Module Overview
Web services are a lightweight, industry-standard way to make application
functionality available to many different external systems and users. Web services
architecture enables programs that may be written in different languages or even
on different platforms, to communicate with one another in a language- and
platform-independent manner. Applications access Web services through
widespread Web protocols and data formats such as HTTP, XML, SOAP, and
OData. This eliminates concern about how each Web service is implemented.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 supports the creation and publishing of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 data and functionality as web services.
Describe Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Web services architecture.
Explain the protocols Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 uses for Web
Evaluate the benefits of Web services over other integration options
in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Explain how to expose codeunit, page, and query objects as Web
Consume Web services from external applications.
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Prerequisite Knowledge
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports creating and publishing Microsoft
Dynamics NAV functionality as web services. You can expose pages, codeunits, or
queries as web services, and even improve a page web service that uses an
extension codeunit. When you publish Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects as web
services, they are immediately available on the network.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 web services support the following protocols:
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Publishes pages for create,
read, update, and delete access, and codeunits for function call
OData (Open Data Protocol) Publishes pages and queries for read
Web Services Architecture
Web services are a built-in feature of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Server. They
are contained in the same executable file, and run as part of the same service
process in Microsoft Windows. By default, when you install Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013, it is configured to run both SOAP and OData web services. By using
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool, you may turn either of
the web services on or off.
Additional Reading: For more information about Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server Administration Tool, refer to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration Tool topic in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Developer and IT
Pro Help.
Transactions and State
When you make a web service call, no server state is preserved between the calls.
This means that no variables or single-instance codeunits are remembered and no
session is maintained. Therefore, each separate web service call is always a single
independent transaction.
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Module 11: Web Services
Every web service consumer must authenticate with Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013. Web services uses all authentication types that are available in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013. You can also configure the web services to use Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that provides
security and data integrity for data communications over a network. By encrypting
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV web services that use SSL, you make your data and
the network secure and reliable.
Publishing Web Services
Web services automatically publish objects from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 as
SOAP and OData web services. You publish the objects as web services on the
Web Services page in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows.
To publish an object as a web service, follow these steps:
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows.
2. In the Search field, enter “Web Services”, and then click the Web
Services page in the results.
3. Click New.
In the New Web Services page, enter appropriate values in the Object Type,
Object ID, Service Name, and Published fields.
Following definitions of fields that are displayed in the Web Services page.
Field Remarks
Object Type Specifies the type of the object to expose as a web
service. You can select from Codeunit, Page, and
Query options.
Object ID Specifies the ID of the object to expose. You can
enter the ID manually, or select it from the drop-
down list.
Service Name Specifies the name of the web service that is
created for the specified object. The service name
is visible to consumers of the web service and is
used for identifying and distinguishing web
For naming guidance, see the Web Services Best
Practices topic in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 Developer and IT Pro Help.
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Field Remarks
Published Specifies whether the web service is available to
serve the requests. The service is available
immediately when you select this check box.
When you publish a web service for an object, depending on the object type, it is
available as either of the following:
SOAP for codeunits and pages
OData for pages and queries
SOAP Web Services
SOAP web services enable full flexibility for building operation-centric services.
They provide industry standard interoperability. You can use SOAP to interact with
page or codeunit web services in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. SOAP Web
services use the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) to describe their data
structure and methods.
Web service users can discover published web services by pointing a browser or a
tool, such as the Web Services Discovery Tool, at the computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and retrieve a list of available services. For SOAP
web services, you typically enter a URI in a browser to view the discovery
document, which lists published web services, or to view the WSDL document for
a particular web service.
To display all published SOAP web services that are available at a Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance, use a URI of the following type.
Note: Specifying the CompanyName parameter here is optional.
For example, to display all published SOAP web services that are exposed by the
CRONUS International Ltd. demo database, point the browser to the following
To access the WSDL definition of a particular web service, you use the following
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Module 11: Web Services
The following table explains the components of the SOAP web service URI.
Component Remarks
Server The network address of the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Server. For
example, localhost,,
and are all examples of
valid network addresses.
Port The port on which the SOAP web
services are running. The default port is
7047. However, you can configure a
different value.
