Source Routing with Protocol-oblivious Forwarding
(POF) to Enable Efficient e-Health Data Transfers
Shengru Li, Daoyun Hu, Wenjian Fang, Zuqing Zhu
School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Email: {zqzhu}
Abstract—It has already been confirmed that software-defined
networking (SDN) can make the networks more programmable,
adaptive and application aware. However, due to the large-scale
and geographically-distributed nature of wide-area networks
(WAN), the scalability could become a critical issue if we
incorporate SDN for WANs (i.e., realizing SD-WANs). In this
paper, we design and implement a novel network system that can
leverage source routing with the protocol-oblivious forwarding
(POF) to facilitate efficient e-Health data transfers with low
setup latency. We develop the POF-based source routing protocol
to realize a pipeline based packet processing procedure, which
can replace the table-lookup based approach in traditional SDN
networks and make the forwarding plane more efficient. The
proposed scheme is demonstrated experimentally, and the results
verify that with it, the flow-tables installed in each core switches
in a POF-controlled SD-WAN can be minimized and the path
setup latency of traffic flows can be reduced significantly as well.
Index Terms—Software-defined network (SDN), Wide area
network (WAN), Protocol-oblivious forwarding (POF)
Nowadays, the fast development of data-intensive appli-
cations, such as e-Health, e-Science, e-commerce, etc, has
brought us into the Big Data era [1]. It is known that
certain Big Data applications may generate huge volumes
of data, which needs to be transferred over wide-area net-
works (WANs) for timely processing. For instance, in a tele-
medicine network, the health-monitoring devices worn by a
large population of subscribers can contribute a fair amount
of traffic for real-time processing [2, 3]. As the subscribers
usually locate in a geographically dispersed manner, it would
be challenging to transfer the data to the processing module(s)
with low latency. Hence, both flexible architecture and efficient
protocols are required to achieve flexible traffic engineering
in WANs, especially when cloud-based data gathering and
processing are needed [4–9].
Today’s WAN architecture uses distributed traffic engineer-
ing mechanisms to reduce bandwidth congestion, but it has
been proven to be inefficient due to the close coupling of
the control and forwarding planes of the network [10]. In
order to support Big Data applications more efficiently, WANs
also need a more programmable and adaptive architecture with
effective network control and management (NC&M), which is
similar to the innovation trends in other types of networks [11–
14]. Recently, software-defined networking (SDN) has been
proposed as a break-through technology that is promising for
the next-generation Internet due to the fact that it decouples
control and forwarding planes of a network and leverages
centralized NC&M to make it more programmable, adaptive
and application-aware [10]. Thanks to the advances on SDN,
the Big Data related traffic can be managed more efficiently
in WANs. However, due to the large-scale and geographically-
distributed nature of WANs, the scalability could become a
critical issue when incorporating SDN for WANs. Specifically,
when the traffic volume increases, more and more flow-tables
will be installed in the switches, which can use up their
memory, make the table look-up and traffic scheduling in-
creasingly complex, and increase the communication overhead
Unfortunately, the aforementioned issue cannot be ad-
dressed properly with the initial implementation of SDN, i.e.,
OpenFlow [15]. This is because OpenFlow defines protocol-
dependent flow-matching rules, which can lead to repeated
flow-table installations and look-ups in the forwarding plane.
In an OpenFlow-controlled WAN, the interactions between the
switches and OpenFlow controller need to bear a relatively
long communication latency, which is due to the physical
distance between them and intrinsic. Hence, when setting up
a flow by configuring the flow-table on each switch along the
path, the hop-by-hop operation can cause a long setup delay.
Note that, this is especially unwanted for the delay-sensitive
e-Health data transfers that usually operate as mice flows [16].
On the other hand, the increasing volume of flow-tables
could be another killing factor for the software-defined WAN-
s (SD-WANs). Specifically, due to its user population, an
OpenFlow-controlled SD-WAN usually needs to deploy a
huge number of flows [17], each of which may require to
install a flow-table on all the switches along the routing path.
Consequently, the switches’ memory space for flow-tables
can vanish quickly [18]. Further more, as pointed out by
[10], most of the commercially-available OpenFlow-enabled
switches cannot achieve a processing throughput of more than
500 Flow
Mods per second.
