fnut-09-950874 September 16, 2022 Time: 16:25 # 1
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 23 September 2022
DOI 10.3389/fnut.2022.950874
Christophe Matthys,
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University of Zagreb, Croatia
Igor Pravst
This article was submitted to
Nutrition Methodology,
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Frontiers in Nutrition
RECEIVED 23 May 2022
ACCEPTED 26 August 2022
PUBLISHED 23 September 2022
Hribar M, Žlavs K, Pravst I and Žmitek K
(2022) Validation of the food frequency
questionnaire for the assessment
of dietary vitamin D intake.
Front. Nutr. 9:950874.
doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.950874
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Validation of the food frequency
questionnaire for the
assessment of dietary vitamin D
Maša Hribar
, Katarina Žlavs
, Igor Pravst
Katja Žmitek
Nutrition and Public Health Research Group, Nutrition Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
VIST–Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ljubljana,
Vitamin D and its adequate status are related to many aspects of human
health; therefore, an appropriate tool is needed for the valid assessment of
vitamin D status. The main contributor to vitamin D status is endogenous
synthesis after cutaneous exposure to ultraviolet B light (UVB), but in the
absence of UVB radiation, vitamin D intake becomes an important source of
vitamin D. Various tools are available for vitamin D intake assessments, with the
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) being among the fastest, cheapest, and
most convenient; however, until now, these tools have not been adapted for
the Slovenia (SI). To enable valid vitamin D intake estimation, we developed
a simple one-page semi-quantitative FFQ (sqFFQ/SI) and tested its validity
using a 5-day dietary record (DR) as a reference method. The reproducibility
was tested with the second sqFFQ/SI (sqFFQ/SI2) 6 weeks after the first
(sqFFQ/SI1). The validity and reproducibility of this method were tested on
54 participants using Bland–Altman plots, Spearman’s correlation, and Kappa
analyses of tertiles. The mean daily vitamin D intake was 3.50 ± 1.91 µg
according to the 5-day DR, and 2.99 ± 1.35 and 3.31 ± 1.67 µg according
to the sqFFQ/SI1 and repeated sqFFQ/SI (sqFFQ/SI2), respectively. When
analyzing for validity, the sqFFQ/SI1 was found to be significantly correlated
(p < 0.05) with the 5-day DR, with an acceptable correlation coefficient of
0.268 and a Bland–Altman index of 3.7%. For reproducibility, the correlation
between the sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2 was highly significant (p < 0.001),
with a good correlation coefficient of 0.689 and a Bland–Altman index
of 3.7%. Kappa analyses of tertiles showed a poor validity and acceptable
reproducibility. Overall, we observed a higher reproducibility than validity.
Validation and reproducibility analyses demonstrated that the proposed
sqFFQ/SI is acceptable and is, therefore, an appropriate tool for the effective
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assessment of habitual vitamin D intake on an individual level. With this
consideration, this tool will be used in further population studies to assess
vitamin D intake and for the development of a screening tool for the
assessment of the risk for vitamin D deficiency, which will be used as a
foundation for evidence-based policy-making decisions.
vitamin D, nutrient intake, validation, reproducibility, Slovenia, Food Frequency
Questionnaire (FFQ), dietary record
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is, due to its many
functions in the body, crucial for the growth and maintenance
of health in all life stages (13). For humans, the sources of
vitamin D are endogenous synthesis in the skin when exposed
to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and dietary intake (either
with foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D, fortified foods,
or pharmaceutical preparations) (4). Although endogenous
synthesis is the main source of vitamin D for most people, in
the absence of sufficient UVB exposure, vitamin D becomes an
essential nutrient and sufficient dietary intake is required (57).
The dietary vitamin D intake is usually well below
recommendations (5), mainly because very few foods are rich in
vitamin D, and, at the same time, they are seldom consumed.
The recommended dietary vitamin D intake for the adult
population is 5 µg/day (19–50 years), 10 µg/day (51–65 years),
and 15 µg/day (>65 years) according to the recommendations
of the World Health Organization (WHO) (8), and 15 and
20 µg/day (in the absence of endogenous synthesis) according
to the recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) and the Nutrition Societies of Germany, Austria, and
Switzerland (D-A-CH), respectively (9, 10). On the other hand,
the nutrient reference value (NRV), as defined in the European
union food labeling regulation, is 5 µg (11), while the threshold
of 2.5 µg is sometimes used as a lower reference nutrient intake
(LRNI) (12).
