This Assistant Coach Employment Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and
between Brett Maxie (“Coach” or “Assistant Coach”) and The Regents of the University of
Colorado, a body corporate, (the “University”) on behalf of the University of Colorado
Boulder’s (“CU-Boulder”) Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (the “Athletics Department”),
collectively referred to herein as (“Parties”).
WHEREAS, the University desires for Maxie to serve as Assistant Coach of the
Football Program (“Team” or “Program”) at the University and Coach agrees to serve in such
WHEREAS, Coach’s position is funded by revenues generated through auxiliary
activities, and therefore this Agreement is authorized pursuant to section 24-19-108(1) (e),
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations, agreements, and
promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
1. Term. The University agrees to employ Maxie as Assistant Coach for the Football
Program at the University for a term beginning July 1, 2020 and extending through
February 14, 2022 unless earlier terminated as set forth herein. Whenever the term
“Contract Year” is used in this Agreement, it refers to that period of time between
February 15 of one year and February 14 of the next year, with the exception of the
initial year of this Agreement in which the first Contract Year will be the date of
Board of Regents approval through February 14, 2021.
2. Duties. Coach agrees to serve as the Assistant Coach for the Football Program
under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Assistant Coach shall report to
and be under the immediate supervision of the Head Coach of the Football
Program (“Head Coach”) or Designee. Assistant Coach shall perform duties in
current job description and as assigned, as well as regularly confer with Head
Coach on matters concerning administrative and technical decisions.
3. Base Salary. During the time that Assistant Coach is employed by the University
as a coach, Assistant Coach will be paid an initial base salary $325,000 in year one
of the Contract Year (“Base Salary”) paid in monthly pay periods, commencing July
1, 2020 in accordance with and subject to the University’s normal payroll process.
In Contract Year two of this Agreement the Base Salary will increase to $350,000.
All Parties agree, however, that in Fiscal Year 2020 2021 (July 1, 2020 June 30,
2021), Assistant Coach’s Base Salary will be temporarily reduced by five percent
(5%) in accordance with a University-wide salary reduction plan necessitated
because of the financial circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a
University employee, the Assistant Coach shall be eligible for and participate in
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applicable employee benefits provided to University staff employees, including
participation in retirement and health plans. Assistant Coach may be eligible for
salary adjustments to the Base Salary in accordance with the University’s
compensation principles and policy for University Staff professionals. Assistant
Coach’s Base Salary may be increased from time to time upon review by the
University and any such adjustment shall be effective upon the next payment date.
4. Supplemental Salary/Courtesy Car. The University shall provide Assistant Coach
either a courtesy car or $600 per month, prorated for a partial month, in lieu of a
courtesy car, automobile allowance, or reimbursement of any expenses (including
mileage and parking) for in-state automobile travel.
5. Compliance with Federal & State Laws, Laws of the Regents, University
A. Assistant Coach shall supervise, plan, administer, and coordinate the activities
of Program with integrity and in a manner that is consistent with the Laws of the
Regents, Regent Policy, University of Colorado Administrative Policy
Statements, campus policies, and academic goals of the University.
Modifications, changes, additions, and/or deletions to such policies shall
automatically apply to this Agreement without the necessity of a written
B. Assistant Coach shall conduct himself in a matter that is in compliance with and
does not result in material or repeated violations of federal and state laws, Laws
of the Regents, Regent Policy, University of Colorado Administrative Policy
Statements, campus policies, or the applicable governing policies, constitutions,
laws, rules and regulations of the NCAA. Modifications, changes, additions,
and/or deletions to such policies shall automatically apply to this Agreement
without the necessity of a written notification.
C. Assistant Coach is a Campus Security Authority (“CSA”) as that term is defined
in the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime
Statistics Act and its implementing regulations (“Clery Act”). As a CSA,
Assistant Coach is required to report at least annually certain criminal offenses
required under the Clery Act to the CU Boulder Police Department (“CUPD”).
