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Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
Research Report
The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI)
is replacing traditional interviews at
medical schools.
In the MMI, trained
raters evaluate applicants in a series of
brief, timed, structured stations, and
station ratings are pooled to yield a
summary score. Stations are designed to
assess skills that are difficult to ascertain
from medical school applications, such as
interpersonal communication, teamwork,
ability to handle stress, problem solving,
and integrity/ethics. The MMI is well
accepted by applicants, reasonably
reliable, and predictive of medical school
and subsequent performance.
Little studied is how underrepresented
racial/ethnic minority (URM) and lower
socioeconomic status (SES) applicants
may be affected by adoption of the MMI.
This is a key issue given that U.S. medical
schools admit disproportionately few
URM and lower SES individuals.
admissions declined at many schools
in the wake of legislation restricting
consideration of race and ethnicity in
acceptance decisions,
a trend that may
accelerate following a Supreme Court
decision upholding the constitutionality
of such restrictions.
medical education and health policy
groups call for a more diverse physician
In such a climate, it is
necessary to evaluate how evolving
admissions trends like MMI adoption
may influence the diversity of medical
school classes.
A long-recognized problem with
traditional nonstructured interviews
is vulnerability to interviewer biases
triggered by various applicant
Implicit (i.e.,
unconscious) biases disfavoring racial/
ethnic minority and lower SES persons
are common in U.S. society,
among physicians.
The effects of
bias during interviews can be reduced
by increasing structure (removing
ambiguity and, therefore, the tendency
to rely on stereotype-driven judgments)
and pooling evaluations from multiple
raters (potentially diluting or offsetting
individual biases).
In being
structured and incorporating multiple
raters’ perspectives, the MMI may
thus be less susceptible to implicit bias
effects than traditional medical school
Only three studies to our knowledge
have explored the associations of medical
school applicants’ racial/ethnic minority
status or SES with MMI performance.
In one study, involving six Canadian
schools, aboriginal status was negatively
correlated with MMI scores, whereas
family income level was not significantly
associated with MMI performance.
The analyses included few aboriginal
participants (< 3%) and did not explore
other race/ethnicity categories. Further,
a robust indicator of SES would consider
factors beyond income, such as parental
To examine associations of medical
school applicant underrepresented
minority (URM) status and socioeconomic
status (SES) with Multiple Mini-Interview
(MMI) invitation and performance and
acceptance recommendation.
The authors conducted a correlational
study of applicants submitting secondary
applications to the University of
California, Davis, School of Medicine,
2011–2013. URM applicants were black,
Southeast Asian, Native American,
Pacific Islander, and/or Hispanic. SES
from eight application variables was
modeled (0–1 score, higher score =
lower SES). Regression analyses
examined associations of URM status
and SES with MMI invitation (yes/no),
MMI score (mean of 10 station ratings,
range 0–3), and admission committee
recommendation (accept versus not),
adjusting for age, sex, and academic
Of 7,964 secondary-application
applicants, 19.7% were URM and 15.1%
self-designated disadvantaged; 1,420
(17.8%) participated in the MMI and
were evaluated for acceptance. URM
status was not associated with MMI
invitation (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.98 to
1.33), MMI score (0.00-point difference,
CI −0.08 to 0.08), or acceptance
recommendation (OR 1.08; CI 0.69 to
1.68). Lower SES applicants were more
likely to be invited to an MMI (OR 5.95;
CI 4.76 to 7.44) and recommended for
acceptance (OR 3.28; CI 1.79 to 6.00),
but had lower MMI scores (−0.12 points,
CI −0.23 to −0.01).
MMI-based admissions did not disfavor
URM applicants. Lower SES applicants
had lower MMI scores but were
more likely to be invited to an MMI
and recommended for acceptance.
Multischool collaborations should
examine how MMI-based admissions
affect URM and lower SES applicants.
Acad Med. 2015;90:1667–1674.
First published online May 20, 2015
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000766
Please see the end of this article for information
about the authors.
