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Melinda B. Buntin, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, District of Columbia 20001
PhD/2000 Harvard University, Health Policy, concentration in Economics
1997 – 2000, Sloan Foundation, Dissertation Fellowship
1998, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Dissertation Fellowship
1995 – 1997, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Training Grant
AB/1993 Princeton University, Public and International Affairs, magna cum
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey
Business School, Johns Hopkins University, July 2023–Present
Director for Policy, Hopkins Business of Health Initiative, Johns Hopkins University,
July 2023–Present
Other Non-JHU Professional Experience
Vanderbilt University
University Distinguished Professor, Departments of Health Policy and of Medicine,
Health, & Society, Vanderbilt University, August 2022–June 2023
Professor of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, Peabody College, Vanderbilt
University, August 2019–June 2023
Mike Curb Chair for Health Policy, Vanderbilt University, March 2018–June 2023
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Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University, August 2013–
June 2023
Founding chair of a new multidisciplinary department of health policy within a
medical school.
Responsible for strategic planning, faculty recruitment, retention, and promotion,
department administration and staffing, and development of research and educational
Scholar - Center for Health Services Research
Affiliated Faculty - Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Department grew from 9 to 22 faculty, started a Health Policy track in the MPH
program and a Ph.D. Program in Health Policy, grant portfolio of $26M in FY22.
JAMA Health Forum
Deputy Editor, 2019–Present
Founding deputy editor of health policy journal that is 13
journal in the JAMA
Network. First impact factor --in 2023-- is 11.5.
Responsible for: setting policies; recruiting editorial board, associate editors, and
JAMA Forum authors; decisions on manuscripts throughout the review process;
soliciting and writing commentaries - all in partnership with the Editor-in-Chief and
JAMA Network leadership team.
Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC
Deputy Director of Health, Retirement and Long-Term Analysis, July 2011–July 2013
Managed and directed analyses of health and health care financing issues within the
Health, Retirement, and Long-Term Analysis Division. Health topics covered included
Medicare, Medicaid, subsidies for the purchase of private insurance, public health, and
private health insurance markets. Research portfolio included more than 25 separate
Collaborated with agency leaders to formulate and implement a strategic research
agenda involving 35-40 staff and CBO’s external Panel of Health Advisors.
Other key responsibilities included working with Congressional committees to identify
important issues for CBO’s analysis; ensuring the timely preparation of high-quality,
clearly written studies and reports; and developing testimony for Congressional
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
Director, Office of Economic Analysis, Evaluation and Modeling, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2009–2011
Founded the Office to provide economic analysis and modeling expertise. Created a
research agenda and data collection strategy around predicting and understand the
factors driving the adoption, meaningful use, interoperability, and return on investment
of electronic health records.
Developed ONC’s strategy for performance measurement and feedback. Generated
reports, data, and strategies to measure ONC’s progress towards its goals and to help
ONC achieve those goals.
Managed staff of 12 and portfolio of over $20 million in grants and contracts.
Oversaw the execution of independent evaluations of ONC programs. Provided
consultation on methodologies and metrics for the design and evaluation of ONC
grants, contracts, and programs.
Supported ONC’s regulatory processes and policy-development activities involving the
analysis of costs, benefits, market forces, and other economic issues.
Represented ONC in departmental discussions and on committees involving health
reform, health policy, economics, and data analysis and policies/reforms that would
leverage Health IT, and in the broader health economics and health services research
Chaired HHS workgroup developing policy and strategy for implementing the
reinsurance, risk adjustment, and risk corridor provisions of the Affordable Care Act
(part-time detail).
RAND Health, Santa Monica, CA and Washington, DC
Senior Economist, 2007–2011
Economist, 2003–2006
Associate Economist, 2000–2003
Associate Director, Program in Economics, Finance, and Organization, 2007–2009
Director, Public Sector Initiatives, RAND Health, 2006–2009
Co-Director, Bing Center for Health Economics, 2006–2007
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Co-Director, RAND Center for Health Care Organization, Economics, and Financing,
Built national reputation as an expert in Medicare financing, provider payment, health
insurance benefit design, and the functioning of health insurance markets.
Managed and grew $10M/year program research portfolio involving 30 researchers.
Developed successful relationships with and secured project funding from a diverse
set of federal agencies (e.g., CMS, ASPE, MedPAC, AHRQ, NIH), foundations (e.g.,
RWJF, CHCF, Commonwealth Fund), and private organizations (e.g., AARP,
Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA
Research Assistant, Department of Health Care Policy, 1996–2000
Lewin-VHI (now The Lewin Group), Fairfax, VA
Research Assistant, 1993–1994
Analyst, 1995
Society Membership and Leadership
Society for Health Services Administrators, 2020–Present
National Academy of Medicine, Elected Member, 2017–Present
National Academy of Social Insurance, Elected Member, 2007–Present
American Society of Health Economists, 2005–Present
International Health Economics Association, 2001–Present
AcademyHealth, 1995–Present
Participation on Advisory Panels and Boards
Peterson Health Technology Institute, Advisory Board member, December 2023–Present
AAMC Research and Action Institute External Advisory Committee, July 2021–Present
(terms ends July 2024)
Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance Internal Advisory Board, April 2021–June 2023
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Health Policy COVID-19 Advisory Committee, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, March
2020–September 2021
Vanderbilt MPH Program Advisory Committee, August 2019–June 2023
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Policies for Action National Advisory Committee,
Member, 2019–2021
AcademyHealth, Research Insights Project Advisory Committee, Chair, 2018
Commonwealth Fund, Cost Control Economic Advisory Committee, Chair, September
FTI Consulting, Inc., Center for Healthcare Economics and Policy, Advisory Board
member, July 2014–November 2020
Tennessee Men’s Health Advisory Board Member, 2014–2015
Vanderbilt Center for Health Services Research Advisory Board, 2013–Present
AcademyHealth, Research Insights Project: Disseminating Research on Health Care
Costs, Organizations, Markets and Productivity, Project Advisory Committee, September
Advisory Committee to the Director of CDC, Surveillance and Epidemiology
Workgroup, July–December 2010
National Rehabilitation Center, JOINTS I and II Studies Policy Advisory Panel, 2005–
John A. Hartford Foundation National Advisory Panel, “Building Interdisciplinary
Geriatric Health Care Research Centers” Initiative, 2004–2009
Journal Peer Review Activities
JAMA (2023)
JAMA Health Forum (2021, 2022, 2023)
National Academy of Medicine (2023)
Journal of Health Economics (2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2014–2016, 2022)
Learning Health Systems Journal (2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2023)
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (2018, 2019)
The New England Journal of Medicine (2014–2017, 2019, 2023)
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Health Affairs (2001, 2004–2018, 2023)
Health Services Research (2002–2018)
Journal of the American Medical Association (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013–2017)
BMC Health Services Research (2017)
Commonwealth Fund (2007, 2016, 2023)
Journal of Public Economics (2016)
HealthCare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation (2013–2016)
Medicare and Medicaid Review (2014)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Health Care Financing and Organization Program
(2008, 2012)
Journal of General Internal Medicine (2011)
The American Journal of Managed Care (2008, 2010)
The Milbank Quarterly (2001, 2009)
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2009)
Inquiry (2000–2002, 2004, 2008)
Medical Care (2005-2008)
The Gerontologist (2002, 2003, 2007)
Congressional Budget Office (2007)
Forum for Health Economics and Policy (2006)
Health Care Financing Review (2006)
Journal of Psychosomatic Research (2006)
Health Economics (2002, 2005)
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics (2004)
Journal or Other Editorial Board Membership
JAMA Health Forum, Deputy Editor, 2019–Present
Learning Health Systems. Editorial Board Member. 2021–Present
Health Care: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, Section Editor for Payment
Reform, Editorial Board Member. July 2012–2015
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Health Services Research, Editorial Board Member, December 2008–2020
Proposal Reviews
Commonwealth Fund, Proposal Reviewer, 2022–Present
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Policies for Action (P4A), Proposal Reviewer, 2019–
National Institutes of Health, Special Section for Diffusion of Medical Technology and
Effects on Outcomes and Expenditures (U01), Study Reviewer, May 2013
National Institutes of Health, Health Services Organization and Delivery (HSOD) study
section, Study Reviewer, June 2009
Woman of Influence, Nashville Business Journal, 2020
AcademyHealth 2009 Annual Research Meeting Most Outstanding Medicare Abstract,
June 2009
AcademyHealth 2009 Annual Research Meeting Most Outstanding Abstract in Health
Care Markets & Competition, June 2009
John M. Eisenberg Article-of-the-Year, Health Services Research, 2021
CBO merit and time off awards, 2012
Secretary’s Commendation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, June 23,
RAND Silver Merit Bonus, July 2009
Ollie Randall Symposium, Gerontological Society of America Conference, November
RAND President’s Award, January 2006
RAND Silver Merit Bonus, July 2003
* indicates a mentored student or post-doctoral fellow
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Journal Articles (peer reviewed; do not include submitted manuscripts)
1. Christopher J.D. Wallis, Khatereh Aminoltejari, Kirusanthy Kaneshwaran,
Arghavan Salles, Melinda B. Buntin, Natalie G. Coburn, Frances Wright,
Lesley Gotlib Conn, Amy Nicole Luckenbaugh, Sanjana Ranganathan, Carlos
Riveros, Colin John McCartney, Kathleen A. Armstrong, Barbara L. Bass,
Allan S. Detsky, Raj Satkunasivam, Angela Jerath, Kiyan Heybati. “Surgeon
Sex and Health Care Costs for Patients Undergoing Common Surgical
Procedures.” JAMA Surgery (November 2023).
2. *Robert J. Dambrino IV, Henry J. Domenico, John A. Graves, Melinda B.
Buntin, William Martinez, S. Trent Rosenbloom, William O. Cooper.
“Unsolicited Patient Complaints Following the 21st Century Cures Act
Information-Blocking Rule.” JAMA Health Forum (September 2023).
3. Peter Buerhaus, Erin Fraher, Bianca Frogner, Melinda B. Buntin, Monica
O’Reilly-Jacob, Sean Clarke. “Toward a Stronger Post-Pandemic Nursing
Workforce.” NEJM Perspective (July 2023).
4. John A. Graves, *Dennis Lee, Lena Leszinsky, Leonce Nshuti, Sayeh Nikpay,
Michael Richards, Melinda B. Buntin, Daniel Polsky. “Physician Patient
Sharing Relationships within Insurance Plan Networks.” Health Services
Research (February 2023).
5. Laura M. Keohane, Sayeh Nikpay, Kyle Braun, Audrey Cheng, David Stevenson,
Melinda B. Buntin, Danxia Yu, Bill Blot, Loren Lipworth-Elliot. “Association of
race and income with incident diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
among Black and White older adults.” Journal of Applied Gerontology (December
6. Melinda B. Buntin, *Salama Freed, Pikki Lai, *Klara Lou, Laura M. Keohane.
“Trends in and Factors Contributing to the Slowdown in Medicare Spending Growth,
2007-2018.” JAMA Health Forum (December 2022).
7. Melinda B. Buntin, *Jennifer Connell, Peter Buerhaus. “Projecting the Health Care
Workforce Needed in the US.” JAMA Health Forum (August 2022).
8. Laura M. Keohane, Sunil Kripalani, Melinda B. Buntin. "Traditional Medicare
episode-related spending on post-acute care for dual-eligible and Medicare-only
beneficiaries, 2009-2017." Medical Care Research and Review (April 2022).
9. *Laura E. Henkhaus, Gilbert Gonzales, Melinda B. Buntin. “An Algorithm Using
Administrative Data to Measure Adverse Childhood Experiences (ADM-ACE).”
Health Services Research (March 2022).
10. John A. Graves, *Khrysta A. Baig, Melinda B. Buntin. “Access to In-Network
Hospital Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” JAMA Health Forum (March
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11. Michael R. Richards, Ashley Leech, Bradley D. Stein, Melinda B. Buntin, Stephen
W. Patrick. “Medicaid Prevalence and Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Access
Disparities.” Health Services Research (December 2021).
12. *Sabrina J. Poon, *Christopher J.D. Wallis, Pikki Lai, Liliana Podczerwinski,
Melinda B. Buntin. “Medicare Two-Midnight Rule Accelerated Shift to Observation
Stays.” Health Affairs (November 2021).
13. Laura M. Keohane, Melinda B. Buntin, Sunil Kripalani. “Traditional Medicare
Spending on Inpatient Episodes as Hospitalizations Decline." Journal of Hospital
Medicine (November 2021).
14. John A. Graves, *Khrysta Baig, Melinda B. Buntin. “The Financial Effects and
Consequences of COVID-19: A Gathering Storm.” JAMA (October 2021).
