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Operational General
14.02 Department Temporary
Detention Facilities
Uniform Division
Virginia Beach Police Department General Order
Chapter 14 - Detainees and Prisoners
CALEA: 71.1.1, 71.2.1, 71.3.1, 71.3.2, 71.3.3, 71.4.1, 71.4.2, 71.4.3
To establish guidelines to govern the operation and maintenance of the Temporary
Detention Facilities which are the direct responsibility of the Virginia Beach Department
of Police.
Definitions (CALEA 71.1.1):
Temporary Detention - Detention of a person for the purpose of processing or testing.
Temporary detention is measured in hours and does not involve housing or feeding
detainees except in extenuating circumstances. The Virginia Beach Police Department
has Temporary Detention Facilities located within the Second and Third Precincts
designed and approved by the Virginia Board of Corrections for the detention of
arrested subjects for up to eight hours. Temporary Detention areas are clearly
designated with placards at all entry points.
Holding Facilities A confinement facility outside of a jail where detainees are
housed, receive meals, and can be detained for periods involving days and overnight
stays for a period of not more than 72 hours, excluding holidays and weekends. The
Virginia Beach Police Department does not operate a Holding Facility.
Central Booking The entry point of the Virginia Beach City Jail intended for the
processing of prisoners in custody once transferred from Virginia Beach Police
Department officers to Deputies of the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office.
The Police Chief shall be responsible for the operation of the Temporary Detention
Facilities and ensure conformity with the minimum standards issued by the Virginia
Board of Corrections and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement
The Commanding Officers of the Second and Third Police Precincts are accountable to
the Police Chief for the operation of the Temporary Detention Facilities within their
respective commands. They are to ensure the following procedures are implemented
and adhered to.
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Use of Department Temporary Detention Facilities (CALEA 71.3.1 E)
Temporary Detention Facilities are designed and intended for housing arrested subjects
for short periods of time, until the subject posts bond or is transferred to the Virginia
Beach City Jail. Temporary Detention Facilities are operated by the arresting officers,
Precinct Desk Officers; Sheriff’s Deputies or trained sworn officers who have received
training in the operation of the facilities. Supervisory members are responsible for
ensuring that each precinct adheres to all the directives of this policy.
A. If a PDO, trained sworn police member, or Sheriff’s Deputy is not on duty, the
Temporary Detention Facility must not accept prisoners and all detainees should
be transported to Central Process.
B. Temporary Detention Facilities may be used to house detainees for no more than
three hours. If it becomes necessary to hold the detainee longer, a supervisor
must approve the detention; Under no circumstance will a supervisor approve a
detention longer than eight hours;
C. Female detainees will be housed separately from male detainees;
D. Juvenile detainees will only be housed in Virginia Board of Corrections approved
Temporary Detention Facilities and will be separated from adult detainees by sight
and sound at all times and will be monitored at all times by an officer.
E. Visitation from family members, clergy, or attorneys will not be permitted at
Department Temporary Detention Facilities. Should visitation be required, the
detainees will be moved to the Virginia Beach City Jail, and visitation arranged
through the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office.
Physical Requirements (CALEA 71.3.3 (A, B) 71.4.1, 71.4.2)
In accordance with the requirements of the Virginia Board of Corrections, and for the
safety and security of detainees and department personnel, Department Temporary
Detention Facilities will provide for the following:
A. Firearms, ammunition, and edged weapons are prohibited in Temporary Detention
Facilities at all times unless responding to an armed threat within the facility. Lock
boxes are provided at the entrance to each Temporary Detention Facility to
provide for the safe and secure storage of these types of weapons.
B. Each detainee will have access to drinking water and toilet facilities.
C. Due to the limited time a detainee will spend in a Departmental Temporary
Detention Facility, there will be no need to provide food service, a bed, bedding, or
shower facilities.
D. Each Department Temporary Detention Facility will provide adequate lighting and
the circulation of fresh or purified air.