Correspondence should be addressed to Anthony
Jerant, Department of Family and Community
Medicine, University of California, Davis, School of
Medicine, 4860 Y Street, Suite 2300, Sacramento,
CA 95817; telephone: (916) 734-7081; e-mail:
How Medical School Applicant Race, Ethnicity,
and Socioeconomic Status Relate to Multiple
Mini-Interview–Based Admissions Outcomes:
Findings From One Medical School
Anthony Jerant, MD, Tonya Fancher, MD, MPH, Joshua J. Fenton, MD, MPH,
Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH, Francis Sousa, MD, Peter Franks, MD, and Mark Henderson, MD
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
A single-school U.S. study
using a limited dichotomous (yes/no)
single-item self-report indicator of
disadvantaged status found no evidence
of an association between disadvantaged
status and MMI performance.
a single-school United Kingdom study,
using a geographic area-based measure
of deprivation, found no association
between applicants’ deprivation score
and MMI performance.
ecological measures such as geographic
area deprivation scores have significant
To our knowledge, no studies have
examined whether applicants’ race/
ethnicity influences acceptance following
MMI participation, or whether race/
ethnicity or SES influences the likelihood
of being invited to an MMI. Such
outcomes are likely to be more strongly
influenced by parochial concerns (e.g.,
institutional mission focus) than the
MMI process,
which is relatively
similar across schools.
Nonetheless, it
is important to consider MMI invitation
and acceptance decisions to provide
context for evaluating the MMI-based
admissions process.
We examined the associations of
applicants’ URM status and SES with
MMI invitation, MMI performance, and
post-MMI acceptance recommendation
among applicants to the University
of California, Davis (UCD), School
of Medicine (SOM) in Sacramento,
California, over three admission cycles
(2011–2013), adjusting for other
applicant demographic characteristics and
postsecondary academic performance.
We employed data collected as part of
the routine admissions processes during
the 2011, 2012, and 2013 application
cycles. The admissions office provided
relevant application data in an electronic
spreadsheet with personal identifiers
removed. The study was conducted
from April 18, 2014, through the end
of August 2014. The UCD institutional
review board reviewed the protocol and
determined it was exempt.
Application, screening, and MMI
invitation and scheduling
Applicants initially applied to the
UCD SOM via the American Medical
College Application Service (AMCAS).
Following initial screening based on
cumulative grade point average (GPA)
and Medical College Admission Test
(MCAT) scores, admissions committee
members reviewed all applications and
invited a subset of applicants to submit a
secondary application. Faculty evaluated
secondary applications for invitation
to an MMI based on cumulative
GPA and MCAT scores, personal
statements, extracurricular activities,
recommendation letters, and other
characteristics that could contribute to
fulfilling the educational and service
missions of the school. Invited applicants
self-scheduled their MMI sessions via an
online portal.
MMI process and scoring
The MMI consisted of 10 individual
10-minute stations. At each station,
applicants had 2 minutes to read a brief
set of instructions, and 8 minutes to
address the assigned tasks on entering
the room. Nine stations assessed skills
in the following domains: integrity/
ethics, professionalism, interpersonal
communication, diversity/cultural
awareness, teamwork, ability to handle
stress, and problem solving. An additional
station asked applicants to explain their
choice to pursue a career in medicine.
Most stations were adapted from content
developed at McMaster University and
marketed by ProFitHR.
A single trained rater, blinded to
participants’ AMCAS application
information, attended each station. In
some stations, raters interacted directly
with applicants. At others, raters observed
applicant interactions with actors or
other applicants. There were 216 different
raters during the study period; the mean
number of MMI stations that each
evaluated was 104 (standard deviation
[SD] 61.9; range 8–276). Women made
up 61% of raters. Rater professional
backgrounds were as follows: physicians,
31%; medical students, 15%; other
clinicians (e.g., nurses), 11%; basic
science faculty, 6%; patients, 2%; and
various nonclinician leaders (e.g., deans),
professionals (e.g., lawyers), and high-
level administrative staff (e.g., curriculum
manager), 35%. The range of rater
backgrounds reflected the conviction
that diverse perspectives are helpful in
selecting future physicians who will be
able to work effectively with people from
all walks of life. Mandatory rater training
included a one-hour course reviewing the
admissions process, rater roles and duties,
and the need to avoid pursuing protected
class issues (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender).
At each station, raters scored overall
applicant performance using an
anchored four-point scale: 0, < 25th
percentile performance (relative to other
applicants); 1, 25th–50th percentile;
2, 51st–75th percentile; or 3, > 75th
percentile. Raters were instructed
to consider both the applicant’s
communication abilities and the content
(e.g., comprehensiveness) of their
statements in assigning ratings. The
total MMI score was the mean of each
applicant’s individual station scores.
