Published for Joint
Commission accredited
organizations and interested
health care professionals,
Sentinel Event Alert identifies
specific types of sentinel and
adverse events and high risk
conditions, describes their
common underlying causes,
and recommends steps to
reduce risk and prevent future
Accredited organizations
should consider information in
an Alert when designing or
redesigning processes and
consider implementing
relevant suggestions
contained in the Alert or
reasonable alternatives.
Please route this issue to
appropriate staff within your
organization. Sentinel Event
Alert may only be reproduced
in its entirety and credited to
The Joint Commission. To
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past issues, visit
A complimentary publication of I ssue 51, October 17, 2013
The Joint Commission
Preventing unintended retained foreign objects
The unintended retention of foreign objects (URFOs) also called retained surgical
items (RSIs) after invasive procedures can cause death, and surviving patients
may sustain both physical and emotional harm, depending on the type of object
retained and the length of time it is retained. There may be an extended time frame
between occurrence and detection of an URFO. Retained foreign objects are most
commonly detected immediately post-procedure; by X-ray; during routine follow-up
visits; or from the patient’s report of pain or discomfort.
URFOs refer to any item or foreign object related to any operative or invasive
procedure that is left inside a patient.
Objects most commonly left behind after a
procedure are:
Soft goods, such as sponges and towels
Small miscellaneous items, including unretrieved device components or
fragments (such as broken parts of instruments), stapler components, parts of
laparoscopic trocars, guidewires, catheters, and pieces of drains
Needles and other sharps
Instruments, most commonly malleable retractors
A New York Times article published in September 2012 illustrates the adverse
effects of an URFO. Four years after having a hysterectomy, a woman in Kentucky
began to experience severe abdominal pain. A CT scan revealed a surgical sponge
left behind by the surgical team that had performed the hysterectomy. Upon
surgical exploration, the retained sponge was found to have caused a serious
infection, which required bowel resection. The patient suffered from severe health
issues, anxiety, depression, disability and social isolation.
Not only does an URFO harm the patient, it adds significantly to the average total
cost of caring for the patient. In a recent review, the Pennsylvania Patient Safety
Authority estimated that the average total cost of care related to an URFO is about
This cost includes legal defense, indemnity payments, and surgical
costs not reimbursed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Another
study estimated medical and liability costs to be $200,000 or more per incident.
Events, risk factors and root causes
From 2005 to 2012, 772 incidents of URFOs were reported to The Joint
Commission’s Sentinel Event database.* Sixteen deaths resulted from these
incidents. About 95 percent of these incidents resulted in additional care and/or an
extended hospital stay. In hospital settings, these incidents occurred in operating
rooms, labor and delivery areas, as well as ambulatory surgery centers and other
areas where invasive procedures are performed (e.g., cath lab, GI lab,
interventional radiology, emergency department).
According to the sentinel event data, the most common root causes of URFOs
reported to The Joint Commission are:
The absence of policies and procedures
Failure to comply with existing policies and procedures
* The reporting of most sentinel events to The Joint Commission is voluntary and represents only a small
proportion of actual events. Therefore, these data are not an epidemiologic data set and no conclusions
should be drawn about the actual relative frequency of events or trends in events over time.
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 51
Page 2
Problems with hierarchy and intimidation
Failure in communication with physicians
Failure of staff to communicate relevant patient
Inadequate or incomplete education of staff
According to one study, the most common risk
factors for URFOs include: patients with high body
mass index (risk ratio for each one-unit increment,
1.1 [95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 1.2]); an
emergent or urgent procedure; and unanticipated/
unexpected change during the procedure.
examples of changes that can occur during a
procedure include: a change in approach/incision,
type of procedure, added procedure, or the
development of a complication during the
procedure). Other risk factors include intra-
abdominal surgery; more than one surgical
procedure; involvement of multiple surgical teams;
multiple staff turnovers during the procedure; and
unexpected intraoperative development.
Occurrence of an URFO was nine times as likely
when an operation was performed on an
emergency basis and four times as likely when the
procedure changed unexpectedly (see examples of
change above).
An additional risk factor is long
procedure duration.
URFOs also occur in
patients who exhibit none of these risk factors.
In order to prevent retained surgical items and
sponges, surgeons and operating room staff have
traditionally relied on “cavity sweeps” and manual
counting protocols both of which are prone to
human error. Current practices for counting
sponges have a 10 to 15 percent error rate.
addition, 80 percent of retained sponges occur with
what staff believe is a correct count.
event data show an incorrect or “discrepantcount
in 52 of the 772 URFO sentinel events reported to
The Joint Commission. The Pennsylvania Patient
Safety Authority’s Reporting System database
shows 22.3 percent of URFOs were associated
with a discrepant count.
