A Giant Impact: A Case Study on the Community Development and
Unification Practices of the San Francisco Giants Community Fund
A Senior Project
presented to
the Faculty of the Department of Experience Industry Management
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science
Geri E. M. Pirkle
June 2020
© 2020 Geri E. M. Pirkle
JUNE 2020
Over the past two centuries, the considerable efforts of a number of organizations,
companies, and individuals have led to the concurrent growth of two powerful industries:
professional sport and community development. The last few decades have seen a
merging of these two realms which effectively combine their separate spheres of
influence to create a significant platform for societal change. The purpose of this study
was to examine the community development and unification practices employed by the
San Francisco Giants Community Fund. The researcher designed a case study examining
the programs and events, partnerships and sponsorship, and marketing and fundraising
practices utilized by the Giants Community Fund. The results indicate that the Giants are
exemplary agents of community development but need to improve their marketing
techniques. As an important member of their greater communities, all professional sport
teams should utilize their unique platforms to support philanthropic initiatives and
achieve positive change in their communities.
Keywords: professional sport, community development, sport philanthropy, San
Francisco Giants, corporate social responsibility, Junior Giants
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................... 1
Background of Study ...................................................................................................... 1
Review of Literature ....................................................................................................... 2
Purpose of the Study ..................................................................................................... 11
Research Questions ....................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 METHODS....................................................................................................... 13
Description of Organization .......................................................................................... 13
Description of Instrument ............................................................................................. 14
Description of Procedures ............................................................................................. 15
Chapter 3 PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS ........................................................... 16
Programs and Events .................................................................................................... 16
Partnerships and Sponsorship ....................................................................................... 20
Fundraising and Marketing ........................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................ 24
Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 24
Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 27
Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 28
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 30
APPENDIXES .................................................................................................................. 35
Chapter 1
Background of Study
Helen Keller once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”
(Adams, 2018, para. 1). It is no secret that one of humankind’s most powerful and innate
gifts is the ability to help other people. Since the beginning of society, it has been proven
time and time again that more can be accomplished by groups than by an individual. This
lesson has become ingrained in everyday life with common adages such as “strength in
numbers” or “love thy neighbor.” While the idea of “philanthropia” technically originates
from the Ancient Greeks, meaning “to love people” (Philanthropy New York, 2008), the
concept of formal philanthropy did not arise until the 1860s with the actions of financier
George Peabody. Through the endowment of libraries and museums and funding housing
communities for the poor, Peabody began a trend that would grow into one of the most
impactful movements worldwide (Barbic, 2019). What started out as a somewhat
disorganized undertaking was quickly industrialized and shaped into modern
grantmaking, large-scale donations, and formal organizations devoted to the furthering of
philanthropy. Various wars and historical tragedies gave birth to the Red Cross, the Peace
Corps, and other such organizations, as well as tangential developments including small-
scale charities and community funds (Philanthropy New York).
Today, it is common, if not expected, to find some form of a philanthropic arm in
most businesses, organizations, and even sport teams. Anyone who has participated in a
youth league or attended a live sporting event can attest to the incredible influence that
sport can have. From a business standpoint, the power of the sport market is immense,
with a current estimated value of $75.71 billion, a figure that is predicted to continue
growing (Price Waterhouse Cooper, 2019). With such societal presence comes a huge
platform and concomitant opportunity to achieve great change, particularly at a
community level. The purpose of this study was to examine the community development
and unification practices employed by the San Francisco Giants Community Fund.
Review of Literature
Research for this review of literature was conducted at a home residence in
Monterey, California due to the Shelter-in-Place order put into effect by California
Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo in early March of 2020. In addition to
online articles and other resources, the following online databases were utilized:
SPORTDiscus, Business Source Premier, and Sociological Abstracts. This review of
literature includes the following subsections: the evolution of structured community
development in the United States, the modern definitions and understanding of
community development, the introduction of community development into the corporate
world, the role of corporate social responsibility in professional sport, and the unique
relationships between community development and the professional sport industry.
