Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING)
Adrian Reuter
Betreuer: M.Sc. Edwin Cordeiro
Seminar Future Internet WS2016
Lehrstuhl Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste
Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München
This paper analyses the source routing strategy, which is an
alternative to the shortest-path-first strategy. It depicts use
cases for source routing and provides an insight into a new
source routing mechanism currently developed by the IETF
SPRING working group. The design requirements identi-
fied by the working group as well as the proposed architec-
ture and implementational approaches are explained. The
paper further presents alternative source routing solutions
and compares them to the SPRING working group solution.
The paper concludes with a prospect of challenges that the
SPRING solution is likely to face in deployment.
Source Routing, Source Packet Routing, Segment Routing,
Within internetworking infrastructure, the shortest path -
respective to the metric in use - is the most common stan-
dard strategy for forwarding decisions. Routers interconnect
separate networks and forward traffic from the source to the
destination. Every router decides on its own where to steer
a packet, according to its Routing Information Base (RIB)
and its Forwarding Information Base (FIB). The informa-
tion stored in these bases are established either manually
or via routing protocols. Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP)
such as OSPF or IS-IS are used to exchange routing informa-
tion between routers within an Autonomous System (AS),
whereas Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP) such as BGP
are used to communicate routing information between au-
tonomous systems [1].
However, there are multiple scenarios in which a node may
wish to determine a specific set of nodes that shall be tra-
versed while delivering a packet to its destination, or even
impose an explicit path through the network topology for
reaching the destination. The strategy of imposing a par-
tial or entire path on a packet is called Source Routing and
can be a powerful mean towards efficient and programmable
networks [2]. For this reason this paper will depict the man-
ifold use cases for source routing and present source routing
solutions that have been implemented or are currently in
Sections 1.1 and 1.2 provide an insight into mechanisms and
protocols that are crucial for understanding the work in de-
velopment by the SPRING working group. While section 2
concentrates on the source routing solution that is currently
developed by the IETF, section 3 presents alternative so-
lutions originating from academic research, standardisation
organisations or industrial development.
1.1 IPv6 Extension Headers
The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is located on the net-
work layer (layer 3) of the ISO/OSI model and offers logical
end-to-end addressing for network communication. Besides
the standard header fields that most notably include source
and destination address, IPv6 provides the ability to attach
additional information to IP packets by so-called extension
headers. Extension headers enable extended and optional
functionalities for IP packets, such as fragmentation, rout-
ing options, authentication or encrypted encapsulation [3].
They consist of a ’Next Header’ field indicating the subse-
quent header type, a ’Hdr Ext Len’ field defining the length
of the extension header, and varying header-specific data
[4]. Extension headers immediately follow the IPv6 stan-
dard header and are announced by the ’Next Header’ field
of the preceding header. That means the standard header
might announce an extension header in its ’Next Header’
field, while the extension header announces another exten-
sion header (or a layer 4 protocol header) in its own ’Next
Header’ field [3].
1.2 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
Conventional routers make their forwarding decisions ac-
cording to a longest prefix match. This results in each and
every router along the path to the destination deciding on
its own where to route a packet; choosing the longest match
between the destination IP address of the incoming packet
and the network addresses with their prefix lengths stored
in the Routing Information Base [1]. Multiprotocol Label
Switching (MPLS) is used mostly in backbone networks,
service provider networks or huge company networks, and
enables routers within a MPLS-domain to forward packets
only according to a prepended label. Such a label specifies
the affiliation of a packet to a Forwarding Equivalence Class
(FEC), which is defined by RFC 3031 [5] as a group of IP
packets which are forwarded in the same manner (e.g., over
the same path, with the same forwarding treatment)”.
