example, if a pilot returns from the trip four hours past
the originally scheduled arrival time, they shall receive one hour of pay only above
the Credit value of the trip.
Added a “Precluded from Bidding” section
A projected BBH “Precluded from Bidding” may choose a reserve schedule or add
trips from open time with no minimum Credit requirement. Guarantee in this case
will not be protected.
A projected reserve Pilot “Precluded from Bidding” (for example, returning from
extended training or leave) will be assigned a short call reserve schedule, or long call
if requested.
The Pro-Rata table in Section 2 will be used to determine the number of reserve days
Pilots with less than a full bid period remaining may choose one block of two days off
(Holiday Pay days restricted from this option unless approved by scheduling).
Pilots with a full bid period remaining may choose two blocks of two days off with the
same Holiday restriction.
In all cases, if reserve coverage is at or above minimum, Pilots may select days off
they desire.
25.B: Trip Construction
ALPA will build the trips, subject to cost parameters that allow for an improvement in
quality over the current solution. This provision is unique in the industry.
Commutable trips are defined as reporting after 12:00 and/or releasing before 18:00,
greater than three calendar days in length. A minimum of 60% of trips greater than
three days shall be commutable, and until PBS is implemented, these trips will be
placed with other commutable trips on the same line to build as many pure
commutable lines as possible.
Trips will be built system wide with a minimum of 18% one duty period in one
calendar day (turns), and a maximum of 35% trips greater than three calendar days.
This is another unique industry provision.
Duty periods with a segment operating 02:00-04:59 (WOCL) Local Domicile Time shall
not have more than two segments, and there shall not be a segment after the one
flown into WOCL. Single duty period trips are exempt from this rule.
Scheduled connection time between segments within a duty day is a maximum of
three hours. If a WOCL segment is involved, it is two hours.
Minimum scheduled time between segments is 30 minutes with no aircraft change, 35
minutes with an aircraft change, and 1:15 if a segment requires customs.
Scheduled duty periods will be no longer than the rest period before it (an 11-hour
duty day requires at least eleven hours of rest prior), and twelve hours rest is
required before a duty period greater than 7:30.
Maximum of four segments per duty period (waivable by ALPA scheduling chairman
for certain trips).
Trips shall not touch more than five calendar days.
Fatigue rules will apply to all trips (bid block and reserve alike), and shall be
incorporated into the baseline Optimizer trip solution.
All trip construction rules above apply to reserve Pilots as well.
25.C: Bid Block Holder Rules
A BBH that is assignable by the Company may only be assigned a trip until the open
time trading window opens.
Known training displacements will be made to the Pilot no later than 17:00 two days
prior to report.
25.E: Open Flying after Bid Awards
Seat substitution events are required to be in open time until picked up or assigned.
25.F: Line Adjustment
Pilots may step trade between 60 Credit hours to Monthly maximum plus five in first
step only.
Codified Crew Planning will assign trips as able after Second Step Bid if the Pilot is
below 70 Credit hours.
Codified the “Third Step Bid” process of 48 hours duration at the completion of second
step bidding for BBHs to pick up, drop or trade with open flying time trips.
25.G: Reserve Lines
Reserve days off are 12 in a 30-day month, and 13 in a 31-day month.
Short Call Reserve Availability Periods (RAPs) are changed to no more than twelve
hours of duration, with twelve hours rest in each 24-hour period.
No more than six RAPs in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and no more than
four RAPs in Bases with 200 or less primary lines.
A minimum of 30% of reserve lines will be offered as Long Call Lines (PLC) in each
Status and Base, but never fewer than two.
Days off are adjusted in 20% of reserve lines in each Base Position to combine the two
shortest days off periods into one longer period of days off.
Short call day off begins seven hours after the end of the Pilot’s last RAP in a block of
reserve days. Days off end five hours prior to the first RAP.
A short call reserve pilot will have automatic release four hours before the end of
their final RAP of a block of reserve days.
A long call reserve will have automatic release at 10:00 the last day if no assignment
has been given.
25.J: Trip Trading
Process is updated to define when scheduling shall approve trades based on Adequate
Reserve Coverage (ARC).
A formula is included to allow trading below total reserves required, including several
examples of allowed and disallowed trades (Bad Day Worse Day).
Allowances were made for trading trips into the following Bid Period (carry-out trades
into the following month).
Allowances made within Crew Access to allow Pilots to advertise parameters for
trades they are seeking.
25.K: Reserve Trading
Reserves must maintain reserve blocks between three and six days in duration.
25.L: Contacting a Reserve
Short call reserve Pilots will be contactable for the remainder of their RAP once
assigned a trip for the next day, but afterwards are not contactable until the
scheduled report time of the trip.
Reserve Pilots are required to check their schedules in Crew Access, or alternatively
call scheduling, at some point after block in at the end of the scheduled trip before
being released from duty. With no assignment at that time, Pilots are released.
25.M: Assignment of Reserve Flying
Reserve assignment definitions and methodology was codified for both “Day Prior”
and “Day Of” assignments.
An ability to drop reserve days was added with appropriate reserve coverage and an
understanding the subsequent guarantee will be reduced 2:50 per day dropped.
25.N: Reserve Reporting Requirements
SCR must report in 2:30. Assignments with less than four hours’ notice qualify the
Pilot for terminal parking or a round trip taxi/rideshare service, both reimbursable by
the Company.
LCR Pilots must report with 14 hours’ notice. This is waivable by the Pilot to ten
LCR Pilots must be given fourteen hours’ notice for conversion to SCR, with a RAP no
greater than twelve hours. The first conversion is two hours of pay only, and each
subsequent conversion one hour of pay only.
25.P: Unscheduled Encroachment
Company no longer can schedule a reserve into a day off
An unscheduled encroachment of one hour or greater into a day off will have that day
off restored.
An option exists for Pilots to accept 200% for the duty period(s) that extends into a
day(s) off, or five hours pay only per day(s), whichever is greater.
A delay into a vacation day(s) will pay the Pilot 200% for the trip that extends into
vacation, and will be afforded an extra vacation day(s) from open time or days that
touch existing vacation days already on his or her schedule.
25.Q: High Time Reserve
A Pilot who has reached the monthly guarantee in a bid period will be released from
further duty or receive pay and Credit of 2:50 for each additional day of reserve at
scheduling discretion. If a Pilot is used on these additional days, the greater of the
2:50 or the actual trip Credit will be applied to their final pay for the month.
25.T: Posted Premium Trip
LOA 20-02 (Suspension of Posted Premium) incorporated into the body of the CBA,
disallowing premium trips while Pilots are on involuntary furlough.
200% premium added for limited durations and situations
25.U: Assignment of Open Flying Time
Combining of trips allowed only at the time of original assignment. Trips may also be
split if needed.
If simulator seat substitution events are available after being assigned to instructors,
they may be assigned to reserves per order of assignment.
Assignment begins at 14:00 the day prior to report and the order of assignment has
been further codified.
If Junior Available is offered, the trip will be paid at 200% vice 150%.
25.X: BBH Cancellation/Illegality/Equipment Substitution
Contactable periods for pilots’ following cancellation of multi-day trips have been
reduced to one period only.
A Pilot will not be required to fly a makeup trip with more duty periods than the
original trip. Only one makeup trip can be assigned.
Notification shall be made as soon as the cancellation or equipment substitution
Pilots may pick up additional trips that encroach on the footprint of the original trip
for pay only once a makeup trip has been assigned or the pilot has been released from
his or her contactability window without an assigned trip.
If there are more than four hours from notification to report for the new trip, the
Pilot will be provided a hotel room.
In Base - Trip Makeup Requirements
The choice of Alternative Trip Makeup still applies.
A single duty period trip lost has a contactability period of three hours following the
originally scheduled departure time.
A multi-duty period trip lost has a contactability period of four hours following the
originally scheduled departure time.
Makeup trips must return within five hours of the end of the originally scheduled trip.
Pilots waiving this return time limit will receive 100% flight time credit and 200% pay
for the trip flown or the original trip, whichever is greater.
25.Y: Reassignment Away From Base (BBH)
Any reassignment away from Base qualifies the Pilot for 100% Flight Time Credit and
150% pay for the trip flown or the original trip, whichever is greater.
If the Pilot agrees to arrive later than five hours past the originally scheduled trip's
arrival time, the trip will pay 200%.
25.BB: Severe Irregular Operations (SIO)
All Open Flying time that reports within the SIO start and end time will be paid at the
rate of 200% in the Base(s) declared to be under an SIO.
Preferential Bidding System (PBS) (New)
ALPA chose NavBlue as the PBS vendor. The system shall be hosted on NavBlue
servers, and no changes will be made to programming, logic, and similar items
without express written consent of ALPA and the Company.
A Joint PBS Working Group (JPWG) will convene for six months after the successful
implementation of PBS, including three members each from ALPA and the Company.
Methods of pay, travel, and hotels for this group are covered in this section.
ALPA JPWG members will run the PBS solution each month in accordance with the TA,
and will adhere to parameters for a successful bid run which are codified in the PBS
Pilots will be allowed to run a PBS bid parallel to their awarded line bid for a
minimum of two bid periods prior to full PBS implementation. Pilots doing so will
receive one hour of pay only for each parallel bid they participate in, encouraging a
quality comparison to line bidding results.
Two Pilots in each domicile shall be placed on Company paid ALPA leave for three bid
periods prior to implementation to be available in crew rooms, via phone, or via email
to assist Pilots regarding PBS.
PBS bidding will begin at 09:00 Seattle time on the 1st of the month and will conclude
at 17:00 on the 7th of the month.
Pilot pickups, drops, and trades are paused from 17:00 Seattle time on the 7th
through 16:00 Seattle time on the 12th for award processing.
Awards will occur no later than 16:00 Seattle time on the 12th.
Pilots awarded a reserve line will be able to bid for SCR and LCN beginning at 17:00
Seattle time on the 12th through 09:00 Seattle time on the 15th. These awards will be
published no later than 18:00 Seattle time on the 15th.
First Officers will have the ability to match trips with a specific Captain, as well as
avoid trips with a specific Captain(s).
Six months after implementation ALPA and the Company will meet and confer
concerning changes to the bidding timeline.
BBH trading begins at 09:00 Seattle time on the 14th.
Reserve trading begins at 09:00 Seattle time on the 16th.
Limited number of trading and drops below ARC.
Average Line Value (ALV) is the number of known Credit hours, established by the
Company that is the projected average of all BBH in a Base per bid period. This
number shall be 72:00 to 85:00 Trailing Line Value (TLV) is a twelve-bid rolling
average of the actual ALV for a Base position. This number shall be 74:00 to 83:00.