E. Emergency exit(s) facilitating evacuation of persons from the facility to hazard-free
areas will be designated in writing and posted within the Temporary Detention
Facility in an evacuation plan. The evacuation plan will include all available means
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of exit and will account for a secure temporary detention area as an alternative to
the facility or transportation to another Temporary Detention Facility, hospital (as
required), or the Virginia Beach City Jail;
2. Automatic fire detection equipment including alarms and suppression
equipment will be provided and maintained in each Temporary Detention
3. Electronic surveillance systems will be utilized in the Temporary Detention
Facility for observation and safety purposes.
Detainee Conduct / Rights (CALEA 71.3.1 A)
Rules for detainee conduct (PD-156) will be posted in both English, and other
languages, at a conspicuous location within Temporary Detention Facilities. Arresting
officers who discover that a detainee cannot read the rules set forth in this order will
read the rules to the detainee. When translation needs are not met, the detainee, a
translator will be arranged for through a supervisor, or the detainee will be transported
to the Virginia Beach City Jail.
As the amount of time that a detainee is held in Virginia Beach Police Department
Temporary Detention Facilities is limited to three (3) hours, and the facility serves to
hold detainees temporarily prior to transfer to the City of Virginia Beach city jail, the
police department is not responsible for ensuring the court appearances for detainees.
The City of Virginia Beach Police Department is not responsible for the following:
A. Ensuring court appearances for detainees
B. Providing facilities that allow for confidential access for attorneys.
C. Providing meals
These functions shall be accomplished by the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office which
operates the City of Virginia Beach City Jail.
Detainees will be allowed to make at least two local or collect long-distance telephone
calls if requested, each call not to exceed 15 minutes. If the detainee is unable to
complete the telephone call without assistance, then a member of the staff should
provide such assistance or make the telephone call for the detainee, if so requested.
The ability to afford a detainee with the opportunity to make more than two telephone
calls will be dependent upon the number of sworn personnel who are available to
provide the required security associated with the movement of the detainee from the
temporary detention cell to the telephone and from the telephone back to the temporary
detention cell. No detainee should be permitted to make a telephone call from a
telephone that is outside the security areas.
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If security conditions within the precinct render it unfeasible to permit the detainee to
make the telephone call prior to being placed in the temporary detention cell, the
detainee shall be afforded the opportunity of placing the call within 60 minutes of being
placed in the temporary detention cell or as soon as practical.
Detainees’ right to make bond shall not be impeded or delayed by those members
working in Temporary Detention Facilities. Once notified that a bond has been posted
or the requirements of a release have been made, officers and/or PDO's shall arrange
for the release of the detainee as soon as possible. All prisoners that have been
arrested for charges, which require that they be processed, shall have all processing
completed prior to their release from Temporary Detention Facilities.
Punishment shall not be utilized to correct or discipline any detainee. Tear gas, noxious
irritant spray, chemical mace, or any similar device or substance will only be used when
other methods of control have failed or an immediate threat of physical injury to an
employee or inmate exists. If such substance or device is utilized, it shall be reported to
the immediate supervisor, in accordance with use of force reporting guidelines
established in General Order 5.01 (Use of Force).
Supervision of Detainees (CALEA 71.3.1 B, 71.3.1 D, 71.3.2, 71.3.3 E, F)
In the interest of the safety and welfare of the detainees during the period for which they
are detained in Department Temporary Detention Facilities, Officers or Precinct Desk
Officers shall monitor and supervise those detained in the Temporary Detention
Facilities. The following provides guidelines for the supervision and monitoring of
Temporary Detention Facilities detainees.
A. When Temporary Detention Facilities are in use, the on-duty supervisor will ensure
that detainees are under constant supervision by the Precinct Desk Officer as well
as additional personnel, if required.
B. When a detainee is brought to a processing or testing area, they must have
constant supervision.
D. Electronic surveillance equipment will only be utilized for safety and security
purposes. The audio part of this equipment allows department personnel to
monitor Temporary Detention Facilities and respond to detainees or officers calls
for assistance.
E. Whenever possible, detainees shall be observed and/or supervised by a staff
member of the same sex. If circumstances dictate otherwise, the staff member
shall ensure that due regard is shown toward the rights and dignity of the
detainees and that another staff member monitors the contact with the detainee.
F. No detainee will be supervised by or have any authority over another detainee. If
known to the officer or Precinct Desk Officer that a situation such as this is
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developing, then the detainees will be separated or transferred to the Virginia
Beach City Jail.
