School Board Services
Kimberly A. Melnyk, Chair
District 2
Jennifer S. Franklin, Vice Chair
District 2 Kempsville
Beverly M. Anderson
Kathleen J. Brown
District 10
Michael R. Callan
District 6
David Culpepper
District 8
Victoria C. Manning
Staci R. Martin
District 4
Jessica L. Owens
District 3 Rose Hall
Trenace B. Riggs
District 1 Centerville
Carolyn D. Weems
District 9
Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent
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School Board Regular Meeting MINUTES
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
School Administration Building #6, Municipal Center
2512 George Mason Drive
P.O. Box 6038
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
(757) 263-1000
1. Administrative, Informal, and Workshop: Chair Melnyk convened the Administrative, Informal, and Workshop
session at 3:02 p.m. on the 13
day of February 2024.
In addition to Superintendent Robertson, the following School Board members were present in the School
Administration Building #6, School Board Chamber: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown,
Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning (arrived at 4:42 p.m. during the Closed Session), Ms. Riggs, and Ms.
Weems. The following School Board member attended via Zoom: Ms. Owens.
Chair Melnyk noted members of the public will be able to observe the School Board meeting through live
streaming on, broadcast on VBTV Channel 47, and on Zoom; welcomed
members of the public both in person and online.
A. School Board Administrative Matters and Reports*
*Special Presentation of Appreciation to School Board: There was a special presentation to the School Board
in honor of School Board Appreciation Month; cheerleaders from Tallwood High School performed cheers for
the School Board members.
B. Sustainable Schools: Ryan Hersey, Sustainability Officer, Facilities Services, provided the School Board an
update on the Environmentally Sustainability Progress and Practices of Advancing our Sustainable Building
Infrastructure; triple bottom line environmental, economic, social; advance our sustainable building
structure, integrate sustainable practices throughout the school division, educate about sustainability;
reviewed timeline; mentioned Policy 3-67; presentation focus: facilities and maintenance; VBCPS average cost
per kilowatt hour (kWh): 2006: 7.42 cents, 2023: 12.93 cents, increased by 74.0%; VBCPS electricity use
since 2006, VBCPS has reduced electricity use by 34.6%; shared comparison of three high schools use
(kWh/SF); shared graph of Ocean Lakes Elementary electricity use and cost over time: cost 2006: $92,010, cost
2013: $112,636, 2007 HVAC, windows, geothermal & energy performance contracting, 2020 energy
performance contracting, 2021 solar installation, cost 2023: $55,894; reviewed VBCPS electricity use and
cost over time graph, reduced use, actual cost approximately $15 million, estimate of what costs would/might
have been approximately $27 million; trend of savings over time.
The prese
ntation continued with brief comments and questions regarding LED costs; solar panels;
maintenance costs; sustainable initiatives; solar panels on buildings with newer roofs; mentioned schools with
solar panels (Ocean Lakes Elementary, Renaissance Academy, Princess Anne Middle School, Thoroughgood
Elementary); and an additional four schools getting solar panels.
C. Chronic Absenteeism Update: Matt
hew Delaney, Chief Schools Officer, and Robert Jamison, Executive
Director of Student Support Services provided the School Board information on national trends about chronic
absenteeism, how Virginia has identified chronic absenteeism as a focus area, and how VBCPS is strategically
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School Administration Building #6, Municipal Center Tuesday, February 13, 2024
2512 George Mason Drive School Board Regular Meeting
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Page 2 of 17
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addressing chronic absenteeism; Mr. Delaney started the presentation and mentioned Dr. Teri Breux (former
principal at Bettie F. Williams, currently Director of Elementary School Leadership), Mrs. Sham Bevel (principal
at Bayside 6
), and Mr. Troy Walton (principal at Bayside High School) were present and available to answer
questions; reviewed definition of chronic absenteeism missing 10% or more of the academic year for any
reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions; key points: chronic absenteeism is
a national issue, Virginia has identified it as a focus area, existing policies and practices, adding new strategies,
our schools continue to work hard to address; national issue impact on students: less likely to read at grade
level by the end of 3
grade, four times more likely to drop out of high school than their peers; traditional
causes (illness, lack of transportation, housing mobility, academic struggles), new variable parents’ lower
threshold for missing school; state level Virginia has identified it as a focus area, chronic absenteeism data
collected by the state as early as 2015-2016, included in the state accreditation system in 2017-2018,
performance levels - Level 1: 15% or lower, Level 2: between 16% and 24%, Level 3: 25% or higher,
Attendance Matters campaign and state-level task force.
Mr. Jamison continued the presentation; mentioned Regulation 5-17.1,A Absences/Truancy/School and
Class Attendance Grades K-12; absence defined: at the elementary and middle school level, if a student does
not attend school for at least a portion of the day, he/she is counted absent; at the high school level, absences
are computed for each class, at the middle school level, absences are computed for each credit course, a
student who misses more than 15 minutes of any class will be counted absent for that class; Regulation 5-
17.1,G Excessive Absences VBCPS; actions when students start to accrue absences: phone calls home,
attendance letters, conferences, corrective action plans, Student Response Team meetings, attendance
contracts, etc.; during 2022-2023 school year, secured a dedicated docket for truancy cases; adding new
strategies to address issue: 2023-2024 Strategic Action Agenda - using integrated systems of support to meet
student needs, EveryDay Labs to increase communications with families through mail and text messages,
new program: Attendance Ambassadors 1 coordinator and 10 ambassadors assigned to Level 3 schools; first
meeting with Attendance Ambassadors was February 8; VDOE All-In Funds are being used to fund both
EveryDay Labs and the Attendance Ambassadors; overview of approaches used in some schools to address
chronic absenteeism; reviewed how you can help: School Board members be aware of policies and
regulations, help constituents with school-age children understand why attendance matters, connect families
in need with school and school division staff for support; families prepare your child for academic success by
making sure they are in school when they are not sick, notify the school by phone or email on the day of your
child’s absence, know that frequent absent students fall behind in critical reading and math skills; students
speak with your parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators if you need support, recognize the
importance of attending school, develop personal goals for school attendance.