In the event of furlough, if TLV exceeds 77:30 the ALV will be 72:00 until TLV no
longer exceeds 77:30. TLV will remain below 77:30 until all furloughed Pilots have
been recalled.
Credit Windows
The normal Credit window is ALV +/- 7 hours.
The minimum Credit window is ALV to ALV-14 hours, but never less than 69:00 hours.
Pilots are protected to guarantee.
The maximum Credit window will be no less than the minimum Credit value of the
published ALV. ALPA will determine the threshold value to be set within the maximum
Credit window.
BBH Line Construction
Lines will be constructed with a minimum of 12 days off in a 30-day month, and 13
days off in a 31-day month. Trips that end prior to 02:00 are not considered and
additional calendar day per this provision.
Two calendar days off free of Company duty are required between consecutive days
containing duty, waivable by the Pilot.
Calendar days on are limited to six consecutive days, waivable by the Pilot.
Pilots will not be awarded another trip on the same day following a trip that ends
after 01:59, waivable by the Pilot. Two consecutive single duty period trips (turns)
are not subject to this provision.
Rest and Buffers
Trips will not be scheduled with less than 12 hours’ rest release to report, waivable to
10:30 by the Pilot.
30 hours of rest in Base will be applied in a rolling 168-hour period, with a one-hour
buffer applied to the 30-hour requirement. The “in Base” portion is waivable by the
Buffers will be applied to various portions of FAR 117 Flight Time and Flight Duty
Period limits to help minimize potential illegalities.
Reserve Line Construction
Reserve lines will have a maximum of 18 duty periods.
Each five hours of pre-assigned Credit, rounded up, will equate to one less duty
period required the construction of the reserve schedule.
Consecutive reserve days will be constructed of no less than three and no more than
six days on, with a minimum of two days off between blocks.
No more than 65% of planned total reserve Pilots will be scheduled to be on duty on
any single day within a bid period, an industry unique provision.
Pilots with at least one day of vacation may “opt in” for “Vacation Any” for that bid
period. Vacation pay and Credit is applied to the month, but the days are ignored as
the schedule is built, providing more flexibility for the pilot.
Five or more consecutive vacation days allow for two additional calendar days as
“Inviolate Days Off” at the Pilots option, up to a total of four per month. These days
must touch the vacation period, and are waivable by the Pilot as well.
Pilots with five or more consecutive days of vacation may bid for and be awarded a
line with a Credit value of 68:00-78:00. Additionally, the Pilot may apply one hour of
virtual Credit for each vacation day during bidding and may “opt in” to a Reduced
Lower Limit and be protected to a prorated minimum monthly guarantee.
Golden Days Off (GDO)
Pilots are allotted six GDO’s within each calendar year.
Days may be used in blocks of two or three, and cannot be used on the day before,
day of, or day after a day designated to receive Holiday Pay.
No more than three can be used in any one bid month.
GDO requests will open concurrently with vacation trading at 12:00, November 1st.
GDOs must be requested fifteen days prior to bids opening for the month in which
they are to be used (two bid periods for GDOs to be used the 1st through 3rd of the
following month).
Training is added to a PBS award as pre-assigned Credit.
A Pilot with scheduled CQ or similar training will be scheduled for two days off prior
to commencing training, waivable by the Pilot.
A Pilot entering Extended Training shall be permitted to bid a schedule. Each day of
training shall have 2:50 pre-assigned Credit assigned to the award.
A Pilot exiting Extended Training shall not bid a schedule, will be Credited 2:50 per
day during training, and will be paid 85:00 for the month.
Credit Values/Stack Heights
A table has been created covering pre-assigned Credit and Virtual Credit Hours for
various defined events.
Stack Height parameters are listed for PBS awarding and are favorable within the
Reduced Lower Limit Lines (RLL)
RLLs will not be awarded below 60 hours of Credit. The Pilot will be protected at this
new limit unless he or she adjusts the Credit value above this new minimum
Parameters are covered for when this provision applies.
Misaward scenarios are defined in this section, and the procedures for protesting the
award are delineated.
If the misaward affects more than 5% of Pilots within a Base position, the award may
be re-run with mutual agreement of ALPA and the Company.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode PBS and Trip Construction, you can find at:
For answers to PBS questions, please see the FAQ page of the AlaskaPilots.org or call the PBS
Hotline at (833) ALA-PBS1, (833) 252-7271.
New Reserve System (to be implemented with PBS)
The new reserve system will be implemented with PBS. All Pilots will bid via PBS, and those
Pilots with a reserve award will have their days off known for the following month initially as
a Long Call reserve Pilot. A secondary bid will happen shortly after the original PBS award
where those awarded a reserve line can further bid Short Call RAPs, non-convertible Long
Call, or remain as a regular Long Call Pilot for the remainder of the month. How they will be
treated throughout the subsequent month is covered below. It is important to highlight days
off will be calendar days off, 0000-2359. RAPs will be no longer than 12 hours in duration with
a 2:30 report time, and Long Call report times are 14 hours. All reserve Pilots will be required
to check their schedule, either electronically or by phone, prior to release in Base at the end
of each assigned trip. There are several areas added to the reserve system which include
potential for additional pay above the guarantee for the reserve Pilot, such as conversion pay
and willing to waive the fourteen-hour report criteria for Long Call.
Types of lines:
Awarded reserve lines will initially be Long Call Lines (LCR). Then the Pilot will have
the option to bid and convert their awarded line to Short Call Lines (SCR) or Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines (LCN).
SCR/LCN will NOT be assigned to Pilots who do not bid them.
Long Call lines will be comprised of calendar day long call reserve days.
Short Call Lines will be comprised of Reserve Availability Periods (RAPs). They are 12
hours in duration, with a minimum twelve hours of rest in each 24-hour period.
Contactability during RAPs will not extend past 23:59 domicile time, but Pilots may
be assigned in their RAP footprint prior to 23:59 to report or release after 23:59. In
other words, scheduling cannot call you after 23:59, but they can call you before that
to assign you a trip within your RAP footprint.
Long Call Non-Convertible will never be converted to SC. Long Call may be converted
to SC and assigned a RAP but with restrictions and extra pay for the pilot.
30% short call lines (no fewer than 10) must be offered in each Base and status. RAPs
are limited to six in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and four in Bases with
200 primary lines or less. A LCR being converted to SCR can have a unique RAP
assigned throughout the month.
Non-Convertible Long Call Lines are simply that not subject to Short Call conversion
throughout the month.
10% of awarded reserve lines (no fewer than two per Base) must be offered Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines.
30% short call lines (no fewer than 10) must be offered in each Base and status. RAPs
are limited to six in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and four in Bases with
200 primary lines or less. A LCR being converted to SCR can have a unique RAP
10% of awarded reserve lines (no fewer than two per Base) must be offered Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines which may not be converted under any circumstance
during the month.
SCR/LCN will NOT be assigned to Pilots who do not bid them.
Days Off:
All days off begin at midnight of the last reserve day.
All days off end at 00:00 of the first reserve day.
Automatic release occurs at 10:00 Local Domicile Time for Long Call reserve if no
assignment has been given, and for Short Call Pilots having no assignment, four hours
prior to the end of the RAP or 15:00 Local Domicile Time whichever is earlier. Pilots
who preference a RAP that begins after 15:00 on their last day will be released at
20:00 with no assignment.
Reserve Trading (New)
Reserve Pilots may trade days off within their own schedules to not create less than
three days or more than six days of consecutive reserve days, subject to ARC, and no
later than 24 hours prior to the start of that reserve day.
LCR may trade with other LCR in their Base position if total days of reserve remain
the same in their schedule and create no less than three days or more than six days of
consecutive reserve days. These trades must occur no later than 24 hours prior to the
start of the reserve day.
SCRs may trade their scheduled RAP for another RAP for either the entire bid period
or a block of RAPs.
Contacting a Reserve
LCR is contactable 24 hours a day on their assigned day, and SCR during their entire
SCR remain contactable for the remainder of the RAP after assignment for the next
day but after that, the Pilot is not contactable until report time for said assignment.
Auto Acknowledgement/Electronic Notification/Schedule Review
LCR and LCN Pilots may “opt-in” to participate in Auto Acknowledgement. In this
case, Pilots are considered notified of their assignment as soon as it is placed on his
or her roster (no phone call required by crew scheduling).
Crew Scheduling must put an assignment into Crew Access at the time of assignment,
and the Pilot may confirm this notification electronically. Only one change per
notification is allowed by crew scheduling.
Reserve Pilots are required to check their schedules at some point after block in at
the end of the scheduled trip before being released from duty. With no assignment at
that time, they are free from further Company obligation that duty period.
Assignment of Reserve Flying
Assignment window has changed to 10:00 through 13:00 the day prior and known RAPs
will be visible no later than 07:00 the day prior to report.
Assignments in open time prior to 10:00 are considered “next day” Assignments.
Aggressive Pickup
Long Call Reserve Pilots may pick up open trips beginning 07:00 through 10:00 the day
prior to departure.
Trips picked up in this fashion must match a Pilots category +/- 1 day, meaning a
three-day reserve Pilot may pick up a two-day or four-day trip. Additionally, one may
pick up a trip that starts on the day off prior to a block of reserve days, or a trip that
ends on the day off after a block of reserve days. These days off will not be restored
since the pickup is voluntary.
If a long call reserve Pilot picks up a trip including a day off with reserves available
below required, then that Pilot will receive an additional three hours pay only in
addition to pay and Credit for the trip.
A Pilot on long call who picks up a trip will not be contactable until report time for
said trip.
When SC Pilots are in an assigned RAP and pick up trips for the next day they will be
responsible for the remainder of the RAP. If they are subsequently assigned a trip
during the RAP they are currently standing that conflicts with the picked up trip, they
will lose that trip and it will not be considered a reassignment.
Long Call Pilots may preference, no later than 10:00 the day prior to departure, any
assignment, trips, RAPs, AM and PM preferences, and no assignment, trip, or RAP.
Additional preferences are available for LCR/LCN already on a trip with some rest
Reserve Assignment
Trips are assigned first, longest category to shortest, followed by RAPs.
Same Day Method of Assignment
Assignments that report on the current day or following day that remain, or become
available after 10:00 during the assignment window, are considered same day
All these same day trips will be placed in open flying to be made available for BBHs.
With less than four hours to report it may immediately be assigned to a SCR.
LCR/LCN Pilots can aggressively pick up trips from the close of the assignment
window until 10:00 the next day. The trip needs to match days available, and rest
may be waived if contacting crew scheduling directly.