ServerInstance The name of the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 Server instance. You may
run multiple instances of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 on the same
server. The default value is
DynamicsNAV70. However, you can
configure a different value.
CompanyName The name of the company that you
want to access. This part of the URI is
case-sensitive. Therefore, you must
make sure that you enter it exactly as
the company is named in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013. Otherwise, the
server is unable to locate the web
When you access the WSDL document,
the CompanyName part is optional.
When it is consuming the web service,
it is mandatory.
ObjectType The type of the object. Possible values
are Page and Codeunit.
ServiceName The name of the service, as configured
in the Web Services page in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013. The name is
arbitrary, but every web service of the
same object type must have a unique
The following example displays the WSDL description for the Customer service.
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System Service
You can use the SystemService service in a SOAP web service application to
retrieve a list of companies that are available in a specific database. A company
name is typically part of the URI when you consume a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 web service. The system service lets you retrieve names of available
The SystemService service is available at the following URI.
For example, for a default Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 demo installation, the
SystemService service is available at the following URI.
Page Web Services
When you expose a page as a SOAP web service, you expose a default set of
operations that you can use to manage common operations such as Create, Read,
Update, and Delete. Page-based web services offer built-in optimistic concurrency
management. Each operation call in a page-based web service is managed as a
single transaction.
Codeunit Web Services
When you expose a codeunit as a web service, all functions that are defined in the
codeunit are exposed as operations. This lets you run business logic that is
contained in C/AL code from external applications. For example, external
applications can create new sales orders through a page web service, and also can
call the release or post functions.
Following are several limitations of codeunit web services:
Only global functions are visible as methods. You cannot call local
functions directly from web services.
Each exposed method may only have parameters of a simple type
that map directly to XSD data types. You cannot use complex data
types, such as record, page, or codeunit. The only exception is the
XMLport data type, which is translated to a complex XSD definition.
The XMLport data type enables client applications to map complex
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 data structures to object hierarchies.
Single-instance and ordinary codeunits are the same. A single-
instance codeunit is instantiated one time for each web service call.
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Module 11: Web Services
Page Operations with SOAP Web Services
When you publish a page as a SOAP web service, it has a set of default operations
that are exposed to consumers of the web service.
These operations match the corresponding actions that a user can perform by
interacting with a page in the RoleTailored client. All page and table triggers that
run when a user performs the same action from the RoleTailored client run when
you call a web service operation.
The following table lists the operations and provides links to reference pages.
Operation Description
Create Creates a single record in the
underlying table of a page.
CreateMultiple Creates multiple records of the same
Delete Deletes a single record.
Delete_<part> Deletes a single record from a subpage
on a page. For example, deletes a line
in the Lines subpage of the Sales
Order page.
GetRecIdFromKey Converts a key, which uniquely
represents a record in the database
when it interacts with SOAP web
services, into a string that matches the
Record ID format that is used internally
by Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
IsUpdated Verifies whether another user has
updated a record after it was last read
from the database.
Read Reads a single record.
ReadByRecId Reads a record by Record ID.
ReadMultiple Reads a filtered set of records. This
method lets you page through records,
specify the page size and the key of the
last record read.
Update Updates a single record.
UpdateMultiple Updates multiple records of the same
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All basic page operations are atomic. This means that either all relevant records
are affected or no records are affected, even if there was a faulty condition in only
one record.
Note: Only those methods that match the operations a user can do in the
RoleTailored client are actually present on each page web service. For example, if
page has the ModifyAllowed property set to No, then the Update and
UpdateMultiple operations are not available in the web service.
Extension Codeunits
For SOAP services, you can also use extension codeunits to extend the default set
of operations that are available on a page. Adding an extension codeunit to a
page is useful if you want to perform operations other than the standard Create,
Read, Update, and Delete operations. The benefit of adding an extension codeunit
to a page is that you can make the web service complete by adding operations
that are logical to that service. Those operations can use the same object
identification principle as the basic page operation.
When extending a page web service by using an extension codeunit, you must
create a new web service record that has the same name as the name of the page
web service that you are extending. Do not select the Published check box.
When you configure an extension codeunit for a page web service, add only those
functions as operations to the web service that have the first parameter set to the
Record data type, and the subtype equal to the source table of the page.
