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2350 Hayward 2056 G.G. Brown Ann Arbor Michigan 48109-2125
The purpose of the MSE degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan (U-M) is to permit a higher
level of specialization than that achieved in a Civil Engineering undergraduate degree. These guidelines have
been developed to assist graduate students working toward the MSE degree in Civil Engineering in planning a
program of study that meets the requirements of that degree. Each student is responsible for planning such a
study program, with the guidance and approval of the faculty advisor from their area of specialization.
Faculty advisors are listed in Appendix 1.
The basic requirements for the MSE degree are established by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies (referred to herein as the Graduate School). The faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering has adopted certain additional requirements. The requirements, as they relate to the MSE in Civil
Engineering degree, are described in these guidelines.
Each MSE student must take personal responsibility for seeing that all requirements are met prior to the
graduation deadline specified by the Rackham Graduate School. These deadlines may be found at
If special decisions or actions are needed, they should be initiated by the student in consultation with their
specialization's faculty advisor and then referred to the CEE Masters Chair if necessary.
2.1. Admission and Prerequisites
To be granted admission to the MSE in Civil Engineering degree program, an applicant normally holds a BSE
degree in Civil Engineering and has attained an undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3/4.0.
Students holding BS degrees in another engineering discipline, in architecture, or in the physical, chemical or
biological sciences, may be admitted if they have achieved the technical background necessary to pursue
advanced work in Civil Engineering. This background must include three semesters of calculus, one semester
of ordinary differential equations, and two semesters of calculus-based physics. Courses at U-M which provide
this background are listed below:
Prerequisite topic UM courses
Calculus MATH 115, 116, 215
Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 216
Calculus-Based Physics PHYSICS 140, 240
It is expected that incoming students will also have some prior experience with computer programming, and
problem-solving using computers.
For each specialization area, additional prerequisites must be satisfied in order to take graduate courses
pertaining to the specialization, as detailed in Appendix 1. Ideally, students should complete these
undergraduate course requirements prior to applying. However, in special circumstances, and with the written
approval of the faculty specialization advisor as well as the CEE Masters Chair, an admitted student with some
prerequisite deficiencies may take the appropriate undergraduate courses in the first offering of the course after
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enrollment for the MSE degree. It is necessary to obtain a grade of “B” or better in each of these courses.
Otherwise it must be retaken. No prerequisite courses below the 400 level may be used for graduate credit.
Prerequisite courses at the 400 level may be counted for graduate credit.
2.2. General Requirements and Policies
2.2.1. Credit Hours
A minimum of 30 credit hours of approved graduate work must be completed for the MSE in Civil
Engineering degree. According to the Graduate School guidelines, a student must register for a minimum of
nine credit hours per semester to be considered a full-time student. Nine to twelve credit hours per term is the
usual full-time graduate course load. Graduate students with research or teaching appointments must carry a
minimum of six credit hours per term.
Note that some U.S. government agencies, such as the Veterans Administration and the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, may require a student to be enrolled for a different minimum number of credit hours to
be considered a full-time student. International students must be enrolled full-time under requirements set by
the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and on F-1 or J-1 visas should consult the International Center
with any questions concerning enrollment, course registration, and visa status. International students who wish
to be registered less than full-time must obtain permission in advance from the International Center or risk
compromising their visa status.
2.2.2. Grades and GPA
A grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 must be maintained for graduate level courses taken while enrolled
in the Graduate School, and for the 30 credit hours used to fulfill the credit-hour requirement. Failure to do so
will result in being placed on probation. A course in which a grade lower than C is obtained may not be
counted toward the satisfaction of any degree requirements, but it is considered in the computation of the
overall GPA.
2.2.3. Thesis or non-thesis research
A thesis is not required, but up to 6 credit hours of research can be used toward the 30-credit hour degree
requirement by electing the following independent study courses:
CEE 910: Structural Engineering Research
CEE 921: Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering Research
CEE 630: Directed Studies in Construction Engineering
CEE 946: Soil Mechanics Research
CEE 950: Structural Materials Research
CEE 955: Transportation Systems Engineering Research
CEE 970: Intelligent Systems Engineering Research
To register for any of these, the student must have a faculty sponsor and have worked out the details of what
will be accomplished with that faculty member.
