Department of Premier and Cabinet
RTI Uplift Project
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Since March 2014, the Tasmanian Government has committed to improving the openness and
accountability of government decision-making through what has become known as the Government’s
Transparency Agenda.
One of the most significant initiatives of the Transparency Agenda is the Government’s commitment to
improving the consistency of how information can be accessed under Right to Information (RTI).
Through the Commission of Inquiry, victim-survivors have highlighted the complexities around seeking their
own information from Government institutions, particularly with respect to a lack of consistency in process
and decision-making.
In response, the Tasmanian Government committed $500 000 over two years to support the significant
uplift of RTI capability and practice in the TSS delivering further on the Government’s Transparency agenda.
It will facilitate the provision of centralised training, building skilled RTI practitioners and will reduce key
person dependencies in agencies. This will promote supported and consistent practice and deliver enhanced
processes and systems for right to information.
The Steering Committee exists to provide advice and facilitate delivery of the project outputs and
achievement of project outcomes.
The objective of the RTI Uplift Project is to implement and deliver an improved right to information process
across the whole of the Tasmanian State Service. This will contribute to improved government
accountability and transparency by improving community access to government information.
The six key objectives of the RTI Uplift Project are to:
1. Create an applicant-centric experience by providing a consistent and fair RTI process that keeps the
objects of the Right to Information Act 2009 at the forefront.
2. Create a clear standard of practice for all officers involved with actioning an RTI request to ensure
every decision under the RTI Act is informed by the same guiding policy and information and made
within the same timeframes as much as possible.
3. Deliver dedicated training to RTI delegates to reduce single point dependencies.
4. Develop an end-to-end application management approach, which enables consistency in the
applicant experience regardless of which public authority they are applying for information from.
Department of Premier and Cabinet
RTI Uplift Project
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
5. Reduce inconsistency by ensuring every RTI delegate handling an application for assessed disclosure
for a public authority or Minister engages with the applicant in the same manner and at the same
critical points in the RTI application process.
6. Challenge the status quo and culture of relying on assessed disclosure to handle requests for
information and identify opportunities for the proactive disclosure of information.
7. Champion for future change to ensure the long-term success of RTI
Reporting to the Project Sponsor, the Steering Committee will:
Actively support the project, promote its outputs and be an advocate for its outcomes;
Be responsible for the Project Plan, expenditure and delivery of outputs;
Ensure the scope of the project aligns with the agreed requirements of the Business Owner and key
stakeholder groups;
Provide the Project Team with support, guidance and feedback on project progress;
Ensure that strategies to address potential risks have been identified, costed and approved, and that
the risks are regularly re-assessed;
Address issues which have major implications for the project, or which are out of the control or
authority of the Project Manager;
Control the project scope as emergent issues force changes to be considered;
Reconcile differences in opinion and approach and resolve disputes arising from them;
Be responsible for progressing any whole-of-government issues associated with the project;
Support the decision making of the Chair.
Individual Steering Committee members must:
Understand the strategic implications and outcomes of initiatives being pursued through project
Appreciate the significance of the project for some or all major stakeholders and represent their
Be genuinely interested in the project and the outcomes being pursued in the project;
Be an advocate for the project by being committed to and actively involved in pursuing the project's
Make every effort to attend scheduled meetings and, if not able to attend, inform the Chair before
the meeting is conducted;
Ensure that all project documentation has been read prior to attending a meeting;
Have authority or delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of their Division/Department and
in accordance with their role.
In practice, this means Steering Committee members:
Hold the appropriate delegation or authorisation to make decisions and act;
Ensure the needs of stakeholders are accounted for in the project’s execution;
Department of Premier and Cabinet
RTI Uplift Project
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Help balance priorities and resources;
Provide guidance to the Project Team and users of the project's outputs;
Consider ideas and issues raised;
Monitor the progress of the project;
Check adherence of project activities to the Agency’s Project Management Framework.
Members of the Steering Committee can expect:
That each member will be provided with complete, accurate and meaningful information in a timely
To be given reasonable time to make key decisions;
To be alerted to potential risks and issues that could impact the Plan as they arise;
Open and honest discussions.
The Steering Committee will consist of:
Member and BaU position
Knowledge, influence, and skill
contributed to the committee
Director, Office of the Secretary Department of Premier and
Lead Sponsor/Chair
Manager, Ministerial and Executive
Department of Premier and
Business Owner/Co-Sponsor/Deputy
Director, Office of the Secretary Department of Justice Member/Interagency subject matter
Principal Officer Right to
Ombudsman’s Office Member/Subject matter expert
Director, Policy and Delivery Division Department of Premier and
Member/Policy adviser
General Manager, Legal Services Department of Health Member/Interagency subject matter
Manager, Legal Services Department for Education,
Children and Young People
Member/Interagency subject matter
Service Delivery Manager Department of Premier and
Member/Change management adviser
Department of Premier and Cabinet
RTI Uplift Project
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
The membership term is for the duration of the project, which ends on 30 June 2024.
The Chair shall convene the project Steering Committee meetings.
If the designated Chair is not available, then the Chair will delegate an alternative Steering Committee
member (referred to as the Deputy Chair) to be responsible for convening and conducting that meeting.
The Deputy Chair is responsible for informing the Chair as to the salient points/decisions raised or agreed
to at that meeting.
The Manager, Ministerial and Executive Services is the Deputy Chair.
The Steering Committee shall meet every three weeks initially with the possibility of extraordinary meetings
when necessary to deal with emerging issues or priorities. Should it be required, the Steering Committee
Chair may agree to consider out-of-session action.
The Steering Committee will transition to meeting monthly after initial project milestones are met. The
Chair of the Committee will determine when this transition should occur based on advice received from
both the Steering Committee and the Project Team.
All Steering Committee meeting agenda items and any associated papers will be provided by the Project
Manager by one week prior to the next scheduled meeting.
The Chair has the right to refuse to list an item on the formal agenda, but members may raise an item
under ‘Other Business’ if necessary and as time permits.
The format of the project Steering Committee meetings shall be as minutes.
The minutes of each Steering Committee meeting will be prepared by a Project Team member.
Full copies of the minutes, including attachments, shall be provided to all Steering Committee members no
later than two weeks following each meeting.
By agreement of the Committee, out-of-session decisions will be deemed acceptable. Where agreed, all
out-of-session decisions shall be recorded in the minutes of the next scheduled Steering Committee
The minutes of each Steering Committee meeting will be monitored and maintained by the Project
Manager as a complete record as required under provisions of the Archives Act 1983.
Steering Committee members will be kept updated of the progress of the project with a project status
report at each meeting which provides an overview of how the project is tracking against each key criteria
for project success.
Department of Premier and Cabinet
RTI Uplift Project
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Members of the Steering Committee shall nominate a suitable proxy to attend a meeting if the member has
been seconded and another staff member is acting in their role. Proxies are not encouraged in the case of
short-term absences. In this case, an attempt will be made to reschedule the meeting so that all members
can attend.
A minimum of three Steering Committee members is required for a meeting to be recognised as an
authorised meeting for the recommendations or resolutions to be valid, with the condition that at least one
of these members is the Project Sponsor or Business Owner, and there is representation from, at minimum,
two agencies/organisations.