OData Web Services
The OData standard is good for web service applications that require a uniform,
flexible, general purpose interface for exposing retrieve operations on a tabular
data model to clients. OData supports Representational State Transfer (REST)
based data services, which enable resources that are identified by using Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URIs). They are defined in an abstract data model (EDM), and
published within corporate networks and across the Internet by using simple
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages. OData services are lightweight with
functionality that is frequently referenced directly in the URI.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 was improved with WCF Data Services, which
implement all the non-NAV specific parts of the OData stack. Visual Studio service
references understand OData services and can generate EDM-based proxies. This
enables the developer to use LINQ to write the data access logic.
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Module 11: Web Services
OData is supported in PowerPivot, a data-analysis add-in to Microsoft Excel 2010
that provides improved Business Intelligence capabilities. PowerPivot supports
sharing and collaboration on user-generated Business Intelligence solutions in a
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 environment.
Additional Reading: For more information about PowerPivot, see
In addition to the AtomPub format, the OData implementation in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 also supports the JSON format. This is a somewhat less
verbose format that may perform better in low-bandwidth environments.
Whereas SOAP web services expose a WSDL document, OData web services
expose an EDMX document that contains metadata for all published web services.
The Entity Data Model (EDM) is a specification for defining the data that is used
by applications that are built on the Entity Framework. EDMX is an XML-based file
format that is the packaging format for the service metadata of a data service.
Obtaining the Service Metadata Document
To obtain the service metadata (EDMX) document for the OData web services that
are published by a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 server instance, use the
following URI.
The following table explains the components of the OData service metadata URI.
Component Remarks
Server The same as that used with SOAP web
Port The port on which the OData web services
run. The default port is 7048. However,
you can configure a different value.
ServerInstance The same as that used with SOAP web
Note: By default, the Company entity type is always present in the EDMX
document, and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 always publishes it.
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Obtaining AtomPub Documents and Feeds
When you publish a page or query web service, you expose an OData service that
can be accessed from a uniform resource identifier (URI) by using a web browser
or any other HTTP client. OData clients can use Atom Publishing Protocol
(AtomPub) documents to interact with Microsoft Dynamics NAV data. AtomPub
documents and feeds are XML.
To obtain a list of companies that use an AtomPub document, use the following
Note: You must modify your Internet Explorer settings to display the actual
XML for a feed instead of the feed content that has changed. In Internet Explorer,
click Tools > Internet Options. On the Content tab, in the Feeds and Web Slices
group, click Settings, and then click to clear the Turn on feed reading view check
box. Restart Internet Explorer to enable the new setting.
Additional Reading: To learn more about AtomPub URI syntax and
possibilities, refer to the How to: Use OData to Return/Obtain an AtomPub
document topic in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Developer and IT Pro Help.
Handling UI Interaction
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, web services are stateless. Each call must either
fully succeed or fail. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 cannot interact with a web
services user in the same manner that the RoleTailored client can. For example, if
the C/AL code in a page opens a confirmation dialog box, a user in the
RoleTailored client can respond to that confirmation. However, the web service
call fails.
When you publish a web service, you must make sure that the code that you are
publish does not assume the ability to interact with a user through the UI. You can
use the GUIALLOWED function to suppress the UI. For example, you can use this
function to determine whether a codeunit is called from the RoleTailored client or
from a web service. You must make sure that you suppress any user interaction,
such as CONFIRM, STRMENU, or the running of pages or reports, when a codeunit
is called from a web service client.
When you implement a conditional code check in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you
should implement the check only around code that could cause an error. You
should not encapsulate the whole business logic.
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Module 11: Web Services
Variables of the Dialog data type or any of the functions that are listed as dialog
functions can cause callback not allowed exceptions when they are called from a
web service application. The MESSAGE function is the only function in this
category that does not cause an exception, and it is suppressed.
The following are other keywords that you should not use:
Also, if you access any client-side Automation or .NET Framework interoperability
objects from the C/AL code during a web-services call, a run-time error occurs.
Registration Web Service
CRONUS International Ltd. wants to automate the seminar registration process as
much as it can. It plans to deploy a website that lets web users see the list of
available seminars and register for scheduled seminars.