2.2.4. Language
Proficiency in the English language, both spoken and written, is expected. There is no requirement for
proficiency in any other language. MSE applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate
English proficiency by following Graduate School guidelines
2.2.5. Residency Requirements
The Graduate School residency requirements are satisfied by full-time students being enrolled for two or more
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semesters. Students pursuing the MSE in Civil Engineering degree on a part-time basis should become familiar
with special requirements relating to part-time enrollment. See the website of the Graduate School at:
2.2.6. Time Limit
A student must complete all work within a period of five consecutive years after first enrollment in the
Graduate School.
2.2.7. Transfer Credits
The Graduate School guidelines permit transfer of up to half of the 30 credit hours required for the MSE in
Civil Engineering degree from inter-university and intra-university sources combined, according to the
following rules:
Graduate Credit
A maximum of 6 credit hours of graduate credit may be transferred from another institution. These must be
approved graduate-level courses completed while enrolled in a degree program with a grade of B or better
from an accredited institution approved by the Graduate School. Considerations of credit transfer will be made
only upon written application of the student to the Graduate School through the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, and only after the student has established an overall graduate grade point average
of B or better in resident work. Courses cannot be transferred for credit if already applied toward another
degree, or if taken more than five years before the beginning of graduate study at U-M .
Pre-graduate Credit
Credit for courses taken by the student with a grade of B or better earned while an undergraduate in the U-M
College of Engineering may be included in the student’s graduate study program subject to the following: (1)
credit was not used to meet any bachelor’s degree requirement (including minors), (2) credit was earned no
more than two years before formal admission to the Graduate School and (3) credit was earned in courses
approved for graduate credit by the Graduate School. The student may request the transfer of such credits
through the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering after they have established an overall
graduate grade point average of B or better in resident work.
2.2.8 : Sequential Undergraduate-Graduate Studies (SUGS)
SUGS students with undergraduate specialization in any area of CEE may pursue an MSE degree in Civil
Engineering. SUGS students are permitted to double count up to 6 credit hours, provided that (1) these credit
hours are obtained with courses approved for graduate credit by the Graduate School, for which the student has
received a grade of B or better, and (s) that they satisfy the requirements of the Program of Study as indicated
in Section 3.3.
2.2.9 : Diploma
To be considered and to be formally awarded the MSE in Civil Engineering degree diploma, a student must
apply to graduate in Wolverine Access by the graduation application deadline, which may be found on the
Rackham Graduate School website at
2.3. Program of Study
Students need to meet with the faculty advisor for their area of specialization to plan a program of study prior
to starting their first semester of coursework. (The list of faculty advisors for each area of specialization can
be found on the first page of this document.) Following this meeting, each student must submit (via email) a
Program of Study Form (Appendix 2) to the CEE Student Services (CEE-Student[email protected]) for
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approval before the end of the second week of the student’s first semester of enrollment. Any subsequent
changes to the study plan must be approved by the faculty advisor, and the Program of Study Form must be re-
submitted before the alternate coursework is completed.
The Program of Study will vary for each student, depending on their interests and the courses being offered in
a given year. However, each Program of Study must meet the following requirements:
A minimum of 18 credit hours of the total 30 credit hours required for the MSE in Civil Engineering
must be courses offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
A minimum of 12 credit hours of the total 30 credit hours required for the MSE. in Civil Engineering
must be from the "core" course list of ONE area of specialization. Core courses associated with each
area of specialization are listed in Appendix 1. If a student completed coursework in a prior degree
program which is equivalent to one of the core courses in their specialization area, and obtained a
grade of B or better, this course may be counted toward the completion of their core requirement.
A minimum of 6 credit hours of the total 30 credit hours required for the MSE in Civil Engineering
must be from the "specialization elective" course list of the student's chosen area of specialization.
Specialization elective courses are listed in Appendix 1. If a student takes more than 12 credits of
coursework from the specialization core, these credits automatically count toward the
specialization elective requirement. If a student previously completed coursework equivalent to one
of the elective courses in their specialization area, and obtained a grade of B or better, this course may
be counted toward the completion of their elective requirement.
Up to 6 credit hours of research may be applied toward the degree. Students electing to do so must first
find a faculty sponsor who will oversee the research. The student and faculty member must then work
out the details of what will be accomplished, and decide on the number of credits. The student must
then enroll in one of the research courses listed in Section 3.2.3. When enrolling, this student should
choose the supervising faculty member's sub-section of the research course.