Studies have reported a high prevalence of inadequate
dietary intakes of vitamin D in European populations and
around the world (6, 13, 14), including Slovenia (15, 16). In
most European countries, the daily intake of vitamin D is
lower than 5 µg (6, 14, 16, 17); exceptions are Scandinavian
countries, where oil-rich fish consumption is relatively high,
and both fortification and supplementation policies have also
been implemented (6, 18). Only a few studies have evaluated the
dietary intake of vitamin D in the Slovenian population, using
various methods to record the dietary intake (15, 16).
Due to insufficient UVB exposure and simultaneous
inadequate vitamin D intake, an important public health task
is the rapid identification of individuals exposed to the risk
of inadequate vitamin D status. Furthermore, the accurate
assessment of dietary vitamin D intake is important for the
application of evidence-based public health measures in order
to prevent poor vitamin D status in different population groups.
To achieve this, a suitable screening procedure is necessary (19).
The optimal and most objective method for evaluating
vitamin D status is a laboratory determination of serum 25-
hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (20), but this method is invasive
and not recommended for screening in large populations (19,
21). Because vitamin D status is also affected by dietary intake
of vitamin D, a valid dietary assessment method that is easy
to use is needed (22). Determining dietary vitamin D intake
with the 24-h recall or the dietary record (DR) method, a gold
standard for dietary intake assessments, is not the most well
suited (23); because of large day-to-day variations in vitamin
D intake (dependent on, e.g., fish intake and the diversity of
fortified foods), an extended time period is necessary for data
collection (22, 24). On the other hand, the Food Frequency
Questionnaire (FFQ) is less useful for measuring the absolute
dietary intake, but it can better reflect ones typical diet (25).
Additionally, the FFQ may be more reliable for the estimation
of micronutrient intake, such as vitamin D, as it covers a longer
period and can focus on specific foods that are relevant to
vitamin D intake (26).
When assessing dietary intake, the research method must
be simple and fast, for both the subject and the researcher,
and, at the same time, it must be valid and reproducible (25,
27). Various FFQs for the assessment of vitamin D intake
were designed and validated in several countries and studies
around the world (23, 26, 2834). However, such tools need
to be tailored for use in specific regions; country-specific food
consumption patterns and foods need to be considered (25, 27,
35). The typical reference methods for the validation of the FFQ
are DR or the 24-h recall method, and biomarkers are sometimes
also used (25).
The objective of this study was to assess the validity and
reproducibility of a semi-quantitative FFQ on the Slovenian
population (sqFFQ/SI) for the assessment of the dietary
intake of vitamin D, using 5-day DR as a reference method.
The sqFFQ/SI was developed by the Nutrition Institute
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(Slovenia) in cooperation with the National Institute of Public
Health (Slovenia) within the national research project Nutri-D
“Challenges in achieving adequate vitamin D status in the adult
population” (L7-1849).
Materials and methods
Study design and data collection
The study protocol was approved by the Nutrition
Research Ethics Committee (Biotechnical Faculty, University of
Ljubljana), under the identification number KEP-1-2/2020 on
10 February 2020. The study was conducted in full compliance
with the principles laid out in the Declaration of Helsinki.
Participation in the study was voluntary. All of the subjects
signed a written informed consent form before participating.
They were informed that they can withdraw from the study
at any time with no consequences. The study was conducted
between February and April 2020 and included data collection
using the FFQ and a 5-day DR. The participants received all
the required information (and instructions) in oral and written
format at individual meetings. To assess reproducibility, the
participants were asked to fill out the sqFFQ/SI two times: the
first one (sqFFQ/SI1) was filled out at the beginning of the study,
and the second one (sqFFQ/SI2) was filled out approximately
6 weeks later (Figure 1). The participants were asked not to alter
dietary habits between sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2 if possible.
It should be noted that the second one was conducted during
the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. To evaluate the validity of the
questionnaire, the participants were requested to complete a 5-
day DR during the time between both administered sqFFQ/SI.
The participants were free to choose any 3 week/2 weekend days
in that time period.