Solution Design
The functional requirements document for the CRONUS International Ltd.
implementation includes the following requirements:
External applications must be able to retrieve the list of scheduled
seminars. The information that is available to the external applications
must include at least the following:
o Name of the seminar
o Starting date of the seminar
o Duration of the seminar
o Status of the seminar
o Maximum participants
o Number of registered participants
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External applications must be unable to delete or modify information
about scheduled seminars.
External applications must be able to register new users for a seminar
if the maximum number of participants has not been reached.
Your obvious choice is to use the SOAP web services and expose the necessary
Retrieving List of Scheduled Seminars
External applications must be able to retrieve the list of scheduled seminars.
Reading data is best achieved through a page web service, where you can use the
ReadMultiple method to retrieve multiple records from a page. Because the data
must only be read, your simplest choice is to expose the Seminar Registration
List page. This page already includes most of the information that is specified in
the requirement. The only information that CRONUS requires, and that the page
does not expose, is the number of registered participants. You can solve this by
adding a new flow field to the table, and to the page.
You should try to expose only necessary information to external applications.
Make sure that no sensitive data is available to anyone who does not absolutely
require such data. Because the Seminar Registration List page includes more
information than is specified in the requirement, consider creating a completely
new page specifically for integrating with web services.
Note: It is a good practice to always create a new page specifically for the
web services integration, unless you explicitly want to expose the identical
functionality of the page itself. The most important reason to do this is data
sensitivity and to avoid exposing more information than needed. Another important
reason is to avoid regression issues. If you delete or rename fields, or modify page
or field properties, such as Editable, you may easily cause all external applications to
stop working. By providing a separate page for web services, you completely avoid
these issues.
Note: In the labs in this chapter you will not create a new page, but will reuse
the existing Seminar Registration List page.
For CRONUS, you decided that the risk of exposing the existing page is low.
Because no sensitive data will be made available, you decide not to develop a new
page. Instead, you decide to expose the Seminar Registration List page as a web
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Module 11: Web Services
Preventing Users from Modifying or Deleting Records
Another functional requirement requires you to prevent external users from
modifying or deleting information about scheduled seminars. Because the
Seminar Registration List page is noneditable, you do not have to take any steps
specifically to support this requirement.
Registering through Web Services
When registering students for seminars, seminar managers create new Seminar
Registration Line records through the Seminar Registration page. Therefore,
your first design choice might be to use the Seminar Registration page, and use
its Lines subpage to create new Seminar Registration Line records. However, this
design choice is not a good one, because it violates the previous requirement. If
you expose the Seminar Registration page as a web service, you automatically
enable external applications to perform any operations that seminar managers
can do by using the user interface.
Following are several other alternatives to provide registration functionality:
Expose the subpage directly. This is not a good choice because you
have to add the Document No. and Line No. fields to the Seminar
Registration Subform page. In standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013, these fields are never exposed in the document pages because
they easily could enable users to cause data-related errors or
Provide a separate page specifically for web services use. Although it
is a slightly better choice, it opens the door to a poorly written (or
malicious) external application. This could cause the same data-
related errors or inconsistencies for users as the first option.
Provide an extension codeunit that performs the task through C/AL
logic. We recommend this option as the cleanest one. Therefore, you
will provide a new codeunit, and expose this codeunit as an extension
codeunit for the web service that publishes the Seminar Registration
List page.
The codeunit must contain a function that receives the Customer No. and Contact
No., and inserts a new Seminar Registration Line record. The function must make
sure not to enable the registration of more participants in a seminar than is
specified in the Maximum Participants field.
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Solution Development
To meet the requirements that are defined in the functional requirements
document, you must create and customize several objects.
You must customize the following table.
Table Changes
123456710 Seminar Registration
Add a new flow field that is named
Registered Participants, and configure
it to show the count of registration
You must customize the following page.
Page Changes
123456710 Seminar Registration Add the Registered Participants field.
You must create the following codeunit.
Codeunit Remarks
123456710 Seminar Web
Services Ext.