Students may count at most 2 credits of seminar toward their degree. Furthermore, all students
specializing in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering and
Management, and Transportation Engineering must enroll in at least one seminar course corresponding
to their specialization. These courses are:
o CEE 812: Structural Engineering Graduate Seminar
o CEE 830: Construction Engineering and Management Seminar
o CEE 840: Geotechnical Engineering Seminar
o CEE 8xx: Tran
sportation Engineering Seminar
Beyond the 12 credits of specialization-core, 6 credits of specialization-electives, and required seminar
(for some specializations), the remainder of the 30 credits of coursework toward the MSE degree in
Civil Engineering can be fulfilled by any graduate courses in the areas of Engineering, Computer
Science, Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Architecture, or Business,
subject to advisor approval.
No more than 12 credits at the 400 level listed in the bulletin of the Rackham School of Graduate
Studies can be counted toward the MSE degree in Civil Engineering. Of these 12 hours, a maximum of
9 hours can be courses offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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Appendix 1: Prerequisites, core courses, and specialization elective courses
Construction Engineering & Management
Faculty Advisor: C. Menassa
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 312: Structural
CEE 345: Geotechnical
CEE 331: Constructi
CEE 351: Civil Engineerin
CEE 531: Construction Cost
CEE 532: Advanced
onstruction Management
CEE 536: Project Planning,
Scheduling and Control
CEE 530: Constructi
rofessional Practice
CEE 435: Building Information
CEE 504: Engineering
conomics and Finance
CEE 533: Engineering Pro
odeling and Risk Analysis
CEE 534: Constructi
ngineering, Equipment, a
CEE 537: Construction o
CEE 538: Computer-Aided
roject Management
CEE 539: Modern Constructi
CEE 555: Sustainability of
Civil Infrastructure Systems
CEE 631: Constructi
sions Under Uncertainty
ggested General Electives
The following courses are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Construction Engineering &
IOE 510 Lin
ear Programming
Math 450 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
Stat 412 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
EECS 442 Computer Vision
EECS 551 Mathematical Methods for Signal Processing
EECS 556 Image Processing
EECS 568 Mobile Robotics:Methods and Algorithms
ACC 471 Accounting Principles
ACC 551 Principles of Managerial Accounting
FIN 425 Entrepreneurial Finance
FIN 503 Financial Management
FIN 563 Real Estate Development in Practice
MO 414 Managing Change
MO 412 Negotiation Strategy
BL 582 Real Estate Law
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Geotechnical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: F. Garcia
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 345: Geotechnical
CEE 540: Advanced Soil
CEE 543: Numerical Modeling
in Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 545: Foundation
CEE 546: Slopes, Dams and
Retaining Structures
CEE 548: Geotechnical
Earthquake Engineering
CEE 428: Groundwater
CEE 446: Engineering Geology
& Site Characterization
CEE 510: Finite Element
Methods in Solid and Structural
CEE 535: Excavation and
CEE 542: Soil and Site
CEE 544: Rock Mechanics
CEE 547: Soils Engineering
and Pavement Systems
CEE 549: Geoenvironmental
Suggested General Electives
The following courses are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Geotechnical Engineering::
CEE 421: Hydrology and Floodplain Hydraulics
CEE 504: Engineering Economics and Finance
CEE 509: Theory of Elasticity
CEE 511: Dynamics of Structures
CEE 575 Sensing for civil infrastructure systems
EARTH 408: Introduction to GIS in Earth Sciences
EARTH 420: Introduction to Earth Physics
EARTH 442: Earth Surface Processes and Soils
EARTH 467: Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis
EARTH 468: Data and Models
EARTH 483: Geophysics/Seismology
EARTH 525: Tectonophysics
EARTH: Earthquakes & Faults
EECS 442: Computer Vision
EECS 556: Image Processing
IOE 561: Risk analysis
MATH 450: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
MECHENG: 412 Advanced Strength of Materials