Many counting procedures lack the elements of
high reliability but are entrenched and difficult to
change, said Verna C. Gibbs, M.D., professor of
clinical surgery, University of California, San
Francisco, and director of
No Thing Left Behind
, a
national surgical patient safety project to prevent
retained surgical items. High reliability science
studies organizations such as those in the
commercial aviation industry, which manage great
hazard extremely well, and in which the goal is
zero harm. In order to achieve high reliability,
leadership must commit to this goal; the culture
must support workers who identify and report
unsafe conditions; and systematic quality
improvement approaches need to be implemented
that reliably measure the magnitude of the problem
(e.g., days between procedures with an URFO),
identify the contributing factors and root causes,
and develop solutions for the most important
Studies show that the risk of URFOs is significantly
reduced following improvements to counting
procedures. Team members need to move from
varying practices to standardized practices to
develop and sustain reliable counting practices that
ensure all surgical items are accounted for (i.e.,
are reconciled).
One children’s hospital reduced
the number of reported incorrect counts and count
discrepancies by 50 percent between 2009 and
2010, and also improved its entire count process.
Recommendations and potential strategies for
Guidelines, processes and tools have become
available to help team members develop risk-
reduction strategies that can be adopted and
followed organization-wide.
These strategies
include improved multi-stakeholder perioperative
processes, enhanced team communication, and
the use of assistive technology.
Organizations should provide continuous education
or training to appropriate staff about new and
existing policies and procedures that are in place
to prevent URFOs. The following recommendations
and potential strategies can be used to help
prevent URFOs. Should your organization discover
and remove an URFO, follow your organization’s
established policy for reporting, analyzing and
communicating the event to staff and the patient
and his or her family.
Effective processes and procedures
1. Create a highly reliable and standardized
counting system to prevent URFOs making sure
all surgical items are identified and accounted for.
The counting system should be supported by
organizational leaders, and developed using a
multidisciplinary approach, involving surgeons,
proceduralists, nurses, surgical technologists,
anesthesiologists, radiologists, and radiology
technologists working together as a team in an
environment that promotes the exchange of
knowledge and information.
2. Develop and implement effective evidence-
based organization-wide standardized policy and
procedures for the prevention of URFOs through a
collaborative process promoting consistency in
practice to achieve zero defects. Use resources
published by The Joint Commission,
Health Organization, American College of
Association of periOperative
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 51
Page 3
Registered Nurses,
No Thing Left Behind, and
other organizations and publications as a guide.
The policy should apply to all operative and other
invasive procedures, and should address the
A counting procedure should:
Be performed audibly and visibly by two
persons engaged in the process, usually scrub
tech or scrub nurse and circulating registered
nurse. The surgical team should verbally
acknowledge verification of the count.
Include counts of items added to the surgical
field throughout the surgery or procedure.
Include counts of soft goods (including
therapeutic packing), needles/sharps,
instruments, and small miscellaneous items,
and document unretrieved device
Verify that counts printed on prepackaged
sponges and instrument sets are correct.
Handle the discrepancy per the organization’s
Be performed before the procedure begins, in
order to establish a baseline count; before the
closure of a cavity within a cavity; before
wound closure begins; at skin closure or end
of procedure; and at the time of permanent
relief of either the scrub person or the
circulating registered nurse.
Be applicable in all settings where invasive
procedures are performed.
Be reviewed periodically and revised as
Wound opening and closing procedures should
Inspection of instruments for signs of breakage
before and after use to prevent the
retention of device fragments.
Adherence to the organization’s established
counting procedure.
Methodical wound exploration,
visual and, whenever possible, manual
This can and should be done
for laparoscopic procedures as well.
Empowerment of any member of the operative
team to call a “closing time out” prior to the
initial closing count to allow for an
uninterrupted count.
Intra-operative radiographs should be performed:
When the surgical count is “incorrect” (i.e.,
discrepant).The entire surgical field should be
radiographed, and it should be interpreted by a
physician at the completion of the operative
procedure, prior to the patient’s transfer from
the OR. Ensure direct communication between
the surgical team and radiologist. The
requisition should include the name of the
missing item and the results of the radiologic
image should be directly communicated to the
surgical team.