Study population
The sqFFQ/SI was validated among a group of Slovenian
adults, aged between 18 and 65 years, mainly from central
Slovenia and the Savinja statistical region. The subjects were
enrolled with the use of invitations via social media profiles from
the official Nutrition Institute profile, and personal invitations.
The exclusion criteria were diagnosis of chronic disease,
pregnant or breastfeeding women, and specific diets (vegan diet,
ketogenic diet, energy-restricted diets, and diets due to medical
reasons). It should be noted that vegetarians were not excluded.
All the required information regarding inclusion/exclusion
criteria was presented before the beginning of the study.
Semi quantitative food frequency
questionnaire for Slovenian population
For this study, a semi-quantitative FFQ adapted for the
Slovenian population was used (sqFFQ/SI), in which the
frequency of food consumption and the size of portions
are defined (36). The tool included food products that were
previously identified as important sources of vitamin D in
Slovenia (15). Although Slovenia does not have a mandatory
vitamin D fortification of foods, some food groups are
commonly fortified (37) and were therefore included. The final
sqFFQ/SI consisted of 22 food items that contain at least 0.03 µg
of vitamin D per 100 g, according to the reviewed literature
(38) and the selected food composition databases: Slovenian
Open Platform for Clinical Nutrition (OPEN) (39), McCance
and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods (38), and the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) database (40).
The included food groups are presented in Table 1. For each
food group, we identified all the relevant food records in the
abovementioned food composition datasets and calculated the
category average content of vitamin D. We did not include the
use of pharmaceutical preparations.
The subjects were asked to rank their consumption
frequencies during the past year. Previously reported (17)
frequency options were implemented: multiple times a day,
daily, 4–6 times per week, 1–3 times per week, 1–3 times per
month, and rarely or never. Further, subjects were asked to
rank their usual portion sizes (in comparison to the indicated
reference portion size): (a) as indicated, (b) less than indicated
(specified as at least one-half smaller than the normal portion
size), and (c) more than indicated (specified as at least one-half
Study design.
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larger than the normal portion size). The complete sqFFQ/SI
is provided in the Supplementary material. The sqFFQ/SI was
carried out online and took approximately 10 min to complete.
Five-day dietary record
In line with the previously reported approach (31), the 5-
day DR was conducted on five typical random non-consecutive
days (3 weekdays and 3 days during the weekend). At the
first meeting, the participants were given detailed instructions
on how to complete the DR. Participants were asked to
maintain their usual eating habits and record all consumed
foods and beverages in as much detail as possible (describing
the type/brand of food, the amount of food, the method
of preparation, and the recipes of composited dishes where
applicable). The amounts were preferably weighted and written
down in grams when participants had access to a kitchen scale.
Exceptionally, the amounts were estimated using illustration
material for different portion sizes of typical foods using a
previously developed nationally adapted picture book (41). The
participants returned their completed 5-day DR via a pre-paid
postal service or in person.
Data processing and statistical analysis
The data collected by both sqFFQ/SI were used to calculate
the daily vitamin D intake (µg/day) based on the method
described in detail by Biro and Gee (42). The calculations were
performed using the selected serving size and average vitamin D
contents in 100 g of foods, as shown in Table 1.
Vitamin D intake (µg/day) was further determined using a
5-day DR using the online nutrition analysis software OPEN,
which is linked to the food composition database (43). Due to
some missing information regarding the vitamin D content in
some foods, the OPEN database was updated in cooperation
with the software owner, the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). The
missing data were updated with data available in the USDA
database (40), the National Food Composition Database in
Finland (Fineli) (44), and McCance and Widdowson’s The
Composition of Foods (38).
The obtained data were statistically analyzed with the
IBM SPSS version 27, Statistics program (IBM SPSS,
IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) (45). We investigated the
validity (external validation compared with the results of
the 5-day DR) and reproducibility of the method (internal
validation comparing results obtained two times: sqFFQ/SI1
and sqFFQ/SI2) (46). Descriptive characteristics (means,
median, and proportions) for the daily vitamin D intakes
were calculated.
The estimated daily vitamin D intakes were grouped for
cross-classification according to tertiles. In the analyses, we
regarded the estimations as good if less than 10% of the
participants were grossly misclassified into the opposite tertiles
and at least 50% of the participants were correctly classified
(47). In the Kappa analyses, we considered Kappa values below
0.20 to have a poor agreement, between 0.20 and 0.60 as
having an acceptable agreement, and over 0.60 as having good
agreement (48).