CSAs are required to report only those offenses that occur on campus, in or on
noncampus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, and
public property within or immediately adjacent to our campus, as those terms
are defined under the Clery Act. If Assistant Coach does not know the exact
location, Assistant Coach is still required to report information Assistant Coach
does know to CUPD. If a crime that may represent a serious or ongoing
threat to the CU-Boulder community is reported to Assistant Coach,
Assistant Coach cannot wait until the end of the reporting year to report
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the incident to CUPD. Assistant Coach has an obligation to report such
crimes immediately to the CUPD. Any question about whether a serious or
ongoing threat exists shall be deferred to CUPD. Assistant Coach agrees
to comply with all reporting obligations imposed on a CSA by the Clery
Act as well as by applicable University policies.
D. Assistant Coach shall comply with the Athletics Department’s policies that may
be in effect from time to time throughout the term of this Agreement, including,
without limitation, the Athletics Department’s policies regarding the general
responsibilities of its coaches, so long as those Athletics Department polices are
consistent with generally applicable university policies. Modifications, changes,
additions, and/or deletions to such policies shall automatically apply to this
Agreement without the necessity of a written notification.
E. Assistant Coach shall abide by all applicable Laws of the Regents, Regent
Policy, University of Colorado Administrative Policy Statements, and campus
policies, as may be in effect from time to time. Modifications, changes,
additions, and/or deletions to such policies shall automatically apply to this
Agreement without the necessity of a written notification.
F. Assistant Coach shall receive training annually on the Laws of the Regents,
Regent Policy, University of Colorado Administrative Policy Statements, and
campus policies applicable to Assistant Coach and the Football Program
coaching staff, including any updates on any modifications, changes, additions,
or deletions to such policies that have been made by the University in the
preceding year. Assistant Coach will directly participate in all training sessions,
whether live or online.
6. Conference and NCAA Legislation. This Agreement is subject to Pac-12
Conference Regulations and NCAA Legislation (“Legislation”) and, to the extent
applicable, the Legislation is incorporated herein by reference and shall prevail over
the terms of this Agreement, to the extent inconsistent with any provisions herein.
Modifications, changes, additions, or deletions to Legislation shall automatically
apply to this Agreement without the necessity of a written notification.
A. Compliance Promotion and Monitoring. In addition to the mandatory obligation
to report potential NCAA/Conference violations as set forth below, Coach
agrees to promote an atmosphere for compliance and to monitor the compliance
of all other persons under Coach’s supervision, including any staff and the
student-athletes, with the rules and regulations of the NCAA, the Conference,
and such rules and regulations concerning intercollegiate athletics, athletics
personnel, and student-athletes as may from time to time be promulgated by the
University and the Athletics Department.
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B. Responsibility to Cooperate. Coach acknowledges that NCAA Bylaws under
19.2.3 require that all current and former institutional staff members or member
institutions have an affirmative obligation to cooperate fully with and assist the
NCAA enforcement staff, the Committee on Infractions and the Infractions
Appeals Committee to further the objectives of the Association and its
infractions program.
C. Athletically Related Income and Benefits. An athletics department staff member
who receives athletically related income or benefits from a source outside the
institution (e.g., income from endorsement or consultation contracts with apparel
companies, equipment manufacturers, television and radio programs; income
from ownership, control or management of a foundation, organization or other
entities; etc.) must report such earnings to the President or Chancellor on an
annual basis. The approval of such income, endorsements, and benefits shall
be consistent with Regent Law, University Policy, and the Department of
Athletics Policies and Procedures. (See Bylaw
D. Violations. If the University Athletics Director, the Conference, or the NCAA
determines that Coach has violated “Legislation, in addition to any remedies
provided by this Agreement or at law, Coach acknowledges, in accordance with
NCAA rules, that a coach shall be subject to disciplinary or corrective action as
set forth in the provisions of the NCAA infractions process (see Bylaw 19), as
now existing or as amended from time to time, including suspension without pay
or termination of employment.
E. Reporting. Coach shall immediately report any potential or known violations of
NCAA or conference rule of which Coach has actual knowledge to the Athletics
Director and/or the Director for Compliance.