Contains a function that registers a
participant for a seminar. This codeunit
will be used as an extension codeunit
for the Seminar Registration List
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Module 11: Web Services
Lab 11.1: Creating a Web Service
You are a developer working on a project to implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 for CRONUS International Ltd. Your goal is to develop the necessary changes
to enable external applications to perform select functions of the Seminar
Management module. After you develop changes, you must publish the web
services and verify that they were correctly exposed.
Exercise 1: Customize the Objects
Exercise Scenario
Customize the tables and pages to support CRONUS International Ltd.
Task 1: Customize the Table
High Level Steps
1. Add a flow field to the table 123456710, Seminar Registration
Header that shows the count of corresponding Seminar Registration
Line records.
Detailed Steps
1. Add a flow field to the table 123456710, Seminar Registration
Header that shows the count of corresponding Seminar Registration
Line records.
a. Design table 123456710, Seminar Registration Header.
b. Add the field 61, Registered Participants of type Integer.
c. Set the Editable property to No.
d. Set the FieldClass property to FlowField.
e. Set the CalcFormula property so that it applies the Count method
to the Seminar Registration Line table, and filters the table to
only include those records with the same Document No. as the
No. field of the header.
The CalcFormula field should contain the following expression.
Count("Seminar Registration Line" WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.)))
f. Compile, save, and then close the table.
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Task 2: Customize the Page
High Level Steps
1. Add the Registered Participants field to the Seminar Registration
List page.
Detailed Steps
1. Add the Registered Participants field to the Seminar Registration
List page.
a. Design the page 123456713, Seminar Registration List.
b. Under the repeater control, add a new field control for the
Registered Participants field.
c. Compile, save, and then close the page.
Exercise 2: Configure and Test the Web Service
Exercise Scenario
After you customize the table and the page, you are now ready to configure the
web service for the Seminar Registration List page.
Task 1: Publishing Seminar Registration List
High Level Steps
1. Publish page 123456710, Seminar Registration as a web service of
name ScheduledSeminar.
Detailed Steps
1. Publish page 123456710, Seminar Registration as a web service of
name ScheduledSeminar.
a. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows.
b. In the Search field, enter “Web Services”.
c. Click the Web Services page in the results.
d. Click New.
In the New Web Services page, enter the following information.
Field Value
Object Type Page
Object ID 123456710
Service Name ScheduledSeminar
Published (Selected)
e. Close the New Web Services page.
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Module 11: Web Services
Task 2: Test the Web Service
High Level Steps
1. Use Internet Explorer to verify that the ScheduledSeminar SOAP web
service is available in the DynamicsNAV70 instance on the localhost
Detailed Steps
1. Use Internet Explorer to verify that the ScheduledSeminar SOAP web
service is available in the DynamicsNAV70 instance on the localhost
a. Start Internet Explorer.
b. Browse to the following URL.
c. Verify that you receive a valid XML response.
Exercise 3: Extend the ScheduledSeminar Web Service with
an Extension Codeunit
Exercise Scenario
Your next task is to create a new codeunit with a function that creates a new
Seminar Registration Line record for the specified Seminar Registration Header,
customer, and contact. Then you must expose the codeunit as the extension
codeunit for the ScheduledSeminar web service.
Task 1: Create the Codeunit
High Level Steps
1. Create the codeunit 123456710, Seminar Web Services Ext.
2. Add the RegisterParticipant function that creates a new Seminar
Registration Line for the specified Seminar Registration Header,
customer and contact.
Detailed Steps
1. Create the codeunit 123456710, Seminar Web Services Ext.
a. Create a new codeunit.
b. Save the codeunit as 123456710, Seminar Web Service Ext.
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2. Add the RegisterParticipant function that creates a new Seminar
Registration Line for the specified Seminar Registration Header,
customer and contact.
a. Create a new global function and name it “RegisterParticipant”.
b. Define the following parameters for the function.
Name DataType Subtype Length
SemRegHeader Record Seminar Registration
CustNo Code 20
ContNo Code 20
c. In the RegisterParticipant function, create the following local
Name DataType Subtype
SemRegLine Record Seminar Registration Line
LineNo Integer
d. Define a global text constant Text001, with the following value:
You cannot register for this seminar. Maximum number of
participants has already been registered.
e. In the function trigger for the RegisterParticipant function,
enter the following C/AL code.