Looking back on the inception and growth of community development in North
America, it was a slow process composed of the big dreams and small actions of
numerous individuals and organizations. Some trace the conceptual idea of community
development as far back as Jamestown, Virginia, with its inherent value of self-help and
dependency on local resources (Phifer, 1990). While its foundational roots may be found
in the pre-colonial era, the first clear evidence of community development began as a
response to the escalating farm crisis of the late 19th century (Phifer). In 1908, President
Theodore Roosevelt’s Country Life Commission combined with the Country Life
Movement in prompting the U.S. Department of Agriculture and land grant colleges to
focus their resources on actively improving rural life (Summers, 1986). Their
recommendations included one of the earliest mentions of “extension service, a term
which, along with “extension agents” and “community organization work, ultimately
grew into what is now referred to as community development. In response to these
requests, the Smith Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service as a
joint endeavor of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state land-grant colleges with
matching federal and state funding (Phifer). This new service aimed to equip every
farming county with at least one “trained demonstrator or itinerant teacher” to provide
leadership and guidance in all manners of rural activity, including social, economic, and
The passage of the Smith Lever Act launched a sort of organizational
transformation as several states, including Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri,
New York, North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia, began conducting “community
organization work” under the leadership of their Extension Service (Phifer, 1990). In the
early 1920s, extension agents began organizing community clubs in some Southern states
and by 1923 more than 21,000 communities had a committee or club working on local
improvements (True, 1928). Around the same time, educational associations such as the
Adult Education Association and the National University Education Association (NUEA)
began showing support. Since the term “community development” first appeared in their
1924 proceedings, the NUEA has played a major role in furthering the community
development movement within universities (True). During the 1940s, NUEA leaders
Howard McClusky, Jess Ogden, and Baker Brownwell launched community
development programs, centers, and fields of study at their respective universities
(Phifer). Over the next several years, this trend spread to other universities, towns, and
cities as more and more establishments became aware of the benefits of community
development programs.
The 1960s is widely considered to be one of the most influential decades for
community development, particularly in terms of citizen participation and federal
involvement (Phifer, 1990). In 1962, the Department of Community Development was
established on Columbia’s campus as a center for formal study and implementation of
community development. Within a few years, the Area Redevelopment Administration
was founded as one of the first of many federal programs that would offer financial
incentives for community development. In 1964, federal impact continued when
President Johnson declared his War on Poverty and began creating community action
agencies which were funded through the Office of Economic Opportunity. By the mid-
1960s, there were more than 1,100 federal programs offering technical and financial
assistance for community improvement projects. This flood of programs providing funds
for local, regional, state, and multi-state development persisted through the 60s and into
the 1970s (Phifer). Universities continued their support as well, and by 1976 more than
sixty-three colleges and universities offered programs and majors of study in community
development (Cary, 1976).
In January of 1969, the NUEA made possibly its greatest contribution to
community development through sponsoring a mid-continent conference that spurred the
founding of the Community Development Society (CDS) in Columbia, Missouri. With
membership fluctuating between 400 and 1,000 members, the CDS can be viewed as the
first organization devoted solely to practitioners, teachers, and agents of community
development (Phifer, 1990). This establishment marked a symbolic dedication to
appreciating and integrating community development as a fundamental element in the
corporate, residential, and social worlds.
Jumping ahead to the current decade, community development is no longer an
embryonic idea or far-fetched vision but rather a commonplace term which holds the
value and appreciation of those involved with and affected by it. However, given its
dynamic nature and wide range of manifestations, it remains difficult to define. One
definition describes community development as:
A process aimed at promoting citizen participation in social affairs, developing
people’s awareness of problems, enabling them to define their needs in relation to
the total environment, make possible their enlightened choice among various
options and channel the results into effective action for social changes. (Draper,
1971, p. 383)
On a federal relationship level, community development can be viewed as, “a process
which emphasizes the organization of people to act as citizens to cause changes, to
communicate with the established power, and to make them listen” (Chekki, 1982, p. 32).
While the specific goals of any given community development program will vary
depending on their respective area or organization, almost all seem to fall under the
collective theory that they are, “Intended to raise individual and group aspirations,
develop indigenous leadership, create a sense of neighborliness, allow people to learn
new skills, and teach people to make use of government services in a more meaningful
and creative way” (Brokenshaw & Hodge, 1969, p. 121). With its more humanistic goals,
some see community development as an effective solution to the shortcomings of typical
bureaucratic organizations. They have certainly proven capable of accomplishing great
feats of human power, including reduction of alienation and hopelessness, focus on
locally relevant needs and issues, and immeasurable unification of community members
There is a diverse collection of programs that fall under the broad label of
community development, ranging from citizen-led councils to state regional planning
commissions to governmental units. Community development entered the corporate
world under the name of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which has been described
as “the extent to which an organization meets the needs, expectations, and demands of
certain external constituencies beyond those directly linked to the company’s products
and markets” (Ullmann, 1985, p. 548). This introduced the associated concepts of
company-society relationships and societal expectations’ role in a company’s conduct.
McWilliams and Siegel (2000) defined CSR as “a set of actions aimed to further some
social good, beyond the explicit pecuniary interests of the firm, that are not required by
law (p. 156). This new set of actions included cause-related marketing and cause
branding as part of the transition from a focus on financial-social performance
relationships to the context, processes, and outcomes of CSR. Cause-related marketing is
characterized as “profit-motivated giving… enables firms to contribute to nonprofit
organizations while also increasing their bottom line by tying those contributions to
sales” (Grau & Folse, 2007, p. 26). Beyond moral fortitude, CSR introduced a new
opportunity for competitive advantage and intra-company strength. Engaging in CSR
activities can produce intangible benefits including reputational capital, improved
employee commitment, and a buffer for negative media scrutiny (Alsop, 2002).