When the operative procedure is determined
by the surgical team to be at high risk for
retained surgical items, even though
methodical wound exploration has been
performed and the surgical item count is
If counts remain unreconciled after initial
radiologic examination, the surgical team
should consider additional imaging or further
wound exploration.
Effective communication
3. Institute team briefings and debriefings as a
standard part of the surgical procedure to allow the
opportunity for any team member to express
concerns they have regarding the safety of the
patient, including the potential for an URFO. This
will promote open communication among surgical
team members. Examples: Before the procedure
or as part of the time out, the surgeon could remind
the team that the patient or procedure is at risk for
an URFO; during the procedure, a white board
could be used to display the count and to help
foster team awareness and shared
at the end of the procedure, team
members can raise or be asked about any
concerns related to the procedure or the patient’s
Team training, based on crew resource
management (CRM), is effective in promoting
assertiveness and overcoming hierarchical barriers
to communication.
4. Ensure that the surgeon verbally verifies the
results of the counting procedure.
Appropriate documentation
5. Document the results of counts of surgical items,
instruments, or items intentionally left inside a
patient (such as needle or device fragments
deemed safer to remain than remove), and actions
taken if count discrepancies occur.
discrepant counts is important to understanding
practical problems; tracking reports and data also
can be discussed at improvement meetings.
Collecting, analyzing and sharing accurate data is
key to understanding your organization’s frequency
or risk of URFOs, identifying the types of URFOs
that occur most frequently, and determining how to
address certain kinds of URFOs.
Safe technology
6. Research the potential of using assistive
to supplement manual
counting procedures and methodical wound
exploration. More commonly used technologies
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 51
Page 4
include bar-coding to aid counting, radio-opaque
material or radiofrequency (RF) tags to detect
technology-enabled soft goods, and radio
frequency identification (RFID) systems to aid
counting and detection.
Related Joint Commission requirements
The unintended retention of a foreign object in a
patient after surgery or other invasive procedure is
considered a reviewable sentinel event by The
Joint Commission. Accredited organizations are
expected to respond to sentinel events as part of a
patient safety program outlined in the following
standards and elements of performance (EP) for
hospitals, ambulatory and office-based surgery
LD.04.01.07: The organization has policies and
procedures that guide and support patient care,
treatment and services.
LD.04.04.05: The organization has an
organization-wide, integrated patient safety
program [within its performance improvement
activities]. (Wording in brackets is added for
hospitals only.)
EP 5: As part of the safety program, the
leaders create procedures for responding to
system or process failures.
EP 7: The leaders define “sentinel event” and
communicate this definition throughout the
EP 8: The organization conducts thorough and
credible root cause analyses in response to
sentinel events as described in the "Sentinel
Events" (SE) chapter of the manual.
EP 9: The leaders make support systems
available for staff who have been involved in
an adverse or sentinel event.
RI.01.02.01: The organization respects the
patient’s right to participate in decisions about his
or her care, treatment, and services.
EP 21: The organization informs the patient or
surrogate decision-maker about unanticipated
outcomes of care, treatment, and services that
relate to sentinel events considered reviewable
by The Joint Commission.
EP 22: [Hospitals only] The licensed
independent practitioner responsible for
managing the patient's care, treatment, and
services, or his or her designee, informs the
patient about unanticipated outcomes of care,
treatment, and services related to sentinel
events when the patient is not already aware
of the occurrence or when further discussion is
WHO guidelines for safe surgery 2009: safe surgery
saves lives: See Objective 7: The team will prevent
inadvertent retention of instruments and sponges in
surgical wounds, and Objective 9: The team will
effectively communicate and exchange critical
information for the safe conduct of the operation
World Health Organization: Surgical Safety Checklist
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority: Retained Foreign
Object Audit Form
NoThing Left Behind
: A national surgical patient-safety
project to prevent retained surgical items.