In order to address the issues of OpenFlow mentioned
above, recent researches have considered to enhance the pro-
grammability and flexibility of SDN forwarding plane, with
the protocol-oblivious forwarding (POF) technology [19] or
the programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4)
[20]. The basic ideas behind POF and P4 are similar, i.e.,
trying to decouple network protocols from the forwarding
procedure in SDN-enabled switches and make the forwarding
plane reconfigurable, programmable and future-proof. More
specifically, POF develops a protocol-independent instruction
set that allows to express much more flexible packet pro-
cessing than the current OpenFlow specifications [21, 22],
while P4 mainly focuses on designing a high-level network
programming language for protocol innovations. Note that
both approaches have attracted noticeable interests from the
open networking foundation (ONF), and are considered in its
project on protocol-independent forwarding (PIF) [23].
In this paper, we design and implement a novel network
system that can leverage source routing with POF to facilitate
efficient e-Health data transfers with low setup latency. We
develop the POF-based source routing protocol, and experi-
mentally demonstrate that with the proposed scheme, the flow-
tables installed in each core switches in a POF-controlled
SD-WAN can be minimized. Our experimental results also
indicate that the setup latency of the traffic flows can be
reduced significantly. The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. Section II provides a brief survey on the related work.
The operation principle of POF is introduced in Section III.
Then, we describe our design of POF-based source routing in
Section IV, and the experimental demonstrations are discussed
in Section V. Finally, Section VI summarizes the paper.
In order to address the performance issues of SD-WANs,
people have proposed a few approaches. The authors of [24]
proposed the scheme of HyperFlow, which utilizes a logically
centralized but physically distributed control plane to enhance
the performance of OpenFlow-enabled SDN networks. In the
same direction, Dixit et al. [25] designed and implemented an
elastic architecture to coordinate distributed SDN controllers
for reducing the setup latency in SD-WANs. However, it is
known that in order to keep the network status consistent
among the distributed controllers, complicated synchronization
scenarios have to be implemented [26], while the approaches
mentioned above did not address the increased operational
complexity due to the status synchronization. Therefore, the
efficiency of NC&M would be impacted.
On the other hand, researchers have also considered to
reduce the interactions between the control and forwarding
planes. In [27], an architecture named as KeyFlow was pro-
posed, which leverages a residue numeral system (RNS) to
make a forwarding device flow-stateless. Nevertheless, the
approach requires each switch to equip the special reminder
operation in its hardware, and moreover, the network archi-
tecture can hardly adapt to dynamic topology changes. The
authors of [28] considered the OpenFlow-based source routing
approach. Specifically, in each packet, the scheme encapsulates
a series of output ports in one or more header fields supported
by OpenFlow (e.g., VLAN header, MPLS label, etc), to
represent the routing path and the forwarding action on each
hop along it. Then, on the routing path, each OpenFlow switch
will extract its forwarding action in sequence (i.e., matching to
the corresponding field that contains its output port) to direct
the packet to its destination. Hence, multiple flows can share
the same flow-table in a core switch, if their forwarding actions
use the same output port. Nevertheless, the proposed source
routing approach is still protocol-dependent, which means that
the definition of the output port related matching fields needs
to comply with the existing protocols and cannot be adjusted
adaptively for each network. Moreover, with this approach, the
volume of flow-table entries in each core switch still depends
on the maximum number of output ports on a switch. We
believe that this is still sub-optimal, and as we will show later
in this paper, the volume of flow-table entries can be further
reduced with a POF-based approach.
This section briefly reviews the operation principle of POF
and its flow instruction set (POF-FIS) to provide a context
for the rest of the article. Basically, POF inherits the network
architecture of OpenFlow, i.e., a centralized controller resides
in the control plane to manage the forwarding behaviors
of the switches in the forwarding plane with flow-tables.
However, the innovations provided by POF are the protocol-
oblivious description for flow-matching fields and a set of
generic flow instructions, with which protocol-independent
packet forwarding can be realized easily in the switches.
!"#$"% & !"#$"%'( !"#$"%') *#+,-#$
.,-/'0#1," &
.,-/'0#1," (
.,-/'0#1," )
Fig. 1. Packet forwarding procedure in POF switches.
Fig. 1 shows the packet forwarding procedure used in POF
switches. Specifically, the switches use a sequence of generic
key assembly and table lookup instructions to accomplish
packet parsing and flow matching. The key concepts regarding
POF are explained as follows.
Matching Fields: POF simply defines the search key of
a matching field as a tuple <offset, length>. Here, offset
indicates the start-location of the field in a packet (i.e.,
how many bits the packet process pointer should skip
from the beginning of the packet to locate the field), while
length tells the field’s length in bits [19].
