Release 1.5.3
May 24, 2024
1 First steps 3
1.1 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Advanced Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Beyond Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Gear Up 11
2.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 MetaData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 Behind the scene 15
3.1 Why SQLLineage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 How Does SQLLineage Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 DOs and DONTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4 Column-Level Lineage Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.5 Dialect-Awareness Lineage Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Basic concepts 23
4.1 Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5 MetaDataProvider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5 Release note 29
5.1 Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Index 45
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Never get the hang of a SQL parser? SQLLineage comes to the rescue. Given a SQL command, SQLLineage will tell
you its source and target tables, without worrying about Tokens, Keyword, Identified and all the jagons used by a SQL
Behind the scene, SQLLineage pluggable leverages parser library sqlfluff and sqlparse to parse the SQL command,
analyze the AST, stores the lineage information in a graph (using graph library networkx), and bring you all the human-
readable result with ease.
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
1.1 Getting Started
1.1.1 Install via PyPI
Install the package via pip (or add it to your requirements.txt file), run:
pip install sqllineage
1.1.2 Install via GitHub
If you want the latest development version, you can install directly from GitHub:
pip install git+https://github.com/reata/sqllineage.git
Note: Installation from GitHub (or source code) requires NodeJS/npm for frontend code building, while for PyPI,
we already pre-built the frontend code so Python/pip will be enough.
1.1.3 SQLLineage in Command Line
After installation, you will get a sqllineage command. It has two major options:
-e option let you pass a quoted query string as SQL statements
-f option let you pass a file that contains SQL statements
$ sqllineage -e "insert into table_foo select * from table_bar union select * from table_
Statements(#): 1
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
$ sqllineage -f foo.sql
Statements(#): 1
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
1.2 Advanced Usage
1.2.1 Multiple SQL Statements
Lineage is combined from multiple SQL statements, with intermediate tables identified
$ sqllineage -e "insert into db1.table1 select * from db2.table2; insert into db3.table3
˓select * from db1.table1;"
Statements(#): 2
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
Intermediate Tables:
1.2.2 Verbose Lineage Result
And if you want to see lineage for each SQL statement, just toggle verbose option
$ sqllineage -v -e "insert into db1.table1 select * from db2.table2; insert into db3.
˓table3 select * from db1.table1;"
Statement #1: insert into db1.table1 select * from db2.table2;
table read: [Table: db2.table2]
table write: [Table: db1.table1]
table cte: []
table rename: []
table drop: []
Statement #2: insert into db3.table3 select * from db1.table1;
table read: [Table: db1.table1]
table write: [Table: db3.table3]
table cte: []
table rename: []
table drop: []
Statements(#): 2
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
(continues on next page)
4 Chapter 1. First steps
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
(continued from previous page)
Intermediate Tables:
1.2.3 Dialect-Awareness Lineage
By default, sqllineage use ansi dialect to parse and validate your SQL. However, some SQL syntax you take for granted
in daily life might not be in ANSI standard. In addition, different SQL dialects have different set of SQL keywords,
further weakening sqllineage’s capabilities when keyword used as table name or column name. To get the most out of
sqllineage, we strongly encourage you to pass the dialect to assist the lineage analyzing.
Take below example, INSERT OVERWRITE statement is only supported by big data solutions like Hive/SparkSQL,
and MAP is a reserved keyword in Hive thus can not be used as table name while it is not for SparkSQL. Both ansi and
hive dialect tell you this causes syntax error and sparksql gives the correct result:
$ sqllineage -e "insert overwrite table map select * from foo"
sqllineage.exceptions.InvalidSyntaxException: This SQL statement is unparsable, please
˓check potential syntax error for SQL
$ sqllineage -e "insert overwrite table map select * from foo" --dialect=hive
sqllineage.exceptions.InvalidSyntaxException: This SQL statement is unparsable, please
˓check potential syntax error for SQL
$ sqllineage -e "insert overwrite table map select * from foo" --dialect=sparksql
Statements(#): 1
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
Use sqllineage --dialects to see all available dialects.
1.2.4 Column-Level Lineage
We also support column level lineage in command line interface, set level option to column, all column lineage path
will be printed.
SELECT a.col1,
b.col1 AS col2,
c.col3_sum AS col3,
FROM bar a
JOIN baz b
ON a.id = b.bar_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bar_id, sum(col3) AS col3_sum
FROM qux
GROUP BY bar_id) c
ON a.id = sq.bar_id
(continues on next page)
1.2. Advanced Usage 5
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(continued from previous page)
CROSS JOIN quux d;
SELECT a.col1,
a.col2 + b.col2 AS col2
FROM foo a
LEFT JOIN grault b
ON a.col1 = b.col1;
Suppose this sql is stored in a file called test.sql
$ sqllineage -f test.sql -l column
<default>.corge.col1 <- <default>.foo.col1 <- <default>.bar.col1
<default>.corge.col2 <- <default>.foo.col2 <- <default>.baz.col1
<default>.corge.col2 <- <default>.grault.col2
<default>.foo.* <- <default>.quux.*
<default>.foo.col3 <- c.col3_sum <- <default>.qux.col3
<default>.foo.col4 <- col4
1.2.5 MetaData-Awareness Lineage
By observing the column lineage generated from previous step, you’ll possibly notice that:
1. <default>.foo.* <- <default>.quux.*: the wildcard is not expanded.
2. <default>.foo.col4 <- col4: col4 is not assigned with source table.
Its not perfect because we don’t know the columns encoded in * of table quux. Likewise, given the context, col4 could
be coming from bar, baz or quux. Without metadata, this is the best sqllineage can do.
User can optionally provide the metadata information to sqllineage to improve the lineage result.
Suppose all the tables are created in sqlite database with a file called db.db. In particular, table quux has columns col5
and col6 and baz has column col4.
sqlite3 db.db 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS baz (bar_id int, col1 int, col4 int)';
sqlite3 db.db 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quux (quux_id int, col5 int, col6 int)';
Now given the same SQL, column lineage is fully resolved.
$ SQLLINEAGE_DEFAULT_SCHEMA=main sqllineage -f test.sql -l column --sqlalchemy_
main.corge.col1 <- main.foo.col1 <- main.bar.col1
main.corge.col2 <- main.foo.col2 <- main.bar.col1
main.corge.col2 <- main.grault.col2
main.foo.col3 <- c.col3_sum <- main.qux.col3
main.foo.col4 <- main.baz.col4
main.foo.col5 <- main.quux.col5
main.foo.col6 <- main.quux.col6
The default schema name in sqlite is called main, we have to specify here because the tables in SQL file are unqualified.
