Student Loan Payments Office
A Division of Student Business Services
West Hall, Room 333-I
P.O. Box 41085
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1085
(806)742-3209 (806)742-0445 Fax
Short-Term Loan Application
(Not an Emergency Enrollment Loan)
Applicant’s Name SS# R#
Last/Maiden First Middle
Date of Birth
Driver’s License Number State Phone #
Spouse’s Name SS#
Last/Maiden First Middle
Lubbock address
Street Address/P.O. Box, Apt # City State Zip Code
Permanent Address (A dorm address is not considered a permanent address)
Street Address/P.O. Box, Apt # City State Zip Code
Anticipated College Graduation Date Requested Loan Amount $
Have you had a previous Short-Term Loan at Texas Tech University? Yes or No
Reason for requesting this loan. (Indicate specific items for which money is intended, and why you do not have sufficient
money for these items?)
When and how will you repay this loan? Give source and type of fund(s) for repayment:
At least 3 references are required in order to complete this application. Failure to complete
references will delay your application for processing.
Current Employer
Street or Box #
Street or Box #
City, State, Zip Code
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number ( )
Phone Number ( )
Take Home Pay
Bi-Weekly Weekly
Spouse’s Employer
Other Relative/Friend (Different Address)
Name Name
Street or Box #
Street or Box #
City, State, Zip Code
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number ( )
Phone Number ( )
Take Home Pay
Bi-Weekly Weekly Relative living at a different address
Street or Box #
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number ( )
* * * * * C E R T I F I C A T I O N * * * * *
All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the proceeds of this loan will be used for the
purpose(s) indicated only and I understand that any misrepresentation of facts will eliminate me from any consideration for Financial Aid at Texas Tech
University in the future. I also understand that if this loan is not repaid as agreed a “hold” will be placed on my records until the loan has been repaid or
until satisfactory arrangements for repayment have been made. Please initial: -
I am aware of tuition and fee option payment plan through
the Student Business Service office. I have read the Emergency Enrollment/Short-Term Loan General Information Sheet and understand the borrower’s
__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Student’s Signature Date
FOR Student Business Services
Fund Name
Account Number Approved Loan Amount Co-Signer Required
Hours currently enrolled
Grade Classification Student GPA Rap Code
+ Interest = Total Loan Payment in Full Due Date _____/_____/_____
Student Business Services Signature _____________________________________
Short Term Loan Information/ Carry forwards
As of July 1, 2008 there are new limitations on how universities can use federal financial aid to “Carry
Forward” balances from prior terms. Texas Tech University will no longer be able to “Carry Forward” balances
larger than $200.00 from prior financial aid reward years; however, all outstanding balances, regardless of the
amount, from the current reward year are still eligible for a “Carry Forward” up to the amount of the refund
after the current term’s fees have been paid. Also, students who have alternative loans are eligible to “Carry
Forward” any balance up to the refund amount after the current term’s fees are paid.
Should the student have an outstanding balance that cannot be “Carried Forward,” the Texas Tech University
Short Term Institutional Loan department may be able to help the student by issuing a short-term loan to pay
the outstanding balance. There are multiple short-term loans available for the student to use should the student
meet the criteria, and should there be funds available within the specific loan.
Short-term loans are available to Texas Tech students who are currently enrolled or have attended a prior term
at Texas Tech University and wish to attend the university in a future term that may require funds to pay for
college-related expenses. The majority of short-term loans must be paid back in full within the semester the
funds are borrowed.
Maximum loan amounts are determined by the donor’s specifications, and the following loan regulations apply:
Applications for Short Term Loans are available through the Short-Term Institutional Loans office
located at room 333-I of West Hall. You are required to provide a copy of your Driver’s License and
complete a loan application. Then, an appointment for an interview with our loan officer will be
If you have had a short-term in the past, it must have never been sent to an outside collection agency nor
have been more than 60 days past due at any time. Short-term loan payments are due according to the
terms of the promissory note, are subject to acceleration after 31 days, and subject to referral to outside
collections should the account reach 61 days past due.