A MPLS-enabled router at the border of a MPLS-domain
analyzes incoming IP datagrams and assigns them to a FEC
by prepending a 20-bit label. As consequence the network
layer protocol and its addressing scheme is only analyzed
once, that is when entering the MPLS-domain [5]. The la-
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31 doi: 10.2313/NET-2017-05-1_05
bel is most commonly prepended with the help of a so-called
shim header, a small header inserted between the layer 2
and layer 3 headers [5]. Other MPLS routers within the do-
main will forward the packet based on the label. They can
also add further labels to the packet and thus create a label
stack. Label meanings are exchanged between routers by
dedicated protocols such as LDP and RSVP, or extensions
to other protocols such as BGP [5].
In order to advance the research and standardization of a
flexible and universal source routing mechanism, the Inter-
net Engineering Task Force (IETF) has formed a working
group (WG) in 2013. This WG, called Source Packet Rout-
ing in Networking (SPRING), is chartered to identify source
routing use cases as well as defining the requirements and
mechanisms for implementing, deploying and administrating
source routing enabled networks [6]. The working group yet
developed a new source routing mechanism called segment
routing [7], which is discussed in section 2.3. It further in-
troduced two implementational approaches [8, 9], which will
be discussed in section 2.4 and 2.5. The working group is
currently preparing their final document revisions for a tech-
nical review and adoption to IETF standards track [10].
2.1 Requirements and Design Goals
The SPRING WG charter [6] defines some fundamental de-
sign goals and general requirements for the new source rout-
ing mechanism to be worked on. With regard to IPv6 re-
placing IPv4 in near future, the working group agreed on
not taking IPv4 into consideration and developing an IPv6-
only based solution [6]. The new source routing mechanism
is ought to be downward compatible with existing protocols
and layers and should minimize modifications to existing ar-
chitectures. This is a central requirement for an incremental
and selective enrollment of the new mechanism in the con-
text of existing network hardware resources and infrastruc-
tures [2]. To be able to traverse non-source-routed network
sections, the new source routing solution needs to provide in-
teroperability with conventional non-source-routed networks
or subnets [6].
Furthermore intermediate routers shall be able to forward
packets based on routing information attached to the pack-
ets themselves instead of per-path state information stored
at those intermediate routers. That means the path (or a
partial path) to be taken to reach the destination is en-
coded in the packet header, and is not decided by routers
on the path. It is important to notice that the node im-
posing the source-routed path (in the following proceeding
denoted as ’source’) is not necessarily the originator of a
packet, but might also be for example a router at the border
of a source-routed domain [6]. After all, the SPRING WG
solution must define a basic security concept to encounter
common security issues, such as malicious packet injection
or traffic amplification. This security concept might be en-
hanced by additional security mechanisms deployed by the
operator, individually fitting the needs [2, 6].
2.2 Source Routing Use Cases
Source routing is a useful technique for various reasons. In a
nutshell, source routing can be particularly used for tunnel-
ing network traffic, offers resiliency enhancing possibilities
and allows for simplified traffic engineering. Of course fur-
ther potential use cases exist and might show up as soon as
source routing found wide adoption and a stable and uni-
versial standard mechanism has been released.
2.2.1 Traffic Engineering
Xiao et al. provide a concise definition of traffic engineer-
ing [11], stating that Traffic Engineering is the process of
controlling how traffic flows through one’s network so as to
optimize resource utilization and network performance”. Ad-
ditionally to the optimization aspect, traffic engineering also
allows for implementing service level agreements from a tech-
nical point of view, e.g fulfilling agreements between cus-
tomer and internet service provider about guaranteed band-
width, delay, stability or throughput [12]. Besides perfor-
mance concerns, source routing can help implementing for-
mal requirements or administrative policies for traffic trans-
mission and traffic separation, e.g. governmental dictations
or separation of security sensitive traffic flows in certain busi-
nesses [12].
It is obvious that traffic engineering is an indispensable mea-
sure in todays backbone networks, service provider networks
and large enterprise networks that consist of many routers,
redundant links and alternative paths to increase reliabil-
ity, enhance performance and avoid congestion [13]. Using
source routing, alternate paths to the same destination can
be easily imposed to a packet without the need of state-
ful per-flow routing information established on intermedi-
ate nodes, which would elsewise be needed to decide where
to forward a packet [12]. Load sharing and load balanc-
ing can be achieved by source routing traffic over different
paths, even through non-parallel links and even if two dis-
tinct paths share the same costs (Equal Cost Multiple Path
(ECMP) routing) [2].
