The Underrepresented Applicant
Emergency Medicine Applying Guide
Liza Smith, MD, Ronnie Ren, MD, Michael Zhou, MD, Melanie Camejo,
MD, Caitlin Schrepel, MD and Alexis Pelletier-Bui MD
on behalf of the CORD-Advising Students Committee in Emergency Medicine
This application guide is intended for Emergency Medicine bound medical
students who identify as being from a group which is underrepresented in the
medical field as well as their respective advisers and mentors. This guide is
intended as a supplement to the CORD/EMRA Applying Guide.
Background & Overview
Promotion of diversity and inclusion in the healthcare workforce has long been a focus
of many national healthcare organizations, including its incorporation as part of the
strategic plan of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).
Despite this
focus, groups traditionally considered to be Underrepresented Minorities (URM),
including Black, Hispanic, and Native American doctors, remain underrepresented in
their respective proportions among EM trainees.
This underrepresentation presents
unique challenges for applicants to Emergency Medicine (EM) who identify within
underrepresented groups.
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) defines persons who are
underrepresented in medicine as:
"Those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical
profession relative to their numbers in the general population."
While more inclusive than previous iterations, this definition does not adequately
delineate all groups that more modern thinking would consider underrepresented.
Individual institutions often have their own definitions inclusive of other groups of
students, such as those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer,
and others (LGBTQ+), those who have physical disabilities, or those who are from
lower socioeconomic status. These groups have yet to be widely included in definitions
of underrepresented on a national level, however. As such, these groups are
under-recognized and are often not included in data collection regarding
underrepresented persons, so there is very limited information on the state of these
populations within medicine in general and within EM specifically. This addendum to
the general EM applying guide aims to address all those who are underrepresented,
whether it be a group specifically listed in this guide or not.
Being an Underrepresented Minority (URM) in medicine should be a point of pride,
especially when getting into medical school alone is an incredible achievement only a
small percentage of America can claim. We recognize that some who read this guide
may feel less optimistic about their identity or trusting of their environment, and it is
these students we most want to reach. While the journey of medical school and
residency application may seem like an “uphill” battle made even more challenging by
one’s URM status, know that there are many resources out there.
What are the Challenges Facing Underrepresented Applicants?
One challenge facing URMs is overcoming the stigma that may come with being
perceived as “different” in some way. This difference may be embraced by some, but
others may try to minimize it for a variety of reasons. There is a fine balance between
being proud of your heritage/embracing your uniqueness and trying to blend in with
your medical school class. Finding the right balance is different for everyone. With this
said, at the end of the day, we all wish to be considered on our merits and treated as
Another challenge is that application reviewers are human, and therefore prone to bias,
often on a subconscious, or implicit level. Overt discrimination based on race, gender,
religion, sexual orientation, etc. is unacceptable in the selection process, but it remains
an unfortunate fact that URM’s may face implicit discrimination when subconscious
beliefs or unrecognized stereotypes result in unconscious reactions by reviewers. In
one study, EM residency applicants who self-identified as underrepresented completed
a survey regarding factors that were important to them in selecting a residency
program as well as data about their application. This study found that while the
median number of applications between underrepresented applicants (URMs) and
non-underrepresented applicants (non-URMs) was similar, the median number of
interviews was significantly higher for the non-URM group--20 interviews versus 15
interviews for the URMs.
The study did not differentiate between interviews offered or
interviews attended, so there could be other factors, such as the socioeconomic
challenges of attending many interviews, influencing these data.
To address this issue, ACEP has supported implicit bias training for all EM providers.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is one tool used within medical education to assess
subconscious associations of particular groups with certain positive and negative
characteristics. In one study, a medical school administered the IAT to its admissions
committee and found that both the faculty and student committee members had an
unconscious preference for white applicants.
By becoming aware of one’s implicit
biases, one can consciously find ways to overcome them. While this may seem
discouraging, there is growing awareness and focus on implicit bias within medicine
which will hopefully, over time, mitigate these inequalities , and many programs are
actively looking to bring more diversity into their residency classes as well as to their
faculty at all levels.