SQLLineage leverages sqlalchemy to retrieve metadata from different SQL databases. Check for more details on
SQLLineage MetaData.
6 Chapter 1. First steps
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
1.2.6 Lineage Visualization
One more cool feature, if you want a graph visualization for the lineage result, toggle graph-visualization option
Still using the above SQL file:
sqllineage -g -f test.sql
A webserver will be started, showing DAG representation of the lineage result in browser.
Table-Level Lineage:
Column-Level Lineage:
1.2. Advanced Usage 7
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
1.3 Beyond Command Line
Since sqllineage is a Python package, after installation, you can also import it and use the Python API to achieve the
same functionality.
>>> from sqllineage.runner import LineageRunner
>>> sql = "insert into db1.table11 select * from db2.table21 union select * from db2.
>>> sql += "insert into db3.table3 select * from db1.table11 join db1.table12;"
>>> result = LineageRunner(sql)
# To show lineage summary
>>> print(result)
(continues on next page)
8 Chapter 1. First steps
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
(continued from previous page)
Statements(#): 2
Source Tables:
Target Tables:
Intermediate Tables:
# To parse all the source tables
>>> for tbl in result.source_tables: print(tbl)
# likewise for target tables
>>> for tbl in result.target_tables: print(tbl)
# To pop up a webserver for visualization
>>> result.draw()
Getting Started
Install SQLLineage and quick use the handy built-in command-line tool
Advanced Usage
Some advanced usage like multi statement SQL lineage and lineage visualization
Beyond Command Line
Using SQLLineage in your Python script
1.3. Beyond Command Line 9
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
10 Chapter 1. First steps
2.1 Configuration
The SQLLineage configuration allows user to customize the behaviour of sqllineage.
We adopt environment variable approach for global key-value mapping. The keys listed in this section
should start with “SQLLINEAGE_” to be a valid config. For example, to use DEFAULT_SCHEMA, use
Note: Starting v1.5.2, we also support changing config at runtime. A local config is kept for each thread that will
mask global config. Local configuration must be set using context manager:
>>> from sqllineage.config import SQLLineageConfig
>>> from sqllineage.runner import LineageRunner
>>> with SQLLineageConfig(DEFAULT_SCHEMA="ods"):
>>> print(LineageRunner("select * from test").source_tables)
[Table: ods.test]
>>> with SQLLineageConfig(DEFAULT_SCHEMA="dwd"):
>>> print(LineageRunner("select * from test").source_tables)
[Table: dwd.test]
Note when setting local config, the key does not start with “SQLLINEAGE_”.
Default schema, or interchangeably called database. Tables without schema qualifier parsed from SQL is set with a
schema named <default>, which represents an unknown schema name. If DEFAULT_SCHEMA is set, we will use
this value as default schema name.
Default: ""
Since: 1.5.0
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Frontend app SQL directory. By default the frontend app is showing the data directory packaged with sqllineage, which
includes tpcds queries for demo purposes. User can customize with this key.
Default: sqllineage/data
Since: 1.2.1
Enable lateral column alias reference. This is a syntax feature supported by some SQL dialects. See:
Amazon Redshift: Amazon Redshift announces support for lateral column alias reference
Spark (since 3.4): Support “lateral column alias references” to allow column aliases to be used within SELECT
Databricks: Introducing the Support of Lateral Column Alias
Note: Lateral column alias reference is a feature that must be used together with metadata for each column to be
correctly resolved. Take below example:
SELECT clicks / impressions as probability,
round(100 * probability, 1) as percentage
FROM raw_data
If table raw_data has a column named probability, probability in the second selected column is from table raw_data.
Otherwise, it’s referencing alias clicks / impressions as probability.
That means with SQLLineage, besides making LATERAL_COLUMN_ALIAS_REFERENCE=TRUE, MetaDat-
aProvider must also be provided so we can query raw_data table to see if it has a column named probability and
then check alias reference. If not provided, we will fallback to default behavior to simply assume column probability
is from table raw_data even if LATERAL_COLUMN_ALIAS_REFERENCE is set to TRUE.
Default: False
Since: 1.5.1
Enable tsql no semicolon splitter mode. Transact-SQL offers this feature that even when SQL statements are not
delimited by semicolon, it can still be parsed and executed.
Warning: Quoting Transact-SQL syntax conventions (Transact-SQL), “although the semicolon isnt required for
most statements in this version (v16) of SQL Server, it will be required in a future version”.
So with SQLLineage, this config key is kept mostly for backward-compatible purposes. We may drop the support
any time without warning. Bear this in mind when using this feature.
Default: False
Since: 1.4.8
12 Chapter 2. Gear Up
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
2.2 MetaData
Column lineage requires metadata to accurately handle case like select * or select unqualified columns in case of
join. Without metadata, SQLLineage output partially accurate column lineage.
MetaDataProvider is a mechanism sqllineage offers so that user can optionally provide metadata information to
sqllineage to improve the accuracy.
There are two MetaDataProvider implementations that sqllineage ships with. You can also build your own by extending
base class sqllineage.core.metadata_provider.MetaDataProvider.
2.2.1 DummyMetaDataProvider
class sqllineage.core.metadata.dummy.DummyMetaDataProvider(metadata: Dict[str, List[str]] | None =
A Dummy MetaDataProvider that accept metadata as a dict
metadata a dict with schema.table name as key and a list of unqualified column name as value
By default a DummyMetaDataProvider instance constructed with an empty dict will be passed to LineageRunner. User
can instantiate DummyMetaDataProvider with metadata dict of their own instead.
>>> from sqllineage.core.metadata.dummy import DummyMetaDataProvider
>>> from sqllineage.runner import LineageRunner
>>> sql1 = "insert into main.foo select * from main.bar"
>>> metadata = {"main.bar": ["col1", "col2"]}
>>> provider = DummyMetaDataProvider(metadata)
>>> LineageRunner(sql1, metadata_provider=provider).print_column_lineage()
main.foo.col1 <- main.bar.col1
main.foo.col2 <- main.bar.col2
>>> sql2 = "insert into main.foo select * from main.baz"
main.foo.* <- main.baz.*
DummyMetaDataProvider is mostly used for testing purposes. The demo above shows that when there is another SQL
query like insert into main.foo select * from main.baz, this provider wont help because it only knows
column information for table main.bar.