NAVARCH 551: Offshore Engineering 1
STAT 412: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
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Hydraulics and Hydrologic Engineering
Faculty Advisor: J. Bricker
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 325: Fluid Mechanics
CEE 421: Hydrology and
Floodplain Hydraulics
CEE 428: Groundwater
CEE 501: Tsunamis,
Hurricanes and Floods
CEE 520: Physical Processes of
Land-Surface Hydrology
CEE 521: Flow in Open
CEE 522: Sediment Transport
CEE 524: Restoration
Fundamentals and Practice in
Aquatic Systems
CEE 525: Environmental
CEE 526: Design of Hydraulic
CEE 527: Coastal Hydraulics
CEE 590: Stream, Lake, and
Estuary Analysis
CEE 591: Environmental Fluid
MECHENG 520: Advanced
Fluid Mechanics 1
MECHENG 521: Advanced
Fluid Mechanics 2
523): Computational Fluid
Dynamics 1
525: Turbulent Flow
CEE 545: Foundation
CEE 546 Slopes, Dams and
Retaining Structures
CEE 510: Finite Element
Methods in Solid and Structural
CEE 511: Dynamics of
CEE 573: Data analysis in CEE
Suggested General Electives
The following courses are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Hydraulics & Hydrologic
EAS 520/521 (Fluvial ecosystems and lab)
CEE 510 Finite Element Methods
CEE 517 Reliability of Structures
CEE 537 Construction of Buildings
CEE 540 Advanced Soil Mechanics
CEE 542 Soil and Site Improvement
CEE 543 Numerical modeling in geotechnical engineering
CEE 553 Infrastructure systems optimization
CEE 555 Sustainability of civil infrastructure systems
CEE 571 Linear Systems Theory
CEE 575 Sensing for civil infrastructure systems
IOE 561 Risk analysis
CLIMATE 421/ EARTH 421 Introduction to Physical Oceanography
CLIMATE 555/ SPACE 555 Spectral Methods
NAVARCH 520 Intermediate Hydrodynamics
NAVARCH 523 Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics
NAVARCH 551 Offshore Engineering 1
EAS 520 Fluvial Ecosystems
EAS 531 Principles of GIS
EAS 541 Remote Sensing
EAS 558 Water Policy and Politics
EAS 574 Sustainable Energy Systems
URP 542 Environmental Planning
URP 520 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
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Intelligent Systems
Faculty Advisor: J. Scruggs
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 303: Numerical Methods
in Civil Engineering
CEE 373: Probability and
Statistical Methods
CEE 572: Dynamics of
Infrastructure Systems
CEE 575: Sensing for Civil
Infrastructure Systems
CEE 553: Infrastructure
Systems Optimization
CEE 571: Linear System
CEE554: Data Mining in
CEE 573: Data Analysis in
Civil and Env. Engineering
CEE 576: Stochastic Systems
EECS460: Control Systems
Analysis and Design
EECS 501: Prob. and Random
IOE 574: Simulation Design
and Analysis
IOE 651: Risk Analysis 1
Suggested General Electives:
Students specializing in Intelligent Systems are strongly encouraged to
include several core classes from one
of the other specializations in their programs of study, as general electives. In addition, the following courses
from other departments are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Intelligent Systems:
AEROSP 566: Data Analysis and System Identification
AEROSP 567: Inference, Estimation, and Learning
AEROSP 577: Data-driven & Reduced Complexity Modeling
AEROSP 580: Linear Feedback Control Systems
EECS 502: Stochastic Processes
EECS 544: Analysis of Societal Networks
EECS 550: Information Theory
EECS 551: Matrix Methods for Signal Processing, Data Analysis and Machine Learning
EECS 558. Stochastic Control
EECS 561 (MECHENG 561): Design of Digital Control Systems
EECS 562: (AEROSP 551). Nonlinear Systems and Control
EECS 563: Hybrid Systems, Analysis, and Control
EECS 564: Estimation, Filtering, and Detection
EECS 565: Linear Feedback Control Systems
EECS 566: Discrete Event Systems
EECS 592: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
EECS 600 (IOE 600). Function Space Methods in System Theory
IOE 510 (Math 561) (OMS 518): Linear Programming I
IOE 511 (Math 562): Continuous Optimization Methods
IOE 512: Dynamic Programming
IOE 517: Game Theory and Operations Applications
MECHENG 461: Automatic Control
MECHENG 548: Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
MECHENG 552: Mechatronic Systems Design
MECHENG 555: Desig
n Optimization
