(Title 60, O.S. Section 831 et seq.)
Effective July 1, 1995
(amended as of January 1, 2008)
sale under a power of sale after default in an obliga-
tion secured by any instrument containing a power
of sale, or transfers by a mortgagee who has ac-
quired the real property at a sale conducted pursu-
ant to a power of sale or a sale pursuant to a decree
of foreclosure or has acquired the real property by
deed in lieu of foreclosure;
3. Transfers by a fiduciary who is not an owner
occupant of the subject property in the course of the
administration of a decedent’s estate, guardianship,
conservatorship or trust;
4. Transfers from one co-owner to one or more
other co-owners;
5. Transfers made to a spouse, or to the person
or persons in the lineal line of consanguinity of one
or more of the owners;
6. Transfers between spouses resulting from a
decree of dissolution of marriage or a decree of legal
separation or from a property settlement agreement
incidental to such a decree;
7. Transfers made pursuant to mergers and from
a subsidiary to a parent or the reverse;
8. Transfers or exchanges to or from any gov-
ernmental entity; or
9. Transfers of a newly constructed, previously
unoccupied dwelling.
B. Nothing in this act shall be construed to alter or
change the requirements of Section 858-513 of Title
59 of the Oklahoma Statutes, regarding psychologi-
cally impacted real estate.
Section 839, Notices and acknowledgements
Any notices or acknowledgements required under
this act need not be sworn to, verified or acknowl-
Section 837. Remedies
A. The purchaser may recover in a civil action
only in the event of any of the following:
1. The failure of the seller to provide to the pur-
chaser a disclaimer statement or a disclosure state-
ment and any amendment prior to acceptance of an
offer to purchase;
2. The failure of the seller to disclose in the dis-
closure statement or any amendment provided to
the purchaser a defect which was actually known to
the seller prior to acceptance of an offer to purchase;
3. The failure of the real estate licensee to dis-
close to the purchaser any defects in the property
actually known to the real estate licensee prior to ac-
ceptance of an offer to purchase and which were not
included in the disclosure statement or any amend-
ment provided to the purchaser.
B. The sole and exclusive civil remedy at com-
mon law or otherwise for a failure under subsec-
tion A of this section by the seller or the real estate
licensee shall be an action for actual damages, in-
cluding the cost of repairing the defect suffered by
the purchaser as a result of a defect existing in the
property as of the date of acceptance by the seller
of an offer to purchase and shall not include the rem-
edy of exemplary damages.
C. Any action brought under this act shall be
commenced within two (2) years after the date of
transfer of real property subject to this act.
D. In any civil action brought under this act, the
prevailing party shall be allowed court costs and a
reasonable attorney fee to be set by the court and to
be collected as costs.
E. A transfer of a possessory interest in prop-
erty subject to this act may not be invalidated solely
because of the failure of any person to comply with
this act.
F. This act applies to, regulates and determines
rights, duties, obligations and remedies at common
law or otherwise of the seller, the real estate licens-
ee and the purchaser with respect to disclosure of
defects in property and supplants and abrogates all
common law liability, rights, duties, obligations and
remedies therefore.
Section 838, Exemptions from application of act
A. This act does not apply to:
1. Transfers pursuant to court order, including,
but not limited to, transfers pursuant to a writ of ex-
ecution, transfers by eminent domain and transfers
pursuant to an order for partition;
2. Transfers to a mortgagee by a mortgagor or
successor in interest who is in default, transfers by
any foreclosure sale after default in an obligation
secured by a mortgage, transfers by a mortgagee’s
b. the approximation was clearly identified
as such and was reasonable and based
on the best information available to the
seller, and
c. the approximation was not used to cir-
cumvent the disclosure requirements of
this act;
2. The error, inaccuracy or omission was not
within the actual knowledge of the seller; or
3. The disclosure was based on information pro-
vided by public agencies and the seller reasonably
believed the information to be correct.
C. The delivery by a public agency of any infor-
mation required to be disclosed by the seller of the
property shall satisfy the requirements of this act as
to the disclosures to which the information being fur-
nished is applicable.
Section 836. Duties of real estate licensee
A. A real estate licensee representing or assist-
ing a seller has the duty to obtain from the seller a
disclaimer statement or a disclosure statement and
any amendment required by the Residential Prop-
erty Condition Disclosure Act and to make such
statement available to potential purchasers prior to
acceptance of an offer to purchase.