With the emergence of corporate social responsibility came the concept of
strategic philanthropy or the “synergistic use of a firm’s resources to achieve both
organizational and social benefits” (Bradish & Cronin, 2009, p.692 ). Serving as an
alternative to viewing philanthropy as a solely altruistic undertaking, strategic
philanthropy was founded on the idea that philanthropic activities can provide the
organization with a benefit to themselves and their brand in addition to the social benefits
for the causes they support. These company benefits may be financial, political, or social
and all indicate a motivation beyond just the “warm feelings” associated with prosocial
behavior. Instead, the actions are driven by self-serving motives with an underlying goal
of gaining something in exchange for their charitable activity.
As corporate social responsibility and philanthropy became increasingly prevalent
in the corporate world, the professional sport industry was not exempt from its influence.
Given their heightened media exposure, amplified reach of athletes, and deep-rooted role
in the community, it was logical for professional sport organizations (PSOs) to focus on
social responsibility and adopting philanthropic practices. From a business standpoint,
there is an undeniable advantage to developing and maintaining good relationships with
the communities in which they operate (Babiak et al., 2012). Armey (2004)
acknowledges that PSO executives are becoming increasingly concerned with the image
and public perception of their teams. According to Carroll (1999), the motivation for
PSOs to engage in sport philanthropy should not be reputational but rather the “moral and
discretionary responsibilities for contributing their resources to the community (p. 277).
This supports the idea that the greater social significance of these activities lies in the
belief that PSOs can effectively facilitate the achievement of the social objectives of their
nonprofit partners (Diehl, 2007). By utilizing cause-related sport marketing, partnerships
with charitable causes, and community outreach, PSOs can express their commitment to
CSR via cause-based sport events, drives, and other acts of civic engagement (Babiak &
Wolfe, 2009). The athletes of these PSOs are valuable resources for facilitating social
impact and building positive associations for themselves and their teams. Overall,
professional sport leagues, corporations, and teams can be regarded as influential agents
in both economic and cultural realms (Kern, 2000).
Although roughly twenty years ago corporate social responsibility did not play a
significant role in professional sport, today nearly all professional sport teams have
established community development programs or charitable foundations (Babiak et al.,
2012). Particularly over the past decade, PSOs have increasingly focused on social
responsibility and engaged in philanthropic activities designed to support social causes
(Babiak & Wolfe, 2009; Diehl, 2007). The “Sports Philanthropy Project” was founded in
1998 with the mission of “harnessing the power of professional sports to support the
development of healthy communities” (Diehl). This organization grew to support over
four hundred philanthropic organizations associated with athlete charities, league
initiatives, and team foundations. On an international level, the Fédération Internationale
de Football Association (FIFA) became one of the first sport organizations to create an
‘internal corporate social responsibility unit’ and committed a percentage of their
revenues to related CSR programs (Hassanian‐Moghaddam et al., 2018). Across America
and the world, sporting events grew into agents that could achieve community objectives
and support the progress and growth of a community. Other modern examples include the
NHL’s “Hockey Fights Cancer” program and the NBA’s “Read to Achieve” and
“Basketball Without Borders” initiatives.
In examining the motivations behind why the sport industry saw this spike in
community development behavior, it is evident that the range of motivations are complex
and varying between organizations and individuals. An overarching theme is that
engagement in philanthropy leads to beneficial outcomes whether they are self-serving or
purely altruistic. Athletes have shared experiences of satisfaction, feelings of helping, and
being engaged in their community (Babiak et al., 2012). This humanitarian mindset is
exemplified by William Ford, former president of the Detroit Lions, who shared, “The
Lions are not just a football team but a part of the community as well. We have a unique
opportunity and responsibility to help make a difference by being a good corporate
citizen” (Inoue, Mahan III, & Kent, 2013, p. 320). On the other hand, Hibbert and Horne
(1996) found alternative motivations for charitable acts, including career advancement,
public recognition, and enhanced social status. Other self-serving aims can even be
tangible such as tax relief or public rewards. Whatever the reasons may be, it is agreed
upon that forming a foundation legitimizes the associated organization, team, or player as
a genuine, philanthropic community member.
In addition to the motivating factors that prompted the sport philanthropy
movement, several aspects of the professional sport industry make it an ideal platform for
launching community action. Sport is “unique for being both a social and an economic
institution, and as such, well-suited with this dual orientation to be interpreted by the
business principles and practices of corporate social responsibility” (Smith &
Westerbeek, 2007, p. 49). The factors that are distinct to the realm of professional sport
include its economic power, necessity of stakeholder management, transparency, and
potential for passion. Noll (2003) describes sports leagues as possessing “close to
monopoly power, noting the special protections that they receive from the government.