Scale internal consistency (Cronbach
alpha = 0.67) was comparable to that
observed in other MMI studies.
Acceptance recommendation
The admissions committee met weekly
during the admission cycle to review each
participant’s MMI performance, AMCAS
application, and secondary application.
Subsequently, the committee made one
of the following recommendations:
reject, low waitlist, high waitlist, or offer
acceptance. For the current analyses, we
dichotomized the recommendation (offer
acceptance versus not).
URM status
We determined URM status (URM
[black, Southeast Asian, Native
American, or Pacific Islander race and/
or Hispanic ethnicity] versus not [all
other responses]) from self-reported
race/ethnicity information in the
AMCAS application. These groups
remain underrepresented in the medical
profession relative to the general
Socioeconomic disadvantage
We developed a composite measure of
SES using self-reported information
in the AMCAS application, screening
candidate indicators for inclusion using
logistic regression analyses and based
on their contribution to predicting
applicants’ self-designated disadvantaged
status. The following predictors (yes/
no items except where indicated) were
significant and maximized the area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve
(0.95): fee assistance received for medical
school application (yes/no); childhood
spent in an underserved area; family
recipients of family assistance program;
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
Table 1
Characteristics of 7,964 Applicants to the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
Submitting Secondary Applications, by MMI Participation Status, From a Study of Applicant
Race and Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and MMI-Based Admissions Outcomes, 2011–2013
Not invited to an
MMI, n = 6,389
in an MMI, n = 1,420
All screened applicants,
N = 7,964
Age category (years), no. (%)
< 22 1,113 (17.4) 213 (15.0) 1,363 (17.1)
22 1,664 (26.0) 306 (21.5) 2,011 (25.3)
23 1,388 (21.7) 284 (20.0) 1,699 (21.3)
> 24 2,224 (34.8) 617 (43.5) 2,891 (36.3)
Female, no. (%) 2,884 (45.1) 715 (50.4) 3,678 (46.2)
Underrepresented minority, no. (%)
1,172 (18.3) 368 (25.9) 1,570 (19.7)
Socioeconomic factors
Self-designated disadvantaged, no. (%) 742 (11.6) 425 (29.9) 1,202 (15.1)
Fee assistance, no. (%) 627 (9.8) 274 (19.3) 927 (11.6)
Underserved childhood, no. (%) 662 (10.4) 329 (23.2) 1,019 (12.8)
Family on assistance, no. (%) 981 (15.4) 403 (28.4) 1,416 (17.8)
Any need-based scholarship, no. (%) 1,406 (22.0) 493 (34.7) 1,941 (24.4)
Highest parental education level, no. (%)
Less than high school 61 (1.0) 39 (2.7) 105 (1.3)
High school graduate 259 (4.1) 117 (8.2) 386 (4.8)
Some college 440 (6.9) 115 (8.1) 563 (7.1)
College graduate 5,629 (88.1) 1,149 (80.9) 6,910 (86.8)
Family income category, no. (%)
< $25,000 303 (4.7) 163 (11.5) 480 (6.0)
$25,000 to < $50,000 531 (8.3) 190 (13.4) 735 (9.2)
$50,000 to < $75,000 530 (8.3) 132 (9.3) 670 (8.4)
$75,000 5,025 (78.7) 935 (65.8) 6,079 (76.3)
Contributed to family income, no. (%) 436 (6.8) 220 (15.5) 656 (8.4)
% Family contributed to college costs, mean (SD) 29.1 (39.1) 22.7 (35.1) 27.8 (38.4)
SES score, mean (SD)
0.12 (0.23) 0.25 (0.34) 0.14 (0.26)
Academic factors
Cumulative GPA category, no. (%)
< 3.4 1,070 (16.7) 201 (14.2) 1,283 (16.1)
3.4 to 3.6 1,827 (28.6) 293 (20.6) 2,146 (26.9)
> 3.6 to 3.8 2,060 (32.2) 404 (28.5) 2,510 (31.5)
> 3.8 1,432 (22.4) 522 (36.8) 2,025 (25.4)
Total MCAT score category, no. (%)
19 to 26 277 (4.3) 136 (9.6) 416 (5.2)
27 to 30 1,818 (28.5) 305 (21.5) 2,145 (26.9)
31 to 32 1,517 (23.7) 262 (18.5) 1,797 (22.6)
33 to 34 1,370 (21.4) 246 (17.3) 1,644 (20.6)
35 to 44 1,407 (22.0) 471 (33.2) 1,962 (24.6)
Abbreviations: MMI indicates Multiple Mini-Interview; SD, standard deviation; SES, socioeconomic status; GPA, grade point
average; MCAT, Medical College Admission Test.