G. Detainees may be secured to immovable handrails designed for this purpose
during processing. While secured to the immovable handrail, the detainee will be
observed at all times.
Management of Special Detainees
Medical / Mental Illness
If during the pre-detention screening an officer determines that a detainee requires
medical care (other than emergency medical care) or is under the care of a mental
health professional or is exhibiting characteristics associated with mental illness the
detainee will not be detained in a Virginia Beach Police Department Temporary
Detention Facility and will be transported to the Virginia Beach City Jail for processing.
Officers will be responsible for advising jail personnel of the mental illness concerns
associated with the prisoner.
In the event that medical issues or mental illness issues are not known to the arresting
officer prior to detention, the following guidelines shall apply:
When medical or mental illness issues become apparent, a detainee should be
administratively separated (administrative segregation) from other detainees whenever
their behavior, mental condition, or other factors are such that they may harm
themselves, be harmed by others, or whenever they may cause damage to the facility.
After separation, the detainee should be transported to the Virginia Beach City Jail.
If during the pre-detention screening, an officer determines that a detainee is under the
care of a mental health professional or is exhibiting characteristics associated with
mental illness, immediate steps will be taken to ensure proper care or committal. Until
an evaluation or treatment is available, the detainee will be housed in a private cell.
They will be monitored constantly by the arresting officer or a sworn designee. Under
no circumstances will a detainee who is experiencing a mental health crisis be left
Potential for Assault
Additionally, if during initial screening it is determined that a detainee is susceptible to
physical or sexual assault or abusive treatment by other detainees, consideration
should be given to either transporting the detainee to the Virginia Beach City Jail or
segregating the detainee in an individual cell until transferred. This includes instances
where it is suspected that the detainee is a threat to discipline or is vulnerable to attack
by other inmates.
Intoxication / Violence
All detainees who are violent exhibit self-destructive behavior or are under the influence
of alcohol or narcotics to the point of being a risk to their safety or the safety of others
shall be segregated from other detainees by either detained in an individual cell or
transferred to the Virginia Beach City Jail. EMS will be notified, if necessary. These
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detainees will be under close observation by precinct personnel until released or
Administrative Segregation
Prior to segregating inmates from others detained in Temporary Detention Facilities,
there must be specific factors, which substantiate the segregation. These risk factors
should be documented on the detainees Precinct Detention Record Form (PD-79-3) and
the precinct detention log. Included in the information will be the date and time of the
transfer as well as the name of the officer(s) making the transfer. Upon transfer to the
Virginia Beach City Jail, related to Sheriff’s Deputies accepting the transferred detainee.
Detainees transferred to individual cells in Temporary Detention Facilities for
administrative segregation purposes are to be afforded living conditions and privileges
which are the same as those available to the general population. The precinct
detention log will document any detainee moved for segregation purposes at Temporary
Detention Facilities and all transfers to the correctional facility which result from
administrative segregation decisions and will include the date and time of the transfer as
well as the names of the officer(s) transporting the prisoner.
Security Control (CALEA 71.3.1 C, 71.3.3 C, 71.3.3 D )
In order to maintain a secure facility, provide for the safety of detainees, officers and
members as well as prevent escape from the facility, officers, Precinct Desk Officer, and
supervisors shall ensure that only those persons who have authorized access be
permitted into secure areas and that:
A. All doors giving ingress and egress to Temporary Detention Facilities will be
locked at all times. All doors to the cells and bullpens will remain secured even
when vacant. Doors will only be opened by authorized personnel for purposes of
escorting detainees into the cell or out. Additionally, these doors can be opened
for other emergencies. When a door is secured, it is to be tested to ensure that it
is in fact locked.
C. Group arrests that exceed the maximum capacity of Temporary Detention
Facilities will be handled in a manner prescribed by the highest-ranking on-duty
supervisor. Commonly these situations will be handled with cooperation with the
Sheriff’s Department. For information on mass arrests, see the Virginia Beach
Police Department Emergency Operations Plan.
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processing detainees into or out of the lockup facility may obtain a cell key from
the precinct desk officer.