Babiak and Wolfe (2009) point out that sport leagues often receive public funding for
stadium construction and other infrastructure. A PSO’s operation is dependent upon a
village of outside organizations including the media, sponsors, and fans, each of which is
invested in the potential benefits of the team’s CSR activities (Wallace, 2004). Sport and
philanthropy also play a significant role in the cultural makeup of society as sport is
inherently about aspiration and achievement, which therefore makes it a source of
inspiration to fans and followers. The dedication, passion, and discipline required by
professional athletes translates to an opportunity to motivate others to make a difference
in causes that are important to them (Babiak et al., 2012).
The sport industry is further characterized by the continuous transparency that is
expected from every member of a PSO both within and outside the game context.
Everything from season statistics and leadership strategies to charity donations and
athletes’ families is considered open knowledge (Armey, 2004). With this, a PSO’s
actions off the field (or court) are equally as impactful as their success or failure in
competition when it comes to reputation and public opinion. In comparison,
organizations and groups in other industries do not face the same level of media analysis
or general knowledge of their employees’ behaviors. Because of this scrutiny, PSOs must
be careful and intentional about how their activities are marketed and communicated to
the stakeholders and the public (Walker, Kent, & Vincent, 2010). According to Du,
Bhattacharya, and Se (2010), a consumer’s evaluations of a PSO may vary based on how
its philanthropic activities are described and how the information is disseminated.
Lastly, the professional sport industry carries a special element of passion that
cannot be found in other corporate realms. Thousands of people will rally behind a
certain team or even an individual player and develop an attachment. This connection and
admiration in turn enables that team or player to dramatically affect their consumers’
views and behavior. The concept of team identification, which can stem from familial
association or even physical proximity, introduces a sub-community that will follow the
actions of its chosen leader. Athletes today have an almost celebrity-like status in which
their conduct in all areas of their life are closely watched and often imitated. With this
increased attention comes a set of expectations regarding their demonstration of
charitable involvement (Roy & Graeff, 2003) as well as the opportunity to serve as
promoters of philanthropy (Kott, 2005). Organizations outside of the sport industry
simply cannot replicate the unique power that PSOs have to encourage philanthropic
action and strengthen their community.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to examine the community development and
unification practices employed by the San Francisco Giants Community Fund.
Research Questions
This study attempted to answer the following research questions:
1. What programs and events are currently being offered through the Giants
Community Fund?
2. What partnerships and sponsorships do the Giants Community Fund currently
have in place?
3. What fundraising and marketing practices are currently being utilized by the
Giants Community Fund?
4. How impactful are the programs and events currently being offered through
the Giants Community Fund?
5. How beneficial are the current partnerships and sponsorships of the Giants
Community Fund?
6. How effective are the fundraising and marketing practices currently being
utilized by the Giants Community Fund?
Chapter 2
The purpose of this study was to examine the community development and
unification practices employed by the San Francisco Giants Community Fund. This
chapter includes the following sections: description of organization, description of
instrument, and description of procedures.
Description of Organization
A case study was conducted on the San Francisco Giants with a special focus on
their Community Fund program. As one of the oldest teams in Major League Baseball,
the Giants long history originates in 1883 with the New York Gothams, a National
League team created by John B. Day and Jim Mutrie (San Francisco Giants, 2020). In
May of 1885, with the help of several valued players transferred from the American
Association’s New York Metropolitans, the Gothams achieved record-breaking success
in their first league game. Their inaugural season brought continued success as well as
the team’s new name, the Giants, which is said to have come from an emotional post-
victory speech from manager Jim Mutrie. Under their new name, the Giants claimed their
first National League pennant and the world championship in 1888. Following the
folding of the Players League in 1891, the Giants moved into their former ballpark,
located right next to the Polo Grounds (San Francisco Giants).
Over the next sixty-seven years, the New York Giants welcomed many now-
legendary names into their ranks, including John McGraw, Carl Hubbell, and Willie
Mays (San Francisco Giants, 2020). In 1958, owner Horace Stoneham announced their
move to the Bay Area where they would rebrand as the San Francisco Giants. From their
first home in Seal Stadium, the Giants moved to the notorious Candlestick Stadium in
1960 and eventually settled in Pacific Bell Park in 1999. While the stadium underwent
several name changes and is now known as Oracle Park, it remains the Giants current
home (San Francisco Giants).