For all of the characteristics listed, P < .001 for the difference between those not invited to an MMI and those who
participated in an MMI (chi-square test for categorical variables and t test for continuous variables).
Of the 15,844 people who applied to the medical school during the three-year study period, 8,933 (56.4%) were invited
to submit secondary applications. Of these invitees, 7,964 (89.2%) submitted secondary applications, all of which were
individually screened by the admissions committee to determine MMI invitations.
Applicants indicating black, Southeast Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander race and/or Hispanic ethnicity.
Scaled 0–1.0, higher score meaning lower SES. Derived using logistic regression predicting self-designated disadvantaged status
based on responses to the following application items: fee assistance received for application (yes/no); underserved childhood
(yes/no); family on assistance (yes/no); contributed to family income as child (yes/no); total family income (in dollars); parents’
highest level of education (< high school, high school graduate, some college, college graduate); received financial-need-based
scholarship(s) in college (yes/no); and percentage of college costs contributed by family. See Method for details.
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
income level category of applicant’s
family (< $25,000; $25,000 to < $50,000;
$50,000 to < $75,000; or > $75,000);
applicant contributed to family income;
any financial-need-based scholarship(s)
in paying for postsecondary education;
percentage of postsecondary education
costs contributed by the family; and
parents’ highest level of educational
attainment (< high school, high school
graduate, some college, or college
graduate). The model yielded a predicted
probability of being self-designated
disadvantaged, ranging continuously
from 0 to 1.0 (higher predicted
probability = lower SES). We employed
the score, which correlated 0.91 with a
factor-analytic-derived score, as the study
measure of applicant SES. The SES score
was preferable to alternatives
the continuous scale acknowledges
that socioeconomic disadvantage is
not a binary characteristic and reduces
misclassification (false positives and
Other characteristics
The admissions office also provided
information from AMCAS regarding
applicant age, sex, cumulative
postsecondary GPA, and total MCAT score.
Data analysis
We analyzed the data using Stata version
13.1 (Stata Corporation Inc., College
Station, Texas). We modeled MMI
invitation (yes/no) and medical school
acceptance recommendation (accept
versus not) using logistic regression (a
separate regression for each dependent
variable). We modeled total MMI score
using linear regression. All models
included the following characteristics:
age category (< 22 [reference], 22, 23,
or > 24 years); female gender (yes/no);
URM status (versus not); cumulative
GPA category (< 3.4, 3.4–3.6, > 3.6–3.8,
or > 3.8 [reference]); total MCAT
score category (19–26, 27–30, 31–32,
33–34, or > 34 [reference]); SES (0–1.0
continuous score), and application year
(2011, 2012, or 2013). The acceptance
recommendation model additionally
included the total MMI score (0–3).
During the three study application
cycles, 15,844 people applied, and
8,933 (56.4%) were invited to submit
secondary applications. Of the invitees,
7,964 (89.2%) submitted secondary
applications, and 1,575 (19.8%) were
invited to an MMI. Of the MMI invitees,
1,420 (90.2%) attended an MMI.
Applicant characteristics
Table 1 summarizes the characteristics
of screened applicants. Compared with
those not invited to an MMI, those who
participated in an MMI were older and
more likely to be female, from an URM
group, disadvantaged (based on both self-
designation and the continuous SES score),
and had higher GPAs and MCAT scores.
MMI invitation
Although adjusted URM status was not
associated with MMI invitation, lower
SES was associated with receiving an
MMI invitation, as were older age, female
gender, and higher GPA and MCAT score
(Table 2).
MMI score
Mean MMI score was 1.30 (SD 0.62). In
adjusted analyses, URM status was not
associated with MMI score, but lower SES
was associated with lower MMI scores
(Table 3). Older age, female gender, and
lower GPA were also associated with
MMI score (Table 3).
Acceptance recommendation
Of the 1,420 MMI participants, 334
(23.5%) were recommended for acceptance.