Trips being added to open flying time have requirements as to how long they remain
in open time, and how they are assigned.
WOCL protections have been added for assignments.
Same day SCR conversion rules and protections have been added.
Reserve Reporting Requirements
LCR Pilots must report with 14 hours’ notice. This is waivable by the Pilot to 10 hours
If LCR Pilots use Aggressive Pickup or preferences and are assigned a trip that reports
before 14:00 on their first day of reserve, they shall receive an additional one hour
pay only.
14 hours’ notice is required for LCR conversion to SCR. The first six conversions pay
an additional hour of pay only if the Pilot is not assigned a trip. For subsequent
conversions, the pay only addition is two hours. This pay is above guarantee.
SCR must report in 2:30. Assignments with less than four hours notice qualify the Pilot
for terminal parking or a round trip taxi/rideshare service, both reimbursable by the
Reserve Flying on a Day Off
Trips picked up on a day off are pay only, above guarantee.
Option for pay and Credit in exchange for mutually agreeable days off later in the
Trips picked up shall not create an illegality with assigned reserve days.
Pilot will be treated as a BBH for the trip that is picked up.
Scheduling may not solicit reserves to fly on a day off.
Unscheduled Encroachment
Company no longer can schedule a reserve into a day off.
An encroachment of one hour or greater into a day off will have that day off restored.
An option exists for Pilots to accept 200% for the duty period(s) that extends into a
day(s) off, or five hours pay only per day(s), whichever is greater.
A delay into a vacation day(s) will be paid 200% for the trip that extends into
vacation, and the pilot will be afforded an extra vacation day(s) from open time or
days that touch existing days on his or her schedule.
High Time Reserve
A Pilot who has reached the monthly guarantee (79 hours for SC and 75 hours for LC)
in a bid period, at scheduling discretion, will either be released from further duty or
receive pay and Credit of 2:50 for each additional day of reserve.
Section 26 General
26.H: Jury Duty (moved from “Other Agreements”)
The body of the Jury Duty Agreement was moved into this section of the CBA with no
other substantive changes.
26.U: Non-Flight Related Training/Meetings
ALPA will be able to provide input of Pilot specific elements of content prior to the
initiation of training/meetings.
26.V: Drug and Alcohol Testing (moved from LOAs and updated)
Pilots will receive 15 minutes' pay only at their hourly rate for drug and alcohol
Rest requirements following a drug or alcohol test were codified, including notifying
crew scheduling if adequate crew rest is unattainable.
Procedures are described if a Pilot misses hotel transportation because of drug or
alcohol testing.
Section 27 Insurance Benefits
27.C: Dental Plan
Orthodontia coverage raised to $2,500 lifetime per individual.
27.F: Short Term Disability
Maximum weekly benefit raised to $2,200 a week.
27.G: Long Term Disability
Long Term Disability benefit for substance abuse limited to 24 months unless the pilot
is in the Alaska Airlines HIMS program.
Section 28 Retirement
Defined contribution increases: 0.5% across the board for all 401k participants, except
a 1% increase for the “soft freeze” participants
Snap-up DC rate increases if three of five competitors (American, Delta, United,
JetBlue and Southwest) increase rates to 17%; in that case the company will increase
all pilot DC rates by an additional 1% at the next anniversary date.
Section 30 Flight Data Recording Devices
30.A: General
Increased personal privacy protection on any company issued electronic device.
30.C: Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA)
Added a Maintenance Operations Quality Assurance section, used for identifying
trends in aircraft engine, system, and component performance. FOQA gatekeepers
only will be able to identify data if needed for troubleshooting, repair, or
maintenance of the system and/or component. The crew will never be identified.
If additional training is required for a FOQA event, a FOQA Gatekeeper will be a
participant in that training.
Letters of Agreement (LOA’s)
22-03: Restoration of credited service for 2009-2011 furloughees in the Fixed Income
Retirement Plan
22-04: Improvements to the Commuter Pilot Program
22-05: Creation of an ALPA Scheduling Floor Volunteer (SFV)
ALPA Pilot volunteers will be available and on the floor in crew scheduling
SFV will be a resource for Pilots with scheduling questions or issues
SFV will help with overall implementation of the many changes to our new CBA
22-06: Return of Reserve Flying on a Day Off
22-07: Freighter Flexibility has language improvement to make the LOA more clearly
understood and yields more opportunity for 150% pay.
22-08: Temporary Duty (TDY)
Temporary Duty reserve slots allowed in Base Positions with a limit of three months
Trading protections for the Pilots in bases from which the TDY assignments are taken
Pilots selected for TDY will be awarded a long call reserve line for that month
Positive space travel to/from the TDY base, hotels, transportation and per diem will
be provided to awarded Pilots
TDY prohibited with Pilots on furlough status
LOAs for PBS, the new reserve system, HIMS,
Implementation Timeline:
December 1, 2022 - Unless stated below, all provisions of the CBA shall be
implemented no later than this date.
Average Daily Guarantee (ADG) 5:15 as pay only initially.
New reserve system as soon as possible, but no later than PBS implementation.
January 1, 2023 Extra reserve day off in a 31-day month and pay only for reserve
vacation days and the appropriate line adjustment. Vacation will begin to receive an
additional :15 of pay only.
February 1, 2023 Deadhead flight time credit to 100%.
March 31, 2023 ADG of 5:15 credit. Penalty applied if not implemented on time.
January 1, 2024 Vacation to receive 3:45 pay and credit
April 1, 2024 Preferential Bidding System (PBS). Penalty applied if not implemented
on time. Vacation minimum block concurrent with PBS.
Long Stay Hotels will be updated as the non-compliant hotel contracts expire
Executive Summary
2022 Alaska Airlines CBA Changes
Information related to changes in the Alaska Airlines Pilot CBA and the Tentative Agreement
approved by the MEC, subject to member ratification, is being provided in different parts and
formats. They include:
This Executive Summary highlighting changes to the four contract “cornerstone”
areas of the CBA.
The attached Appendix A detailing changes more comprehensively.
Actual contract language presented in CBA format that will be available in advance of
the roadshows.
Roadshows in each base will include Q and A segments.
Alaska Pilots Podcasts episodes on specific subjects.
MEC website information, background and contract comparisons.
Internet voting materials and ballot.
Like the Negotiating Committee and MEC communications throughout bargaining, these
materials are all designed to share facts and information transparently, aid your
understanding of the tentative agreement, and provide the basis for an informed and
deliberate ratification vote.
This Executive Summary provides a top-level synopsis of key changes in the four cornerstone
areas of the CBA:
Scope and Job Security
Compensation and Pay Related issues
Work Rules and Quality of Life
Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions
From initial surveys, repeated polling by the University of New Hampshire, during coffee sits
with MEC officers and Negotiating Committee members, and in conversations and emails with
your base representatives, you have emphasized the importance of improving these areas of
our CBA.
While the improvements in these four areas are significant, changes in other areas are also
important and summarized in this document under Section 5. Please take the time to review
the entire document, refer to the attached Appendix for more detail, review the full CBA
language when distributed and come to a road show in one of the bases to get questions
answered before voting in the ratification process.
Your active engagement in this negotiation was the key to our success, and we trust your
participation in the ratification process will continue to build a strong and unified pilot group
long into the future.
The entire Negotiating Committee is thankful for the opportunity to serve this incredible pilot
group, and we look forward to discussing this tentative agreement with you during roadshows,
coffee sits, or other opportunities as we are available.
(1) Scope and Job Security
The scope and job security provisions in the Alaska CBA have been inferior to the same
provisions in other mainline pilot contracts for decades. The following changes mean the
Alaska CBA will be in line with other mainline pilot contracts. They include:
Stronger and tighter language confirming that all flying by or for the Company will be
done by Alaska Airlines seniority list pilots unless the flying is specifically excluded
from coverage.
Small aircraft flying under the AS code are limited to 76 or fewer seats and a
maximum GTOW of 86,000 pounds (except for 39 Horizon aircraft grandfathered with
a maximum GTOW of 89,000 pounds, reflecting those already purchased).
The number of such small aircraft are limited to the ratio of mainline aircraft that
currently exists small aircraft can be no more than 43% of mainline aircraft.
All Company flights must be operated with a minimum crew complement of two
Alaska seniority list Pilots one Captain and one First Officer.
The Company’s right to codeshare requires growth of the Alaska Airlines pilot
seniority list and mainline block hours.
Merger protection has been strengthened by limiting the time that the merged airline
could operate separately (no more than 2 years) and by requiring new side-by-side
protection for the pilot groups during any period of separate operationprotections
that do not exist today.
The Company may not form a Joint Venture with another company without an
agreement with ALPA.
The partial sale of Alaska Airlines assets or operations are now subject to an industry-
standard fragmentation provision requiring pilot protection.
For more information on scope and job security improvements, please see the attached
Appendix and listen to the Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Scope and Career Security, you
can find at:
(2) Compensation and Other Pay-Related Changes
Significant changes to pay rates and other pay-related items ensure that Alaska pilots will be
compensated like pilots at other leading mainline carriers. They include:
Hourly pay found in the table below effective September 1, 2022.
Years of
% Increase
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
First Officer
Years of
% Increase
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
First Officer slopemodifications that conform pay to other mainline contracts and
result in increases ranging between 8% and 23%.
“Out-year” or “downline” increases of 4% annually, or the average of the highest
B737-900/A320 rates (market rate adjustment)whichever is higher.
New pay rates are effective on September 1, 2022, if the contract is ratified by
November 1, 2022. In addition to the reach back of new rates, a credit is applied for
each month of active service between October 2021 to August 2022 based on a Pilot’s
status during that time. For example, a Pilot who held a Captain position for the
entire period will receive approximately $33,000 and First Officers will receive
approximately $22,000.
New pay rates are effective on September 1, 2022, if the contract is ratified by
November 1, 2022. In addition to the two-month reach back of new rates, a
credit is applied for each month of active service between October 2021 to August
2022 based on a Pilot’s status during that time. For example, a Pilot who held a
Captain position for the entire period will receive approximately $33,000 and First
Officers will receive approximately $22,000.
An Average Daily Guarantee (ADG) of 5:15.
Higher international pay: Captain: $6.25/hr, First Officer: $5.25/hr.
Increased vacation pay and credit of 3:45.
Increased training pay and credit of 5:00.
Deadhead credit increased to 100% from 50%.
Per Diem: Domestic $2.55, International $3.00; $0.05 increases each year for duration
of contract.
Holiday pay of five hours (above guarantee) for flying or reserve duty that touches the
following days: Independence Day, Halloween Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,
New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day.
