II.13 What, When, and Where Do Grasshoppers Eat?
Larry Jech
Some species of grasshoppers do not readily take baits.
As a result, the effectiveness of grasshopper control
through bait applications can be limited. Various
researchers have attempted to increase bait effectiveness.
These studies have focused primarily on comparing toxi-
cants, varying applications timing, and varying the
amount of toxicant on the bait applied. Carefully
designed and executed experiments with alternate insecti-
cides and time-of-day application did not lead to
increases in grasshopper mortality among the species that
did not feed on bait in other experiments. The Grasshop-
per Integrated Pest Management (GHIPM) Project con-
ducted observation studies to improve baits through
better understanding of grasshopper feeding behavior.
Findings of Direct Observations
During the summers of 1990 and 1991, GHIPM Project
experiments involved direct observation of grasshoppers
feeding on host plants in rangelands. The study focused
on species that readily take bait and species that do not.
The study sites were typical prairies in western South
Dakota and North Dakota. The grasshopper densities
were representative of those targeted for bait control pro-
grams (greater than 10 but less than 25 grasshoppers/m
Observation involved watching individual grasshoppers
from daybreak to dusk and recording their behavior every
15 seconds.
Most of the behavior observed had very little to do with
feeding. Grasshoppers basked in the sun, moved about
their habitat, and exhibited avoidance behavior. Most
observations were of third-instar (young grasshoppers)
to adults.
The study included four common species that are not eas-
ily controlled by bait applications at the standard rate of
1.5 lb/acre containing 2 percent carbaryl. These species
were Amphitornus coloradus (Thomas), Cordillacris oc-
cipitalis (Thomas), Trachyrhachys kiowa Thomas, and
Phlibostroma quadrimaculatum (Thomas). Also, the
study compared these four species’ behavior with that of
two species that are easily controlled with baits—
Aulocara elliotti (Thomas) and Ageneotettix deorum
Usually grasshoppers spent the early morning basking.
After the air temperature reached 81 °F, the grasshoppers
began to feed. Grasshoppers allowed time for their crops
to empty between feeding sessions and repeated feeding
and resting cycles regularly. The insects generally
groomed their antennae and eyes before feeding, but
grooming apparently was not a prerequisite to feeding.
Feeding continued throughout the day if temperatures
remained below 90 °F. When temperatures rose above
95 °F, the grasshoppers perched on stems or took shelter
under vegetation to avoid excessive heat. While the tem-
perature remained elevated, the grasshoppers did not
actively feed; active feeding resumed when the tempera-
ture fell. In other experiments designed to determine the
optimal time of bait application (including experiments
during the GHIPM Project), temperatures remained
below 90 °F so that timing of application was not a
significant factor for most of the grasshopper population.
Very little feeding took place when winds exceeded 15
miles per hour (mi/hour) or during cool, cloudy days.
The insects would remain quiet until weather conditions
improved. Grasshoppers also stopped feeding when rain
was imminent. After showers or rains passed and the
ground warmed, grasshoppers returned to feeding.
Although grasshoppers spent one-seventh of their time
moving, the movement appeared to be random. Most of
the time, grasshoppers were on the soil surface and
climbed the plants only to feed. The exception was
Amphitornus coloradus. This species would enter a
clump of grass and position itself so its body was nearly
vertical. The upright position, combined with its cryptic
body markings, gave the grasshopper maximum protec-
tion from predators. For this species, feeding behavior
seemed to be balanced carefully between the need to feed
and to remain hidden.
Grasshoppers were very discriminating in their food
choices. They would sample a blade of grass before
feeding on it and occasionally move back to a portion of
the blade or another blade passed over previously.
T. kiowa, one that does accept bran bait, often would feed
on a plant, move a short distance, and then return to the
same plant and resume feeding. The activity showed the
grasshopper was capable of relocating a suitable host
plant. Grasshoppers fed on the tips of leaf blades or
would clip the tip of a blade and then feed on the tip
while grasping it with their forelegs. When the latter
feeding habit occurred, the grasshoppers usually ate all of
the clipped portion. The other common feeding pattern
was to bite a portion out of a leaf margin, leaving it
Aulocara elliotti and Ageneotettix deorum, the two spe-
cies that readily eat bran bait, often picked up bits of
plant litter from the soil surface and tasted and consumed
those food items in addition to feeding actively on live
tissue. These two species also clipped the leaf tips but
dropped the clippings to the ground and later fed on the
sun-dried clippings. The four species that do not accept
bran bait seldom fed on materials found on the soil sur-
face and preferred live tissue.
Additional tests showed species that feed on live tissue
and do not take baits would accept baits glued to host
plants. Cordillacris occipitalis and Aulocara elliotti were
caged on a host plant that is acceptable to both species.
Bait particles were glued to the host at the leaf tip,
midleaf, and at the leaf base. Grasshoppers were
allowed to browse for 8 hours. Grasshoppers caged on
untreated leaves had no mortality, while both species
caged on treated leaves showed equal mortality.
Grasshoppers in this study spent only a small portion of
their time feeding. They fed in sessions interspersed with
rest or movement (see table II.13–1.) Grasshopper spe-
cies that were easily controlled with baits fed on plant lit-
ter and detrital material on the ground and were therefore
predisposed to feed on bran baits. Grasshoppers that did
not take baits fed on living host plants.
One approach to enhancing bait effectiveness would be to
treat the bait with a sticking agent as the bait is applied.
Some of the treated bait would then be encountered by
grasshoppers feeding on live host plants. Bait falling on
the soil surface will remain available to ground-feeding
Attracting grasshoppers that feed on live tissue to bait
and positioning bait in the known feeding locations are
some areas for the next stage of research.
Table II.13–1—Summary of feeding behaviors for six species of grasshoppers
Percent of time engaged in: Total
Species Basking Moving Feeding hours
Ageneotettix deorum 81.8 13.9 4.4 14.9
Aulocara elliotti 69.5 17.2 13.2 25.5
Amphitornus coloradus 77.4 8.4 14.2 57.8
Cordillacris occipitalis 81.0 9.1 9.8 18.8
Phlibostroma quadrimaculatum 76.8 18.4 5.8 14.4
Trachyrhachys kiowa 36.8 31.4 31.7 14.9