POF-FIS: All the instructions in POF-FIS utilize the
tuple <offset, length> to locate the data that they need
to operate on [21]. This provides us the freedom to
manipulate any bit(s) in packets at will, which is far more
flexible than the scheme in OpenFlow. For instance, in
the latest OpenFlow switch specifications (i.e., version
1.5 [15]), the push action is still protocol-specific and
multiple actions have to be defined for each legacy
protocol (e.g., push-MPLS, push-PBB, and push-VLAN).
However, all these push actions can be realized with one
generic instruction in POF, which is add-field. Specifi-
cally, by using add-field, we can insert any field at any
position in a packet. POF-FIS even includes a calculate-
field instruction to provide the support on arithmetic and
logical operations.
Flow Tables: The flow tables stored in a POF-enabled
switch can be classified into four types, i.e., the masked-
match (MM) table, the longest-prefix-match (LPM) table,
the extract-match (EM) table, and the direct table (DT).
These types of tables occupy different memory sizes and
can be searched with various table lookup algorithms.
Note that, a flow entry in all the tables consists of both
matching field(s) and related instruction(s), except for
DT, whose flow entries only include instructions. By
leveraging these tables, the forwarding procedure in a
POF-enabled switch can be abstracted as a data-path
pipeline, and hence the network programmability and
flexibility can be improved significantly.
Metadata Memory: When a switch needs to handle mul-
tiple tables in packet forwarding, it uses metadata mem-
ory to store the flow information that the current table
processing generated for the next. POF-FIS defines three
metadata-related instructions (i.e., write-metadata, write-
metadata-from-packet, and set-field-from-metadata).
In this section, we explain the proposed POF-based source
routing for SD-WANs, and describe both the network ar-
chitecture and the forwarding procedure used by the POF-
enabled switches. Fig. 2 shows the network architecture of
a POF-based SD-WAN, which consists of a centralized POF
controller, and core and edge switches. Note that, the edge
switches work as the gateways to peer networks, while the
core switches focus on packet forwarding inside the SD-WAN.
Fig. 2. Network architecture.
A. Packet Design for Source Routing
Thanks to the protocol-independent nature of POF, there
is no need to reuse the header fields in legacy protocols
(e.g., VLAN and MPLS). Basically, the packet fields can
be tailored specially to enable efficient source routing. Here,
the fields are still designed to store the path information,
and Fig. 3 describes the proposed packet format for POF-
based source routing. Specifically, the source routing related
header fields are inserted in between Ethernet header and IP
header. Moreover, after inserting the new fields, we modify the
type field in Ethernet header to “0x0908 to indicate that the
Ethernet frame contains a POF-based source routing packet.
The detailed descriptions on the new fields are as follows.
Time-to-Live (TTL): This field occupies 8 bits and indi-
cates the remaining hops for the packet to travel to its
destination in the POF-based SD-WAN. Therefore, the
value of this field will be set at the ingress edge switch,
and in each subsequent switch, its value is decreased by
1. When the packet is about to leave the POF-based SD-
WAN, the egress edge switch remove it by applying the
del-field instruction.
Port: This field occupies 32 bits
, and its value identifies
an output port on a POF-enabled switch. Note that, a
source routing packet can contain multiple Port fields to
represent the forwarding path, and all the fields form a
Port stack. Each switch pops the first Port field (i.e., with
<offset=120 bits, length=32 bits>) from the Port stack to
find the output port for the packet. This is done by writing
the value of the Port field to the metadata memory and
removing the field from the packet, i.e., with the write-
data-from-packet and del-field instructions, respectively.
'()%*$ +()",&-./$01$%
23 40"0
3(%" 7 3(%".8 9 3(%".:
! "
#! $%&''()* +,-*(.
Fig. 3. Packet header format designed for POF-based source routing.
B. Procedure for Source Routing based Packet Processing
Figs. 4 and 5 show the principle and detailed procedure of
POF-based source routing, respectively. When the first packet
of a flow arrives at an ingress edge switch, it triggers a Packet-
In message to be sent to the POF controller, since there is no
flow entries to match against. Upon receiving the Packet-In
message, the controller calculates a routing path for the flow,
and sends a Flow-Mod message to the ingress edge switch,
which encodes the designated output port to use on each switch
along the path. The ingress edge switch stores the output ports
in its metadata memory, and will insert them into every packet
of the flow by using POF-FIS. The subsequent core switches
use a pre-installed pipeline-like matching rule that consists
of multiple flow tables to process the packets, which will be
explained in detail in Fig. 6. Note that, since the forwarding
path is encoded in each packet, the core switches do not need
to have any interactions with the controller, and hence the
setup latency is reduced significantly.