The presentation continued with questions and comments regarding number of schools at Level 1, 2, and 3;
impact on students present/not absent how instruction provided, remediation, limits other instruction;
absenteeism and accreditation; resources to help with absenteeism; schools sharing helpful practices; data
driven; and percentage of chronic absenteeism.
D. Budget/CIP Workshop #1: Crystal Pate, Chief Financial Officer provided the School Board information and
updates on the budget development process and have answers to any questions addressed by the Budget
t team; reviewed the presentation agenda: questions from School Board members, revenue
sharing formula (RSF) update, PPEA update; noted did not receive any questions from School Board members;
update to the revenue sharing formula: City budget staff provided an updated RSF estimate on February 8, the
amount is an increase of $1,518,995 over what was presented in the SEON, possible revenue reduction
pending determinations concerning the real estate tax rate.
Mr. Jack F
reeman, Chief Operations Officer, continued the presentation; provided an overview: big picture
have been on a status quo CIP path: design-bid-build, adopted CIP, interim agreement enabled final
evaluation of PPEA suitability for VBCPS, schedule of past updates to the School Board and City Council,
schedule of work during interim agreement, delivery of guaranteed maximum price (GMP), School Board
meeting update Jan. 23, 2024; overview of PPEA timeline: June 4, 2021 unsolicited proposal received by S.B.
Ballard Construction Co. (SBBCC), August 24, 2021 – Board authorized acceptance of SBBCC unsolicited
proposal, December 20, 2021 conceptual proposal received, March 18, 2022 requested detailed proposals
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School Administration Building #6, Municipal Center Tuesday, February 13, 2024
2512 George Mason Drive School Board Regular Meeting
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Page 3 of 17
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received, June 28, 2022 have negotiated an Interim Agreement with SBBCC for 12 months of design work
with public input not to exceed $15,404,544, August 9, 2022 resolution to approve School Board enter into
an Interim Agreement for design work for PAHS, Williams ES/Bayside 6
Grade, and Bayside HS, July 5, 2022
City Council briefed on PPEA process, February 28, 2023 at School Board workshop, staff reviewed the PPEA,
during Action, the Board reaffirmed support for the Interim Agreement, March 7, 2023 City Council
approved the PPEA Interim Agreement, January 9, 2024 the School Board received information regarding
the educational specifications process or the three replacement schools’ design being conducted as part of
the PPEA Interim Agreement design process, January 23, 2024 the School Board received the guaranteed
maximum price (GMP) for the PPEA; financial analysis: funding analysis appropriations, cash and bond pay
back analysis debt services, expenditure timing cash flow; moving forward: discussions about scalable
options process ended before scalable options process; options: Interim Agreement runs its course no
action needed, terminate the Interim Agreement, direct staff to pursue one or two projects under PPEA; staff
needs guidance for how the Board wishes to proceed.
Ms. Pate concluded the presentation with reminders to email questions to Dr. Robertson, Crystal Pate, and all
School Board members; submit questions by Friday each week to provide answers before the next Tuesday.
The presentation continued with questions and comments regarding Panorama contract; abatement funds;
general revenue funds; recovery school; support from other divisions for recovery school; funds to support
recovery school; vaping detectors and cost; Virginia House Bill 696; motion in formal meeting regarding funds
for recovery school; reversion funds; PPEA; scalable options; CIP budget; design-bid-build; and direction on
2. Closed Session: At 4:25 p.m. Vice Chair Franklin made the following motion, seconded by Ms. Anderson that the
School Board recess into Closed Session in accordance with the exceptions to open meetings law set forth in Code
of Virginia §2.2-3711, Part A, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 29 as amended, to deliberate on the following matters:
1. Discussion, consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment; assignment, appointment,
promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining, or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or
employees of any public body; and evaluation of performance of departments or schools of public institutions of
higher education where such evaluation will necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific
2. Discuss
ion or consideration of admission or disciplinary matters or any other matters that would involve the
disclosure of information contained in a scholastic record concerning any student of any public institution of
higher education in the Commonwealth or any state school system. However, any such student, legal counsel and,
if the student is a minor, the student's parents or legal guardians shall be permitted to be present during the
taking of testimony or presentation of evidence at a closed meeting, if such student, parents, or guardians so
request in writing and such request is submitted to the presiding officer of the appropriate board.
3. Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of
publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or
negotiating strategy of the public body.
7. Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable
litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating
posture of the public body. For the purposes of this subdivision, "probable litigation" means litigation that has
been specifically threatened or on which the public body or its legal counsel has a reasonable basis to believe will
be commenced by or against a known party. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure of
a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a matter.
8. Consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by such counsel. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure
of a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a
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School Administration Building #6, Municipal Center Tuesday, February 13, 2024
2512 George Mason Drive School Board Regular Meeting
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Page 4 of 17
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29. Discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds, including interviews of
bidders or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in an open session
would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body.
Namely to discuss:
A. Status of pending employee discipline cases and complaints.
B. Discussion with staff regarding status of certain matters related to real property related to educational
C. Discussion and legal advice concerning PPEA related projects.
D. Status of pending student cases and complaints.
E. Decision on student discrimination complaint.
F. Status of pending litigation or administrative cases.
G. Consultation with legal counsel regarding probable litigation and pending litigation matters.
H. Application and interview questions for appointment process.
Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were nine (9) ayes in favor of the motion
to recess into Closed Session: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr.
Culpepper, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion passed, 9-0-0. Note: Ms. Owens did not attend the
Closed Session since she was participating via Zoom.
The School Board recessed into Closed Session at 4:29 p.m.
Individuals present for discussion in the order in which matters were discussed:
B. Discussion with staff regarding status of certain matters related to real property related to educational
services: School Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan,
Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems; Kamala H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E.
Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; Jack Freeman, Chief Operations Officer; Melisa Ingram, Executive
Director, Office of Facilities Services; and Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
C. Discussion and legal advice concerning PPEA related projects: School Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems; Kamala
H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; Jack Freeman, Chief
Operations Officer; Melisa Ingram, Executive Director, Office of Facilities Services; and Regina M.
Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
School Bo
ard member, Ms. Manning joined the Closed Session at 4:42 p.m.
At 5:07 p.m., Jack Freeman, Chief Operations Officer and Melisa Ingram, Executive Director, Office of Facilities
Services left the Closed Session.