(3) Work Rules and Quality of Life Enhancements
Trip Ownership
Reassignments away from Base 150% premium for the trip, 200% if pilot agrees to
return more than five hours late.
Delay Pay On the final leg of a pairing, after two hours delayed, pilots receive one
minute pay for each additional two minutes late.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
Captain Total Increase 85 hourly line per month
Note: Shown at each longevity step and does not capture additional step increase.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
First Officer Total Increase 85 hourly line per month
Note: Shown at each longevity step and does not capture additional step increase.
Cancellation Makeup single contactability period, clarified trip protection rules,
added ability for a pilot to pick up Open Flying Time (OFT) (for extra pay) over the
footprint of the original trip if not assigned.
Retained Alternative Trip Makeup.
No assigned flying into a day off for any pilot, neither Bid Block Holder (BBH) nor
Pro-rata line construction changes:
o Can choose Short Call (SC) or Long Call (LC), and choose days off.
o BBH can choose to pick up OFT with no guarantee protection.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Trip Ownership, Displacement and Commuting, you can
find at:
Widened credit window for trading from 70 hours to FAR Maximum.
Trading and drops will be based off single daily Adequate Reserve Coverage (ARC)
number; not partitioned into individual Reserve Availability Periods (RAP) as it is now.
This is due to the design of the new reserve system.
Permit trading when both trips cover days below ARC, provided the trip with the
worst coverage is made better.
Clarified how open time will be handled by the Company. Company cannot combine
trips until the trip is assigned, and cannot assign trips prior to assignment window
(unless for cancellation makeup).
Out of Base pick up permitted within 72 hours prior to report and a minimum of six
hours in OFT.
Seat Substitute events not assigned to instructors shall be placed in OFT before being
assigned to a reserve pilot.
Pilots can advertise for Pilot-to-Pilot trips that they are seeking.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled Trading, you can find at:
Trip Construction
ALPA will build the trips. The cost parameters allow an increase of quality of life
Trip construction minimum parameters, which also apply to reserve trips:
o A duty period between 02:00 04:59 shall not contain more than two segments,
and shall not be constructed with a segment following the segment flown into
this time period.
o Connect times: the maximum crew connect time shall be three hours (3:00),
two hours (2:00) for WOCL flying. The minimum crew connect times are thirty
minutes (0:30) for no aircraft change; thirty-five minutes (0:35) for an aircraft
change; and one hour and fifteen minutes (1:15) after a segment that requires
o Scheduled duty periods will not be longer than the preceding rest period (e.g.,
an eleven-hour [11:00] duty period must be preceded by a minimum of eleven
hours [11:00] rest). If a duty period is scheduled longer than seven hours and
thirty minutes (7:30) Block to Block, it must be preceded by a minimum of
twelve hours (12:00) of rest.
ALPA selected NavBlue as the vendor. It is a “sequentialaward system that honors
ALPA will run the award solutions using NavBlue servers.
Industry-standard core delivery parameters.
Vacation: if a pilot has five consecutive days of vacation in a month, they may “opt
in” to any or all of the following:
o Credit window of 68-78 hours.
o One hour of “Virtual Credit” applied up to each of seven vacation days.
o Up to four Inviolate Days Off (IVOs) to prevent PBS from awarding trips next to
vacation days.
o Single vacation day trades are limited to one in each month.
Golden Days Off (GDOs): Each pilot will receive six GDOs (no pay or credit) to use in
blocks of two or three on a first come, first serve basis.
Until PBS is implemented: Pilots can drop to 60 hours during first step, but must pick
back up to 75 hours by the end of second step. If low credit, the pilot is only
assignable until trading opens.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode titled PBS and Trip Construction, you can find at:
The reserve system has been redesigned. The new system will facilitate better trading for
both BBHs and reserve pilots, allows reserve pilot to bid more effectively for the days
they want off from work, and ensures days off are full calendar days.
The following reserve rules will be implemented before the new system is rolled out:
Longer call out times:
o Long Call 14 hours.
o Short Call 2.5 hours (close-in parking or roundtrip rideshare if called with less
than four hours before departure).
RAPs shortened to 12 hours, rest increased to 12 hours Release to Report.
Vacation days that fall on an awarded reserve day off can be restored via the pro rata
table. Additionally, a new pay formula will require vacation days to pay above a pro-
rated guarantee.
When a reserve pilot reaches guarantee, they will receive additional pay for each
reserve duty day or be released for the remainder of the month.
Reserves flying on day off reinserted.
Additional day off in a 31-day month.
No more ACARS from scheduling, but reserve pilots will be required to check their
schedule upon landing in base before release from a trip.
New Reserve System Features
Bid blocks of three to six reserve days, with minimum of two days off between blocks.
Default award is a Long Call pilot (75-hour guarantee), subject to conversion to short
call on a daily basis.
Optional lines:
o Short Call lines (79-hour guarantee), minimum of 30 percent of available
reserve lines.
o Non-convertible Long Call lines (75-hour guarantee), minimum of 10 percent of
reserve lines. These lines will not be converted to Short Call.
Pilots not required to report before 14:00 on the first day of a block (unless the pilot
chooses a Short Call line with a RAP that starts earlier). The pilot may choose to
report earlier and receive one hour pay above guarantee.
Pilots are only assignable to midnight on the last reserve day.
Long Call Pilots may pick up a trip +/-1 day of days remaining (category).
Scheduling will assign remaining trips and Short Call RAPs in seniority order, subject
to covering the operation.
For the first six conversion to short call, the pilot will receive one hour of pay above
guarantee if not assigned a trip. For each subsequent Short Call conversion, the pilot
will receive two hours of pay above guarantee.
Long Call pilots will be able to trade with other Long Call pilots without consideration
of ARC.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode Reserve, you can find at:
Increased hotel availability:
o Training if more than 50 miles from the training location.
o For a cancellation, if more than four hours from notification to report.
o Broken trips with a release in base within the footprint of the original trip.
Positive space travel to and from training.
Commuter policy improvements. When a pilot misses a trip due to a broken commute,
they may pick up open time instead of sitting commuter on call.” “Commuter on
calltimes are shorter.
Pilots commuting to or from work in the jumpseat will not be removed for weight
restrictions until all other non-revenue passengers have been removed first.
Earlier reserve assignment window (11:00-13:00 Seattle time) once the new reserve
system is implemented.
(4) Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions
Defined contribution increases: 0.5% across the board for all 401k participants, except
a 1% increase for the “soft freeze” participants.
Snap-up DC rate increases if three of five competitors increase rates to 17%; in that
case the company will increase all pilot DC rates by an additional 1%.
Raised Short Term Disability weekly caps to $2200.
Long Term Disability benefit for substance abuse limited to 24 months unless the pilot
is in the Alaska Airlines HIMS program.
Credited Service restoration for pilots furloughed between 2008-2011.
(5) Noteworthy Changes in Other Areas
Long-stay hotels (more than 15 hours’ layover) will be located in a core business
Crew meal quality is tied to first class meals.
Maternity leave expanded, and now also includes fathers and adoptive parents.
HIMS program codified in contract.
Appendix A
2022 Alaska Airlines Proposed CBA Changes
This appendix outlines changes to the 2022 Alaska Airlines Pilot CBA in more detail than the
preceding Executive Summary.
The Executive Summary highlighted some of the most significant changes to the CBA in the
four “cornerstone” areas of the contract that Alaska Pilots emphasized were most important
in surveys, polling, conversations, and emails. Those areas were (1) Scope and Job Security;
(2) Compensation and Pay Related issues; (3) Work Rules and Quality of Life; and (4)
Employee Benefits and Insurance provisions.
This appendix details more fully the changes in the Tentative Agreement reached by your MEC
representatives which, if ratified, would have an effective date of Date of Signing. Unlike the
Executive Summary presentation, which is organized thematically, organization of the
Appendix outlines the detailed changes in order of the CBA sections. Where possible, specific
contract provisions or paragraphs are referenced so you will be able to cross-reference the
actual CBA language when it’s received and reviewed.
Contract Sections with no changes, or where only minor administrative or language
adjustments were made for consistency or ease of understanding (“pairings” to “trips,” for
example) are not included in this appendix but will be tracked in the CBA draft language you
Where section changes are more substantial, this appendix provides an introductory “30,000-
foot view” to aid general understanding.
Section 1 Scope and Recognition
Section One highlights many additional protections that were an integral part of the
agreement as defined by Alaska Pilots. This is technical in nature, and more explanation can
be found in the actual TA language. These overdue Section 1 additions bring Alaska Pilots in
line with industry peers, and in some cases go further.
All flying (including passenger, cargo, scheduled and non-scheduled), by or for the
Company, will be done by Pilots on the Alaska Airlines Pilot Seniority List with limited
exceptions, which all include pilot protections:
Small aircraft defined as 76 or fewer seats, with a maximum of 86,000 pounds
(Allowance for 39 E-175 jets at a maximum of 89,000 pounds, accounting for
those already in service or purchased).
Must maintain a ratio of no more than 43% small aircraft versus mainline
aircraft within the previous twelve months, which is consistent with the
industry standard.
All flights operated by the Company shall be operated with a minimum crew
complement of two Alaska seniority list Pilots consisting of at least one Captain and
one First Officer.
Protections for Code Sharing that state mainline must grow in relation to new Code
Share agreements.
Protections for mergers and partial sales, and no arbitration required for a JCBA.
Protections related to joint ventures and fragmentation.
Section 3 Compensation
Hourly pay and International/ETOPS pay were all increased to bring Alaska Pilots in line with
peers at other carriers. Our pay rates include a “true up” that will keep us in line with pay
raises at other carriers, so we don’t find ourselves falling behind during this contract cycle. A
Holiday Pay provision was also added for six dates throughout the year.
3.A: Hourly pay:
Years of
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Years of Service
First Officer
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 and Up
Effective September 1, 2023 the hourly rates will increase the higher of 4% of the
existing pay rate or the average of 737-900 rates at five comparator airlines: United
(737-MAX 8/9), American (Group II), Delta (737-900), Southwest, and JetBlue
(A320/321) (with JetBlue only included if they have a new agreement with updated
pay rates).
Slope is aligned in this table with industry norms
3.B: International Pay/ETOPS Flying Override Pay:
Captain: $6.25 per hour
First Officer: $5.25 per hour
3.F: Holiday Pay: A Pilot will receive five hours (5:00) pay only when: any portion of a Pilot’s
trip touches the holiday (including a layover during the holiday), or when on reserve for any
portion of the holiday. Holiday Pay applies to the following holidays: Independence Day,
Halloween Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day.