POF-FIS enable a lot of functions for the POF-enabled
switches, and thus by leveraging it, we can reduce the pro-
cessing burden on the controller and use source routing to
The length of the field is determined according to the Port-ID defined for
POF-enabled switches [29], as we encode the Port-ID of an output port in
this field.
!"#$%&'()* +,-
Fig. 4. Operational principle of POF-based source routing.
make the data-path much more intelligent. Before explaining
the detailed packet forwarding procedure in the switches, we
introduce several notations to assist the description.
<offset, length>: the field starting from offset with length
{offset, length}: the value of the field determined with
<offset, length> in a packet.
[offset, length]: the value of the field determined with
<offset, length> in the metadata memory.
!"#$ #%"&'()
&%"*+,-) $(./(&
%"*1"*) 1%&*
!%1 #%"&'()
&%"*+,-) $(./(&
:%&( 25+*'$
Fig. 5. Procedures used by edge and core switches for source routing.
Fig. 6 shows the proposed procedure used to process the
flow tables in a core switch for source routing. We use three
flow tables, including two MM tables and one DT table, to
realize the overall source routing functionality as follows.
The source routing packet arrives at the switch first goes
to Table 0, which includes an entry to check the type
field in its Ethernet header, i.e., with <offset, length>
equals <96 bits, 16 bits>. If its value equals 0x0908, we
determines that it is a source routing packet and should
be sent to Table 1.
Table 1 is a DT, and the entries in it only include
instructions, as shown in Fig. 6. Here, the switch executes
the write-metadata-from-packet instruction to copy the
value at <120 bits, 32 bits> (i.e., the Port field to encode
the output port for this hop) to its metadata memory.
Table 2 includes two entries that are used to determine
whether the switch is the packet’s last hop. Specifically,
it checks the TTL field (i.e., <112 bits, 8 bits>). If the
!"#$%& '&())*
)"+,- ./0+12,+34/0
!"#$%&#$'(()*)")+ ,-.-/01234./.5$637 85$639&
!"#$%& 5&(6!*
!"#$%&'(()#%*+,- ./,0
!"#$%& 7&())*
)"+,- ./0+12,+34/0
;-0/<1360D"#$% &#$FC
-G.=G.7 =-2.H10(?)$%@A$BC
036/<1360D&A)$% @A$FC
-G.=G.7 =-2.H10(?)$%@A$BC
Fig. 6. Procedure used to process the flow tables in core switches for source
value of the TTL field equals 1, the switch is the last
hop of this packet and it invokes the del-field instruction
to delete the whole source routing related fields in the
packet and restore the type field in the Ethernet header
to its original value (e.g., 0x0800 for an IPv4 packet).
Otherwise, the switch only removes the Port field for
this hop. The output instruction is then used to forward
the packet to its designated output port (i.e., using the
Port-ID stored in the metadata memory).
Finally, we can see that the overall processing in each
switch behaves like a software program, which verifies the
programmability of POF. Specifically, the processing on the
flow tables can be considered as functions, whose inputs and
outputs are the fields in the packet and the processed packet,
respectively. The metadata memory provides the support on
saving information in temporary variables. The proposed pro-
cedure makes the switches work as a stand-alone entity for
packet processing and minimizes the interactions between the
control and forwarding planes. Furthermore, the number of
flow tables installed on each core switch is fixed as 3, which
is a small constant and does not depends on the maximum
number of output ports on the switches any more. Therefore,
compared with the OpenFlow-based source routing scheme in
[28], our proposed POF-based scheme consumes less memory
on the switches and requires less communication overhead
between the controller and switches.
In this section, we describe our proof-of-concept demon-
stration to verify the functionality of the proposed POF-based
source routing scheme, and evaluates its performance in terms
of path setup latency.
A. Experiments for Functionality Verification
We first build a POF-based network testbed to verify
the functionality of the proposed POF-based source routing
scheme. The testbed consists of several software-based POF-
enabled switches, which are realized by modifying the open-
source POFSwitch [29] and run its instances on stand-alone
high-performance Linux servers. We also extend the POX
platform [30] to develop a POF controller and also runs it on
a Linux server. Fig. 7 shows the configuration of the testbed
for functionality verification, which possesses a line topology
including 4 POF-enabled switch, i.e., two core switches and
two edge switches. Each edge switch connects to an IPv4 host.
We send ICMP
Request packets from Host 1 to Host 2, and
capture the packets in the POF-based network with Wireshark.
Fig. 7. Experimental testbed.
Request packet first arrives at edge switch S
where it finds that there is no match rules configured for it.