NAVARCH 583: Adaptive Control
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Structural and Materials Engineering
Faculty Advisor: E. Filipov
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 312: Structural
CEE 412: Matrix Structural
CEE 413: Design of Metallic
CEE 415: Design of Concrete
CEE 351: Civil Engineering
CEE 345: Geotechnical
CEE 510: Finite Element
CEE 511: Dynamics of
CEE 512: Nonlinear Analysis
of Structures
CEE 513: Plastic Analysis and
Design of Frames
CEE 514: Prestressed Concrete
CEE 515: Advanced Design of
R/C Structures
CEE 517: Reliability of
CEE 547: Soils Engineering
and Pavement Systems
CEE 611: Performance Based
Earthquake Engineering
CEE 516: Bridge Structures
CEE 518: Deployable and
Reconfigurable Structures
CEE 545: Foundation
CEE 572: Dynamics of
Infrastructure Systems
CEE 575: Sensing for Civil
Infrastructure Systems
CEE 616: Passive Control of
Structural Systems
CEE 6xx: Structural Fire
CEE 650: Adv. Fiber R/C for
Sustainable Infrastructure
CEE 554: Data Mining in
IOE 574: Simulation Design
and Analysis
IOE 651: Risk Analysis 1
CEE 553: Infrastructure
Systems Optimization
CEE 573: Data Analysis in
Students taking these prerequisite courses during their MSE degree may count them toward the 30-credit
degree, as general electives, provided that only 9 credit hours of 400-level CEE courses are counted towards
their degree.
Only required for students electing to take CEE 547 or CEE 650
Only required for students electing to take CEE 545
Suggested General Electives
The following courses are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Structural and Materials
CEE 435: Building Information Modeling
CEE 509: Theory of Elasticity
CEE 546: Slopes, Dams and Retaining Structures
CEE 547: Soils Engineering and Pavement Systems
CEE 548: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
CEE 555: Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems
CEE 571: Linear System Theory
ARCH: 524 Surface Structures
ARCH: 544 Wood Structures
ARCH: 571 Digital Fabrication
AERO: 416 Plates and Shells
AERO: 516 Mechanics of Composites
AERO: 518 Theory of Elastic Stability I
MSE: 514 Composite Materials
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MECHENG: 412 Advanced Strength of Materials
MECHENG: 511 Theory of Solid Continua
MECHENG: 555 Design Optimization
MECHENG: 605 Adv. Finite Element Methods in Mech.
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Transportation Systems Engineering
Faculty Advisor: N. Masoud
Specialization Core
Specialization Elective
CEE 303: Numerical Methods
in Civil Engineering
CEE 373: Probability and
Statistical Methods
CEE 450: Introduction to
Transportation Engineering
CEE 551: Traffic Science
CEE 552: Travel Behavior
Analysis and Forecasting
CEE 553: Infrastructure
Systems Optimization
CEE 554: Data Mining in
CEE 557: Large-scale
Transportation Systems
CEE 559: Transportation
Network Modeling
CEE 572: Dynamics of
Infrastructure Systems
CEE 577: Dynamics and
Control of Connected Vehicles
CEE 547: Soil Engineering and
Pavement Systems
URP 560: Transportation and
Land Use Planning
URP 561: Public Policy and
AEROSP 740: Air
Transportation Systems
CEE 575: Sensing for Civil
Infrastructure Systems
Suggested General Electives
The following courses are commonly taken by CE students specializing in Transportation Engineering:
CEE 571: Linear System Theory
CEE 576: Stochastic Systems
EECS 460: Control Systems Analysis and Design
EECS 592: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
IOE 511 (Math 562): Continuous Optimization Methods
IOE 512: Dynamic Programming
IOE 515: Stochastic Processes
IOE 517: Game Theory and Operations Applications
IOE 561: Risk Analysis
IOE 610 (Math 660). Linear Programming II
IOE 611 (Math 663). Nonlinear Programming
IOE 612. Network Flows
IOE 614. Integer Programming
Appendix 2: Plan of Study
Student’s Name:
General electives & seminars
At least 18 credit hours of CEE courses.
No more than 9 credit hours of 400-level CEE courses.
No more than 12 credit hours of 400-level courses in total.
No more than 2 credit hours of seminar
Check here if you are a SUGS student. Please attach your approved SUGS form.
Faculty Advisor: (signature) Date:
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