15. *Laura E. Henkhaus, Melinda B. Buntin, Sarah Clark Henderson, Pikki Lai, Stephen
W. Patrick. “Disparities in receipt of medications for opioid use disorder among
pregnant women.” Substance Abuse (July 2021).
16. *Christopher Wallis, *Sabrina Poon, Pikki Lai, Liliana Podczerwinski, Melinda B.
Buntin. “Trends in Medicare spending across strata of resource utilization among
older individuals in the United States.” EClinicalMedicine (May 2021).
17. Stephen W. Patrick, Michael R. Richards, William D. Dupont, Elizabeth McNeer,
Melinda B. Buntin, et al. “Association of Pregnancy and Insurance Status With
Treatment Access for Opioid Use Disorder.” JAMA Network Open (August 2020).
18. Laura Keohane, David Stevenson, Lucas Stewart, Sunita Thapa, *Salama Freed,
Melinda B. Buntin. “Risk Adjusting for Medicaid Participation in Medicare
Advantage.” AJMC (August 2020).
19. Melinda B. Buntin, John A. Graves. “How The ACA Dented The Cost Curve.”
Health Affairs (March 2020).
20. Sayeh Nikpay, Melinda B. Buntin, Rena Conti. “Relationship Between Initiation of
340B Participation and Hospital Safety-Net Engagement.” Health Services Research
(March 2020).
21. Laura Keohane, Lucas Stewart, Melinda B. Buntin. “The Slowdown in Medicare
Spending Growth for Baby Boomers and Older Beneficiaries: Changes in Medicare
Spending Levels and Growth by Age Group, 2007-2015.” Commonwealth Fund
(December 2019).
22. Melinda B. Buntin. “Tennessee’s Opening Bid for a Medicaid Block Grant.” NEJM
Perspective (October 2019).
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23. Rena Conti, Sayeh Nikpay, Melinda B. Buntin. “Revenues and Profits From
Medicare Patients in Hospitals Participating in the 340B Drug Discount Program,
2013-2016.” JAMA Network Open (October 2019).
24. Andrew Olson, Nikki Viverette, Hilary Campbell, Aaron McKethan, Melinda B.
Buntin. “Value-based Payment Reform in a Managed Care Environment: Innovator
States’ Experiences with Episodes of Care.” North Carolina Medical Journal (Sept-
Oct 2019).
25. Melinda B. Buntin, *Jackie Yenerall. “Prescriber Responses to a Pain Clinic Law:
Cease or Modify?” Drug and Alcohol Dependence (ePub ahead of print, Sep 27,
26. *Carrie E. Fry, Hilary A. Tindle, April M. Shaffer, Melinda B. Buntin. “Developing
a Tobacco Control Prescription in a Southern US city.” Progress in Community
Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (September 2019).
27. Jordan Everson, Michael Richards, Melinda B. Buntin. “Horizontal and Vertical
Integration’s Role in Meaningful Use Attestation Over Time.” Health Services
Research (July 2019).
28. John Romley, Erin Trish, Dana Goldman, Melinda B. Buntin, Yulei He, Paul
Ginsburg. “Geographic Variation in the Delivery of High-Value Inpatient Care.”
PLOS ONE (March 2019).
29. Christine C. Whitmore, Mary N. White, Melinda B. Buntin, *Carrie E. Fry, Kevin
Calamari, *Stephen W. Patrick. “State laws and policies to reduce opioid-related
farm: A qualitative assessment of PDMPs and naloxone programs in ten U.S. States.”
Preventive Medicine (December 2018).
30. *Matthew J. Resnick, Amy J. Graves, Robert J. Gambel, Sunita Thapa, Melinda B.
Buntin, David F. Penson. “The Association Between Medicare Accountable Care
Organization Enrollment and Breast, Colorectal, and Prostate Cancer Screening.”
Cancer. (November 2018).
31. Olena Mazurenko, Melinda B. Buntin, Nir Menachemi. “High-Deductible Health
Plans and Prevention.” Annual Review of Public Health. (2018).
32. Laura Keohane, David Stevenson, *Salama Freed, Sunita Thapa, Lucas Stewart,
Melinda B. Buntin. “Trends in Medicare Fee-For-Service Spending Growth for
Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries, 2007-15.” Health Affairs (August 2018).
33. *Adam J. Kingeter, Matthew S. Shotwell, Lee C. Parmley, Pratik P. Pandharipande,
Melinda B. Buntin. A Survey of Charge Sensitivity and Charge Awareness Among
Intensive Care Unit Providers in a Large Academic Medical Center. Anesthesia &
Analgesia. (ePub ahead of print, July 21, 2018).
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34. *Erika T.A. Leslie, Melinda B. Buntin. “A Systemic Approach to Translating
Evidence into Practice to Reduce Infant Mortality.” Maternal and Child Health
Journal. (July 20, 2018).
35. Stephen Patrick, Melinda B. Buntin, Peter Martin, Theresa Scott, William Dupont,
Michael Richards, William Cooper. “Barriers to Accessing Treatment for Pregnant
Women with Opioid Use Disorder in Appalachian States.” Substance Abuse. (June
27, 2018).
36. Sayeh Nikpay, Melinda B. Buntin, Rena Conti. “Diversity of Participants in the
340B Drug Pricing Program for US Hospitals.” JAMA Internal Medicine. (May 21,
37. *Matthew Resnick, Amy Graves, Robert Gambrel, Sunita Thapa, Melinda B.
Buntin, David Penson. “Medicare Accountable Care Organization Enrollment and
Appropriateness of Cancer Screening.” JAMA Internal Medicine. (March 19, 2018).
38. Laura Keohane, David Stevenson, Melinda B. Buntin, Robert Gambrel, *Salama
Freed. “Understanding Trends in Medicare Spending, 2007-2014.” Health Services
Research. (March 6, 2018).
39. *Matthew Resnick, Amy Graves, Melinda B. Buntin, Michael Richards, David
Penson. “Surgeon Engagement in Early Accountable Care Organizations,” Annals of
Surgery. (March 1, 2018).
40. *Adam J. Kingeter, C. Lee Parmley, Matthew S. Shotwell, Melinda B. Buntin,
Pratik Pandharipande. Physician Awareness of ICU Charge Environment and Effects
on Cost of Care: the ICU PRICE study. Critical Care Medicine. 46(1):570. (January
41. *Carrie Fry, Sayeh Nikpay, *Erika Leslie, Melinda B. Buntin. “Evaluating
Community-Based Health Improvement Programs.” Health Affairs. (January 2018).
42. Michael Richards, Catherine Smith, Amy Graves, Melinda B. Buntin, *Matthew
Resnick. “Physician Competition in the Era of Accountable Care Organizations,”
Health Services Research. (March 2017).
43. *Matthew Resnick, Melinda B. Buntin, Amy Graves. “Surgeon Participation in
Early Accountable Care Organizations.” Annals of Surgery. (March 2017).
44. Melinda B. Buntin, John Ayanian. “Social Risk Factors and Equity in Medicare
Payment” NEJM. (February 2017).
45. Stephen Patrick, Melinda B. Buntin, Timothy F. Jones, and *Carrie Fry.
“Implementation of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Associated with
Reductions in Opioid-Related Death Rates.” Health Affairs. (June 2016).
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46. *Matthew Resnick, Amy Graves, Shenghua Ni, W. Stewart Reynolds, Daniel
Baracas, Ayumi Shintani, Melinda B. Buntin and David Penson. “Anticipating the
unintended consequences of closing the door on physician self-referral: the case of
urinary stone disease.” The Journal of Urology. (February 2016).
47. Tamara Hayford and Melinda B. Buntin. “Evidence of Inefficiencies in Practice
Patterns: Regional Variation in Medicare Medical and Drug Spending”. Forum for
Health Economics & Policy. (March 2016).
48. Teryl K. Nukols, Steven M. Asch, Vaspaan Patel, Emmett Keeler, Laura Anderson
and Melinda B. Buntin. Implementing Computerized Provider Order Entry in U.S.
Acute Care Hospitals Could Generage Substantial Savings to Society. The Joint
Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 41(8):341-1. (2015).
49. Paul Jacobs and Melinda B. Buntin. “Determinants of Medicare Plan Choices: Are
Beneficiaries More Influenced by Premiums or Benefits?” American Journal of
Managed Care. (July 2015).
50. Jeffrey Brown, Melinda B. Buntin, Milton Corn, Lynn Etheredge, Charles Friedman,
Carl Gunter, Mark Musen, Richard Platt, Joshua Rubin William Stead, Kevin
Sullivan, Douglas Van Houweling. “Toward a Science of Learning Systems: A
Research Agenda for the High-Functioning Learning Health System.” Journal of the
American Medical Informatics Association. (October 2014).
51. Jennifer King, Michael Furukawa, and Melinda B. Buntin. “Geographic Variation
in Ambulatory Electronic Health Record Adoption: Implications for Underserved
Communities.” Health Services Research, 48(6part1): 2037–2059 (December 2013).
52. *Aaron Schwartz, Melinda B. Buntin, and Roger Magoulas. “Tracking Labor
Demand with Online Job Postings: The Case of Health IT Workers and the HITECH
Act.” Industrial Relations, 52(10): 941-968 (2013).
53. Fred Blavin and Melinda B. Buntin. “Forecasting the Use of Electronic Health
Records: An Expert Opinion Approach.” Medicare and Medicaid Research Review,
3(2): (2013).
54. Vaishali Patel, Eric Jamoom, Chun-Ju Hsiao, Michael F. Furukawa, and Melinda B.
Buntin. “Variation in Electronic Health Record Adoption and Readiness for
Meaningful Use: 2008-2011.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. (February 2013).
55. Shaline Rao, Craig Brammer, Aaron McKethan, & Melinda B. Buntin. “Health
Information Technology: Transforming Chronic Disease Management and Care
Transitions.” Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 39(2): 327-344 (2012).
56. Ashish Jha, Matthew Burke, Catherine DesRoches, Maulik Joshi, Peter Kralovec,
Eric Campbell, and Melinda B. Buntin. “Progress Towards Meaningful Use:
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Hospitals’ Adoption of Electronic Health Records.” American Journal of Managed
Care. 17(12Special Issue): SP117-SP124; (2011).
57. Melinda B. Buntin, Amelia M. Haviland, Roland McDevitt, and Neeraj Sood.
“Healthcare Spending and Preventive Care in High-Deductible and Consumer-
Directed Health Plans.” American Journal of Managed Care, - 2011; 17(3):222-230.
(March 2011).
58. Brian K. Bruen, Leighton Ku, Matthew F. Burke, and Melinda B. Buntin. “More
than Four in Five Office Based Physicians Could Qualify for Federal Electronic
Health Record Incentives.” Health Affairs, 30(3): 472-479 (March 2011).
59. Melinda B. Buntin, Matthew F. Burke, Michael C. Hoaglin, and David Blumenthal.
“The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A Review of the Recent Literature
Shows Predominantly Positive Results.” Health Affairs, 30(3): 464-471 (March
60. Emily Maxson, Melinda B. Buntin, and Farzad Mostashari. “Using Electronic
Prescribing Transaction Data to Estimate Electronic Health Record Adoption?”
American Journal of Managed Care, 2010-08-0207.R1. (December 2010).
61. Fredric Blavin, Melinda B. Buntin, and Charles Friedman. “Alternative Measures of
Electronic Health Record Adoption among Hospitals.” American Journal of Managed
Care, 2010-08-0207.R1. (December 2010).
62. *Carrie Hoverman Colla. José J. Escarce, Melinda B. Buntin, and *Neeraj Sood.
“Effects of Competition on the Cost and Quality of Inpatient Rehabilitation Care
Under Prospective Payment.” Health Services Research, 45(6p2): 1981–2006
(December 2010).
63. Emily Maxson, Sachin Jain, Aaron McKethan, Craig Brammer, Melinda B. Buntin,
Kelly Cronin, Farzad Mostashari, and David Blumenthal. “Beacon Communities
Aim to Use Health Information Technology to Transform the Delivery of Care.”
Health Affairs, 29(9): 1671-1677 (September 2010).
64. Melinda B. Buntin, *Carrie Hoverman Colla, Partha Deb, *Neeraj Sood, and José J.
Escarce. “Medicare Spending and Outcomes after Post-Acute Care for Stroke and Hip
Fracture.” Medical Care, 48(9): 776-784 (September 2010).
65. Melinda B. Buntin, Sachin Jain, and David Blumenthal. “Health IT: A Foundation
for Health Reform.” Health Affairs, 29(6): 1214-1219 (June 2010).
66. Nancy Nicosia, Elaine Reardon, Karl Lorenz, Joanne Lynn, and Melinda B. Buntin.
“The Medicare Hospice Payment System: A Consideration of Potential Refinements.”