B. A real estate licensee representing or assisting
a purchaser has the duty to obtain and make avail-
able to the purchaser a disclaimer statement or a
disclosure statement and any amendment required
by the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act
prior to the acceptance of an offer to purchase.
C. A real estate licensee has the duty to disclose
to the purchaser any defects in the property actually
known to the licensee which are not included in the
disclosure statement or any amendment.
D. A real estate licensee who has complied with
the requirements of subsections A, B and C of this
section, as applicable, shall have no further duties to
the seller or the purchaser regarding any disclosures
required under the Residential Property Condition
Disclosure Act.
A real estate licensee who has not complied with
the requirements of subsections A, B and C of this
section shall be subject to disciplinary action by
the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission as set forth
in paragraph 6 of Section 858-208 of Title 59 of the
Oklahoma Statutes.
E. Real estate licensee has no duty to the seller
or the purchaser to conduct an independent inspec-
tion of the property and has no duty to independent-
ly verify the accuracy or completeness of any state-
ment made by the seller in the disclaimer statement
or the disclosure statement and any amendment.
This publication, printed by the University of Oklahoma
Printing Services, is issued by the Oklahoma Real
Estate Commission as authorized by Charla J.
Slabotsky, Executive Director. The entire cost of
preparing this publication has been borne by the Real
Estate Licensees through their Education and Recovery
Fund fees.
order. The disclosures required shall also include
a statement of whether the seller has actual knowl-
edge of defects or information in relation to the fol-
a. water and sewer systems, including
the source of household water, water
treatment systems, sprinkler systems,
occurrence of water in the heating and
air conditioning ducts, water seepage or
leakage, drainage or grading problems
and flood zone status,
b. structural systems, including the roof,
walls, floors, foundation and any base-
c. plumbing, electrical heating and air condi-
tioning systems,
d. infestation or damage of wood-destroying
e. major fire or tornado damage,
f. land use matters,
g. existence of hazardous or regulated ma-
terials and other conditions having an
environmental impact.
h. existence of prior manufacturing of meth-
i. any other defects known to the seller,
j. other matters the Oklahoma Real Estate
Commission deems appropriate.
2. The disclosure statement shall include the
following notices to the purchaser in bold and con-
spicuous type:
a. The information and statements con-
tained in this disclosure statement are
declarations and representations of the
seller and are not the representations of
the real estate licensee.”,
b. “The information contained in this disclo-
sure statement is not intended to be a
part of any contract between the purchas-
er and the seller.”, and
c. “The declarations and information con-
tained in this disclosure statement are
not warranties, express or implied of any
kind, and are not a substitute for any
inspections or warranties the purchaser
may wish to obtain.”
C. Either the disclaimer statement or the dis-
closure statement required by this section must be
completed, signed and dated by the seller. The date
of completion on either statement may not be more
than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date
of receipt for the statement by the purchaser.
D. The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission shall
develop by rule the forms for the residential prop-
erty condition disclaimer and the residential property
condition disclosure statement. After development of
the initial forms, the Oklahoma Real Estate Commis-
3. “Purchaser” means one or more persons who
are attempting to acquire a possessory interest in
4. Real estate licensee” means a person li-
censed under the Oklahoma Real Estate License
5. Transfer” means a sale or conveyance, ex-
change or option to purchase by written instrument
of a possessory interest in property for consider-
6. “Person” means an individual, corporation, lim-
ited liability company, partnership, association, trust
or other legal entity or any combination thereof;
7. “Contract” means a real estate purchase con-
tract for the sale, conveyance or exchange of prop-
erty, option to purchase property, or a lease with an
option to purchase property;
8. Property” means residential real property
improved with not less than one nor more than two
dwelling units;
9. Defect” means a condition, malfunction or
problem that would have a materially adverse effect
on the monetary value of the property, or that would
impair the health or safety of future occupants of the
10. “Disclosure” means a written declaration re-
quired by this act based on actual knowledge of the
seller regarding certain physical conditions of the
property. A disclosure for purposes of this act is not
a warranty, implied or express, of any kind;
11. “Disclaimer statement” means the statement
described in paragraph 1 of subsection A of section
3 of this act; and
12. “Disclosure statement” means the statement
described in paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section
3 of this act.