The Pilot will not receive Holiday Pay if they use sick leave for any portion of the trip or
reserve day to which Holiday Pay is applied. If a Pilot splits a trip on a day receiving Holiday
Pay via Pilot-to-Pilot trading, both the Pilot giving a portion of his trip away and the Pilot
grabbing the trip shall receive two hours and thirty minutes (2:30) pay only.
Section 4 Pay Guarantee
Pay guarantees for Long Call (75:00) and Short Call (79:00) reserve remain the same. The new
BBH guarantee is 70:00.
4.C: Show/No Go: This provision has been changed from pay and Credit of one hour to pay
only. This means a reserve will also receive this pay over and above guarantee.
4.E: Conflicting Trips: If a delayed trip conflicts with a Pilots subsequent trip, the Pilot will
receive full pay and Credit for the delayed trip and will be pay assigned for the missed
portion of the subsequent trip.
Section 5 Expenses
This section includes many updates: increased per diem rates, improved hotel language and
crew meal criteria, and transportation improvements to and from hotels. You’ll also find
significant enhancements requiring Hotel Committee participation in the hotel selection
5.A.1: Per Diem:
Domestic: $2.55
International: $3.00
Both rates increase $0.05 per year for the duration of the CBA
5.B: Lodging and Transportation
First Class rating requirement for hotel maintained, but may be waived by the Hotel
Committee Chairman, as well as expanding the hotel selection criteria such as room
quality, location, food options and expanded room quality factors.
Sign in sheets separate from Flight Attendants codified.
Codified Short Stay hotels to layovers less than fifteen hours, release to report, with
an average drive time of twenty minutes to/from the airport.
Codified Long Stay hotels to layovers of 15 hours or greater, release to report, with
no more than a 90-minute average drive time to/from the airport. Additionally, Long
Stay hotels will include attractions other than shopping malls, offer diverse dining,
entertainment, and sightseeing options, all of which may be weighted by the ALPA
Hotel Committee when considering locations.
Codified the need for the Company to make every effort to provide a hotel that has
a full-service restaurant open during regular hours for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
and one that providesroom service. In addition, the Company will make every effort
to negotiate food discounts in the hotel restaurant(s).
Provided ALPA the ability to request and jointly complete a safety and security
check at the hotel property, of which the results must be shared within ten days of
A Pilot who has been reassigned or misconnects in Domicile resulting in an RON will
be provided accommodations at the normal crew hotel at that location. This is true
for both registered commuters and Pilots who live in base.
Provided definitions and procedures in the cases of unplanned hotel usage, including
overflow, short notice, short term, and emergency use.
Contracted van times to the airport will be adjusted so as not to arrive more than
fifteen minutes prior to report time, solving the “van creep” issue.
Hotel-provided vans must have a trip rotation of no more than thirty minutes.
5.C: Crew Meals
Codified when meals will be boarded based on duty time, and that two meals of the
same type will not be served within the same duty period.
Codified “long haul” flying will include a meal and a snack.
Allowed some relief for the ability of a Pilot to select a “buy on board” item if a
meal is duplicated.
Section 6 Moving Expenses
6.C: Allowance
Increased to moving advance cash amount to $3,000.00.
Increased to gross up to cover taxes that must be paid due to changes in federal tax
Section 7 Vacation
Vacation credit/pay was raised to 3:45. Reserve vacation has been addressed so it is not
“lost” within a reserve schedule, with the potential of additional duty days off provided per
the Pro-Rata Table in Section 2. A vacation buyback provision was added with protection for
the number of days made available for bidding in summer and holiday months. The single day
vacation trading provision currently in place remains intact until implementation of PBS.
7.B.3: Allocation
Codified any unused vacation at the end of vacation awarding shall be placed in
vacation open time for trading.
Increased the minimum vacation distribution to 4%, meaning more vacation is
available for Pilot bidding in the summer and holiday months.
Ensured vacation that is sold back does not come out of the “low allocation” months
mentioned above in months for availability and bidding (July, August, December
7.D: Vacation Trading
Once PBS is implemented a single day of vacation may be traded only once a month
as a “stand alone” day. Pilots can still trade an unlimited amount of two contiguous
days or more of vacation throughout the year.
Pilots may trade an unlimited number of single vacation days into a month if that
day touches another contiguous block of vacation days.
7.E: Pay and Credit
Pay and Credit raised to 3:45 for BBH.
Pay only applied to reserve Pilots at the rate of 3:45. Vacation pay is no longer lost
to guarantee (see “Line Adjustment” below).
Vacation buyback provision allowing for Pilots to sell any number of vacation days
back to the Company prior to vacation bidding for the following year. This option
will be completed by July 31 prior to vacation bidding for the following year and will
be payable on the January 20 check of the year in which the vacation was to be
used. The days sold back will not be removed from low allocation months mentioned
in 7.B.3.
7.F: Line Adjustment
Reserve Pilots will bid and receive a reserve schedule. Duty days touching vacation
will be removed and the remaining days of reserve will be compared to the Pro-Rata
table in Section 2. If the Pilot does not have enough duty days off, then RAPs will be
removed until the proper number of duty days off are achieved. These removed duty
days must come from the beginning or end of a block of reserve days. RAPs may NOT
be added by scheduling even if called for by the Pro-Rata Table.
The monthly guarantee will be prorated for the remaining number of scheduled
reserve days.
Section 8 Deadheading
100% pay and credit for deadheads.
Section 9 Passes & Jumpseat
9.D: Jump Seat
Pilots may now list for the jumpseat up to 48 hours prior to a flight. Listing does not
guarantee getting the jumpseat.
Names of listed crewmembers will be provided to Central Load Planning (CLP), gate
agents, and the flight crew operating the flight via Jetpack.
Priority is given to Pilots over other non-rev passengers when weight and balance
requires removing weight.
Section 11 Training
Multiple improvements to the availability of training hotels were made in this section, as well
as increased training pay. Travel to and from training was also addressed, including allowing
Pilots to travel from their home of record to training, instead of being limited to travel only
from their domicile.
11.A: General
ALPA and the Company will determine if training is “Flight Training” per Section 2
definitions or “Non-Flight Related Training/Meetings” per Section 26.U which is
important for pay rate consideration.
Moved the contents LOA 11-01 (Bidding for General and Non-Flight Related
Training/Meetings) to the body of Section 11.
Minimum rest prior to or after training is now twelve hours, and Pilots can no longer
have duty on the same calendar day prior to a training event.
Classroom hours can be up to eight hours in length with the approval of the Training
Committee Chairman.
11.D: Training Lodging
A hotel for Pilots will be provided for training to include the full duration of initial
training, and for Pilots that live more than 50 straight line miles from the training
facility for other training (CQ, Airbus recurrent training, etc.). This hotel may be
requested for the night prior to training and will also be available should Pilots be
unable to make it to their home of record at the completion of training.
Hotels for training of more than five days will be of the “extended stay” type with
additional kitchenette facilities. If these are unavailable, then a proper first-class
hotel will be used.
Hotels should be within twenty minutes of the training facility, and transportation
will be provided to and from the facility.
11.E: Training Pay
Training 15 days or less, pay raised to 5:00 pay and Credit.
Training sessions shall not exceed eight hours.
Training of more than 15 days will pay 85 hours for BBH, Reserve, and new hire Pilots.
Training Travel
Training scheduling will be responsible for placing a travel footprint on a Pilots
schedule that reflects actual flights to and from training. This travel will include
deadhead Credit and pay and will be considered duty.
Pilots will book deadhead flights from their domicile to the major airport nearest the
training facility. If unable to do so a week out, then training scheduling will book a
deadhead for them.
Pilots also have the option for positive space travel from any airport served by AAG
nearest their home of record to the airport nearest the training facility.
If AAG does not serve the airport nearest the training facility off-line travel will be
provided from the Pilots domicile to said airport. Alternatively, Pilots may travel from
their home of record to the training facility if the cost is less than or equal to a full-
service Y-class fare from the Pilots domicile to the airport nearest the training
Section 12 Hours of Service
The “Average Daily Guarantee” concept was added, in line with many of our peers. This
addresses mainly the low-time trips that were a product of long layovers and little flying, but
also protects trip construction variety, as well as providing additional pay when operational
issues impact a day off.
12.A: Average Daily Guarantee
A Pilot shall receive not less than 5:15 of pay and Flight Time Credit per operational
day a trip touches. This includes days encroached on because of reassignment or late
Trips comprised of a single duty period are exempt from this provision (red eye/all-
nighter turns for example).
12.D: Rest
Short call reserve rest adjusted to twelve hours release to report.
Long call reserve rest adjusted to fourteen hours prior to report.
12.E: Pay and Flight Time Credit
Added Flight Training Credit (last-minute addition of a line check for example) will be
paid at 200%.
Section 13 Leave of Absence
Several highlights of this section include expanded protections for military members returning
from leave, as well as within maternity leave. A “Parental Leave” section was added,
extending protections to the parents of natural or adopted children FFDO Training Leave”
with additional protections was also moved from the FOM and added to the body of our TA,
preventing changes based simply on company policy.
13.D: Returning from Military Leave
Pilots returning from military leave have further protections, including returning to
any Base or position their seniority could have held if a vacancy bid had occurred
during the leave, provided a position had been proffered or posted in that Base
and/or position.
If a reduction bid occurred and the military Pilot was reduced, he or she may return
to any Base or position his or her seniority on the date of return would allow.
Military Pilots returning from leave will be carried as an “extra” in their Base and
position until the next position bid.
13.G: Maternity Leave
Women who are pregnant will notify the Company of her pregnancy in consultation
with her doctor, no longer upon discovery of pregnancy in writing.
The Company may require proof of fitness for flying after receiving notification, but
will bear the cost of securing this certificate.
The Pilot will be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA) for the length of time she is
unable to work due to pregnancy, and will continue to accrue longevity and seniority.
13.H: Parental Leave
A Pilot may be granted a LOA for up to six months following delivery or placement of
an adopted child. Federal Leave Laws apply, and longevity and seniority will be
Pilots failing to return to work after these six months will be deemed to have
voluntarily resigned.
A Pilot may extend this leave up to an additional year and must request these sixty
days prior to the original leave ending. This additional time off is unpaid, but
seniority and longevity are protected if Pilot certificates are maintained for his or her
Pilots may use sick leave during parental leave.
13.I: Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) Training Leave
Initial and recurrent training shall be approved except for December 20
January 5, three days either side of Thanksgiving, and July 1
through 5.
The approval of semi-annual training is subject to Company staffing requirements.