2.2.2 MPLS Tunneling
Source Routing in combination with MPLS is a useful and
efficient technique to build Virtual Private Networks (VPN),
that are transparent for users. IP-based tunneling mecha-
nisms such as IPsec or L2TP encapsulate IP traffic within IP
datagrams and thereby rely on the forwarding mechanism of
the IP protocol themselves.
However, MPLS allows to tunnel IP traffic seemlessly with-
out encapsulating it into a network layer protocol again,
while providing a more direct access on path selection. More-
over internet service providers sometimes also offer Virtual
Private Wire Services (VPWS), meaning they connect spa-
tially distributed customer networks on link layer basis by
tunneling link layer traffic via their backbone networks [14].
Source routing, which can be implemented on MPLS data
plane [2], enables operators to more efficiently create such
tunnels and control the data flows and path selections in a
direct manner [12].
2.2.3 Resiliency use cases
Source routing constitutes a base mechanism for increasing
resiliency, offering fast rerouting capabilities by allowing im-
position of alternative paths [2]. Resiliency can be improved
by calculating backup paths through a network topology in
order to face link failures or node failures on the designated
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Network Architectures and Services, May 2017
32 doi: 10.2313/NET-2017-05-1_05
path from source to destination [2, 15]. Path protection is
a technique that augments resilience by calculating a com-
plete disjoint secondary path from source to destination, i.e.
using only disjoint intermediate nodes and links to reach the
destination [15].
In contrast to path protection, resiliency can be also im-
proved by either bypassing only a faulty link and then re-
turning to the originally designated path, or by bypassing
the entire faulty node and thus using an alternative short-
est path to the destination [15]. Furthermore source routing
can be a mean to bridge temporary microloops [2], which
might occur during the short-lived convergence phase of the
IGP protocol in use, as routing information is not consis-
tent across all routers at this point time [15]. Source rout-
ing helps avoiding these temporary microloops by imposing
an explicit path through the network topology to all pack-
ets that need to be forwarded during the convergence phase.
The latter is possible because source routing can operate in-
dependently and regardless of inconsistent routes, metrics,
and priorities that are being established during convergence
phase and which are causing these loops [15].
2.3 Segment Routing
Segment routing is a new source routing mechanism devel-
oped by the IETF SPRING working group. It is based on
so-called segments [7]. The SPRING architecture [7] defines
that a segment represents an instruction a node executes
on the incoming packet (e.g.: forward packet according to
shortest path to destination, or, forward packet through a
specific interface, or, deliver the packet to a given applica-
tion/service instance)”. A segment and its associated Seg-
ment Identifier (SID) is advertised within the segment rout-
ing domain with the help of the Interior Gateway Protocol
(IGP) in use. Therefore the SPRING working group has de-
fined extensions for the IGP protocols OSPF [16], OSPFv3
[17] and IS-IS [18]. With the help of these extensions, those
protocols are able to carry the necessary segment routing sig-
naling information. Segment routing introduces three major
types of segments [19, 7]:
IGP-Prefix Segments
IGP-Node Segments
IGP-Adjacency Segments
Each of these segment types are discussed in the following
sections. The term ingress node identifies the node at which
a packet enters the segment routing domain, whereas egress
node identifies the node at which a packet exits the segment
routing domain.
2.3.1 IGP-Node Segment
An IGP-node segment has global scope and thus is identi-
fied by a globally unique SID. Each node is assigned a SID
and advertises its nodal segment via the IGP protocol [20].