Section 833. Disclaimer and disclosure
A. A seller of property located in this state shall
deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the purchaser of
such property one of the following:
1. A written property disclaimer statement on a
form established by rule by the Oklahoma Real Es-
tate Commission which states that the seller:
a. has never occupied the property and
makes no disclosures concerning the
condition of the property, and
b. has no actual knowledge of any defect;
2. A written property condition disclosure state-
ment on a form established by rule by the Oklahoma
Real Estate Commission which shall include the in-
formation set forth in subsection B of this section.
B. 1. The disclosure statement shall include an
identification of items and improvements which are
included in the sale of the property and whether
such items or improvements are in normal working
The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission does
not have jurisdiction over the Residential Property
Condition Disclosure Act but does have jurisdiction
over a real estate licensee who fails to comply with
this act.
The Real Estate Commission is responsible for
developing and amending the disclosure and dis-
claimer forms and making such forms available.
This pamphlet has been compiled and published
for the benefit of real estate licensees and members
of the general public for information purposes only.
It is intended as a general guide and is not for the
purpose of answering specific legal questions.
Questions of interpretation should be referred to an
Any alleged dispute or violation of this Act of a
civil nature must be adjudicated in a court of proper
jurisdiction. Further, if the violation involves a real
estate licensee, individuals should contact the Real
Estate Commission.
Oklahoma Statutes, Title 60, Sections 831-839
Section 831, Short title This act shall be known and
may be cited as the “Residential Property Condition
Disclosure Act.”
Section 832. Definitions As used in this act:
1. “Offer to purchase” means an offer to pur-
chase property made by a purchaser pursuant to a
written contract;
2. “Seller” means one or more persons who are
attempting to transfer a possessory interest in prop-
erty and who are either:
a. represented by a real estate licensee; or
b. not represented by a real estate licensee
but receive a written request from the
purchaser to deliver or cause to be deliv-
ered a disclaimer statement or disclosure
statement as such terms are defined in
paragraphs 11 and 12 of this section:
sion may amend by rule the forms as is necessary
and appropriate.
Such forms shall be made available upon
request irrespective of whether the person
requesting a disclaimer or disclosure form is repre-
sented by a real estate licensee.
Section 834. Delivery of statements
A. A seller should deliver either the disclaimer
statement or disclosure statement to the purchaser
as soon as practicable, but in any event it shall be
delivered before acceptance of an offer to purchase.
B. If the disclaimer statement or disclosure state-
ment is delivered to the purchaser after an offer to
purchase has been made, the offer to purchase shall
be accepted only after the purchaser has acknowl-
edged receipt of the disclaimer statement or disclo-
sure statement and confirmed the offer to purchase.
C. If the seller becomes aware of a defect after
delivery to the purchaser of either a disclaimer state-
ment or a disclosure statement, then the seller shall
promptly deliver to the purchaser either a disclosure
statement or an amended disclosure statement
which discloses the newly discovered defect. The
disclosure statement or any amendment shall be in
writing and shall be signed and dated by the seller.
However, if the required document is delivered to
the purchaser after an offer to purchase has been
made, the offer to purchase shall be accepted only
after the purchaser has acknowledged receipt of the
required document and confirmed the offer to pur-
D. The purchaser shall acknowledge in writing
receipt of the disclaimer statement or the disclosure
statement and any amendment to the disclosure
statement. The purchaser shall sign and date any
acknowledgement. Such acknowledgement should
accompany the offer to purchase the property. If
the purchaser confirms the offer to purchase, such
confirmation shall be in writing, shall be signed and
dated by the purchaser and shall be promptly deliv-
ered to the seller.
Section 835. Limitation of seller’s liability
A. The seller shall not be liable for a defect or
other condition in the property if the existence of
the defect or other condition in the property was
disclosed in the disclosure statement or any amend-
ment delivered to the purchaser before acceptance
of the offer to purchase.
B. The seller shall not be liable for any errone-
ous, inaccurate or omitted information supplied to
the purchaser as a disclosure required by this act if:
1. The error in accuracy or omission results from
an approximation of information by the seller provided:
a. accurate information was unknown to
the seller at the time the disclosure was
Oklahoma Real Estate Commission
Denver N. Davidson Building
1915 N. Stiles Avenue - Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4919