Pilots must notify flight crew administration no later than the posting of monthly bids
of required training.
Conflicting trips will be dropped, and there is no requirement to make up time unless
the Pilot makes himself assignable.
The Company will provide on-line positive space travel to and from FFDO training.
This travel is not considered duty.
If requested, the Pilot must provide proof of attendance within seven days of
completing training.
Section 14 Sick Leave
Several examples were updated mirroring formatting used throughout the rest of the CBA.
Substantively they remain unchanged.
14.E: Proof of Sickness/Injury
The Company may only require proof of sickness or injury verifying only the Pilot’s
inability to work. The length of time of the non-availability for duty is no longer
The Pilot no longer must disclose what the sickness or injury is.
Section 18Union Business
Duty drops granted from the Company for union business were increased to reflect the needs
of a growing pilot group, and rules surrounding how pay would be shared between ALPA and
the Company were expanded.
18.C: Guaranteed Drops
Drops raised from 480 to 600 duty periods to conduct union business. No more than 51
may be used in each bid period.
All local council members will be dropped for quarterly MEC meetings at no cost to
the association, and ALPA will notify the Company 30 days prior to bid opening for the
month in which the meeting will be held.
Retirement committee provided seven duty periods off each month, and three
additional members will be allowed to drop one trip each to attend retirement board
business meetings.
Safety Committee Chairman as a BBH will keep his or her hours between 40 and the
monthly maximum, with additional drops available with concurrence from the MEC
chairman and VP of Flight Operations. As a reserve Pilot, he may drop ten reserve
days. Ten additional duty periods are available for drops for other committee
Scheduling Committee Chairman will be full time drop and be paid 90 hours. He may
pick up time in step trading and remain current in his or her aircraft and position. 25
hours is expected monthly flying.
A PBS working group was added, with three members being allowed to drop six duty
periods each for running the PBS solution, as well as dropping trips to attend the
monthly Average Line Value (ALV) establishment meeting.
Hotel Committee Chairman allowed to drop one trip to attend the quarterly hotel
meeting with the Company. Additionally, one member of the committee, plus another
for training if required, will be allowed to attend a hotel site inspection. Short notice
visits will be at no cost to ALPA.
Training committee allowed a couple different types of meetings for guaranteed
Crew meal committee added for one trip drop to attend quarterly meetings.
HIMS committee billing changed from 100% to 50%.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee added with a single trip drop for annual or
quarterly training.
Section 19 Investigation and Discipline
19.A: Investigatory Interview
A Pilot being investigated will be pay protected for the remainder of the bid period,
and in subsequent months protected to 75 hours. Should the Pilot be returned to
service his or her pay will retroactively increase to an amount equaling the average of
the twelve months prior to being removed from service if that amount is greater.
A Pilot being withheld as a witness will be pay protected for the remainder of the bid
period and will receive the monthly maximum for the remainder of his or her time off
the schedule. When the Pilot returns, his or her pay will retroactively increase to an
amount equaling the average of the twelve months prior to being removed from
service if that amount is greater.
19.C: Initial Hearing
A Pilot who is eventually terminated will not be required to repay any compensation
or benefits received during the time he or she was withheld from service.
Section 20 Grievances
20.A: Pre-Grievance Process
Pre-grievance meetings changed to twice monthly.
Quarterly mediation dates will be set in December for the following year.
Mediator expenses will be borne equally by the Company and ALPA.
Each of the parties will assume the compensation and other expenses of their
20.C: Resolution
Prior to appealing a grievance or leading up to a System Board of Adjustment, the
parties may mutually agree to conduct settlement discussions or use a third-party
Section 21 System Board of Adjustment
21.I: Selection and Designation of Neutral
ALPA and the Company will select a panel of seven neutral referees.
ALPA and the Company may review and append the panel as necessary, and a process
is further described in this section.
Section 25 Scheduling
Although the formatting is similar, most of the scheduling section contains major rewriting
and changes to rules and processes. This summary will provide an overview of these, although
many of the processes will be covered in a very general fashion. Full TA language should be
referenced to better understand all the details. PBS and the new reserve system are covered
in a stand-alone section at the end of this section. The general form of our current line
bidding system will remain intact until the implementation of PBS. Major changes include
lengthened Long Call report times, shortened RAP’s, delay pay, additional reassignment pay,
increased trading opportunities via a single ARC number based on the entire day, only one
contactability period for cancelled trips, and widened trip trading provisions to name a few.
Several provisions were added or enhanced to provide Pilots additional pay as a BBH or
25.A: General
ACARS contactability or other flight deck communication systems may not be used for
scheduling issues.
The “Proficiency Flying” agreement language was moved from the “Other
Agreements” section to the body of the TA.
A BBH Pilot delayed more than two hours after the end of the originally scheduled
trip will receive one minute of pay only for each additional two minutes of delay
beyond the two hours. For example, if a pilot returns from the trip four hours past
the originally scheduled arrival time, they shall receive one hour of pay only above
the Credit value of the trip.
Added a “Precluded from Bidding” section
A projected BBH “Precluded from Bidding” may choose a reserve schedule or add
trips from open time with no minimum Credit requirement. Guarantee in this case
will not be protected.
A projected reserve Pilot “Precluded from Bidding” (for example, returning from
extended training or leave) will be assigned a short call reserve schedule, or long call
if requested.
The Pro-Rata table in Section 2 will be used to determine the number of reserve days
Pilots with less than a full bid period remaining may choose one block of two days off
(Holiday Pay days restricted from this option unless approved by scheduling).
Pilots with a full bid period remaining may choose two blocks of two days off with the
same Holiday restriction.
In all cases, if reserve coverage is at or above minimum, Pilots may select days off
they desire.
25.B: Trip Construction
ALPA will build the trips, subject to cost parameters that allow for an improvement in
quality over the current solution. This provision is unique in the industry.
Commutable trips are defined as reporting after 12:00 and/or releasing before 18:00,
greater than three calendar days in length. A minimum of 60% of trips greater than
three days shall be commutable, and until PBS is implemented, these trips will be
placed with other commutable trips on the same line to build as many pure
commutable lines as possible.
Trips will be built system wide with a minimum of 18% one duty period in one
calendar day (turns), and a maximum of 35% trips greater than three calendar days.
This is another unique industry provision.
Duty periods with a segment operating 02:00-04:59 (WOCL) Local Domicile Time shall
not have more than two segments, and there shall not be a segment after the one
flown into WOCL. Single duty period trips are exempt from this rule.
Scheduled connection time between segments within a duty day is a maximum of
three hours. If a WOCL segment is involved, it is two hours.
Minimum scheduled time between segments is 30 minutes with no aircraft change, 35
minutes with an aircraft change, and 1:15 if a segment requires customs.
Scheduled duty periods will be no longer than the rest period before it (an 11-hour
duty day requires at least eleven hours of rest prior), and twelve hours rest is
required before a duty period greater than 7:30.
Maximum of four segments per duty period (waivable by ALPA scheduling chairman
for certain trips).
Trips shall not touch more than five calendar days.
Fatigue rules will apply to all trips (bid block and reserve alike), and shall be
incorporated into the baseline Optimizer trip solution.
All trip construction rules above apply to reserve Pilots as well.
25.C: Bid Block Holder Rules
A BBH that is assignable by the Company may only be assigned a trip until the open
time trading window opens.
Known training displacements will be made to the Pilot no later than 17:00 two days
prior to report.
25.E: Open Flying after Bid Awards
Seat substitution events are required to be in open time until picked up or assigned.
25.F: Line Adjustment
Pilots may step trade between 60 Credit hours to Monthly maximum plus five in first
step only.
Codified Crew Planning will assign trips as able after Second Step Bid if the Pilot is
below 70 Credit hours.
Codified the “Third Step Bid” process of 48 hours duration at the completion of second
step bidding for BBHs to pick up, drop or trade with open flying time trips.
25.G: Reserve Lines
Reserve days off are 12 in a 30-day month, and 13 in a 31-day month.
Short Call Reserve Availability Periods (RAPs) are changed to no more than twelve
hours of duration, with twelve hours rest in each 24-hour period.
No more than six RAPs in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and no more than
four RAPs in Bases with 200 or less primary lines.
A minimum of 30% of reserve lines will be offered as Long Call Lines (PLC) in each
Status and Base, but never fewer than two.
Days off are adjusted in 20% of reserve lines in each Base Position to combine the two
shortest days off periods into one longer period of days off.
Short call day off begins seven hours after the end of the Pilot’s last RAP in a block of
reserve days. Days off end five hours prior to the first RAP.
A short call reserve pilot will have automatic release four hours before the end of
their final RAP of a block of reserve days.
A long call reserve will have automatic release at 10:00 the last day if no assignment
has been given.
25.J: Trip Trading
Process is updated to define when scheduling shall approve trades based on Adequate
Reserve Coverage (ARC).
A formula is included to allow trading below total reserves required, including several
examples of allowed and disallowed trades (Bad Day Worse Day).
Allowances were made for trading trips into the following Bid Period (carry-out trades
into the following month).
Allowances made within Crew Access to allow Pilots to advertise parameters for
trades they are seeking.
25.K: Reserve Trading
Reserves must maintain reserve blocks between three and six days in duration.
25.L: Contacting a Reserve
Short call reserve Pilots will be contactable for the remainder of their RAP once
assigned a trip for the next day, but afterwards are not contactable until the
scheduled report time of the trip.
Reserve Pilots are required to check their schedules in Crew Access, or alternatively
call scheduling, at some point after block in at the end of the scheduled trip before
being released from duty. With no assignment at that time, Pilots are released.
25.M: Assignment of Reserve Flying
Reserve assignment definitions and methodology was codified for both “Day Prior”
and “Day Of” assignments.
An ability to drop reserve days was added with appropriate reserve coverage and an
understanding the subsequent guarantee will be reduced 2:50 per day dropped.
25.N: Reserve Reporting Requirements
SCR must report in 2:30. Assignments with less than four hours’ notice qualify the
Pilot for terminal parking or a round trip taxi/rideshare service, both reimbursable by
the Company.
LCR Pilots must report with 14 hours’ notice. This is waivable by the Pilot to ten
LCR Pilots must be given fourteen hours’ notice for conversion to SCR, with a RAP no
greater than twelve hours. The first conversion is two hours of pay only, and each
subsequent conversion one hour of pay only.
25.P: Unscheduled Encroachment
Company no longer can schedule a reserve into a day off
An unscheduled encroachment of one hour or greater into a day off will have that day
off restored.