7. Termination by Assistant Coach
A. Written Notice. Coach may terminate this Agreement prior to the end of the
Term by giving the Athletics Director three (3) days’ advance written notice
specifying an effective date of termination. Such termination by Coach should
occur at a time outside of the team’s regular playing season, including post-
season games, so as to minimize the impact of such termination on the team
and program.
B. Other NCAA/Pac-12 Position/Liquidated Damages. In the event that Coach
terminates the Agreement prior to the end of the Term and takes an Assistant
Coach, Assistant Head Coach, Co-Coordinator or Coordinator NCAA, NFL or
Pac-12 coaching position at a different institution, the Parties acknowledge that
the University will experience substantial damages that may be difficult to
quantify because the employment is for a unique and specialized position and
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the University desires to promote long-term stability of the Program in order to
assist in recruiting players, retaining staff, and building support for the Program
and this stability would be damaged.
i. In the event that Assistant Coach takes an Assistant Coach, Assistant
Head Coach, Co-Coordinator or Coordinator NCAA or NFL Coaching
position during the term of this Agreement, Assistant Coach shall pay the
University as liquidated damages a sum of $100,000.
ii. In the event that Assistant Coach takes an Assistant Coach, Assistant
Head Coach, Co-Coordinator or Coordinator Pac-12 coaching position
during the term of this Agreement, Assistant Coach shall pay the
University as liquidated damages an additional sum of $50,000.
iii. If Assistant Coach takes a Head Coach NCAA coaching position,
liquidated damages are waived.
C. Payment Procedure. Liquidated damages shall be due and payable within sixty
(60) days after the effective date of the termination of this Agreement by Coach.
Failure to timely pay liquidated damages, or enter into a mutually acceptable
payment agreement with the University shall constitute a breach of this
Agreement and shall be actionable, together with reasonable attorney’s fees
and the costs associated with recovery of the liquidated damages.
8. Notification of Intent to Seek or Accept Another Coaching Position. The
parties agree that should another coaching opportunity be presented to Coach, or
should Coach elect to pursue another coaching position, requiring the performance
of duties prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement, Coach must notify the
Athletics Director before any discussions can be held between Coach and any
prospective employer or contractor. Coach further agrees, and hereby specifically
promises, not to negotiate for or accept employment, under any circumstances, as
a coach requiring performance of duties prior to the expiration of the term of this
Agreement without first giving three (3) days written notice to the Athletics Director.
9. University Termination or Suspension for Cause
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A. Cause. Coach’s employment may be suspended for a period of time, without
pay, or terminated for cause with immediate cessation of all salary payments
and fringe benefits, except for salary or incentives earned by Coach prior to
suspension or termination, based on, but not limited to, any one or more of the
following grounds:
i. Insubordinate conduct, provided that Coach has been given notice of that
insubordinate conduct and, unless in the sole opinion of the Athletics
Director the conduct is flagrant or repetitive, an opportunity to correct the
ii. Use or consumption by Coach of alcoholic beverages, drugs, or
controlled substances in such degree and for such appreciable period or
under circumstances as to significantly impair the ability to perform job
duties; or failure by Coach to fully cooperate in the enforcement and
implementation of any drug testing program established by the University
for student-athletes.
iii. Coach is indicted, bound over for trial, or a finding of probable cause is
otherwise made or coach enters a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere,
whichever comes earlier, in a criminal case (excluding minor traffic
iv. A finding by the University Office of Internal Audit of fraud,
misappropriation, fiscal misconduct as defined within university policy, or
embezzlement by Coach.
v. Any Level I and/or Level II violation by Coach of NCAA Legislation or
Pac-12 Conference Regulations, as determined by the Athletics Director
in Consultation with the Director of Compliance, resulting from the
operation of the Program.
vi. Any Level I and/or Level II violation of NCAA Legislation or Pac-12
Conference Regulations, as determined by the Athletics Director in
consultation with the Director of Compliance, resulting from the operation
of the Program if the violation was committed by any program personnel;
any student-athlete; or any other “representative of the University’s
athletic interest” (as defined by the NCAA) if, in the judgment of the
Director of Compliance in consultation with the Athletics Director, Coach
knew or should have known of the violation; had prior knowledge of the
violation and did not prevent or try to prevent the violation; and/or
concealed or failed to report the violation.
