Create a Website for Denise Harrison’s
English Writing Class
Prepared by the Student Multimedia Studio
Visit for more information and tutorials.
What you will be creating (in a nutshell): ........................................................................... 1
Create a Folder on your Jump Drive ................................................................................... 1
Create the “Documents” ..................................................................................................... 1
Create the Web Page ........................................................................................................... 2
Create a “table” ........................................................................................................................... 2
Center the Table on the Page ...................................................................................................... 3
Set the Preferred Width for the Table......................................................................................... 3
Add a Title .................................................................................................................................... 3
Add a Row for the Navigation Menu ........................................................................................... 3
Create the Text Hyperlinks to the Word Documents .................................................................. 4
Add another row for more content ............................................................................................. 4
Creating Columns on a Row to Hold Text and Pictures ............................................................... 4
Hiding Table and Cell Borders ..................................................................................................... 5
Creating Hyperlinks to other Web Sites ...................................................................................... 6
Saving the Web Page .......................................................................................................... 6
First: Save as a Word Document................................................................................................ 6
Next: Save as a Web Page ........................................................................................................... 7
Uploading Your Web Site to the Kent Personal Server ...................................................... 8
Viewing your Website on the Internet ................................................................................ 9
Uploading Revisions ........................................................................................................... 9
What you will be creating (in a nutshell):
1. A Web Page that you will create using MS Word then use the “Save as Webpage”
feature in Word to convert the Word document into a Web Page.
2. The following Word Documents that you will also create using MS Word:
A Release Form
A Philosophy Statement
A Reflection
NOTE: You will be creating “hyperlinks” from your “Web Page” to these
“word documents
You will also be creating hyperlinks to other websites and adding pictures and
text to your webpage. Professor Harrison will give you more information
about what she expects you to include on your web page.
Create a Folder on your Jump Drive
Before you do anything, create a folder on your jump drive.
For this tutorial we are going to name the folder:
Make sure that you use all lower-case letters! Do not capitalize the “e” in english.
Create the “Documents”
1. Open MS Word. You should have a blank page.
2. Type the word,
release, on the page.
3. Choose:
Save as > Word 97-2003 Document
Do not save as a Word 2007 document (with a .DOCX extension ) It will not work as a
hyperlinked document on a website!
4. In the File name: box, type in, release
Use all lower case letters!
5. Browse to the
english folder you created on your Jump Drive.
6. Click
Now, change the text on the word document you just saved from release to philosophy.
7. Choose:
Save as > Word 97-2003 Document
8. In the
File name: box, type in, philosophy
Use all lower case letters!
9. You should still be saving in the
english folder. If not browse to the english folder
you created on your Jump Drive.
10. Click
… and one more time
11. Change the text on the word document from
philosophy to reflection.
12. Choose:
Save as > Word 97-2003 Document
13. In the
File name: box, type in, reflection
Use all lower case letters!
14. You should still be saving in the
english folder. If not browse to the english folder
you created on your Jump Drive.
15. Click
You now have all three “word” documents saved inside the English folder on your Jump
Drive. You might want to look inside the folder just to be sure. You should see:
Close Word.
Create the Web Page
1. Open Word (you should have a blank page)
2. Go to View (at the top of Word) and choose Web Layout.
Create a “table”
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Main Toolbar
2. Choose Table
3. Create a 1x1 table (one row and one column) as shown below.
[ In Word 2003: Choose Table > Insert > Table then enter the # of Rows and Columns.]
The table will be placed on the left side of the page (Aligned to the Left). You can leave it
aligned to the left or you could CENTER THE TABLE ON THE PAGE (Recommended).
Center the Table on the Page
1. Right click anywhere on the Table
2. Choose Table Properties from the drop down box that opens
3. Under “Alignment”, click on the CENTER icon.
4. Click OK
The table will move to the center of the page.
Set the Preferred Width for the Table
1. Right click anywhere on the Table
2. Choose Table Properties from the drop down box that opens
3. Check the Preferred Width box.
4. Enter the number “
9” and make sure it’s set to Measure in: Inches
5. Click OK
The table will now always be 9” wide no matter what resolution the monitor is when
being viewed later as a web page in Internet Explorer.
Add a Title
Inside the Table, type the word, Title, or whatever you want. See below
Add a Row for the Navigation Menu
1. Right click inside the Table
2. Choose
Insert > Insert Rows Below from the drop down box that opens
A new row will be created below the top row
3. In the new row, type in the following text (which will eventually be the links to the word
documents you created and saved earlier) leaving about 5 to 10 SPACES between the
“links”. Do not use the Tab key to create the space between the text links.
See below
Release Form Philosophy Statement Reflection
You can resize and center text and if desired…. see below
Release Form Philosophy Statement Reflection
Create the Text Hyperlinks to the Word Documents
1. Select the text, Release Form
2. Choose Insert > Hyperlink
3. Browse to the english folder on your Jump Drive
4. Find and click on the word document, release.doc
5. Click OK
6. Repeat this with the text, Philosophy Statement and Reflection, choosing the word
documents, philosophy.doc and reflection.doc for each of the hyperlinks.
Your table and text should look something like this now…
Release Form Philosophy Statement Reflection
Add another row for more content
1. Right click inside the second (bottom) row on the table.
2. Choose Insert > Insert Rows Below from the drop down box that opens
A new row will be created as shown below
Release Form Philosophy Statement Reflection
At this point you could just start adding text and pictures inside the bottom row but to control
the placement of text and pictures you should create 2 or more columns on the row.