Lower SES was associated with being
recommended for acceptance, whereas
URM status was not (Table 4). Of other
factors examined, mean MMI score was
the most strongly associated with being
recommended for acceptance. Older age,
female gender, and higher GPA and MCAT
scores were also associated with being
recommended for acceptance (Table 4).
In a diverse sample of applicants over
three admission cycles at UCD, superior
MMI performance was strongly linked
Table 2
Results of a Logistic Regression Model Examining Associations of Characteristics
of 7,964 Applicants to the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
Submitting a Secondary Application With MMI Invitation, From a Study of
Applicant Race and Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and MMI-Based Admissions
Outcomes, 2011–2013
Adjusted OR
(95% CI)
P value
Age category (reference < 22)
22 1.10 (0.91, 1.33) .30
23 1.33 (1.09, 1.62) < .01
24+ 1.87 (1.56, 2.24) < .001
1.36 (1.21, 1.53) < .001
Underrepresented minority
1.14 (0.98, 1.33) .08
SES score
5.95 (4.76, 7.44) < .001
GPA (reference > 3.8)
< 3.4 0.32 (0.26, 0.40) < .001
3.4–3.6 0.38 (0.32, 0.45) < .001
> 3.6–3.8 0.52 (0.45, 0.60) < .001
MCAT (reference 35)
< 27 0.69 (0.53, 0.90) < .01
27–30 0.37 (0.31, 0.44) < .001
31–32 0.43 (0.36, 0.51) < .001
33–34 0.50 (0.43, 0.60) < .001
Abbreviations: MMI indicates Multiple Mini-Interview; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; SES,
socioeconomic status; GPA, grade point average; MCAT, Medical College Admission Test.
The logistic regression model also included admission year (2011, 2012, or 2013).
Applicants indicating black, Southeast Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander race and/or Hispanic ethnicity.
Scaled 0–1.0, higher score meaning lower SES. Derived using logistic regression predicting self-designated
disadvantaged status based on responses to the following application items: fee assistance received for
application (yes/no); underserved childhood (yes/no); family on assistance (yes/no); contributed to family income
as child (yes/no); total family income (in dollars); parents’ highest level of education (< high school, high school
graduate, some college, college graduate); received financial-need-based scholarship(s) in college (yes/no); and
percentage of college costs contributed by family. See Method for details.
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
with being recommended for acceptance.
Further, URM applicants were no less
likely than non-URM applicants to
receive an MMI invitation, performed
similarly on the MMI, and were just as
likely to be recommended for acceptance.
In the only prior study to exploring
this issue, MMI performance at six
Canadian medical schools was worse
for the < 3% of applicants with self-
reported aboriginal status, whereas
income was not significantly associated
with MMI scores.
Our findings provide
some reassurance that adoption of the
MMI-based admissions process at U.S.
medical schools need not adversely affect
admission prospects for URM applicants.
The similar MMI scores for URM
and non-URM participants support
the notion that structured interview
processes that incorporate the
perspectives of multiple evaluators like
the MMI may be less vulnerable to the
effects of individual evaluator implicit
Although we did not measure
rater implicit biases regarding racial/
ethnic minorities, such biases have been
documented to be pervasive in U.S.
society, including among physicians and
other professionals,
and can affect the
outcomes of employment interviews in
various fields including medicine.
Thus, it is likely that implicit biases were
present among our raters; however, they
did not exert a significant net influence,
given that mean MMI scores did not
differ between URM and non-URM
applicants. Because lack of URMs in
medicine is a widely acknowledged
it is possible that
biases against URM applicants were
offset by ratings biased in favor of URM
applicants, made by raters seeking to
address limited racial/ethnic diversity in
the physician workforce.
Our findings regarding MMI
performance may have the broadest
applicability, given the relatively high
standardization of the MMI across
By contrast, MMI
invitation and acceptance decisions
are shaped more by parochial concerns
such as institutional mission and local
workforce needs.
In this context, our
finding that lower SES applicants had
worse adjusted MMI performance may
be cause for concern. Although three
prior studies reported no association of
applicant SES with MMI performance,
all relied on less robust measures of SES.
Nonetheless, the decrement in MMI
performance with decreasing SES in
our study was small: The MMI score
(scale of 0–3 points) declined by a mean
of 0.12 points across the 0–1 range of
the SES score. Further, the lower MMI
scores among lower SES applicants
were more than offset by their greater
likelihood of being invited to an MMI
and recommended for acceptance. These
findings may reflect the ongoing shift
from a purely metric-based applicant
review process toward the more holistic
process advocated by the Association of
American Medical Colleges.