However, if somehow user can retrieve metadata for all the tables from a bulk process, then as long as memory allows,
it can still be used in production.
2.2.2 SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider
class sqllineage.core.metadata.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider(url: str, engine_kwargs:
Dict[str, Any] | None =
SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider queries metadata from database using SQLAlchemy
url sqlalchemy url
engine_kwargs a dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to sqlalchemy
2.2. MetaData 13
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
On the other hand, SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider doesn’t require user to provide metadata for all the tables needed
at once. It only requires database connection information and will query the database for table metadata when needed.
>>> from sqllineage.core.metadata.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider
>>> from sqllineage.runner import LineageRunner
>>> sql1 = "insert into main.foo select * from main.bar"
>>> url = "sqlite:///db.db"
>>> provider = SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider(url)
>>> LineageRunner(sql1, metadata_provider=provider).print_column_lineage()
As long as sqlite:///db.db is the correct source that this SQL runs on, sqllineage will generate the correct lineage.
As the name suggests, sqlalchemy is used to connect to the databases. SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider is just a thin
wrapper on sqlalchemy engine. SQLAlchemy is capable of connecting to multiple data sources with correct driver
Please refer to SQLAlchemy Dialect documentation for connection information if you haven’t used sqlalchemy before.
Note: SQLLineage only adds sqlalchemy library as dependency. All the drivers are not bundled, meaning
user have to install on their own. For example, if you want to connect to snowflake using snowflake-sqlalchemy in
sqllineage, then you need to run
pip install snowflake-sqlalchemy
to install the driver. After that is done, you can use snowflake sqlalchemy url like:
>>> use, password, account = "<your_user_login_name>", "<your_password>", "<your_account_
>>> provider = SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider(f"snowflake://{user}:{password}@{account}/")
Make sure <your_user_login_name>, <your_password>, and <your_account_name> are replaced with the appropriate
values for your Snowflake account and user.
SQLLineage will try connecting to the data source when SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider is constructed and throws
MetaDataProviderException immediately if connection fails.
Note: Some drivers allow extra connection arguments. For example, in sqlalchemy-bigquery, to specify location
of your datasets, you can pass location to sqlalchemy creation_engine function:
>>> engine = create_engine('bigquery://project', location="asia-northeast1")
this translates to the following SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider code:
>>> provider = SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider('bigquery://project', engine_kwargs={"location
˓": "asia-northeast1"})
Learn how to configure sqllineage
Learn how to use MetaDataProvider
14 Chapter 2. Gear Up
3.1 Why SQLLineage
3.1.1 How It Starts
Back when I was a data engineer, SQL is something people cant avoid in this industry. I guess it still is since you’re
reading this. However popular, it doesn’t change the fact the SQL code can be nested, verbose and very difficult to read.
Oftentimes, I found myself lost in thousands lines of SQL code full of seemingly invaluable business logic. I have to
dive deep to understand which tables this SQL script are reading, how they’re joined together and the result is writing
to which table. Thats really painful experience.
Later I became a software engineer, developing all kinds of platforms for data engineer to enhance their efficiency:
job orchestration system, metadata management system, to name a few. Thats when the SQL Lineage puzzle found
me again. I want a table-level, even column-level lineage trace in my metadata management system. Dependency
configuration is tedious work in job orchestration. I want my data engineer colleagues to just write the SQL, feed it to
my system, and I’ll show them the correct jobs they should depend on given their SQL code.
Back then, I wasnt equipped with the right tool though. Without much understanding of parsing, lexical analyser, let
alone a real compiler, regular expression was my weapon of choice. And the strategy is simple enough, whenever I
see “from” or “join”, I extract the word after it as source table. Whenever I see “insert overwrite”, a target table must
follow upon. I know you must have already figured out several pitfalls that comes with this approach. How about when
“from” is in a comment, or even when it is a string value used in where clause? These are all valid points, but somehow,
I managed to survive with this approach plus all kinds of if-else logic. Simple as it is, 80% of the time, I got it right.
But to be more accurate, even get it right 100% of the time, I don’t think regular expression could do the trick. So
I searched the internet, tons of sql parsers, while no handy/user-friendly tool to use these parsers to analyze the SQL
lineage, not at least in Python world. So I thought, hey, why not build one for my own. That’s how I decided to start
this project. It aims at bridging the gap between a) sql parser which explains the sql in a way that computer (sql engine)
could understand, and b) sql developers with the knowledge to write it while without technical know-how for how this
sql code is actually parsed, analyzed and executed.
With SQLLineage, it’s all just human-readable lineage result.
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
3.1.2 Broader Use Cases
SQL lineage, or data lineage if we include generic non-SQL jobs, is the jewel in the data engineering crown. A well
maintained lineage service can greatly ease the pains that different roles in a data team suffer from.
Heres a few classical use cases for lineage:
For Data Producer
– Dependency Recommendation: recommending dependency for jobs, detecting missing or unneces-
sary dependency to avoid potential issues.
– Impact analysis: notifying downstream customer when data quality issue happens, tracing back to
upstream for root cause analysis, understanding how much impact it would be when changing a ta-
– Development Standard Enforcement: detecting anti-pattern like one job producing multiple pro-
duction tables, or temporary tables created without being accessed later.
– Job ETA Prediction and Alert: predicting table delay and potential SLA miss with job running
For Data Governor
– Table/Column Lifecycle: identifying unused tables/columns, and retiring it.
– GDPR Compliance: propagating the PII columns tag along the lineage path, easing the manually
tagging process. Foundation for later PII encryption and GDPR deletion.
For Data Consumer
– Understanding data flow: discovering table, understanding the table from table flow perspective.
– Verify business logic: making sure the information I use is sourcing from the correct dataset with
correct transformation.
3.2 How Does SQLLineage Work
Basically a sql parser will parse the SQL statement(s) into AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), which according to wikipedia,
is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code (in our case, SQL code, of course). This is
where SQLLineage takes over.