Maximizing Your Application
The majority of the application of an URM student should not differ from that of a
non-URM student. Factors such as supportive SLOEs, good clinical rotation grades,
strong board scores, extracurricular activities, and leadership roles should still be the
emphasis of the application.
Preclinical Years
Medical school demands can feel overwhelming, even worse if you feel isolated.
Please know that you are not alone. Find your support network of family, friends, and
mentors who can support you throughout this journey. Being a URM in medicine may
mean being the first physician in your family or group of friends. They may not know
how to properly support you in medicine yet, but they also know you best. Remember
that this is new to them as well. Work with them to foster understanding and support.
Learn to take care of yourself in order to better care for others. Some may benefit from
school resources for wellness, academics, and mental health support. Others may
have to seek out mentorship or resources from other institutions. Looking for help is
not a sign of weakness, but a measure of self-awareness and an important part of
becoming a better physician.
Find a good mentor. The majority of URM physician leaders credit at least a part of
their success to mentors who helped them grow, establish networks, and unlock
opportunities to advance their careers. Every student, including URM students, are
advised to seek out advisors and mentors to help guide them through the complicated
process of advancing in both medicine and life - a path full of cultural nuances that
may come naturally to traditional students but are often taken for granted.
An adviser or mentor with similar URM background and understanding of your specific
needs as an EM bound applicant is of course helpful. They can offer perspective in
ways non-URM advisers often cannot. Finding this connection can be logistically
challenging for many students, however. Worse, pigeonholing oneself to a mentor
based solely on their minority background - by choice or by well-intentioned
encouragement - may backfire if they are not equipped to advise you on EM specific
issues. You may find yourself seeking out more than one mentor, each one bringing his
or her own expertise and perspective to your experience. Utilize diversity groups within
EM and other medical associations for URMs that may have resources to identify
mentors that meet your needs (see list of resources at the end of this guide).
Having any mentor in EM, as long as both parties are committed, is better than having
none. Good expectation setting and meaningful conversations may overcome initial
differences, creating a mutually enriching relationship. At a minimum, these mentors
can explain the universal expectations for matching in emergency medicine, even if
that path might not be equitable yet. Understanding the importance of role models and
mentorship in the recruitment and advancement of underrepresented applicants, many
programs are seeking out ways to recruit and retain faculty at all levels from
traditionally underrepresented minority groups.
There are additional opportunities specifically for Underrepresented Minority students
during the preclinical years. Many institutions offer diversity summer fellowships which
take place between first and second year of medical school in addition to some more
longitudinal projects for URM students. Although these programs are sponsored
through many different organizations and institutions, PENN has compiled a good
representative list here. If this is something you are interested in, it is worth doing your
own search to see what additional opportunities are out there as this list is by no
means comprehensive.
EM Rotations
There are many factors that go into choosing where to complete an away rotation in
EM--trying out a new geographic area, a different type of clinical setting, a different
patient population, etc. Know that many programs are committed to fostering inclusive
learning environments and are eager to increase the diversity of their residency classes.
One of the ways programs have sought to recruit underrepresented applicants is
through Visiting Elective Clerkships for students from groups underrepresented in
medicine. These electives often offer a stipend to offset the cost of rotating at an away
institution and are often focused on caring for underserved populations or on
decreasing health disparities. A listing of these opportunities can be found through the
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) or through the Emergency
Medicine Residents Association (EMRA). The number of programs offering these
opportunities has grown exponentially in the last couple of years and it is now an
available filter on EMRA Match for Clerkships.
Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)
ERAS includes the curriculum vitae section of your application which shows the
education, work, extracurricular, leadership, and volunteer experiences you have
completed up to this point. ERAS asks applicants to upload a photograph of
themselves which will be visible on the front page of the application. Including a
photograph is optional, but is almost universally expected. There have been
discussions in other specialties about removing the photograph from the ERAS
application or making photographs available only after an applicant has been offered
an interview as a way to counter implicit bias.
However, this idea has not garnered
wide acceptance.