The normality of distribution was tested with the Shapiro–
Wilk test. The analysis of correlations between the results
obtained in the assessment of validity (sqFFQ/SI1 compared
with a 5-day DR) and the assessment of reproducibility
(comparison between sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2) was used,
where Spearman’s correlation was applied. Correlation
coefficients of less than 0.20 were a poor outcome; those
between 0.20 and 0.49 were acceptable, and those of 0.50 or
higher was considered a good outcome (48).
TABLE 1 Reference serving sizes and vitamin D content in 100 g of
the foods used in the semi-quantitative Food Frequency
Questionnaire (sqFFQ/SI).
Food group Reference serving
size (g/ml)
Vitamin D
(µg/100 g)
Sardines, trout, salmon, and carp 120 7.84
Sea bass, tuna, cod, common sole,
blue tilapia, and other fish
120 3.23
Canned fish 80 4.31
Plant-based milk alternatives: rice
milk, soy milk, etc.
250 0.47
Semi-skimmed milk (1.5%
milkfat), cocoa drink, and milk
200 0.03
Whole milk (3.5% milkfat), a
cocoa drink containing whole
milk, milk drinks
200 0.09
Semi-skimmed (1.5% milkfat)
flavored or plain yogurt
150 0.03
Whole milk (3.5% milkfat)
flavored or plain yogurt
150 0.06
Hard cheese: Gouda cheese,
Edam cheese, etc.
30 0.9
Blue cheese 20 0.39
Cottage cheese, mozzarella, other
types of processed cheese
50 0.28
Ice cream 40 0.25
Butter 6 1.66
Margarine 6 2.5
Eggs 50 2.9
Egg pasta 100 0.28
Red meat 100 0.48
Poultry 100 0.26
Meat products 40 0.86
Calfs liver 60 1.2
Mushrooms 100 0.18
Cakes, pastry, and muffins 70 0.31
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In all of the comparisons, significance was considered
at p < 0.05. A Bland–Altman plot was further used for
the validation and reproducibility assessment. Since the data
were not normally distributed, we used log transformation, as
previously proposed (49). A Bland–Altman index below 5% was
interpreted as good, as suggested before in similar research (23,
28, 4951).
A total of 55 participants volunteered to participate. The
final sample included 54 participants, as one of the individuals
withdrew from the study (due to lack of time). The sample
was represented by 37 women (69%) and 17 men (31%). The
average age was 32.7 years (±13.6 years). Other characteristics
of the population [age and body mass index (BMI)] are shown in
Table 2. The participants completed two sqFFQ/SIs on average
46 days apart (sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2, respectively), and a 5-
day DR according to a study design, presented in Figure 1. The
mean daily vitamin D intake was 3.50 ± 1.91 µg according to
the 5-day DR, and 2.99 ± 1.35 and 3.31 ± 1.67 µg according
to the sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2, respectively (Table 3). Since
none of the participants achieved the nationally recommended
daily intake of vitamin D (20 µg), we analyzed the data with a
cut-off value for the LRNI (2.5 µg) and NRV (5 µg). Overall,
the NRV threshold was not met by 87.0% of subjects according
TABLE 2 Study population description.
Parameter Criteria Number (%)
Participants (total) 54 (100)
Sex Men 17 (31.5)
Women 37 (69.5)
Age 19–24 28 (52.9)
25–65 26 (48.1)
Body mass index
<18.5 kg/m
(underweight) 2 (3.7)
18.5–24.9 kg/m
(normal weight) 37 (68.5)
25.0–29.9 kg/m
(overweight) 10 (18.5)
>30.0 kg/m
(obese) 5 (9.3)
TABLE 3 Daily vitamin D intake estimated with a 5-day dietary record
(DR) and semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaires (sqFFQ/SI)
administered 6 weeks apart.
sqFFQ/SI1 sqFFQ/SI2 5-day DR
Mean ± SD (µg) 2.99 ± 1.35 3.31 ± 1.67 3.50 ± 1.91
Median (µg) 2.61 2.94 3.04
Minimum (µg) 0.44 0.58 0.97
Maximum (µg) 7.08 8.19 10.31
<2.5 µg (%) 42.6 40.7 35.2
<5 µg (%) 90.7 83.3 87
to the 5-day DRs, 90.7% according to the sqFFQ/SI1, and 83.3%
according to the sqFFQ/SI2. On the other hand, the lower LRNI
threshold was not met by 35.2, 42.6, and 40.7%, respectively.