G. Consultation with legal counsel regarding probable litigation and pending litigation matters: School
members: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms.
Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems; Kamala H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson,
Ph.D., Superintendent; and Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
F. Status o
f pending litigation or administrative cases; and
D. Status of pending student cases and complaints: School Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair
Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems;
Kamala H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; and Regina M.
Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
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School Administration Building #6, Municipal Center Tuesday, February 13, 2024
2512 George Mason Drive School Board Regular Meeting
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Page 5 of 17
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A. Status of pending employee discipline cases and complaints; and
E. Decision on student discrimination complaint: School Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin,
Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems; Kamala
H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; and Regina M. Toneatto,
School Board Clerk.
H. Appl
ication and interview questions for appointment process: Schoo
l Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms.
Weems; Kamala H. Lannetti, School Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; and
Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
The Scho
ol Board reconvened at 5:28 p.m.
Certification of Closed Session: Vice Chair Franklin read the Certification of Closed Session:
, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to
an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act;
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this School Board that such
closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach hereby certifies that, to the
best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting
requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification applies, and (ii) only
such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were
heard, discussed, or considered.
Mr. Callan made the motion, seconded by Mr. Culpepper. Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk
announced there were seven (7) ayes in favor of the motion for Certification of Closed Session: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. There was one (1) nay
opposed to the motion for Certification of Closed Session: Ms. Brown. There was one (1) abstention for the
Certification of Closed Session: Ms. Manning. The motion passed: 7-1-1.
3. School Board Recess: Chair Melnyk adjourned the Administrative, Informal, and Workshop session at 5:30 p.m.
4. Formal Meeting (School Administration Building #6School Board Room) ............................................... 6:00 p.m.
5. Call to Order and Roll Call: Chair Melnyk convened the meeting of the School Board at the School Administration
Building #6, School Board Chamber at 6:00 p.m. on the 13th day of February 2024 and thanked the members of
the public joining the meeting in person and online.
In addition to Superintendent Robertson, the following School Board members were present in the School
Administration Building #6, School Board Chamber: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown,
Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The following School Board member
attended via Zoom: Ms. Owens.
6. Moment of Silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
7. Student, Employee and Public Awards and Recognition
A. Crossing Guard Recognition: The School Board recognized the remarkable dedication and service or our
school crossing guards; the School Board recently recognized Feb. 7, 2024 as School Crossing Guard
Appreciation Day.
B. School Board Clerk Appreciation Special Presentation from Board and Superintendent: The School Board and
Superintendent Robertson recognized Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk and Susan L. Keipe, School
Board Deputy Clerk in honor of VSBA School Board Clerk Appreciation Week, Feb. 12-16, 2024.
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Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Page 6 of 17
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C. Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct for Members of the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Signing: The School Board signed their Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct; individual School Board
members stepped down from the dais for a public signing.
8. Adoption of the Agenda: Chair Melnyk requested the following modification, to add the resolution for School
Board Clerk Appreciation Week to the Consent Agenda item #15G; Ms. Brown requested to add a motion related
to the PPEA to Action Agenda item #16D; Ms. Weems requested to add abatement settlement funds to Action
Agenda item #16E; Mr. Culpepper requested to move Consent Agenda item #15E Gifted Resource Cluster
Program: Comprehensive Evaluation Recommendations to Action Agenda item #16F. Chair Melnyk reviewed the
agenda modifications: Action item #16D A Motion for Action related to the PPEA, Consent item #15G
Resolution for School Board Clerk Appreciation, Action item #16E Abatement Settlement Funds, and Action item
#16F Gifted Resource Cluster Program; Chair Melnyk called for any additional modifications. Hearing none, Chair
Melnyk called for a motion to approve the agenda as presented and modified. Mr. Culpepper made the motion,
seconded by Ms. Owens. Without discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced
there were nine (9) ayes in favor of the motion to approve the agenda as presented and modified: Chair Melnyk,
Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems.
There was one (1) nay opposed to the motion to approve the agenda as presented and modified: Ms. Anderson.
The motion passed, 9-1-0.
9. Superintendent’s Report (second monthly meeting) and recognitions (first and second monthly meetings): There
was no Superintendent’s Report presented at the meeting.
Administrative Recognitions Superintendent Robertson, introduced the following appointments which were
approved at the January 23, 2024 School Board meeting: Christine A. McCune, Administrative Assistant, John B.
Dey and Thoroughgood Elementary Schools as Assistant Principal, Holland Elementary School; Teri A. Breaux,
Ed.D., Principal, Bettie F. Williams Elementary School as Director of Elementary Schools, Department of School
Leadership; and Abigail J. Dougherty, Senior Customer Success Manager and Senior Dedicated Success Manager,
LETRS as Coordinator, PreK-12, Department of Teaching and Learning.
10. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. January 23, 2024 Mini-Retreat/Regular School Board Meeting: Chair Melnyk called for any modifications to
the January 23, 2024 mini-retreat/regular School Board meeting minutes as presented. Hearing none, Chair
Melnyk called for a motion to approve the January 23, 2024 minutes as presented. Ms. Brown made the
motion, seconded by Ms. Riggs. Without discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk
announced there were ten (10) ayes in favor of the motion to approve the January 23, 2024 minutes as
presented: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms.
Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion passed, 10-0-0.
11. Public Hearing on Proposed School Operating Budget FY 2024/25 and Capital Improvement Program for
FY2024/25 - FY2029/30: There were four (4) in person speakers and two (2) online speakers for the Public
Hearing; items discussed were PPEA; SEON and CIP budget; revenue sharing formula; pay raises for employees;
central office staff; streamline; mental health issues; Virtual Virginia; cuts to programs; interim agreement (PPEA)
and cost ($15 million); new construction; building maintenance, and sustainability of buildings.
12. Public Comments (until 8:00 p.m.)
There were eight (8) in person speakers (including one (1) student speaker) and two (2) online speakers; topics
discussed were support for CTE courses; real-life experiences; FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America); gifted
services; top heavy administration; gifted resource teachers; ODS; students’ rights; LGBTQ students; transgender
students; students need to feel safe; school calendars; instructional hours verses instructional days; pre and post
labor day calendars; Election Day; Policy 6-13; VBEA calendar options; staff days; teachers leaving; number of
students in district; State funding; 180 day calendars; best wishes and thanks to Ms. Martin for serving on the
School Board; Ms. Manning and not running for re-election; and doing the right thing for students.