E. Positive identification will be made of the person presenting the detainee for
detention, including verification of the persons authority to make the commitment.
Identification and proof of authority shall also be required when an officer of
another jurisdiction requests to assume custody of the detainee.
F. All detainees held in a Virginia Beach Police Department Temporary Detention
Facility shall be photographed with the precinct booking cameras. The digital
image will be attached to the records generated as a result of the arrest in the
records management system.
G. Before the detainee is released or transferred to another facility, positive
identification will be made of the detainee. The positive identification will consist of
a comparison of the detainee presenting themselves for release and the digital
image taken at the time of processing or a government issued identification card.
Upon release the detainee will be required to sign the Precinct Detention Form,
whereupon his personal property will be returned. Upon transfer to another
agency, the agency receiving the prisoner will be responsible for signing the
Precinct Detention Form for the prisoner’s personal property.
H. Threats to the facility will be reported to the on-duty supervisor, who will determine
the appropriate actions to take in response. This may include evacuating the
facility by transferring all detainees to the Virginia Beach City Jail. A memorandum
stating in detail all the pertinent facts of incidents that threaten the facility or any
person therein and the responses taken will be forwarded to the Police Chief via
the chain of command.
I. A Serious Incident Report setting forth, in detail, the pertinent facts of deaths,
discharging of firearms, erroneous releases, escapes or attempted escapes, fires
requiring evacuation of detainees, hostage situations, and re-capture of escapees
shall be reported to the local facilities supervisor of the Compliance and
Accreditation Unit/Department of Corrections, or designee. The initial report shall
be made within 24 hours by the commander of the precinct in which the incident
occurred, and a full report completed by Internal Affairs should be admitted by the
end of the investigation to the DOC Local Facilities Supervisor assigned to
oversee that precinct.
J. A strip-search will only be accomplished in accordance with the Code of Virginia
and General Order 6.01 (Constitutional Issues).
K. No mail and/or packages will be given to a detainee. Any such transfer will be
accommodated once the detainee is transported to the City of Virginia Beach City
L. Non-essential persons including media representatives will not be granted access
to populated Temporary Detention Facilities. Media requests to speak with
prisoners shall be arranged for once the detainee is transferred to the Virginia
Beach City Jail where adequate facilities exist to permit safe access by the media.
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Access by non-essential personnel is expressly prohibited in emergency
M. Maintenance tools will be permitted within Temporary Detention Facilities for
maintenance purposes when no detainees are being held. When persons
involved in the maintenance have finished, the precinct desk officer will inspect the
lock-up area for items left behind. No culinary equipment is allowed in the lock-up
area at any time.
N. In the event of an escape from the detention area, the following procedures will be
adhered to:
1. The precinct desk officer shall immediately notify the ECCS Emergency
Communications and Citizen Services to broadcast a BOL and request
assignment of units to converge on the area of escape.
2. The precinct desk officer shall notify the highest-ranking on-duty supervisor of
the escape.
a. On duty supervisor will ensure that Internal Affairs and Public Affairs
Office are notified as soon as practical.
3. The assigned officer will initiate an investigation to locate the detainee by:
a. Canvassing the immediate area;
b. Checking all modes of transportation and accesses from the area of
c. Checking area businesses, residences, or other locations that the
detainee had been known to frequent;
d. Questioning past associates as to the possible whereabouts of the
e. Completing an Offense Report under State Codes 18.2-478 or
18.2-479 and any other paperwork required by the supervisor; and
f. Obtaining arrest warrants for escape.
4. The search will be terminated by the highest-ranking available police
supervisor only after all practical means of apprehension have been
exhausted. They will also be responsible for notifying Communications
(ECCS) when the search has been terminated or if the escapee has been
Inspections / Counts (CALEA 71.3.3 E, 71.3.3 F, 71.4.2, 71.4.3)
Those responsible for the operation of the Temporary Detention Facility share the
responsibility for inspections and counts as follows:
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B. Prior to placing a detainee into an unoccupied cell, the arresting officer will
conduct a security check, including a search for weapons and contraband. In
addition, a cell should be checked when it becomes unoccupied. Any conditions
observed that would cause a safety or health hazard shall be reported immediately
to supervisory personnel either verbally or in writing.