The validity of the sqFFQ/SI1 for the estimation of daily
vitamin D intake was analyzed with comparison to the 5-day
DR. The estimated intakes were analyzed with Spearman’s rank
correlation for the sqFFQ/SI1 and 5-day DR (Figure 2). The
sqFFQ/SI1 was significantly correlated (p < 0.05) with the 5-day
DR, with a correlation coefficient of 0.268; the mean difference
between both methods was 0.514 µg (SD: 0.318 µg). Due to the
non-normal distribution, further comparison of the 5-day DR
and sqFFQ/SI1 using Bland–Altman plots were carried out with
log-transformed data (Figure 3). The Bland–Altman index of
the logarithmic model was good (3.70%). Further, we analyzed
the percentages of subjects classified into the same vitamin D
intake tertile (Table 4). When comparing the sqFFQ/SI1 and the
5-day DR, 42.6% of the participants were categorized into the
same tertile, and 16.7% into the opposite tertile. This indicates a
low agreement; the Kappa coefficient was 0.139.
To investigate the reproducibility of the sqFFQ/SI, we
compared the daily vitamin D intake as estimated with
the sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2, which were administered
approximately 6 weeks apart. The correlation between the
sqFFQ/SI1 and sqFFQ/SI2 was highly significant (p < 0.001),
with a correlation coefficient of 0.689 (Figure 4). The mean
difference between measurements was 0.318 µg (SD: 0.291 µg).
Furthermore, the log-transformed Bland–Altman plot showed
good reproducibility with an index of 3.70% (Figure 5). When
testing the sqFFQ/SI1 for reproducibility, the analysis of the
tertiles showed acceptable agreement; 59.3% of the subjects
were categorized into the same tertile, and there were no
classifications into opposite tertile, while the Kappa value was
acceptable (0.389) (Table 4).
Vitamin D is a crucial micronutrient for optimal human
health in all life stages, and we should strive to achieve optimal
status across all populations. Besides UVB-induced cutaneous
synthesis, food intake is an important source of vitamin D (57).
Vitamin D intake can be estimated using various methods, with
the FFQ being one of the less burdensome methods. The FFQ
is user friendly and time/cost efficient (25). Convenient tools
for intake estimation are important for the efficient assessment
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Analysis of correlation for daily vitamin D intake estimated with semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 1 (sqFFQ/SI1) and 5-day dietary
record (correlation coefficient = 0.268; p < 0.05).
Bland–Altman plot comparing daily vitamin D intake estimated with semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 1 (sqFFQ/SI1) and a 5-day
dietary record (Bland–Altman index: 3.70%).
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TABLE 4 Count and percentages of subjects classified into the
same/opposite vitamin D intake tertile.
Category sqFFQ/SI1
vs. 5-day DR
sqFFQ/SI1 vs.
Subjects classified
into the same tertile
N 23 32
% 42.6 59.3
misclassified into the
opposite tertile
N 9 0
% 16.7 0
DR, dietary record; sqFFQ/SI1, semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 1;
sqFFQ/SI2, semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 2.
of the risk of vitamin D deficiency, particularly in the absence
of endogenous synthesis. To accurately assess the dietary intake
of vitamin D in the Slovenian population we developed a semi-
quantitative FFQ and tested its validity and reproducibility using
5-day DR and repeated sqFFQ/SI, respectively. The estimated
mean daily vitamin D intakes in our study were 3.50, 2.99,
and 3.31 µg for the 5-day DR, sqFFQ/SI1, and sqFFQ/SI2,
respectively. We did not observe a higher mean intake with
the FFQ (in comparison to the 5-day DR), unlike some other
validation studies (29, 52).
The validity and reproducibility were tested using Bland–
Altman plots, a recommended “gold-standard” approach by
which to compare results from different methods observing
the same variable (53). Our results show that the developed
sqFFQ/SI is fairly valid and reproducible; only 3.70% of the
data points were outside the 95% limits of agreements for both
validity and reproducibility. Other research investigating similar
a topic reported from 2.7 to 6.3% of data points outside the
95% limits of agreement using Bland–Altman plot (23, 28).