The Public Comments concluded at 7:06 p.m.
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13. Information
A. Policy Review Committee (PRC) Recommendations: That the School Board review Policy Review Committee
(PRC) recommendations regarding review, amendment, and repeal of certain bylaws and policies as reviewed
by the PRC at its January 18, 2024 meeting. School Board Attorney, Kamala H. Lannetti presented the
1. Bylaw 1-9/Qualifications: The PRC recommends changes to align with the recent federal district court
decision made regarding voting districts in Virginia Beach and to more clearly explain the expectations
laid out in this Bylaw; there was a brief discussion regarding Bylaw 1-9; pending lawsuits; formation of
districts; Bylaw subject to change based on outcome of lawsuits; training required of School Board
members; language from code section; Oath of Office; and swearing in.
2. Policy 6-60/Textbooks: The PRC recommends changes made to align with current School Division
practices and update the Legal Reference section; there was a brief discussion regarding Policy 6-60; free
textbooks and sale of textbooks in policy.
3. Poli
cy 6-67/Social Work Services: The PRC recommends minor scrivener’s changes as necessary.
4. Policy 6-79/Homebound Services: The PRC recommends updating the Editor’s Notes to align with current
School Division Guidelines.
B. Old Donation School Selection Process: Crystal Lewis-Wilkerson, Ed.D., Director K-12 Gifted Program,
provided the School Board information regarding a proposed amendment of the Local Plan for the Education
of the Gifted (Old Donation School Selection Process); provided time for School Board members to read each
of the amendment changes slides; brief overview of the proposed amendment changes - proposed
amendment 1 - The committee uses a numerical rating scale to complete a holistic evaluation of the
applicants and rate them by their rating scores. No single criterion determines an applicant's rating, and there
is no guarantee a specific rating will result in enrollment at ODS….and record an individual rating…When the
number of students receiving the highest rating (e.g., 5-5-5) exceeds the number of open seats, all students
with the highest rating will be placed in an applicant pool from which a random selection will occur; proposed
amendment 2 updated modified 5 point scale, 5 exceptionally strong in all the application components, 1
does not demonstrate strengths in most areas; may not be successful in program; proposed amendment 3 -
When the number of students receiving the highest rating (e.g., 5-5-5) exceeds the number of open seats, all
students with the highest rating will be placed in an applicant pool from which a random selection will occur;
proposed amendment 4 removal of parent information, addition of performance based task (Grade 1 only);
proposed amendment 5 - …eligibility for enrollment in the gifted program at ODS.
The pre
sentation continued with questions and comments regarding 5-point scale; parent information
component; suggested language of “limited” selection in amendment 1; enrollment and seats available;
deeper rating of students; new rating scale; smart verses giftedness; gifted in all schools, educating all our
gifted students; development of next 5-year plan; suggestion of cluster or satellite school; and
C. Calendar Recommendation for 2024-2025: Matthew Delaney, Chief Schools Officer, provided the School
Board information regarding the 24-25 school calendar process; reviewed purpose of the presentation
review the new calendar options requested by the School Board during the informational presentation on
January 23, 2024; overview of the January 23 presentation provided an overview of the calendar
development process, shared results from the 2024-25 calendar survey, provided a review of preferred
calendar option and an alternative option; mentioned Policy 6-12 and Policy 6-13; reviewed month-by-month
the three calendar options (Pre-Labor Day 179 Day, Pre-Labor Day 180 Day; Post-Labor Day 179 Day).
mmary of Pre-Labor Day 179 Day option: Staff returns on Friday, August 16, six staff days for in-service
week, students return on Monday, August 26, staff day on Monday, October 7, staff day on Friday, November
1, flex day for staff on Tuesday, November 5 (Election Day), holiday for students and staff on the Wednesday
prior to Thanksgiving, two-week winter break, two staff days at the end of January, staff day on Monday,
March 10, final day for students on Friday, June 13, flex day (staff) after on Monday, June 16.
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Summary of Pre-Labor Day 180 Day option: Staff returns on Friday, August 16, six staff days for in-service
week, students return on Monday, August 26, staff day on Monday, October 7, staff day on Friday, November
1, flex day for staff on Tuesday, November 5 (Election Day), holiday for students and staff on the Wednesday
prior to Thanksgiving, two-week winter break, two staff days at the end of January, final day for students on
Friday, June 13, flex day (staff) on Monday, June 16.
Summary of Post-Labor Day 179 Day option: staff returns on Wednesday, August 21, eight staff days for in-
service week, students return on Tuesday, September 3, staff day on Tuesday, November 5 (Election Day),
holiday for students and staff on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving, two-week winter break, one staff day
at the end of January, final day for students on Friday, June 13, flex day (staff) on Monday, June 16.
The presentation continued with questions and comments regarding length of quarters; flex days; adjusted
dismissal days; flex days, staff days end of school year; 180 days maximize instruction, shouldn’t go below
180 days; possibility of a 2-year calendar; post and pre labor day options; option of a Post-Labor Day 180 Day
calendar; concerns for last week of school, everyday should have instruction; survey and data; summer
training options for teachers, much is asynchronously; time for professional learning; in the past, previous
number of calendar days 183; teacher retention (nationwide issue); options for 180 day Pre-Labor Day and
Post-Labor Day; and calendar options in agenda packet for February 20 Special School Board meeting.
D. School Board Committee Assignment Modifications for term ending June 30, 2024: Chair Melnyk reviewed
the list of committee assignments for the term ending June 30, 2024; changes due to the resignation of School
Board member, Ms. Martin; Internal Audit Ms. Riggs will be placed on the committee, Chair Melnyk noted
there is one meeting left in April, Chair Melnyk will stay on committee as an ex-officio position to complete
the auditor’s evaluation; Planning and Performance Monitoring Committee Chair Melnyk will fill in when
those meetings occur; noted that the Internal Audit Chair will also need to serve on the Governance
Committee until June 30; Legislative Committee Ms. Manning and Ms. Riggs will be placed on the
committee; Student Discipline Chair Melnyk and Vice Chair Franklin will fill in for the Committee I which
meets on Monday for student discipline hearings; Workforce Development Committee has one more meeting
and Ms. Weems will complete that work; Ms. Weems will continue on the Jericho Road Ad Hoc Committee;
Mr. Callan will continue with the Adult Education Advisory Committee; Strategic Plan Committee Mr. Callan
and Ms. Anderson; reassignment of committees will take place in July.