LineNo := 10000;
SemRegLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SemRegHeader."No.");
LineNo := LineNo + SemRegLine."Line No.";
SemRegHeader.CALCFIELDS("Registered Participants");
IF SemRegHeader."Registered Participants" >= SemRegHeader."Maximum
Participants" THEN
SemRegLine.VALIDATE("Document No.",SemRegHeader."No.");
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Module 11: Web Services
SemRegLine."Line No." := LineNo;
SemRegLine.VALIDATE("Bill-to Customer No.",CustNo);
SemRegLine.VALIDATE("Participant Contact No.",ContNo);
SemRegLine."Registration Date" := TODAY;
f. Compile, save, and then close the codeunit.
Task 2: Configure the Extension Codeunit
High Level Steps
1. Configure the Seminar Web Service Ext. codeunit as the extension
codeunit for the ScheduledSeminar web service.
Detailed Steps
1. Configure the Seminar Web Service Ext. codeunit as the extension
codeunit for the ScheduledSeminar web service.
a. In the Web Services page in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
client for Windows, click New.
b. Enter the following information for the new web service.
Property Value
Object Type Codeunit
Object ID 123456710
Service Name ScheduledSeminar
Published (not selected)
c. Close the New Web Service page.
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Task 3: Verify the Web Service
High Level Steps
1. Use Internet Explorer to verify that the ScheduledSeminar web service
now includes the RegisterParticipant method.
Detailed Steps
1. Use Internet Explorer to verify that the ScheduledSeminar web service
now includes the RegisterParticipant method.
a. Start Internet Explorer.
b. Browse to the following URL.
c. Verify that the following node exists.
<message name="RegisterParticipant">
d. Close Internet Explorer.
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Module 11: Web Services
Lab 11.2: Create a Windows Forms Application to Test
the Web Service
You must create a simple application to test the newly published web services.
You will create a new C# Windows Forms Application by using Microsoft Visual
Studio. Connect it to the ScheduledSeminar web service. Enable it to display the
list of scheduled seminars, and let users create new registrations.
Now that Web service functions are published (exposed), the next step is to create
an application to use (consume) that published service in an external application.
Exercise 1: Create a new Windows Forms Application
Exercise Scenario
Create a new Windows Forms Application and connect it to the ScheduledSeminar
web service to display the list of scheduled seminars. Let users register for
seminars. At the end of the registration process, display a message that states
whether the registration succeeded or failed.
Task 1: Create the New Application
High Level Steps
1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, create a new C# Windows Forms
2. Add a data grid control to the Form1 form.
3. Add the web service reference for the ScheduledSeminar web service.
4. When the application starts, bind the ReadMultiple results of the
ScheduledSeminar function to the dataGridView1 grid control.
5. Add two text box controls and a button to the form.
6. Add the code to run the RegisterParticipant method on the
ScheduledSeminar web service when a user clicks Register.
7. Test the web service.
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C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013
Detailed Steps
1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, create a new C# Windows Forms
a. Start Microsoft Visual Studio.
b. Click File > New > Project.
c. Under Visual C#, select Windows.
d. In the list of project types, select Windows Forms Application.
e. In the Name field, enter “TestSchedSemWS”.
f. Click OK.
2. Add a data grid control to the Form1 form.
a. In the Toolbox, under the Data group, select the DataGridView
b. Drag the DataGridView control to the Form1 form.
3. Add the web service reference for the ScheduledSeminar web service.
a. In Solution Explorer, right-click References, and then click Add
Service Reference.
b. In the Add Service Reference window, click Advanced.
c. In the Service Reference Settings window, click Add Web
d. In the Add Web Reference window, in the URL field, enter the
e. In the Web reference name field, enter “ScheduledSeminar”.
f. Click Add Reference.
4. When the application starts, bind the ReadMultiple results of the
ScheduledSeminar function to the dataGridView1 grid control.
a. Double-click Form1 to open the Form1.cs editor.
b. At the end of the using block, enter the following C# code.
using TestSchedSemWS.ScheduledSeminar;
c. In the Form1_Load function, enter the following C# code.