Additionally, Spearman’s correlation was significant both for
validity (<0.05) and reproducibility (<0.001). The correlation
coefficients were acceptable and good (0.268 and 0.689,
respectively). In similar studies comparing multiple day dietary
vitamin D intake with FFQ, significant correlation coefficients
ranged from 0.21 to 0.83 for validity and from 0.62 to 0.82 for
reproducibility (23, 26, 28, 29, 52). It should be noted that due
to the complexity of the estimation of micronutrient intakes,
correlation coefficients above 0.2 are considered acceptable, and
coefficients above 0.7 are rarely reported (32). However, the
thresholds for acceptable correlations are not well harmonized
(25, 48), and we should take caution when evaluating the
outcomes. Analyses of terciles in our case showed less agreement
than in some other studies. Altogether, in the validity study,
42.6% of subjects were classified in the same tercile (Kappa
coefficient: 0.139; poor agreement), while some other studies
reported up to 64% (28, 29), but we must note that the
cross-classification is a relatively crude measurement (29). On
the hand, we observed better results in analyses of terciles
in the reproducibility study (59.3%; Kappa coefficient: 0.389;
acceptable). Other studies also reported lower differences in the
reproducibility of FFQs, in comparison to validity testing with
DRs (23, 54), which might be affected by the limited ability of
DRs to capture dietary patterns, related to vitamin D intake.
In a recent study, it was shown that in Slovenia vitamin
D deficiency is highly prevalent, particularly in the wintertime
when dietary intake becomes the main source of vitamin D.
In the winter months, ca. 80% of adults and elderly people
were shown to be vitamin D deficient (55), and the mean
daily vitamin D intakes were 2.9 and 2.5 µg, respectively (15).
Globally, various FFQs were developed and regionally adapted
to estimate vitamin D intakes (23, 26, 2834); however, to the
best of our knowledge, there is no such tool available for use in
the Slovenian population.
The intake of nutrients can be estimated using a variety
of methods that have different levels of accuracy for different
nutrients. For nutrients that are found in a limited number
of foods, the use of short-period DRs can pose a risk of
not capturing a typical dietary pattern, and it is therefore
recommended to follow food intake over a period of several
days. On the contrary, although the FFQ is much simpler
to use, this method can better capture food consumption
patterns over a longer period (26). In the case of vitamin
D, the intake estimation is particularly challenging due to
notable day-to-day variations as vitamin D-rich foods (i.e.,
fish) are seldom consumed (24, 26). This, of course, affects the
estimation of daily vitamin D intake when different methods
are used. For example, in a nationally representative Slovenian
SI. Menu study, 72.8% of adults were recognized as sea fish
consumers when two 24 h dietary recalls were used, while
the Food Propensity Questionnaire method identified 80.8%
as true consumers (15).We developed an FFQ that covers the
most important contributors to vitamin D intake in Slovenia,
including eggs, fish, and fish products, meat and meat products,
milk and milk products, and commonly fortified foods, such
as plant-based milk alternatives (15, 37). The validation of the
FFQ (sqFFQ/SI1) was conducted on 54 participants using a 5-
day DR as a reference method. Despite the abovementioned
limitations, the DR is a commonly used reference method in
such validation studies (56). We also tested the reproducibility,
using a repeated FFQ (sqFFQ/SI2) administered 6 weeks after
the first measurement.
To evaluate the validity and reproducibility we used
various approaches. The results are showing that validity varied
from poor to good, and good for reproducibility. We have
demonstrated that the proposed FFQ is acceptable and is
therefore an appropriate tool for the effective assessment of
habitual vitamin D intake on an individual level. Overall,
we observed higher reproducibility than validity. However,
such tools are also commonly used in population studies.
Therefore, we further compared the estimated mean vitamin
D intakes between the tested methods and literature data. The
difference between the mean vitamin D intake according to
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Analysis of correlation for daily vitamin D intake estimated with semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 1 (sqFFQ/SI1) and 2
(sqFFQ/SI2) (correlation coefficient = 0.689; p < 0.001).