The presenta
tion continued with questions and comments regarding Jericho Road Committee, planning on
meeting in March, requesting a second member on the committee; Workforce Development presentation to
School Board end of March, one more meeting in February, request to add Ms. Brown to the committee; Ms.
Brown to be added to both Jericho Road Ad Hoc Committee and Workforce Development Committee; noted
need to remove the Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities; PPMC, consideration of committee,
repetitive of committee, committee utilized to help develop budget, think about the purpose of PPMC, discuss
in June; thinking about budget all year; PPMC helpful as a new School Board member; input from staff
regarding the PPMC and workload; dates for presentations to the School Board did not line up with PPMC
meeting dates; value to staff additional feedback on PPMC presentations; and discussion regarding budget
priorities in July.
14. Return to public comments if needed: As noted under Agenda item #12, Public Comments concluded at 7:06 p.m.
15. Consent Agenda: Chair Melnyk read the following items on the Consent Agenda:
A. Resolutions:
1. Special Resolution for School Board Member Staci Martin: Recommended that the School Board
approve the Resolution honoring Staci Martin, School Board Member District 4, upon her resignation
from office.
2. Student Leadership Week: Recommended that the School Board approve a resolution recognizing
February 18-24, 2024, as Student Leadership Week.
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B. Policy Review Committee (PRC) Recommendations: Recommended that the School Board approve Policy
Review Committee (PRC) recommendations regarding review, amendment, and repeal of certain bylaws and
policies as reviewed by the PRC at its December 14, 2023 meeting.
1. Policy 4-66/Tutoring for Pay: The PRC recommends adding “private” tutoring in order to not cause
confusion with All In Tutoring.
2. Policy 6-20/Division Curriculum: The PRC recommends minor changes made to the Policy.
3. Policy 6-21/Curriculum Committees: The PRC recommends changing “objectives and curriculum guides”
curriculum, as it encompasses all the extra language that is unnecessary. “As appropriate” was also added
and will not change the textbook review process by the public.
4. Policy 6-22/Scope and Sequence: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
5. Policy 6-24/Addition and Deletion of Courses and Programs: The PRC recommends changes proposed
because VDOE does not offer guidance on all the courses VBCPS offers.
6. Policy 6-25/Evaluation of the Curriculum: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
7. Policy 6-32/Health and Physical Education: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
8. Policy 6-34/Technical and Career Education: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
9. Policy 6-35/Title I Programs: The PRC recommends updates related to grant requirements.
10. Policy 6-37/World Languages: The PRC recommends changes presented are to make the policy easier to
11. Policy 6-38/Core Content Areas: The PRC recommends changes from administration.
12. Policy 6-39/Mathematics: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
13. Policy 6-42/Social Studies: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
14. Policy 6-43/Art, Music, and Theater Arts Programs: The PRC recommends changes made are to align with
language that is currently being used and scrivener’s changes as necessary.
15. Policy 6-44/School Counseling: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
16. Policy 6-45/Theme-Based Academies: The PRC recommends Scrivener’s changes as necessary.
17. Policy 6-57/International Travel: The PRC recommends no changes to this Policy.
18. Policy 6-83/Non-School Division (VBCPS) Sponsored Educational Courses: The PRC recommends no
proposed changes to this Policy.
19. Policy 6-86/Naval Junior Officers Training Corps (NJROTC): The PRC recommends no proposed changes to
this Policy.
20. Policy 6-87/Governor’s School for the Arts: The PRC recommends scrivener’s changes to this Policy.
C. Religious Exemption(s): Recommended that the School Board approve Religious Exemption RE-23-16 and RE-
D. Energy Performance Contract: Recommended That the School Board approve a motion authorizing the
Superintendent to execute an energy performance contract with Noresco in the amount of $2,384,763. This
contract authorizes the construction phase of the process. Facilities included in this project are Shelton Park
Elementary School, Tallwood High School and Holland Road Annex. Recommended work includes lighting and
building envelope improvements.
E. Gifted Resource Cluster Program: Comprehensive Evaluation Recommendations: (Note: item moved to Action
agenda item #16F; see adoption of the agenda item #8)
F. Textbook Adoptions:
1. AP Japanese: Recommended that the School Board approve the following high school textbook as
recommended by the Japanese Textbook Adoption Committee for implementation in the fall of 2024.
Course Title
AP Japanese
Dekiru! An Ap Japanese Preparation Course
(1st Ed.)
Cheng & Tsui
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2. K-3 Elementary Language Arts: Recommended that the School Board approve the following elementary
language arts textbook for grades kindergarten through third as recommended by the Elementary
Language Arts Textbook Adoption Committee for implementation in the fall of 2024.
Course Title
Language Arts K-3
Into Reading
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
G. Resolution for School Board Clerk Appreciation (Note: item was added during Adoption of the Agenda; see
agenda item #8): Recommended that the School Board approve a resolution recognizing VSBA School Board
Clerk Appreciation Week, Feb. 12-16, 2024.
Chair Melnyk c
alled for any objections from the School Board voting on the Consent Agenda items. Hearing none,
Chair Melnyk called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Ms. Riggs made the motion,
seconded by Vice Chair Franklin. Before the vote, Chair Melnyk asked the resolutions to be read.