Although the reasons for the lower MMI
performance among lower SES applicants
are unclear, poorer postsecondary
academic preparation and performance
are unlikely explanations because we
adjusted for GPA and MCAT score.
Lower SES applicants may have fewer
life experiences bolstering skills assessed
by the MMI. Similar reasoning has
been suggested to explain the lower
MCAT scores among such applicants.
Although less affluent applicants are
more likely to report paid employment
during postsecondary education, their
financial circumstances may require
taking jobs that do not require MMI-type
preemployment screening. Lack of prior
experience with MMI-type screening
may be a disadvantage in the medical
school MMI because prior experience
with a particular interview format is
associated with better future performance
with that format.
Lower-level jobs
also may not facilitate the higher-level
communication, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills the MMI assesses,
and the time required for such jobs may
limit participation in pursuits that build
such skills (e.g., scholarly presentations,
volunteer clinic work).
Rater implicit bias could also help to
explain the lower MMI scores among lower
SES applicants. Raters were not provided
any information about participants,
and only one MMI station afforded
Table 3
Results of a Linear Regression Model Examining Associations of Characteristics
of 1,420 Applicants to the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
Completing an MMI With Total MMI Score, From a Study of Applicant Race and
Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and MMI-Based Admissions Outcomes, 2011–2013
Adjusted PE
(95% CI)
P value
Age category (reference < 22)
22 0.15 (0.05, 0.25) < .01
23 0.14 (0.04, 0.25) < .01
24+ 0.28 (0.18, 0.38) < .001
0.14 (0.08, 0.20) < .001
Underrepresented minority
0.00 (−0.08, 0.08) .97
SES score
−0.12 (−0.23, −0.01) .03
GPA (reference > 3.8)
< 3.4 0.07 (−0.05, 0.18) .25
3.4–3.6 0.15 (0.05, 0.24) < .01
> 3.6–3.8 0.06 (−0.02, 0.14) .12
MCAT (reference 35)
< 27 0.00 (−0.13, 0.14) .96
27–30 0.03 (−0.07, 0.13) .56
31–32 0.03 (−0.06, 0.12) .54
33–34 0.05 (−0.04, 0.14) .31
Abbreviations: MMI indicates Multiple Mini-Interview; PE, parameter estimate; CI, confidence interval; SES,
socioeconomic status; GPA, grade point average; MCAT, Medical College Admission Test.
The linear regression model also included admission year (2011, 2012, or 2013).
Applicants indicating black, Southeast Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander race and/or Hispanic ethnicity.
Scaled 0–1.0, higher score meaning lower SES. Derived using logistic regression predicting self-designated
disadvantaged status based on responses to the following application items: fee assistance received for
application (yes/no); underserved childhood (yes/no); family on assistance (yes/no); contributed to family income
as child (yes/no); total family income (in dollars); parents’ highest level of education (< high school, high school
graduate, some college, college graduate); received financial-need-based scholarship(s) in college (yes/no); and
percentage of college costs contributed by family. See Method for details.
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
applicants the opportunity to describe
their backgrounds. Nonetheless, subtle
information apparent to raters could have
led to implicitly biased ratings, possibly
triggered by the generally relatively
large social distance between lower SES
applicants and the typical rater.
of our MMI raters were well educated and
relatively affluent. Prior work indicates that
applicant factors such as use of language
unfamiliar to the typical rater could trigger
a biased low rating.
Applicants’ verbal
skills have been shown to determine
immediate interviewer impressions and,
in turn, final appraisals.
The issue of
SES-based physician workforce disparities
has received less attention than race/
ethnicity-based disparities.
Thus, it is less
likely that raters consciously biased their
evaluations in favor of lower SES applicants
to address SES-based physician workforce
disparities. If our findings are replicated,
it would suggest the need to consider rater
training to minimize the influence of
SES-based biases.
We found that older applicants and
women performed better than their
younger and male counterparts both in the
MMI (consistent with prior studies
and throughout the admissions process.
Older applicants are more likely to have
had life experiences requiring effective
communication. Women, more than men,
have been noted to communicate in ways
that quickly build rapport in novel social
situations such as the MMI. Previously
underrepresented in medicine, women
now constitute well over half of all U.S.
medical students.