Bland–Altman plot comparing daily vitamin D intake estimated with a semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire 1 (sqFFQ/SI1) and 2
(sqFFQ/SI2) (Bland–Altman index: 3.70%).
both of the tested methods was small (0.51 µg) and statistically
insignificant. With consideration of the recommended daily
vitamin D intake (20 µg), the clinical importance of such a
difference is minimal. Similar differences were also observed in
other similar studies, for example, in the study by Kiely et al.
in their comparison of the FFQ and 14-day DR results (29).
Furthermore, our results are comparable with mean vitamin D
intakes reported for the general Slovenian population. Vitamin
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D intake was recently investigated in a nationally representative
SI. Menu study (15). The weighted population mean intake
was estimated with the multiple source method (MSM), using
two 24 h recalls and the Food Propensity Questionnaire. The
estimated mean vitamin D intake in adults (18–64 years) was
2.85 µg (15), comparable to the results in our study (sqFFQ/SI1:
2.99 µg). A recent systematic review also highlighted that
vitamin D intakes in other studies in the Slovenian population
were below 5 µ g (16).
Although the developed tool was shown as valid and
reproducible, some limitations need to be noted. While we
followed the recommendation that validity studies should be
conducted on at least 50 subjects (31), a bigger sample would
be beneficial to check the validity in more specific population
groups. Furthermore, we did not use biological biomarkers
of vitamin D status [serum 25(OH)D concentration], but we
should note that this biomarker is seriously affected by UVB-
induced endogenous vitamin D biosynthesis, which results in
major inter-individual differences. The limited use of blood
biomarkers for such validation studies in the case of vitamin D
was noted also in other studies (26, 33). Moreover, we should
note that while majority (72.2%) of our study participants were
with BMI < 25 kg/m
, we also had some overweight/obese
subjects (18.5 and 9.3%, respectively), where food intake
misreporting might be more common. We have not excluded
those from the analyses, because vitamin D intake screening is
also very relevant in this population group. At last, it should
be said that we tested the tool on healthy, non-pregnant, no-
lactating, adult, omnivore populations. We suggest that the
described sqFFQ/SI is further tested on other populations of
public health interest.
The estimation of ones usual daily vitamin D intake is
a challenging task, regardless of the method used, due to its
major day-to-day variability. Building on previously established
methods and major contributors to vitamin D intake in the
Slovenian population, we developed a simple one-page semi-
quantitative FFQ (sqFFQ/SI) for the quick estimation of ones
usual daily vitamin D intake. To the best of our knowledge,
the described tool is the first FFQ adapted for the Slovenian
population. The Bland–Altman plot analyses showed a good
level of agreement between the developed sqFFQ/SI and the
standard 5-day DR method, as well as a good reproducibility,
with less than 5% of the outliers falling outside of the
agreement limit and a significant correlation being observed.
Further analyses of correlation showed acceptable and good
correlation, whereas Kappa analyses of terciles showed poor
and acceptable agreement tor validity and reproducibility,
respectively. Considering the analyses results, this tool will be
used in further population studies and for the development
of a screening tool for the assessment of the risk for vitamin
D deficiency in healthy non-pregnant, no-lactating, adult, and
omnivore populations. Due to the high prevalence of vitamin D
deficiency, such a method is important not only for researchers
but also for clinical practice and policymakers. It should be
noted that the developed tool is very valuable for use in other
countries in the Central European region due to similar food
policies and dietary patterns. However, minor modifications
might be appropriate for specific populations.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will
be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by the Nutrition Research Ethics Committee
(Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana), KEP-1-2/2020.
The patients/participants provided their written informed
consent to participate in this study.
Author contributions
KŽm and IP: conceptualization, funding acquisition,
methodology, and supervision. MH and KŽl: data curation,
formal analysis, investigation, and writing—original draft. KŽm:
project administration and resources. MH: validation and
visualization. MH, KŽm, KŽl, and IP: writing—review and
editing. All authors contributed to the article and approved the
submitted version.
This study was conducted within the national research
program P3-0395 “Nutrition and Public Health and project
Nutri-D “Challenges in achieving adequate vitamin D
status in the adult population” (L7-1849), supported by
the Slovenian Research Agency and Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Slovenia.
We acknowledge the support of other member of the
research group, particularly Hristo Hristov (Nutrition Institute,
Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Urška Blaznik (National Institute of
Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia).
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Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be
found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/
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