Ms. Owens read the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, in partnership with the entire community, will empower every student to
become a life-long learner who is a responsible, productive and engaged citizen within the global community; and
EAS, through the governance and oversight of the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach and the leadership of the
Superintendent and staff, Virginia Beach City Public Schools is a world class School Division that continually strives to chart
the course for our students; and
WHEREAS, School Board Members have vital roles in preparing Virginia Beach City Public School students to be future
leaders in our community and the world and work tirelessly to address those needs; and
WHEREAS, Staci Martin, has served with high distinction and outstanding dedication on the School Board of the City
Virginia Beach, Virginia as the School Board Member from January 1, 2023 through February 13, 2024; and
WHEREAS, during her tenure as a School Board Member, Staci Martin has served on School Board Committees and Advisory
Boards and has shared her exceptional understanding of the needs of nontraditional learners, career and technical
education, higher education, workforce development, and regional workforce needs; and
WHEREAS, her participation has enhanced the School Board's efforts, in partnership with the entire community, to
empower every student to become a life-long learner who is a responsible, productive and engaged citizen within the
global community.
RESOLVED: That the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach commends and extends its grateful appreciation to Staci
Martin, School Board Member District 4, for a job well done; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution be spread across the official minutes of this School Board; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED: That this original resolution be presented to Staci Martin, School Board Member District 4, in
recognition of her service.
This Resolution is to be adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach this 13th day of February 2024.
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Mr. Callan read the following resolution:
Student Leadership Week
Feb. 18-24, 2024
HEREAS, Virginia
Beach City Public Schools sponsors student leadership activities in order to provide students with vital
experience in exercising a voice in matters of common concern, reconciling diverse interests, and selecting leaders; and
WHEREAS, student leaders are a positive influence on their peers, modeling good character and scholarship in and out of
the classroom, and serve as change agents to improve the overall climate and academic performance levels of their schools,
their division and their city; and
WHEREAS, student leaders do not automatically develop sound leadership skills and require trained, dedicated mentors
and advisers to help them develop the essential characteristics of a leader and to provide the positive experiences
necessary to becoming effective leaders; and
WHEREAS, the support of school administrators and faculty, parents and community members is necessary to help ensure
the successful education of all emerging student leaders;
WHEREAS, Student Leadership Week serves as an ideal time to bring attention to the important and integral contributions
that student leaders and all student activities make in our nation’s schools;
RESOLVED: That the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach, officially recognizes the last full week of February as
“Virginia Beach City Public Schools Student Leadership Week” in support of National Student Leadership Week; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED: That the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach encourages all citizens to seek opportunities to
recognize student leaders in our schools and support their training and activities as they prepare themselves for their future
stations as leaders of our city, state and nation; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread across the official minutes of this Board.
Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach this 13th day of February 2024
Ms. Manning read the following resolution:
VSBA School Board Clerk Appreciation Week
Feb. 12-16, 2024
WHEREAS, school board clerks in each locality throughout our great Commonwealth are appointed by law to fulfill their
duties and responsibilities; and
WHEREAS, school board clerks are responsible for keeping accurate records of the meetings and proceedings of the school
board, a record of all receipts and disbursements, and a record of all official acts; and
WHEREAS, school board clerks perform such other duties in connection with the school business of her/his county or city
as may be required by the school board; and
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WHEREAS, school board clerks maintain frequent contact with the public, including parents, employees and the media, on
behalf of the school board and superintendent; and
WHEREAS, school board clerks, in the performance of their duties, are often required to work extra hours attending
school board meetings; and
WHEREAS, school board clerks join with school boards to help ensure that students achieve to their highest potential; and
WHEREAS, the VSBA Board of Directors recognizes the third week of February as School Board Clerk Appreciation Week in
the Commonwealth of Virginia;
RESOLVED: That the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach also recognizes the third week of February as School Board
Clerk Appreciation Week; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread across the official minutes of this Board.
Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach this 13th day of February 2024
After the resolutions were read, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were ten (10) ayes
in favor of the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms.
Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion passed, 10-0-0.
16. Action
A. Personnel Report / Administrative Appointments: There wer
e no administrative appointments. Chair Melnyk
called for a motion to approve the February 13, 2024 personnel report and administrative appointments of
which there were none. Ms. Anderson made the motion, seconded by Ms. Riggs that the School Board
approve the appointments and the acceptance of the resignations, retirements, and other employment
actions as listed on the February 13, 2024 personnel report. Without discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a
vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were ten (10) ayes in favor of the motion to approve the
February 13, 2024 personnel report and administrative appointments: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms.
Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The
motion passed, 10-0-0.
B. Policy Review Committee (PRC) Recommendations: Recommended That the School Board approve Policy
Review Committee (PRC) recommendations regarding review, amendment, and repeal of certain bylaws and
policies as reviewed by the PRC at its December 14, 2023 meeting.
1. Policy 6-65/Library Media Centers/Profession Libraries: The PRC recommends proposed numbering
School Board At
torney, Kamala H. Lannetti mentioned there was a request from a School Board member to
place the item on the Action Agenda; there were formatting changes made to the policy; Chair Melnyk called
for a motion to approve Policy 6-65/Library Media Centers/Professional Libraries. Mr. Culpepper made the
motion, seconded by Ms. Weems. A discussion followed regarding the policy; Mr. Culpepper made a motion
to amend Policy 6-65, to add section D. Content Committee The Superintendent or Designee shall create a
committee comprised of senior staff, the School Board attorney, and at least four Library Media Specialist for
the purposes of developing a process to ensure there is no sexually explicit content, as defined by Virginia
Code 2.2-2827 in elementary school libraries. The committee shall develop a process for incoming materials at
the secondary level meeting the definition of sexually explicit content as defined by Virginia Code 2.2-2827 to
be placed on a list located in a prominent location on the division website. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Brown. A discussion continued regarding the motion by Mr. Culpepper; amendment not necessary;
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implementation of amendment; including the Library Media Specialist in the process/committee; was
amendment presented to the School Board prior to the meeting; public input on amendment; flexible to
implement no specific time constraint, well defined; upcoming PRC meeting; need to confirm if citing the
right code section; concerns with being legally sufficient; suggestion to have policy go back to PRC; First
Amendment implications; mention of code dealing with sexually explicit content and instructional materials;
defer and send back to PRC; public input on amendment; Ms. Manning made a substitute motion to bring
Policy 6-65 back to Legal for review and back to the School Board at the next regular meeting for Action, Mr.