Given the increasing
adoption of the MMI and strong influence
of MMI performance on medical school
acceptance, our findings suggest the
potential for a disparity to develop
disfavoring male applicants, and warrant
Our study was correlational, limiting
causal inferences. Our data were derived
from applicants at a single school. How
the findings generalize to other schools
is unclear. We lacked sociodemographic
information regarding MMI raters
and admissions committee personnel,
precluding examination of how such
characteristics may have influenced the
study outcomes. We employed a novel
composite measure of SES, albeit one
with theoretical advantages over other
Because schools vary widely
in institutional mission,
pools, admissions personnel, and other
attributes, multi-institution studies
are needed to better gauge the impact
of MMI-based admissions processes
on URM and socioeconomically
disadvantaged applicants. Studies ideally
should account for the characteristics of
admissions personnel and applicants, and
examine the relative utility of different
SES indicators. It is also unknown
whether URM or lower SES applicants
would have fared differently in one-
on-one interview-based admissions
processes. Ideally, randomized trials
would compare traditional interview
processes with MMI-based processes,
examining their impact on the prospects
of URM and lower SES applicants.
In conclusion, in analyses of data from
one California medical school, an
MMI-based admissions process did not
disfavor racial/ethnic minority groups
underrepresented in the physician
workforce. Applicants from lower SES
backgrounds, also underrepresented in
medicine, had lower MMI scores but
were more likely to receive an MMI
invitation and be recommended for
acceptance. Multischool collaborations
are needed to further evaluate the
impact of MMI-based medical school
admissions processes on URM and lower
SES applicants.
Funding/Support: None reported.
Other disclosures: None reported.
Ethical approval: On April 18, 2014, the University
of California Davis (UCD) institutional review
board (IRB) reviewed the study protocol (UCD
IRB reference number 599704-1) and concluded
that it is not human subjects research, based on
the use of completely anonymous data that were
collected for a purpose other than the research,
and is therefore exempted from IRB approval and
Table 4
Results of a Logistic Regression Model Examining Associations of Characteristics
of 1,420 Applicants to the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
Completing an MMI With Admissions Committee Recommendation to Accept, From
a Study of Applicant Race and Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and MMI-Based
Admissions Outcomes, 2011–2013
Adjusted OR
(95% CI)
P value
Age category (reference < 22)
22 1.14 (0.62, 2.11) .66
23 2.13 (1.15, 3.95) .02
24+ 1.78 (1.01, 3.15) .05
1.42 (1.02, 1.99) .04
Underrepresented minority
1.08 (0.69, 1.68) .74
SES score
3.28 (1.79, 6.00) < .001
GPA (reference > 3.8)
< 3.4 0.14 (0.07, 0.29) < .001
3.4–3.6 0.51 (0.32, 0.83) < .01
> 3.6–3.8 0.84 (0.56, 1.26) .39
MCAT (reference > 35)
< 27 0.25 (0.12, 0.54) < .001
27–30 0.28 (0.16, 0.48) < .001
31–32 0.69 (0.43, 1.11) .12
33–34 0.56 (0.34, 0.90) .02
MMI score
35.24 (23.14, 53.67) < .001
Abbreviations: MMI indicates Multiple Mini-Interview; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; SES,
socioeconomic status; GPA, grade point average; MCAT, Medical College Admission Test.
The logistic regression model also included admission year (2011, 2012, or 2013).
Applicants indicating black, Southeast Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander race and/or Hispanic ethnicity.
Scaled 0–1.0, higher score meaning lower SES. Derived using logistic regression predicting self-designated
disadvantaged status based on responses to the following application items: fee assistance received for
application (yes/no); underserved childhood (yes/no); family on assistance (yes/no); contributed to family income
as child (yes/no); total family income (in dollars); parents’ highest level of education (< high school, high school
graduate, some college, college graduate); received financial need-based scholarship(s) in college (yes/no); and
percentage of college costs contributed by family. See Method for details.
Mean of 10 individual station scores assigned by application-blinded raters; score range 0–3.
Copyright © by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research Report
Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 12 / December 2015
A. Jerant is professor, Department of Family and
Community Medicine, Center for Healthcare Policy
and Research, University of California, Davis, School
of Medicine, Sacramento, California.
T. Fancher is associate professor, Division of
General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal
Medicine, University of California, Davis, School of
Medicine, Sacramento, California.