Then, S
sends a Packet-In message to the POF controller to
ask for the forwarding policy. The POF controller handles the
Packet-In message, calculates a path together with the output
ports on each hop along it, and instructs edge switch S
!"#$%&'()'*+ ,-./'+0120*3)4.'043)+56708'-9'4
!"#$%&',:; ,-./'+0120*3)4.'043)+56708'-9'4
(a) ICMP packets captured on edge POF switches.
(b) ICMP packets captured on core POF switches.
Fig. 8. Wireshark captures to verify POF-based source routing.
convert the packets to source routing ones by encoding the
output port information in them.
Fig. 8(a) shows the ICMP packets captured on edge switch
. The ICMP Request packet enters the switch from Ethernet
interface eth1, and its designated output port on S
is eth2.
We observe that the packet is converted to a source routing
one, in which the type field in its Ethernet header is changed
to “0x0908”. Meanwhile, we notice that the packet’s length
increases from 88 Bytes to 111 Bytes, which also confirms
that one TTL field (1 Bytes) and three Port fields (12 Bytes)
are inserted into the packet. The ICMP
Reply packet from
Host 2 to Host 1 travels in the opposite direction of the
Request packet. By looking at the type field in its
Ethernet header, we can also see that the packet is converted to
a source routing one at the edge switch. Meanwhile, since Host
2 sends ICMP
Reply to Host 1 to respond to ICMP Request,
we can verify that the egress edge switch of the ICMP Request
packet (i.e., S
) does restore it to a common IPv4 packet.
Fig. 8(b) shows the ICMP packet captured at the Ethernet
interface eth4 of core switch S
. We observe that after passing
one hop, the first Port field in the source routing header
has been removed and the value of the TTL field has been
decreased by 1. The results in Fig. 8(b) indicate that by using
the packet processing procedure in Fig. 6, the core switch can
forward the source routing packets to the designated output
ports successfully.
B. Path Setup Latency
To evaluate the proposed POF-based source routing scheme
further, i.e., without being restricted by the network elements
that we have, we modify Mininet [31] to support POFSwitch.
Then, we emulate the topology in Fig. 7 with Mininet and
increase the number of core switches in the setup to evaluate
the system’s performance on path setup latency. Specifically, in
each experiment in Mininet, we emulate different numbers of
core switches and measure the path setup latency from Host 1
to Host 2. Note that, to emulate the situation in a practical SD-
WAN, we also generate background traffic in the network. We
use OpenFlow as the benchmark for performance comparison.
Fig. 9 shows the results on path setup latency. We can see
that our proposed POF-based source routing scheme achieves
much shorter path setup latency than the traditional scheme
with OpenFlow. Moreover, it can be observed that the path
setup latency from our proposed scheme does not increase
with the number of switches on forwarding path, while for
OpenFlow, the latency does increase significantly. This obser-
vation is crucial to verify that our proposed scheme can fit
into the background of large-scale WANs better.
The reason why the POF-based source routing can achieve
these advantages is two-fold. Firstly, since the controller does
not have an unlimited processing capacity, it could be saturated
if there are a lot of Packet-In messages for new flows and it has
to respond by sending Flow-mod messages to all the switch
on the forwarding paths. Apparently, this would not be an
issue in our proposed scheme, since the controller only needs
to configure the edge switches for path setup and does not
Number of Switches
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Path Setup Latency (ms)
POF-based Source Routing
Fig. 9. Results on path setup latency.
have any interaction with the core switches. Specifically, the
three ow tables shown in Fig. 6 can be pre-installed on each
core switch to process any source routing packets. Secondly,
in OpenFlow, the forwarding path can only be established after
the controller has configured all the switches on it, while our
POF-based source routing scheme only needs to configure
the ingress and egress edge switches. Hence, the message
propagation time can be saved as well.
In this paper, we designed and implemented a novel net-
work system that could leverage source routing with POF
to facilitate efficient e-Health data transfers with low setup
latency. We developed the POF-based source routing protocol
to realize a pipeline based packet processing procedure, which
could replace the table-lookup based approach in traditional
SDN networks and make the forwarding plane more efficient.
The proposed scheme was demonstrated experimentally, and
the results verified that with it, the flow-tables installed in
each core switches in a POF-controlled SD-WAN could be
minimized and the path setup latency of traffic flows could be
reduced significantly as well.
This work was supported in part by the NSFC Project
61371117, the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Uni-
versities (WK2100060010), Natural Science Research Project
for Universities in Anhui (KJ2014ZD38), and the Strategic
Priority Research Program of the CAS (XDA06011202).
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