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vii. Any repeated Level III violations of NCAA or Pac-12 Conference
legislation, as determined by the Athletics Director in consultation with the
Director of Compliance, resulting from the operation of the program, if, in
the judgment of the Athletics Director, Coach knew or should have known
of the violations; and/or concealed or failed to report the violations. In
order to provide a basis for termination, all such Level III violations must
have occurred during the term of Coach’s tenure as Coach. Further,
such Level III violations must be determined, in the sole judgment of the
Athletics Director to reflect adversely on the University, the Athletics
Department, or the Program.
viii. Statements by Coach concerning the University, its personnel, programs,
policies and/or departments that, in the judgment of the Athletics Director
in consultation with the Chancellor, cause damage to the University’s
ix. Immoral, dishonest or other conduct that, in the reasonable judgment of
the Head Coach in consultation with the Athletics Director, falls below the
minimum standards of professional integrity or that is inconsistent with
the professional standards expected of a coach of a collegiate sports
team and that is prejudicial to the best interests of the University or that
violates the University’s mission.
x. Fraud or dishonesty (including falsification or alteration) by Coach or any
other person reporting to Coach (if Coach knew or should have known
about the other person’s fraud or dishonesty and permitted, encouraged,
condoned or failed to report such fraud or dishonesty) in the preparation,
maintenance, and/or submission of:
1. Any document of the University, NCAA or the Pac-12 Conference
2. Any document required to be prepared, submitted and/or
maintained by law, governing athletic rules or University or CU
Boulder rules, policies, or Regent laws and/or policies; or
3. Any document or record pertaining to any recruit of student-athlete
“Document”, as used herein, includes without limitation, expense report
or other reimbursement request, transcripts, eligibility forms and
compliance reports.
xi. Soliciting, placing or accepting by Coach of a bet on any intercollegiate or
professional athletic contest, or permitting, condoning or encouraging by
Coach of any illegal gambling, bookmaking or illegal betting involving any
intercollegiate or professional athletic contest whether through a
bookmaker, a parlay card, a pool or any other method of organized
gambling; or furnishing by Coach of information or data relating in any
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manner to the Team or any other sport to any individual known by Coach
to be or whom one should reasonably know to be a gambler, bettor or
bookmaker, or an agent of any such person, or the consorting or
associating by Coach with such persons.
xii. Any material violation of any Laws of the Regents, Regent Policy,
University of Colorado Administrative Policy Statements, or campus
policies or being found responsible by the University of Colorado Office of
Institutional Equity and Compliance for violating Administrative Policy
Statement 5014 or any corresponding campus policy related to
discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct.
xiii. Failing to immediately report to the Athletics Director serious student-
athlete or Football Program staff misconduct Assistant Coach knew or
should have known about. If the allegation of misconduct involves the
Athletics Director, Assistant Coach must report to the Chancellor. Nothing
in this paragraph shall be construed to relieve Assistant Coach of any
other reporting obligations imposed upon him by the Laws of the
Regents, Regent Policy, University of Colorado Administrative Policy
Statements, or campus policies, including but not limited to: reporting
obligations to law enforcement as a Campus Security Authority; reporting
obligations to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance under
Administrative Policy Statement 5014 or any corresponding campus
policy related to discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct; and
reporting obligations to the Department of Internal Audit for fiscal
xiv. Failure to comply with Provision 8 of this Agreement regarding
Notification of Intent to Seek or Accept another Coaching Position.
xv. Engaging in conduct or coaching techniques that are contrary to
recognized conduct and techniques in coaching and that in the
determination of the Athletics Director, endangers, or could endanger,
student-athlete health, safety, or welfare.
xvi. Failure to cooperate with the Pac-12 Conference, NCAA, or University
staff in connection with investigation of possible Program violation of
NCAA or Pac-12 Conference legislation or Laws of the Regents, Regent
Policy, or other University, or campus policies.