With AST generated, SQLLineage will traverse through this tree and apply some pre-defined rules to extract the parts
were interested in. With that being said, SQLLineage is an AST application, while there’s actually more you can do
with AST:
born duty of AST: the starting point for optimization. In compiler world, machine code, or optionally IR
(Intermediate Representation), will be generated based on the AST, and then code optimization, resulting in
an optimized machine code. In data world, it’s basically the same thing with different words, and different
optimization target. AST will be converted to query execution plan for query execution optimization. Using
strategy like RBO(Rule Based Optimization) or CBO(Cost Based Optimization), the database/data warehouse
query engine outputs an optimized physical plan for execution.
linter: quoting wikipedia, linter is a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic
errors and suspicious constructs. Oftentimes the name linter is used interchangeably with code formatter. Famous
tools like flake8 for Python, ESLint for JavaScript are example of real life linters. Golang even provide an official
gofmt program in their standard library. Meanwhile, although not yet widely adopted in data world, we can also
lint SQL code. sqlfluff is such an great tool. Guess how it works to detect a smelly SELECT * or a mixture of
leading and trailing commas. The answer is AST!
16 Chapter 3. Behind the scene
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
transpiler: This use case is most famous in JavaScript world, where they’re proactively using syntax defined
in latest language specification which is not supported by mainstream web browsers yet. Quote from its offical
document, Babel is capable of “converting ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of
JavaScript in current and older browsers”. Babel exists in frontend because there’s less control over runtime
choice compared to backend developers, you need both browser to support it and user to upgrade their browser.
In data world, we also see similar requirements for SQL syntax difference between different SQL dialect. sqlglot
is such an project, which can help you “translate” for example SQL written in Hive to Presto. All there are not
possible without AST.
structure analysis: IDE leverages this a lot. Scenarios like duplicate code detection, code refactor. Basically
this is to analyze the code structure. SQLLineage also falls into this category.
sqlfluff is the underlying parser SQLLineage uses to get the AST. You heard it right! Even though sqlfluff is mostly
famous as a SQL linter, it also ships a parser so lint can be done. The various SQL dialects it supports greatly saves
our time.
As mentioned, at the core of sqllineage is to traverse through the AST. Different SQL statement type requires different
analyzing logic. We collect all kinds of sql, handle various edge cases and make our logic robust enough.
This is for single statement SQL lineage analysis. For multiple statements SQL, it requires some more extra work to
assemble the lineage from single statements.
We choose a DAG based data structure to represent multiple statements SQL lineage. Table/View will be vertex in
this graph while a edge means data in source vertex table will contribute to data in target vertex table. In column-level
lineage, the vertex is a column. Every single statement lineage result will contain table/column read and table/column
write information, which will later be combined into this graph. With this DAG based data structure, it is also very
easy to visualize lineage.
3.3 DOs and DONTs
SQLLineage is a static SQL code lineage analysis tool, which means we will not try to execute the SQL code against
any kinds of server. Instead, we will just look at the code as text, parse it and give back the result. No client/server
3.3.1 DOs
SQLLineage will continue to support most commonly used SQL system. Make best effort to be compatible.
SQLLineage will stay mainly as a command line tool, as well as a Python utils library.
3.3.2 DONTs
Column-level lineage will not be 100% accurate because that would require metadata information. Its optional
for user to leverage MetaDataProvider functionality so sqllineage can query metadata when analyzing. If not
provided, column-to-table resolution will be conducted in a best-effort way, meaning we only provide possible
table candidates for situation like select * or select col from tab1 join tab2.
3.3. DOs and DONTs 17
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
3.3.3 Static Code Analysis Approach Explained
This is the typical flow of how SQL is parsed and executed from compiling perspective:
1. Lexical Analysis: transform SQL string into token stream.
2. Parsing: transform token stream into unresolved AST.
3. Semantic Analysis: annotate unresolved AST with real table/column reference using database catalog.
4. Optimize with Intermediate Representation: transform AST to execution plan, and optimize with predicate push-
down, column pruning, boolean simplification, limit combination, join strategy, etc.
5. Code Gen: This only makes sense in distributed SQL system. Generating primitive on underlying computing
framework, like MapReduce Job, or RDD operation, based on the optimized execution plan.
Note: Semantic analysis is a compiler term. In data world, it’s often referred to as catalog resolution. For some
systems, unresolved AST is transformed to unsolved execution plan first. With catalog resolution, a resolved execution
plan is then ready for later optimization phases.
SQLLineage is working on the abstraction layer of unresolved AST, right after parsing phase is done. The good side
is that SQLLineage is dialect-agnostic and able to function without database catalog. The bad side is of course the
inaccuracy on column-level lineage when we dont know whats behind select *.
The alternative way is starting the lineage analysis on the abstraction layer of resolved AST, or execution plan. That
ties lineage analysis tightly with the SQL system so it won’t function without a live connection to database. But that
will give user an accurate result and the source code of database can be used to save a lot of coding effort.
To combine the good side of both approaches, SQLLineage introduces an optional MetaDataProvider, where user can
register metadata information in a programmatic way to assist column-to-table resolution.
3.4 Column-Level Lineage Design
3.4.1 Key Design Principles
sqllineage will stay primarily as a static code analysis tool, so we must tolerate information missing when
doing column-level lineage. Maybe somewhere in the future, we can provide some kind of plugin mechanism to
register metadata as a supplement to refine the lineage result, but in no way will we depend solely on metadata.
Don’t create column-level lineage DAG to be a separate graph from table-level DAG. There should be one
unified DAG. Either 1) we build a DAG to the granularity of column so with some kind of transformation, we
can derive table-level DAG from it. To use an analogy of relational data, it’s like building a detail table, with the
ability to aggregate up to a summary table. Or 2) we build a property graph (see JanusGraph docs for reference),
with Table and Column as two kinds of Vertex, and two type of edges, one for column to table relationship
mapping, one for column-level as well as table-level lineage.
18 Chapter 3. Behind the scene
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
3.4.2 Questions Before Implementation
1. What’s the data structure to represent Column-Level Lineage? Currently we’re using DiGraph in library
networkx to represent Table-Level Lineage, with table as vertex and table-level lineage as edge, which is pretty
straight forward. After changing to Column-Level, what’s the plan?
Answer: See design principle for two possible data structure. I would prefer property graph for this.