An option exists for Pilots to accept 200% for the duty period(s) that extends into a
day(s) off, or five hours pay only per day(s), whichever is greater.
A delay into a vacation day(s) will pay the Pilot 200% for the trip that extends into
vacation, and will be afforded an extra vacation day(s) from open time or days that
touch existing vacation days already on his or her schedule.
25.Q: High Time Reserve
A Pilot who has reached the monthly guarantee in a bid period will be released from
further duty or receive pay and Credit of 2:50 for each additional day of reserve at
scheduling discretion. If a Pilot is used on these additional days, the greater of the
2:50 or the actual trip Credit will be applied to their final pay for the month.
25.T: Posted Premium Trip
LOA 20-02 (Suspension of Posted Premium) incorporated into the body of the CBA,
disallowing premium trips while Pilots are on involuntary furlough.
200% premium added for limited durations and situations
25.U: Assignment of Open Flying Time
Combining of trips allowed only at the time of original assignment. Trips may also be
split if needed.
If simulator seat substitution events are available after being assigned to instructors,
they may be assigned to reserves per order of assignment.
Assignment begins at 14:00 the day prior to report and the order of assignment has
been further codified.
If Junior Available is offered, the trip will be paid at 200% vice 150%.
25.X: BBH Cancellation/Illegality/Equipment Substitution
Contactable periods for pilots’ following cancellation of multi-day trips have been
reduced to one period only.
A Pilot will not be required to fly a makeup trip with more duty periods than the
original trip. Only one makeup trip can be assigned.
Notification shall be made as soon as the cancellation or equipment substitution
Pilots may pick up additional trips that encroach on the footprint of the original trip
for pay only once a makeup trip has been assigned or the pilot has been released from
his or her contactability window without an assigned trip.
If there are more than four hours from notification to report for the new trip, the
Pilot will be provided a hotel room.
In Base - Trip Makeup Requirements
The choice of Alternative Trip Makeup still applies.
A single duty period trip lost has a contactability period of three hours following the
originally scheduled departure time.
A multi-duty period trip lost has a contactability period of four hours following the
originally scheduled departure time.
Makeup trips must return within five hours of the end of the originally scheduled trip.
Pilots waiving this return time limit will receive 100% flight time credit and 200% pay
for the trip flown or the original trip, whichever is greater.
25.Y: Reassignment Away From Base (BBH)
Any reassignment away from Base qualifies the Pilot for 100% Flight Time Credit and
150% pay for the trip flown or the original trip, whichever is greater.
If the Pilot agrees to arrive later than five hours past the originally scheduled trip's
arrival time, the trip will pay 200%.
25.BB: Severe Irregular Operations (SIO)
All Open Flying time that reports within the SIO start and end time will be paid at the
rate of 200% in the Base(s) declared to be under an SIO.
Preferential Bidding System (PBS) (New)
ALPA chose NavBlue as the PBS vendor. The system shall be hosted on NavBlue
servers, and no changes will be made to programming, logic, and similar items
without express written consent of ALPA and the Company.
A Joint PBS Working Group (JPWG) will convene for six months after the successful
implementation of PBS, including three members each from ALPA and the Company.
Methods of pay, travel, and hotels for this group are covered in this section.
ALPA JPWG members will run the PBS solution each month in accordance with the TA,
and will adhere to parameters for a successful bid run which are codified in the PBS
Pilots will be allowed to run a PBS bid parallel to their awarded line bid for a
minimum of two bid periods prior to full PBS implementation. Pilots doing so will
receive one hour of pay only for each parallel bid they participate in, encouraging a
quality comparison to line bidding results.
Two Pilots in each domicile shall be placed on Company paid ALPA leave for three bid
periods prior to implementation to be available in crew rooms, via phone, or via email
to assist Pilots regarding PBS.
PBS bidding will begin at 09:00 Seattle time on the 1st of the month and will conclude
at 17:00 on the 7th of the month.
Pilot pickups, drops, and trades are paused from 17:00 Seattle time on the 7th
through 16:00 Seattle time on the 12th for award processing.
Awards will occur no later than 16:00 Seattle time on the 12th.
Pilots awarded a reserve line will be able to bid for SCR and LCN beginning at 17:00
Seattle time on the 12th through 09:00 Seattle time on the 15th. These awards will be
published no later than 18:00 Seattle time on the 15th.
First Officers will have the ability to match trips with a specific Captain, as well as
avoid trips with a specific Captain(s).
Six months after implementation ALPA and the Company will meet and confer
concerning changes to the bidding timeline.
BBH trading begins at 09:00 Seattle time on the 14th.
Reserve trading begins at 09:00 Seattle time on the 16th.
Limited number of trading and drops below ARC.
Average Line Value (ALV) is the number of known Credit hours, established by the
Company that is the projected average of all BBH in a Base per bid period. This
number shall be 72:00 to 85:00 Trailing Line Value (TLV) is a twelve-bid rolling
average of the actual ALV for a Base position. This number shall be 74:00 to 83:00.
In the event of furlough, if TLV exceeds 77:30 the ALV will be 72:00 until TLV no
longer exceeds 77:30. TLV will remain below 77:30 until all furloughed Pilots have
been recalled.
Credit Windows
The normal Credit window is ALV +/- 7 hours.
The minimum Credit window is ALV to ALV-14 hours, but never less than 69:00 hours.
Pilots are protected to guarantee.
The maximum Credit window will be no less than the minimum Credit value of the
published ALV. ALPA will determine the threshold value to be set within the maximum
Credit window.
BBH Line Construction
Lines will be constructed with a minimum of 12 days off in a 30-day month, and 13
days off in a 31-day month. Trips that end prior to 02:00 are not considered and
additional calendar day per this provision.
Two calendar days off free of Company duty are required between consecutive days
containing duty, waivable by the Pilot.
Calendar days on are limited to six consecutive days, waivable by the Pilot.
Pilots will not be awarded another trip on the same day following a trip that ends
after 01:59, waivable by the Pilot. Two consecutive single duty period trips (turns)
are not subject to this provision.
Rest and Buffers
Trips will not be scheduled with less than 12 hours’ rest release to report, waivable to
10:30 by the Pilot.
30 hours of rest in Base will be applied in a rolling 168-hour period, with a one-hour
buffer applied to the 30-hour requirement. The “in Baseportion is waivable by the
Buffers will be applied to various portions of FAR 117 Flight Time and Flight Duty
Period limits to help minimize potential illegalities.
Reserve Line Construction
Reserve lines will have a maximum of 18 duty periods.
Each five hours of pre-assigned Credit, rounded up, will equate to one less duty
period required the construction of the reserve schedule.
Consecutive reserve days will be constructed of no less than three and no more than
six days on, with a minimum of two days off between blocks.
No more than 65% of planned total reserve Pilots will be scheduled to be on duty on
any single day within a bid period, an industry unique provision.
Pilots with at least one day of vacation may “opt in” for “Vacation Any” for that bid
period. Vacation pay and Credit is applied to the month, but the days are ignored as
the schedule is built, providing more flexibility for the pilot.
Five or more consecutive vacation days allow for two additional calendar days as
“Inviolate Days Off” at the Pilots option, up to a total of four per month. These days
must touch the vacation period, and are waivable by the Pilot as well.
Pilots with five or more consecutive days of vacation may bid for and be awarded a
line with a Credit value of 68:00-78:00. Additionally, the Pilot may apply one hour of
virtual Credit for each vacation day during bidding and may “opt in” to a Reduced
Lower Limit and be protected to a prorated minimum monthly guarantee.
Golden Days Off (GDO)
Pilots are allotted six GDO’s within each calendar year.
Days may be used in blocks of two or three, and cannot be used on the day before,
day of, or day after a day designated to receive Holiday Pay.
No more than three can be used in any one bid month.
GDO requests will open concurrently with vacation trading at 12:00, November 1st.
GDOs must be requested fifteen days prior to bids opening for the month in which
they are to be used (two bid periods for GDOs to be used the 1st through 3rd of the
following month).
Training is added to a PBS award as pre-assigned Credit.
A Pilot with scheduled CQ or similar training will be scheduled for two days off prior
to commencing training, waivable by the Pilot.
A Pilot entering Extended Training shall be permitted to bid a schedule. Each day of
training shall have 2:50 pre-assigned Credit assigned to the award.
A Pilot exiting Extended Training shall not bid a schedule, will be Credited 2:50 per
day during training, and will be paid 85:00 for the month.
Credit Values/Stack Heights
A table has been created covering pre-assigned Credit and Virtual Credit Hours for
various defined events.
Stack Height parameters are listed for PBS awarding and are favorable within the
Reduced Lower Limit Lines (RLL)
RLLs will not be awarded below 60 hours of Credit. The Pilot will be protected at this
new limit unless he or she adjusts the Credit value above this new minimum
Parameters are covered for when this provision applies.
Misaward scenarios are defined in this section, and the procedures for protesting the
award are delineated.
If the misaward affects more than 5% of Pilots within a Base position, the award may
be re-run with mutual agreement of ALPA and the Company.
For more information on this section please see the attached Appendix and listen to the
Alaska Pilots Podcast episode PBS and Trip Construction, you can find at:
For answers to PBS questions, please see the FAQ page of the AlaskaPilots.org or call the PBS
Hotline at (833) ALA-PBS1, (833) 252-7271.
New Reserve System (to be implemented with PBS)
The new reserve system will be implemented with PBS. All Pilots will bid via PBS, and those
Pilots with a reserve award will have their days off known for the following month initially as
a Long Call reserve Pilot. A secondary bid will happen shortly after the original PBS award
where those awarded a reserve line can further bid Short Call RAPs, non-convertible Long
Call, or remain as a regular Long Call Pilot for the remainder of the month. How they will be
treated throughout the subsequent month is covered below. It is important to highlight days
off will be calendar days off, 0000-2359. RAPs will be no longer than 12 hours in duration with
a 2:30 report time, and Long Call report times are 14 hours. All reserve Pilots will be required
to check their schedule, either electronically or by phone, prior to release in Base at the end
of each assigned trip. There are several areas added to the reserve system which include
potential for additional pay above the guarantee for the reserve Pilot, such as conversion pay
and willing to waive the fourteen-hour report criteria for Long Call.
Types of lines:
Awarded reserve lines will initially be Long Call Lines (LCR). Then the Pilot will have
the option to bid and convert their awarded line to Short Call Lines (SCR) or Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines (LCN).
SCR/LCN will NOT be assigned to Pilots who do not bid them.
Long Call lines will be comprised of calendar day long call reserve days.