Global scope in this context means that all nodes within a
segment routing domain add an entry in their Forwarding
Information Base for the instruction associated with that
segment [12]. The node identified by the node-SID is always
reached by the shortest path, which is determined by the
Figure 1: Node Segments [20]
IGP algorithm [7]. That means an ingress node can impose
a source route to a packet by specifying another node to be
traversed by prepending the correspondent node-SID to that
Figure 1 shows an exemplary scenario: Node R advertised its
node-SID 70 to all other nodes within the domain. Node S
can instruct incoming packets to traverse node R by prepend-
ing the node-SID 70 to it. Hence the packet will be either
forwarded via the path {S,A,B,R} or {S,C,D,R}, depending
on which of both paths have been investigated as the short-
est path. Intermediate nodes do not change the prepended
SID, thus symbolically swapping it from 70 to 70, except
for the last node. The last node on the path towards R is
directly connected to R and thereby can remove the SID as
this information is not needed anymore [20].
2.3.2 IGP-Prefix Segment
In fact, a nodal segment is a special case of an IGP-prefix
segment, as a nodal segment represents a specific node by
advertising a prefix of full address length [19]. In general a
node can advertise the network prefixes it is attached to with
the help of prefix segments, assigning a global segment iden-
tifier to each of them (referred to as prefix-SID) [7, 19]. Pre-
fix segments are principally treated and forwarded the same
way as explained in section 2.3.1 for nodal segments, with
the difference that a certain prefix-SID is only advertised by
those nodes that are attached to the respective (sub)network
and thus can advertise a route to it within the IGP domain
[19]. Prefix segments consequently also have global relevance
within the segment routing domain [7].
2.3.3 IGP-Adjacency Segment
An IGP-Adjacency segment in turn has only local scope and
thus is identified by a node-locally unique SID. A adjacency
segment can be assigned to a specific unidirectional link that
is directly attached to a node [7]. This type of segment is
likewise advertised within the whole segment routing domain
via the IGP protocol in use, but is only installed into the
Routing Information Base (RIB) of remote nodes [21]. That
means remote nodes can use the SIDs for imposing a route
that steers a packet over specific links, but do not install an
forwarding entry in their own Forwarding Information Base
(FIB) [21]. The latter is only done by the node that adver-
tises the adjacency segment [7].
Multiple SIDs of different types can be stacked and all SIDs
together compose the path to be traversed. The imposed
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33 doi: 10.2313/NET-2017-05-1_05
Figure 2: Node and Adjacency Segments [20]
path can either be fully explicit and complete, or define por-
tions of the path while the regular shortest-path algorithm
determines the rest of the path [7, 20]. Figure 2 shows com-
bined usage of an adjacency and nodal segments: Node B
installed an adjacency segment with SID 10000 in its FIB
and advertised it to all other nodes. Additionally node B is
also allocating a nodal segment with SID 71. Node R is also
allocating a nodal segment with SID 70. An ingress node S
can steer packets over the path {S,A,B,D,R} to reach node
R by prepending the SIDs {71,10000,70}. Firstly, SID 70
steers packets to node B via shortest-path-first, SID 10000
then causes packets to be forwarded through the directly
attached link to node D, and node D is forwarding packets
towards R because of SID 70 [20].
2.4 Implementation via MPLS
The implementation of segment routing using the MPLS
data plane is pretty straight forward as the forwarding plane
is kept unmodified [9]. Since MPLS is a label switching
mechanism, it already offers labels that can be used to rep-
resent and encode the SIDs [9]. MPLS also offers to stack
labels, which allows to stack multiple segment identifiers. It
also defines appropriate operations to process and to ma-
nipulate the label stack, such as push, pop and swap [5].
The currently active segment to be processed is always con-
sidered to be the top of the label stack, with the next seg-
ments below accordingly [9]. The main difference between
pure MPLS and MPLS for segment routing is, that segment
routing does not depend on any additional label distribution
protocols such as LDP or RSVP and thus reduces opera-
tional complexity. Only the IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is needed,
which is in use either way [9].