2. How do we deal with select * ? In following case, we dont know which columns are in tab2
Answer: Add an virtual column * for each Table as a special column. So the lineage is tab2.* -> tab1.*
3. How do we deal with column without table/alias prefix in case of join? In following case, we don’t know
whether col2 is coming from tab2 or tab3
FROM tab2
JOIN tab3
ON tab2.col1 = tab3.col1
Answer: Add two edges, tab2.col2 -> tab1.col2, tab3.col2 -> tab1.col2. Meanwhile, these two edges should be marked
so that later in visualization, they can be drawn differently, like in dot line.
3.4.3 Implementation Plan
1. Atomic column logic handling: alias, case when, function, expression, etc.
2. Subquery recognition and lineage transition from subquery to statement
3. Column to table assignment in case of table join
4. Assemble Statement Level lineage into multiple statements DAG.
Note: Column-Level lineage is now released with v1.3.0
3.5 Dialect-Awareness Lineage Design
3.5.1 Problem Statement
As of v1.3.x release, table level lineage is perfectly production-ready. Column level lineage, under the no-metadata
background, is also as good as it can be. And yet we still have a lot of corner cases that are not yet supported. This is
really due to the long-tail of SQL language features and fragmentation of various SQL dialects.
Here are some typical issues:
How to check whether syntax is valid or not?
dialect specific syntax:
MSSQL assignment operator
3.5. Dialect-Awareness Lineage Design 19
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Snowflake MERGE statement
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: keyword or function?
identifier quote character: double quote or backtick?
dialect specific keywords:
reversed keyword vs non-reversed keyword list
non-reserved keyword as table name
non-reserved keyword as column name
dialect specific function:
Over the years, we already have several monkey patches and utils on sqlparse to tweak the AST generated, either because
of incorrect parsing result (e.g. parenthesized query followed by INSERT INTO table parsed as function) or not yet
supported token grouping (e.g. window function for example). Due to the non-validating nature of sqlparse, that’s the
bitter pill to swallow when we enjoyed tons of convenience.
3.5.2 Wishful Thinking
To move forward, wed want more from the parser so that:
1. We know better what syntax, or dialect specific feature we support.
2. We can easily revise parsing rules to generate the AST we want when we decide to support some new features.
3. User can specify the dialect when they use sqllineage, so they know what to expect. And we explicitly let
them know when we dont know how to parse the SQL (InvalidSyntaxException) or how to analyze the lineage
Sample call from command line:
sqllineage -f test.sql --dialect=ansi
Sample call from Python API:
from sqllineage.runner import LineageRunner
sql = "select * from dual"
result = LineageRunner(sql, dialect="ansi")
Likewise in frontend UI, user have a dropdown select to choose the dialect they want.
3.5.3 Implementation Plan
OpenMetadata community contributed an implementation using the parser underneath sqlfluff. With #326 merged into
master, we have a new dialect option. When passed with real dialect, like mysql, oracle, hive, sparksql, bigquery,
snowflake, etc, we’ll leverage sqlfluff to analyze the query. A pseudo dialect non-validating is introduced to remain
backward compatibility, falling back to use sqlparse as parser.
We’re running dual test using both parser and make sure the lineage result is exactly the same for every test case (except
for a few edge cases).
From code structure perspective, we refactored the whole code base to introduce a parser interface:
20 Chapter 3. Behind the scene
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
LineageAnalyzer now accepts single statement SQL string, split by LineageRunner, and returns StatementLin-
eageHolder as before
Each parser implementations sit in folder sqllineage.core.parser. They’re extending the LineageAnalyzer, com-
mon Models, and leverage Holders at different layers.
Note: Dialect-awareness lineage is now released with v1.4.0
Why SQLLineage
The motivation of writing SQLLineage
How Does SQLLineage Work
The inner mechanism of SQLLineage
DOs and DONTs
Design principles for SQLLineage
Column-Level Lineage Design
Design docs for column lineage
Dialect-Awareness Lineage Design
Design docs for dialect-awareness lineage
3.5. Dialect-Awareness Lineage Design 21
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
22 Chapter 3. Behind the scene
4.1 Runner
LineageRunner is the entry point for SQLLineage core processing logic. After parsing command-line options, a string
representation of SQL statements will be fed to LineageRunner for processing. From a bird’s-eye view, it contains three
1. Calling sqllineage.utils.helpers.split function to split string-base SQL statements into a list of str
2. Calling sqllineage.core.analyzer.LineageAnalyzer to analyze each one statement sql string. Get a list
of sqllineage.core.holders.StatementLineageHolder .
3. Calling sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder.of function to assemble the list of sqllineage.
core.holders.StatementLineageHolder into one sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder.
sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder then will serve for lineage summary, in text or in visualization
4.1.1 sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner
class sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner(sql: str, dialect: str = 'ansi', metadata_provider:
~sqllineage.core.metadata_provider.MetaDataProvider =
object>, verbose: bool = False, silent_mode: bool = False,
draw_options: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None)
The entry point of SQLLineage after command line options are parsed.
sql a string representation of SQL statements.
dialect sql dialect
metadata_provider metadata service object providing table schema
verbose verbose flag indicating whether statement-wise lineage result will be shown
silent_mode boolean flag indicating whether to skip lineage analysis for unknown state-
ment types
Return str(self).
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
draw() None
to draw the lineage directed graph
print_column_lineage() None
print column level lineage to stdout
print_table_lineage() None
print table level lineage to stdout
static supported_dialects() Dict[str, List[str]]
an ordered dict (so we can make sure the default parser implementation comes first) with key, value as
parser_name, dialect list respectively
4.1.2 sqllineage.cli.main
sqllineage.cli.main(args=None) None
The command line interface entry point.
args the command line arguments for sqllineage command
4.2 Analyzer
LineageAnalyzer is an abstract class, supposed to include the core processing logic for one-statement SQL analysis.
Each parser implementation will inherit LineageAnalyzer and do parser specific analysis based on the AST they gen-
erates and store the result in StatementLineageHolder.
4.2.1 LineageAnalyzer
class sqllineage.core.analyzer.LineageAnalyzer
SQL Statement Level Lineage Analyzer Parser specific implementation should inherit this class and implement
analyze method
abstract analyze(sql: str, metadata_provider: MetaDataProvider) StatementLineageHolder
to analyze single statement sql and store the result into StatementLineageHolder.
sql single-statement SQL string to be processed
metadata_provider sqllineage.core.metadata_provider.