Short Call Lines will be comprised of Reserve Availability Periods (RAPs). They are 12
hours in duration, with a minimum twelve hours of rest in each 24-hour period.
Contactability during RAPs will not extend past 23:59 domicile time, but Pilots may
be assigned in their RAP footprint prior to 23:59 to report or release after 23:59. In
other words, scheduling cannot call you after 23:59, but they can call you before that
to assign you a trip within your RAP footprint.
Long Call Non-Convertible will never be converted to SC. Long Call may be converted
to SC and assigned a RAP but with restrictions and extra pay for the pilot.
30% short call lines (no fewer than 10) must be offered in each Base and status. RAPs
are limited to six in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and four in Bases with
200 primary lines or less. A LCR being converted to SCR can have a unique RAP
assigned throughout the month.
Non-Convertible Long Call Lines are simply that not subject to Short Call conversion
throughout the month.
10% of awarded reserve lines (no fewer than two per Base) must be offered Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines.
30% short call lines (no fewer than 10) must be offered in each Base and status. RAPs
are limited to six in Bases with more than 200 primary lines, and four in Bases with
200 primary lines or less. A LCR being converted to SCR can have a unique RAP
10% of awarded reserve lines (no fewer than two per Base) must be offered Non-
Convertible Long Call Lines which may not be converted under any circumstance
during the month.
SCR/LCN will NOT be assigned to Pilots who do not bid them.
Days Off:
All days off begin at midnight of the last reserve day.
All days off end at 00:00 of the first reserve day.
Automatic release occurs at 10:00 Local Domicile Time for Long Call reserve if no
assignment has been given, and for Short Call Pilots having no assignment, four hours
prior to the end of the RAP or 15:00 Local Domicile Time whichever is earlier. Pilots
who preference a RAP that begins after 15:00 on their last day will be released at
20:00 with no assignment.
Reserve Trading (New)
Reserve Pilots may trade days off within their own schedules to not create less than
three days or more than six days of consecutive reserve days, subject to ARC, and no
later than 24 hours prior to the start of that reserve day.
LCR may trade with other LCR in their Base position if total days of reserve remain
the same in their schedule and create no less than three days or more than six days of
consecutive reserve days. These trades must occur no later than 24 hours prior to the
start of the reserve day.
SCRs may trade their scheduled RAP for another RAP for either the entire bid period
or a block of RAPs.
Contacting a Reserve
LCR is contactable 24 hours a day on their assigned day, and SCR during their entire
SCR remain contactable for the remainder of the RAP after assignment for the next
day but after that, the Pilot is not contactable until report time for said assignment.
Auto Acknowledgement/Electronic Notification/Schedule Review
LCR and LCN Pilots may “opt-in” to participate in Auto Acknowledgement. In this
case, Pilots are considered notified of their assignment as soon as it is placed on his
or her roster (no phone call required by crew scheduling).
Crew Scheduling must put an assignment into Crew Access at the time of assignment,
and the Pilot may confirm this notification electronically. Only one change per
notification is allowed by crew scheduling.
Reserve Pilots are required to check their schedules at some point after block in at
the end of the scheduled trip before being released from duty. With no assignment at
that time, they are free from further Company obligation that duty period.
Assignment of Reserve Flying
Assignment window has changed to 10:00 through 13:00 the day prior and known RAPs
will be visible no later than 07:00 the day prior to report.
Assignments in open time prior to 10:00 are considered “next day” Assignments.
Aggressive Pickup
Long Call Reserve Pilots may pick up open trips beginning 07:00 through 10:00 the day
prior to departure.
Trips picked up in this fashion must match a Pilots category +/- 1 day, meaning a
three-day reserve Pilot may pick up a two-day or four-day trip. Additionally, one may
pick up a trip that starts on the day off prior to a block of reserve days, or a trip that
ends on the day off after a block of reserve days. These days off will not be restored
since the pickup is voluntary.
If a long call reserve Pilot picks up a trip including a day off with reserves available
below required, then that Pilot will receive an additional three hours pay only in
addition to pay and Credit for the trip.
A Pilot on long call who picks up a trip will not be contactable until report time for
said trip.
When SC Pilots are in an assigned RAP and pick up trips for the next day they will be
responsible for the remainder of the RAP. If they are subsequently assigned a trip
during the RAP they are currently standing that conflicts with the picked up trip, they
will lose that trip and it will not be considered a reassignment.
Long Call Pilots may preference, no later than 10:00 the day prior to departure, any
assignment, trips, RAPs, AM and PM preferences, and no assignment, trip, or RAP.
Additional preferences are available for LCR/LCN already on a trip with some rest
Reserve Assignment
Trips are assigned first, longest category to shortest, followed by RAPs.
Same Day Method of Assignment
Assignments that report on the current day or following day that remain, or become
available after 10:00 during the assignment window, are considered same day
All these same day trips will be placed in open flying to be made available for BBHs.
With less than four hours to report it may immediately be assigned to a SCR.
LCR/LCN Pilots can aggressively pick up trips from the close of the assignment
window until 10:00 the next day. The trip needs to match days available, and rest
may be waived if contacting crew scheduling directly.
Trips being added to open flying time have requirements as to how long they remain
in open time, and how they are assigned.
WOCL protections have been added for assignments.
Same day SCR conversion rules and protections have been added.
Reserve Reporting Requirements
LCR Pilots must report with 14 hours’ notice. This is waivable by the Pilot to 10 hours
If LCR Pilots use Aggressive Pickup or preferences and are assigned a trip that reports
before 14:00 on their first day of reserve, they shall receive an additional one hour
pay only.
14 hours’ notice is required for LCR conversion to SCR. The first six conversions pay
an additional hour of pay only if the Pilot is not assigned a trip. For subsequent
conversions, the pay only addition is two hours. This pay is above guarantee.
SCR must report in 2:30. Assignments with less than four hours notice qualify the Pilot
for terminal parking or a round trip taxi/rideshare service, both reimbursable by the
Reserve Flying on a Day Off
Trips picked up on a day off are pay only, above guarantee.
Option for pay and Credit in exchange for mutually agreeable days off later in the
Trips picked up shall not create an illegality with assigned reserve days.
Pilot will be treated as a BBH for the trip that is picked up.
Scheduling may not solicit reserves to fly on a day off.
Unscheduled Encroachment
Company no longer can schedule a reserve into a day off.
An encroachment of one hour or greater into a day off will have that day off restored.
An option exists for Pilots to accept 200% for the duty period(s) that extends into a
day(s) off, or five hours pay only per day(s), whichever is greater.
A delay into a vacation day(s) will be paid 200% for the trip that extends into
vacation, and the pilot will be afforded an extra vacation day(s) from open time or
days that touch existing days on his or her schedule.
High Time Reserve
A Pilot who has reached the monthly guarantee (79 hours for SC and 75 hours for LC)
in a bid period, at scheduling discretion, will either be released from further duty or
receive pay and Credit of 2:50 for each additional day of reserve.
Section 26 General
26.H: Jury Duty (moved from “Other Agreements”)
The body of the Jury Duty Agreement was moved into this section of the CBA with no
other substantive changes.
26.U: Non-Flight Related Training/Meetings
ALPA will be able to provide input of Pilot specific elements of content prior to the
initiation of training/meetings.
26.V: Drug and Alcohol Testing (moved from LOAs and updated)
Pilots will receive 15 minutes' pay only at their hourly rate for drug and alcohol
Rest requirements following a drug or alcohol test were codified, including notifying
crew scheduling if adequate crew rest is unattainable.
Procedures are described if a Pilot misses hotel transportation because of drug or
alcohol testing.
Section 27 Insurance Benefits
27.C: Dental Plan
Orthodontia coverage raised to $2,500 lifetime per individual.
27.F: Short Term Disability
Maximum weekly benefit raised to $2,200 a week.
27.G: Long Term Disability
Long Term Disability benefit for substance abuse limited to 24 months unless the pilot
is in the Alaska Airlines HIMS program.
Section 28 Retirement
Defined contribution increases: 0.5% across the board for all 401k participants, except
a 1% increase for the “soft freeze” participants
Snap-up DC rate increases if three of five competitors (American, Delta, United,
JetBlue and Southwest) increase rates to 17%; in that case the company will increase
all pilot DC rates by an additional 1% at the next anniversary date.
Section 30 Flight Data Recording Devices
30.A: General
Increased personal privacy protection on any company issued electronic device.
30.C: Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA)
Added a Maintenance Operations Quality Assurance section, used for identifying
trends in aircraft engine, system, and component performance. FOQA gatekeepers
only will be able to identify data if needed for troubleshooting, repair, or
maintenance of the system and/or component. The crew will never be identified.
If additional training is required for a FOQA event, a FOQA Gatekeeper will be a
participant in that training.
Letters of Agreement (LOA’s)
22-03: Restoration of credited service for 2009-2011 furloughees in the Fixed Income
Retirement Plan
22-04: Improvements to the Commuter Pilot Program
22-05: Creation of an ALPA Scheduling Floor Volunteer (SFV)
ALPA Pilot volunteers will be available and on the floor in crew scheduling
SFV will be a resource for Pilots with scheduling questions or issues
SFV will help with overall implementation of the many changes to our new CBA
22-06: Return of Reserve Flying on a Day Off
22-07: Freighter Flexibility has language improvement to make the LOA more clearly
understood and yields more opportunity for 150% pay.
22-08: Temporary Duty (TDY)
Temporary Duty reserve slots allowed in Base Positions with a limit of three months
Trading protections for the Pilots in bases from which the TDY assignments are taken
Pilots selected for TDY will be awarded a long call reserve line for that month
Positive space travel to/from the TDY base, hotels, transportation and per diem will
be provided to awarded Pilots
TDY prohibited with Pilots on furlough status
LOAs for PBS, the new reserve system, HIMS,
Implementation Timeline:
December 1, 2022 - Unless stated below, all provisions of the CBA shall be
implemented no later than this date.
Average Daily Guarantee (ADG) 5:15 as pay only initially.
New reserve system as soon as possible, but no later than PBS implementation.
January 1, 2023 – Extra reserve day off in a 31-day month and pay only for reserve
vacation days and the appropriate line adjustment. Vacation will begin to receive an
additional :15 of pay only.
February 1, 2023 Deadhead flight time credit to 100%.
March 31, 2023 ADG of 5:15 credit. Penalty applied if not implemented on time.
January 1, 2024 – Vacation to receive 3:45 pay and credit
April 1, 2024 Preferential Bidding System (PBS). Penalty applied if not implemented
on time. Vacation minimum block concurrent with PBS.
Long Stay Hotels will be updated as the non-compliant hotel contracts expire