Culpepper seconded the motion; there was a discussion regarding Ms. Manning’s motion; supports the policy
going back to Legal; uncomfortable not having the PRC review at meeting; clarity the motion does prohibit the
policy from going back to the PRC, but needs to come back to the School Board; specifically to bring to Legal
for review; support for Ms. Manning’s motion but not to going to PRC; transparency with policy; does not
want to bypass PRC. Without further discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote on Ms. Manning’s motion. The
School Board Clerk announced there were seven (7) ayes in favor of the motion to bring Policy 6-65 back for
Legal review and back to the School Board at the next regular meeting for Action: Vice Chair Franklin, Ms.
Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Owens, and Ms. Weems. There were three (3) nays
opposed to the motion to bring Policy 6-65 back for Legal review and back to the School Board at the next
regular meeting for Action: Chair Melnyk, Ms. Anderson, and Ms. Riggs. The motion passed, 7-3-0.
C. Resolution Directing that a Petition for a Writ of Special Election Be Filed and the School Board Appoint an
m School Board Member for District 4: Chair Melnyk called for a motion to approve the resolution
directing that a Petition for a Writ of Special Election be filed, and the School Board appoint an Interim School
Board Member District 4. Vice Chair Franklin made the motion, seconded by Ms. Anderson. School Board
Attorney, Kamala H. Lannetti provided information regarding the resolution; approving the process; within the
agenda packet there is calendar of dates; the resolution is authorizing the School Board attorney to take
necessary steps to get the petition and the special election filed; School Board adopts a calendar and
procedure for appointment of an Interim School Board Member District 4; Chair Melnyk read the following
HEREAS, Staci Martin School Board Member District 4 elected for a term of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2026
has submitted her resignation from the School Board effective February 13, 2024 11:59 p.m.; and
WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia §24.2-226 (1950), as amended, and City Charter § 16.05, as amended, require that within
fifteen (15) calendar days of the occurrence of the vacancy the School Board must petition the Circuit Court to issue a Writ
of Special Election to fill the vacancy as set forth in Virginia Code §24.2-681, et seq., as amended. The Court shall issue the
writ ordering the election promptly which shall be no later than the next general election in November; and
WHEREAS, the next general election following Mrs. Martin’s resignation will be on November 5, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia §24.2-228 and §22.1-29.1 (1950), as amended, require that the no later than forty-five (45)
days from the date of the vacancy, the School Board appoint a qualified representative to fill the vacated School Board
position until qualification of a new School Board Member following the special election. If the School Board fails to make
an appointment within that time, the Circuit Court will appoint an interim representative.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that
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1. The School Board directs the School Board Attorney, the Clerk of the School Board and the Chair and Vice
Chair of the School Board to take all appropriate actions necessary to file a Petition for a Writ of Special
Election in the Circuit Court.
2. The School Board adopts a calendar and procedure for appointment of an Interim School Board Member
District 4 until such time as a duly elected and qualified School Board Member District 4 takes office. The
School Board Attorney, the Clerk of the School Board, the Chair and Vice Chair, and the Superintendent are
authorized to take actions not taken by the School Board and necessary to implement the appointment
Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach this 13
day of February 2024.
Vice Chair Franklin made the motion, seconded by Ms. Anderson. There was a brief discussion regarding the
calendar and procedure for appointment; procedure within the calendar; proposed application form; goal to put
the application out tomorrow. Without further discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk
announced there were nine (9) ayes in favor of the Resolution Directing that a Petition for a Writ of Special
Election be Filed and the School Board Adopt a Calendar and Process for Appointing an Interim School Board
Member District 4: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms.
Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. There was one (1) nay opposed to the Resolution: Ms. Manning. The motion
passed, 9-1-0.
D. Motion for Action Related to the PPEA: (Note: item was added during the Adoption of the Agenda; see agenda
item #8): Ms. Brown made the following motion: I move that the School Board not proceed to a
comprehensive agreement related to the PPEA Interim Agreement, Ms. Manning seconded the motion. The
was a brief discussion regard the motion; interim agreement process scheduled to end; guaranteed maximum
price; seems that funds are not available to move to a comprehensive agreement; still will be working on
school infrastructure; need for a concrete vote from the Board; stating the intent of the School Board.
Without further discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were nine
(9) ayes in favor of the motion that the School Board not proceed to a comprehensive agreement related to
the PPEA Interim Agreement: Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms.
Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. There was one (1) abstention to the motion: Chair Melnyk;
noted that she abstains from general contractor votes. The motion passed, 9-0-1.
E. Abatement Settlement Funds: (Note: item was added during the Adoption of the Agenda; see agenda item
#8): Ms. Weems made the following motion: I move to direct the Superintendent to earmark $500,000.00
from our abatement settlement fund towards a Recovery School. Ms. Manning seconded the motion. A
discussion followed regarding the motion; funds used for a specific purpose, restrictions; need for information
on what the State can provide; commitment from other districts; cutting programs and creating new
programs; Virtual Learning Center; reversion funds; cost of vape detectors; topic discussed since 2019;
partnership with other divisions; important to put funds aside for Recovery School; discussions happening in
Richmond; braided funding sources; symbol of commitment; one-time funds; reserving the funds; House Bill
696; Chesterfield Recovery School; intent to start using the funds now; funds from a settlement not operating
budget; research on vape detectors; flexibility in funds; voting on next Tuesday with more information. Chair
Melnyk restated the motion to direct the Superintendent to earmark $500,000.00 from our abatement
settlement fund towards a Recovery School. Without further discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The
School Board Clerk announced there were nine (9) ayes in favor of the motion to direct the Superintendent to
earmark $500,000.00 from our abatement settlement fund towards a Recovery School: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Riggs, and Ms.
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Weems. The was one (1) nay opposed to the motion to direct the Superintendent to earmark $500,000.00
from our abatement settlement fund towards a Recovery School: Ms. Owens. The motion passed, 9-1-0.