2.5 Implementation via IPv6
The motivation for an additional IPv6-only based imple-
mentation of the segment routing mechanism is, that some
network operators cannot or wish not to deploy MPLS in
their IPv6 network [22]. An IPv6-only implementation can
be in favor of an easier network administration, a lack of
MPLS-enabled hardware or simply better scalability then
offered by MPLS label [22]. For more details, this IETF
draft IPv6 SPRING Use Cases” [22] explaines some IPv6-
only use cases of segment routing.
Segment routing functionality is added to IPv6 by a new
routing extension header of type 4, called Segment Routing
Header (SRH). As illustrated in Figure 3, the SRH carries a
list of SIDs [8]. SIDs are encoded as IPv6 addresses instead
of labels as it is the case when using MPLS. The IPv6 ad-
dress of a segment routing node serves as node-SID, whereas
an adjacency-SID can be any global or local IPv6 address
that is not already in use [8]. When reaching the ingress
node of a segment routing domain, the original IPv6 data-
gram is encapsulated with an outer IPv6 header and the
SRH [8]. The currently active SID is always copied into
the destination address field of the new outer standard IPv6
header, and is further located within the segment list con-
tained in the SRH by the index in the Segments Left field
[8]. The Policy List fields in the SRH are optional and might
for example indicate the ingress router at which the packet
entered the segment routing domain or the egress router at
which the packet is ought to leave the segment routing do-
main [8].
2.6 Security Considerations
The segment routing architecture assumes a basic trust mo-
del: Any node imposing a segment routed path to a packet
is legitimate to do so [2]. Hence the operator of a segment
routing enabled network has to ensure that all participating
nodes within the segment routing domain are trustworthy
and are not compromised by malicious evildoers [8]. Fur-
thermore the IPv6-only implementation offers the opportu-
nity to authenticate the segment routing header by an op-
tional HMAC signature field. Consequently, within domains
that strictly protect and apply the pre-shared secret key for
HMAC computation, no attackers can impersonate as legit-
imate segment routing nodes [8]. Moreover, RFC 7785 [2]
explicitly mandates that a segment routing implementation
MUST NOT expose any source-routing information when a
packet leaves the trusted domain” and should filter incoming
packets from outside the domain that carry segment routed
paths [2].
Besides the IETF SPRING working group’s standardization
efforts, several other source routing solutions exist. A se-
lected set of wellknown and commonly used mechanisms
is presented in this chapter. However the heterogeneity of
these techniques with regard to efficiency, scalability and
maintainability highlights the need of a universal solution.
The development of the latter is subject to the SPRING
working group.
3.1 Obsolete IPv6 RH0 Extension Header
The Internet Protocol Version 6 defines a source routing
mechanism that can be optionally applied by an routing ex-
tension header of type 0 (short: RH0) [3]. The extension
header allows to define an arbitrary list of non-multicast
IPv6 addresses that need to be transitted before reaching
the last address of the list, which is representing final des-
tination [3]. The length of this list is only limited by the
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and the resulting max-
imum packet size [23].
This routing extension header of type 0 has been deprecated
by the IETF due to security concerns and thus is filtered by
the majority of routers and firewalls [24]. The fact that the
list of addresses can contain arbitrary (non-multicast) en-
tries allows for addresses to appear multiple times. As worst
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Network Architectures and Services, May 2017
34 doi: 10.2313/NET-2017-05-1_05
0 8 16 24 32
Next Header Hdr Ext Len
Routing Type
Segments Left
First Segment
Segment List[0] (128 bits ipv6 address)
Segment List[n] (128 bits ipv6 address)
Policy List[0] (optional)
Policy List[3] (optional)
HMAC (256 bits) (optional)
Figure 3: IPv6 Segment Routing Header
case this circumstance can be abused to keep packets trav-
elling between two nodes, consuming bandwidth, switching
capacity and processing power on all nodes along this cyclic
path [24]. The routing header can thereby be used by at-
tackers to compose Denial of Service (DoS) attacks with
high efficiency; injected traffic is amplified many times as
RH0 enables packets to be routed back and forth [24].
