Evergreen Webinars manual
1. What are Evergreen webinars?
Evergreen webinars are automated events that may run countless times. With automated webinars you record the
material only once, with no need of refreshing the content or adjusting it to your audience. Simply select the recording
that you want to repeat over time and assign it to your event.
2. What kind of recording layout is the best for evergreen webinars?
To achieve the best results and a “live event” effect, we highly recommend to use the following recording layouts: | 3
Evergreen Webinars manual
1. In your account choose Rooms/Events option in the left sidebar.
2. Click the “Schedule Webinar” button.
3. Name your webinar (example: “My first Evergreen webinar”) and select Evergreen room automatic
4. Set your Evergreen webinar scheduling.
Choose a starting date for your webinar and decide how many times you want to replay it. Open the dropdown menu
in the Select recording field and choose a recording for your Evergreen webinar. | 4
Evergreen Webinars manual
A, B Select if your webinar should be one-time event or a repetitive one. You can decide whether you want your
webinar take place on a specific date or if you want to run it i.e every Monday for three weeks in a row (choose
frequency from point E)
C Set up the time for your Evergreen event
D Here you can select a time zone of your event scheduling
E Choose the frequency of your Evergreen webinar. Decide whether you want it to take place two/three/four/five
times (weeks) in a row. You can also choose “Infinitive” if you want your webinar to take place every week.
F Add more scheduling/delete scheduling
G If you click on this button you will be able to select a recording for your Evergreen webinar, the list of your
LiveWebinar recordings will appear down below.
(Please keep in mind that the final recording depends on the layout you’ve chosen before hitting the REC button. For
a better overall look, it’s recommended to select the type of recordings that are mentioned in the DESCRIPTION)
H Click this button if you want to point your own recording hosted on YouTube. Down below you have to paste the
YouTube link. The status of the selected video clip should be public.
I Click this button if you want to point your own recording hosted on Vimeo. If you click this down below you will
need to paste the URL of recording. The status of the selected video clip should be public.
J Provide here YouTube/Vimeo link or choose the recording for your Evergreen Webinar.
I | 5
Evergreen Webinars manual
5. Select Call to Action and fill in the event agenda (optional).
A Turn on/off the Call to Action
B Select the previously created Call to Action or click Manage Call to Actions to create a new one.
C Set when exactly the Call to Action has to show up (see instructions in the next point).
6. Decide when the Call to Action will pop up by clicking on “Select Time Frame” field.
D | 6
Evergreen Webinars manual
A Select time when the Call to Action has to pop up
B Click this button if you choose when the CTA will show up
C Preview settings: Adjust the volume and turn on/off Fullscreen (These options regard only the
preview and don’t affect the volume or layout of the evergreen)
D Click here to download the recording
7. Just-In-Time event
Toggle the Just-In-Time option if you want attendees to join your event anytime. The recording you’ve chosen in the
previous steps will be displayed individually for each of them.
8. Countdown clock (feature on special request)
Toggle this option to enable Countdown Clock inside the waiting room. Each attendee will see how much time is left
until the start of your event. Countdown Clock is available only for Custom enterprise accounts (contact or | 7
Evergreen Webinars manual
9. Go to Registration/Leads Form.
By enabling Registration Forms all participants will have to register to your event.
Please keep in mind that you should use Registration or Leads Forms, not both at the same time. Having these two
types of forms assigned to your room is not recommended. In this step we want to assign Registration Forms to our
Select Registration form from dropdown box or create one. Decide if you want to confirm each registrant manually
and turn on reminders if you want to remind your participants about upcoming event.
10. Go to “Tracking” Tab
Decide if you want a 3rd party tracking code to be embedded on all room pages (for example Registration form or
Thank you pages). Choose your Tracking provider and paste your tracking ID/tracking pixel URL/Tracking pixel ID.
11. Go to “Advanced” tab
In the “Room options” you can enable or disable a Waiting Room for your Evergreen. | 8
Evergreen Webinars manual
You can also decide if you want to send Thank you emails to attendees after the event has ended. Consider whether
you want to disable default LiveWebinar email notifications. If you toggle this option on, anyone who registers won’t
receive an email or any other i.e. reminders. Set it on only if you consider your own communication with registrants.
12. Click “Schedule” button. Settle back and enjoy.