F. Gifted Resource Cluster Program: Comprehensive Evaluation Recommendations: (Note: item moved to Action
agenda item #
16F; see adoption of the agenda item #8): Chair Melnyk mentioned the item was moved from
Consent to Action; motion made by Mr. Culpepper, seconded by Ms. Brown; Mr. Culpepper made the request
to move the item, question regarding the 5-year plan timeline; development begins in April, long process, to
be implemented in 2025-26 school year; need to get feedback sooner; program evaluation different from 5-
year plan; program evaluation looks at the survey items; Office of Planning, Innovation, and
Accountability/Office of Research and Evaluation to follow-up on the eight recommendations, support as
needed to the Office of Gifted Education throughout the development of local plan; Mr. Culpepper clarified
the motion was to approve the item as it would have been under Consent, but wanted to discuss the topic, so
it needed to be moved to Action, Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Without further discussion, Chair Melnyk
called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were ten (10) ayes in favor of the motion to
approve the Gifted Resource Cluster Program: Comprehensive Evaluation Recommendations: Chair Melnyk,
Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Manning, Ms. Owens, Ms. Riggs,
and Ms. Weems. The motion passed, 10-0-0.
17. Committee, Organization or Board Reports: Ms. Anderson mentioned the Sister Cities 2024 Ambassador will be
chosen on March 8, an invitation will be sent to the School Board members, also there will be an art competition
and silent auction, event will be at the MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art); Ms. Franklin attended the SEAC
meeting, discussed the Little Feet Meet at the meeting which is being held at Tallwood High School; Ms. Franklin
also attended the GRC committee meeting, mentioned GRC SOL scores have improved, students participated in
other activities (field trips, visiting colleges, opera, etc.), participating in Operation Smile; Mr. Callan mentioned he
attended the Gifted Advisory Committee meeting, a new chair was elected at the meeting, dealing with challenges
regarding measuring giftedness.
Ms. Manning left the School Board meeting at 10:41 p.m.
18. Return to Administrative, Informal, Workshop or Closed Session matters: At 10:45 p.m., Vice Chair Franklin
made the following motion, seconded by Ms. Anderson that the School Board recess into Closed Session in
accordance with the exceptions to open meetings law set forth in Code of Virginia §2.2-3711, Part A, Paragraphs 1,
2, 3, 7, 8 and 29 as amended, to deliberate on the following matters:
1. Discussion, consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment; assignment, appointment,
promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining, or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or
employees of any public body; and evaluation of performance of departments or schools of public institutions of
higher education where such evaluation will necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific
2. Discussion or consideration of admission or disciplinary matters or any other matters that would involve the
disclosure of information contained in a scholastic record concerning any student of any public institution of
higher education in the Commonwealth or any state school system. However, any such student, legal counsel and,
if the student is a minor, the student's parents or legal guardians shall be permitted to be present during the
taking of testimony or presentation of evidence at a closed meeting, if such student, parents, or guardians so
request in writing and such request is submitted to the presiding officer of the appropriate board.
3. Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of
publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or
negotiating strategy of the public body.
7. Consultatio
n with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable
litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating
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posture of the public body. For the purposes of this subdivision, "probable litigation" means litigation that has
been specifically threatened or on which the public body or its legal counsel has a reasonable basis to believe will
be commenced by or against a known party. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure of
a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a matter.
8. C
ultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by such counsel. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure
of a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a
29. Discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds, including interviews of
bidders or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in an open session
would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body.
Namely to discuss:
A. Decision on student discrimination complaint.
B. Status of pending litigation or administrative cases.
C. Consultation with legal counsel regarding probable litigation and pending litigation matters.
D. Application and interview questions for appointment process.
Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were eight (8) ayes in favor of the motion
to recess into Closed Session: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr.
Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion passed, 8-0-0.
The School Board recessed into Closed Session at 10:50 p.m.
Individuals present for discussion in the order in which matters were discussed:
A. Decision on student discrimination complaint: School Board members: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms.
Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems;
Kamala H. Lannetti, School Board
Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; and Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
D. Application and interview questions for appointment process: Chair Melnyk, Vice Chair Franklin, Ms.
Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems; Kamala H. Lannetti, School
Board Attorney; Donald E. Robertson, Ph.D., Superintendent; and Regina M. Toneatto, School Board Clerk.
School Board reconvened at 11:09 p.m.
Certification of Closed Session: Vice Chair Franklin read the Certification of Closed Session:
WHEREAS, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to
an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act;
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this School Board that such
closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach hereby certifies that, to the
best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting
requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification applies, and (ii) only
such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were
heard, discussed, or considered.
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Mr. Culpepper made the motion, seconded by Mr. Callan. Chair Melnyk called for a vote. The School Board Clerk
announced there were eight (8) ayes in favor of the motion for Certification of Closed Session: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion
passed, 8-0-0.
Chair Melnyk made a motion to accept resolution draft one in the student discrimination appeal 10/25/23;
HEREAS, on October 25, 2023 the parents of an elementary school student filed an appeal of the School
inistration’s determination regarding their of complaint of national origin discrimination in violation of School
Board Policy 5-7 due to the student not being selected for the 2023-24 second grade class at Old Donation School;
WHEREAS, the School Board appointed a hearing officer to review the complaint and make a recommendation to
the School Board regarding the complaint; and
WHEREAS, after holding a hearing on December 23, 2023, the Hearing Officer rendered his findings of fact and
recommendation on January 19, 2024; and
WHEREAS, on February 13, 2024 the School Board reviewed the Hearing Officer’s Findings of Fact and
recommendation, the transcript and the exhibits for the hearing.
1. That the School Board adopts the January 19, 2024 Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the
Hearing Officer that there is insufficient evidence of a violation of any federal, state, or School
Board law/statute/regulation concerning discrimination, harassment/
2. That the School Administration is ordered to notify the student and parents of this decision and
to place a copy of this decision, the supporting documentation, and any recording of the hearing
in the student’s official files.
Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia this 13th day of February 2024.
The motion was made by Chair Melnyk and seconded by Ms. Weems. Without discussion, Chair Melnyk called for a
vote. The School Board Clerk announced there were eight (8) ayes in favor of the resolution: Chair Melnyk, Vice
Chair Franklin, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Brown, Mr. Callan, Mr. Culpepper, Ms. Riggs, and Ms. Weems. The motion
passed, 8-0-0.
19. Adjournment: Chair Melnyk adjourned the meeting at 11:14 p.m.
fully submitted:
Regina M. Toneatto, Clerk of the School Board
Kimberly A. Melnyk, School Board Chair