xvii. Any other material failure of Coach to perform job duties or to comply with
a term or obligation of this Agreement (not addressed in the above
paragraphs), where the failure continues for thirty (30) days, without
remedy, after Coach has been provided written notice of the failure and
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any remedial action deemed necessary by the University; provided
however, that, if the nature of the failure is such that it cannot reasonably
be remedied within such initial thirty (30) day period, the period for
remedying the failure may be extended at the discretion of the Athletics
Director for an additional sixty (60) days so long as Coach begins to take
remedial action in a timely manner during the initial thirty (30) day period
and thereafter pursues such remedial action diligently to conclusion. The
extension of the initial thirty (30) day remedy period shall not apply if, in
the good faith determination of the Chancellor, any such extension would
materially and adversely affect the University, CU-Boulder, the Athletics
Department, and/or the Program, in which case the period of Coach’s
taking of remedial action shall end after the initial thirty (30) day remedy
period without giving effect to the sixty (60) day extension period.
B. No Further Payment/Benefits Obligation. If Coach’s employment is terminated
for cause, the University shall have no further obligation to make further
payments and/or to provide any other consideration or benefits under this
Agreement as of the effective date of the termination, except for compensation
or benefits earned by Coach before the effective date of termination.
10. University Termination Without Cause. The Parties agree that the University
reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without cause at any time by giving
Coach written notice of such decision.
A. Damages Claim. If the University terminates this Agreement prior to the end of
the Term for any reason other than the cause, death, or disability provisions of
this Agreement (“Termination Without Cause”), then Coach shall be entitled to
claim damages from the University in an amount up to and which shall not
exceed the current Base Salary per each year of the remaining term of the
Agreement. Any such damages in the year in which Coach was terminated
shall be prorated based on the amount already earned in Base salary.
B. Damage Mitigation Obligation. Coach agrees that he has a duty to obtain new
employment to mitigate damages arising from termination under this Paragraph.
Such payments shall be reduced by any amounts Coach receives for services
for comparable professional employment by Coach, such as, for example,
employment in the position of quality control, assistant coach, coordinator, co-
coordinator, assistant head coach, head coach or other executive position at an
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institution of higher education or professional football league, television analyst
or commentator, scout, or executive position in an athletics-related industry.
Coach further understands and agrees Coach is receiving payments while
delivering no employment service to the University, accordingly, the University’s
obligation herein shall be strictly construed, and Coach shall not be entitled to
such compensation absent reasonable and affirmative efforts to secure
employment. Coach agrees to provide information about his mitigation efforts to
Athletics Human Resources on a regular basis in order to comply with his
responsibilities pursuant to this Paragraph.
If Coach accepts employment, signs an employment agreement (if applicable),
or otherwise agrees to perform such services, Coach shall promptly give notice
to the Athletics Director of such employment, the effective date of employment,
a copy of the employment agreement, if applicable, and the amount of all
compensation provided or to be provided in the future for duties performed
during the period when Coach would have been employed by the University
under this Agreement had it not been terminated, to later be verified by a W-2
and/or 1099 form for the new employment position.
C. Market Rate Payment in New Position. Coach must be paid actual market rate
in new position. USA Today salary survey, WINAD and other coaching
compensation databases can be used to consider actual market rate. To the
extent permitted by applicable law, the University reserves the right to adjust the
compensation due and owing to Coach if Coach’s new compensation appears to
be contrived to rely upon payments to Coach from the University. In the event
Coach’s new position apportions compensation such that it increases or
balloons after the University’s payments cease, or if the subsequent
employment arrangement otherwise attempts to avoid the net effect of this
provision, Coach expressly agrees that University retains the right to assign a
reasonable market value of compensation to Coach’s new position based on its
assessment of similar positions.
D. Damage Claim Procedure. In the event of Termination Without Cause, Coach
shall submit a claim to the University for damages incurred (subject to the
damages mitigation obligation above). The University and Coach shall attempt
to resolve Coach’s claim pursuant to a mediation process to be mutually agreed
upon by the University and Coach. Should the University and Coach be unable
to reach an agreement on the amount of damages due Coach within thirty (30)
days after Coach submits the claim, then Coach shall be entitled to pursue legal
action against the University for such damages. All statements, documents,
admissions, or proposals exchanged by the University and Coach pursuant to
this mediation process shall be deemed settlement and mediation materials and,
accordingly, shall be considered confidential to the extent permitted by law and
may not be used by either the University or Coach in further proceedings.