Health Care Financing Review, 30(4): 47-60 (June 2009).
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67. Melinda B. Buntin, *Carrie Hoverman Colla, José J. Escarce. “Effects of Payment
Changes on Trends in Post-Acute Care.” Health Services Research, 44(4): 1188-1210
(August 2009).
68. Melinda B. Buntin, Arvind Jain, Soeren Mattke, Nicole Lurie. “Who Gets Disease
Management?” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24(5): 649-655 (May 2009).
69. *Carrie Hoverman, Lisa R. Shugarman, Debra Saliba, and Melinda B. Buntin. “Use
of Post-Acute Care by Nursing Home Residents Hospitalized for Stroke or Hip
Fracture: How Prevalent and to What End?” Journal of American Geriatrics Society,
56(8): 1490-1496(7) (August 2008).
70. *Neeraj Sood, Melinda B. Buntin, and José J. Escarce. “Does How Much and How
You Pay Matter? Evidence from the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective
Payment System.” Journal of Health Economics, 27(4): 1046-1059 (July 2008).
71. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, and José J. Escarce. “The Role of Product
Design in Consumers’ Choices in the Individual Insurance Market.” Health Services
Research, 42 (6) 2194-2223 (December 2007).
72. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, and Kanika Kapur. “What is
the Right Price of Health Insurance: A Rejoinder.” Health Services Research, 42(6):
2230-2232 (December 2007).
73. Susan M. Paddock, José J. Escarce, Orla Hayden, and Melinda B. Buntin. “Did the
Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in
Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use?” Medical Care
45(2): 123-129 (February 2007).
74. Melinda B. Buntin, Cheryl Damberg, Amelia Haviland, Kanika Kapur, Nicole Lurie,
Roland D. McDevitt, and M. Susan Marquis. “Consumer-Directed Health Care:
Early Evidence About Effects on Cost and Quality.” Health Affairs Web Exclusive
(24 October 2006).
75. M. Susan Marquis and Melinda B. Buntin. “How Much Risk Pooling Is There in the
Individual Insurance Market?” Health Services Research 41 (5): 1782-1800 (October
76. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, Kanika Kapur, Thomas A.
Louis, and Jill M. Yegian. “Consumer Decision Making in the Individual Health
Insurance Market,” Health Affairs Web Exclusive (2 May 2006).
77. Melinda B. Buntin, Grace Carter, Orla Hayden, *Carrie Hoverman, Susan Paddock,
and Barbara Wynn. “IRF Care Use Before and After Implementation of the IRF
PPS.” RAND TR-257-CMS. (February 2006).
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78. Susan Paddock, Jose Escarce, Orla Hayden, and Melinda B. Buntin. “Changes in
IRF Patient Severity Following Implementation of the IRF PPS.” RAND TR-258-
CMS. (February 2006).
79. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, Kanika Kapur, Thomas A.
Louis. “Is the Individual Market More than a Bridge Market?” An Analysis of
Disenrollment Decisions.” Inquiry 42 (4): 381-96 (Winter 2005/2006).
80. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, Kanika Kapur, and Jill M. Yegian. “Using
Contingent Choice Methods to Assess Consumer Preferences About Health Plan
Design.” Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 4 (2): 77-86 (2005).
81. Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, *Carrie Hoverman, Susan M. Paddock, Mark
Totten, and Barbara O. Wynn. “Effects of Payment Changes on Trends in Access to
Post-Acute Care.” RAND TR-259-CMS. (October 2005).
82. Melinda B. Buntin, Anita Datar Garten, Susan Paddock, Debra Saliba, Mark Totten
and José Escarce. “How Much is Post-Acute Care Use Affected by Its Availability?”
Health Services Research 40(2): 413-434 (April 2005).
83. Susan M. Paddock, Barbara O. Wynn, Grace M. Carter, and Melinda B. Buntin.
“Identifying and Accommodating Statistical Outliers When Setting Prospective
Payment Rates for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities.” Health Services Research
39(6p1):1859-1879 (December 2004).
84. Melinda B. Buntin, M. Susan Marquis, and Jill M. Yegian. “The Role of the
Individual Health Insurance Market and Prospects for Change.” Health Affairs 23(6):
79-90 (November/December 2004).
85. M. Susan Marquis, Melinda B. Buntin, Jose J. Escarce, Kanika Kapur, and Jill M.
Yegian. “Subsidies and the Demand for Individual Health Insurance in California.”
Health Services Research 39(5): 1547-1570 (October 2004).
86. Daniel A. Relles, Gregory K. Ridgeway, Grace M. Carter, and Melinda B. Buntin.
“Possible Refinements to the Construction of Function-Related Groups for the
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System.” RAND TR-207-CMS.
(August 2005).
87. Melinda B. Buntin and Alan Zaslavsky. “Too Much Ado about Two-Part Models
and Transformation: Comparing Methods of Modeling Medicare Expenditures.”
Journal of Health Economics 23(3): 525-542 (May 2004).
88. Melinda B. Buntin, Alan M. Garber, Mark McClellan, and Joseph P. Newhouse.
“The Costs of Decedents In The Medicare Program: Implications for Payments to
Medicare+Choice Plans?” Health Services Research 39(1): 111-130 (February 2004).
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89. Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, Dana Goldman, Hongjun Kan, Miriam J.
Laugesen, and Paul Shekelle. “Increased Medicare Expenditures for Physicians’
Services: What are the causes?” Inquiry 41(1): 83-94 (Spring 2004).
90. Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, Kanika Kapur, Jill M. Yegian, and M. Susan
Marquis. “Trends and Variability in Individual Insurance Products in California.”
Health Affairs (Web Exclusive) 3, 449-459 (September 2003).
91. Melinda B. Buntin and Haiden Huskamp. “What Is Known About the Economics of
End-of-Life Care for Medicare Beneficiaries?” The Gerontologist 42 (Special Issue
III), 40-8 (October 2002).
92. Joseph P. Newhouse, Howard Bailit, Melinda B. Buntin, et al, “Managed Care: An
Industry Snapshot,” Inquiry 39(3): 207-220 (Fall 2002).
93. Alan Zaslavsky and Melinda B. Buntin, “Using Survey Measures to Assess Risk
Selection Among Medicare Managed Care Plans.” Inquiry 39(2): 138-151 (2002).
94. Grace M. Carter, Melinda B. Buntin, Orla Hayden, Susan M. Paddock, Daniel A.
Relles, Greg Ridgeway, Mark E. Totten, and Barbara O. Wynn. “Analyses for the
Initial Implementation of the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment
System.” Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MR-1500-CMS. (2002).
95. Patricia Keenan, Melinda B. Buntin, Thomas McGuire, and Joseph P. Newhouse.
“The Prevalence of Formal Risk Adjustment in Health Plan Purchasing.” Inquiry
38(3): 245-259 (Fall 2001).
96. Haiden Huskamp, Melinda B. Buntin, Virginia Wang, and Joseph P. Newhouse.
“Providing Care at the End of Life: Do Medicare Rules Impede Good Care?” Health
Affairs 20(3): 204-211 (May/June 2001).
97. Melinda B. Buntin and Joseph P. Newhouse. “Paying Medicare Managed Care
Plans.” Generations 22(2): 37-42 (1998).
98. David Blumenthal and Melinda B. Buntin. “Carve-Outs: Definition, Experience, and
Choice Among Candidate Conditions.” The American Journal of Managed Care
4(SP): SP45-SP58 (1998).
99. Joseph P. Newhouse, Melinda B. Buntin, and John D. Chapman. “Risk Adjustment
and Medicare: Taking a Closer Look.” Health Affairs 16 (5): 26-43
(September/October 1997).
Books or Monographs
1. Joanne Yoong, Alison Cuellar, Erin Murphy, and Melinda B. Buntin. “HSAs:
Understanding Their Value for Older Adults.” PM-3324-AARP. Manuscript.
(December 2008).
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1. Melinda B. Buntin “Consumer-Directed Health Plans: What are they, what do we
know about their effects, and can they enhance value?” Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies, Chapter in Value in Health Care: Accounting for Cost, Quality,
Safety, Outcomes, and Innovation. (2010).
2. Melinda B. Buntin and David Blumenthal. “Carve-Outs for Medicare: Possible
Benefits and Risks” in Robert Reischauer, Stuart Butler, and Judith Lave, eds., Chapter
in Medicare: Preparing for the Challenges of the 21st Century, Brookings Institution
Press, pp. 152-184 (1998).
Articles, Editorials and Other Publications Not Peer Reviewed
1. Melinda B. Buntin. “Confronting Challenges in the US Health Care System: Potential
Opportunity in a Time of Crisis.” JAMA (April 2021).
2. Melinda B. Buntin. “A Brief Window to Rethink Emergency Care.” JAMA Health
Forum (October 2020).
3. Melinda B. Buntin, Kyle A. Gavulic. “Safely Reopening Schools- Learning Amid a
Pandemic.” JAMA Health Forum (August 2020).
4. Melinda B. Buntin. “The Affordable Care Act at 10 Years.” JAMA Health Forum
(July 2020).
5. Melinda B. Buntin. “Cancer, Coverage, and COVID-19.” JAMA Health Forum (June
6. John Z. Ayanian, Melinda B. Buntin. “In Pursuit of a Deeper Understanding of Racial
Justice and Heath Equity.” JAMA Health Forum (June 2020).
7. John Z. Ayanian, Melinda B. Buntin. “Coronavirus and Health Policy: A JAMA
Network Interview.” JAMA Health Forum (April 2020).
8. Melinda B. Buntin, John Z. Ayanian. “COVID-19 Comes to the United States.”
JAMA Health Forum (April 2020).
9. Melinda B. Buntin. “Social Distancing – What Would It Mean for It to Work?”
JAMA Health Forum (April 2020).
10. Melinda B. Buntin. “The Blitzkrieg Acquisition of Medical Practices by Private
Equity.” JAMA Health Forum (March 2020).
11. Melinda Buntin. “Administrative Simplification – The Holy Grail of Reducing
Waste?” JAMA Health Forum (February 2020).
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12. Melinda B. Buntin. “Surprise Billing Prevalent Even for Elective Surgeries –
Congress, Take Note.” JAMA Health Forum (February 2020).
13. Melinda B. Buntin. “Hospital Readmissions of Nursing Home Residents Are Down.”
JAMA Health Forum (February 2020).
14. John Ayanian, Melinda B. Buntin. “Welcome to JAMA Health Forum.” JAMA
Health Forum (January 2020).
15. Jordan Everson, Melinda B. Buntin. Health Information Technology. In the Oxford
Encyclopedia of Health Economics. Oxford University Press. (March 2019).
16. Xiaotong Niu, Melinda B. Buntin and Joyce Manchester. “Changes in Medicare
Spending per Beneficiary by Age: CBO Working paper 2015-08.” (November 2015).
17. Andrew Stocking, James Baumgardner, Melinda B. Buntin, and Anna Cook.
“Assessing the Design of the Low-Income Subsidy Program in Medicare Part D:
CBO Working Paper.” (October 2014).
18. Andrew Stocking, James Baumgardner, Melinda B. Buntin, and Anna Cook.
“Examining the Number of Competitors and the Cost of Medicare Part D”. Working
paper (July 2014).
19. Manish K. Sethi and Melinda B. Buntin. “Geographic Variation in Orthopedic
Trauma Billing and Reimbursements for Pelvis, Acetabular and Hip Fractures in the
Medicare Population. Abstract Submitted (February 2014).
20. Michael Levine and Melinda B. Buntin. “Why Has Growth in Spending for Fee-for-
Service Medicare Slowed?” Congressional Budget Office. (August 2013).
21. Tamara Hayford and Melinda B. Buntin. “Offsetting Effects of Prescription Drug
Use on Medicare’s Spending for Medical Services.” Congressional Budget Office.
(November 2012).
22. Melinda B. Buntin, Steven Zuckerman, Robert Berenson, Anant Patel, and Teryl
Nuckols. “Volume Growth in Medicare: An Investigation of Ten Physicians’
Services.” RAND WR-6310-ASPE, (March 2009).
23. Melinda B. Buntin and David Cutler. “The Two Trillion Dollar Solution: Saving
Money by Modernizing the Health Care System.” Center for American Progress.
Available at:
(June 2009).
24. Joanne Yoong, Alison Cuellar, Erin Murphy, and Melinda B. Buntin. “HSAs:
Understanding Their Value for Older Adults.” PM-3324-AARP. Manuscript.
(December 2008).
25. Melinda B. Buntin. “Access to Post-Acute Rehabilitation.” Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 88, Number 11 (November 2007).