In regards to the rest of the ERAS application, one must keep in mind that for some
applicants, their URM status is not so clearly discerned from a name or a picture, for
instance. For these applicants, you or your advisors may question whether or not to
include certain aspects of your previous experiences if they highlight or bring attention
to your URM status. For example, many LGBTQ+ applicants are concerned about
outing” themselves in their application if their previous work, volunteer, and
extracurricular experience is strongly associated with LGBTQ+ organizations or causes,
as this may open them up to implicit or explicit bias from application reviewers. In a
2015 study, 43.5% of medical students who concealed their sexual identity in medical
school stated they did so because they feared discrimination.
Speaking on behalf of
EM advisors and educators, we feel that all of you should be proud of all the work that
you have done and, in general, should not hesitate to include it on your application.
Ideally, you want a program where you feel comfortable being yourself, but if you are
uneasy about this decision, it can be helpful to discuss your concerns with your
Some applicants whose URM status may not be readily apparent may face constraints
outside of their control necessitating seeking out a match in a geographic region, for
instance, where they may not feel a connection or comfort with their URM status being
well received, such as those pursuing a military match or who are likely to be
less-competitive. An argument can be made for these applicants to be fully
themselves and trust in the progress that has been made when it comes to overcoming
implicit bias among reviewers. Some applicants or their advisors may feel that the best
course of action for them is to limit how much of their URM status they reveal in the
initial application. It is also important to acknowledge that there may be occasions
when an advisor or a dean may recommend excluding certain portions of your
application in the name of preventing bias from reviewers. It can be intimidating to go
against the advice of someone in a position of power, and it may shake your
confidence in an already stressful application process. This judgment is a very
personal one and a decision that an advisor within the URM community might be best
suited to help guide. Ultimately, limiting the amount of information on your application
concerning your URM status is a very personal decision that can only be made by you.
You should put forward the version of yourself that you are most confident and
comfortable being.
Personal Statement
A personal statement is by definition personal, but some URM applicants may worry
about revealing too much and once again opening themselves up to implicit bias
among reviewers. You will want to write about personal experiences that mean
something to you, revealing as much of yourself as you are comfortable with. If you
would like to share what it was like being the first doctor in your family or make
reference to your same-sex partner, you are free to do so. If you have hesitation about
including these topics, then don’t. Know that of all the components of your residency
application, the personal statement carries less weight than almost every other part, so
don’t spend too much time angsting over it.
Program Selection
Just as there are many factors that go into choosing an away rotation, there are even
more that go into selecting the program where you will complete residency training. Try
to choose a location where you will be happy spending the next three or four years of
your life. Residency can be even more demanding than medical school, and having a
strong support network can be even more critical. This may mean pursuing programs
that are close to family and friends or one that has other URM members or serves a
community where you feel a connection.
Looking through a program’s current residency classes and faculty may help an
applicant identify programs that are likely to provide easier access to opportunities for
mentorship within the underrepresented community. Also, speaking with current
residents and faculty is an excellent way to gather information on the diversity of a
program and its commitment to inclusion. Programs may have diversity statements
formalizing their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of their website
or application information. There is no efficient way to identify programs who offer
these statements or a streamlined approach to locate these statements on the
program’s website, however.
While some programs may not on the surface seem diverse, it is often not due to the
lack of effort, and they may have robust strategies for providing support and
opportunities to URMs. Developing diversity takes time and is made more difficult by
the fact that other programs with already established diversity may be more attractive
to an URM applicant. URM students who want to help shape or reshape the culture of
a program, however, may thrive in these settings. Feeling a connection on interview
day is one of the most important factors in program selection, and this non-quantifiable
gut” feeling should probably outweigh any of the other more measurable
For married applicants, or those who have or plan to have a family, finding a location
where your significant other and/or children will thrive is also important. Speaking with
faculty and residents on interview day or at the pre-interview social events can be a
great way to get insight and information on this. Websites such as the US Department
of Education site can provide helpful data as well. It is also important to mention that
while marriage equality is law in all 50 states, there is much more nuance regarding
acceptance and legal recognition of same sex adoptive parents or insurance coverage
for assisted reproduction. Resources such as the Equality Map through the Movement
Advancement Project can help students navigate through some of these legal
A general rule of thumb is to just be yourself during the interview day. This is a time to
see if you “click” with the program and the people that you are interviewing with. Be
aware that any topic on your application can be brought up as a discussion point, so
be ready to confidently talk about all aspects of your application. While no applicant
should unwillingly endure personal questions about their race, religion, sexual
orientation, etc - and these topics are technically “illegal” unless mentioned in your
application - you should be ready to address these subjects if they were to arise.