www.nothingleftbehind.org (accessed March 18, 2013)
O’Connor A: When surgeons leave objects behind. The
New York Times, September 24, 2012
Beyond the count: preventing retention of foreign
objects. Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory, June
brary/2009/Jun6(2)/Pages/39.aspx (accessed May 16,
Regenbogen, et al: Prevention of retained surgical
sponges: A decision-analytic model predicting relative
cost-effectiveness. Surgery, 2009;145:527-35
Gawande AA, et al: Risk factors for retained
instruments and sponges after surgery. New England
Journal of Medicine, January 16, 2003;348(3)229-35
Stawicki S, et al: Retained surgical items: a problem yet
to be solved. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons, January 2013;216(1):15-22
Judson, TJ, et al: Miscount incidents: A novel approach
to exploring risk factors for unintentionally retained
surgical items. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality
and Patient Safety, October 2013;39(10):468-473
Tips for reducing retained surgical items. Same-Day
Surgery, September 2009;91-92
Martindell D: Update on the prevention of retained
surgical items. Pennyslvania Patient Safety Advisory,
September 2012;9(3):106-110,
brary/2012/Sep;9(3)/Pages/106.aspx (accessed May 16,
Chassin M, Loeb J: The ongoing quality improvement
journey: Next stop, high reliability. Health Affairs, April
(accessed May 14, 2013)
Chassin MR, Loeb JM: High-reliability health care:
Getting there from here. The Milbank Quarterly,
September 2013;91(3):459-490,
(accessed September 25, 2013)
Goldberg JL, Feldman, DL: Implementing AORN
recommended practices for prevention of retained
surgical items. AORN Journal, February 2012;95(2):205-
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 51
Page 5
Norton EK, Micheli, AJ: Patients count on it: An
initiative to reduce incorrect counts and prevent retained
surgical items. AORN Journal, January 2012;95(1)
American College of Surgeons: Statement on the
prevention of retained foreign bodies after surgery.
Cima RR, et al: Incidence and characteristics of
potential and actual retained foreign object events in
surgical patients. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons, 2008;207:80-87
Cima RR, et al: A multidisciplinary team approach to
retained foreign objects. The Joint Commission Journal
on Quality and Patient Safety, March 2009;35(3):123-132
The Joint Commission: Resources for managing
hospital-acquired conditions. Foreign objects retained
after surgery,
retained-after-surgery (accessed March 18, 2013)
Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health
Administration: VHA Directive 2010-017. Washington,
ub_ID=2186 (accessed June 20, 2013)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Public health
notification; unretrieved device fragments. January 15,
es/PublicHealthNotifications/ucm062015.htm (accessed
April 15, 2013)
Gibbs VC: Sponge ACCOUNTing System. Methodical
Wound Examination. Online supplement to Same-Day
Surgery, September 2009
World Health Organization: WHO guidelines for safe
surgery 2009: safe surgery saves lives. Geneva,
Switzerland, 2009;pp. 72-75, 78-82,
2_eng.pdf (accessed May 24, 2013)
ECRI Institute: The case of the missing sponge:
Practice variation is culprit. Risk Management Reporter,
June 2012
Edel, E: Increasing patient safety and surgical team
communication by using a count/time out board. AORN
Journal, October 2010;92:4
White SV, interviewer: Interview with a quality leader:
Dr. Verna Gibbs on surgical safety. Journal for
Healthcare Quality, November/December 2012;34(6):21-
Asiyanbola, et al: Prevention and diagnosis of retained
foreign bodies through the years: past, present and
future technologies. Technology and Health Care,
Steelman, VM and Cullen, JJ: Designing a safer
process to prevent retained surgical sponges: A
healthcare failure mode and effect analysis. AORN
Journal, August 2011;94(2):132-141
Patient Safety Advisory Group
The Patient Safety Advisory Group informs The Joint
Commission on patient safety issues and, with other
sources, advises on topics and content for Sentinel
Event Alert. Members: James P. Bagian, M.D., P.E.
(chair); Michael Cohen, R.Ph., M.S., Sc.D. (vice chair);
Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., FASHP; Jane H.
Barnsteiner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN; James B. Battles, Ph.D.;
William H. Beeson, M.D.; Patrick J. Brennan, M.D.;
Cindy Dougherty, R.N., B.S., CPHQ; Frank Federico,
B.S., R.Ph.; Marilyn Flack; Steven S. Fountain, M.D.;
Suzanne Graham, R.N., Ph.D.; Martin J. Hatlie, Esq.;
Robin R. Hemphill, M.D., M.Ph.; Jennifer Jackson,
B.S.N., J.D.; Paul Kelley, CBET; Heidi B. King, FACHE,
BCC, CMC, CPPS; Jane McCaffrey, M.H.S.A.,
DFASHRM; Mark W. Milner, R.N., M.B.A., CPHQ,
FACHE; Jeanine Arden Ornt, J.D.; Grena Porto, R.N.,
M.S., ARM, CPHRM; Matthew Scanlon, M.D.; Ronni P.
Solomon, J.D.; Dana Swenson, P.E., M.B.A.