U.S. Weekly Huddle
Week of Nov 8, 2021
Health and Safety: The proper way to Lift: Stay close to the object, bend down at the knees,
straddle the object, get a good grip and lift with your legs.
It is important that you are all using the 3 checks for safety as
you go about your day!
Nothing is more important than you being able to perform your job safely and if you cannot do so
please contact your manager as soon as possible so they can help you safely do your work.
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Missed Birthdays Apologies to the following as the birthday section was not updated for last weeks
huddle. Belated birthday wishes to Bradley Etzler on 11/3, and Gail Metzger on 11/5. If you see them be
sure to wish them a happy birthday!
Birthdays - Employees who are celebrating a birthday this week are DeWayne Clark and Cheryl Jackson
on 11/10, and Diane Watson on 11/14. If you see them be sure to wish them a happy birthday!
Missed Anniversaries Apologies to the following as the anniversary section was not updated for last
weekanniversary wishes to Rang Pham celebrating 31 years of service on 11/1, Anna
Vasquez celebrating 9 years of service on 11/2, Brandon McAuley celebrating 6 years of service on 11/6
and Shawn Fox celebrating 1 year of service on 11/6. Thank you for your continued service to Fort Wayne
Community Schools and Sodexo.
Anniversaries- Employees who will be celebrating an anniversary this week are Fay Kelanger celebrating
11 years of service on 11/8, and Ebony Starks celebrating 23 years of service on 11/10. Thank you for your
continued service to Fort Wayne Community Schools and Sodexo.
Thank you to Terry Worthman, Norm Thorpe, Don Roembke from Renee for making momentous
Thank you to the Safety Committee from the Sodexo Buildings and Grounds Team for your example job
study on ladders for a ladder safety moment this week. It was shared with the entire region to use for ladder
safety in their own units.
Thank you to All Staff from Renee for working with us during this continually stressful time, adjusting
schedules and missing personal events to meet the needs of our valuable students. We realize that many of
you made adjustments to meet the needs for Parent Teacher conferences and we want you to know that we
appreciate you. Thank you for your continued patience while we do everything we can to help with the labor
Recruiting Roundup
New outreach:
Northrop High School Job Fair and Followup
# Of Interviews:
4 applicants 4 interviewed Northrop High School
# Of Orientation:
1 orientation this week at Northrop High School
7 Student Workers Total
What we did to attract new workers:
Arranging Mailers to recruit CEs
News from the Office
Equipment Maintenance: Engineers, please make sure that you are following the process of
submitting work orders either via email or Maximo to get work done on your equipment. We need to
be 
 it will only delay other deliveries and
impact tracking of work on equipment. Please follow the process and we will make sure that the
work gets done in a timely fashion.
Your 2022 Benefits Annual Enrollment Starts this week
2022 Benefits Annual Enrollment (AE) is Nov. 8 19, 2021. Reminder: All AE enrollment
materials and costs are online only. A short, printed brochure was mailed to homes the week of
Oct. 25 to let you know that AE is coming and some of the 2022 changes to look for. The online
2022 AE Guides, can be found on Sodexo LINK and the Sodexo Benefits Center.
In addition, the Notices of Provisions that were sent with the AE guide will only be available
online. The provisions are a series of legally required notices that include a description of certain
rights under the plans and government funded benefits. This notice is posted in English and
Spanish at SodexoBenefitsCenter.com and on Sodexo LINK
A hard copy of the AE Guide or Notices of Provisions can be sent to you upon request by calling
the Sodexo Benefits Center at 855-668-5040,
Your Huddle News!
The huddle is your time to put out Kudos and Thanks to your co-workers
and point out exceptional performances!
All you have to do is send or call in your Kudos and Thank Yous to Matt in the office and we will
make sure your recognition goes out!
The new SODEXO Superheroes wall at the office. Thank you to all of our Superheroes below who
go above and beyond in their commitment to Sodexo and Fort Wayne Community Schools!
Group A:
1. What are the essentials to get in shape/lose weight?
2. What are the essentials to a strong and healthy relationship?
3. What are the essentials to productive financial management?
Group B:
1. How do you write and publish a New York Times best-seller?
2. What is the safest way to build wealth with cryptocurrency?
3. What is the best strategy for reforming the US education system?
These two groups of questions help me illustrate a key point about the source of our errors and
less familiarity and knowledge.
more familiarity and knowledge.
Yet in the Group A questions where the answers are much more clear (I chose health,
relationships, and money on-purpose), mistakes are just as common as the Group B where the
answers are much less clear.
This shows us that errors and mistakes come from two sources:
1. now.
2. 
source is feeding your mistakes. Let this be an important reminder that solving for knowledge is
only 10% of the solution. 90% is the execution of what you know.
Everything is training for something. Do the work. Everything transforms over time, including you.
One of your great gifts is that you can create your most meaningful transformations with intention
and purpose.
Everything is training for something. Do the work.
Understanding Quality of Life
The 52 Ways to Improve Quality of Life / to Show You Care
The 52 Ways highlights a weekly behavior that demonstrates the values of Team Spirit, Service
Spirit and Spirit of Progress to improve Quality of Life for all we come in contact with.
To improve Quality of Life we can demonstrate the following behavior: Courtesy
Definition: Polite and considerate behavior towards others.
Example Word Use: Amy showed her guests courtesy by smiling at them and saying hello.
Examples in Action:
Smiling and greeting everyone we meet
Holding the elevator for a clients, customers, guest or co-worker
Smiling and saying hello (or good morning/afternoon/evening) to everyone you meet
Conversation Starter
Wednesday, Nov. 10 
of trivia: Did you know that area codes were first introduced on this day in 1951?