Students are not eligible for multiple short-term loans, and any outstanding short-term loan balance
must be satisfied before the student will be considered for a new short-term loan.
The Internal Collections Office, Room 333 West Hall, is where ALL short-term loan payments must be made.
Any payment questions or problems should be directed to the Student Loan Payments Office at (806)742-3214
or (806)742-3215.
If you pay off a loan with a check, there is a 10-business day waiting period for check clearance before a new
loan may be processed. Your check must indicate your date of birth, driver’s license number, telephone
number, student ID number and loan account number.
Forms of Payment
Short-Term loan payments can be made in the Internal Collections Office by check, cash, cashier’s check,
money order, or debit/credit card.
Automatic debit/credit card draft forms may also be requested and completed at the time of your interview.
These payments will be charged to your debit/credit card on the 10
day of each month. If the 10
day is a day
the University is closed, the charge will be made on the next business day. It is the student’s responsibility to
notify the Internal Collections Office of any and all changes to the debit/credit card.
The student may also elect to pay the loan balance with his/her financial aid refund automatically by filling out
a “Loan Carry Forward” agreement.
Late Payments/Default
Late payments can affect consideration for future Short-Term loans. A $50.00 late payment fee will be applied
to all payments not made by the due date. Transcript and Registration holds will be placed on the student’s
account until the past due balance payment(s) have been made. Payments should be made early enough to
arrive at the Internal Collections office by the due date.
If a student is 60 days late paying back a short-term loan, the student will lose borrowing privileges for one (1)
academic year.
If a student has a short-term loan sent to an outside collection agency, collection costs will be assessed up to
30%, as provided by law, and the student will not be eligible to receive another short-term loan at Texas Tech
If a loan has been accelerated, payment will be due in full and the loan may be referred to an outside collection
agency. Registration and Transcript holds will not be released until the debt is satisfied.
The Texas Tech short term institutional loans are used for higher educational purposes and are not subject to
discharge in bankruptcy.
If I have an Emergency Enrollment/Short-Term Loan outstanding can I apply for another?
No. Students may have only one outstanding Emergency Enrollment/Short-Term Loan.
Is my loan automatically deducted from my Financial Aid award?
Yes, it can be. We must have written authorization to deduct the balance of the short term loan out of the
students Financial Aid award.
Who collects the loan?
The Student Loan Payments Office is located in West Hall room 333. SLP Office collects all short-term
loans. Payment questions or problems should be directed to the SLP Office.
What if I am late making payments?
Late payments will certainly effect consideration for future short-term loans at Texas Tech University.
Payments should be made early enough to arrive at the Internal Collections office by the due date. If a
payment is not received by the due date, a $50.00 late charge will be added to the account balance. If
a student is 60 days late paying back a short-term loan, the student will lose borrowing privileges for one
(1) academic year. If a student has a loan sent to a collection agency, the student cannot receive another
short-term loan at Texas Tech University!
Are Co-Makers required?
Co-Makers are required by some loan funds. Co-Makers must have verifiable employment or sufficient
means for repayment and be at least 21 years of age. Notes may not be co-made by a spouse of the
borrower, student, faculty, or a staff member of Texas Tech University. All co-makers signatures must be
either notarized by a duly appointed notary of the state from which the co-maker resides; or verified upon
signature in the presence of a financial aid advisor.
Please note:
Rule of Thumb…Do not neglect your payment responsibilities. Do not assume that a fellow
classmate possesses valid and factual information about policy concerning your loan and its
processing and repayment.
If you pay off a loan with a check, there is a 10-day waiting period for check clearance before a new
loan may be processed.
Do not remain silent. If you should have a problem, get in touch with the appropriate personnel
Refunds will be processed no less than three times a week.
If you have problems, please call the Internal Collections Office at (806) 742-3214 or (806) 742-
By initialing I have read and understand the conditions TTU Short Term Loans. _________ (initial) _________________ Date