C. Daily, at the beginning of the day shift, the Precinct Desk Officer will conduct a
documented inspection of the following:
1. A search for weapons and contraband of the Temporary Detention Facility
2. A visual inspection of fire suppression equipment; and
3. The presence of vermin and pests;
4. Audit the number of keys associated with the facility to ensure that all are
accounted for.
D. Procedures for the daily inspections shall be maintained by each precinct with an
operational Temporary Detention Facility and disseminated to the affected
personnel. All defects observed will be reported in writing and will be repaired or
replaced immediately or prior to the use of the Temporary Detention Facility.
Inspections will be documented in the Temporary Detention Facility Logbook.
E. Weekly, the Administrative Supervisor of the precinct shall conduct a documented
inspection of the following:
1. Fire suppression equipment
2. Sanitation inspection of all facility areas
3. The Temporary Detention Facility Logbook
Deficiencies will be repaired or replaced immediately or prior to the use of the
Temporary Detention Facility. Inspections will be documented in the Temporary
Detention Facility Logbook and submitted to the Commanding Officer of the
precinct that houses the Temporary Detention Facility.
In accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Fire Code, the Administrative
Supervisor will arrange for the testing of fire suppression equipment at least every
12 months. The results are documented in the Temporary Detention Facility
Logbook. Written reports of the fire inspection shall be on file with the facility
F. The Administrative Supervisor shall establish, maintain, and promulgate a plan for
fire prevention, evacuation, and suppression for each Temporary Detention
Facility. Each plan shall include at a minimum:
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1. The prohibition of smoking within the facility
2. The responsibility to search prisoners for matches, lighters, or other devices
which may be used to cause a fire.
3. The location and use of fire suppression equipment for each facility
4. The persons responsible for evacuating the facility.
5. The procedures for evacuation
G. An administrative review pertaining to all the procedures outlined in this policy will
be conducted at least once a year to determine if there are any changes needed to
meet the needs of the Department and the safety and welfare of the detainees.
Health Services
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be notified in the event a detainee is in need of
medical assistance. While awaiting EMS, first aid should be given, and a supervisor will
be notified. First aid kit(s) containing items approved by a licensed physician will be
available at all Temporary Detention Facilities. These kits will have a documented
weekly inspection and be replenished as necessary. An officer will accompany any
detainee removed from Temporary Detention Facilities for a medical condition to a
treatment facility until relieved by a sheriff's deputy.
No member of this department will give any prescribed or non-prescribed
pharmaceutical to a detainee. An officer will transport detainees who are in need of
prescription medication to a medical facility or to the Virginia Beach City Jail. If the
detainees condition indicates an apparent deterioration either by a necessity for a
known pharmaceutical or as the result of any other type of illness, he will be transported
to a medical facility by emergency medical services (EMS), accompanied by an officer,
or treated at the scene by a state-certified emergency medical technician.
Processing / Records (CALEA 71.3.1 A, 71.3.3 A)
Upon arrival at the detention facility with an arrested subject, every officer will secure
any firearms, ammunition and/or edged weapons in a locker provided for that purpose.
Police Department approved less lethal weapons (Electronic Control Devices, ASP, and
Oleoresin Capsicum) may be carried within occupied secured Temporary Detention
Facilities and used for self-defense as needed in accordance with General Order 5.01
(Use of Force.) Officers may only carry lethal weapons into an occupied Temporary
Detention Facility in response to an armed threat. A supervisor will be immediately
notified after any deployment of any type of weapon (lethal or non-lethal) and/or any
entry into the facility of a lethal weapon in response to an armed threat.
When processing an arrested subject into a Temporary Detention Facility, the officer will
complete a Precinct Detention Record Form (PD-79-3) that will contain the following
1. Arrest information (attached);
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2. Apparent physical condition;
3. Personal property inventory and disposition; and
4. Photographs and fingerprints (attached when applicable).
An itemized inventory of the detainees property will be listed on the Precinct Detention
Record Form (PD-79-3) when the detainee is brought into the facility. Upon completion
of the inventory of property and the notations regarding the condition of the detainee,
the Precinct Detention Record Form will be signed by the detainee confirming the
accuracy of the inventory. If the detainee refuses or is otherwise incapacitated
(intoxicated) a witness should sign the form and it should be noted on the form, why the
detainee did not sign.