3.2 MPLS with RSVP or LDP
Huge networks that are operated and administrated by a
central organizational unit, such as internet service provider
networks, extensive company networks or content delivery
networks, are often optimized and strengthened by traffic
engineering policies. Up to now MPLS is the method of
choice to accomplish traffic engineering via source routing
[22]. Dedicated protocols such as the Label Distribution Pro-
tocol (LDP) and Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) are
necessary to communicate label meanings and establish per-
flow states on all nodes along a path [25]. Each unidirec-
tional flow needs a label-switched path to be configured on
MPLS nodes (called tunnel), i.e. new flow-dependent la-
bels are installed on all MPLS routers on the path from the
head-end towards the tail-end router [26]. Both protocols,
LDP and RSVP, are used for building up and maintaining
such tunnels, but signalization with LDP is limited to the
IGP-based shortest-path-first routes, whereas RSVP uses a
constrained SPF-algorithm and thus allows for more sophis-
ticated and explicit path configuration [25].
3.3 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and
Lossy Networks (RPL)
The Routing Protocol for low-power and lossy networks
(RPL) is a routing protocol based on the distance-vector
algorithm. It has been developed for networks that contain
components which are limited in memory, bandwidth, en-
ergy and computational power [27]. It only supports IPv6
and helps reducing routing complexity for low-power routers
by using the source routing paradigm. As result routers do
not need to maintain extensive routing information bases
as the path is already encoded in the IPv6 packet. There-
fore RPL defines an IPv6 routing extension header of type 3
which carries a list of all next hop addresses needed to reach
the final destination [27].
RPL only allows for strict hop-by-hop source routing and
tunnels traffic by encapsulating the original incoming IPv6
datagram into a second outer IPv6 header (and its exten-
sion header), if the router is not the originator of the packet
itself. If the latter is the case, the packet does not need be
encapsulated into a second IPv6 header and the routing ex-
tension header is directly added to the original IPv6 header
[27]. The destination IP address of the (outer) IP header
represents the next hop to be visited and is switched to the
next address upon reaching the designated next hop. It is
important to note that RPL source routing headers have
only significance within the RPL domain and must not be
carried into other RPL domains [27].
3.4 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Protocol
for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is a self-orga-
nizing protocol that is well suited for wireless networks that
operate adhoc and without designated infrastructure [28].
Topologies of such networks typically contain nodes located
on opposite ends of the network and hence being out of di-
rect range to each other. Such nodes are dependent on other
nodes in between to forward packets originated by or des-
tined for them [29]. Moreover, wireless adhoc networks often
face high node mobility, thus including nodes that change
their location within the network topology as well as occa-
sionally quitting and entering the network [29].
DSR is a protocol that is self-adapting to topology changes
by determining on-demand which paths are currently avail-
able towards the destination. A node discovers the path(s)
to a target on-demand by a broadcasting a Route Request
message to all neighboring nodes within transmission range.
The request contains an ID as well as a list of IP addresses
that were previously visited (initially empty) [28, 30]. Re-
ceiving nodes either discard the packet because they have
received a request with the same ID before, broadcast it
again within their transmission range while appending their
IP address to the list of intermediate hops, or respond to it
with a Route Reply message because they are the target of
the request. The Route Reply is containing a copy of the
list of intermediate hops. The final list that is sent with the
Route Reply is used by the initiator of the request for im-
posing source routes to the packets destined for the target
node [28, 30]. Discovered routes are cached in the routing
information base and can be used for future packets until the
path gets invalid and packets cannot be delivered. In this
case the old route is removed from the routing table and a
known alternative route is used, or a new route is discovered
[28]. Various versions and extensions of DSR exist, offering
additional quality properties and optimizations with regard
to security [31, 32], energy efficiency [33], node-disjoint paths
[34] and many more aspects.
