Student Account Services
Short Term Loan Program Information Packet and Loan Application
The purpose of the Short Term Loan Program is to assist students in meeting temporary short
term financial needs. Short Term Loans are awarded on a first come, first served basis.
Submitting an application is not a guarantee that the loan will be approved.
The following requirements must be met before your loan application will be
Registration Fees must be paid and you must not have any past due balances owed to the
You must be a current SDSU student(Excluding College of Extended Studies Students)
You mu
st be able to provide a current photo ID card (preferably an SDSU ID card)
The maximum loan amount is $1,000.00. The minimum loan amount is $100.00. (Please See
Income Eligibility chart below for loan limits.
During the Fall and Spring semester students must be enrolled at least half-time (6
undergraduate or 5 graduate units) at SDSU. The program is also available in the summer and
winter break for continuing students who were enrolled at least half-time in the previous
semester and who plan on at least half-time enrollment in the next semester.
Short Term Loan Pr
Follow the directions located in this loan application packet and return the completed
application in person
to Student Account Services (Student Services West, Room 2536). Any
incomplete information will cause delays in the approval process for your loan. (NOTE: faxed
applications will not be accepted).
Information on
the status of application
s and/or checks will be available after 11:00 a.m., two
working days after receipt of the application. A photo ID card will be required to pick up loan
checks in Student Account Services
There is a $15.00 service charge assessed on all approved loans whether you pick up your
check or not.
If your loan is not approved, a copy of the loan application indicating the reason for denial will
be given to you on request.
o Major Reasons for Denial are:
Incomplete Application
Inadequate resources to repay loan
Poor credit history
Any outstanding debt owed to the University
Depleted short term loan funds
A $20.00 late charge will be assessed on EACH PAYMENT PAST DUE.
short term loan will be disbursed per student per semester.
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Income Eligibility Guidelines
To be eligible on the basis of income*(not using Financial aid) applicants'
gross income (i.e. before taxes are withheld) must fall within the amounts in
the chart below.
The following chart shows the maximum loan amount based on your monthly
MonthlyIncome LoanAmount
$1050.00orhigher $1000.00
$1000.00 $950.00
$950.00 $900.00
$900.00 $850.00
$850.00 $800.00
$800.00 $750.00
$750.00 $700.00
$700.00 $650.00
$650.00 $600.00
$600.00 $550.00
$550.00 $500.00
$500.00 $450.00
$450.00 $400.00
$400.00 $350.00
$375.00 $325.00
$350.00 $300.00
$325.00 $275.00
$300.00 $250.00
$275.00 $225.00
$250.00 $200.00
$200.00 $175.00
$175.00 $150.00
$150.00 $125.00
$125.00 $100.00
*Please Note: If an applicant is participating in the Installment plan and applying for a short
term loan, then the applicant will have a higher debt to the university. Therefore, it would
require a higher income.
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Short Term Loan Application
Part 1- Checklist
Please initial that you have completed the following steps
______ I have read the Short Term Loan Program Information on pages 1 and 2 of this packet
______I have completed all sections of the Short Term Loan Application that are to be
completed by the student. The Short Term Loan Application is a (3) page document and is part
of this packet.
______ I have attached all documents required that relate to my repayment source listed on the
loan application. (e.g. Financial Aid award/referral or Paycheck stub)
______ I have verified that I am enrolled in the minimum number of units required to receive a
Short Term Loan. They must be updated on the WebPortal.
______ I have verified that I don’t have any past due debts with the University.
If you are applying for a Short Term Loan in the Summer and have no units for the
Summer semester, please answer the following questions:
How many units did you have in the previous Spring semester? ______
How many units are you planning to take in the next Fall semester? ______
If you are applying for a Short Term Loan during the Winter Break for the Spring
semester, please answer the following questions:
How many units did you have in the previous Fall semester? ______
How many units are you planning to take in the next Spring semester? ______
After you have completed the steps listed above, bring the completed application in-person
(no faxed copies will be accepted) and all documentation to Student Account Services
(Student Services West Room 2536). You will need to provide a photo ID card when turning
in your application.
Please note that missing information and documentation will cause delays in the Short Term
Loan approval process.
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San Diego State University
Student Account Services - Short Term Loan Application
Please Print – All Information must be filled out completely: Loan Semester _______________
Student Information (to be completed by student):
Red ID Number: ____________________ Social Security Number:_____ ______ _______
Last Name _________________________________ First Name: ______________________
Local Address: Street: __________________________________________________
City___________________ State: ____________________ Zip Code: _____________
Phone Number (Including Area Code): (_____) ________-____________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Driver’s License Number: ______________________Class Level: Undergraduate / Graduate
Number of units enrolled in the semester you are applying: ___________
If you are applying for a loan during the Summer Session, please circle all sessions that you
are attending:
S1 (Session 1) T1 (All Summer) S2 (Session 2)
Financial Information: (to be completed by student)
Loan Amount Requested, or maximum you qualify for. This is based on income or Financial
Aid eligibility,(up to $1000.00) _________
Purpose of Loan: _____________________________________________________________
Repayment Source(s) - Please select all that apply
Financial Aid/Scholarship - Provide verification of financial aid you will be receiving
for the loan semester with your application, (For example: your AidLink print screen).
You must be receiving enough money to cover your registration fees, any other debts
that will be paid by financial aid and this Short Term Loan
Employment $______________ paid per month (You must provi
de a copy of your
paycheck stub with your application.)
Other benefits/source: List source: _______________________________ (You must
de proof of this repayment source) Amount Received Per Month $ ___________
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San Diego State University
Student Account Services - Short Term Loan Application
Reference Information (to be completed by the student)
Employer: Company Name & Phone #: _________________________________( ) _____ - __________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Parent or Nearest Relative’s Full Name & Phone #: _____________________________( ) _____ - _____
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Other Reference’s Full Name & Phone # (Another Household): ____________________( ) _____ - _____
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Short Term Loan Terms and Agreement: (to be read and signed by the student)
I understand and agree that this is a binding contract requiring repayment of an educational loan, a form of financial aid assistance. I
hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information furnished on this application is complete and accurate. I agree to
pay a $15.00 service charge as a part of this Short Term Loan. I understand that I am required to update my WebPortal account with
all address changes and agree to provide any additional documents requested in support of this application until the loan is
completely paid in full. I recognize that my failure to repay this loan on time may result in this institution withholding all services
from me, the assessment of late charges, and interest at 10% per annum on delinquent amounts owing. I authorize the Student
Account Services Office to deduct any amounts owing from my Financial Aid award to repay the Short Term Loan, if applicable. I
consent to the release of information concerning this extension of credit when necessary to collect a delinquent payment. Upon such
delinquency this information may be released to credit bureaus and other entities reasonably necessary to aid in the collection of the
delinquent repayment. I understand that this debt could be referred to collection agencies and that I will be responsible for all
attorneys’ fees and other reasonable collection costs.
____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
For Office Use Only:
Date Application Received: ________________ Approved / Denied Date: ________________
Reason for Denial _______________________________________________________
Signature of Approver: ___________________________________________
Loan Fund Used: ___________________________________ Loan Amount: _______________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________
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