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26. Geoffrey Joyce, Lindsay Sabik, Melinda B. Buntin. “Redesigning Insurance Benefits
to Promote Healthy Behaviors.” COMPARE Working Paper. (January 2007).
27. Melinda B. Buntin, José J. Escarce, and Dana Goldman. Letter to Editor regarding
“Use of Physicians' Services for Medicare Beneficiaries.” New England Journal of
Medicine, Volume 357: 617-619 (August 9, 2007).
28. Melinda B. Buntin and Jeannette A. Rogowski, “Discussants’ remarks: Gathering
critical information about the health coverage of the elderly.” In Potter, D.E.B., and
Vistnes, Jessica (editors). Health Insurance for the Elderly - Issues in Measurement
Workshop, April 2003: Meeting Summary, Commissioned Papers and Discussant’s
Remarks. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Working Paper No. 06003,
(March 2006).
29. Melinda B. Buntin. “Commentary: Rigorous Disease Management Evaluation”.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12(2): 121-123 (2006).
30. Melinda B. Buntin, Partha Deb, José Escarce, Carrie Hoverman, Susan Paddock,
Neeraj Sood. “Comparison of Medicare Spending and Outcomes for Beneficiaries
with Lower Extremity Joint Replacements.” RAND Working Paper. (June 2005).
31. Melinda B. Buntin, Partha Deb, José Escarce, Carrie Hoverman, Susan Paddock,
Neeraj Sood. “Comparison of Medicare Spending and Outcomes for Beneficiaries
with Lower Extremity Joint Replacements.” RAND Working Paper. (June 2005).
32. Melinda B. Buntin, Cheryl Damberg, Amelia Haviland, Nicole Lurie, Kanika Kapur,
and M. Susan Marquis. “Consumer-Directed” Health Plans: Implications for Health
Care Quality and Cost” California Health Care Foundation. (June 2005).
33. Nicole Lurie and Melinda B. Buntin. “Health Disparities and The Quality of
Ambulatory Care.” New England Journal of Medicine (Editorial) 347(21):1709-1710
34. Joseph P. Newhouse, Melinda B. Buntin, and John D. Chapman. “Risk Adjustment
and Medicare [Revised and Updated Version].” The Commonwealth Fund (1999).
35. Melinda B. Buntin and Joseph P. Newhouse. “Employer Purchasing Coalitions and
State Experiences with Risk Adjustment.” The Commonwealth Fund (1998).
PRACTICE ACTIVITIES [List relevant past and present activities to inform public health
policy and practice, beginning with most current first under each subheading. List reports that
you authored or co-authored, including reports with corporate authorship. Annotate with your
specific role and impacts on local, state, federal, regional, or international policy or the practice
of public health, as appropriate]
Practice-Related Reports
Buntin Page 20
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Melinda B. Buntin, Carter Price, Alice Beckman, Amado Cordova, Christine Eibner,
and Federico Girosi. “Creating Affordable Choices within a National Insurance
Exchange.” Report for the Commonwealth Fund, (July 2009).
Melinda B. Buntin, Jose Escarce, Dana Goldman, Hongjun Kan, Miriam Laugesen, and
Paul Shekelle. “Determinants of Increases in Medicare Expenditures for Physicians’
Services.” EPC Report to the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. (July 2002).
Invited testimony, “All-Payer Claims Databases,” Tennessee State House Insurance
Committee. April 15, 2019
Invited testimony, “How to Reduce Health Care Costs: Understanding the Cost of Health
Care in America,” United States Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and
Pensions, Washington, DC, June 27, 2018
Invited testimony, “Implications of Governor Bill Haslam’s “Insure Tennessee”
proposal,” Tennessee State Senate Health and Welfare Committee. February 4, 2015
Invited testimony, “Explaining the Slowdown in Medicare Expenditure Growth.” CBO
Panel of Health Advisors, Washington, DC, September 20, 2013
Invited testimony, “The Medicare Hospice Payment System: A Preliminary
Consideration of Potential Refinements” Testimony before the Medicare Payment
Advisory Commission, Washington DC, March 10, 2006
Invited testimony, “Comparing Outcomes for Hip or Knee Replacements Across
Settings.” Testimony before the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, Washington
DC, April 21, 2005
Invited testimony, “Medicare Payments for Physicians’ Services: Determinants of
Increases 1993-1998.” Testimony before the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission,
Washington DC, September 12, 2003
Presentations to Policymakers, Communities, and Other Stakeholders &
Consultations or Collaborations with Policymakers, Community Groups, and Other
Throughout my work at RAND, the Department of Health and Human Services, the
Congressional Budget Office, and Vanderbilt almost all my work has been presented
directly to policymakers. In addition to the testimony, government advisory panels, and
official government reports I authored that are listed elsewhere on this CV, the following
are highlights of my work that has affected policymaking:
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Led team that designed, evaluated, and evaluated the Inpatient Rehabilitation
Prospective Payment System, under contract to CMS (2000–2009).
Conducted research used by OMB, CBO, and other policy modelers to assess the
effects of ACA subsidies on the take-up of individual health insurance policies
At the request of the Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives,
supported the “Three Star Health” Task Force of legislators seeking options to
improve health and access to insurance in Tennessee (2014).
Presented to the Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Retreat for Members of
Congress, Middleburg, VA, March 11-13, 2016.
Modeled hospital capacity and undertook other analyses of the spread of COVID-
19 at the request of Tennessee’s COVID-19 Task Force, presented findings to the
legislature, media, and state agencies (2020–2021). Presented multiple times
during the Mayor of Nashville’s briefings on COVID-19.
Partnered with the Tennessee Department of Health, Tenncare Bureau, and
Tennessee Department of Education on a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
funded effort to pool data across agencies and answer high-priority questions for
those agencies (2019–Present).
Presented options to address the insolvency of the Medicare Trust Fund to staff of
all three Congressional committees of jurisdiction (2022).
Media Dissemination
Traditional Media (e.g., newspaper, broadcast networks, magazine, etc.)
WKRN: Life expectancy in Tennessee is far below the national average; what can
be done to change that? Featuring Melinda B. Buntin (Video). October 5, 2023
News4 Nashville: Vanderbilt study finds TN counties without mask requirements
have higher COVID-19 death toll per capita. (Quoted). November 10, 2020 (link)
WKRN: 3 reasons why Tennessee is seeing lower COVID-19 death rates than
other states, featuring Melinda B. Buntin (Video). July 16, 2020 (link)
Fox 17 News: Vanderbilt model shows Tennesseans, policy makers will decide
length of COVID-19 outbreak (Quoted). April 10, 2020 (link)
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Nashville NewsChannel 5: Inside Politics: How A Block Grant Will Impact
Tennessee, featuring Melinda B. Buntin (Video). October 23, 2019 (link)
Nashville NewsChannel 5: Concerns linger over Tennessee’s block grant
proposal, featuring Melinda B. Buntin (Video). October 17, 2019 (link)
WSMV, Tennessee proposes Medicaid block grant funding, TennCare recipients
fear cuts to care, featuring Melinda B. Buntin. (Video). September 24, 2019 (link)
Nashville NewsChannel 5: “Crushing” Medical Debt Leaves Tennesseans with
Few Options, featuring Melinda B. Buntin. (Video). April 9, 2019 (link)
Nashville WZTV, Channel 17: Newscast featuring Melinda B. Buntin on Policies
for Action Research Hub, November 2018 (link)
WSMV, Women concerned for healthcare as Trump administration approaches.
January 18, 2017 (link)
Fox 17 News: The future of Obamacare under a Trump presidency (Video).
November 11, 2016 (link)
NPR Marketplace, April 2007 (link), July 2015 (link), September 2015 (link).
December 2021 (link)
Nashville NPR, Newscast featuring Melinda B. Buntin on Are the Risks of
Reopening Schools Exaggerated? October 2020 (link and link)
WGBH News, Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. Households Struck by COVID-19 Face
Financial Trouble, Quoted, September 2020 (link)
Nashville NPR, Newscast featuring Melinda B. Buntin on Policies for Action
Research Hub at Vanderbilt, November 2018 (link)
Phoenix NPR, KJZZ News: Rate of Medicare Cost Increases Slowing Down,
September 14, 2018 (link)
Nashville NPR: Newscast featuring Melinda B. Buntin HELP Testimony on
Value Based Care, June 2018 (link)
Innovation Hub, How the New Health Care Bill Could Affect Your Uber Ride.
March 17, 2017 (link)
Urban Journal Radio, Interview with Kevin Murphy, June 2009
Buntin Page 23
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NPR New Day to Day, Interview, July 2007
Washington Post Radio, Interview, October 2006
Washington Post Radio, Interview, October 2006
The New York Times, Quoted, September 2023 (link)
The Washington Post, Quoted, November 2020 (link)
Chattanooga Times Free Press, Quoted, August 2020 (link)
The Daily Herald, Quoted, April 2020 (link)
Johnson City Press, Quoted, April 2020 (link)
Daily Memphian, Quoted, April 2020 (link)
The Tennessee Tribune, Quoted, October 2019 (link)
The Tennessean, Interviewed, October 2019 (link)
The New York Times, Quoted, November 2006, April 2019 (link)
The Tennessean, Quoted, January, March, May and October 2015, January and
November 2016, February, March, and May 2017, December 2018, April 2020
(link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
U.S. News and World Report, Quoted, September 2014, November 2018 (link 1,
Nashville Scene, Quoted, September 2018, April 2020 (link 1, 2)
POLITICO, Quoted, July 2016, September 2018 (link 1, 2)
Chattanooga Times Free Press, Quoted, February 2017, July 2018 (link 1, 2)
Forbes, Quoted, June 2018 (link)
USA Today, Quoted, June 2018 (link)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Quoted, February 2017, June 2018 (link 1, 2)
Modern Healthcare, Quoted, December 2017 (link)
Vanderbilt Magazine, May 2016 (link)
Employee Benefit News, Quoted, August 2007
San Jose Mercury News, Quoted, February 2007
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SHRM Magazine, Quoted, December 2006
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Quoted, November 2006
Investor’s Business Daily, Quoted, November 2006
Time Magazine, Quoted, November 2006
The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY, Quoted, October 2006
Inside Consumer-Directed Care, Quoted, October 2006
Business Insurance, Quoted, October 2006, Quoted, October 2006
The Washington Post, Quoted, October 2006
Health Affairs Lunch and Learn, National Health Care Spending In 2022: Growth
Similar To Prepandemic Rates, January 10, 2024 (link 1, 2)
PolitiFact, Quoted, November 2023 (link)
JAMA Health Forum Editors’ Summary, Factors Contributing to the Slowdown
in Medicare Spending Growth, December 2, 2022 (link)
PolitiFact, Quoted, December 2013, January, April and May 2014, March and
June 2017, December 2021 (link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
StoryCorp, November 2021 (link)
Nashville Scene, Online Discussion, The Journey to a COVID Vaccine and How
It’s Impacting the Pandemic. April 15, 2021 (link).
PEW, Quoted, March 2021 (link)
STAT, The pandemic slingshot: propelling from national crisis to a resilient
health care system. February 22, 2021 (link)
JAMA, Coronavirus and Health Policy. April 20, 2020 (link)
Roll Call, Ten years into Obamacare, cost and access issues abound. March 10,
2020 (link)
HealthLeaders, Surprise Billing Prevalent in Elective Surgeries. February 11,
2020 (link)
Roll Call, Obamacare: A big issue voters might be missing. February 5, 2020
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Nashville Post, What does the CMS block grant plan mean for the state? January
, 2020 (link)
Modern Healthcare, Tennessee proposes first-of-its-kind plan to cap Medicaid
funding. September 17, 2019 (link)
Axios, Health Care Vitals: Nashville. August 26, 2019 (link)
Kaiser Health News, ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It.’ Biden’s Invokes
Obama’s Troubled Claim. July 30, 2019 (link)
Politico, Obamacare fight obscures America’s real health care crisis: Money.
April 3, 2019 (link)
Managed Care Cast of the American Journal of Managed Care, Overheard at
AcademyHealth: Health Policy, Social Determinants, and Data. February 5, 2019
NEJM Catalyst, Signal or Noise? Navigating Health Care Policy – Part I. July 3,
2018 (link)
BirdDog, Competition shakes up Tennessee ACA exchange: Highlights urban-
rural divide, ups interest in cost impact, June 24, 2018 (link)
Modern Healthcare, Industry battles Medicare for All traction. April 27, 2019
JAMA, How Value-Based Medicare Payments Exacerbate Health Care
Disparities. March 18, 2018 (link)
Health Affairs Blog, Proposed Reforms To The 340B Drug Discount Program.