The arresting officer/detective will be permitted to conduct a thorough search for
weapons and contraband; however, strip searches and cavity searches will only be
conducted in accordance with the code of Virginia and the provisions of General Order
6.01 (Constitutional Issues). All items (with the exception of the detainee's clothing) will
be secured away from the detainee in lockers provided for this purpose until returned to
the detainee or transferred to the Virginia Beach City Jail (Central Processing). The
detainee will not be allowed to retain any clothing, such as shoelaces, belts, or
drawstrings that could be used by the detainee to harm themselves or others.
When the detainee is admitted to Temporary Detention Facilities, they will be informed
in writing of procedures for gaining access to medical services. Detainee Rights and
Conduct (PD-156) will be conspicuously posted within Temporary Detention Facilities.
When additional language barriers exist, arrangements for an interpreter may be made
via a supervisor or the detainee may be transported to the Virginia Beach City Jail
where medical care is more readily available.
When capturing information as to the medical conditions of the detainees, the officers
shall document the following on the Precinct Detention Record Form (PD 79-3):
A. Apparent current health assessment of the detainee: Ask the detainee if they have
any major medical problems;
B. Medications taken by detainee;
C. Behavioral observations, including apparent state of consciousness and apparent
mental status; and whether they are:
1. Conscious and alert/coherent, or
2. Conscious but not alert or incoherent, etc.;
D. Notation of body deformities, trauma markings, bruises, lesions, jaundice, ease of
movement, etc.
Upon the completion of the inventory of property and the notations regarding the
condition of the detainee, the Precinct Detention Record Form will be signed by the
detainee or a witness confirming the accuracy of the inventory. Copies of the Precinct
Detention Record Form (PD-79-3) shall then be distributed as follows:
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A. White Copy Shall be attached to the container or bag containing the property of
the detainee. Upon the detainee’s release, the detainee will sign the white copy
acknowledging the receipt of the property. In the event of a transfer to the Virginia
Beach City Jail, the white copy will be signed by the Deputy Sheriff taking custody
of the detainee acknowledging the receipt of the property. The white copy will be
returned to the Precinct Desk Officer at the Temporary Detention Facility for
B. Yellow Copy Shall be provided to the detainee.
C. Pink Copy Shall be retained by the Precinct Desk Officer until the return of the
white copy, then destroyed.
Upon processing a detainee into a Temporary Detention Facility, the precinct desk
officer will enter required information in a Detainee Logbook. This Logbook will contain
at a minimum:
A. Date and time of detainee entry and departure
B. Names of the person arrested.
C. The arresting officer
D. The charge(s)
E. A brief physical description
F. The cell occupied.
G. When time checks were made
H. Bond information
I. Number of telephone calls
J. Events pertinent to a detainees medical treatment
The contents of the detention log book for the previous year will be removed on January
1st of the current year and stored in accordance with the Retention Schedule as set
forth by the Library of Virginia, “Retention and Disposition Schedule”. The Precinct
Detention Record Form (PD-79-3) will also be held for the same period of time and then
destroyed. Until the destruction has been made, the detention logbook and Precinct
Detention Record Forms will be kept in a secure area so as to safeguard the detainees
records from unauthorized disclosure. Only sworn personnel, precinct desk officers,
may view the detainees records. Disclosure of these records to others shall be
coordinated by the Internal Affairs Bureau, Custodian of Records.
Training: (CALEA 71.2.1)
All sworn personnel and precinct desk officers (PDO) who are in direct contact with
detainees within the confines of the Temporary Detention Facility/DUI Testing area will
receive documented training consistent with their assignments prior to assuming the
responsibilities of those duties. This training should include but not be limited to
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security procedures, rights and responsibilities of detainees, emergency medical
procedures, detention procedures for adults and juveniles, handling of mentally
disturbed and handicapped persons, fire suppression, methods of applying physical
restraint, and first aid. At least once every four years all personnel who are in
direct contact with detainees will receive retraining. The Training Bureau shall
coordinate the training as required.