The past decade has brought a tumultuous sequence of events including three
World Series victories, a record-breaking worst season, and the retirement of longtime
manager Bruce Bochy. Moving forward under the leadership of new manager Gabe
Kapler, the San Francisco Giants, although currently on “hold” with the rest of
professional sport, are striving to continue making a positive community impact both on
and off the field.
Description of Instrument
The instrument utilized in this study was a case study guide developed by the
researcher (see Appendix A). The structure of this instrument was an organized table with
three elements: area of department, description of area, and a section for additional
comments. The instrument was used to examine community development and unification
practices and how the San Francisco Giants Community Fund implements these
practices. A pilot test was conducted on the Los Angeles Angels Community Department.
After the pilot, it was determined that ‘Events’ should be added as a department area in
addition to ‘Programs’ to accurately encompass all community relations activities. ‘MLB
Initiatives’ was also added to the instrument to provide a frame of reference for assessing
the success of the Giants Community Fund.
Description of Procedures
A case study was conducted on the San Francisco Giants. The instrument utilized
in this study was a case study guide developed by the researcher. Research for this case
study was conducted during a two-week research period and included an assortment of
online sources. The primary resource utilized to gather information on the San Francisco
Giants Community Fund was the Major League Baseball website, mlb.com. The website
gave access to comprehensive sub-websites on every MLB team, each one replete with
information on everything from their franchise history to their current marketing
strategies and community relations initiatives. The website devoted to the San Francisco
Giants had a page titled ‘Giants in the Community’ which provided a wealth of
information on everything community related. In addition to in-depth sections on their
various programs, events, and donation opportunities, the page provided links to further
information on the Junior Giants Program, Balldude/Balldudette Program, and the 50/50
Raffle. In addition, several academic journals were used to evaluate the unification and
community development practices of the Giants Community Fund in a social context.
These included SPORTDiscus, Business Source Premier, and Sociological Abstracts.
Chapter 3
The purpose of this study was to examine the community development and
unification practices employed by the San Francisco Giants Community Fund. A case
study was utilized to examine the San Francisco Giants Community Fund. This chapter
includes the following sections: programs and events, partnerships and sponsorship, and
fundraising and marketing.
Programs and Events
The San Francisco Giants Community Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
that has operated under the Giants Corporation since their founding in 1991. Through
various programs, events, and initiatives, the fund works with a team of athletes,
volunteers, and community partners to achieve their mission of “using baseball as a
forum to encourage underserved youth and their families to live healthy, productive
lives.” In addition to their flagship program, Junior Giants, the fund focuses on
Education, Health, and Violence Prevention as their three key areas of development.
Thanks to the continuous contributions and support of their partners and the leadership of
their thirty-member Board of Directors, the fund has donated over thirty million dollars to
community efforts over the last nineteen years. In 2016, the San Francisco Giants were
named the Sports Humanitarian Team of the Year by ESPN in recognition of their
community outreach efforts. In 2017, the Giants Community Fund was awarded the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sports Award for, “an innovative and influential
approach to using sports to improve the culture of health in our communities.” As
indicated by this recognition, the fund has been successful in many areas, including their
flagship program of Junior Giants.
Since its start in 1994, the Junior Giants Program has established ninety leagues
throughout Northern California, Nevada, and Oregon which together serve over 24,000
youth participants. The program offers free, noncompetitive, coed summer baseball and
softball leagues that supplement their sport instruction with teachings on character
development and programs in health, education, and bullying prevention. The leagues are
broken down into age-based divisions, offering T-ball for 5-6-year old’s, Minors for 7-9-
year old’s, Majors for 10-13-year old’s and Seniors for 14-18-year old’s. Junior Giants
shows an emphasized focus on increasing youth sport participation in both male and
female athletes. With the launch of their Game ChangeHERS initiative, the program
strives to raise their female numbers from their current level of 33% participation to their
goal of 50% of all Junior Giants being female. In 2015, the Junior Giants program
received the Commissioner’s Award for Philanthropic Excellence. Currently, in response
to COVID-19, the program is offering Junior Giants at Home as a safe alternative to their
normal in-person leagues. This four-week virtual season will still provide the
fundamentals of baseball as well as lessons in health, education, and character
development. This programming will be delivered by Junior Giants Americorps
Ambassadors, Giants Manager Gabe Kapler, and members of the Giants coaching staff.
Looking ahead, the Giants Community Fund is in the process of expanding their
Junior Giants Program with the creation of the Urban Youth Academy. With support
from the Giants Corporation, the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department, and
Major League Baseball, the fund hopes to create an extension of the Junior Giants
program that will serve to further their philosophy of cultivating positive character
development, academic achievement and improved health in youth. They hope to build a
year-round facility equipped with ball fields and a learning center that will host after-
school and summertime activities, skills and strategy clinics for both players and coaches,
local and regional tournaments, and a tutoring and college preparatory program.