However well-meaning the interviewer might be, these conversations are potentially
awkward and may contain uncomfortable or even insulting questions. If you are
uncomfortable with the direction of the interview or with answering a particular
question, explain that to the interviewer and then move on to discussing something
else. Interview day is supposed to be an exciting day. Highlight your achievements by
putting forward your most accomplished and confident self.
On the other hand, you may elect to deliberately discuss these topics at the interview
or more informally at the interview-associated social events. This creates an
opportunity to gauge the response and gives you a chance to explore a program’s
inclusiveness and support for diversity. Given that most interviewers are at least aware
of illegal topics and will try to avoid asking, you as an interviewee have a great
opportunity to control the narrative on this subject. It may benefit you to discuss with a
mentor how to appropriately and most effectively do so.
What are some tools and resources that can help me?
EMRA: Many resources available through the Diversity and Inclusion Committee,
which aims to “promote and support diversity and inclusion for medical students and
EM physicians-in-training on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, sexual
orientation, age, socioeconomic status, religion, culture, disability, spirituality, and
other characteristics; through education, collaboration, advocacy and research.
SNMA: Formed in 1964, the Student National Medical Association is “committed to
supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing
the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically
excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians.
AMSA-REACH: The American Medical Student Association's Race, Ethnicity, and
Culture in Health Action Committee has a tremendous list of resources available for
students looking to get more involved.
AMA-MAS: The American Medical Association-Minority Affairs Section is free for all
students, regardless of AMA membership and offers many scholarship programs and
SAEM-ADIEM: The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine's Academy for
Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine is an excellent place to find an EM
There are multiple other organizations for support of medical students from
underrepresented groups including, but not limited to:
Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA)
Muslim Medical Student Association (MMSA)
Key Points
1. There are many resources to help Underrepresented Minorities find a support
system, including mentors and advisors, to successfully navigate medical school
and residency application process.
2. Your EM residency application should reflect the person you are most
comfortable being--highlighting the most accomplished, confident version of
3. In rare scenarios, an applicant may be advised or decide to limit or omit
information relating to their underrepresented status in order to prevent implicit
bias from application reviewers.
1. Parker RB, Stack SJ, Schneider SM; ACEP Diversity Summit 2016 Attendees. Why
Diversity and Inclusion Are Critical to the American College of Emergency Physicians'
Future Success. Ann Emerg Med. 2017 Jun;69(6):714-717.
2. Association of American Medical Colleges. Electronic Residency Application Service
Overview. 2017. (Accessed October 1st at
3. Association of American Medical Colleges. Underrepresented in Medicine Definition.
(Accessed October 1st at
4. Boatright D, Simon J, Jarou Z, Tunson J, Flores S, Woods C, Heron S, Gisondi MA,
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5. Parker R, Stack S, Schneider S. Why Diversity and Inclusion Are Critical to the American
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6. Capers Q, Clinchot D, McDougle L, Greenwald AG. Implicit Racial Bias in Medical
School Admissions. Acad Med. March 2017;92(3):365-369.
7. Kogan, Monica and Rachel M. Frank. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words:
Unconscious Bias in the Residency Application Process? The American Journal of
Orthopedics. September 2015:E358-59.
8. Mansh M, White W, Gee-Tong L, Lunn M, Mitchell R, Obedin-Maliver J, Stewar L,
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Minority Identity Disclosure During Undergraduate Medical Education: "In the Closet" in
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9. Jarou Z, Jeffrey D. Diversifying Emergency Medicine. EM Resident. 1/30/2016.
(Accessed September 12th at