Creating Columns on a Row to Hold Text and Pictures
1. Right click inside the (bottom) row on the table.
2. Choose Split Cells then enter the number of columns you want to create in that cell
The example below shows that the bottom cell has been split into 2 columns.
Additionally, the “borders” have been moved to allow more room for text on the left and
a small picture on the right. As you type in text or insert pictures the height of the row
will automatically adjust.
You can add more rows, but after splitting a row into 2 or more columns, new rows will
have the same number of columns. You can use “MERGE CELLS” to create one cell out of
2 or more cells.
You could add more rows if desired to hold more pictures and text on the same rows. You could
also add a row, then SELECT all the CELLS on that ROW and Choose MERGE CELLS to create just
one cell (or column) on that row.
Hiding Table and Cell Borders
Notice that the table and its rows and columns are indicated by a solid black line. Most web
pages don’t show these so you may want to make them “invisible”. To hide them:
1. Open Table Properties as previously described
2. Click on the Borders and Shading button
3. Choose “None” under the Borders Tab
The borders will “disappear”
In Word 2007, to “show” the borders so you can see them while your working on your
page, select Table Tools > Layout > View Gridlines. The Table, Rows and Column edges
will appear as dotted lines but will be invisible when viewed as a web page.
[In Word 2003, the borders remain “visible” as light gray lines but will disappear when
viewed as a web page]
Release Form Philosophy Statement Reflection
You can left justify the text in this cell (column)
and adjust the border to the right to make this cell
The height will increase as you type in text.
A “random” picture has been inserted into the cell
on the right. Pictures can be resized by clicking on
them then using the CORNER handles to drag
them to any size needed.
Creating Hyperlinks to other Web Sites
1. Type in text that you will use as a “text” hyperlink.
2. Select the text by clicking and dragging a selection over the text (as you did for the
navigation menu hyperlinks).
3. Right click on the selected text and choose Hyperlink then either:
a. Type in the full URL for the Web Site in the Address window or
b. Copy and Paste the URL from a Browser Address window into the Hyperlink
Address Window.
Saving the Web Page
Save as a Word Document
Before converting your Word Document to a Web Page, first save it as a Word Document
1. Choose:
Save as > Word 97-2003 Document
Because you are just using this word document to create a Web Page, you could save it
as a Word 2007 document (with a .DOCX extension ). But for consistency, just save it as
a 97-2003 document.
2. In the File name: box, type in, index
Use all lower case letters!
3. Browse to the english folder you created on your Jump Drive.
4. Click
A Good Thing to Know and Remember:
If you want to make changes/revisions to your Web Page later,
you must:
1. Reopen and make the changes to the Original Word
Document (index.doc), not to the Web Page (index.htm)
2. Resave it as a Word Document (index.doc) again, then
3. Save it as a web page (index.htm) again
(see instructions below)
Save as a Web Page
1. With the Word 2007 Document open, choose the OFFICE BUTTON and select
2. Click on the arrow next to the SAVE AS TYPE box and choose:
Web Page, Filtered (*.htm; *.html) (see below)
3. In the
File Name: type index
(it should already be index but if it isn’t, change it….see below)
Do not type in index.htm. When you click SAVE the .htm extension will automatically be
added to the word “index”.
Use only lower-case letters! Do not capitalize any letters in the word index. If you do,
the web page won’t open if you follow the remaining directions in this tutorial.
Take a look inside your english folder
You should now have the following files and a new folder inside the english folder:
(this could also be index.docx if you saved it as a Word 2007 document and is also the
document you MUST open and edit if you want to make changes to your web page)
(this is your web page but you must not open and make changes to it directly. Only open
the index.doc file, make changes to it then Save it as a Web Page)
An index_files folder
(this is a folder that is automatically created when you saved the word document as a web page.
It holds the pictures you inserted on your web page)
These are the Word Documents that you
created, saved and then created hyperlinks to
from the web page. These MUST be .doc files!
Uploading Your Web Site to the Kent
Personal Server
Don’t open Internet Explorer or any other Web Browser for this.
2. In the Address Bar for My Computer type-in:
3. Enter your Flashline User Name and Flashline Password
4. Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop your website folder, english, from you local computer
(probably saved on your Jump Drive) to the open My Computer Window.
Notice that the Address bar on the Kent Personal Server shows that you
are INSIDE the public_html folder on the “server” … the Circled Area …
(See illustration)
Your Local Computer Kent Personal Server
(your jump drive) (
Note: You should close all open word documents on the local computer
before uploading them to the server. If you don’t, you might get an error
message when you try to upload the files.
Your website is now on the server and can be viewed by anyone in
the world…. If they know the correct “URL” address to find it.
Viewing your Website on the Internet
1. Open Internet Explorer (or any Browser)
2. In the Address type-in:
Your web page should open in the browser.
Note: If you didn’t name your folder, english, then you would replace the word “english
at the end of the above URL address with whatever word you used for your folder.
The URL is CASE SENSITIVE! If you capitalized the folder name as: English, then you
need to capitalize the word English in the URL!
If you didn’t name your webpage, index.htm, then it will not open either. If you named
your page anything other than index.htm (all lower-case letters), used a capital “I” as in
Index.htm or used any other filename for your home page, you will have to add that
filename to the end of the URL, after folder name.
Uploading Revisions
1. Login to the server using the directions above.
2. Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop your website folder, english, from you local computer
(probably saved on your Jump Drive) to the open My Computer Window as before
This time make sure you drop the folder into a blank area on
the server.