March 7, 2018 (link)
NEJM Catalyst, MedPAC’s Role in Curtailing Drug Prices. Interview Part 2,
February 14, 2018 (link)
NEJM Catalyst, Why Does MedPAC Matter? Interview Part 1, February 5, 2018
Health Affairs Blog, Three Things About Health Spending Growth To Be
Grateful For This Holiday Season. December 6, 2017 (link)
California Health Care Foundation, HSAs, Cost Sharing, Payment Enforcement,
and Healthy Behavior Programs in Medicaid: Lessons from Pioneering States.
June 8, 2017 (link)
Nashville Medical News, Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Value-Based
Payment. April 2017 (link)
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NEJM Catalyst, Medical Schools and Health Policy: Adapting to the Changing
Health Care System. February 1, 2017 (link)
NEJM Catalyst, How to Engage Specialists in Accountable Care Organizations.
January 18, 2017 (link)
Terry, Nicholas, and Pasquale, Frank. The Week in Health Law Podcast. "70. Get
on the Value Bandwagon.” Buntin, Melinda. September 23, 2016 (link)
Health Affairs Blog, Spending Growth Trends: Keeping An Eye On Spending Per
Person. August 2015 (link)
CNNMoney, Quoted July 2015 (link)
Health IT Buzz Blog, ONC’s Connection to the Nobel Prize, October 2010
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Academic Advisees
Emma Achola, PhD, 2021 – Present
Hannah Crook, PhD, 2021 – Present
Laura Henkhaus, PhD, 2019 – 2022
Jackie Yenerall, PhD, 2017 – 2019
Erika Leslie, PhD, 2016 – 2018
Carrie Fry, PhD, 2014 – 2017
Amol Karmarkar, PhD, 2015 – 2019
Neeraj Sood, PhD, 2005 – 2009
Carrie Colla, PhD, 2004 – 2008
Jason Singer, MD, 2015 – 2016
Justin Bachmann, MD, MPH, 2014 – 2019
Matthew Resnick, MD, 2013 – 2018
James Lee, MD, 2013 – 2016
Rick Abramson, MD, 2013 – 2015
Brett Norman, MD, 2013 – 2015
Caroline Morkel, MPH, 2021 – 2022
Rachael Jameson, MPH, 2020 – 2022
Savannah Collier, MPH, 2019 – 2021
Augustine Chung, MPH, 2020 – 2021
Morgan Batey, MPH, 2017 – 2019
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Sarah Greenberg, MPH, 2015–2017
Sahar Kohanim, MPH, 2013–2015
Doctoral Thesis Committee
Khrysta Baig, PhD, Health Policy, 2020–Present
Salama Freed, PhD, 2014–2018. Economics
Elissa Phillip, PhD, 2014–2016, Law & Economics; Safety and Effectiveness:
The FDA’s Approach to Risk in Prescription Medication
Classroom Instruction
Co-Instructor, Health Care Valuation Lab, Fall Semester, joint with the Owen
School of Business, 2022
Instructor, MPH Health Economics, 2 credits, Spring Semester, Vanderbilt MPH
Program, 2016–Present
Other Teaching (e.g., guest lectures, MOOCS, continuing education)
Lecture, “Provider Payment and Healthcare Costs,” Vanderbilt University School
of Medicine, 2013–2020
Lecture, “Health Care Costs and Cost Growth,” Vanderbilt University, 2017
Lecture, “Health Information Technology,” Vanderbilt University, 2016, 2017
Lecture, “Spending Growth and Bending the Cost Curve,” Vanderbilt University,
Organizer and lecturer, “Value-based Healthcare Delivery Seminar,” Vanderbilt
University, 2015–2019
Lecture, “American Health Policy,” Vanderbilt University Political Science
Department, 2014
Seminar for Duke Fuqua School MBA students, 2013
Seminar for Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellows, 2013
Seminar for Medical Industry Leadership Institute Fellows, University of
Minnesota Carlson School of Management, 2013
Q&A with UNC in Washington program, 2011
Aging Policy Orientation for Atlantic Health and Aging Policy Fellows, 2011–
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Career Panel at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs,
Princeton, 2010
Lecture and discussion with Stanford-in-Washington program, 2010
Seminar for National Academy of Social Insurance summer interns, 2010 and
Guest lecturer on Health Economics, RAND Graduate School, 2009
Mentor, Princeton AlumniCorps Public Interest Fellowship, 2009–2012
Evaluating Medicare Policy Options
The Commonwealth Fund 8/1/2023 – Present
Principal Investigator $494,823
The goals of this project are to develop: 1) a model capturing the effects of Medicare savings
policy proposals on overall spending and spending by type of care and setting; 2) a
beneficiary impact tool that shows the effects of policy changes on different beneficiary
demographic groups, especially socially vulnerable populations; and 3) a Hospital Insurance
Trust Fund forecast that projects effects of policy changes on future Medicare spending and
trust fund balances. The products of this project include more detailed and disaggregated
estimates of costs and savings of policy change proposals that are currently being discussed
by experts and policymakers, with attention to the effects of policy on different types of
health care providers and different groups of beneficiaries. Effects of at least three policy
reform proposals will be estimated by the end of Project Phase I.
Policies for Advancing Child and Family Well-Being
National Institute of Mental Health R01 3/1/2023 – Present
Co-Principal Investigator (Multi-PI grant) $3,260,000
Co-Principal Investigator: Carolyn Heinrich
The goal of this project is to advance our understanding of the mechanisms by which SBHCs
may improve children’s mental health and education outcomes by: 1) elaborating and testing
a child-centered conceptual framework for examining in-depth the organization and
implementation of SBHCs and factors that constrain or enable their effectiveness; 2)
undertaking a comprehensive documentation of the operations and services of traditional on-
campus, school-linked, mobile, and telehealth SBHCs and filling gaps in our understanding
of how they are operating in rural areas and through mobile/telehealth options, and 3)
generating timely new information on how SBHCs adapted their service delivery approaches
during the COVID-19 pandemic and the extent to which disruptions in children’s access to
mental and behavioral health services disproportionately affected disadvantaged or
underserved subgroups of children.
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Implications of Provider Network Design for Access, Affordability and Competition in
Health Insurance
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality R01 9/30/2018 - 7/31/2022
Investigator $1,443,189
Principal Investigator: John Graves
The goals for this project are to: 1) quantify the breadth of private plan networks across
markets (nongroup, employer, Medicaid and Medicare Advantage) and to examine the
relationship between measures of network breadth and insurance and provider market
structure and concentration [Network Breadth]; 2) quantify the degree to which provider
networks overlap among private insurance plans and between those plans and public
programs (Medicaid and Medicare Advantage); 2.b.) quantify the degree to which
“naturally” occurring physician referral networks overlap with negotiated private insurer
networks [Network Connectivity];. 3) examine differences in the quality and characteristics
of in-network providers by measures of overall network breadth and design (i.e., narrow vs.
broad, tiered vs. nontiered) [Quality and Characteristics]; and 4) investigate longitudinal
changes in provider networks, and to test for evidence of strategic network changes in
response to enrollee risk selection incentives [Network Dynamics].
Improving Access to Treatment for Women with Opioid Use Disorder
National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health R01 4/15/2018 – 1/31/2023
Investigator $1,404,586
Principal Investigator: Stephen Patrick
Over the past two decades, there has been substantial growth in opioid consumption during
pregnancy, diagnoses of opioid use disorder among pregnant women, and neonatal
complications from in utero opioid exposure. Untreated opioid use disorder among pregnant
women leads to poor outcomes for the mother and infant; however, opioid agonist treatment
(OAT) for opioid use disorder is highly effective. Despite evidence that treatment is effective
in mitigating adverse outcomes from opioid use disorder, evidence suggests that the vast
majority of patients in need of treatment do not receive it. We will conduct a rigorous and
reproducible field experiment of randomly-selected outpatient buprenorphine providers and
opioid treatment programs in 10 states with a range of state policies. The study will include
simulated female patients of reproductive age with randomly-selected characteristics,
including pregnancy status. We aim to determine whether: 1a) pregnant women with opioid
use disorder are more likely to experience difficulty accessing OAT when compared with
non-pregnant women, 1b) insurance type modifies ability to access OAT, and 2) state
policies promote or hinder access to treatment. Results from this work will have immediate
applicability to state policymakers tasked with using finite resources to combat the opioid
epidemic and improve outcomes for this vulnerable population.
Health and Educational Outcomes of Low-Income, Vulnerable Children in Tennessee
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 11/1/18 – 1/30/2022
Co-Principal Investigator $1,250,000
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Co-Principal Investigator: Carolyn Heinrich
To understand the challenges faced by some of the most vulnerable children in our
communities today, the Vanderbilt research hub aims to bring together a rich and novel set of
health and education data to help children living in low-resource households. We will
connect data sources within the state of Tennessee that may provide essential information to
better serve vulnerable children. Our work will bring together robust data as well as
researchers from the health and education domains to understand and will break new ground
as these data have not previously been merged for research or analysis.
Changes in Medicare Beneficiaries’ Utilization of Health Services
The Commonwealth Fund 09/25/2019 – 01/30/2021
Principal Investigator $148,379
To inform policymakers of utilization trends during a time of slow growth in Medicare
spending per beneficiary, we propose a series of analyses that will examine levels and growth
in the use of health services across care settings, beneficiary characteristics, and diagnostic
groups, and provide targets for future interventions aimed at improving care coordination and
reducing expenditures.
Barbershops as Hubs for Community-Partnered Research Across the CTSA Network
NIH/UNKWN 08/03/2018 – 05/31/2020
Investigator $245,000
Principal Investigator: David Harrison
Cut Your Pressure Too: Nashville Implementation of the LA Barbershop study is a
multistakeholder collaborative initiative to establish a network of investigators, barbers, and
Nashville community leaders to test innovative strategies to improve hypertension and
reduce its health complications. This study will pilot test in a one-arm clinical trial a
pharmacist-led hypertension care plan in collaboration with barbers and barbershops to
reduce systolic blood pressure over a six-month period.
Reform of Hospital Safety-Net Subsidies to Enhance Care to Uninsured and Low-
Income Populations
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 7/20/2018 – 7/14/2019
Subcontract from Altarum $89,000
Principal Investigator: Sayeh Nikpay
This project described the characteristics of non-profit hospitals receiving three major safety-
net subsidies (Medicare and Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments, and 340B
drug discounts) and their association with measures of safety-net care provision.
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Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Impairment in the Southern Community Cohort
National Cancer Institute 7/1/2018 – 6/30/2019
Co-Investigator $394,548
This project will provide an innovative study into Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
(ADRD) by studying ADRD as a health outcome among the Southern Community Cohort
Study (SCCS). The SCCS provides a unique opportunity for us to examine disparities in
ADRD through longitudinal study of a cohort that is commonly understudied. The goal of
this research is to better understand disparities in health outcomes and care access for older
adults at risk of developing ADRD.
Chronic Conditions and Acute Episode-Based Spending in Medicare
The Commonwealth Fund 8/1/17 – 10/31/18
Co-Principal Investigator $274,366
To inform ongoing debates about Medicare’s capacity to meet the needs of beneficiaries with
chronic conditions, we conducted a series of analyses that will examine Medicare spending on
acute episodes for chronic conditions. Based on our prior work, we identified chronic
conditions that have emerged as key contributors to overall cost-growth, including diabetes,
chronic kidney disease, and congestive heart failure. We also focused on chronic conditions
that are disproportionately common among the dual-eligible population. This work will inform
current policy debates about value-based payments and opportunities to tailor Medicare
services to individuals with chronic conditions.
Measuring the Size of the 340B Drug Discount Program
The Commonwealth Fund 5/1/17 – 10/31/18
Subcontract from University of Chicago $115,499
Principal Investigator
This work created a dataset that links information from the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA) on hospital system participation in the 340B program to hospital
community benefit spending, safety-net engagement and prescription drug claims. We pursued
a number of in-depth cross-sectional analyses to characterize the impact of 340B qualification
on hospital systems compared to non-340B qualified hospital systems and to estimate the size
of the program.
Health Policy Modeling and Simulation Tools
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 12/15/17 – 7/14/18
Co-Principal Investigator $173,740
Models simulating the effects of policy changes on health insurance coverage and costs have
proven critical to recent debates about reforms to the Affordable Care Act. While it is hard to
imagine how the debates of the past year would have unfolded without such models of the
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implications of Congressional actions, modelers struggled to estimate the implications of
proposed changes for the stability of health insurance markets. In addition, little has been
invested in developing models in other areas, including models of how providers will
respond to payment reform, how healthy behavior changes might shape longer-term costs
and outcomes, and how community contexts shape health. We proposed to develop a
research and model development agenda with input from a forum of nationally recognized
experts. issuing a report that motivates researchers, policy analysts, modelers, and funders to
begin the research and methods development needed to guide policy at the local, regional,
and national level.