J.J. Fenton is associate professor, Department
of Family and Community Medicine, Center for
Healthcare Policy and Research, University of
California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento,
K. Fiscella is professor, Department of Family
Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine
and Dentistry, Rochester, New York.
F. Sousa is assistant dean, Admissions and Student
Development, and volunteer clinical professor,
Department of Internal Medicine, University of
California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento,
P. Franks is professor, Department of Family and
Community Medicine, Center for Healthcare Policy
and Research, University of California, Davis, School
of Medicine, Sacramento, California.
M. Henderson is associate dean, Admissions
and Outreach, and professor, Division of General
Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine,
Sacramento, California.
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On November 8, 2013, Typhoon Haiyan
displaced 4 million Filipinos. Over 6,000
people drowned, including three of my
relatives. Hundreds of unidentified bodies
were burned a month later. I believe that my
6-year-old cousin was among them; he was
never found. My 80-year-old grandmother
was found, under the family jeep; they
buried her properly. Most of my other
relatives survived. They clung to coconut
trees despite 195 mph winds, floated up to
the attic as water levels rose, and ate Spam
out of the can for days to stay alive.
Their suffering reached me in Rochester,
New York. I was eager to apply what I
had learned in my first year of medical
training to the recovery efforts. I arrived
in Tacloban and commuted to my
designated rural health clinic, only to
discover that my physician supervisor
would be gone the following week. I
was frustrated and upset. I had traveled
halfway across the world to spend the
last free summer of my life like this? To
be told to come back tomorrow and only
have three days to help? On my way out,
people hailing from over 65 barangays
(neighborhoods) waited under the
unrelenting sun to be seen at the clinic.
Their patient, amiable smiles met my
fuming eyes; it gave me pause. The next
day, I delivered the two bags of syringes I
had brought from Rochester, since I knew
the clinic had run out. With my shortened
stay, this was the only tangible way I
could contribute. Unfortunately, they
needed syringes with needles to administer
tuberculosis and Depo-Provera shots. In
that moment, I realized how little I knew.
My assigned physician supervisor was
the sole physician responsible for the
care of thousands, so she had no time
to mentor me. Instead, I accompanied
nurses and midwives during their pediatric
vaccination community outreach. En route
to a neighboring barangay, a nurse pointed
out the unfinished bridge that caused
many of the motorcycle accident injuries
they saw in the clinic. A year earlier, the
president of the Philippines had designated
1.2 million pesos for its completion; no
one knew where the money had gone.
The region had a history of poverty,
corrupt politics, and the stigmatization
of its islanders as lazy. In addition to
Haiyans destruction, Tacloban was a site of
structural violence, the sociological term
Paul Farmer uses to highlight how social
institutions disempower people and cause
negative health consequences.
Shadowing nurses and midwives, I learned
how the quality and delivery of care hinged
on this cohesive health care team and
their fluid navigation of unmarked roads,
family/land politics, and relationships
with community officials, in addition
to their medical knowledge and skills.
Observing them in their element helped
me appreciate the approach, skills, and
knowledge I hope to bring to my future
patients: a multidisciplinary, team-based
understanding of social context grounded
in forging community relationships.
I brought back many lessons from
Tacloban to Rochester. I became the
education coordinator of my school’s
Street Medicine chapter, which reaches
out to the homeless and connects them
with social services. In this role, I surveyed
clients about their priorities and found
that frostbite prevention, wound care, and
opiate overdose reversal kits were pressing
needs. Moreover, the relationships we
built during street rounds, with clients
and with local outreach teams of nurses,
deacons, and social workers, are critical
to being able to comprehensively address
the complex needs the clients identified.
Becoming a participant–observer taught
me that doctors are not the only source
of valuable health information. Indeed,
valuable health information extends
beyond biomedicine to the social map
of the community as well as that of
the health care team. My mistakes as a
medical voluntourist abroad taught me
my first lessons in patient-centered care
and health advocacy, lessons I hope to
continue to apply here at home.
Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank
Cheryl Kodjo, Sonia Mendoza, and Helena Hansen
for their mentorship and support of this work.
Nichole Roxas
N. Roxas is a third-year medical student, University
of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Rochester, New York; e-mail: nichole_roxas@urmc.
An AM Rounds blog post on this article is available
Teaching and Learning Moments
Confessions of a Medical Voluntourist