Comparing the different source routing approaches presented
above, the heterogeneity of these techniques with regard
to efficiency, scalability and maintainability is remarkable.
MPLS using LDP or RSVP for label distribution especially
lacks easy maintainability due to complex protocol formats
and complex interaction and synchronization of multiple
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Network Architectures and Services, May 2017
35 doi: 10.2313/NET-2017-05-1_05
protocols [35, 36]. In addition RSVP lacks good scalabil-
ity due to its point-to-point concept [37].The obsolete IPv6
RH0 extension header has no importance for today’s net-
works any longer, as it was officially deprecated by the IETF
and is filtered by most routers and firewalls. However it is
mentioned in this proceeding because other solutions were
inspired by it and learnt from that negative example with
regard to security. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol
is a well-suited solution for wireless adhoc networks and is
also efficiently supporting node mobility [28]. Due to its
on-demand approach the signaling overhead is reduced to
only those routes that are actually requested [30]. Further-
more no periodic updates flood the network. The signaling
overhead can be further reduced by caching not only routes
retrieved from node-specific requests but also analyzing all
Route Reply messages that have been provoked by other
nodes. Moreover one single Route Request message dis-
covers many alternative routes to the destination if present
[30]. This results in excellent efficiency for topologies with
low node mobility, while signaling overhead and outdated
cache states rise with increasing node mobility [28].Segment
Routing benefits the most of its seemless integration into
both existing MPLS infrastructure and IPv6 networks. Be-
cause of its extensions for OSPF and IS-IS, segment routing
requires no additional protocol other than the IGP that is
already in use [9]. Therefore segment routing reduces the
complexity of the source routing architecture and allows for
simplified administration and maintenance of source routed
network domains [38]. Providing the opportunity to steer
traffic over specific links permits to use segment routing for
efficient traffic engineering purposes. Furthermore the IPv6
implementation of segment routing offers authentication and
integrity protection of the imposed source route via HMAC
[8], which is not offered by MPLS, RPL or DSR by default.
In a nutshell, all mechanisms that encode the source route
in packets have in common that the overhead per packet
increases with the route length. On the other hand, mech-
anisms that do not encode the source route in packets but
maintain per flow states on intermediate nodes tend to scale
worse and require more memory and processing power on
source-routing enabled network components.
With todays extensive and increasing usage of network in-
frastructure, source routing will become a key technology
for large-scale networks in oder to optimize traffic flows and
implement traffic policies. Especially with regard to content
delivery networks and the associated tremendous amout of
data to be exchanged, source routing will more and more
become an important mean for an efficient allocation of in-
frastructure resources. The growth of giants like Youtube,
Amazon, Netflix and many other multimedia streaming ser-
vices and IPTV services indicate an outrageous network load
that will increase even more and needs to be accommodated
in future. Segment Routing is a promising technique that
shows potential to establish an universal standard for source
routing. Segment Routing seems to be an appealing tech-
nique for producers of networking hardware and network
operators. The industrial interest in a unified and standard-
ized source routing solution is quite obvious, as the IETF
SPRING working group experiences broad support of huge
companies such as Cisco, Nokia, Juniper and some more,
which attend the working group’s meetings or even send as-
sociates to contribute to the working group’s activities.
The success of segment routing will largely depend on the
security of this technology, because this has already been
a deal-breaker in the past (just recall the abandoned IPv6
RH0 extension header). The future will show whether net-
work operators succeed in preventing abuse through mali-
cious attackers. Since backbone and provider networks have
always been worthwhile targets for attackers as they offer
the potential to paralyze or spy a large portion of the in-
ternet traffic, one can be sure that hackers will sound every
security flaw that comes with segment routing. Considering
the tremendous and continuously growing sizes of internet
service provider networks or data center architectures, op-
erating secure segment routing will be a challenging task.
Especially with regard to an attacker from the inside of a
segment routing domain, who is not restrained by the as-
sumed basic trust model, but is quite likely due to many
staff members, security will be a challenge to cope with.
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