Slowing Medicare Spending: Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries
The Commonwealth Fund 5/1/16 – 1/30/18
Principal Investigator $163,636
To inform policy decisions regarding appropriate payment methodologies for dual-eligible
beneficiaries, we examined what factors, including use of institutional long-term care, drive
Medicare per beneficiary spending trends for dual-eligible beneficiaries in the years 2007-
2014. To determine how variation in the composition of dual-eligible populations across
states influences spending trends, we explored whether spending trends change when states
see disproportionate growth in the size of their dual-eligible populations relative to the
growth of their low-income elderly populations.
Providing Timely Data and Support to NashvilleHealth
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 1/15/16 – 12/31/17
Principal Investigator $226,607
This project seeks to provide technical assistance and support to, as well as develop an
evaluation strategy for, the efforts of NashvilleHealth in its first three pilot priorities.
NashvilleHealth is a collective impact initiative of the Community Foundation of Middle
Tennessee whose goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of all Nashvillians.
Educating Policymakers on State Medicaid Experiments
California HealthCare Foundation 3/15/17 – 6/30/17
Investigator $40,000
We developed and disseminated two short educational pieces on states’ experiments with the
types of Medicaid policies most likely to be included in emerging federal policy. The first
brief covered implementing enrollee cost-sharing, wellness incentives, and enforcement
mechanisms, and include a include a survey of how cost-sharing requirements, wellness
incentives, and enforcement mechanisms are working in other states, and what may be gleaned
as best practices for states considering implementing these waiver provisions. The second
brief covered developing and implementing HSAs, and focus on the unique challenges of
implementing HSAs for lower-income populations, and how states have attempted to
implement HSAs in a way that helps to assuage common enrollee barriers and state
administrative burden.
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Using Local Data and Resources to Reduce Infant Mortality Rates in Nashville,
Academy Health 2/1/16 – 6/30/17
Principal Investigator $130,000
The goal of this project is to develop a series of risk prediction algorithms for infant mortality
which can be used target interventions towards families and pregnant women most at risk for
infant loss in Davidson county, TN. The project uses several sources of data including, vital
records and Medicaid claims data and expands the work of the Welcome Baby program
(Tennessee Department of Health). The end goal of this project is to identify distal predictors
of infant mortality and provide pregnant women and their families relevant services and
resources to avoid infant loss. This project is an essential step in understanding the predictors
of infant mortality and supporting systematic interventions.
The Prescription Opioid Epidemic: Understanding its Complications and the
Effectiveness of State Policies
National Institute for Health Care Management 1/1/16 – 12/31/16
Co-Investigator $57,072
Over the last decade, the number of prescriptions written for opioid pain relievers (OPR)
grew substantially across the US. As the number of OPR prescriptions increased, so did
complications from their use and misuse, including neonatal opioid withdrawal, treatment
facility admissions, opioid-related hospital and emergency department utilization and
overdose deaths. Using a mixed methods approach, this project seeks to characterize and
evaluate state-level policies aimed at reducing OPR misuse and its associated complications.
We will collect and validate information on state-level policies to control opioids, including
prescription drug monitoring programs. Next, we will assess state-level policies’
effectiveness in preventing opioid-related admissions and reducing length of hospital stay for
opioid related complications. Findings will be disseminated through the peer-reviewed
literature, presentations at national meetings, and social media and webinars aimed at key
Slowing Medicare Spending: Data Analysis Support
The Commonwealth Fund 5/1/15 – 6/30/16
Principal Investigator $220,084
This project will provide Medicare data analysis necessary to complement Vanderbilt’s
research efforts under Commonwealth Fund grant #20140698. It will build on earlier work to
examine the role of demographic changes, changes in coverage, growth in the use of
prescription drugs, and other factors shaping the recent slowdown in the growth of Medicare
expenses. By examining Medicare post-acute care spending trends and market variations at
the hospital referral region level, the team should be able to determine the extent to which
spending variations are associated with area-level market factors.
Slowing Medicare Spending: Analysis of Trends and Their Policy Implications
The Commonwealth Fund 4/1/14 – 6/30/15
Principal Investigator $231,547
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In recent years, Medicare spending per beneficiary has grown at historically low rates and
significantly slower than private insurance spending per person. To inform policies aimed at
sustaining slower Medicare growth for the long term, we will assess recent Medicare
spending trends and examine geographic areas and health service sectors where spending is
high or growth more rapid. The analyses will focus on markets where payment reforms have
taken hold as well as those where post-acute care costs appear to be significantly higher than
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
The Mid-South Clinical Data Research Network (CDRN) 1/1/14 – 6/30/15
Investigator $7,000,000
This funding will help to grow a clinical data research network across the Vanderbilt Health
Affiliated Network. In addition, the network will reach practices across the nation in
collaboration with Greenway Medical Technologies. In the initial phase, the network will
recruit 3 cohorts related to obesity (10,000 patients), coronary heart disease (10,000 patients)
and sickle cell disease (~500 families). Creation of the network will focus on data
integration and interoperability, clinical decision support, and patient-facing informatics
Competition Among Post-Acute Care Providers
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) R01 9/30/09 – 7/31/13
Principal Investigator (transferred to Neeraj Sood due to move to HHS) $1,500,000
The goal of the project was to enhance our understanding of the causes and effects of
competition in PAC markets, with a particular focus on how changes in PAC payment
policies have both influenced competition in these markets and modified the effects of
competition on resource use and clinical outcomes. It examined Medicare patients with three
"tracer" conditions: stroke, hip fracture, and lower extremity joint replacement.
Post-Acute Costs and Outcomes after Medicare’s Reimbursement Changes
National Institute on Aging R01. 3/1/08 – 2/28/11
Principal Investigator (transferred to Neeraj Sood due to move to HHS) $1,396,451
Our objectives for this project included examining the following: How changes in payment
systems affected overall payments for, costs of, and outcomes of episodes of post-acute care
for Medicare patients discharged alive from an acute care stay in a hospital; the determinants
of choice of PAC setting, and how they are affected by patient characteristics, discharging
hospital characteristics, PAC facility characteristics and payment policy changes; the extent
to which payment policy changes affected clinical and financial outcomes of interest through
changes in the sites where patients received care versus changes in outcomes conditional on
care sites.
Health Care Use and Quality in High-Deductible and “Consumer-Directed” Health
California HealthCare Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 3/8/06 – 2/28/10
Principal Investigator (transferred to Amelia Haviland due to move to HHS) $4,069,475
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This project investigated how new health insurance benefit designs incorporating financial
incentives and information intended to help patients make more cost-conscious health care
decisions influence the amount, type, and quality of care used, and how responses differ
across population groups, particularly the sick and the poor.
Implementing a National Insurance Connector
The Commonwealth Fund 8/1/08 – 12/31/09
Principal Investigator $214,066
This project explored the potential designs for and effects of, implementing a national health
insurance pooling system, or “Connector,” in the United States to offer businesses and
individuals a structured choice of health insurance plans.
Comprehensive Assessment of Reform Efforts (COMPARE)
RAND Corporation internal funding and donations 9/26/05 – 4/30/09
Team Co-Leader
RAND’s COMPARE project evaluated the outlook for the U.S. health care system,
comparing the relative effects of reform proposals along dimensions including spending,
coverage, health, affordability, reliability, and patient-centeredness.
Health Savings Accounts: Understanding and Improving their Value for Older
American Association of Retired Persons 10/28/08 – 12/31/08
Principal Investigator $75,000
This project examined the use of health savings accounts (HSAs) as a way of allowing
individuals to save money toward health care costs. Often coupled with a high-deductible
health plan (HDHP), HSAs are one element of consumer-directed health care designed to
make consumers more aware of the costs associated with health care, and encourage them to
be more value-conscious when they do use health care services.
Sustainable Growth Rate: What Areas of Physician Spending are Growing Rapidly and
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) 9/15/07 – 12/12/08
Principal Investigator $298,551
Rapid growth in the use of physicians’ services paid for by Medicare has generated concern
about the methods used to update payment rates for those services and about Medicare’s
ability to finance the health care needs of the country’s growing elderly and disabled
population. The primary goal of this research project was to analyze the physicians’ services
that have seen the most rapid increases in volume in recent years.
Rising Medicare Expenditures for the Oldest Medicare Beneficiaries
National Institute on Aging 8/1/05 – 9/30/08
Investigator $24,942
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This research project documented and attempted to explain the dynamic interactions between
declining disability, increased treated prevalence of disease, technological change and
Medicare expenditures for the oldest Medicare beneficiaries.
Randomized Trial of Care Management to Improve End of Life Care
Veterans Administration IIR 02-294-1 1/01/04 – 2/31/08
Health Economist $280,000
Principal Investigator: Ken Rosenfeld
This RCT evaluated the effectiveness of a nurse case manager-based palliative care program
in improving quality of care for patients with less than one-year life expectancy.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System (IRF PPS) Monitoring,
Access, and Refinements
CMS 9/30/04 – 12/30/06
Principal Investigator $1,192,356
This project sought to analyze access to, costs of, and outcomes of post-acute care following
the implementation of prospective payment; it also provided CMS with specific
recommendations for refining the IRF PPS.
Evaluation of Corporate Disease Management Program
Wellpoint Health Systems 10/1/02 – 6/30/06
Health Economist $300,000
Principal Investigator: Nicole Lurie
We evaluated a randomized controlled trial of disease management for diabetes, asthma, and
congestive heart failure.
Hospice Cost Functions
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 9/23/05 – 4/19/06
Principal Investigator $149,000
This project explored potential changes to the Medicare hospice payment system, with a
particular focus on case-mix adjustment.
Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Care Use and Quality: Planning Study
California Health Care Foundation 11/15/04 – 1/31/06
Co-Principal Investigator $215,133
Co-PI: Susan Marquis
The goal of this project was to develop a detailed design with which to study the effect of
consumer-directed health benefit plans on health care use, the quality and appropriateness of
care received, and on disparities in access to care. Our final product was a detailed proposal
and budget for a complete study of the effects of consumer-directed health plan features on
health care use and quality.
Pilot Test of Linking the Health and Retirement Survey to Long Term Care Minimum
Data Set
University of Michigan 7/01/04 – 12/31/05
Principal Investigator $99,996
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This study pilot-tested linking the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS) to the Long Term
Care Minimum Data Set (MDS), an administrative data source on nursing home patients
collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services.
Comparison of Medicare Spending For Beneficiaries with Lower Extremity Joint
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 9/24/04 – 4/30/05
Principal Investigator $151,604
We compared the costs and outcomes of Medicare patients undergoing lower extremity joint
replacement surgery who receive post-acute care in different settings, including inpatient
rehabilitation facilities and skilled nursing facilities.
Reaching the Uninsured through the Individual Market for Health Insurance
California Healthcare Foundation 11/1/01 – 10/01/05
Investigator $2,899,817
Principal Investigator: Susan Marquis
This project studied the role the individual insurance market in California plays in covering
the non-poor population; investigated the factors that influence consumer decisions to
participate in the individual market; and assessed how changes in price, benefits design, and
public policies might affect that role and the number of uninsured.
Design, Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Refinement of Prospective
Payment System for Inpatient Rehabilitation, Phase II
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 9/1/01 – 9/30/04
Principal Investigator as of 9/30/02 $5,908,651
Co-PI: Grace Carter
The purpose of this project was to help the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to
design, develop, implement, monitor, and refine a case-based prospective payment system
for rehabilitation facilities providing services to Medicare beneficiaries.
Utilization of Physicians’ Services
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) 10/23/00 – 06/01/02
Investigator and Project Director $299,486
Principal Investigator: Paul Shekelle
The primary objective of this study was to identify the determinants of changes in the use of
physicians’ services by Medicare beneficiaries during the mid-1990s.
Assessing Variations in Managed Care Plan Performance and Selective Enrollment of
Medicare Beneficiaries
Harvard University/Commonwealth Fund 11/2/00 – 6/30/01
Principal Investigator $25,000
We analyzed the extent to which managed care plans select healthier Medicare enrollees,
either by the way they define their service area or by selection of beneficiaries within areas.
Risk Adjustment under Medicare
The Commonwealth Fund 6/1/96 – 6/1/00
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Principal Investigator: Joseph Newhouse
This project tracked the development and implementation of risk adjusters for the Medicare +
Choice program and evaluated their ability to predict the costs of the terminally ill.
The Impact of Medicare Financing Methods on End-of-Life Care
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 4/1/99 – 3/30/00
Investigator $76,619
Principal Investigator: Haiden Huskamp
This project assessed the role of Medicare financing and coverage policies in facilitating and
creating barriers to effective end of life care.