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Module 11: Web Services
ScheduledSeminar_Service svc =
new ScheduledSeminar_Service
UseDefaultCredentials = true
dataGridView1.DataSource =
new ScheduledSeminar_Filter[] { },
d. Press CTRL+SHIFT+S to save all changes.
5. Add two text box controls and a button to the form.
a. From the Toolbox, drag the TextBox control to the Form1 form
two times.
b. From the Toolbox, drag the Button control to the Form1 form.
c. Set the Text property on the button1 control to “Register”.
6. Add the code to run the RegisterParticipant method on the
ScheduledSeminar web service when a user clicks Register.
a. Double-click the button1 control.
b. In the button1_Click function, enter the following C# code.
if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
ScheduledSeminar_Service svc =
new ScheduledSeminar_Service
UseDefaultCredentials = true
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C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013
MessageBox.Show("Registration completed.");
catch (Exception ex)
"Web service call has failed , and you receive the following error
message:\n" +
MessageBox.Show("Please, select the scheduled seminar first.");
c. Press CTRL+SHIFT+S to save.
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Module 11: Web Services
7. Test the web service.
a. Press F5 to run the application.
b. Verify that the application displays the list of available Seminar
c. Enter “10000” and “CT100140” into the two text fields.
d. Click Register.
e. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows, verify
that the participant was registered for the seminar.
Note: These steps only work if you already created seminar registrations. If
the list is empty, then you must use the Seminar Registration page to create a
seminar registration. Follow the steps in Appendix to create test records.
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NAV 2013
Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways
Web services are an industry-standard concept that enables applications to
interact regardless of their platform, programming language, or technology.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports SOAP and OData web services, and lets
you publish pages, codeunits, and queries for consumption from SOAP or OData
When you expose a page as a web service, you can access it through SOAP to
create, read, update, and delete records in the page. This guarantees that all
business logic that is contained in page and table triggers execute in the same
manner as if a user performed the operation in the RoleTailored client.
You can expose codeunits as web services and call their global methods. You can
also use codeunits to extend the functionality of page web services by using new
methods, such as registering participants for scheduled seminars.
Finally, you can use pages and queries as sources for the OData web services, and then
use the OData web services from an OData client. One of the best available options for
OData web services consumption is the PowerPivot add-on for Microsoft Office Excel.
Test Your Knowledge
Test your knowledge with the following questions.
1. Which two types of web services can you publish from Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013?
2. Which types of objects can you publish as OData web services?
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Module 11: Web Services
3. What happens when the code execution in web services encounters a
CONFIRM function?
4. Which of the following functions is not a valid operation for a page SOAP web
( ) CreateMultiple
( ) DeleteMultiple
( ) UpdateMultiple
( ) ReadMultiple
5. What are extension codeunits?
6. How do you properly expose an extension codeunit?
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the page you want to extend. Set Service Name field to the
name of the codeunit. Leave the Published field unselected.
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the codeunit. Set Service Name field to the name of the page
web service you want to extend. Leave the Published field unselected.
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the page you want to extend. Set Service Name field to the
name of the codeunit. Select the Published field.
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the codeunit. Set Service Name field to the name of the page
web service you want to extend. Select the Published field.
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NAV 2013
Test Your Knowledge Solutions
Module Review and Takeaways
1. Which two types of web services can you publish from Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013?
SOAP and OData
2. Which types of objects can you publish as OData web services?
Pages and Queries
3. What happens when the code execution in web services encounters a
CONFIRM function?
A run time error occurs.
4. Which of the following functions is not a valid operation for a page SOAP web
( ) CreateMultiple
(√) DeleteMultiple
( ) UpdateMultiple
( ) ReadMultiple
5. What are extension codeunits?
Extension codeunits allow adding operations to page SOAP web services.
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Module 11: Web Services
6. How do you properly expose an extension codeunit?
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the page you want to extend. Set Service Name field to the
name of the codeunit. Leave the Published field unselected.
(√) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the ID
of the codeunit. Set Service Name field to the name of the page web
service you want to extend. Leave the Published field unselected.
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the page you want to extend. Set Service Name field to the
name of the codeunit. Select the Published field.
( ) Create a Web Service entry for a codeunit. Set Object ID field to the
ID of the codeunit. Set Service Name field to the name of the page
web service you want to extend. Select the Published field.
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