MetaDataProvider provides metadata on tables to help lineage analyzing
24 Chapter 4. Basic concepts
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
4.3 Holder
LineageHolder is an abstraction to hold the lineage result analyzed by LineageAnalyzer at different level.
At the bottom, we have sqllineage.core.holders.SubQueryLineageHolder to hold lineage at subquery level.
This is used internally by sqllineage.core.analyzer.LineageAnalyzer.
LineageAnalyzer generates sqllineage.core.holder.StatementLineageHolder as the result of lineage at SQL
statement level.
To assemble multiple sqllineage.core.holder.StatementLineageHolder into a DAG based data structure serv-
ing for the final output, we have sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder
4.3.1 SubQueryLineageHolder
class sqllineage.core.holders.SubQueryLineageHolder
SubQuery/Query Level Lineage Result.
SubQueryLineageHolder will hold attributes like read, write, cte.
Each of them is a Set[sqllineage.core.models.Table].
This is the most atomic representation of lineage result.
property write_columns: List[Column]
return a list of columns that write table contains. Its either manually added via add_write_column if
specified in DML or automatic added via add_column_lineage after parsing from SELECT
add_write_column(*tgt_cols: Column) None
in case of DML with column specified, like:
INSERT INTO tab1 (col1, col2)
SELECT col3, col4
this method is called to make sure tab1 has column col1 and col2 instead of col3 and col4
add_column_lineage(src: Column, tgt: Column) None
link source column to target.
get_alias_mapping_from_table_group(table_group: List[Path | Table | SubQuery]) Dict[str, Path |
Table | SubQuery]
A table can be referred to as alias, table name, or database_name.table_name, create the mapping here. For
SubQuery, it’s only alias then.
4.3.2 StatementLineageHolder
class sqllineage.core.holders.StatementLineageHolder
Statement Level Lineage Result.
Based on SubQueryLineageHolder, StatementLineageHolder holds extra attributes like drop and rename
For drop, it is a Set[sqllineage.core.models.Table].
For rename, it a Set[Tuple[sqllineage.core.models.Table, sqllineage.core.models.Table]], with
the first table being original table before renaming and the latter after renaming.
4.3. Holder 25
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
4.3.3 SQLLineageHolder
class sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder(graph: DiGraph)
The combined lineage result in representation of Directed Acyclic Graph.
graph the Directed Acyclic Graph holding all the combined lineage result.
property table_lineage_graph: DiGraph
The table level DiGraph held by SQLLineageHolder
property column_lineage_graph: DiGraph
The column level DiGraph held by SQLLineageHolder
property source_tables: Set[Table]
a list of source sqllineage.core.models.Table
property target_tables: Set[Table]
a list of target sqllineage.core.models.Table
property intermediate_tables: Set[Table]
a list of intermediate sqllineage.core.models.Table
static of(metadata_provider, *args: StatementLineageHolder) SQLLineageHolder
To assemble multiple sqllineage.core.holders.StatementLineageHolder into sqllineage.
4.4 Model
Several data classes in this module.
4.4.1 Schema
class sqllineage.core.models.Schema(name: str | None = None)
Data Class for Schema
name schema name
4.4.2 Table
class sqllineage.core.models.Table(name: str, schema: ~sqllineage.core.models.Schema = Schema:
<default>, **kwargs)
Data Class for Table
name table name
schema schema as defined by Schema
26 Chapter 4. Basic concepts
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
4.4.3 SubQuery
class sqllineage.core.models.SubQuery(subquery: Any, subquery_raw: str, alias: str | None)
Data Class for SubQuery
subquery subquery
alias subquery alias name
4.4.4 Column
class sqllineage.core.models.Column(name: str, **kwargs)
Data Class for Column
name column name
parent Table or SubQuery
4.5 MetaDataProvider
4.5.1 sqllineage.core.metadata_provider.MetaDataProvider
class sqllineage.core.metadata_provider.MetaDataProvider
Base class used to provide metadata like table schema.
When parse below sql:
INSERT INTO db1.table1
FROM db2.table2 t2
JOIN db3.table3 t3 ON t2.id = t3.id
Only by literal analysis, we don’t know which table is selected column c1 from. A subclass of MetaDataProvider
implementing _get_table_columns passing to sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner. can help parse column
lineage correctly.
get_table_columns(table: Table, **kwargs) List[Column]
return columns of given table.
register_session_metadata(table: Table, columns: List[Column]) None
Register session-level metadata, like temporary table or view created.
deregister_session_metadata() None
Deregister session-level metadata.
LineageRunner: The entry point for SQLLineage
LineageAnalyzer: The core functionality of analyze one SQL statement
4.5. MetaDataProvider 27
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
LineageHolder: To hold lineage result at different level
The data classes for SQLLineage
MetaDataProvider: provider metadata to assist lineage analysis
28 Chapter 4. Basic concepts
5.1 Changelog
5.1.1 v1.5.3
May 5, 2024
This is a security release to upgrade some dependencies to latest version as we receive vulnerability alerts. We strongly
recommend that all sqllineage installations be upgraded to this version immediately.
This release also includes an improvement regarding metadata provider.
set target table column name from MetaDataProvider (#528)
5.1.2 v1.5.2
April 7, 2024
Enable support of sqlfluff context (#548)
Support Change Configure Default Schema At Runtime (#536)
Parse column level lineage incorrect (#584)
Metadata Masked When Table was in a previous UPDATE statement (#577)
Clickhouse SQL ‘GLOBAL IN’ not support (#554)
Support json_tuple in SELECT clause in Hive (#483)
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.3 v1.5.1
February 4, 2024
This is a bugfix release mostly driven by community contributors. Thanks everyone for making SQLLineage better.
Allow unambiguous column reference for JOIN with USING clause (#558)
Make Lateral Column Alias Reference Configurable (#539)
Add an Argument to Exclude SubQuery Column Node in Column Lineage Path (#526)
Not fully processed top-level subquery in DML (#564)
Missing target table with tsql parsing into statements with union (#562)
The second and subsequent case when subqueries in the select_clause are not correctly recognized (#559)
SQLLineageConfig boolean value returns True for all non-empty strings (#551)
Column lineage does not traverse through CTE containing uppercase letters (#531)
5.1.4 v1.5.0
January 7, 2024
Great thanks to liznzn for contributing on MetaData-awareness lineage. Now were able to generate more accurate
column lineage result for select * or select unqualified columns in case of table join through a unified MetaDataProvider
Also a breaking change is made to make ansi the default dialect in v1.5.x release as we target ultimately deprecating
non-validating dialect in v1.6.x release.