ACADEMIC SERVICE [list past and present, include your role and dates]
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Health Economist Search Committee, November 2023–
Johns Hopkins Carey Business of Health Education Task Force, November 2023–Present
Johns Hopkins Faculty Development Committee, November 2023–Present
Past Intramural
Vanderbilt Roe v. Wade Task Force, Co-Chair, subcommittee on effects on research and
teaching. June 2022–November 2022
VUMC Chairs’ Committee on Workforce Identification, Recruitment, and Development, Co-
Chair, June 2022
Vanderbilt Public Policy Institute Committee, December 2021–May 2022
Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health Director Search Committee, 2021–2022
Vanderbilt Public Policy Committee, September 2019–March 2020
Cancer Health Outcome and Control Program of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, June
VUSM Executive Committee of the Executive Faculty, June 2019–June 2021
Public Policy Studies Faculty Search Committee, August 2018–March 2019
Biostatistics Chair Search Committee, July 2016–June 2017
VUMC Strategic Plan Integration Group, July 2016–July 2017
Medicine, Health and Society Faculty Search Committee, 2014–2015
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Faculty Search Committee Chair, Department of Health Policy, 2013–Present
Vanderbilt Leadership Academy, August 2016–April 2017
Executive Committee of the Executive Faculty, 2014–2016
Trans-Institutional Programs (TIPs) Council, 2014–2016
Radiation Oncology Chair Search Committee, 2014–2015
Vanderbilt University Strategic Planning Sub-Committee on Healthcare Solutions, 2013
Committee on Developing a Framework to Address Legal, Ethical, Regulatory, and Policy Issues
for Research Specific to Pregnant and Lactating Persons report section, External Reviewer,
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington: Tracking
Healthcare Spending in the US Research Project Advisory Committee, 2021–Present
AcademyHealth Student Poster Review Committee, Co-Chair for the 2022 Annual Research
Meeting, 2021–2022
The Aspen Institute: Health, Medicine, and Society Program; Budgeting for Prevention and
Health Promotion; Member; October 2020–2021
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Planning Committee,
Innovation in Drug R&D for Prevalent Chronic Diseases, October 2020–May 2021
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) National Advisory Committee, January
2020-November 2022
NashvilleHealth, Strategic Planning Task Force, Member, 2019–2020
Academy Health, Planning Committee for the 2021 Health Datapalooza (HDP) and National
Health Policy Conference (NHPC), 2021
AcademyHealth, National Health Policy Conference Steering Committee, Co-Chair, 2020
NEJM Catalyst, Thought Leader-Marketplace Section, October 2017–Present
State of Tennessee Legislature, 3 Star Health Project Task Force, Policy Advisor, 2016
National Academy of Medicine, Models of Care for High-Need Patients, Taxonomy Workgroup,
Member, 2016
Sharing Knowledge to Build a Culture of Health Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Steering Committee, Member, September 2016–February 2017
NashvilleHealth, Steering Committee, Member, August 2016–Present
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Department of Health & Human Services, Technical Review Panel on the Medicare Trustees
Reports, Member, 2016–2018
Tennessee Department of Health, Health Economics Consortium, Member, 2015–2018
Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences, Board on Health Care Services, Member,
Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Accounting for
Socioeconomic Status in Medicare Payment Programs, Member, 2015–2017
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Technical Co-Sponsor
Chair for the INFORMS Healthcare Conference, July 2015
AcademyHealth, 2014 Annual Research Committee, Abstract Selection Committee, Chair,
Medicare Theme
RTI International, ASPE/CMS Technical Expert Panel, September 2014
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Effective Health Care Program, Technical Expert
Panel, Member, April 2014
National Science Foundation, Workshop on “The Learning Healthcare System,” Planning
Committee, 2013
National Institutes of Health, Special Section for Diffusion of Medical Technology and Effects
on Outcomes and Expenditures (U01), Study Reviewer, May 2013
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Systems Engineering for
Healthcare, Working Group, September 2013
Multi-Payer Claims Database Initiative, Board Member, May 2011-2013
AcademyHealth, 2009 Annual Research Conference, Abstract Selection Committee, Medicare
AcademyHealth, 2009 Annual Research Conference, Abstract Selection Committee, Best
Abstract Award
National Institutes of Health, Health Services Organization and Delivery (HSOD) study section,
Study Reviewer, June 2009
AcademyHealth, 2008 Annual Research Conference, Conference Theme Leader, “Consumer
Choice and Decision Making.”
California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP), Policy Considerations Relevant to Senate
Bill 1522 Coverage Choice Categories, Content Expert, June 2008
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Program Committee, March 2008
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AcademyHealth, 2007 Annual Research Conference, Abstract Selection Committee, Private
Health Insurance Theme
California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP), Analysis of Assembly Bill 12134,
“Waiver of Benefits,” Content Expert, November 2007
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, SGR Technical Panel, June 12, 2006
AcademyHealth, Health Economics Interest Group, Steering Committee, 2005–2007
Scientific Meetings
Invited speaker, “The Slowdown in Health Care Spending Growth,” Congressional
Budget Office, March 6, 2024.
Invited panelist, “Driving Lower Costs for Medicare Beneficiaries,” Congressional
Briefing hosted by Leavitt Partners and Arnold Ventures, Washington, DC, January 11,
Invited speaker, “Long COVID: Estimating Prevalence, Morbidity, and Impact on
Federal Programs,” ASPE Visiting Scholars Series, January 17, 2023.
Invited speaker, “What We Pay For,” National Advisory Committee of the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, November 16, 2022.
Invited speaker, “The Health Policy Pandemic: What’s Next?,” Learn Serve Lead 2022 of
the Association of American Medical Colleges, November 12, 2022.
Invited speaker, “The future of healthcare’s price transparency is here. Now what?”
Consumer & Digital Experience Forum of America’s Health Insurance Plans, September
13, 2022.
Invited panelist, “Health Care Agenda under the Biden Administration,” 10
Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, June 21, 2021.
Invited speaker, “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Cancer Prevention and
Care,” National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Virtual Workshop,
March 1, 2021.
Invited panelist, “Panel #1: Are U.S. health care prices too high, too low, or some mix of
the two?” USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy, September 9, 2020.
Moderator, “Capitol Hill Staffers: Perspectives from the Inside.” AcademyHealth
National Health Policy Conference, Washington, DC, February 11, 2020.
Invited discussant, “Effects of Medicare Payment and Delivery System Changes,”
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, June 3, 2019.
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Invited speaker, “Sustainable U.S. Health Spending: Serious Issues – Sound Policy
Solutions,” Altarum Center for Value in Health Care, Washington, DC, July 12, 2018.
Invited speaker, “Sustainability of Medicare,” The Conference of Consulting Actuaries
(CCA) Audio/Webcast, July 11, 2018.
Invited discussant, “The Increasing Progressivity of Healthcare Financing in the United
States: 2004 to 2015,” American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Atlanta, GA,
June 12, 2018.
Invited panelist, “Multi-Payer Episodes of Care Models: Early Lessons from Innovator
States,” 2018 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference, Washington, DC,
February 6, 2018.
Invited speaker, “Health Spending: Tackling The Big Issues,” Health Affairs/National
Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) Conference, Washington, DC, February 1, 2018.
Invited panelist, “Signal or Noise? Navigating Health Care Policy in 2018,” Institute for
Healthcare Improvement National Forum, Orlando, FL, December 12, 2017.
Invited presenter, “Accessing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder,” Tennessee
Department of Health, Health Economics Consortium, Nashville, TN, November 3, 2017.
Invited presenter, “Cost Pressures and Strategies for Addressing Them,” Israel-U.S.
Meeting on Caring for Patients with Complex Health and Social Needs, The
Commonwealth Fund, Haifa, Israel, July 20, 2017.
Invited presenter, “Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment,” SES and
Medicare Dissemination Workshop, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC,
June 13, 2017.
Invited presenter, “What Federal Changes Could Bring at the State and Local Level,” The
Health Collaborative, Cincinnati, OH, May 22, 2017.
Discussant, “Supply Side Policies for Reducing Opioid Abuse,” APPAM, Washington,
DC, November 4, 2016.
Presenter, The Role of Chronic Conditions in the Medicare Fee-for-Service Spending
Growth Slowdown,” APPAM, Washington, DC, November 3, 2016.
Moderator and Speaker, “Sustainable U.S. Health Spending in the Next Administration,”
Altarum, Washington, DC, July 12, 2016.
Invited member, NIH Corporate Healthcare Leaders’ Think Tank Meeting, Bethesda,
MD, June 28-29, 2016.
Discussant, “Medicaid Managed Care” and “Eligibility and Coverage: Recent
Assessments of Medicaid and Marketplace Insurance,” ASHEcon, Philadelphia, PA, June
13-15, 2016.
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Invited speaker, Health Affairs Forum: “Envisioning The Future of Value Based
Payment,” Washington, DC, May 12, 2016.
Presenter, Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Retreat for Members of Congress,
Middleburg, VA, March 11-13, 2016.
Invited speaker, INFORMS Healthcare Conference 2015, Nashville, TN, July 29-31,
Presenter, Altarum, New Dimensions on Sustainable U.S. Health Spending, Washington,
DC, July 21, 2015.
Session chair, Diffusion and Exnovaton of Medical Technologies: A Spectrum of High-
Value, Mixed-Value and Low-Value,” iHEA, Milan, Italy, July 13-15, 2015.
Moderator, “Health Spending and Special Cost Factors, Altarum Center for Sustainable
Health Spending/New Dimensions on Sustainable U.S. Health Spending,” Washington,
DC, July 21, 2015.
Invited Panelist, “The $2 Trillion Question: Will the Slowdown in Health Care Cost
Growth Continue?” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June
14-16, 2015.
Invited panel speaker, “Covering the Uninsured in Tennessee,” Nashville Community
Health Forum, January 14, 2015.
Invited workshop participant, “The Role of Post-Acute Care in Slowing Health Care Cost
Growth” Center for Rehabilitation Research using Large Datasets (CRRLD), Galveston,
TX, December 5th, 2014.
Invited panel speaker, “Slowing Medicare Spending Growth: Analysis of Trends and
Policy Implications,” Commonwealth Fund Advisory Board of Directors, June 30, 2014.
Panel convener and chair “Medicare Advantage: New methods, new models, new policy
implications,” ASHEcon, June 26, 2014.
Invited keynote speaker, “The Healthcare Spending Slowdown” Health Economics
Interest Group AcademyHealth, June 7, 2014.
Invited panelist, “The Medicare Cost Growth Slowdown: Will it Persist?” AIR
Conference on Aging, May 5, 2014.
Invited panelist, “Health Policy Roundtable.” NIA Resource Center for Minority Aging
Research Annual Investigators Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 31, 2014.
Discussant, “Health Services Utilization of Residents in Assisted Living Communities,”
Southeastern Health Economics Study Group, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013.
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Discussant, “Leveraging Electronic Health Records to Improve Hospital Performance:
The Role of Management,” Hospital Organization and Productivity Conference, National
Bureau of Economic Research, Washington DC, October 4, 2013.
Panel convener and chair, “Lessons from Medicare Part D.” AcademyHealth Annual
Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 23, 2013.
Panelist, “Affordable Health Care: The Next Chapter.” Princeton University Reunions,
Princeton, NJ, May 31, 2013.
Moderator, “Innovations in Healthcare Organization and Delivery.” Workshop on Health
IT and Economics, Arlington, VA, October 5, 2012.
Chair, “Behavioral Economics of Medicare Part D Decisions: How Information
Influences Consumers’ Choices.” American Society of Health Economists Conference
(ASHEcon), Minneapolis, MN, June 11, 2012.
Chair and Discussant, “Health Policy Reforms: Effects on Employers, Workers and
Health Insurance” APPAM Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 4, 2011.
Moderator, “Health Data Frontiers.” Workshop on Health IT and Economics,
Washington, DC, October 21, 2011.
Faculty/Speaker, “Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence about Effects on
Quality and Cost.” Bipartisan Policy Center/Aspen Institute’s National Congress on
Healthcare Clinical Innovations, Quality Improvement and Cost Containment,
Washington, DC, October 26, 2011.
Chair, “Implementing Electronic Health Records.” AcademyHealth 2011 Annual
Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 12-14, 2011.
Invited speaker, “Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records: Implications for
Rehabilitation Facilities.” American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association
Spring Executive Forum, Washington, DC, March 22, 2011.
Invited speaker, “The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A Review of Recent
Literature Shows Predominantly Positive Results.” Health Affairs Conference on
Innovation and Health Care Delivery, Washington, DC, March 8, 2011.
Presenter, “Recent Trends in EHR Adoption.” All ONC Grantees Meeting, Washington,
DC, December 14, 2010.
Panelist, “Supporting Providers in Achieving Meaningful Use.” All ONC Grantees
Meeting, Washington, DC, December 14, 2010.