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E. Payment Procedure. Any resolution, including settlement or court order, of
Coach’s damages claim, shall be paid in equal monthly installments from the
date of resolution to the Term end date of this Agreement. In addition, upon
Termination Without Cause, Coach agrees the University can withhold from final
payment amount any obligations including, but not limited to, any charges for
damages to Coach’s courtesy car (if applicable), personal charges on Coach’s
University-PCard, and/or outstanding travel advances.
11. Termination for Death or Disability. This Agreement will automatically terminate
if Coach dies or becomes disabled such that Coach is not able to perform the
essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation. If this
Agreement is terminated because of Coach’s death or disability, Coach’s salary and
all other benefits shall end in the month of Coach’s death or disability except that
any insurance or other similar benefits may continue in accordance with their terms
or University policy.
12. Reporting of Income. The parties acknowledge and agree that all compensation
payable under this Agreement shall be subject to applicable federal and state taxes,
including withholding taxes. All Form W-2 reportable compensation included in this
Agreement shall be subject to all applicable withholding and subject to all applicable
employer contributions, including contributions as required under the University’s
retirement plan.
13. Notice. Any notice or other communication pursuant to this Agreement shall be in
writing, and hand- delivered, sent via registered or certified mail, or overnight
courier and will be deemed provided, if; hand-delivered, on the date of delivery;
mailed, the date deposited, postage prepaid, in the United States mail; or sent by
overnight courier, one business day after delivery to such courier. Any notice or
other communication will be addressed as set forth below, or to such other updated
address as any party advises the other in writing:
If to the University: Chancellor, University of Colorado Boulder, 914 Broadway, 017
UCB, Boulder, CO 80309.
with a copy to: Office of University Counsel, University of Colorado Boulder, 924
Broadway, 013 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309.
If to the Athletics Department: Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of
Colorado Boulder, 368 UCB, Champions Center, Boulder, CO 80309.
with a copy to: Office of University Counsel, University of Colorado Boulder, 924
Broadway, 013 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309.
If to Coach: Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, 372 UCB, Boulder, Colorado
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14. Regent Approval. This Agreement shall not be binding upon the University until it
is signed by both the Director of Athletics and the Chancellor of the University of
Colorado Boulder and approved by the Board of Regents.
15. Miscellaneous.
A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties
and shall be binding upon the Parties, their heirs, administrators, successors
and assigns. This Agreement represents the complete integration of all
understandings between the Parties and all prior representations and
understandings, oral or written, are merged herein. Prior or contemporaneous
additions, deletions, or other changes hereto shall not have any force or affect
whatsoever, unless embodied herein.
B. Amendments or Modifications. This Agreement may not be amended or
modified except as mutually agreed upon by the Parties in a document that is
reduced to writing, and signed by both Parties.
C. Waiver. Waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall
not operate as or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach hereto.
D. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, invalid
or unenforceable for any reason, it shall be considered severed from this
Agreement and such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the
remaining provisions.
E. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the
laws of the State of Colorado.
F. Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. Any action brought under this Agreement
shall be brought only in the District Court of Boulder County, Colorado, or the
United States District Court for the District of Colorado in Denver, Colorado and
each party waives the right to seek a change of venue to any courts other than
those courts.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement by their
respective duly authorized representatives.
OF COLORADO, a body Corporate
By: ___________________________ By: _________________________
Philip P. DiStefano Brett Maxie
Chancellor, University of Colorado Boulder
Date: _________________________ Date: ________________________
By: ___________________________
Rick George
Athletics Director, University of Colorado Boulder
Approved as to Legal Sufficiency for University: Approved by Agent or Legal Counsel for
By: __________________________ By: __________________________
Date: _________________________ Date: ________________________
Approved as to Legal Sufficiency for the Regents of the University of Colorado:
By: __________________________
Dan Wilkerson
Interim Vice President, University Counsel & Secretary of the Board of Regents
Date: _________________________
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