Breaking Change
Make ansi the Default Dialect (#518)
Metadata Provider to Assist Column Lineage Analysis (#477)
30 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Add a Configuration for Default Schema (#523)
Silent Mode Option to Suppress UnsupportedStatementException (#513)
Support Lateral Column Alias Reference Analyzing (#507)
Skip Lineage Analysis for SparkSQL Function Related Statement (#500)
update statement column lineage (#487)
subquery mistake alias as table name in visualization (#512)
InvalidSyntaxException When SQL Statement Ends with Multiple Semicolons (#502)
Misidentify Binary Operator * As Wildcard (#485)
adding type cast operator produces different results for redshift dialect (#455)
5.1.5 v1.4.9
December 10, 2023
This is a bugfix release where we closed a bunch of issues concerning CTE and UNION
Not Using Column Name Specified in Query For CTE within Query (#486)
CTE (Common Table Expressions) within CTE (#484)
lineage inaccurate when CTE used in subquery (#476)
UNION ALL Queries resolves column lineage incorrectly (#475)
Missing table when parsing sql with UNION ALL (#466)
No target tables in UPDATE statement using CTE (#453)
5.1.6 v1.4.8
October 16, 2023
5.1. Changelog 31
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Support Python 3.12 (#469)
programmatically list supported dialects (#462)
add versioning of package to cli (#457)
Add Support of DROP VIEW statements (#456)
support split SQL statements without semicolon in tsql (#384)
SqlFluff RuntimeError Triggers Server Error 500 in Frontend (#467)
ignore lineage for analyze statement (#459)
5.1.7 v1.4.7
August 27, 2023
Support subquery in VALUES clause (#432)
Dialect=’tsql’ should return warning when no semicolons are detected (#422)
Restricting folder and files user can access from frontend (#405)
throw exception when the statement missing the semicolon as splitter (#159)
AttributeError raised using parenthesized where clause (#426)
qualified wildcard recognized as wrong column name (#423)
5.1.8 v1.4.6
July 31, 2023
In this release, we finally reach the milestone to make all sqlparse only test cases passed with sqlfluff implementation.
Thats a big step in ultimately deprecating sqlparse. Also by upgrading to latest version of sqlfluff (with our PR merged),
we enjoy the benefits of improved sqlfluff performance when parsing some SQLs with nested query pattern.
32 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Improve sqlfluff Performance Issue on Nested Query Pattern (#348)
Reduce sqlparse only test cases (#347)
Missing Source Table for MERGE statement when UNION involved in source subquery (#406)
Column lineage does not work for CAST to Parameterized Data Type (#329)
Can’t handle parenthesized from clause (#278)
5.1.9 v1.4.5
July 2, 2023
Switch to PyPI Trusted Publishers (#389)
Support tsql Declare Statement (#357)
Exception for Subquery Expression Without Source Tables (#401)
Not Supporting Create Table AS in postgres (#400)
Failed to handle UNION followed by CTE (#398)
Not handling CTE inside DML query (#377)
Failed to parse UNION inside CTE (#376)
5.1.10 v1.4.4
June 11, 2023
BigQuery Specific MERGE statement feature support (#380)
Support snowflake create table. .. clone and alter table. . . swap (#373)
Parse Column Lineage When Specify Column Names in Insert/Create Statement (#212)
5.1. Changelog 33
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Switching Dialect in UI only works When Explicit Clicked (#387)
No Column Lineage Parsed for DML with SELECT query in parenthesis (#244)
5.1.11 v1.4.3
May 13, 2023
Support postgres style type casts “keyword::TIMESTAMP” (#364)
Missing column lineage from SELECT DISTINCT using non-validating dialect (#356)
Missing column lineage with Parenthesis around column arithmetic operation (#355)
Not Handling CTE at the start of query in DML (#328)
5.1.12 v1.4.2
April 22, 2023
sqlparse v0.4.4 breaks non-validating dialect (#361)
5.1.13 v1.4.1
April 2, 2023
frontend app unable to load dialect when launched for the first time
34 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.14 v1.4.0
March 31, 2023
Great thanks to Nahuel, Mayur and Pere from OpenMetadata community for contributing on feature Dialect-awareness
lineage. Leveraging sqlfluff underneath, were now able to give more correct lineage result with user input on SQL
Dialect-awareness lineage (#302)
support MERGE statement (#166)
Use curved lines in lineage graph visualization (#320)
Click to lock highlighted nodes in visualization (#318)
Deprecate support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7, add support for Python 3.11 (#319)
support t-sql assignment operator (#205)
exception when insert into qualified table followed by parenthesized query (#249)
missing columns when current_timestamp as reserved keyword used in select clause (#248)
exception when non-reserved keywords used as column name (#183)
exception when non-reserved keywords used as table name (#93)
5.1.15 v1.3.7
Oct 22, 2022
migrate demo site off Heroku to GitHub Pages (#288)
remove flask-related dependencies by implementing a wsgi app (#287)
5.1. Changelog 35
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
exception with VALUES clause (#292)
exception with Presto unnest function (#272)
exception with snowflake generator statement (#214)
5.1.16 v1.3.6
Aug 28, 2022
support MySQL RENAME TABLE statement (#267)
auto deploy to Heroku with GitHub Actions (#232)
handling parenthesis around subquery between union (#270)
unable to extract alias of columns using function with CTAS (#253)
exception when using lateral view (#225)
5.1.17 v1.3.5
May 10, 2022
support parsing column in cast/try_cast with function (#254)
support parsing WITH for bucketing in Trino (#251)
incorrect column lineage with nested cast (#240)
column lineages from boolean expression (#236)
using JOIN with ON/USING keyword fails to determine source tables when followed by a parenthesis (#233)
failure to handle multiple lineage path for same column (#228)
36 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.18 v1.3.4
March 6, 2022
update black to stable version (#222)
table/column lineage mixed up for self dependent SQL (#219)
problem with SELECT CAST(CASE WHEN . . . END AS DECIMAL(M,N)) AS col_name (#215)
failed to parse source table from subquery with more than one parenthesis (#213)
5.1.19 v1.3.3