Panelist, “Implementing Health Reform at the Federal, State and Local Levels: Policy
Challenges and Career Opportunities.” The Center for Health and Wellbeing and the
WWS Office of Graduate Career Services at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
November 29, 2010.
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Session Chair, “EHR Adoption Modeling.” Office of the National Coordinator
Conference on Adoption Modeling, Washington, DC, November 8-9, 2010.
Panelist, “Turning Ideas into Policy.” AcademyHealth 2010 Health Policy Orientation,
Washington, DC, October 25-28, 2010.
Invited speaker, “Health Reform and What It Means for the Startup Economy.” DC to
VC: Investing in Healthcare IT Summit, San Francisco, CA, October 6, 2010.
Invited Panelist, “Risk-Sharing Provisions in the ACA: Overview of Key Issues.” The
Commonwealth Fund Meeting on Risk Adjustment, Washington, DC, October 1, 2010.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Realizing the Potential of Electronic Health Records.”
National Conference on Health Statistics, Washington, DC, August 16-18, 2010.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “ONC’s Programs and Policies to Achieve Widespread and
Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology.” National Conference on Health
Statistics, Washington, DC, August 16-18, 2010.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “The Benefits of HIT – An update on the state of the literature.”
AcademyHealth 2008 Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, June 27-29, 2010.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Federal Panel-Major New Initiatives.” Long-Term and Post-
Acute Care (LTPAC) Health Information Technology (HIT) Summit, Baltimore, MD,
June 7-8, 2010.
Session Chair, “The Costs and Benefits of Health IT.” Healthcare Information and
Management Systems Society 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, March 1-4,
Discussant, “Evidence Based Policy Making in the Post-Bush/Clinton Era” Thirty-First
Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 5-7, 2009.
Session Chair, “Medicare Advantage Resurgent.” AcademyHealth Annual Research
Conference, Chicago, IL, June 28-20, 2009.
Session Chair, “Investigating the Causes of Medicare Spending Growth.”
AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Chicago, IL, June 28-20, 2009.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Coverage and Cost Implications of Health Insurance
Reforms.” 2009 Annual Conference Allied Social Sciences Association/American
Economic Association (AEA/HERO), San Francisco, CA, January 2-4, 2009.
Peer reviewed, session chair and presenter, “Ollie Randall Symposium: “Perspectives on
Nursing Home Quality,” (Award Winner.) GSA 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, National
Harbor, MD, November 22, 2008.
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Invited speaker, “Value in Health Care: Accounting for Cost, Quality, Safety, Outcomes
and Innovation.” Institutes of Medicine Workshop (IOM), Washington, DC, November
17-18, 2008.
Panel Leader, “The Next Decade - What Are the Big Policy Challenges?” Thirtieth
Annual Research Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,
Los Angeles, CA, November 6-8, 2008.
Session Chair, “Consumer Choices in Health Care.” AcademyHealth 2008 Annual
Research Meeting, Washington, DC, June 8-10, 2008.
Invited speaker, “The Evolution of Consumer-Driven Health Plans: What are they and
what we know about their effects?” Roundtable, AARP, Washington, DC, March 31,
Peer reviewed, speaker, “Statistical and Economic Perspectives on Utilization, Costs, and
Cost-effectiveness.” 2008 International Conference on Health Policy Statistics,
Philadelphia, PA, January 17-18, 2008.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Alternative Estimators for Cost Data.” 2008 International
Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Philadelphia, PA, January 17-18, 2008.
Chair, “Who Pays for Health Care? Burdens and Choices.” Twenty-Ninth Annual
Research Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,
Washington, DC, November 8, 2007.
Featured Faculty Member, “Policy and Research Track: RAND Research on Consumer
Directed Health Plans.” Second National Consumer Drive Healthcare Summit,
Washington, DC, September 26, 2007.
Peer reviewed, presented in absentia, “Costs and Outcomes of Stroke and Hip Fracture
Across Post-Acute Care Sites.” International Health Economics Association Conference.
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 9, 2007.
Discussant in absentia, “Assets, Wealth, and Health Care.” International Health
Economics Association Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 9, 2007.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Demand for High-Deductible and Consumer-Directed Health
Plans,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 3-5, 2007.
Invited Panel Chair, “Hospice & the Challenge of Improving End-of-Life Care.”
AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Seattle, WA, June 25-27, 2006.
Invited Panelist, "Major Changes in Benefit Design: A Plausible Way to Control Health
Care Costs?” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Invitational Conference, Washington
DC, May 17, 2006.
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Invited speaker, “Should Healthcare be Conditional on Prudent Behavior? West Virginia
Medicaid’s Personal Responsibility Contract.” Conference sponsored by the Harvard
University Program in Ethics and Health, Boston, MA, April 26-28, 2007.
Discussant, “Health Savings Accounts and Tax Subsidies: How Effective Can They Be?”
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Health Policy Discussion,
Washington DC, November 18, 2005.
Session Chair, “The Market for Individual Health Insurance.” 6th World Congress of the
International Health Economics Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 10-13,
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Does the Individual Market Provide More than Bridge
Coverage and How Much Risk Pooling is There Within It?” 6th World Congress of the
International Health Economics Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 10-13,
Peer reviewed, session chair and presenter, “Medicare’s Prospective Payment Systems
for Post-Acute Care.” 6th World Congress of the International Health Economics
Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 10-13, 2005.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Cost and Outcomes of Joint Replacement Across Post-Acute
Care Sites.” 6th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association
Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 10-13, 2005.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “How Much Pooling is There in the Individual Insurance
Market?” 2004 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, June 25, 2005.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Issues in Care Decisions for Frail Elders.” The Gerontological
Society of America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, November 21,
Peer reviewed, presenter, “How Much is Post-Acute Care Use Affected by Its
Availability + Accessibility?” The Gerontological Society of America 57th Annual
Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, November 21, 2004.
Discussant, “Medical Expenses and Health in Older Age.” The Gerontological Society of
America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, November 20, 2004.
Invited speaker, “Health Care Costs.” National Press Foundation Program Making Sense
of Health Care Policy. Washington, DC, September 13, 2004.
Discussant, “Health Economics: Quality, Cost, and Labor Supply.” American Economic
Association Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 5, 2004.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Paying for Medicare: The Impact of Medicare’s Old & New
Prospective Payment Systems.” 2003 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting,
Nashville, TN, June 29, 2003.
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Peer reviewed, presenter, “Who Goes Where for Post-Acute Care?” 4th World Congress
of the International Health Economics Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, June
15-18, 2003.
Discussant, “Incentive-Compatible Guaranteed Renewable Health Insurance Premiums.”
VA-RAND Health Economics Conference, Santa Monica, CA, April 2003.
Presenter, “Gathering critical information about the health coverage of the elderly.”
Health Insurance for the Elderly - Issues in Measurement Workshop sponsored by The
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics and the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, Washington, DC, April 2003.
Presenter, “What Is Known About the Economics of End-of-Life Care for Medicare
Beneficiaries?” NIH Integrative Conference on End of Life Research, Rockville, MD,
October 22-23, 2001.
Peer reviewed, presenter, “Risk Selection and Product Differentiation Among Medicare
HMOs.” The American Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
January 6, 2001.
Invited Seminars
Invited speaker, “Major Trends in Health Care Spending,” American Dermatological
Association, October 27, 2023
Invited speaker. NEJM Catalyst, Value-Based Care: The Critical Path for Patients,
Providers & Payers, September 13, 2023 (link)
Invited speaker, “What We Pay For,” Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand
Rounds at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Grand Rounds, December 14, 2022
Invited speaker, “What We Pay For,” Department of Population Health Sciences Grand
Rounds, Weill Cornell Medicine, October 19, 2022
Invited panelist, “Affordable Care Act + Supreme Court,” Vanderbilt Alumni Office and
Vanderbilt Development & Alumni Relations Virtual Panel, April 27, 2021
Invited moderator, “The Journey to a COVID Vaccine and Its Impact,” Community Arts
of Bellevue’s Live from the Vue Series, April 15, 2021
Invited speaker, “COVID-era Health Policy and Beyond,” Council of University Chairs
of Obstetrics and Gynecology (CUCOG) Webinar, January 26, 2021
Grand Rounds, Department of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine, September 18, 2018
Invited speaker, “Medicaid and Personal Responsibility,” AcademyHealth Research
Insights Meeting, Washington, DC, September 7, 2018
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Invited speaker, “Health Care Costs and Delivery System Reforms,” Center for Effective
Lawmaking, Washington, DC, July 13, 2018
Invited speaker, Slowing Health Care Cost Growth,” Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine Medical Grand Rounds, May 21, 2015
Invited speaker, “Slowing Health Care Cost Growth,” Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, March 6, 2015
Invited speaker, “Slowing Health Care Cost Growth,” Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine Pediatrics Grand Rounds, January 20, 2015
Invited speaker, “New Developments in Health Policy,” Vanderbilt University Peabody
Department of Human and Organizational Development, October 1, 2014
Invited speaker, “New Developments in Health Policy,” Meharry Medical College,
September 3, 2014
Invited speaker, “New Developments in Health Policy,” Vanderbilt University Flexner
Dean’s Lecture, June 3, 2014
Invited seminar speaker, “Beneficiaries' choice of Medicare Advantage Plans:
Implications for premium support proposals.” Leonard Davis Institute Research Seminar
Series, Philadelphia, PA, April 25, 2014
Invited speaker, “New Developments in Health Policy” Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine Cardiology Grand Rounds, February 19, 2014
Invited seminar speaker, “Why Has Growth in Spending for Fee-for-Service Medicare
Slowed?” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 2013 Fall
Research Conference, Washington DC, November 6-9, 2013
Invited speaker, “Why Has Growth in Spending for Fee-for-Service Medicare Slowed?”
RAND Health Economics Seminar Series, Santa Monica, CA, November 6, 2013
Invited seminar speaker, “Offsetting Effects of Prescription Drug Use on Medicare’s
Spending for Medical Services.” General Accountability Office, Washington, DC, April
29, 2013
Invited seminar speaker, “The Health IT Policy Landscape.” Harvard Medical School,
Department of Health Care Policy. March 14, 2013
Invited seminar speaker, “The Health IT Policy Landscape.” Johns Hopkins University.
Interdepartmental Health Economics Seminar Series, Baltimore, MD, February 28, 2013
Invited seminar speaker, “The Health IT Policy Landscape.” Vanderbilt University
Medical School, Nashville, TN, February 11, 2013
Invited seminar speaker, “The Health IT Policy Landscape.” Virginia Commonwealth
University, Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, Richmond, VA, January 28,
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Invited seminar speaker, “The Health IT Landscape.” The Dartmouth Institute for Health
Policy and Clinical Practice. Hanover, NH, October 7, 2011
Invited Speaker, “Effects of ‘Consumer-Directed’ Plan Designs on Health Care Costs,
Utilization, and Quality.” Yale University School of Public Health, New Haven, CT,
April 20, 2009
Plenary Speaker, “Access to Post-Acute Rehabilitation.” Symposium on Post-Acute
Rehabilitation: State of the Science, Arlington, VA, February 12, 2007
Invited speaker, “Financing Care at the End-of-Life.” Project on Death in America
Meeting on the Economics and Financing of End-of-Life Care, Washington DC, October
21, 1998
Personal statement
My work has focused on health care delivery and costs, with an emphasis on improving the value
created by the health care system. At each stage of my career, I have chosen the path I thought
would lead to the most substantial contributions to addressing important health policy issues. I
began my career at RAND, where I was able to do work on insurance benefit design, health
insurance markets, provider payment, and the care use and needs of the elderly in an
environment that emphasized policy impact and gave me the opportunity to be part of talented
multi-disciplinary teams. I then served as chief economist and founding director of the Office of
Economics, Evaluation, and Modeling within the Office of the National Coordinator for Health
IT during the implementation of the HITECH Act, which ultimately disbursed over $30 billion in
subsidies for the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records. From there I moved
to a position as a director in the Health, Retirement and Long-Term Analysis Division at the
Congressional Budget Office where I evaluated legislative proposals and directed studies related
to health care financing, including reports on prescription drugs under Part D, beneficiaries
dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and care coordination demonstrations. I joined
Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine in 2013 as professor and founding chair of the Department of
Health Policy. In this role I was able to continue my own research while creating an environment
that allowed faculty and students to excel. One of the features of the department that I am most
proud of is our commitment to policy impact: each year we assess ourselves individually and as a
group on a policy impact metric we created to measure how well we communicate and translate
our work to the academic community and to policymakers.
Health economics; Health services research; Health policy; Social Insurance;
Medicare; Medicaid; Aging; Health expenditures; Health care financing and
organization; Provider payment; Value-based care.