The Giants Community Fund’s education program includes Junior Giants specific
projects, annual events such as Education Day, and greater community partnerships with
Chevron and the Bay Area All-Star Scholarship Team. Round the Bases Reading
Program is a summer reading program offered to all Junior Giants players through their
Junior Giants Handbooks. Through an incentive program of baseball themed achievement
levels and Giants-branded awards, the course aims to encourage youth to continue
reading, particularly during the summer. Every year distinguished Junior Giants are
among those recognized at Education Day, a special ballpark day devoted to honoring the
incoming and graduation classes of Harmon and Sue Burns Scholars. In addition to
attending a pregame reception with Giants representatives, the scholars and their families
are celebrated in an on-field pregame ceremony during which education grants are also
presented to local non-profit organizations. Within the larger Bay Area, the San Francisco
Giants are part of the Bay Area All-Star Scholarship Team (B.A.A.S.S.T.). Formed in
1996, the B.A.A.S.S.T. is made up of several Bay Area sport teams that together provide
seven high school seniors with $5,000.00 college scholarships. Each team contributes to
the program funding and recognizes the recipients at pregame ceremonies.
The Giants Community Fund’s community initiatives are continued through their
health program with youth-focused movements and awareness days at Oracle Park. The
Junior Giants Health Program highlights the importance of regular exercise and healthy
eating, lessons that are delivered through their interactive Health Line-Up Poster and
personalized videos from Giants players and staff. Through a partnership with the Until
There’s A Cure Foundation, the Giants became the first professional sports team to host
an AIDS benefit game. Since that first Until There’s A Cure Night in 1994, the Giants
Community Fund has distributed over $500,000.00 in grants each year to Bay Area
organizations that focus on HIV/AIDS education and service. The fund also works with
the Donor Network West to host an annual Donate Life Day. On this day, the first 25,000
fans to arrive at Oracle Park receive Giants baseball cards with donor information as part
of an overall goal to raise awareness about the importance of organ and tissue donations.
Similar to their other two main focuses, the Fund’s violence prevention program
gives additional attention to its youth-based causes. The Junior Giants Strike Out
Violence program provides forums for participants and their families to discuss methods
of preventing violence in their neighborhoods. Additionally, the Junior Giants Violence
Prevention Speakers program brings Michael Pritchard, a youth advocate and comedian,
to Junior Giants teams for annual talks on respect, gang prevention, and anti-bullying
messages. Finally, the Junior Giants Strike Out Bullying Contest provides youth with the
opportunity to creatively express what their community would look like if it were
violence free. With the submission of a poem, song, or piece of art that communicates
this message, participants have the chance to win the contest and be recognized at the
Strike Out Violence Day pregame ceremony. In partnership with Futures Without
Violence, the Giants Community Fund has held Strike Out Violence Day for twenty
years. During the special day, a pregame ceremony includes a message to all attendees on
the importance of working together to stop violence in our communities and homes. The
annual Jerseys Off Our Giants also takes place on this day, in which hundreds of
volunteers sell raffle tickets for the chance to win an autographed Giants jersey with all
proceeds being donated to charities such as the La Casa de Las Madres shelter.
In addition to their three capstone programs, the Giants Community Fund operates
several other programs including their Balldude/Balldudette Program and Field for Kids
Program. Created more than twenty-five years ago, the Balldude/Balldudette Program
gives fans a unique opportunity to engage with the game on the field. During each Giants
home game, two fans are given an official Giants uniform and the role of fielding foul
balls and handing them to children in the crowd. As it is an expectedly popular program,
the demand for spots tends to be filled quickly and has become a bidding-option in the
Community Fund auctions. The Fields for Kids program, named in honor of former
president and managing general partner Peter A. Magowan, is a field renovation program
that has been in service since 1995. With the help of donations and partners such as the
Good Tidings Foundation, Fields for Kids has fully renovated more than twenty-three
youth baseball fields.
Partnerships and Sponsorship
The Giants Community Fund collaborates with several local and national
companies and organizations to continue working towards their goals and furthering their
impact on the community. These partners include W20, Good Tidings Foundation, Bank
of America, Chevron, Masons 4 Mitts, Norman S. Wright, and, most recently,
Americorps. W20 is a San Francisco -based network of marketing and communications
firms that helps the fund expand their volunteer, participant, and donor outreach. Through
media relations tactics, content strategy and analytics insight they help the fund engage
hard-to-reach audiences and areas. The Good Tidings Foundation is a children’s charity
that, since 1995, has worked to support arts, education, athletics, and dreams for youth in
communities of need. This support extends to the fund in various programs, including
Fields for Kids. The Bank of America serves as the Presenting Sponsor of the Junior
Giants program and through its partnership allows the Junior Giants to continue
developing and growing.