December 26, 2021
smarter column-to-table resolution using query context (#203)
column lineage for union operation (#207)
subquery in where clause not parsed for table lineage (#204)
5.1.20 v1.3.2
December 12, 2021
support optional AS keyword in CTE (#198)
support referring to a CTE in subsequent CTEs (#196)
support for Redshift ‘copy from’ syntax (#164)
5.1. Changelog 37
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.21 v1.3.1
December 5, 2021
test against Python 3.10 (#186)
alias parsed as table name for column lineage using ANSI-89 Join (#190)
CTE parsed as source table when referencing column from cte using alias (#189)
window function with parameter parsed as two columns (#184)
5.1.22 v1.3.0
November 13, 2021
Column-Level Lineage (#103)
SHOW CREATE TABLE parsed as target table (#167)
5.1.23 v1.2.4
June 14, 2021
highlight selected node and its ancestors as well as children recursively (#156)
add support for database.schema.table as identifier name (#153)
add support for swap_partitions_between_tables (#152)
38 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.24 v1.2.3
May 15, 2021
lineage API response exception handling (#148)
5.1.25 v1.2.2
May 5, 2021
resize dragger remain on the UI when drawer is closed (#145)
5.1.26 v1.2.1
May 3, 2021
option to specify hostname (#142)
re-sizable directory tree drawer (#140)
async loading for directory tree in frontend UI (#138)
5.1.27 v1.2.0
April 18, 2021
A Full Fledged Frontend Visualization App (#118)
Use TPC-DS Queries as Visualization Example (#116)
5.1. Changelog 39
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Unit Test Failure With sqlparse==0.3.0, update dependency to be >=0.3.1 (#117)
contributing guide (#14)
5.1.28 v1.1.4
March 9, 2021
trim function with from in arguments (#127)
5.1.29 v1.1.3
February 1, 2021
UNCACHE TABLE statement parsed with target table (#123)
5.1.30 v1.1.2
January 26, 2021
Bring back draw method of LineageRunner to avoid backward incompatible change (#120)
5.1.31 v1.1.1
January 24, 2021
SQLLineageException for Multiple CTE Subclauses (#115)
40 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
5.1.32 v1.1.0
January 17, 2021
A new JavaScript-based approach for visualization, drop dependency for graphviz (#94)
Test against Mac OS and Windows (#87)
buckets parsed as table name for Spark bucket table DDL (#111)
incorrect result for update statement (#105)
5.1.33 v1.0.2
November 17, 2020
black check in CI (#99)
switch to GitHub Actions for CI (#95)
test against Python 3.9 (#84)
cartesian product exception with ANSI-89 syntax (#89)
5.1.34 v1.0.1
October 17, 2020
5.1. Changelog 41
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
remove upper bound for dependencies (#85)
5.1.35 v1.0.0
September 27, 2020
New Features
a detailed documentation hosted by readthedocs (#81)
drop support for Python 3.5 (#79)
5.1.36 v0.4.0
August 29, 2020
New Features
DAG based lineage representation with visualization functionality (#55)
replace print to stderr with logging (#75)
sort by table name in LineageResult (#70)
change schema default value from <unknown> to <default> (#69)
set up Github actions for PyPi publish (#68)
5.1.37 v0.3.0
July 19, 2020
42 Chapter 5. Release note
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
New Features
statement granularity lineage result (#32)
schema aware parsing (#20)
allow user to specify combiner (#64)
trim leading comment for statement in verbose output (#57)
add mypy as static type checker (#50)
add bandit as security issue checker (#48)
enforce black as code formatter (#46)
dedicated Table/Partition/Column Class (#31)
friendly exception handling (#30)
subquery without alias raises exception (#62)
refresh table and cache table should not count as target table (#59)
let user choose whether to filter temp table or not (#23)
5.1.38 v0.2.0
April 11, 2020
test against Python 3.8 (#39)
comment in line raise AssertionError (#37)
white space in left join (#36)
temp table checking (#35)
enable case-sensitive parsing (#34)
support for create table like statement (#29)
special treatment for DDL (#28)
empty statement return (#25)
drop table parsed as target table (#21)
multi-line sql causes AssertionError (#18)
5.1. Changelog 43
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
subquery mistake alias as table name (#16)
5.1.39 v0.1.0
July 26, 2019
New Features
stable command line interface (#2)
combine setup.py and requirements.txt (#6)
combine tox and Travis CI (#5)
table-wise lineage with sufficient test cases (#4)
a startup docs for sqllineages usage (#3)
pypi badges in README (#1)
5.1.40 v0.0.1
June 16, 2019
New Features
initial public release
See whats new for each SQLLineage version
44 Chapter 5. Release note
__str__() (sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner method),
method), 25
add_write_column() (sqllineage.core.holders.SubQueryLineageHolder
method), 25
analyze() (sqllineage.core.analyzer.LineageAnalyzer
method), 24
Column (class in sqllineage.core.models), 27
property), 26
method), 27
draw() (sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner method), 23
DummyMetaDataProvider (class in
sqllineage.core.metadata.dummy), 13
method), 25
method), 27
property), 26
LineageAnalyzer (class in sqllineage.core.analyzer),
LineageRunner (class in sqllineage.runner), 23
main() (in module sqllineage.cli), 24
MetaDataProvider (class in
sqllineage.core.metadata_provider), 27
of() (sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder static
method), 26
(sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner method), 24
(sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner method), 24
method), 27
Schema (class in sqllineage.core.models), 26
source_tables (sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder
property), 26
SQLAlchemyMetaDataProvider (class in
sqllineage.core.metadata.sqlalchemy), 13
SQLLineageHolder (class in sqllineage.core.holders),
StatementLineageHolder (class in
sqllineage.core.holders), 25
SubQuery (class in sqllineage.core.models), 27
SubQueryLineageHolder (class in
sqllineage.core.holders), 25
(sqllineage.runner.LineageRunner static
method), 24
sqllineage, Release 1.5.3
Table (class in sqllineage.core.models), 26
property), 26
target_tables (sqllineage.core.holders.SQLLineageHolder
property), 26
write_columns (sqllineage.core.holders.SubQueryLineageHolder
property), 25
46 Index