Watch out for GRASSHOPPERS!
Amy J. Dreves, Nicole Anderson, and Clare Sullivan | OSU-Crop and Soil Science Department 9-16-2016
Clear-winged and Redlegged
Grasshoppers (short-horned, family Acrididae)
arrived in the Willamette Valley in large numbers
in Aug -Sept 2016. Two species have been
identified in agricultural fields. Clear-winged
grasshoppers have been prevalent in the south-
Valley and isolated cases of redlegged
grasshoppers in the mid-Valley.
Physical Characteristics:
*Clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida)
Small species with mottled leathery forewings,
transparent hindwings. (Fig 1 & 2)
*Redlegged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum)
Overall yellowish coloring on belly, strong banding on
the abdomen, herring-bone pattern on the hind
femur, reddish hind tibiae, and only faint spotting on
the tegmina (front wings). (Fig 3)
Documented HOSTS clover, tall
fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, small
grains, vegetables, pastures, bromes.
Damage. Look for notching, stripping,
chewing holes on any and all plants; damage
similar to armyworms and cutworm chewing.
Life Cycle. These species have overlapping
generations; eggs are laid in fall; eggs overwinter
in protective tubular pods under the soil and
hatch in spring. Both grasshoppers can fly which
allows them to quickly disperse and find new
Estimating numbers in fields
When scouting, first check for numbers of
grasshoppers per square yard (7-12) and the
number of young grasshoppers (Fig 5). Scout
field borders and walk through a field to
estimate the number of grasshoppers per square
yard as they jump in front of you. A yard
measuring stick can help visualize a square yard,
just above the crop.
Fig 1-clear-winged
© A.J. Dreves
© A.J. Dreves
Fig 2- clear-winged adult grasshopper
Fig 3. Redlegged grasshopper
© A.J. Dreves
Fig 4. Damage in white clover, 2016
© A.J. Dreves
Management Options
Many insecticides (see below) have activity on
grasshoppers. However, they are most effective
against young grasshoppers. Nymphs are
wingless and are found hopping on the ground
instead of flying. Grasshoppers are active during
the day and rest on the tops or within grasses
and weedy areas.
Chemical Control
Fig. 5. Young grasshoppers have short wing pads,
so can’t fly, only hop or crawl. The youth pass
through 5-6 instars (stages), during which they
feed, molt their skins before turning into a
mature grasshopper with wings. The winged
grasshoppers will lay eggs in the fall.
Univ. of Nebraska Grasshopper Identification guide
A key to the grasshoppers of North America can be
found at Grasshoppers of the Western United States
Edition 3:
Cultural Practices
Tillage in late fall can destroy grasshopper egg
pods, but is not a means to control feeding
Strips of green foliage (Trap Strips) have been
used to attract grasshoppers to a small area
where they can be more easily treated.
Environmental Conditions
If warm spring temperatures, premature
hatching of eggs can result in heavy mortality.
Biological Agents
Birds will eat grasshoppers.
Diseases (e.g., Nosema, fungus, bacteria)
can keep populations down.
Eggs can die from mites, parasitic wasps and
Estimated Threshold: 7-12 GH per square yard
Some pesticides listed for grasshopper control:
cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL)
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX)
bifenthrin (Brigade 2EC and WSB)
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban)
carbaryl (eg. Sevin)
organophosphate (Malathion)
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior)
*See the PNW Insect Management Handbook for
current insecticide registrations per crop type
Females lay eggs in pods in soil in late fall.
ADULTS feed,
mate, and lay eggs
Apr-May Jun-July Aug-Sept Oct-Nov WINTER
ADULTS feed,
mate, and lay eggs
Dreves 2016