Some of the fund’s partnerships involve crucial support of certain recognition
days and events. The partnership with Chevron is focused on bringing STEM to Junior
Giants participants, most notably through “The Giant Launch” in which Junior Giants
teams explore the trajectory of a baseball with a launch angle lesson. Masons 4 Mitts
operates as a Masons of California program that partners with multiple MLB teams to
help underserved youth in California. Each baseball season, masonic lodges in San
Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego engage in friendly competition to bring baseball
to kids in those areas. Additionally, the MLB team from those regions presents a donation
check on Masons Night at each of their ballparks. Finally, the Giants Community Fund
was awarded an AmeriCorps grant this year, partnering them with a network of national
service programs devoted to improving lives and fostering civic engagement.
AmeriCorps will be working mostly with the Junior Giants program, offering lessons and
activities in character development, education, health, and bullying prevention training.
Fundraising and Marketing
As with any nonprofit organization, the Giants Community Fund employs several
fundraising and marketing practices and strategies to sustain their wide array of programs
and initiatives. In addition to standard online donations, the fund conducts their 50/50
Raffle, selling raffle tickets throughout each baseball season. Each home game, one fan
wins half of the total proceeds collected during that game and the other half is donated to
the Community Fund which in turn is used to support a variety of charities and
community programs. Other donation options include Legacy Giving and the Car
Donation Program which accepts cars, trucks, RVs, and even boats as benefits to the
Junior Giants program.
Along with donations, the Community Fund hosts monetary and supply drives
including the Glove Drive and Stretch Drive, both of which support the Junior Giants
Program. The Glove Drive was created in response to the 12,000 kids who participate in
Junior Giants but do not own their own glove. Presented by the Bank of America, the
annual drive asks for new or used gloves and offers donors a Willie McCovey jersey pin
or cable car pin. The Junior Giants Stretch Drive is named for the late Willie “Stretch”
McCovey. Since 2009, it has been dedicated to raising both money and awareness for the
Junior Giants program.
Lastly, the Community Fund utilizes awards and other forms of recognition to
show appreciation to those who support and participate in their programs and raise
awareness of their actions. The Isabelle Lemon Community Spirit Award is given to one
volunteer each year who “exemplifies the commitment to community service and ‘can-
do’ spirit of Giants Community Fund Board Member Isabelle Lemon.” The award winner
is honored during a home plate ceremony and receives a $2,500.00 grant for the nonprofit
organization to which they are committed as a volunteer. The Junior Giants Hall of Fame,
similar to the MLB Hall of Fame, “honors outstanding past contributions, recognizes
current achievements and showcases our leagues, coaches and lead organizers who have
helped to build the Junior Giants program over the years.”
A second Junior Giants recognition is the Harmon and Sue Burns Scholarship,
named in honor of the late Giants owners, which awards ten eighth-grade Junior Giants
with a $5,000.00 scholarship. The scholars are inducted into the Scholars Program and
are honored at a home plate ceremony during the previously mentioned Education Day.
Lastly, the Willie Mac Award, also named in honor of Willie McCovey, serves as the
Junior Giants version of the annual award given to a Giants player by his teammates. The
award goes to “one outstanding Junior Giants player and coach/team parent that best
represents their league… [who] exemplifies confidence, integrity, leadership, and
teamwork both on and off the field.” Once recipients are chosen by their league
commissioner, they and a guest are invited to attend a special luncheon after the season’s
Chapter 4
The San Francisco Giants Community Fund’s numerous programs, events, and
partnerships strive to enact positive and meaningful change in the Bay Area community,
the greater Northern California area and beyond. This concluding chapter includes the
following: a discussion of the findings, limitations of the research, conclusions based on
research questions, and recommendations for the future.
Over the last few decades, the programs and events provided by the San Francisco
Giants Community Fund have had a profound positive impact throughout their local
community and beyond. According to Babiak et al. (2012), it is important that
professional sport teams and athletes make strong connections with the community,
particularly given the amount of scrutiny they receive from the media. Furthermore, as
stated by Carroll (1999), professional sport organizations have moral and discretionary
responsibilities for contributing their resources to the community. The Giants’
multifaceted programs focus on key areas of health, education, and violence prevention.
Implemented through special events and ongoing programs, these initiatives provide
multiple ways for fans to engage and show support. By offering free programs such as
Junior Giants and emphasizing female participation, they uphold the values of
accessibility and inclusivity. In the professional sport industry, the Giants an exemplary
team in terms of community development, philanthropic endeavors, and responsibly
utilizing their platform. As noted by Kott (2005), the celebrity status of professional sport
organizations allows them to act as an icon to promote the importance of philanthropy.
Given that their past actions and current practices align with the goals of a professional
sport organization, the San Francisco Giants should continue their pursuit of positive
community impact including the innovation and adaptation necessary to stay relevant and
applicable in this ever-changing society.
