Mental Health Network Governance
and Strategic Alignment Project.
Document Control
Document Title
Mental Health Network Governance and Strategic Alignment Project
- Steering Committee Terms of Reference
TRIM File Name
Mental Health Network Governance and Strategic Alignment Project
- Steering Committee Terms of Reference
TRIM File No.
TRIM Doc No.
Version No.
Version Date
Release and approval
Reviewed by
John Brearley
Kim Lazenby
Record of issue
Reason and comment
First draft
Minor amendment made
endorsed by Steering
John Brearley
Assistant Director System Engagement
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Mental Health Network Governance and Strategic Alignment Project
1. Purpose
The Steering Committee is responsible for managing the performance and delivery of the Mental
Health Network (MHN) Governance and Strategic Alignment Project as described in the MHN
Governance and Strategic Alignment Project Terms of Reference and Project Plan.
2. Governance
3. Objectives
The Steering Committee will provide strategic oversight and guidance to the project to ensure
deliverables are met, and outcomes are robust and implementable. In particular this includes:
1. Reviewing and endorsing the Project Plan to ensure it will meet the project objectives.
2. Reviewing and endorsing any changes to the project scope or Project Plan that arise during
the project.
3. Monitoring the performance and ensuing overall progress of all aspects of the project
(governance, scope, priorities, deliverables, milestones and reporting).
4. Reviewing and endorsing key project decisions and reports.
5. Working with the Mental Health Commission (MHC) project team and external consultant to
guide the direction of the project.
6. Ensuring the views of key system stakeholders are represented throughout the project.
7. Overseeing the conceptual development of new documentation and materials and providing
input and guidance into the Program Charter.
8. Assisting the project team in identifying and managing risks and issues and providing
direction, advice and support to ensure these are addressed.
9. Advising the Mental Health Leads Sub-Committee (MHLS), Mental Health Executive
Committee (MHEC) and Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Council (CMC)
on project performance and outcomes.
4. Membership
Assistant Director, System Engagement Mental Health Commission (Co-Chair)
MHN Community Co-Lead (Co-Chair)
MHN Clinical Co-Lead
A/Principal Policy Officer, System Engagement MHC
Two x MHN Executive Advisory Group (EAG) representatives (one Lived Experience
Three x MHN Sub Network Steering Committee representatives (one Lived Experience
MHC Liaison Representative
5. Secretariat
The Secretariat will be provided by the MHC project team.
6. Roles and Responsibilities
MHC Co-Chair
Ensure the Committee meets their objectives and that the Terms of
Reference are applied throughout the term of the project.
Determine any items that require urgent consideration by the
Committee out-of-session
Provide regular briefings to the MHC Commissioner and Minister for
Mental Health as required
Provide feedback to the MHLS, MHEC and CMC as required
Work with MHC Project Team and external consultant to ensure
project is delivered.
MHN Co-Chair
Ensure the Committee meets their objectives and that the Terms of
Reference are applied throughout the term of the project.
Determine any items that require urgent consideration by the
Committee out-of-session
Capture relevant key messages and provide regular updates to
MHN EAG, MHN Sub Network Co-Chairs and Sub Network Steering
Committees as required
Provide feedback to wider Project Steering Committee members
from Sub Networks as required
Work with MHC Project Team and external consultant to ensure
project is delivered.
Monitor and review the project’s performance, including progress of
outputs, and provide advice to support the achievement of
objectives as required
Work with the project team and external consultant to identify key
consultation and engagement
Assist with the development and operationalisation of project
Manage the meeting schedule
Compile meeting agendas
Note/Action taking
Distribute documents
Other coordination functions as required
7. Meeting Frequency
The Committee will meet fortnightly for the life of the project (3 months) with reasonable out of
session contact as required.
8. Quorum
A quorum will consist of at least 5 members.
9. Attendance
If a member is unable to attend they may send a proxy with the prior approval of the Chair via
the Secretariat.
The proxy must represent the project priorities as set out in the MHN Governance and Strategic
Alignment Project Terms of Reference and this MHN Governance and Strategic Alignment
Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference.
10. Standing Agenda Items
1. Project status update
2. Communique endorsement
11. Minutes
Formal minutes will not be taken however Notes and Action items will be prepared in draft form
and provided to members within 5 working days of each Committee meeting, following initial
review by the Chair. A decision and action log will be maintained by the Secretariat.
12. Out-of-session Items
At the discretion of the Chairs, items may be considered out of session if deemed urgent and/or
requiring immediate attention.
Members must propose out of session items to the Chair via the Secretariat.
13. Conflict of Interest
In accordance with the MHC Code of Conduct, members shall continually monitor and disclose
any conflict of interest. All declarations of conflicts of interest will be recorded in meeting minutes
and a conflict of interest register.
14. Confidentiality
Steering Committee members, attendees and any proxies may have access to information that
is not in the public domain or that constitutes cabinet-in-confidence, commercial-in-confidence
or sensitive personal information. Members will treat this material as strictly confidential and will
maintain all documents in a confidential manner.
15. Related Documents
MHN Governance and Strategic Alignment Project Plan
MHN Governance and Strategic Alignment Project Terms of Reference