The San Francisco Giants Community Fund’s various partnerships and
sponsorships are mutually beneficial financially and socially. As noted by Diehl (2007),
the social importance of these partnerships lies in the idea that professional sport
organizations can effectively facilitate the achievement of the social objectives of their
non-profit partners. The Giant’s partnerships cover an array of local and national
organizations, including corporations, non-profits, and other professional sport teams.
This diversity of partners enables them to increase the range of their impact and
ultimately achieve more positive change in more communities. Within not only the MLB
but all industries, the Giants’ partnerships illustrate the benefits of cooperation and
collaboration, specifically demonstrating how much more can be accomplished by
multiple organizations coming together under a shared goal. While their current
repertoire of partners and sponsors has proven beneficial and successful, the Giants
should look to expand their partnerships to include new organizations such as
independent businesses and organizations that focus on areas or groups that the Giants
are not currently connected to.
The Giants Community Fund’s current fundraising and marketing practices are
sufficient but not as effective as they could be. While the fund is well supported and
financially stable, overall awareness of their programs and efforts is lacking. Many of
their marketing initiatives are passive and rely on fan initiation rather than encouraging
participation through engagement. Additionally, the Giants corporation must balance
their marketing funding between promotion of the team itself and promotion of their
community development programs. While it is important that both facets of the
corporation are supported, a stronger social media presence, cause-related marketing and
intentional messaging could greatly improve overall awareness of the Community Fund.
Du et al. (2010) points out that a consumer’s evaluations of a professional sport
organization may vary by how its philanthropic activities are described in a marketing
message along with how that message is distributed. Across the professional sport
industry, all teams should engage in cause-related marketing to properly promote their
good deeds in an intentional and effective manner. Although their current practices are
sufficient, there is certainly room for improvement in the Giants Community Funds’
fundraising and marketing. They need to put more emphasis on their community
development undertaking and utilize cause-related marketing strategies to highlight their
efforts and raise general awareness of the causes that they support.
There were multiple limitations that impacted this study. First, the research
collected for this study consisted solely of online resources accessed primarily through
digital databases. This restricted method could introduce bias by inhibiting access to
information that could have been useful for the case study. Most of the resources utilized
were case studies from related fields without direct examples from the MLB and did not
provide any personal experience from participants of the community development
programs. Access to interviews of people who participated in Junior Giants or other
programs or who worked for the Giants Community Fund Olympics could have added
valuable insight and therefore more credibility to the study. The researcher may have also
expressed bias due to their background as an athlete and their upbringing as a San
Francisco Giants fan. This could have led to a subconscious ignorance of negative
findings and disparate reporting of accomplishments.
Overall, the San Francisco Giants Community Fund is a commendable example of
conduct for professional sport organizations. They engage in inclusive, purposeful, multi-
faceted programming and events. They utilize a variety of partnerships to increase their
resources and achieve their goals of enacting positive impact in the community and
beyond. Given the extent of their accomplishments, they need to improve their marketing
to increase awareness and support of their initiatives.
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The San Francisco Giants Community Fund offers numerous programs and
events including Education Day, Until There’s A Cure Night, and their
flagship program Junior Giants.
2. The Giants Community Fund currently has several sponsorships and
partnerships with a wide variety of organizations including Good Tidings
Foundation, Bank of America, and Americorps.
3. The Giants Community Fund is currently utilizing passive marketing and
fundraising efforts that include the 50/50 Raffle, Glove Drive, and online
4. The programs and events currently being offered through the Giants
Community Fund are successfully improving communities through their
multi-faceted, accessible, and meaningful offerings.
5. The current partnerships and sponsorships of the Giants Community Fund are
beneficial to both the Giants Corporation and their partners in terms of
financial strength and social presence.
6. The fundraising and marketing practices currently being utilized by the Giants
Community Fund are sufficient in supporting their present endeavors but
could be greatly improved for future progress.
Based on the conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are made:
1. The professional sport industry should utilize its unique platform to emphasize
community development initiatives and philanthropic aims to achieve positive
impacts in their communities.
2. The San Francisco Giants Community Fund should continue their current
programming and event offerings and strive for innovation and adaptation in
progressing forward.
3. The Giants Community Fund should seek to strengthen their current sponsor
and partner relationships and expand their partnership to new areas and
4. The Giants Community Fund should enhance their fundraising and marketing
efforts through cause-related marketing, intentional messaging, and overall
increased emphasis on highlighting their philanthropic actions.
5. Future research should conduct a comparative analysis between the San
Francisco Giants and another similarly established MLB team and incorporate
interviews from participants in the programs of both teams.
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Appendix A
Area of department
Description of area
Additional comments
MLB Initiatives